Greg Laurie PodcastGreg Laurie Podcast

Is Church Important? | Sunday Message

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There are many steps we take in the Christian life—some that move us forward, some that move us backward. Church is one of those things that moves us ahead. Yet, some of us still refuse to make it a priority. Pastor Jonathan Laurie helps us see church from a biblical view and why that step into church matters so much…


Focus verses: Acts 2, Romans 12
Read: Acts 2:42–47
Church is not all about you. Church is all about God and His glory.
Psalm 103:1–5
Hebrews 10:24–25
The church exists for the upward glorification of God, the inward edification of the saints, and for the outward evangelization of the world.
Matthew 16:18
“Church is a new society called out from society at large to be God's people.” –Skip Heitzig
Read: Romans 12:3–12
1 Corinthians 12:22–25
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God chooses to work through the church to change the world.


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