Janis Joplin Revue at Peoria Players!
This morning on The Greg & Dan Show, Scott Gorman and Shannon Johnson came into talk to us about the upcoming Janis Joplin Revue at Peoria Player's.
Bradley University's Arts and Technology Camp
This morning on The Greg & Dan Show, Chris Marsh from Bradley University shared more information and updates for Bradley's Arts and Technology Summer Camp this July.
Dr. Palina Louangketh and Hagir Elsheikh
This morning on The Greg & Dan Show, we had the amazing duo of Dr. Palina Louangketh and Hagir Elsheikh to talk to us about their talk tonight with the PAWAC.
Jaden Randall Wins Best Radio Commercial for Eureka College
This morning on The Greg & Dan Show, we had on Eureka student Jaden Randall to talk about her winning the Intercollegiate Broadcasting System Conference's Best Radio Commercial award.
Clue is Coming to Peoria!
This morning on The Greg & Dan Show, we spoke with actress Donna English. Donna plays Mrs. White in the upcoming production of Clue that is coming to the Prairie Home Alliance Theater next week!
Molly Hogeboom from Easter Seals
This morning on The Greg and Dan Show, Molly Hogeboom came in to talk about Easter Seals.
Tickets! Get Your Bradley University NIT Tournament Tickets!
This morning on The Greg & Dan Show, Colton Kahler came on to tell us about how to get your tickets for the remainder of the NIT Tournament.
Bradley Is In the NIT Quarterfinals!
This morning on The Greg and Dan Show, Coach Brian Wardle joined us to talk about Bradley's performance in the NIT Tournament. Coach Wardle talked to us about their game against George Mason, flopping in college basketball, and the upcoming game against Chattanooga tomorrow!
Why Don't We Have a GPS Backup System??
This morning on The Greg and Dan Show, Dave Johnson came in to talk with us about America's GPS system. In this interview, Dave updated us about how secure our system is, how GPS could be disrupted, and how GPS is utilized differently for American citizens and military.
City Kids Camp Prepares for Another Summer!
City Kids Camp is getting ready for another summer! Learn how to donate in The Greg and Dan Show's conversation with Hector Corona and Bob Evans.