When the goat dairy she was running wasn’t quite paying the bills, Penny Bowers-Schebel started a side business — Formality Bridal. Located in a tiny rural Ohio town, the shop has an ingenious business model, buying never-worn, sample bridal gowns from high-end boutiques and selling them for less than a thousand dollars. The idea worked and she now owns two profitable stores. The daily transition from milking a herd of American Alpine goats to hosting brides became a busy but wonderful life.
Grow Getters takes a lively look at creative ways farmers are plugging into their passions to diversify their operations and add a new source of revenue. These resourceful “grow getters” are redefining what it means to be a farmer and are here to inspire and guide anyone with a dream of their own. Mixing fascinating stories with lots of humor and even some music from host Davis Michaelsen, Grow Getters is truly an original in the world of Ag media.