This week Reid and Dan host Nashville native and multiplatinum artist Mitchell Tenpenny out in God's Country. They cover everything from Nashville traffic, to the transition of Country Music, to Mitchell being exposed to some of the biggest names in the genre at a young age. Mitchell springs it on Reid that he's the reason Mitchell got kicked out of intramural football in college. They throw it back to the days of living on the boat and how Mitchell came to co-write there at one point. Mitchell's new record "The 3rd" is out and he shares an in-depth explanation of why this one's his favorite yet.
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What's up, y'all?
You're off in Guide's Country with read This but also known as the Brothers Song, where we take a weekly drive to the intersection of country music and the joddal outdoors, two things that go together like flag football and aggressive referees.
Or Wikipedia and incorrect information. Brought to you by Meat Eater and iHeart Podcasts.
We sat down with an old buddy, good buddy of mine mental timpinion of to day brought back some stories that is not old. It's just you, but yeah, we go back. It was was full circle moment. We uh to be sitting on this couch in this point in our career when we moved to Nashville kind of or I moved to Nashville. He was, he was from here, but kind.
Of star boat. I don't know. He came to the boat, wrote I remember that song.
Yeah, the book dude talented cat man, so talenting can play Nashville and Nashville boy been here his whole life, literally grew up.
On the row.
His grandmother was an exec over Sony and and cool stories about that. Just a good dude.
Man doing all he can do to fight cancer. And it's this is the spot and.
Got the tenpenny fun. We talk about that just a just a good cat, good dude, talented, talented musician could play the hell of a guitar. Big things for.
Him, Yep, big things coming. Big things have already been, but big things coming as well.
So check that out if you enjoy it. Thanks for hanging out in God's country.
You got a boot in.
Your left No thanks due?
Let me look up straight up, I want to go.
I think we should keep this this that's a great interest.
Dad's already told me that my this is an old shirt. It's an old T shirt that I've had for forever.
Suppose you're completely put it out. Should yeah at nine am, Bro, it's not I'm not put it out.
It's the shirt. I put it out so much in the shirt. This is a good car.
This is a good way to start off. I tell people all the time that I work in the clothes that I like, Like I write songs and go to work in the clothes that I like, live in like that.
I'm mowing.
Sure I've weed eaed it in the shirt, the shirt I've like. I played basketball in the shirt, like I just I have I have clothes. I mean like obviously, I wouldn't like weed eating a shirt like that, but like I.
Wear obviously, Well, I know, I'm just saying that the wrong color. I mean, but dude, a car like that shirt's shirt. I mean, I get yelled at all the time for being a little bit too lax. You wouldn't say coming in with short Who does the yelling, the yelling the yellow my manager kersen Usually, uh, this might be too wrinkled.
Read is Megan get on you pretty good?
Sometimes Megan has no right because she that's true, but she well she she has great style. She is so messy. Yeah, like she's just everything's everywhere, least my shirts at least hung up. They just give I just like to be I don't know, I'm a bigger boy.
I like to take comfortable like that's what it is.
But you know what, she she's very style conscious though.
No, yeah, she and I even and it's a unique Yeah, it's a unique style. She's got to think on man, all right.
If you don't know the voice that's coming through the other microphone, that's a mister three time, Yeah, mister three time platinum, two point one billion global streams with a B flatbill wearing married to one of the biggest outdoor lovers.
We know.
She's probably more diehard out like outdoors than even we are. You man, we got Mitchell Tenpenny out in God's Country this morning.
So man, thanks for coming.
Hang on, I always want to be hear you. Thank you always. I'm serious, man, I love and we go way back, so it's full circle.
Yeah, we'll get into that unless we don't need to search. Yeah, first off all, you gotta pick in the thing. Gosh, what.
You're mad at? Just tell us what it is.
What you're mad is it you in the lost kids might be your boss man, or your neighbor's cat.
Just tell us what your.
Mad early man. Let's greet them hot. I can get them beautiful.
I'll tell you what I'm mad at.
This weekend has Oh you're going first, it's been a uh, it's been one we Uh. First, I ripped out my dishwasher thinking that I could just go get a dishwasher. But apparently you can't just go to Low's and get a dishwasher anymore.
A home depot. You gotta like wait for him to deliver it can just put in the back of your I mean, they have some.
But like not the kind that when you have a wife and kid, it's in a bunch of dishes that you need.
Clean actual actually really good one.
Yeah you gotta, you gotta. So we don't have a dish washing in our house. So I've got a bucket sitting under my sink that the water is.
Yeah, me.
Dishwasher, one dishwasher to work and then so that's that's the first thing I'm at at. Second thing, which is that that's a me thing too, is Saturday night. I'm sitting there just I mean dude, like just about to get into bed, exhausted. It's like ten thirty. Jordan's in a clean up mode. She's like shoving stuff in under our sink and she kicks a little.
Like quick clean up.
Like, yes, busy, Jordan, Like like, here's a here's a good wielback, here's the trash back.
Yeah, here's throwaway back.
Here's a donate back.
Oh, get busy.
She goes to the bathroom. Yeah, I mean, dude, here's here's the deal with two kids and they and they were sick this weekend. Our house, Like there's toys everywhere. Yeah, there's it's just tough for you. Just you gotta pile stuff on stuff at times. I know, and everybody out there, the kids knows, and they're both two under two, so we're in it. But anyway, Jordan's doing a little quick clean in the bathroom. She's trying to close her cabinet doors. Then we'll close. She opens them up. There's a little thing there. Kicks the thing to get it back there. Gave a little kick, gave it a little I didn't.
Know that till this morning, till she was telling Yeah, me too. The kick was a part of it, till this one to come out immediately as a kick when she was telling the story. Okay, that's okay, that's.
What first came out. The first thing that came out was a gaza of water out from under my The second thing that has come out goes Jordan said. Read it's leaking. And when she means leaking, she means shooting furious guys or furiously out from under my sink. And I mean it's coming up so much that it's hitting the bowl under my cabinets, so it's it's flying out the top of the cabinet. And then and then do just a water fall, dude coming under it and I mean like in that moment, I'm panicking and I just say towels, which towels doesn't cure anything in that moment, So she gets it. She doesn't gets every tower we're just throwing on there. I'm freaking. I'll tell her. I'm like, hey, this is bad, Like this is real bad. We got to figure this out immediately. I'm like, okay, run and turn the water off. Got to get the water off. So I run outside. I'm like in my underwear, this is ten thirty at night. Run outside, flip the water meter open, and you can't turn the meter by that. You got to have the tool. And so, by the grace of the Lord God all Mighty, when we bought that house, I was like probably looking at Instagram or something in it like because we just bought a house. It was like, hey, one tool you have to need you need is and I knew exactly where it was.
I know I don't have one. Do you have one?
Yeah? And I know exactly where it is because I've dealt with this before.
If you're a homeowner, go get one.
Yeah, even if you're not.
Bro through my front yard to open the garage door. I grabbed it off the little peg board thing ran out there, shut it off.
We got the water off. It came through my garage a little bit.
You saw it coming through the seam or something.
Yeah, when I was running to the garage, I looked up and it was like there was hot it was it was the hot water. It was the hot water. So anyway, got the water off. That guy my dad knows, came over Sunday morning cut a little man whole size in my garage and we went up in there and fixed it up. So we're good now.
But yeah, you met Georgia. I thought that's what we were getting to. The Yeah, I'm mad at two things, and I'm trying to decide which one to go with because I don't want to like look down on the working man. But at the same time.
I wasn't interested.
Yeah, okay, all right, well then I'll just do them both.
One is now, I say, the other one can got a podcast.
Well you just said too, it's too it's to day.
Mine kind of does the water stop driving so fast by the end of my driveway, people, I'm tired of that, tired of that, ti of people driving fast on roads that require you to not drive fast.
It's extremely curvy. Kids everywhere quid driving so faster than.
It's always cars.
Secondly, this has to do with my vehicle. If I'm driving to your neighborhood, how about not pointing the blower of your mower at my vehicle? Would I go by, bro when you're edging just like this, dude, just them over and across.
No, I didn't like it, just.
Slinging gravel all over himself. I mean cars, it's just bleeding. So one edger is a weed eater basically turned sideways that you're cutting the lines on the concrete.
Oh boy, just let's clean up.
Just scattered the side of my truck, dude. And I'm just like, man, if I had time, I would turn around and politely ask you. Yeah, there there is a thing about but look, mower, go make your money, dude. I'm not looking down the worst. I've done it myself. I've done my time.
You know what I'm saying. But there's some etiquette too.
Yeah, you just turn the side of the mower. That isn't uh, you know, blowing the rocks out. Just just do a little whit.
Well, sometimes you can't.
Sometimes you have to, Like if you're trying to like like manicure, like really strip a yard or something. You got to go one way, but if a car is coming, just turn, just get off the side and turn the mow, just turn the blade off, let them pass. And here's the thing too, I don't know, I'm not I have a motorcycle. Actually I kept pretty much don't have a motorcycle anymore, hadn't seen it in ten years. But uh literally literally it's is long story. But I have heard that, like, don't blow your grass onto the road really because it can. Yeah it can. Like cars, it's not gonna matter, but motorcycles can. It can actually like mess with the traction of the wheels on the on the uh on the road. So it's like it's unsafe to blow your clippings on the on.
The I still do it.
That's unsafe because I'm I whip that truck around and.
Right not very politely, nice little week.
He's a big turnament you mad anything, Mitchell.
Man, I'm pretty good right now. I might, I might, I might piggyback off you man. I feel it's like everyone's getting in res and just holding up traffic, like not bad ones, just like I can't drive in Nashville and I'm from here. I feel like I've just gotten stuck behind so many fender benders, not even Rex, and it's like, dude, just quick, you know what it is in front of.
You right here? Yeah?
So you're from here.
Yeah, and it's never been like.
Let's talk about traffic. When you started driving, there wasn't. There wasn't traveling when I started driving. None, No, man, I would ever.
I would come from Brentway down to you know, Granny White, to David Lipscomb and go too. There wasn't traffic. There wasn't Nobody cared about Broadway, nobody cared about going downtown.
And do you really change? I mean, I've seen what I've been here nearly twelve thirteen years.
Yeah, you've seen it. I've seen thirty, thirty, thirty five, I'm about to be thirty five. Yeah that's a I'm up there.
But you've seen it change in thirty years.
It's it's wild man.
Okay, So do you have like an appreciation for it? Are you kind of?
Yeah? Well, I'm you know, proud of my city. No, I'm not mad at it. I'm proud of my city. And you know, growing up we have like nowhere to eat except for and I love these places, Chili's, apple Bee's, you know, the Charlie and I love logans like that was but that was it and now it's cool to kind of like have some you know, some other food come in and.
You know, Charlie can get out of here. Bro.
Yeah, you know, Charlie is gone. But yeah, I love the Yeah, Applebee's is always great. But yeah, it's I don't know, I just like I like to change a little bit. But the traffic and the people, man, there's some people coming in here that I don't like.
To Jesus, it's.
Just a lot of just a lot of angry people that don't know how like we we like to handle things down here a little.
Try to live fast, Yeah, try to live fast, and we live fast around well, there's a little.
Bit of amusing roads change a lot, man, they keep tearing down all the charm and what in inspiring me as a kid growing up here. You know it's yeah, that's yeah, that's so that makes yeah, especially because.
You've I mean, you had what your grandmother was as an exec.
Yeah, she ran Sony Publishing for thirty years, and so I got to grow up in it, man, and just see my favorite song matters on the planet. And yeah, and just on the row. You were on the row on the road all the all the time. My mom still works at Tony does help.
Yah, are you still signing?
Yeah, I'm still I'm still adding over there, man, I always have something to do with them. It's it's it's family to me over there since the beginning. Yeah, from Troy to Rusty after her Man, they've been so good to me.
When they when they when they used to lock the door, they still do lock the doors up top of the third floor. We would go down to your mom's office, just slip out the back.
Yeah, that's perfect. Yeah, yeah, she's got spoking never mind, sorry, nobody want We would just go out there and stand. Yeah, of course.
But I'll be a locking if he sees me going in, I'll be like.
I'm knowing Bobby since I was little. He used to he convinced me he was Superman when I was a kid. He would always have this little red tarp or something in his trump.
Bobby is the He is the greatest human being, greatest human in the world. He's worked at Sony.
He yeah, he should be in the hal of fat kids and stuff.
I'll just say that.
But he would, we would always I would be a kid and he would open up his trunk just enough so I could see that red and then he slamm it and be like, you can't see the cape. No, So I call him Superman since I was a little That's awesome.
It's funny. It's like I think he knows, like, who's like a redneck in that villain? Who isn't you know what I mean? So if he sees I'm trying to think of somebody I could make fun of that wouldn't care. I don't know somebody that's not read the writes songs right, And he'll be like, hey, buddy, how you doing good to see this and be like, yeah, today, come on down with this lot.
You know. Think he misses a little bit of what used to walk through the door more often?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.
He definitely does that.
Cut it up. He chop it up, dude, man, And you know what, I'll never forget this. I I drive along. I live forty five minutes out town, outside of town, so I asked, I said, hey, man, is it cool if I leave a guitar here?
You know.
I'm like, so I'm not just constantly leaving my truck and stuff and uh he said we Uh Tom's big Tom said, well, I talked to Bobby about it. It was in the fire hall, in those little locker things. Yeah, he said, you tell Danny he can leave whatever he wants, wherever he wants. I like that guy, and I was like, man, he's the man. Obby lives to be one hundred and fifty.
He will, Man, look at him, he's still working.
Moving to man, a dude walks around with a like an attitude of just he's happy to be alive. Man, just happy to be there.
And he's always always been that ways he's the same person.
So you literally know him thirty years.
Yeah. His his grandkids are my cousin's best friends. He was best friend for my grandmother and granddad. They were always over at the house, always at every party she would throw. I've known him since I was born.
See, you don't think about I don't think about at least the Row being that small town.
Yeah, it was very because everybody I.
Know is from every different all over different places. But it's cool to hear such an inside yeah man viewpoint as.
Yours that so at some of those parties, were you ever? Were you ever like, oh my gosh, there's whoever? Like who were your heroes as a little kid.
I mean, yeah, Brooks and Done. I mean she signed you know, Brooks and Dune to Taylor Swift at the beginning of her Catalogny. I saw I saw everybody you know, Brooks and probably Ronnie Done for me and Kicks. So he's like Christmas party or something like. Yeah, it was sick. It was nuts, man. She had presidents over there. It was it was just a different time, dude. And and I was a kid. She was grandmother to me. But yeah, but growing up, I remember going into her office and she introduced me to Bobby Bradding and Curly and hey, these are the guys who wrote he stopped loving her today. And I was like, oh, that's what a songwriter is, like idea. I was a kid, and that day I walked out there and being like, oh, I want to be as cool as them one day like if you know, you know, like still working on it. Did you have did you get the bug? Man? Yeah? Man, I did. I just they were just so cool man, the way they walked around and I just thought that was awesome. I didn't really know what she did. Like I was a kid, she was grandmother kid. Every every sports game, every everything. She was always on her inner Cadillac, on a phone talking to some exec, you know, doing something. And but when she when she told me that day, it clicked, oh, songwriting, you're a publisher. Like I don't know, it all started kind of funneling from there and waterfalling, but I remember specifically something snapping and be like, man, maybe I want to be a songwriter one day.
So did you start writing songs early?
Yeah? They were really bad.
They all are they still are, Yeah, already embarrassed.
Do you remember any first one? One was called be my Baby, and it was just like I'm so crazy of course, pull you baby, can't you see Like it's just like so bbb my baby, so I can love you eternity, crazy baby, crazy baby attorney. It was done, locked up, put a bow on it, send me the money in the mailbox.
I can it wasn't. I'm you know, like, I'm crazy, my baby. There's there's already had them a lot in there, so you.
Had to be you had to be cutting your teeth on some some R and B. Oh yeah, back in the day.
Dude, Craig David probably got me and my brother started savenday. This is yeah, oh yeah.
Oh yeah, on my way, my feet.
That's going up from me, I kind of up to the seventh. Ay. It must have been bad, a court basting out of me to the beautiful I forget the worst, beautiful body. She gasped before the time I said across my names, here's a number man today for me and my road and not come. No, I don't think so. Damn sure. The pet that was twenty four.
Where's the course?
Just here? Took the full of dream on Tuesday. We be making it up on Wednesday, on Thursday and Friday and Saturday, chilled on Sunday, chilled on Sunday. Sham brother, that's I don't know why. That just popped through my head and you said that I remember, yeah, me and my brother, that's David.
That's crazy. The funny thing is when I walked so many words when I walked in here versus so long, because I'm telling you this, dude's R and B. I already know. And what was the first time I played? The first time I play.
Got legit that's a legit before you threw it.
Out, and I bet I get him on this.
You threw it on the air. That's crazy.
That's all we have a we probably don't.
We say it was too early, but yeah, we didn't start it.
It was too early. Dang, that's been funny to prove it. But anyways, I believe it. Yeah, man, we that's what we. I mean, same, same, I mean our parents were weird about it, like they wouldn't let us watching TV. Yeah, we would sneak.
We'd sneak upstairs watching TV.
I mean, I grew up in country music, just engulfed in and I love it. But man, I was in rock band, screaming bands. I was. I love Michael Jackson down to I love great melodies.
Why'd you point it read when you said screaming bands?
I was like, well, I was like when we first met, I was in screaming in college. Yeah, I was a drummers screamer back in the day. But we have great stories from where wait you also, yeah, he's it is a screaming bit.
Sorry that he can.
Yeah, it's real.
The first song you ever played live though, Mary, did you know at church?
That's the vocal band too. Bro, that's that's Mark Lowry. That's that's uh guy Penrod. Who's the guy David Phelps.
David Phelps.
Dude, you don't know if you're watching right now or listening right now and don't have never heard David Phelps sing.
Let's just go full gather even because.
Bill, Yeah, he's still a beast.
Down at Columbia, looking good, gray hair, looking like Jesus down there, sounding like him too, probably, But dude, David Phelps at one point, and I mean I'll even say it today, he still does. He lives in Columbia to south of Columbia maybe, but he does this like Christmas thing and it's the only, like only thing he does music wise out of this farm and my parents go every every year. But uh, David Phelps, I'll say it right now. I used to think him and Brian mckknight were the best list on the planet. I mean, dude, David Phelps is crazy. Some of his stuff is crazy. I mean, like it never hit mainstream. He got a little secular there for a minute, but like his voice is it don't make sense. His voice, it does not make sense. And he sang high tenor in the in the Gaither vocal band Bill Gaither, he sang the bass guy, Penrod did the did a baritone, and then Mark Lowry was high guy.
No he was.
Mark did the kind of middle guy. I think Guy did the middle guy and then Mark, but Mark he could do.
Yeah, they all could do. All incredible singers. Yeah, I mean yeah, yeah. I think that was the first one. Me and my my uncle did How old are you ye, man? I would have been eleven eleven somewhere around there. My uncle he used to sing in the New York Opera and so he would all season, would come down in the summer and babysit me and my brother, and he would make us learn piano songs before we go out and play and stool for just something. And at the time you're like, ah, but dude, it I loved that instilled you know, just the ear, the ear training level and wanting to hum melodies, and he would push us. I was so nervous, man, I know, I don't I'm such so introverted back then, like really just did not want to do any of that. And I'm so glad he pushed us to get on stage and to do it and to learn a guitar part and while he played piano and singing. It was I truly don't think if he did that then I would ever be doing this in this fashion, because I do think you need to push push kids in some sense, and then if they don't, I could leave them alone. But I do think, you know, if he wouldn't made me step outside that, I don't know if I'd be here.
Well, I'll push my kids all the time, push them off the board, yeah, off the bed. No, I agree, I agree. I was terrified. I was thought of. And you know what, man, I still get a little nervous. Bro We played the other night and like I kind of had some nervous coughs and I was like, I'm not even nervous, that's right, And my anxiety is still getting me a little bit.
I feel like if you lose that, it's you got to figure something out.
I was watching Sing the other day. Actually every day of my life I watched Sing because two both we're watching. We're watching one, right, we go back. You watch one for a couple of weeks, and you go you watch two for a couple of weeks. But it's everything in the movies is those Disney. I watched Cars by myself last night, like literally we turned it on and then I just watched the rest of the movie and there's so many gems in there, like nuggets of gold wisdom in those things. But in singing it says like when Mina the Elephant, who's Tory Kelly at the end of it, she's standing there and she's real nervous. She's got her ears, you know, covering her face, and she looks over at Buster Moon's a little koala and he was like, he was like, just sing And I told Jordan, like she was like the other day, she was like, you look forward to the because we played, Yeah, we played Cheese did a little gig. She's like, do you look forward to the gig? And I was like, not really until the first song. Yeah, And then when you're on stage and you play that first song and sing it and you hear the crowd react and get into it, and you just kind of like get in this, then it's fun.
Man. I'm the same way. Man. It's like people ask I don't look forward to shows until I'm on stage, Like I'm kind of like I would, well, yeah, I got to get to do that now. With Luke Holmes. Thank you, Luke, But yeah, I just like I would. In your head, you're like, oh, I could rather be doing something else, and then you get up there, You're like, what else would I rather be doing? It's a weird thing that if you don't do it, you wouldn't understand you, Like, how could you not want to? I don't know. It's a weird, weird concept. But just like you're saying, it's it's how it is. And then you get up there and you start singing. You see the first person starts singing back, and then it's like you ring your own world a whole different thing, and ain't no doubt. Yeah.
I caught myself the other night because I can't memorize lyrics at all. It's sane, and I call myself this was really strange, But I caught myself reading the lyrics. Okay, this is I'm on stage singing, reading the lyrics and singing and playing the correct things. But my brain is going, can you believe it? You're doing all three? I'm not even focusing on what I'm doing.
I was on the show last week and literally thinking about, like, how am I to fix the lawnmower I was singing. Then I was like, oh, I got to get to this second verse. Like I don't know how. I just there's seventy thousand people. I just kind of zoned out and I had a conversation right before stage and it went to there kind of like when you're dreaming about something you just thought about, and I was like, holy, well, hold on, I'm here, like like shake it off.
Which also goes to the point like which I think a lot of listeners and viewers maybe not get. It's like, as much as this is like what you're born to do, it's also work.
Yeah, so you're you're working when you're upstage playing for seventy thousand people, and at work, just like everybody else, they're come in about.
Like life happens. Life happens, man, and I don't know why sometimes like I probably saw someone in the crowd that triggered, probably had a John Deere shirt on or something. I was like, Oh my gosh, I'm supelled to order the blad. Yes, it just started going. Yeah. Megan, Megan loves cutting the grass for some reason, like he gets she just loves it, Like she puts headphones on, like by all means like, if that's therapeutic for you somebody, But if I don't have it ready, it's it's over. So I got to make sure and.
My ready I got. I got the internet, now got running water and a lot of grass, A lot of grass to go.
Bro. I didn't know you played college football. I mean, dude, I went to MTSU to play college football and ended up you know. And then we can go full circle into me saying flag football with you v and the referee as well. So you did play college footb No, I played out lips lips doesn't have a college team. I played high school. I want to state championship. They're no big deal. Okay, here's another thing. Here's a hang on, here's another thing. I'm mat.
We have these we have these sheets, all right, this is something that's been egging me.
We have these sheets, and Jordan's Jordan, and then it's great. Jordan does this. She prepares them for us and hands them to us.
We gotta get, not better, but we just gotta we just gotta, we gotta get. We gotta get to a point. It says on the sheet played college football at Lipscomb's Lipscomb doesn't have a college football It's okay.
It's not a big it's it's it's not a big deal to you. Go ahead, you can't and there's the judge.
And there's there. There have been times there's a college team depending. There have been times where I'm like, so and the guests is in there. I'm like, so, you and your dad love love fishing on the weekend and I've never met my dad, like like, we got to get better, you know what, I'm just saying, maybe we would have. I would love to do that, but I don't know who my dad.
Is that bad? Okay? Yeah?
Absolutely, and go okay, because.
Mmm, that is true.
I love it.
Hours She says, she works hard. I'm not seconds an artist. Didn't in with the person and straight up said my daughter, I'm so.
Thankful allowed us. And then yeah, okay, so he was just making some of her garden. Okay, gotcha. Well we need to get we need to get better.
We need to know that that happened.
A lot of people know, a lot of people think that Lipscom has a team and it's as they should. It's not a big deal. I yeah, what, Pa says, I'm five eleven dope, no one low because I'm found out the other day. I'm five eight.
Real bro flag football and M T.
Sun Yeah man, so real quick. Yeah, it's an amazing story.
This is great.
So we're playing flag football intermural or whatever. And I don't know, dude, I'm just competitive as hell. He's he's reughing these games. He made some bad calls football and I just like a paycheck and I'm like, it's so I start arguing the reft. I'm like an idiot, like a punk. It's all. It's all me. Do you remember arguing he kicked me out? Like he kicked me out of He kicked me out of the game and out of the league. Like I couldn't come back, so like I couldn't come back? Is this are you serious? Didn't No, No, he kicked me out of the league.
You kicked him out.
It would have been above me. I couldn't have kicked anybody. He kicked me out of the game. And then the dude, uh he was bald shorter. I forget the David, but you love them that I wasn't allowed to be back in because because he came out of the gate, so I was probably no, I absolutely love and the door this the funny thing is. So then there's we had a class that's called commercial songwriting, and I remember walking in and seeing him be like, oh my god, I got to be in this and these class are like fifteen people. I'm like, I got to be in class with this dude that kicked me out of freaking football. I was so mads all had at the time.
Man, this guy wished to play college football and lift him and then take and man, I don't remember, I'm sorry.
And day one he starts singing. I'm like, oh my man, can sing. Here we go. We immediately in that class. You just kind of you find out the people. That funny thing about it and we became good friends from there.
But he told me it was so funny he was in that class. He's like, yeah, there's like one of the guys.
But that that was and you kind of, you know, just like anything, you gravitate towards people that Yeah, we took we.
Took this commercial song right class, which was you know, love y'all and tsue. Great class, but we yeah, first day you come in, you like meet everybody, and then the second day of class, he's like Hey, everybody's got to play a song, and like, play a song that you've written.
I didn't.
I didn't have my songs that I had written at that point. I didn't start writing songs till later in life. My songs at that point were absolute dog trash.
That you have one it was tennis something Tennessee. Yeah, it was incredible, dude. That Yeah, yeah, I remember this from back then. And by the way, real quick, it was my fault. I should have been kicked out. I was probably a complete like what do you mean, like just yet and he's he was probably just in college, Like I'm not dealing with this, did I think? I don't know if I know the whole.
First thing, let's get this.
Yeah, nostalgic, I'm I don't even say no. Well y never gone very car break? Yeah I was was a chorus one of my favorite songs. I don't remember it. Man. The only thing between you and me was Tennessee. Yeah, that was it was you and me. It was Tennessee. Yeah.
So anyway, but the first song I ever played in that class, I went, I drove I was. We were living on the boat at the time. Yeah, that Percy Prieze and uh, I was. I wrote it in I was like, dang man, damn. It was like, what's what's wrong dude. I was like, I gotta play a song tomorrow. Bro, it's this class.
I was like, I ain't got any good songs.
And it was like on the boat and I was like, just play with the Yeah, he's like just playing with my mind.
I was like, minut nobody cares.
I think I played like a John Wiggans, like hit songwriters. I can't you you you mentioned somebody's name. You said your brother, you were writing with somebody at the time. That was like doing something.
Yeah, him and Jason Matthews.
That's and Jason. Yeah, you mentioned all that. And I was like, okay, this guy, he's in it.
But yeah, I remember I played, and then and then everybody else played, and there was Timpinny play. I don't remember what he played, but it was it was killer because like I don't know if you y'all probably listen to Mitchell, but if you haven't watched him, played guitar, the dude the shreder man, and and he was playing this like cool part over the singing part, and and there were some other good, good people in that class, but like he's the one.
He was the guy.
And we went outside and both of us were like, yeah, it was bro, like just.
Through this together. Really funny thing.
We're also supposed to at some point he pairs you that the teacher that class pairs you up and you go write a song and we everybody came to my boat. It was like me and you and a couple of other Yeah, there was a couple of other people that came to the boat and we wrote a song.
Bro, you put that see that real quickly.
There's a riff on what I put. She met me right, it was.
That's remember back from Boston.
It was something there. I'm glad she met me. It was something like that, and it was like we were we went we went to your boat, and I thought that was the coolest thing.
It's not mine and uh dude, yes, And I was like, dude, this.
Guy is so awesome. He lives on a boat. Man, he's just he's got the greatest voice ever heard.
And then you figured him out.
You're like, then he got a record deal out of l a. Yeah, put that song on the record.
Every quarter, I swear on my life every quarter like water, I get point like, I'm it's down like point two cents, right, I swear my life, I get a check.
Well son Sony took that record off, so unfortunately, I'm sorry. It'll get a one day. I've got to listen back through that because that was a cool riff. We need to read. But it was like a seven way too. It was. There was a lot of people on that, but it was for class. Yeah.
I remember we played that.
At class and we played that in the class and everybody was like, shirts off.
Oh man, yeah, I have got away that riff. Year. That's fun, dude, I didn't. I'm sorry about the flag football bro, No, I love it. I love it.
No, that was. Here's the funny thing is I do remember like being going to tip and be like, hey, bro, this there and right now on this couch. Before you did, I had no clue was you And I'm sorry that it.
Was No, that was I'm sorry it was me too, I was, but it was kids go full circle moment. I don't remember what it was. It had been.
That's the best story we've ever had because he was while you were saying that, I was watching this face.
It was him, it was me and I was a terrible ref bro.
I just didn't care enough. I wanted to be I wanted to be playing, uh, And I.
Was just I wanted to be playing like real football, and I was just in grow and I was like, this is all I got, and like I got impressed these fraternity guys because I wasn't really in the fraternity or allowed to really be on that team. So it ended up it was actually fair that I wasn't so uh. I think we both found our calling.
Oh man, so we go into this su we do the class.
What what do you do after that?
What? What was?
Where did you go from there?
I lived in a house with Brad Clawson and two other guys. One guy played on the football team and another.
You don't know Brad Clawson. He's a trash song ride just.
In human being all in general, he's Brad is one of my best friends in the world. And so I had a roommate. It's gonna be in the dorms. He canceled me the week before I started freshman year, so I called Brad. I was like, dude, I don't want to live with somebody I don't know. I'm just I was introverted, like I was saying weirds like me and I got a I got an extra room in this I'm like dude. And so I was living off campus in the house with the head of a fraternity, a guy on the on the football team in Brad Lawson, and so Man, we we had a great time. We lived in the end of a cul de sac, you know, that's where we would party. There'd be like a girl every other month. We come by, like one girl and she was and then she would everybody about it. Yeah, we told everybody about it. She was just a friend. Nothing ever happened, but we told everybody. Was like, there's potential here for one of us four and uh, you know that kind of college life. Man, and me and Brad were just writing and we'd go down to Three Brothers or Blue whatever it was called, or Whiskey Dicks or whatever. We play every single night playing songs that we'd written. And that's basically all we were doing. Then.
That's awesome, man, that's awesome.
When did you start coming, Like when did you start your your Nashville in Nashville journey, Like start writing songs in Nashville And.
That was the warrant. So I had a studio and his name is Ernest. Now y'all know Ernest Keith Keith Smith. We grew up together. He's three years younger than me, and my brother's three years younger, so they were in the same class. So I've known them. They've been breaking my gear and my guitar since I was little. Yeah, was that that little basement studio, Yeah, that little basement. So we wrote a couple of songs and the Warren Brothers. My grandmother signed the Warren Brothers back in the day. And uh, I've known then since I was a kid. And they always said, man, if you ever if you ever have sent it to us, you know, And I was like, okay, long shot. What we did, and they offered us a publishing deal. Me and me and Keith. We were a duo, I'll say Ernest for the sake of that, Me and Ernest. They signed us as a duo. And so he was rapping the verses, I was singing the chorus. It was like a developmental deal. And so every room we were in we were writing together. Uh he was he was snow Yeah, he was in between that snow whatever that whatever he was doing there. And he's so talented as you know, and it was so fun and yes, so that was our first deal, was me and him Warren Brothers JV with Sony Tom Luteran and doing the thing. And then we and it was never a bad thing. We were just he got to the point where we're like, man, we're both we both are doing our own thing. You're not just a rap, You're not this, and I'm not just a guy that sings top line, like like, let's let's do our thing. And we did, and that's when we kind of we split that deal up and just started making our own our own past. I mean, we're still best friends. I love him to death, and we just signed my brother together. So yeah, but it all started with that, Yeah, was your brother? Is he gonna it's just a songwriter? Yeah, yeah, a big love. He plays based on me on the road and does all the harmonies just like y'all. Man, we've been just like a yeah, yeah man, and that's all just my younger brother, and yeah, sign him over there a big allowed me and him.
Awesome And now here you are playing seventy thousand folks and.
Man, it's that's been so surreal and just like Luke, y'all, know. I mean, what a genuine good dude that like has exploded beyond thank you. Like it's like I turn around and every song deep cuts, you turn around there standing to the top of the stadium, singing like he has become a part of people's lives in such a way that sure you can't describe, like people like, how do you do that? Well, there's no there's no way to say that. Those songs have just connected to so many people, and it's it's just so cool to see in the fact that he lets me come out there and play some of mine.
Well, I mean I was out there last year a few times. You were out there a few times, and man, they love you, dude, And I think, I think there's a parallel, which I figure is probably why he keeps having you out of like authenticity. I mean, you're different things, but you're honest and you're true to what you do, and I think I think fans appreciate that.
I appreciate Think, man, that's the only thing I care about is, you know, being authentic. He looked authentic the second he walked into commercial songwriting.
And he's probably wearing that shirty I don't know yet.
It's for the game.
I think I think people can tell, and I know I can tell, and it's not fun if you're not. And so I think that that's a huge reason why Luke is so successful as people believe it, they know it's real. And then and so thanks for saying that, that's no. I think its hang your hat on.
Yeah, and I think it gives you stick around power. I think I think people just continue to be a part of, like you said, like your journey while you're a part of their journey. Yeah, you know what I'm saying.
Yeah, I was like, there's no way I don't ever see him not being able to do stadiums. But like, he'll have a job the rest of his life because he has made so many moments in people's lives with these songs. Yeah, and it'll last forever.
Well, I'll tell you this. When I was out with him, we saw a ray of different performers and look, there's nothing wrong. Let me just put this out there. There is absolutely nothing wrong with standing on a career and singing songs that necessarily aren't relative to you as an artist.
There are people who have done that. We songwriters have a job, right, Yeah, And there are artists out there that care nothing about writing their songs and they care about just singing stuff that anything's cool or that'll hit, and that's fine. There was a particular artist, though, I'm gonna say it was that I just don't get into right, and so like this artist was opening, we wouldn't open. It was one of those festival deals like where there's like a bunch of people singing and playing and they were rehearsing and I was setting up the Guitar World stuff, and it was out there like cats. I mean, there's like eight or nine dancers out there and they're all doing like you know, this is happening. He's the girls are dancing and he's singing this song, and I'm just like, oh my gosh, thank god that like, as a songwriter, I'm not trying to write a song for that guy because I don't even know how. Like we're so lucky that that that Luke kind of took a shot on us and then we get to write songs that are authentic to our lives and he recognizes that. He goes, sure, we're all in the same boat here, We're all kind of going through the same thing. So we can kind of stick to honesty. Man. If I'm trying to write like straight pop melodies so that this guy that I know has a hit, right, I'm in bad trouble.
I think there's a difference in artists and entertainer too, Like they don't there should be an artist no, absolutely nothing. That's like the difference in like like Luke Luke Holmes doesn't even have a lot of production. He doesn't need it. He's got a video screening and he's got great lights I'm not talking about but you don't have to flames going everywhere, lasers And because it doesn't have to, he doesn't have to add that on. The songs are just great and people are singing them and and that's okay, So that's great. But then some songs are just hooky melodies and it doesn't necessarily have a great story. But it's like, hey, I want to see these lasers in this fight and be a part of this And that's a that's a different side of purport to man. So there are two different things in my opinion. But I I always like, you know, it will it work at Bluebird? What you're saying right there probably wouldn't work at Bluebird and that's just my cup of teams.
I actually ran that through my head, like okay, so you you know you have that song. Whoever that songwriter is on that song has a hit with that, right, how do they play that at the Bluebird?
You know they don't. I've been I've been through with some pop writers. Really, I'm like, play the biggest hit that they can't play the biggest hit. And it's like, and that's fine, and that's cool because you know, that's the day we live in. There's a lot of different technology production things that you can't play the hit. Yeah, but it's it's sometimes I have seen them like, oh, I just care like a boone box with me and just just do that. Just just literally put a bluetooth up the Bundy's there.
You know you're reaping the benefits that matter.
I love it. I love it all man, do what you gotta do.
Yeah, yeah, for sure.
Let's talk about uh, let's talk about your new record, man, your third Yeah man. A question I want to ask you so is this is is this your third record coming out, third.
Record, major label? Yeah? Man, because the first one was technically dang right, let's go, what.
Is there pressure? To like, what's what's the feeling going into doing a third record? Because the first one you've got songs. Man, first one, you've got inspiration.
You you don't know any better? Man, Yeah, which is all the first one you don't know any better. You're not trying to you're not trying to achieve anything.
Like you haven't had any reviews.
You haven't had any haven't had any sus you have, you've had nothing to base it off. And God, that freedom is. I wish I could go back and just relive how awesome that? Okay?
So so so now on the third you're you're two times into it.
Wait sweat, he's he was on one, go to two? So what happens to record?
And then two? Like so record one we had, you know, our very first hit, number one platinum Drunk Me got us going, and then you're like, what do what do you do next? And man, it's it's just tough because you want to you want to compete with that, And like then COVID happened and and I don't know, man, I put out a couple of EP's and luckily we got truth about You that worked for us on that one. And so this one's like monster, even you're even more you're afraid to like like, oh my gosh, am I going to be able to live up to at least having one off this record that does something or like it's it's I know, man, but I promise, I know, yeah, because it's become a job now now you have and I say this, it's like if I don't sing or wake up and sing or write these songs, like there's twenty people that don't get paid, my brother, you know, they my crew, my band, they're Bolton houses like that. That pressure wasn't there.
At the beginning.
And it's not like I'm not. I'm very grateful for it and humbled by.
Its way deeper than what I was even talking about.
You if you're tired and your voice is or something's going on in your life, and it's like, man, but if you don't do this, then the people that have been with you five years in a van to get to the bus and to do this, they don't have a lot they like it's that's the kind of stuff starts weighing on you and you're like, man, I have to have a hit to keep this lifestyle up so that they're happy on the road, and so you start weighing all this stuff. But then it gets to the point where like you hopefully have built a great crew that's going to be there with you through the valleys, through the hills and valleys. And this record, I really told myself that I'm going to go back and forget about the hit factor, forget about whatever that is, and I'm trying to do and go back to why I got signed when I knew nothing, when when I was writing music, like we were writing and they were like, there's something interesting about that that's different. And so I think we did that with this record. I told the radio team and everybody, I said, look, here are the songs. I want y'all to pick what you love because I love these there's not what so if y'all are all in the same page, then I'm on board with a single, whatever it is. And so that was the first time I kind of let the reins go where I didn't have an opinion on which one was chosen. I let them because when the teen's behind it, you got a better chance and you be like, I love this song, but they love that, Then you're gonna be finding that internal.
Bullshit, right that's why we create together.
This one. I you know, nervous, obviously nervous as hell, but I did feel a lot better making it. I had more peace of mind saying hey, man, I'm going to do what I did originally that that got people interested in the first one. And so there's twenty songs. We got to start writing something though, I mean before.
But that's actually what this is.
It's just you.
Actually you actually signed a paper. I don't know if you know you did. You signed a paper at least three.
One single. That's the.
Why was it important for you to name this the third?
Man? I missed my daddy. I lost my daddy to cancer, and I just wish he could have seen you know this, you know, getting to play in front of a stadium, you know, getting to know John Daily, you know, just just things in life and me and me and him were like grew up loving and doing, and so I wanted to pay homage to him and my granddad. I'm the third, James Mitchell Timpany the third, and Andy Albert. I'm sure y'all know Andy one of one of my best songwriters in town. Paul d. G Ivonni, Devin Dawson, a bunch of my friends. Andy always comes in when we write with a great title, like he always does, and he came in wanted to write a song about my name. And I wanted to write a song by my granddad and dad and in some way, but I didn't know how. And I was like, man, I don't know if I could sing my name like like I don't know, like it sounds a little cliche. And we found a way to make it feel like like if you you're gonna hear my name of the song, it says, you know, I'm James Mitchell Timpany the third, but you hear your name in that your family learn when you hear it. And we wrote it that way. When I sung, and I was like, Okay, it doesn't make me feel like I'm saying mine. I'm saying look, this is I'm proud of me. Yeah, I'm proud to be a part of where I come from. And so the name of the third was, you know, just to say thank you to my dad, like you know, so many friends I'm sure y'all might have had this experience, have moved here to write songs, and most of them their parents said, don't do that. That's the worst decision you'll ever make in your life. That's so stupid. Don't be a musician. I never got that. My dad and my mom would take me to venues and shows, and they put up with the screaming bands and the drummer to come back home to the country. And so I can't imagine having that monkey on your back too. As hard as this is, but to not have support from your family would be just devastating to me. So to see people work through that and have hits and say I'm gonna prove you wrong is inspiring to me. But I never had that. So I wanted to say thank you, thank you Dad and Papa for let me hurt your ears for a while.
Do you remember rocket Town?
I've played it a million times. I've been in Pitts a million times.
Armand every uh punk rock band played at rocket Town.
And you don't want to be a skateboarder until you walk into that place, dude.
We were six fired up, dude, And and I remember my dad mom drove from Savannah, and my mom walked in with like this white floral dress and long dress. You know, my dad has on like a tucked in a button down, sliky looking preacher shirt, you know, doing this, and there in the back, my dad's like yeah, yeah, and my mom is just literally just like she smiled. She got both things. She smiling like you're doing great. Meanwhile there's like kids in the pit throwing boat screaming and long haired emo kids everywhere, and my mom's got on like, you know, a brightened necklace.
And but she's there. She was there. We had this.
They never really looking Friday. She'll listen to this. She listens to everything. I think she would have loved for us to been in a gospel cors to, you know. But sure she always supported even you know, even when we wrote songs about beers, she still supported this.
You know, And that's awesome. I say, my rock would be in the back of rock town doing the same thing. And they let us. They let us come back home, came home. Let let us come back home, go out and do the thing. And now I just see a song with under Oath on this new record, So yeah, I got to scream with Spencer and and singing. So do you remember every now and then I tap back and you remember melee in the suns? Oh my gosh, kiddy, Dallas from Under Oath went the lead, the original screamer went made Meleen?
Is that right, dude?
I still I went to every show that Melene ever came.
We were probably some of the same. Oh yeah, I was throwing bells, bro Man.
You probably you probably knocked him out with them. That's why I got kicked out of football.
Yeah, a little aggressive. Yeah, that's a great story. I want a clip with that, even if we don't put it up. I got to have the clip of Red throwing them out. Man.
I love speaking of your name, my I think the one that stuck out to me the most was set It in Stone, Thank you off that record, because like I'm in that same place that that the singer that you are singing from in that In that I mean like I'm just trying to be a great dad. I'm trying to be a great husband. I'm trying to be a great brother, a great son, and and make every freaking moment I got left on this dirt what you say in that song camp Man, and and when when before they said it in Stone? Man, I want I want to make most of it.
I think it just as we get older, you got family, got us now there's there's just different priorities that change so quick and and and you start worrying about those kind of things, like what are people going to say when I'm gone? You realize you're not invincible anymore? College we were invincible and you're not invincible anymore. And and those kind of songs are what I tend to go. Like that was another Me and Andy song, Andy, like I get to I get to kind of dive into those with him a lot, which I love and and yeah, we were in that same room. He's got kids, and so we were just talking about that. It's like, what do we want, what do we want on our headstone? Man? What do we want to be truly left behind? People talking about us about it? Yeah, and that's yeah, thanks for saying that's one of my favorite songs on the record. And so I did that. I started the song with a third and then and then number ten is set in his own So it's like that half of the record is from that to that, and then the back half is some of my more R and B influences rock influence. I liked Tennessee and Me man, Yeah, I got Tennessee me. Yeah, yeah, thank you man.
I felt. I guess being raised in Tennessee, I felt like I identified with it.
That's my more like Dave Barns, Matt Wurtz kind of vibe, like I love.
I heard a lot of that stuff, man, I heard a lot of Mayor influence and some of those things. I heard a lot of like band Camino not thirty five stuff.
It's like the cool Well Jordan producer produces the Camino Boys and that it produces. Yeah, yeah, we've always worked together. I love that. Thank you man. Yeah, you know I love I love that band so much in those guys Camino Boys, Thank you man. Yeah. Just yeah. Like I said, I'm just trying to put throw, throw the money the wall, and just do what made me happy, made my head do this again.
So that's why if you're doing anything, this is life.
If you're doing anything for anybody else, you're doing it for the own reason.
Yeah. And I figured that out the last three years. So I'm the three or four really, so I'm like, it's time to time to start doing stuff for me.
Well, let me say this, man, there are I mean we've even talked about a few before. The MIC's wrong. There are a lot of different artists and a lot of different opinions, and there are a lot of different how do I say this, perceived personalities, But dude, this town loves you, man, and they love what you do. That you have an absolute reputation of being genuine and being a good guy and being extremely talented. Don't let me take that away. We all know that too. But I just I appreciate and the town appreciates what you do, and and and thanks for making good music and being.
A good dude man that you can tell me I'm serious, I'm serious. That's that's it, and and it goes both ways for you all. Thank you.
I appreciate you saying that.
And if you want to surround yourself with people like that, thank you for screed.
I know you were saying you wanted to your head on on that and and being a genuine guy, your hats. Everybody feels like that, So thank you. Thanks for coming and hanging out.
Let's talk about the ten penny fun. You had your second corn hole championship. Bro, how can we get in.
To make sure? Yeah, it's just the Yeah, I'm pretty, I'm just I'm pretty, y'all. Y'all, y'all be a team or yeah, I mean it's just it's very low key easy man. After you're done with the riding that day, walk over to Sony parking lot a TV and just we're gonna throw some bags, all right and raising y'all.
Y'all raised almost one hundred thousand dollars you last one.
Man. Yeah, man, it's it's it's really wild, like to see that kind of generosity. I mean truly, like that's that's a lot of money. Man. And we and we and over the years we've got this pile. We're we're so ready to start, you know. We we focus on the mental side. I want to focus on the mental side of hearing that disease. Well, my dad was going through and my grand I mean, my aunt still going through it. My mom just she's in remission right now. Thing, Can you clear up?
What the disease?
What do you a? Cancer? Sorry? Cancer? Yeah? What people don't know is like it grows and feeds off stress too, just like sugars and everything. Like it's cancer absolutely not. So to prepare yourself mentally to battle this disease is so important. And that's like we got great doctors, great drugs, new things coming out every day, and money goes all over the place of that. But like, the mental health care of that disease is something that I just didn't see happening during my dad's Like he had no one to talk to. He was a strong and stubborn man. You know, he wasn't gonna say how sick he was. But if he had someone he could call and just vent to about the disease, to prepare to go in and get the next radiation or there was something just that mindset. I've seen so many more success stories you're saying literally healing. Yeah, No, it's it's I mean there is science way beyond I mean so much science that that if you are prepared to battle it, your success rate is so much higher and greater.
But you got to have out for that man, and yes, you got How can you prepare to go into one of those things and then face cancer alone with with the right mindset?
Yeah, especially being a dad and a father, and you're like, no, I can't show him how sick I was. You know, you need somebody. And and as I get older to the importance of of of therapy, it's it's okay, it's not it shouldn't be taboo, like especially from southern strong man. I get it, but it's like it is something that is very important and and so that's what we want to focus on the most, because, like I said, a lot of money goes with the great drugs and you don't know what this. I want to go to somebody that can't necessarily afford therapy or doesn't know where to go or how to do it, make it a safe place where they can just talk and bitch and vent about having that disease and be like, Okay, I'm ready to go battle this today, and I promise you you'll see way more success stories.
How's your mom?
She's doing great and she's in remission because when she called me and my brother, I was I was writing at to Stephano's house and I get a call again, Hey go get your brother come to the house. And the last time I got that call, it was they were telling us about dad, and so I was like, I called Rafe and I was like, man, Mom didn'tay anything, but I know exactly what this is.
I already knew.
So I picked him up. We went there. She you know, starts bawling, crying, telling us she's got cancer. I was like, Hey, we're doing this different this time. I'm gonna know every step and through the grace of God. In this industry, I've gotten to meet incredible doctors and cancer and done events. And I called one guy he put me writing the best doctors.
Immediately with her, I mean and like just she was ready to battle it because she knew that her kids were behind her, and she was and you know, she kicked its task as so even in my own life, I've seen it work, but I've seen it work throughout and so yeah, anyway, ten Penny Fun is focused on the mental health part of God.
I love miss Debbie and I'm so flu she's doing well. I remember hearing it because they kept it kind of quiet at Sony for a while and they were like, Hey, I just want to let you know you're not, you know, surprised by Missie stepping out she's got cancer, and dude, I remember just being so sad. Man. That was because because I don't under we've never dealt with it in our fans, our family's heart disease, right, Like, that's all on both sides. So we're dealing with that constantly, trying to figure it out and Uh, I've never really even dealt with anyone super close to me having answer that I that I can remember, but most people do.
But a lot of you know, that's that's awesome and very surprising.
Yeah, it's generally everyone's touched, right, But that's incredible, I mean.
And yeah, ours is heart disease.
Yeah, I mean, I mean, which is a big.
Grandmothers. I mean, it's just it's in, it's in our genetics. So that's what we've dealt with. But I know a lot it affects a lot of people. And and man, that's awesome to know that you're you're doing what you can do and taking your platform to you know, raise some money for that.
Souff I just yeah, I hate it. I hate it. I hate cancer so bad. So anything we can do, man, Yeah, how can how can listeners h viewers?
How can we help?
Man, yeah, I mean if you feel like donating, great, if you feel like just preaching preaching the word. But yeah, website tenpenny Fun. If you google tenpenny fun, the number ten penny even if you spell it, I'm sure it'll find it. It's on the website for sure. But tenpenny Fund. Yeah, throw it into Google, Yahoo, Austin still a search engine.
Let's uh get us in that tournament will help race. Yeah, man, I'd love to be a part of that throwing.
I like the helicopter. I like the flat in the bag and kind of toss it like this to let it spin because when it hits flat, it won't slide at the ball.
Right, I do that, I don't want it to.
I do the corner grip so like hold it like up, like hold the bag here this finger wrapped around, but then throw it this way.
It's more of a loft type thing. I did win. I didn't win my tournament last year. I came in second the year before. Jared Mullens wouldn't miss.
It's not rigged. I just like the playbacks. But so yeah, come beat me this year before.
I will not be you, but I will come.
Who's your part of this year?
I don't know. Last year I did my wife, but I think that's too cliche. So I'm gonna I'm going to find somebody else. Uh.
Speaking of Megan, y'all go check out Megan past trick.
That's that's that's Mitchell's wife.
She's she's hell of an artist, held a songwriter. Uh man, Helen outdoorsman, dude, outdoors woman. However you say that she she loves outdoors, like I said, probably more than us combined. She she ever gets you out there.
Man, every every now and then. Man, I I haven't got the hunt in the last really two years except turkey hunting. Man. She she makes me so jealous. She gets she gets all these opportunities and like like, I'm like, it's so awesome. But she she loves it, man, Like She'll go out there and not get anything four times in a row. And I'm like, dude, if I'm my day is off. Like if I'm not getting something four days in a row, I'm just I'm sorry at this point. And she but she she literally loves it so much, man, and she's filling up our house. Man. The first time I ever met Megan was in a deer It was in literally in deer camp.
She's got a tattooed you know, her first book, She's got she killed a giant deer in Canada and got a tattooed on.
It's my favorite, Uh Meghan hunt story is she was it had to be at least three years ago, but she was determined that she was going to shoot a turkey by herself. And I've watched this progression of her on Instagram going through and just like documenting nothing, nothing, nothing. And then there's one day where she's like she's facetimed and was like.
Oh god, oh it was, And those phone calls are so great when she goes out. I'm asleep, But I love it because that that pure joy. Man. You know when your wife, when your wife is purely joyful about something, you can do anything. I can backflip against. I can always backflip back. The manager doesn't think I can blackflip, but I can flipa No. I mean like you know when you when they have that pure joy, it just lights young man. And so that's that's funny.
Too, man, Like, I'm sure she's the same way with watching you. And she's an artist and musician too, but she's she's she's supporting your passions and watching you complete extreams.
That's why we work so well together. We said, for each other's passions. Man, I think that's whole. As you get older, you have to have your hobbies and your passions and you want someone to believe in it as much as you love it, and so that's like important to have that as a woman.
We all went to Canada.
Oh my god, yes, oh my god.
What town was that in?
I have no Hamilton, Hamilton?
How did you remember? I have no idea.
I just said it incredible.
If you're listening from Hamilton, thanks for listening. But I don't.
But I don't like that.
I hate like four.
Meals of the Denny's that week, and I'm never going back. Bro I'm never blessed anyway. It's cool, good, Sorry that.
Thing you had to say, but it's time show for the one that got all our all our kind of little things sound the same. That's great.
We do this thing Mitchell called the one that got Away, which I know it's not gonna be the girl from Bigger Mistakes that you say that in.
The song she ain't got away. So just that you know that whoever that was about, you know who it was. Uh, you know who you are.
If there was one thing that you think about, could be a fish, could be a song, could be a deer, could be whatever. Turkey twenty thousand, like, I give card Hamburger, what what's your one that got away?
Man? I was thinking about it as I came in, and it's easy. So my dad mean that's we played golf and we shot. He had a gun in my hand when I was young, teaching me the safety and everything. So we used to go to gun shows all the time, and there he had this whole thirty eight he wanted to get rid of, and we wanted to get me a hunting rifle or a shotgun. So we were at this gun show and man, they had this Belgium Browning, a five light, twelve round knob gold trigger, the gun, the gun that I've always wanted. And then there was a thirty thirty Marlin like a three three six gold trick lever action, and so we were gonna he was gonna trade this gun for that, but he wasn't sure if he wanted to do it. This guy made an amazing offer, and we didn't do the trade, and we get in the truck and Dad goes, we made a mistake. Didn't let's go back in and get that. Get back in. They're gone. My whole life, I've been searching for these guns and going to every gun show. I found the the Browning about five years ago. Me and Brad Caaus and went to a gun show and this old man his wife is making himself all of his guns. Yeah, and you could see it in his eyes, dude, like when he handed me this and and I was like, man, I promise you this gun means so much to me already, I'm going to treat this with all the respect and care in the world handed down to my kids.
So I got that one, and you could see the relief out of his eyes. Okay, so where we missed the thirty thirty.
We got a bunch of listeners if you have.
And I know that's not it's hard to find a thirty thirty lever action these days. Yeah, but but it's I know what it looks like when I see it. I'm searching. I've seen some, but not in the shape like, excuse me, you gotta hold it. I gotta look at it. It's like one of those things I'll know when I see it. But I've been on the hunt for ten plus years for this gun. Bro, you got one thirty thirty thirty Marlin three three six gold trigger lever action. I don't care if fifty eight, I mean it could be. I think they made him in forty eight to whatever forty eight to sixties. I don't care. We have some dogs.
We got some gun hound dogs.
I would love to buy that gun. If I come across from someone's got it man, that would be ah, the one that get that, the one that got away. That's a good one.
I think that's the first gun one. That's a good one.
Yeah, that's a good one.
Next thing we do is favorite tune, so greatest slash favorite song.
We're doing a playlist.
Yeah, so we were talking earlier. I know it's generally country and Neon Moon would be that for me. Ronnie Dunn straight up, but I would argue that John Mary slow dancing in a Burning Room is could be a country song, just like remember when Alabama did god Mess? I spend a little more time on you and who was it John Michael Montgomery? Did I swear huge?
Huge and songs huge?
I feel like Blake Shelton in the style of Austin, should do? Uh? Should do? John Mayor? Can I just go for.
On Austin? I think Austin is one of the most overrated country songs of all time.
Hot take that's that's that's steamy hot, Okay, I love it. I love the hot take I.
Listen, man, I don't understand what happens in the song. I get that there's like a guy named Austin and there's also a city. If we've done this before, we've done this before, and and then it works and look I love Blake, dude, he's awesome. Yeah, I don't get I don't understand the infatuation song.
The girl's name is Austin, and he's he's leaving it. He was in so much.
Didn't even understand it.
Here we go. See, No, the girl's name is the girl's name is Austin. Is his name Austin too? No, he's just he's in so much love that he's literally leaving a voicemail in case she ever calls back in PS, this is Austin, I still love.
Didn't she go to Austin or something?
She always talks about leaving a number? I mean, it's it's definitely about a person right now, you're making me just how would a place call you exactly? Sure?
Sure it might not be her name not Austin.
She might be, it might be, but it is august This is Austin. No, No, no, he's not Austin. They're in Austin. The girl is the girl is Austin the significant other in there? So yeah, she left without leaving a number, says she needed to clear her mind. I mean I think figured she going bad to Austin, Okay, to her as just to sit like, yeah, like you from jackson Yeah, yeah, Jacksonville. If this is Jacksonville, I hate you still got a song?
Is a songwriter though? Is that our responsibility to make this crystal clear what.
It always was until you just did this to me, said, I've.
Lived with it ever since I started listening to coutry music.
Who cares over the giant song that's funny?
Okay? Then someone else besides Blake Shelton thinking it by.
Like this kind of country.
It's not a silly little moment. It's not the storm before the calm. She's a deepen dning bead. No dude, even book you seeing a hold and a hold that I can fee.
For battest dog, come and say, saust we moved it fast.
We're going down.
And you can see it going down and you know that we do mydeed. We so dancing. I just think that song is like that was the best way to express that feeling. Of knowing you're with the wrong person and not knowing how to break their heart. Man, I've never heard someone write a song that tells that specific situation that we've all been in so perfectly.
I can remember where I was when I heard that song.
It's yeah, same, yeah. I was at a skate center. I was that's so funny.
I was in an apartment above a garage dating a girl that I was.
Like, it just it just hits you so hard. There's a do y'all know Blue Fold? Yeah, man, I love He had a song called Tomorrow and it's like I'm gonna I'm like, tonight, I'm gonna give you one last name, but tomorrow I'm gonna break your heart. And I always thought that was kind of in that same vein. I wrote a song on brad CAUs and called you know, I know something she don't know, kind of in that pain. I've always tried to get somewhere around that song, but you can never write it the way he wrote slow Dancing in a Burning Room, because you can image dancing in a burning room. Oh my god, We're gonna play this out as we literally kill each other, like as it golfs around us. And I just I don't know that's the way this turns out. Yeah, that's that's It's a perfect song in my opinion.
Bro, thanks for hanging Thank you.
I don't know that, dude, absolutely no, that's you aren't the I still can't go to that trampoline parking Antioch either. Man, there's a there's some I gotta I fixed some things and like.
Hey, man, y'all check out the new album, the third out, the tenpenny fun go help where you can. Me and Dan are coming for that title in October.
Let's go, baby, come.
I'm gonna buy some boards and just start figuring it out.
Yeah, you better because your boy your boys douts.
I got the backs to like the slick side and the sticky sopping.
Thanks for hanging out.
That was fun.
I enjoyed doing it so much. Man. All the respect to you boys. Thank you.
What you got going for the rest of the year. Music wise, What are you doing, man?
Just torn? Just torn? Yeah, just now start a fall tour, welcoming to dramar headline. Finishing this tour, me and Jordan Davis played Thursday and Fridays and then we get to hop over to the stadiums with our boy combs nice so finish out that tour, do ours and keep Bryan songs is getting the room.
Boys, I love to thanks for hanging out God's Country see how Time