Only a true revival can heal America—and we can all play a part in it.
Focus verse: Nehemiah 1
As Christians, we want to see America godly again!
Nehemiah is about restoring a nation’s heart to God.
A true revival can heal our land and make it godly again.
Revival is restoration. It’s coming back to life. It’s waking up spiritually and getting back to living the Christian life.
Your spiritual house can be rebuilt.
You can go from rubble to revival.
2 Corinthians 6:14
Acts 17:26
Nehemiah was the cupbearer to the king.
He had to have the greatest discretion, loyalty, and honesty.
Revelation 2:5
Read Nehemiah 1:1–3
Nehemiah was deeply moved.
Read Nehemiah 1:4–7
#1 Nehemiah acknowledged the greatness of God.
Nehemiah 1:5
When we see God in His greatness, we see our problems in their smallness.
#2 Nehemiah reminded God of His promises.
A. God will never leave you alone in life.
Isaiah 41:10
B. God will get you through whatever you are facing.
C. God will provide for your needs.
Philippians 4:19
D. God will forgive you of your sins.
1 John 1:9
#3 Nehemiah confessed his personal sin.
Nehemiah 1:7
Sometimes, prayer changes you and you change things.
Nehemiah did not talk about prayer, he just prayed.
Nehemiah 1:6
Call out to God. He will give you direction.
Jeremiah 33:3
#4 Nehemiah’s request was specific.
Nehemiah 1:10–11
Let’s ask God for a spiritual awakening in America.
Let’s start with our personal lives and our homes. Everybody plays a part.
Nehemiah 7:3
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