Nutta is off the bench this week for KARL who surprisingly couldn't find time to talk about his Hurricanes winning. We look at the Force and the Waratahs in Bad Game or Bad Sign. Run through this week's game and have a decent Shout at the clouds to finish things off.
As always, we hope you enjoy.
You don't have any of that rugby. Don't tell.
Regan. Drop goal from Larkham.
Australia great forward. They've got the advantage.
Worst press conference. Well done boys.
Hi everyone and welcome to the team's pod for the week. I'm the happy man. And tonight I'm here with Nutter and Sully. This week we'll take a look at the teams for round six and go in this year's Super Rugby competition. Evening, Sully. How are you going, mate?
Hey, mate. I'm great. I had a great weekend. Uh, we all met up for the Reds versus Waratahs game. Had a great night sitting next to Yowie. He was just giving shit to everyone basically the whole night long. He's got a bit.
About him, doesn't he?
Yeah. He, uh. Yeah, he, uh, was texting people left, right and centre just giving crap. So every time the Reds scored, there was a text going off to someone. That was a good night. Yeah. Had fun.
That was good. It's good to catch up with everyone now. How are you coming off the bench tonight?
Now I'm well. Thank you. Um, I'm. I'm recovering from my Welsh connection. Uh, look, that was aided and smoothed by the donkeys, by the Brumbies getting up, but, um. Yeah, I've, uh, I had a bit of a rough start to the week going over that Welsh game, but. Yeah. Quietly coming. Good since. Looking forward to the coming weekend.
It was tough viewing wasn't it?
Um, yeah. And I, I just didn't know where they were going to turn to. Um, yeah. Ten tries. What? He's like that shot of Adam Jones, uh, standing there like. Like a forlorn lost. I don't know what. In the dressing room corridor. Um, that's. That just sort of summed it all up.
Yeah, it was a funny game. I, you know, I love I love my stats and all that sort of stuff. And, uh, it wasn't, They weren't. It was looking at a statistically, it wasn't that far apart, like in all the reasons, you know, rational stats that everyone looks at, you know, the, um, I think the Welsh actually, you know, say an attack post contact metres with 294 to 265. So that doesn't tell you it's that far apart. It's really weird. No. But obviously, you know, everything's I didn't watch the game because what do you learn from that. But um, everything obviously stuck for the, the poms on that day as much as anything else.
Yeah. Look, I'd probably say that for the first time in a long time, the English actually played some rugby. Um, consistently played some good rugby and strung there. So, you know, they managed to hold on long enough while France beat themselves earlier on this year. Um, they held on long enough, while Finn Russell missed four shots at goal to get past the Scots. Um, you know, they did really well at at But they did really well at winning matches by just making the other team play and screw up, uh, or letting the other team play and screw up. I'd say congratulations to England. Yes, there, I said it. Record it. Put it on the wall. It's the only time you'll ever hear me say it. But congratulations to them because they actually played some rugby. Um, you got to play some rugby to score ten bloody tries. Uh, and and and off they went. So yeah. Full balls to them. But I was just stricken for the Welsh.
Um, yeah. Look. And I think it's because we've, we were there not that long ago, you know, we were all we were sitting there when the Welsh did exactly that to us, and.
They did it to us.
Yeah. But the last 20 minutes of that Welsh game was just chastening watching. So. But, you know, I think that only proves that you're not, you're not as bad as you think you are and you're not as good as you think you are.
Yeah. Okay. Um, everyone, thanks very much for your support. Please download, rate, subscribe. Review on all the platforms. We love the feedback. We we even got a comment last week which we really appreciated. And uh, although although we do have some earnest conversation amongst the the group, uh, particularly when it all comes from a place of love and uh, and brotherhood. So, uh, yeah, it's just just good banter as far as we're concerned. But, uh, we'll try to keep it down to a dull roar at various times tonight. Uh, I don't think there'll be a lot of, uh, too much of, uh, jumping around on each other. Uh, what did you love about your weekend? Uh, Nana, tell me about that.
Oh, look.
Tell me about the Welsh. What did you love?
Yeah, I'll probably let the cat out of the bag. It was great to see. Um. Uh, the donkeys get back on the horse. To mix a couple of metaphors there. Um, the, um, it was good to get to see, uh, the Brumbies and really play some constructive play as much as, um, I don't think these guys need any help. It was also fantastic to see the Crusaders back to some flying heights of really good rugby. Uh, I felt terrible for him last year. How? How such a productive, uh, and such a headline force in world rugby for so long fell so far. So it's actually great to see them get back to where they should be. Um, aside from that, the other thing that made me smile was that last 20 minutes from the French, uh, one of the most quintessential displays, even though it was against the Scots. Um, uh, but just that last 20 minutes of of play from the frogs. If you ever want to see a beautiful example of of pure power rugby, go and watch that. Um, that was I wouldn't say it was rugby at its finest, but it was certainly rugby at, at almost its most brutal best.
Fair play to the French. Um, tough watching for me as a Scottish fan. But fair play.
Yeah. Um, Sally, what did you love about your weekend? I think I know where you'll be going.
Uh, yeah. So I quickly thought of something else because I've already done my highlight of the week. But, uh, just watching Seru Uru. Um, um, have a fantastic game on Saturday night. Like, he was everywhere. He did everything. He was fantastic. And, uh. Yeah, yeah, to have a guy of that caliber and, uh, Tom Hooper and Valentini Wilson running around on those the heavier side of the back rows at the moment, and, and you can mention a, you know, half dozen other guys as well, but it's just it's just a special time for back rowers and in Australia I think. So yeah. It was great.
It's going to be really interesting. It's going to be interesting to see where Tom Hooper goes. Um, because he's a big fella. Uh, and he's not a back rower. They play him in the back row because he's still young enough to be, you know, to gallivant around as a back row. But as he matures, given his size, he's not quite like a he's bigger than Brad Thorn was, um, which I suppose makes him big enough to play lock, but he sort of stuck at an interesting position, a bit like Salakaia-loto in, you know, a little bit too big to be a back rower, a little bit too small to be a true lock. It'll be interesting to see where his career takes him, but the kid could certainly play.
Well, he he's signed with Exeter, uh, for the next couple of years and they'll definitely play him in at six in England. Like I can't see him not playing in there because his, his athleticism and they like a bigger, bigger bodied six over there. So on those heavier tracks. So uh, they'll be but to your point he'll get he'll get good coaching in Exeter. They really know their stuff. And they do. They do a pretty good job. So it'll be it'll be interesting to see what he's like in a couple of years time because it's I think it's.
Also that's a fair point you make there too about about the northern style. We are watching Super Rugby. We are watching the fastest brand of rugby that you're going to see. So just because you're not quick enough to play six it's Super Rugby. Yeah. It doesn't mean you're not playing six in on across the rest of the globe.
Yeah, yeah. On a on a December day in England he's playing outside centre. You know like. So anyway let's, let's hook into the, the meat of the, of the pod. Uh, we're just going to touch on uh, uh, go through our regular segment of Bad game or Bad Sign. Pick out a couple of teams and have a chat about them. Uh, go through the super teams and pick the, uh, pick the what we believe the results are and why, and then have a little bit of a shout at the clouds, uh, at the end of it and go from there. What do you think, gents? Let's get into it. Yeah.
Let's go. Okay. Bad game or bad sign? First one today we're going to take is the force. They got well beaten by the Crusaders. Uh, bad game on bad side. What do you think? No.
They didn't take a good side. I think this one got penciled in as a game that they were running a high percentage chance of losing, given some injuries and the amount of travel and and the run they've been having and a few other bits and pieces, they actually played a pretty good first 20, 30 minutes, I thought. Um, they were well in it. And then the, the crew just, you know, dropped it back a gear and disappeared in a puff of dust. Um, so I'm, I'm on the fence. I'm, I'm very tempted to say bad sign, but then you had to have a look at their team sheet and see some of the quality, particularly through the midfield, that they were missing. And I'm not. It's not branded on my chest to say bad sign. They're going to fall apart. It's all over. Pack your bags. Um, but they'll certainly want to put in a better performance, you know, quick, smart over the next couple of weekends. Or else that that rot will set in because they are a franchise. God love them. That has gotten used to losing over the last few years. So they need to stop that. They need to stop it now.
Yeah. Over the next four weeks, they've got drew at home this weekend. Uh, Reds in Brisbane the weekend after. Highlanders at home and then hurricanes at home. So they got some. They've got a few tough games coming up. Mm mm.
Yeah I think they can beat I think they can hold those two home games. I think they should beat the draw at home. And I think they should probably beat the clan at home, given a few other bits and pieces going their way. They'll struggle with those two away games. Um. Uh. Sorry.
The hurricanes. The hurricanes are in Perth as well, so they've got three of the next four games are at home. Mm. Yeah. And the week after that they've got the Chiefs away.
So yeah. Good luck with that.
Yeah. Yeah. Mm.
Um look I'm telling you carry on.
Yeah I think they've, they've just dropped out of the six. But yeah I think like the next 4 or 5 weeks is critical for them. They could easily drop. I mean the draw are due a win, but I think they're going to struggle with the flight over to Perth. Um, and they don't they don't travel well. And a lot of teams really struggle. Um, backing up the week after playing the draw. So the Reds in Brisbane probably probably you're probably looking at a loss. It depends on what teams roll out I guess, but that's two weeks away is a long time. This, this this year in Super Rugby. But then a couple of home games and two home games in a row, both winnable. They're both above the ladder of both those teams I think. So, um, yeah, it's interesting. I think next four weeks Will will tell us where they're at really. But they've started great. They haven't a great the first half of the season has been great. So it's it's a hard one. And and I picked them to put in here. So yeah.
Look I I'm going to go I'm going to go with bad bad game I look they stuck with the they're stuck with the Saders but with their B team. Let's be let's call it what it was their B team. Um yep. For 50 minutes. And that was kind of when the Crusaders kicked away. Like they didn't really put a score on them to the end. I know Crusaders couldn't couldn't kick a goal during that game, but uh, for 50 minutes they were uh, they were in the game. They led the game for 22 of those 50 odd minutes. So they were they were there and thereabouts. And I'd suggest, you know, it was just a case of the quality that came off the bench for the, for the saders, uh, was just too much for the, for the, for the forces to handle. I've always been a fan of of what the force have done. Uh, you know, they scored, you know, per the 22 points per 22 entry. Uh, they scored three and a half points per 22 entry, which is not too bad. You know, that's half a converted try every time you get into the 22. You know, I know Scotland had certainly looked at it at the moment. Um, but uh, yeah, that I just think that it was an away game. And to your point, I don't think they, they sort of said, look, we're going to, you know, they didn't quite go with the bin juice, but they put out they put out their second string team, uh, and the Crusaders at home, who are now, I think it's safe to say, a resurgent, got away with them. Um, the the the state is. It's interesting. Now, if you look at last year the centers of stroke struggled and then this year they've obviously come good. Their crowds have been excellent as well. Like at in in um in Christchurch. And I just wonder if it's, I just wonder it's because people think the Crusaders could lose it. They're actually going, you know, the Crusader fans because there's actually some jeopardy. They're not looking at every game and just going, oh, it's going to be a whitewash. It's going to be a whitewash. They've sort of gotten they've gotten fat. On winning. Last year they went through a starvation diet. And now they're sort of you know it's more interesting to go. Everyone loves to see your team win, but you want to see a comp, you know, you want to see competition. And I think that, you know, could be could be a wider thing as to what crowds are generally up and viewing is up across the board. But I'm just going to go with the bad games. Okay. Uh, yeah. Next one. That's everyone's favorite kicking. Kicking team to kick. Um, what do you think, uh, Sally? Bad sign or bad sign?
Bad sign or bad sign?
Yeah. No, that was deliberate. Now, bad game or bad sign? Was it. Did they and did they play that bad against the Reds?
I think they they definitely lost the forward battle. But um, but that was a pretty good forward pack the Reds put out. I mean, for all their injury troubles, the forward pack has been pretty good the whole season. But, um, I think that was a wake up call for them. And there'll be some and they'll be tempted to try and fix a lot of things with their forwards this weekend. They did. They did keep up for 20 minutes, 20, 20, 30 minutes and then just got blown off the park, didn't I? Uh. Um, I don't know. So the next four weeks is the Brumbies. Uh, they're at home. Hurricanes away, Moana Pasifika away, and the Chiefs at home. So they've got a they've also got a tough few weeks ahead. Moana Pasifika still a tough side, but um. And the hurricanes seem to be on the way back from whatever was their early season form. But, um, I don't know, there's signs there that there's just not the cohesion that you expect. So, um, they're a team that's been thrown together. They they lost seven Wallabies in the off season and they picked up six Wallabies from the rebels. So there's a lot of new people in that squad getting used to living in Sydney and and a new system. There's a new coaching team. So it's a new system for everyone, just not the new players. So I think it's a tough one, but I think they will get better as the season goes on and and games like the Reds will be rarer and rarer. So I think I'm tempted to say it was a bad game. As much as I'd love it to be a bad sign. I think it's a bad game. Your thoughts? Nada.
I've got to say, Sally, that was one of the most surprising critiques of the New South Wales team. I've heard from a Queenslander in my life. Um, I reckon it's a bad sign. Uh, okay. And for the reasons that you said it was a bad game, I actually believe it was a bad sign. New South Wales. New South Wales Waratahs couldn't have more of a head start than if we actually gave them three point head starts at the start of a match. They had the absolute pick of two complete super squats. They've got the pick of sponsors, they've got the pick of kit, they've got the pick of crowd. They've got the pick of stadium, they get the pick of TV. Is there anything they don't get the pick of? Uh. So for those fellas to roll out that disgraceful forward performance that they did last week against the Tars, against the Reds, where, you know, some of their biggest and brightest were literally were actually jogging along beside a driving maul that didn't even bother to roll like that wasn't even a rolling maul. That maul just said, oh, well, there's no bastard here. We'll just go straight ahead while the rest of those blue boys just sat back and watched it.
You just sheared off and took four of them with him. Yeah.
It was that was one of the most, um, inept, um, uh, displays of, I'm tempted to call it cowardice, I really am, because there was bugger all guts. There was. There was the occasional late shot. There was a bit of. It was a bit of niggle. Um, there was the odd elbow. There was a few late hits, but there was no seriously hard man play. Um, that was coming out of those fellows in blue that I saw. Uh, and for a side that gets every advantage that could conceivably be given to it by Rugby Australia and yet continue to underperform in such a manner, I just think they're going back to where they always go. And that is, um, really, really disappointingly poor. Uh, so I think it's, um. Yeah, I think it's a bad sign. Um, I think they're headed back to the usual standard, uh, that we get out of New South Wales, which is to perennially underperform.
That's brutal.
It is.
Brutal. I don't I don't know what else to say. Um, you know, when you look at when you look at the class of player they have, when you look at, um, I've said enough. I'm just repeating myself. I, I think they're headed back to their to their usual form. Um. I'm sorry. And I'm sorry, Hoss. I know you'll be chewing bloody stones in the background. Um, but I they really should have done so much better than that last weekend.
Yeah. Look, they obviously that 22 metre rolling maul try or maul try. Let's not call the rolling maul try was was an indictment and would have made some very painful viewing. Uh, for a, you know, in the review on the Monday, particularly with Dan McKellar who prides himself on, you know, on that that part of the play. Um, they yeah, I. That was pretty, pretty damning. But I'm still I'm just tempted to just go, you know what? They've they're sitting in fifth. They've played four. They've won three. That was one loss. Um, if you I think if you told them at the start of the year that's where they'd be, they'd, they'd have banked it. They are coming up, you know. Um, and interesting looking at the ladder now. Um, off the top six. Four of those teams have played four games, and two of the teams have played five games. The bottom six, uh, have almost all except for Moana played five games. So although although the ladder is very close, it actually could split apart a little bit.
Once the game goes up.
Yeah, once the games even up and some of those teams such as the Highlanders, the Blues, the Drua have their bye. They obviously can't pick up points during their bye. So, um, I think I'll be back. McKellar to turn it around and.
Look to that point. Can I make a can I make a caveat on that in that I know I just absolutely slammed him and slashed him and went to town on him. I went to town on him so hard because I expect so much more.
Um, when you look at the quality of that squad and look at all the things they've got going for them, I think, you know, even so far, is if you go and have a look at the injury list, I think they've got the shortest injury. I think they've got like 5 or 6 fellows on the injury list where every other bugger has about, you know, eight, ten, 12. Um, uh, so I'm disappointed. And I think it's a bad sign because they should be capable of so much more.
Correct. Yeah. Um, they do have four pretty good ones on their on their injured list. Gordon Sully Puccetti and Fergus Lee Warner. Uh, Lucas Ripley has played a little bit of Super Rugby. He's not a, um. You wouldn't call him a super player yet. Um, yeah, but I'm with you there. I mean, they have a proper international front row. Bell. Porecki Tupou. Uh, you know, they are proper international quality. Front row. Um, they're they're, um, you know, they're Lucy's are very good, very, uh, you know, so they they they should be better. It is potentially. It is a cohesion thing with so many changes. They're quality players, but with so many changes you just wonder whether they're still gelling. Um, they've changed their ten for some reason. I don't know why. Um, you know, they're they're sort of. Yeah. I just I'm just going to go with bad sign. A bad game and just hope they can go a bit better, I hope. Having said that, I won't be picking them this weekend. So let's let's hook into the game. Shall we, gents? Let's talk to talk to the. Talk to the teams. Um, okay. First game for the weekend. We've got the Highlanders versus the. Oh, no, that's the second game. Let's go back, go back, go back. First game of the game. We've got Moana Pasifika versus the Chiefs at the Navigation home stadium in Hawaii. I think that's a great name for a stadium, isn't it? Eddie, you get home from it. Um. Uh, for Pacifica. Uh, no severe this week. Um, they've now got my favorite Tongan player playing, uh, ten, Patrick Pellegrini. I believe he's a Shute Shield boy. No, no. Um, Tamani Folau is a fantastic winger. Playing for them. Playing for them. Um, the Chiefs had the week off last week after the loss to the drew of the week before, so they'll be stinging. Um, they've got a really solid bench coming on. Tuku'aho Ratima. Josh. Jacob. Quenton. Tupaea. Uh jahrome. Brown. That's a pretty strong finishing bench. Um, what do you think, Sally? Are you going to pick?
I'm going with the I'm going with the ladder leaders, the Chiefs. But, um, uh, Pellegrini, I think he made a big difference for the Pasifika win last week and I think he's a great little player. So, um, I think they'll, they'll keep up for a while. But I think the Chiefs are just too well drilled and too big. Too strong. Um, that's too good a team. I can't see it going anyway, but the Chiefs by 10 to 15, I'm thinking for me.
Yeah. No, no.
Your thoughts first versus last. Chiefs hands down could get really ugly.
Yeah agreed agreed. I think, um it could get ugly. I mean, Mackenzie's back. Um, they've got some, you know, if they if they get to play with the house money, the Chiefs, there's probably not a better team in the comp when they when they get a bit of a lead, they really put you away. Um, I say this from about four weeks ago, so I think that's probably the easiest game of the round to pick. Uh, and I'll take the Chiefs by 15 to 20.
Uh, I miss, I miss, uh, Marcus Pile Uh, the other week is, is his second or third game. I haven't can't remember him refereeing, but, um, be interesting to have a look at how he goes as well. Yeah.
Absolutely. Sunday, 235. Highlanders versus the Reds at Forsyth Barr in Dunedin. Uh, Highlanders have got the group for Kenny Mahu. Odin Dunshea with the Vasaki, Broughton, Hastie, Kane Robertson, Timothy Barlow, Thomas Umaga-jensen, Talia Talia, Caleb Rangatahi and Finn Hurley's back. He cost me a lot of points in Super in Fantasy a couple of weeks ago, being a late scratching. Uh, the Reds have changed a fair bit of their team from last week. They've got the front row for Darcy. Must have passed his high. Uh asiata. Longo, Josh Cannon, Angus Blythe in the row. Sarah Uru, John Bryant and Torrie Wilson are on in the back row. Kehlani Thomas gets a rare start at halfback. Tom Liner. Tim Ryan, Hunter Paisami, Filipo Daugunu, Lockie Anderson and Jeremiah Murray. No, no. Tell me where the Reds are going to win by how much?
Uh, yeah. I'm sorry, they're not, uh. I'm back in the clan on this one. Um, even allowing for the travel factor in the home field advantage and whatever else, have a look at that Queensland injury list. Uh, no fares. Uh, no Mick, right? No Liam Wright? No Josh fluke. Um, yeah, I can keep going. Um, yeah. There it. The Reds would have to be strong to beat the clan, and they're not going to be away from home with that injury list. And they'll also, even though these guys are supposed to be professional, we still have to call it what it is. There will be the the flat, the flattening effect, the bounce. After such a big week weekend last weekend against the tarts. Um, so yeah, I'm. I'm back in the clan on this one, lads.
How could he, darling?
Tell me why he's wrong.
I'm not sure if he is, actually, but I'm. I'm going to back the Reds. Um, that is a big injuries list, but I'm buoyed by Lukhan Salakaia-loto being back. I know that, um, Brian and Brian are great back rowers and are happy to have him there. Kalani Thomas has really improved with his time in, um, New Zealand last year. I think he's a much better halfback. Uh, when he came back than when he left. Um, I think the Reds are still a chance, but yes, it's it's going to be a tough trip, I think. But, um, I think they're they're a chance. They've still got a good back row. Good second row. Good front row. It's the. It's the same back line for two weeks in a row, which I don't think we've been able to do all year. So. So there you know, there is some there is some hope there. But as a Reds fan, I'm, um, I'm going to pick the Reds, but I'm not confident. How about you? Happy.
Mate? I am taking the Reds and I'm taking it with a with a sense of belief. Um, I think, um, Nongora is a vastly improved tighthead. Uh, Massimo de Luis is also a vastly improved from last year. Um, Luke comes back, I think up front. That's a very good forward pack. Uh, Josh Cannon's been playing very well. His his line, his running of a lineout is, is really good. Uh, and he's just got a tremendous amount of athleticism about him. I, I really rate great colony. Thomas's parties worked very hard on that. Um, my biggest concern is in the back line, um, particularly the back line replacements that, uh, Greg Pacquiao is only very, very new into it, just, you know, out out there. But, um, Murray is makes Tom, uh, Tom Wright like a, um, a steady player at times. You know, his chip and Chase try last week was the thing of beauty. Um, but he's dropped a couple of absolute citizen, made some a couple of boneheaded calls. So, you know, hopefully he's he's learned he's on an upward trajectory.
Um, that.
Tom Chase was a thing of beauty. And it probably should have been brought up as a highlight because he recognized that there was no fullback there and tipped. Yeah. Tipped in behind. And that that's great vision. It needs to be mentioned. Yeah.
And and to his point, New South Wales should have been a smarter team than that to recognize that there is off.
And that's it. It was it was a beautiful play, but it should never have bloody well happened.
And I'm not talking about Kellaway getting his binning. I'm talking about professional footballers falling into a two man pendulum swing in the back field because, you know, you're short one of your back three. Like, come on, guys, this is what you do for a living, lads, isn't it? Yeah.
Yeah. And even, um, even the French at the moment, they're all, they're operating on having 14 in the front line because their fullback is so good. They're backing him to cover the space. Um, but yeah, he that's that space should never have been there. But recognition that it was there and making the play.
Considering he'd had a tough week the week before against the Crusaders. Um, to have the, I guess, the minerals to decide. No, it's on and having, I guess, the coaches backing to say if you see it, take it. Good on him. Yeah. Um, yeah. I for a rare occasion, I think we're going down there. I think we'll, I think we can beat them up. Up front. Um, John Bryant is a good player. Like, he played half a dozen games last year, and he's only young. He's 21. Just just graduated out of the under 20s. So he's a good player. Can play six or 7 or 8.
He's a very different player than Fraser McBride though isn't he.
Yeah, but but honestly there's he. Fraser McBride in my view is the best linking um flanker in the world like 12th turnover and you know finding space going forward.
Um I have to think about that.
Well name me a better one.
Yeah I know, yeah. So I was just thinking I'd have to. Yeah, it's funny because it.
Still does a lot of the tough stuff, but you know, and he.
And I know.
He's not over the ball. Like, not many people were, but, um.
No. He's been.
Yeah, but that ball in, you know, transition ball and link play, you got to go back a long way to think of someone who's who's better.
Yeah that's right. The benchmark in terms of the linking back rower who could do it all and link you know the benchmark will always be Smith. Correct. Um, in terms of, you know, the single best ball stealer I think I'll ever see in my life, hands down. Pocock. Mm. Um, but just in terms of open sides at the moment, who can link? I'm not coming up with a better one. Not. Not for an open side who can link. I'm not coming up with a better one.
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Anyway, I'm taking the Reds. Let's move on to the next game. Um, the Blues and the Crusaders. This is going to be a cracker, to be honest. Yeah, Blues need this hard. And it's at Eden Park. Um, they've also got a little bit of the injury curse, but, uh, their team is, uh, Pusi Tua Kurt Eklund because Rick Kelly is out. Uh, Angus Ta'avao, Patrick Tuipulotu. Uh, Josh burger, cam Christie, Dalton papalii. Hoskins Sotutu back from injury Sam Nock, uh Stephen Perofeta, Caleb Clarke, Xavier Talei, Rica McCullough and Corey Evans. The site is Tamati Williams, Codie Taylor, Samuel uh, Scott Barrett, Antonio Salazar. Often you get that right. I'll think about that next week. Cullen. Grace, Tom Christie, Christian Lowry, Karl Preston. Uh takamaru. Sarah Savage, David Bailey, Dallas McLeod, Jay Funaki, and Will Jordan. Um, referees. My favorite, James Dahlman. The. What do you think? Selling game of the round? Probably.
Yeah, yeah, it's going to be a cracker. Um, just looking through the injuries. Uh, Ethan Blackadder has gone. Um. Quinten. Strange out. Noah Hotham out. Oh, no. Both back. Sorry. Um. Crusaders are quietly just snuck into second place, haven't they? Like it's just. Yeah, we just had that one year without them. Yeah. And it was. We all had a bit of fun and now they're back annoying the crap out of us again. Um, the blues have struggled. They've got, um. Yeah, mate, I think I'm going with the Crusaders. Even with Hoskins Sotutu back, uh, which makes their forward pack a lot better. Um, I think Crusaders are just in red hot form, and they're going to roll over the top of them. Yep. Crusaders for me?
Yeah. Not at Eden Park. What do you think.
Crewe? Uh, second plays ninth. Um, so therefore, the crew, if you have a look at, uh, at the Blues injury list, you've got a dozen guys there, of which ten would be walk up starters for just about any other side in the competition. So they've got serious firepower not playing. Um, yeah. The crew are just going to get better and better from this point. Uh, I'm actually. I can't even believe I'm saying this. I'm going to enjoy watching the ruthlessness of which they're going to play the rest of the season. They're going to be something to, you know, put aside your personal preferences, just sit back and watch them. They're going to be great to watch for the rest of the year. Um, so. Yep. Crewe. Mm.
Yeah, it's going to be it's the blues are going to come out and be absolutely snorting fire because this is an inflection game for them. They've got, they've they haven't had their bye. So they're five and one. If they lose this they're six and one. And I'm tipping I am tipping the Crusaders as well. But six and one suddenly they'll be sitting in ninth. But potentially they could be sitting in ninth already a couple of games out with their bye to come. So suddenly it starts to get a little bit more pressure on them to just try and make the six, let alone, you know, getting home finals and all those sorts of things. They're sort of they're sitting a fair way back. Um, this will be this will be a game that they, they absolutely need. And I think they'll come out giving it absolutely everything, as you'd expect. But, um, yeah, I just think the, the Crusaders are back into, you know, doing SATA things, you know, um, that matter. Springer scored five tries last week. They've stuck him back on the bench.
Yeah. Yeah. Thanks, mate. You're still back on the bench. Like. Well done. Congratulations.
I think the Blues have got the biggest injury injury list in the whole comp, I think. Like, they got like, Zarn Sullivan, Beauden Barrett, um, funaki riccitelli toga toga fassi, Sam Darry, AJ lam. Like, there's some big names in there on the injury list. It's massive. Yeah. Yeah.
And quality too. Yeah.
Yeah. And that's that's that's my thing with injuries. You you look for them being in a cluster of position. So you know, you lose all your centres or whatever or where you, you look down them and you go, I recognize all of those names, you know. Yeah. Or being or being very good rugby players. Uh, and when you, when you do that, then you know that you're starting to get into the, the back end of the squad, you know, things start to get a bit a bit tougher. You know, you look at you look at the relative benches. Um, like, apart from Christy and Harry Plummer are the only two bench players of the Blues that I know. And then on the replacements for the, um, uh, for the sides, you've got Quinton Bower, Quinton Strange, uh, Noah Houghton, who we all know, James O'Connor, we all know, and some bloke who scored five tries last week. So you know that I think that they'll just have a bit too much for them.
Yeah, that'll be right.
Next one along. I think we all know where nutters going with this one. The the tars v the Brums uh, in Sydney, uh Waratahs have named a very strong team, being Angus Bell, David Porecki, Taniela Tupou, Hugh Sinclair, Ben Grant, Rob gamble, Langi Gleeson, Teddy Wilson, Lawson Crichton, Mac Jorgensen, Joey Walton, William Henry O'Donnell, Christopher Riley, and Andrew Kellaway. Isaac Caleb comes back to the bench, which is nice to see. I'll be interested to see how he goes. Um, the Brumbies are rolling out the big squad this week. Uh, James Slipper, Billy Pollard, Allan Alaalatoa, Nick Frost, Cade Neville, Tom Hooper, Luke Graham and Rob Valentini returns from injury Ryan Lonergan, Noah SEO, Corey Toole, Ollie Sapsford, Andy Muirhead and Tom Wright off the bench. Locky Lonergan, Blake shop, Toica uh Lachlan Shaw, Rory Scott, Harrison Goddard, Jack Debreceni and Austin Anderson and Bok is the ref. Just before I ask you the question, you you watched a lot of watch a lot of rugby now do you think box out of out of form at the moment. Not saying he's a bad ref, I just feel he's a bit he's not quite there.
Yeah. Um. Interesting question. Um.
Because referees obviously go through form.
Yeah. Of course. Um, I've never been a fan of Ben O'Keeffe. Uh, so I sort of have to be careful that I don't say. Well, the bloke never has good form. Um, the, um, the breakdown will be a mess, uh, which will favour the donkeys. So I'm sort of happy. Um, yeah. He's he's a I don't know if he's out of form or if I just don't think much of him as a referee. Uh, which I know is probably a cruel thing to say, but I don't see him as playing the deciding factor this week. I'll put it that way. Mm.
Okay. Um, and tell me, why are you picking the Brumbies? Uh, apart from being a fan.
The front rows will cancel each other out the. Because they're both very good front rowers, but for very different reasons. Uh, the Brumbies have better locks. They have smarter locks. The, um. I would pick the donkey back row over the water back row, and they've got a much more settled back line. The issue, I think, for the Waratahs will actually be emotional. Um, guys like Tupou and guys like Langi, Gleeson and guys like Leota are going to come out and try and smash bricks out of grandstands, like they're really going to come out looking for blood, and that's going to undo them. Um, uh, I think there's some emotional immaturity issues there that will need to be very closely managed by the Waratahs coaching staff, or else their enthusiasm is going to be over enthusiasm and bring themselves unstuck. Even leaving aside the fact that I just think the Brumbies are a better side and will beat them anyway. Yeah.
That's an interesting point because those guys, particularly some of those type forwards, will they? Let's be honest, their coach called them soft last week.
He actually called them soft.
And they were.
Yeah. So the natural reaction to that is to overreact, be a bit overreact for the next game.
Right. They're going to play. Who's going to swing too far the other way.
Yeah yeah. So yeah you absolutely excellent point. Keeping a lid on things is going to be tough for them.
Yeah it's it's it's not going to be hard to get these blokes up for a game. What's going to be hard is keeping them on a leash.
Yes. Yeah. Correct. And yeah the there's a lot of experience in the in the Brumbies front row to sort of to, to give them a bit of a wind.
That's it. So the donkeys are just going to go out there and give a couple of shots in the kidneys and slide a few fingers under a few ribs. They're going to pull plenty of penalties out of them. Um no bang a few three pointers, set up a buffer, and then and then we'll just start to maul a few line outs and see how they go against that mall. Mm.
Sally. Your thoughts?
Uh, yeah. This this is the Brumbies big gun pack, isn't it? It's a heavy pack. They roll out against the Blues and the. And the bigger teams. They put Neville and and Frost in the second row together and Hooper at blindside. So they got three big boppers in that. In that four pack they're basically three second rowers. Um mate. Uh they're either equal or better all across the park as far as I'm concerned. So for me yeah it's a Brumbies win. Even even traveling down the highway to to Sydney it's a Brumbies win. Uh they're to me their um their bench looks better. Yeah I'm happy to pick the Brumbies on this one. I couldn't give you a number say about ten. Well it could go the same way as the Reds game last week. See how it goes. Yeah, but I agree with another with that. With those guys getting singled out last weekend for being soft. There'll be some guys out there too, because Liotta was was quiet. Tupo was quiet. Yeah. Gleason came off the bench last week, so he was already already came on when the Rock was had snuck in. But, uh, I think the Waratahs are going to travel. Just, just they're just going to have trouble with the halves and whether they're running at the moment and um, and the full back's just not going to aim up. Yeah.
Yeah yeah I'm going to take I will take the Brumbies. Uh, this is also a very important game for them, because they are one of only two teams in the, uh, in the top six who've played five. So if they, they've still got their bike to go. So they, you know, they've still got that natural no point week coming up. uh, but I just think the Brumbies will have too much for them. And circling right back to the bad game. Bad side thing. The Brumbies are a winning culture. They know how to win. The Brumbies you know are the Australian you know crusader like you know they they know how to win. They don't quite manage to get the final thing done. But if you're a Brumbies fan you know that your team has a history of going out and not screwing it up. Um, as a Queensland fan, I cannot relate to that. But, uh. But, um, yeah, that's just I just think they'll they'll just have a little bit too much polish. Uh, they're they're, you know, Len Ikitau is in some form, uh, Andy Muirhead is a tremendous Super Rugby player. Uh oh. I've always wondered why he never really got a chance in the gold jersey. Um, I don't know why. I just think he. It's because he doesn't look like, you know, a Greek Adonis. He kind of looks a bit like a mack Hansen, if you're going to use the use that term. Um, very good rugby player, but.
I reckon if he. He got rid of the man bun and put on a scrum cap, he'd be a wallaby.
He'd be a wallaby. Yeah. There you go. You heard it here first.
I reckon we're stuck. Is he? He's not big or fast.
So there's there's a number of blokes who are quicker than him, and there are plenty of blokes who are bigger than him, so he doesn't really own one of those two things. Um. The one I'm disappointed for. The one I feel really sorry for, both for him, but also for Australian rugby fans, particularly with the British and Irish Lions. Coming up is Bloody Charlie Cahill is back on the long term injured list. Yeah. Um, with that back issue, I'm really disappointed for him. Uh, and I'm selfishly disappointed for us because, jeez, he's been playing some good footy. I think.
He has. He absolutely has. He's, um. Yeah. And a bat, like they took him off last week. Just saying it was a back spasm. And now he's just, you know, he's back at some point in the future. They haven't specified a time, a date or time. So, um, you can only hope that's not something debilitating that could shorten your career or do that sort of stuff.
But but they have said long term though, haven't they?
Yeah. They have said.
On the on the Super Rugby side in the long term.
Yeah. Yeah. So so we're all we're all in agreement. It's it's pretty simple. Um the Brumbies are going to win just because they are. Um this is also a sneaky good really good game for the week. The last one Western force v the draw in Perth. Uh the force Ryan Cox and Nick Dolly, Todd Robertson, Jeremy Williams, Darcy Swain, will Harris, Carlo Tizzano, Nick champion, the back. Nick white, What then? Donald's back. Dylan is back and Stuart's back, said Tomkinson. Harry Potter, Matt Greeley, um, my favorite prop for the year so far. Marley Pearce is on the bench. Um, he's been awesome for certain. I don't know if you guys play fantasy. He's one of the best props in fantasy.
All right. Okay. He would be, actually. Yeah.
He gets you great points. They obviously go to him a lot for runs. Um, the, um, draw of playing in kind of era, uh, which is for him, can always go either way with him. Caleb Munster, starting at ten. Uh, draw at fullback. Um, putting out a fairly strong team. Nick Berry's the ref. Um, coach Sully, what are you thinking?
I think you should name all those draw players. No. No, seriously. Um.
No, no.
No. Just get.
Away. Stop!
Hey, I could get most of the way through that.
We get we're going to have an international incident if you keep going. Stop.
Uh, force of the Scotland of Australia, aren't they? Like they grow an arm and a leg when they're in, when they're at home. So, um, and and it's a good team. It's, it's they've got their, they got their guys back from their rest week. Um, it's it's probably just about their best run on side. I don't know who's really missing from that. Uh, and the Drua don't travel well, traditionally. I think they're going a bit better this year, but they're still not winning away. So I think the trip over to Western Australia is going to be too far for them. And the force should take this, and I think they'll probably take it reasonably easily. But it's hard to say which endure. Turns up they could have a blinder. You never know. But I think it's either going to be close or blow out to the force for me.
Now, what are you thinking, my friend?
Uh, it's going to be 31 degrees with low humidity and not much wind, so it's going to be pretty warm. Uh, but it's going to be a lovely day. There won't be any heavy rain. It won't, you know, turn to slush and or be really, really humid. Which would play to the druids, uh, advantage. So taking that out of it, Druids can't travel. Um, the forces need a good win after what they took emotionally last weekend. They're putting out a really strong side. Um, uh, and particularly when you look at their, um, when you look, you know, through their, through their back line, through their centers of Ducky Donaldson, Jamie Stewart. Um, you know how Harry Potter running around out there, Matt Greeley? Uh, yeah. Dylan, push back on there. Um, yeah. The force is needed there at home. The weather will be right. Uh, and the druids can't travel, so the magicians can't travel. The poor buggers. So. Yeah. Force is up. Mm.
Yeah, I, I said last week, uh, that, uh, the Druids can't win down the street from Churchill Park, and I stand by that statement. I also said that until they prove that they can, I won't pick them. And for no other reason than that I'll be picking the force. So I think the force are, you know, a substantially better team at home, uh, or with the team they're putting out this week. I don't I think I wasn't as disappointed as it could have been with what they put out last week with the, uh, put on the park with the ciders. I thought they battled manfully. It was a good sign. Um, yeah. I just think the. The forces are, uh, are a good are a good team and obviously a much better team at home. Um, to your point. Nice day. Yeah, I just I just can't see the can't see the draw doing anything spectacular. They just don't seem to have that capacity. Uh, away from, uh, away from Fiji. Well, they still do spectacular things. I just don't think they do the hard things away. Um, that's that's where I'm at with it. Okay. Well, we're through all the games, gents. In reasonably good time. Uh, now's the time to gird your loins and have a bit of a shout at the clouds. What do you. What bugged you? What annoyed you? What pissed you off? What got you on your goat this week? Sally, go.
Okay, I'm going to do something a bit different. Um, this week I had my fifth colonoscopy because I have a family history of cancer in the pipeworks. So it pisses me off that guys don't look after their health. Mate, go out there, go get some blood tests, get your PSA read, make sure you're all right. Because I've lost two uncles to bowel cancer. Prostate cancer? My father's had prostate cancer. It's everywhere. Guys, go and get checked. Um, you don't have to. It's a simple blood test to start off with. And if the results come back crazy, then you have to. Then you should go get the get the the the filming in the pipework. But, um. Yeah, that's what I get angry about. People dying when they don't have to. So seriously, go out and get yourself checked, guys.
Hundred percent. I don't think anyone could say anything negative about that. Now, did anything annoy you, rugby wise or otherwise, this week?
Yeah. Rugby was. I'm still processing what Sally said.
Fantastic. Um. Fantastic message. It just took me by surprise. You're completely right. Um, look, in terms of a rugby thing, I am a bit of clouds. I'm a bit aggravated, which I'm sure surprises a lot of people. Um, we have a law in rugby. Uh, law 9.7. C. No player may do anything that may lead the match officials to consider that an opponent has committed an infringement. I am sick to bloody death of the diving that I'm seeing at the moment. Um, uh, for me, um, this goes back a long way, but just in recent memory. Um, 2021, um, captain of France, Anthony Jelonch. Uh, and his dive, uh, to Marika Koroibete to get him carded. Um, even World Rugby came out after that and said that was a dive. Uh, 2023, you've got Jack Reilly. Ireland's Jack Crowley's now infamous dive against Argentina that got Matias Moroni carded. Uh, two weeks ago we saw um Ex-france international Romain Briatte from Stade, France Francais, uh, take his, you know, over the top theatrical effort uh, to get will uh Will Skelton red carded uh long week. Last weekend we saw uh Fijian player um uh Logan Amartey uh actually run five meters past Tom Wright. He took four paces past Tom Wright, uh, before he commenced his dying swan routine. Um, uh, to get right um, uh, in trouble with the boss. Um, I'm well and truly jack of it. Uh, and I think World Rugby needs to really step in and do something about this. At the same time, though, I'm also conscious that I'm also equally as tired as watching every captain and just about every player on both sides, particularly in the Six Nations. Go up and protest to the referee about every blade of grass that turned against them. So I'm getting really tired of the playacting and the crying out and the garbage. Um, I'm actually to the point where I would even consider taking a leaf out of the Mungo's book and allowing a captain's challenge. Uh, I would allow probably one or maybe one per half, uh, where a captain may walk up to a referee and request a review of a foul play situation. And that's that. If there is any comment, any whine, any whinge, any. Oh, sir, any throwing of the arms in the air or theatrical diving left, right or center by anyone else from that point forward card the bugger. Get rid of them. Because this is soccer garbage that does not belong in our game and I'm seeing too much of it. Anyway, that's my.
Book. Um, in response to that, I think that's that's fair. I think the the Super Rugby seem to be doing it. Okay. I mean, there was a there was a high tackle in the game, uh, between the canes and the Highlanders that was missed right at the end and it was pretty clear high tackle. But, uh, they explained it that the TMO didn't think that it rose to the level of a yellow card, and therefore it was just play on. I, I'm kind of, you know, a little bit and I know it can never happen again, but I'm kind of nostalgic and that's why I love watching community games is because the referee makes a decision good, bad or indifferent. And it's play on.
Six, five, eight, four, six, five, eight. Get on with it.
Yeah. Correct. And and look, I've seen some absolute hell as at community level. But you know what recently sets the scrum. He does whatever he does. And the game just moves on. And because the game moves on, you're not constantly going back and rehashing all this stuff. Yeah. And it stops the diving. You know, people are always going, oh, so, you know, like I was I'm over the ball or making appealing when they think their team is on it. But um, there's generally just this flow. Uh, and that's what I'm enjoying about Super Rugby this year. They just they're getting through the game and they're just making it run. Uh, I did think, you know, Nick Nick Phipps did overegg it a bit by saying that European teams wouldn't, you know, wouldn't handle Super Rugby at the moment. But he's got a point that if they came down at the moment before they got fit, they'd get run off the park with the current speed of the game.
Yeah that's.
Right. We'll make it interesting with the British and Irish Lions, because I think they're going to try and bring a big pack and forget how to tie their shoelaces and to try to slow the ball down at every opportunity. So I think if the Australians can make that quick. I think they've got a real shot of beating the bills. Um, but yeah, I think it's a point well made. None of this right from, you know, I remember when Stuart Hogg took that horrendous dive and, you know, Nigel Owens told him it wasn't soccer. Uh, I think we need to live a bit more by that.
Um, yeah. And there is a law about this. There is law 970. Um, so it's not as though the referee can do whatever he likes anyway, under 658. But there is a specific law about this. So guys, apply the law. Um, worn short arm, long arm card. Get on with it. Mm.
Absolutely, absolutely. Um, I didn't have any shouting at clouds. I just, I got down and watched a trial at my club on the weekend. Just had a nice day. Nice sunny day. Nice cold beer. Watched some boys running around in the park. How? How good. So then followed that up with the Reds game, followed it up with another game. Yeah. Just good. Good to be watching code as much as you can. Uh, not getting too excited. Uh, anything else, gents?
No, I'm all done.
You're all done. Okay. Well, once again, if you're still listening, thank you very much. Uh, download rate. Subscribe. Review. We love it all. Um, everyone's listening to all the, you know, we we do have some good numbers. We're enjoying the amount of people who listen and and and interact with the pod. Uh, if we could earn your, uh, a like and comment, we'd certainly appreciate it. Uh, and that's us for now. Okay. Well, thanks for coming off the bench, mate. We'll see you next time.
See you later.
Yep. See you later.
See you.
You don't know anything about rugby. Don't talk.
Cregan drop go from Larkham.
Australian three forward. They've got the advantage.
Worst press conference. Well done boys.