Greg Laurie PodcastGreg Laurie Podcast

Which Side Are You On? | Sunday Message

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Everyone endures trials in life—even Christians—but Elijah shows us what our response to them should look like. In this episode, Pastor Greg Laurie takes you into 1 Kings 18 with a powerful message on keeping our faith strong.


What were the secrets of Elijah’s power and boldness?

1. He stood in the presence of God.

When you stand in the presence of God, you will not bow before any man.

What were the secrets of Elijah’s power and boldness?

2. He was a man of prayer (James 5:17).

It was Elijah’s prayer in private that was the source of his power in public.

What were the secrets of Elijah’s power and boldness?

3. He knew Scripture and acted on it (Deuteronomy 11:16).

What were the secrets of Elijah’s power and boldness?

4. He faithfully delivered the message.

What were the secrets of Elijah’s power and boldness?

5. He was a man of faith and obedience.

There is a time to move and a time to wait.

God often places His people in significant positions.

God has not called us to isolate but to infiltrate.

The church is the only hope for America.

An idol is not merely an object or statue we bow before; it is anyone or anything that takes the place of God in our lives.

  1. You can make yourself god in your life.
  2. You can make money god in your life.

If the Lord God is number one in your life, everything else will find its proper balance, but if He’s not, everything else will be in chaos.

Why does God not want us to have any other gods before Him?

Answer: “For I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God” (Exodus 20:5).

Christians trying to live in two worlds are enough into the world to be miserable in God, and enough of God to be miserable in the world.

People slash their souls by compromising their integrity to get everyone’s attention.

God loves you so much, and He wants a relationship with you!

God showed His commitment by sending Jesus to die for our sins!

Medical Science seeks to add years to your life, but only Jesus will add life to your years.

Scripture Referenced

Proverbs 28:1

Isaiah 40:31

Romans 1:25


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