Reid and Dan hop on for another bonus episode where they string together thoughts that range from their new studio, to losing girlfriends in the past while chasing whitetail in Illinois to Dan's son, Buck, who's already itching to get in the woods. Reid gives a little insight to a song he wrote with Dylan Marlowe called "Stick to My Guns" thats stirring up some controversy and shares a 10/10 embarrassing encounter with Vince Gill from earlier this week that will make you want to crawl in a hole for him.
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M hm.
You know what is interesting the other not here's a here's the true truth about me.
And being vulnerable here.
I don't watch our YouTube much and I don't listen to our podcast much like after the fact. But the other night I was laying in bed, and uh I was. I looked up the YouTube, the our God's country YouTube Meteor channel, and most of the time we do those. Most of the time we do them, but it's dead on. I don't know that there's one that we didn't get it. Huh for real? Shocking, Yeah, for real.
That's shocking. That's where I would think.
All that to say that me and Dan have perfect pitch. I guess, So, no, we don't. We don't, man, I'm glad we didn't record this yesterday, tough day. We'll just kind of run it down that what happened. We showed up over here over here, meaning my house, to knock out the the basic extra extra content that we do because you guys, dude, I can't believe people listen to us. I can't believe people want to hear us talk more than we already talked on the other podcast. But I get it, I mean I get it. I guess once you get kind of tucked into something you want to know. So we got over here yesterday and to knock this extra bonus episodes as they're calling up sidepo sidepod out and we couldn't come up with stuff to talk about. It was hot outside.
It was the least of our worries.
We kids were getting dropped off. I got a brand new baby.
It's just my kid is screaming.
I didn't sleep it all, man, I didn't sleep at all night before last.
Yeah, we weren't really in the mood.
But then this morning it's like heaven outside.
My kids slept. They only got up one time the night. I walked them straight back and they put them straight back to bed. They fell straight back asleep. I walked right back into my room and went to bed, and then they came in there at six, and I was like, I mean, I want to say, my eyes were shut and I was sleeping by eight fifty last night. Yeah, that was good. And I woke up at six feeling like I've been doing.
Man, I've been on a I've been on a late night ground, like like a night out ground. I don't know why, but I'm not I don't enjoy it. I love going to sleep at are you doing stro eight thirty nine?
No, that's what do you do?
I mean last night I was track guying down here. I literally till like twelve fifteen, man, so far, but it's the only time. It's the only time I get. So I feel like, if I go to sleep.
It's the only time you get unless you do what I did this morning, and I was like, well, I think it was supposed to be cold outside it and I walked outside dude fifty five.
Yeah, I'm jealous that fifty.
Eight and I just sat. I just sat out there. I took thirty deep.
That's deer season weather.
And then I came right back in and I warm plunged.
Well, yeah, that's a warm plunging going.
It's good man.
You know.
It really opens up the veins and allows the blood flow. I'm telling you, when I pop out of that hot shower, it's like nobody talks about it. Mean, everybody's cold plunge trending, and I get that, but I'm gonna take something warm. I'm starting anything called warm plunging. Where you sit outside, you're a trendsetter, dude, and then you come back in you take a hot shower, feel like a million busted. I feel like revitalized, clean, smell.
Good soap and the worm plunge Yeah nice.
Yeah, that's the thing about cold plunge. You just gotta go sit in some water and then get out warm plunge. You can wash.
Yeah, it's cool, dude, fifty five is I mean, that's that's like, that's like late October.
We're getting into November weather.
I kept thinking, man, the only way this would be better is if I was like on a pine tree.
Yeah, with like a bow. Not yet.
Yeah, it's not time. It's not time, but it was.
It was good.
It was good morning. I think we've got a few more cold days coming this week and then it gets probably back to hell.
Yeah, this whole week has been incredible.
Don't get don't get like to thinking it's fall.
Don't let it trick you.
Don't get your sweat wet sweatshirts out, don't full your boots out.
What do you do with you? I put I put mine in plastic binds and put them in roage.
That's what Jordan does.
We don't have any room.
We don't either. This whole, this whole closet.
Thing over here is full of plastic bins and all of her seasonal clothes. I never, I don't know that I've ever one time in my life taking things out of a closet, put it in a plastic bag, and then brought like my sweatshirts that I wear in the foller in.
My closet right now, hanging up. I don't have any room in there.
It's all like when I put pants and I gotta and shove them in there and they're all boat out and stuff.
But I don't yet. I don't do that. All my all my shoes.
Are in the same spot. I'm not a I'm not a chick.
You are. We kind of interesting day to day moving into our own space.
Turning the page, gcps, turn the page.
Yeah, for better or for worse, we are moving into our own room.
On music crow, Yeah, I guess the next uh, the next part the YouTube podcast that you y'all will see. I think we have we haven't. We have an episode that we hadn't released that we did from the old one, the old podcast room.
But and look there's no hate towards the old space. Oh no, guys are super nice.
It was awesome. We love we love Interstate, but the opportunity popped up to where we could get our own, you know, room on the row and vibe it out the way we wanted to and have access to it.
All the right songs up there and kind of literally have our own room.
Yeah, the Brothers Hunt Slash God's Country podcast headquarters. But yeah, we're moving, we're moving into we're door doing this podcast this morning, and then we're gonna go to the side. Right now.
Who's going who's making the cut to go up in the office For me, it's Tar, It's New Zealand Tar. He's making the cut.
That's an easy because Shane hates that thing. Yeah, and your dog and Roomy hates that thing too, Yeah, hates it.
Uh meat Eater Antelope making the cut, it's going up there.
And then the one that was in Boon's ram and then I gotta check on my antelope. It's getting the mount.
And then also uh Massia up Turkey from down there in Texas.
That's hanging in my garage.
So I got to give up too.
Deer dude, do you go like one Tennessee one out of state or do you just go like.
Like what's the baddest Tennessee deer we got.
I mean probably at ten point.
I don't know, dude, My dear right there is my bladed butt is nasty.
Yeah, he's nasty.
That's a nasty bladed But.
I mean he's your he's your typical frame Tennessee deer. You don't see a lot of Tennessee deer with like a with a twenty inch spread and straight ten point with ten inch and eleven is G two's and g's three's.
That's that's a non typical Tennessee. But with the flame G two and in the blading.
He's non typical by one point on his left side.
No, I'm saying, no, he's just not a typical looking frame a deer. I don't think I like that deer. If I was taking a deer mind, he.
Would probably go, I mean, then you got the different deer, You got the bigs over here, bad?
I mean that freak.
It's just this one's a good This one's a good conversation starter. This this Illinois eight point because while the season I was hunting that deer in Illinois, you.
Mean the season like deer season or like the season of.
Your life, scoot up to the mics the season well both.
Easy for you to say you have an actual mic stand. I'm on a shooting the Bog pot Bog pod, so dumb I'm doing here. We gotta get another one for here or something. Uh, Jordan, let's get some of these for the room. Yeah, these road and another one, so order an extra for this freaking probably four Yeah.
Uh this deer, this Illinois eight point that's hanging round above my computer is uh, gosh, SEU quit running on the podcast. This deer right here is this eight point season of life and season literal deer season that I killed that.
In shout out Rob Hatch. Yeah, And I was thinking last night, man, I love I miss Rob Hatch. Those guys are all all those cats?
Do you remember those drives up the Rob He's so awesome and he is one of the best storytellers that I have ever come across. Man, Dude, his stories on the way to Illinois and back.
That's a great idea, Dude, he's because I'm telling you, Yeah.
We can do we can try to probably do try to hit him in Dallas at the same time, but we'll probably just.
Do that'd be too much.
Yeah, he's wilds.
Yeah, I don't remember this. Let me say one thing that Rob Hatch said to me that I'll never forget. And Rob Hatch is a songwriter that came up with with Jared.
Demon and Jamie Johnson.
Jamie Johnson, they're all big buddies. They're kind of like their camp Luke Bryan Dallas saying all those guys, uh.
They used to their group coming up and if you're trailer no, just trailer park boys, was it?
Yeah, it's just the trailer park Boys. The trailer park is what they call. Yeah, the trailers.
Trailer Park Boys is like.
That's a Canadian TV show. Yeah, I think it was. The Trailer Park is is was there like suite in that building that they all their office that they all went to and rode out of and stayed in. If you're not if you're not familiar with if with Nashville and kind of like riding groups, there's like there's a lot of a lot of kids and a lot of guys in the same age women too, that move into town at the same time, and you just form these little friend groups and usually they come with names and and that's kind of who you who you ride through town with and and and work your way up the ladder with and their group was those guys and they were called like the trailer park. Uh, I mean there's I could go for days on the stories.
But yeah, let him do that. Yeah, he said to me, it was right before we had We were riding with Luke, and I think Luke had just had like one hit. He was like, hey, man, me and.
You, we were riding with Luke Kong's Yeah.
I think, boy he he had it was early he had a hit, not with us, Yeah, And he said, you boys touched in pretty good on that looking thing. I was like, oh, dude, he's one of our best buddies. And he was like, man, hold on, yeah, I said what do you mean? And he was like, you guys are about to go for the ride of your life, no doubt remember saying that, and that the these next five to ten fifteen years are going to be the best years of your life.
For sure.
Some bitch was right, he's right.
And how many years are we into that?
Yeah, five years into that and it has been.
It's been incredible. Yeah, it's still incredible.
I mean just getting to provide for your family by you know, making being creative with your friends. I mean, it's such a I say that all the time to people like, Man, I don't know, chilling a big buck is awesome, Turkeyuntain's awesome. But I don't know that there's a better feeling on earth than knowing that something you have created, created in your own brain, uh, made money to the not not that it just made money, but that provided for provided for your family. Like you didn't tangibly build something something that you believed in your brain, whether it was just coming to Nashville and being a songwriter, or just an actual idea that you had that translated into a song that translated into a cut that translated into a hit. It's like and and essentially that dollar hitting your checking account.
And you, guys, bizarre, it's bizarre, and you're.
Going, hey, man, sure, let's let's uh, let's get a golf cart. You know what I'm saying.
Uh, I think too.
Like it's specially coming from not being able before nothing.
Well, it also feels like like when we go to those shows and here sixty to eighty thousand people screaming words that we came up with, helped come up with.
To me, it makes me feel good, don't. Don't.
I'm not tripping on that. Like, it makes me feel real good and I'm real proud of that. But when people when I take somebody or like like I've got buddies there that are seeing that thing go down, it blows their minds like like it is a way bigger deal to them. I think we're just you know, I think I'm a little bit just jaded by you know, the town and the industry a little bit to where I don't it's awesome, but you know what I'm saying, does that make sense?
You know? Well?
I think because we live in such a fast paced next song, next song, next song, next song mindset, fans don't live in that mindset. No, I know this song, this is this is what it means to me. I can't wait to hear it live.
That's totally different than what we live in. And honestly, I think it kind of pulls some of the joy from music.
Sadly, it absolutely does well it because it's just it's and I tell this to people all the time. Man, They're like, how does it you know what live in the dream? You know? And it's like, yeah, man, we're having fun and we're writing songs and it's a great job. But it's a job, dude. It's a job, man. And there are days I wake up and don't want to go do it a lot, and there's are days that I think about doing different stuff and all that. Man. It just you know, it's just like anything else. Man, it wears on you when you do something over and over and over. Especially with this thing. Is like, I mean, how many songs you've written, bro, Probably five? Yeah, And because I've been in it roughly thirteen twelve, thirteen years and averaging one hundred hundred and twenty five songs a year, and three of those, honestly, three out of twenty five hundred songs really matter. They all like there's there's more cuts in there and all that kind of stuff, but three really matter. Well, you know, I mean as far as and that's crazy, dude, And.
I know what you have. And I try to explain this to people when they ask about There are also cornerstone songs that didn't one thousand per make money, but what they did they changed the mindset of someone who mattered towards you in order to give you that opportunity.
So if not your own mindset.
I mean I think of I think a song, like when I think about those songs, one of them for me was and Jamie was Mississippi Moonshine. Dude, I know that's like people are like, oh, college, if.
You haven't checked out that YouTube video by the way, go check out you know Missipish.
But I'm just telling you, in college, that was a song that like was like the full back to us being the tailback. It cleared the hole in order for us to get through the line.
That's football reference right there, to.
Get to the backfield. You know what I mean. Now, do we score on that play? No, but we got eight yards and it made the next first out. I'm sorry, I'm being very football here, but I'm saying, yeah, it just kind of pushed us to a place to where you could do something else. And then the next the next real key corners in my career was Rebel Kids that Justin Moore cut me and Randy wrote that, and I wasn't even get sniffed as a published songwriter at the time. I had left my first little company and I was in this weird window where I was completely betting on myself and in the process my wife was funding my existence just as a girlfriend, which is nuts and kind of yours two for a while.
That's kind of how it happens when you don't have anything going on, you're chasing this thing.
That's true. So we wrote Rebel Kids. It went on Hold my company. I'm at Sony now is like kind of took notice. And let's be honest. I mean, that's another thing I can tell to listeners if you're pursuing this thing. The truth is, and I'm not sure that not everybody's gonna tell you this, but I'm gonna tell you this because it's the truth is, these these big corporations, they're not going to really genuinely care about you until you make a little money.
Well not, what do you mean make a little money? Sorry, it's not like it's not really it's have a little action going yeah, until you've got until you have a product that can make them money. Yeah yeah yeah, And I don't it's a business, dog, it's at the end the day, it's business.
Yeah, it's a business. But I'm not saying that that's even a bad thing.
It's not because here's the thing.
If I'm running a sewage company, okay, and I need a plumber. And you come in and you go, hey, man.
I really want to be a plumber.
No, I've been a plumber and I'm really good at it. It's just this company shut down and I need a job. Well, okay, show me, show me your work. Here's me show here's me plumbing this thing. Here's me doing some plumbing. Right, you're like, oh, okay, cool, you can do this. You've got a history of doing it, You've provided for your family by doing it. Well, that guy's way easier.
I know.
Yeah, I can count on you to do it to make me.
Sweet, way easier to hire than the guy that shows him, goes, I want to be I'd like to be a plumber for what I've been.
I've been plumbing for a couple of years.
So I'm not hating on the business. I'm just saying it is a business, and it's and that's okay. And so you know, having songs that that kind of get you to that point is uh, it's pretty amazing. What's the Cornerstont song for you? I don't say your first song I wrote that. You just sat there and watched.
Over that lick. Dude came a li and that kind of love we made. It was my it was my corner.
Skipped this and tired thing. We just went straight to uh yeah what were what were where were pat?
Yeah? Oh yeah, Illinois, Illinois? So we were going up to Illinois with Rob and this one season. It was a few seasons, but this one season, man that it was the first year that we were doing it and I was just young. Ho dude, I was up there. I was running social media for I built the website for the Outfitter were we were kind of working with. I stayed at there so much and I just signed that like March of that year. So so March of that year, going into hunting season down in September with with Sony Music Publishing and it was my second pub deal ever. And had a girlfriend as well at the time. And do literally that deer that's hanging above my computer is the reason I got broken up with. You lost both of them, and I lost both of them. I lost a pub deal and I lost and I, dude, I'm weirdly proud of that now, especially now sitting you know where on the other side of it. But I am weirdly proud. And that's what that deer means to me. Not that I like, I chased it so hard to lose a job and a girl of relationship, but it just like I'm proud that that that was a Missouri year, was it? No? I lost a girlfriend on that year so too. But I'm proud that, bro, I'm proud that deer hunting means that much to me. And it's not like I'm doing it now. Like I've got a family and kids and my priorities, and I in some you might say that my priorities were out of line then, but I don't know, man.
I wouldn't. I wouldn't say that about our past. I mean we're in our twenties and you look. I mean, I can literally remember.
It's not the only reason them. By the way, there's there's other stuff I'm saying.
I there was we so every buddy of ours from David Duncan has also has some a large amount of property up in northern Missouri. And man, I think people knew we were grinding to try to make music work, and they respected it and were like, man, y'all come home with us, you know what I mean, Like we were given.
Some We'll throw your bone.
Yeah, we'll throw your bone. Yeah, I mean we were throwing some bones over the past.
Years living on the houseboat, moving furniture.
Just man just grind and they respected it. Hey come home with us. So we really got the opportunity to do that. And one of the places we got.
And when we got the opportunity to do that, we ate it.
We did it.
We ate Yeah. So we stayed in Missouri in a camper for a month in like a trailer park. That was awesome. That was a lot of fun, just even being it was like it's own.
You stayed there for how long by yourself before I got there?
Three weeks?
Two weeks? No, it is like a week because me and Jonathan went to Illinois for a week from your birthday party we had, yeah, on the October October twenty, that was my thirtieth birthday part. Me and Jonathan left the next morning and went to Pike County and hunted for a week.
And you went to Missouri and then y'all you.
Met us midway and I jumped in the truck with you and we went back to the Missouri y'all midway like y'all you you came okay, Well, no, Jonathan came later, but.
We stayed there. We stayed in a tree for like twenty eight days. Yeah, And on like day twenty four, the girl I had been dating called. I was like, hey, in respect, dude, I'm not going to say.
That's about the time the girl I was dating's mom called me.
Put jump in my story. So I said hey, like hello, and she's like hey, uh so, like how's it going. I was like, man, we ain't killed nothing, like, we're not saying much man, And she's like, oh for real. I was like yeah.
She was like, is I got a question?
She's like, is this is kind of like how it's gonna be? And I was like, what do you What do you mean? She was like, I mean like you've been going three weeks and I was like, oh, yeah, this is definitely how it's gonna be. And I've got another week and a half to go. And she said, well, I think we're kind of done and I was like, you know what, yeah, we probably should be. And so along the way, and I think the point you're getting to is there have been people as well as jobs, And is that too deep of an obsession? I don't think so. Man, I think It's about the timing in your life when you can do that right now. Look, you got kids at home, you got a wife at home. That's different than I have your old friend.
Yeah, and you're thirty six instead of twenty six.
You know, But I'm saying, even if you're twenty six and you gotta walk kids home, oh sure, man, you sure be it you. I always say this to Shyanne when we don't feel like doing something or when we feel like acting out because our kids are acting out. Here's the thing, dude, they didn't pick us. They didn't ask to be born into our family. They didn't ask to be brought into this situation like we brought them into this. So it's our responsibility to sacrifice whatever we love in order to make sure that they're up.
That's what fatherhood and a great husbandhood is agreed.
And what I'm saying is when you get into that point, that's a different deal. But I do feel like and if anybody's listening to this and they're twenty one and they want to freaking go hunt Elk for a month, you should do that.
One hundred percent.
You should do that because if you have ambitions of having a family, which we we did. We're family, dudes. I got three kids now, I can't believe I'm even saying that I got three kids, dude, yeah, freshy, and I wanted those. I wanted that. I wanted to have that.
But you also knew going into that, and you knew wanting that meant that you couldn't have a month in Missouri anymay.
Absolutely, yeah, which is why I did it. When when I was thirty yeah, or twenty eight nine? Now would I go for a month?
Hell yeah, go you go? And I wouldn't even call home. But uh and but but it's different now. And honestly, Shina, I've been talking about that, like maybe next September we find like an airbnb on some public and we rent it for a month.
It changes, right, it changes? It changes.
You never want to stop doing.
It, no, were You can't when you love it as much as and it's when it's ingrained in you and flows through you like freaking blood in our veins. Man, you can't stop it. It's you know, it's it's it's an addiction.
Also, find you a wife that understands that clutched.
Oh, there ain't no doubt, bro.
My wife, kids it and we still have fights about it. Not fights, but.
It's also like it's hard to go find that. But just like, don't settle if your wife, if the girl you're dating and you're talking about married and stuff, and like she's not supportive of your passions, whether it be freaking deer hunting, whether it be living in the country, country, living far away from a town, like find find a girl, find a boy, whatever, whatever. If you're yeah, if I find you someone who supports you and and and loves.
You for who you truly are.
Man. But because we all we all just say this, no, I loves you.
It's tough.
That felt weird when I said, because.
If I said to Shane, hey Shine, I'm never hunt again, she'd go, Okay, yeah, she doesn't love me for being a deer hunter.
What she.
Loves me for who I for who I am.
Yeah, but you can attribute deer hunting to being a part of who you are and creating and and I'm getting there and creating who you are.
I think she understands now that in order for me to be the best version of myself, I need outside dim It's just the truth. It's just the truth. I don't have to have it. I would still be like faithful and a good dad if I didn't deer hunt.
But it is.
It's there's a like a cleansing thing that happens, and honestly more of like a understanding of Man, I'm I'm grateful. I'm thankful I took a break from the grind of providing and raising kids and being a husband and vacuuming all the vacuuming all the time to just get outside and like clear my brain.
You were vacuum vacuumin cheerios up in my house as well.
I know, man, It's just kind of how it goes. Did you ever talk about that, dear? Yeah?
What? Yeah?
Are you talking about killing it?
Though? That was a cool hunt and this dear, Yeah, No, I haven't talked about killing I was just telling him I lost a girlfriend.
We lost girlfriends and everything else to it. But let's talk about the actual hunt. That was awesome.
Well, I mean we had.
Trail camera pictures. Now it was probably four hundred yards away from you, and we were walking through that muddy Yeah.
This this outfitter had third like fifteen thousand acres.
We go calling an outfitter.
It was at the time.
It was just a guy that had a bunch of ground that we hunted.
It was an outfitter. We were selling hunts.
It was.
It was southern Illinois out to whitetail connection.
Yeah, and it might still might be, but uh yeah, I hunted me and DWN hunted this river bottom and out there. It's hunting the Midwest and probably some of you are from there if you're listening to this, But hunting the South and hunting the Midwest is completely different, man. And where we hunt in the South and where we grew up hunting in West Tennessee. Man, You've got a thousand acre just ridge system with a valley in the middle of it, and it's covered with oak trees and everything is betting. There's no really funnels, there's no like pinch points.
It's all.
It's all you're hunting ridge tops, hunting oak flats. You're hunting sign yeah. And and and food food plots we were doing We were doing food plots in the.
Food plots though, honestly.
But in the Midwest where this deer was living, it was this little there was this little river bottom with just i mean giant agfields on either side, of it. So there's this pencil thin finger of woods for you know, probably half a mile running against this river, and it was the perfect scenario for a bow kill. And and it got into I hunted them all year long. I saw a lot of good deer. There were a lot of good deer in that area.
But you remember that one.
Oh yeah, there's roman those Yeah, it was stupid showed up on Halloween under that stand. But I climbed down and went to the standard that I usually hunted this this night and I took a climber into this kind of this intersection where it was like a.
Where are we coming to the end? Was that mega late season?
It was.
I think it's like the first week of December.
I'm saying, Yeah, that's what I'm saying. That's megalate for up there.
Yeah, And we were coming to the end of our hunt. Like it was kind of right we were the only ones up there. Well, no, we I mean the time I killed that, Megan Patrick was up there, Langston was up there, the Hatch was up there.
Mexican Yeah.
Yeah, but it was kind of like this this Chris cough what do you call that?
Like it was like an intersection of there were woods, there were woods like a like like a four square, like a four corner. Meat and woods were on diagonal of each other, and agfields were diagnaled each other, and it was a perfect It.
Was like where four of those fingers kind of came together to create an intersection, and you.
Were just sitting in the middle of it, right because we knew those deer were coming across that They're not they weren't going those agfields. They were coming. They were just hitting the woods and running that travel corridor right there. Yeah, and I and and I saw a bunch of deer this this evening, and sure enough I looked over one time and he was. Man, he was standing there broadside at twenty five yards. I don't even hear him coming. And yeah, I was. We were trying to film do the Brothers Hunt film and stuff at that point, and I the camera that I was using had died, but I had the go pro, So the only angle I turned the GoPro on facing me, So the only angle we have of that shot is of me like freaking out, like and then uh, yeah, dude, I mean we didn't. It wasn't really that bad, it was, but yeah, I put it, I put a totally nobody would know, put a great shot on him, and me.
And Dan got to trail him out. So here's the interesting middle of that cut being film.
You shot that deer, and like ten minutes later we heard Kyle zil. Yeah, maybe not even ten minutes. It might have been. It was remarkably close to the moment that you shot that deer. I remember him thinking, is Isa Kyle Hellen in the area that he shot that deer in?
And then I mean that I shot him right at dark.
He must have just trailed him immediately.
Did I'm glad I hit him. I'm glad I hate him good because if I didn't, they'd run him out of the county.
Yeah, you know, they ate his high court.
By the time we got there, absolutely had almost half of him that was not half of him gone.
And we didn't we didn't leave it, let him late or nothing.
I mean, I knew I hit him good, and.
Yeah I saw blood and stuff when he's running off. Yeah, yeah, that was a big deer. That was fine.
That's a big eight point man. That's a And honestly, dude, that's the crazy thing about hunting deer here and up there. Like when I saw him, I knew he was big, and I was like, that's a shooter. But I had no idea he was that big until we got over him. And I don't know that I'll I don't know that I'll kill a bigger eight point in my life. We take. I think he's right under one fifty. Yeah, I think he's. I think he's I mean, I'm gonna call him one fifty eight point, but I mean he's like you'll see him in the pipe in the new pod rooms. He's probably got what like twelve inch two's yeah, at least, I mean, he's just a hammer. So, I mean, I don't know, do you take do you take a Tennessee deer and then that deer? Do you take that deer and then the one hundred and sixty five inch Oklahoma point or.
One hundred and sixty five points inch?
Yeah, that's a freak up there. Yeah, let's stay on deer hunting man. This is fun. What uh.
What are you saying? We've got what what is today?
The twentieth twenty first, So we're twelve days out from Velvet.
Yeah, And I have a love hate with Velvet man because I as cool.
Now, Look, you probably love it a lot more if we had a giant that's daylight and I was just.
Say, now, look, if we had hundred and fifty inch deer running around, I'd.
Be gassed up to I'm actually jealous of those guys who do.
Like We've got some buddies who've got some really good deer showing up in Velvet and they're gonna they're gonna go after them.
We've got some on the fencers.
Yeah, we got some of the liners. They're in my back food plot last night.
Dear don't show up. Really, our shooters don't show up till octobersh yeah, most of the time.
But I'll tell you one thing I have done that I'm getting a lot of action on is you know I talk a lot about that. The area of my farm that I let grow up was just natural growth. And uh, the other day I was like, man, you know what I want to do, Because it's year four, I'm gonna cut it in or burn it or something. In January. I'm getting it's going down because, believe it or not.
There getting a bunch of cool native grasses in there.
Yeah, the most nutritious h stuff for deer as well as bedding and cover for turkey polts as well as young deer is one to four your growth natural growth. So at year four you either got to cut it or you got to burn it, or you gotta do you gotta get it because what starts happening is the what they call woody species gets too thick right that you can't cut it with a bushog You can't. You got it, and it becomes less nourishment nutritional atricianal bave for the dear. So I'm cutting it anyway. In January, so I was like, man, you know what I'm gonna do. I'm going to cut about a four to five lane bushoged trail through through the middle of it, just a walking path because I know the deer want to go from the from the higher ground to the lower ground anyway. So I'm just going to cut a path. And now, man, I can sit there. I got a camera on it, but I can also sit there in the evenings from a ridge point and just watch that. And it's like a highway, man, there's stuff coming down through there. Dos and fons are using it like crazy. It's only been I've only done it for three or four days, but a little deer. I really think that's gonna be a because because, like read was saying, the Midwest is different because it's open, you can see, you can hunt well down here. It's so damn scrubby. I mean, you got to you got to cut if you want to see deer, you got to cut something, you know. And so unless you're hunting an agg which we're not.
And and I'm gonna tell you, man, they're using it like crazy. And uh, I think I'm going to implement that into my strategy for the rest of my life. It's going, Man, if it's mega thick and I can cut some trails through it in order for them to be able to access.
It, because path least resistance, I think they do that.
I think that's a thing, man.
It is.
I mean, it's just like they're a you know.
It's it's a lot like cattle, right, Like cattle are going to take the easiest trail you go to, you go watch and your go look at a farm, you know, and it's got cattle trails, Like cattle are going to find the easiest path to get away on that thing. And and if you go up in the woods. You're going to see the same thing with deer trails is they're going to be on shelves and they're gonna be on the top and saddles and saddle.
We used to hunt and I love the saddle too.
In western cit that's a mean, that's a mean.
Well, it's a tactic for southern hunters. I think where you have ridges, legit, tall strenuous ridges to get.
Up the saddle is is is the is the area between the two tops of those ridges that is lower that where those are two ridges come down and meet the to get across that going perpendicular to those ridges.
It's called the saddle historically on our on our leases because we hunt a lot of.
Giant hill, big timber, arguable.
Mountains at times. Uh, that's one thing we've really learned that a lot of times you'll have a rub line will be very prominent on those saddles. And it's just a I mean, it makes perfect sense. Instead of going over here where I got to walk up two thousand feet of element, I'd rather go across the same ridge at sixteen hundred the way, I don't have to walk that extra four hundred up a hill. Yeah. Well, the deer know that too, especially after they've been living there.
So what those big bucks is, what we found too, is on those ridgetops deering the rut, those those big bucks will bet up there and they'll get all the thermals coming up and they know they know exactly what's underneath them in every direction, they can see, they can smell. They're away from predators, the energy at all, just so what they can do between the one of those saddles are so hot too, is that buck will stand up when he's ready to move and he'll just walk off that ridge nose and go through that saddle. It'll because he knows those aren't going to go up to that ridgetop. Apparently those are going to use that saddle going back and forth. He's going to go see what's up there, and then he might go on up to that other He might drop off there's a hot dough, but at night he's probably going to come up in bed on another ridgetop close to down wind, close to one of those hot spots. Saddles.
To be careful when you come stomping up in there with your axe bodies. Brown. He might be a one hundred yards.
From you Yeah, check out.
If you've got on X and you're a Southern hundred hunting big woods or potland or whatever that have rigid systems like that, look for it's it almost looks like an eight where those saddles because you've got the tops, the peaks are gonna be, they're gonna be the peaks of those mountains, hills, whatever, are gonna be in circles, and then that saddle is gonna form kind of just this like eight thing eight kind of figure eight kind of looking at it. But that's a that's a little Southern hunting tip.
Interesting man, good information. I like that. Yeah, I'd like to switch gears into we put a bullet point up that I feel like this is an important thing to establish as a hunter, whether you're new to it or whether you're longing to it.
And it kind of goes back to what we were talking about earlier.
What makes what makes a hunt or the hunt successful or satisfying to you as a hunter. And I think that's a big that that should be a topic that we discussed because I don't feel like we're now. Look I like a big dear dude, I like a big stinking ten.
Giant here's the thing. So does the internet. So does.
Now I'm not saying I don't like that, of course, but and originally that was kind of all I cared about. But that is that's changed. That has changed. It's probably changed for me eight years ago, five to eight years ago. Uh And and I don't mean to put a time on it, but I started realizing recognizing that the challenge of it is what does it for me? And also, well, there's different aspects of it, right, there's who I'm doing it with, there's uh, you know what really trips your trigger as a hunter?
Yeah. Well, and going back to spending those weeks and in a month and in Missouri and those trips, think about all those man, we didn't harvest a lot of big deer on those trips, but you think back to it, and that's some of the greatest, some of the greatest times in camp that we've ever had. And and listen and I would come home for those trips and be disappointed, you know, because because there wasn't one hundred and sixty in the back, you know. But but but that's heyday of That's what I'm saying.
No, no, no, that's everybody we know posting pictures with one eighties.
Yeah, well, that's what I'm saying, is like back then it was it was about the camaraderie and the friendship and the relationship and the camp and stuff. But it was more than that.
It's about the giant deer.
It's about hunting the Midwest and having the opportunity of killing a one hundred and eighties deer. Now, though, if you were to say, hey, man, let's go to Illinois, le's go, I would be jacked. I would be more jacked about spending going to camp with buddies. And I would for sure try to take my dad because that's that's kind of what it boils down to me now, is hunt with him and you and.
Dot's just do this some comparisons, all right. On the left hand, you've got you get to shoot one hundred and eighty inch deer broadside at a camp in Nebraska by yourself. On the right hand, you get to spend a week with I can't do Dad, because that'll win me in West Tennessee, and you kill one hundred and forty five inch with our kids.
West all day.
Really, I'm trying to make it close.
No, no, no, I know I mean put a two hundred up there. Honestly, honestly, I would probably still pick that. Really the fifth wheel trailer with the two by four porch on it.
Man, at this point in my life, like that is.
I long for that week, man, more than the dear thousand percent agreed. I agree with them on thousand percent. Now take away the kids and it's just you. I might go shoot the two hundred Nebraska two hundred. Yeah, I said, no, I know, but make it.
You give me a two hundred Nebraska over a week with you in a week here there, That ain't question. I'm trying to get it close, a close comparison close.
You know what you offer me a trip to freaking I don't know, man, Washington County, Wisconsin, which is one of the biggest deer Pike County, Illinois, Southeast Iowa. Bro, if you offer me a week trip there and say you can go here for a week and from November third to the tenth, or you get a week in West Tennessee with your dad and you and kids, and said, dude, I'm still picking that man. Yeah, not used to Dad's coling right now. Actually, well, oh, that's a good question to ask him. But it's just it's drum up the question, so, you know, because he's tak Hey, hey, we're podcasting, but you're on the pod. So we got a question where this is literally what we're talking about right now. Would you rather shoot a one sixty class buck by yourself in Illinois or by yourself by yourself or get a have a shoot a one thirty in West Tennessee with me and Dan and camp?
Hurry up, Dad, don't make it too dramatic.
Yeah, yeah, I thought that might get him.
What's the number that wouldn't let Would.
I'd rather share a hint than kill a mobster?
What about two hundred?
Two hundred?
That's exactly what we said, and then we'll just drive back home and show her. Right we're talking about Yeah, okay, I'll talk to you about it. We're talking about how how hunting changes from give us a little three minute two minute on how hunting has changed from you, like in your life, from chasing big deer when you were young to what it is to you now.
Well, I mean it's a it's a process of evolution of a hunter where you start out just wanting to kill something future good, you know, meeting the freezer.
Then you start learning the value of what.
Goes in to really pursuing a trophy animal, and the success rate of killing a trophy animal over just killing an animal carries with it, you know, the prestige of what a real hunters looking for.
I'd rather have be a hunt.
I'd rather hunt one buck all year than just go deer hunting every day. And it's just a three of the hunt, the challenge of the mind, and so it did changes that you get older and more experienced than your hunting. And that's the way I look at you.
Yeah, I'm with you.
You figure out.
I think you figure out that the trophies aren't necessarily the animals on the wall there, they're the time you get to spending camp with the memories you got.
The Uh, pull in the trigger is the least fun of and thrill of hunting a big book.
I mean, when I lay eyes.
On a trophy animal that I've been hunting, that is a better thrill to me than pulling the trigger.
I'm with you, I'm not with you on that, and Dan's not with you.
I mean, I'm with you, but I'm not with you.
I'd rather pull because you haven't pulled the sugar on many.
Well you know, uh, he's got a nice farm that he can kind of raise him up and uh, you know and pull the trigger what he wants to that by letting them getting monitors guys.
All right, so we got we got a farm. You can do that too. Okay, they'll be shooting three year olds three year old shoo, all right, all right, I'll call you back.
I mean, for me, though, you know, there's nothing wrong with being excited about big deer, and there's nothing wrong with that being your main goal to pursue. And you know, it's kind of like the whole.
I think it's what makes you fall in little in the first place, part of part of.
The reason same. And I guess what I'm saying is like, there's nothing wrong with that, and uh.
But there ain't nothing wrong with with with wanting to shoot a four point either. Man.
That's where I'm trying to get to. Remember when we were like so concerned, like so concerned with filming ourselves killing deer is point.
It kind of took the joy out, no doubt, dude, and we quit.
We quit.
How many how many fights do we get in in a tree? How many fights do we get in on the way to a tree or or leaving from a from probably fifty I mean almost, dude, not every time.
There's so much of the times, so much pressure on your and for what an Instagram picture. Absolutely when at the time, I guess we were kind of trying to quote unquote grow a brand. And what happens is when that starts mixing up with your your love and your joy from hunting, it turns into this thing that's that's that's not even recognizable anymore, and you lose the desire to even do it. We did, I did, and thank God for kids because that that kind of set that back into put it all in perspective perspective. So nothing wrong with harvesting big deer and that being your only thing. Honestly, it's kind of the only deer I shoot now as far as bucks go, because if it's not something that I'm mega proud ever want to put on the wall, I'm not fighting for meat now, you know what I mean. Right, there's so many dos in this area. You know, there's we can I got.
Deer meat if I want deer meat, yeah, man, And maybe that so there may be a couple of years and this is what I'm saying, well, and this.
Is the period of life you're in now.
But I mean, dude, that all might come full circle when Boone is able to shoot a gun for sure, and you kind of get to start looking at it again through his eyes and fill that same thing when a six point walks out and he ain't shot a buck yet.
And my best buddy, Jamie, Yeah, he says the perfect example. He's like, you better, He's like, you better grow, You better shoot your deer while your kids are still young, right, because when they get ten twelve years old and start pulling drik, he's like, every spike and four point, he's like, every two year old ten point at eight point, you got to hit the third y and you're gonna.
Be just as proud of that deer as if it's one hundred and sixties.
Is that all the time? Shout out Jamie Davis going viral. You know what I'm saying, viral? I can't that happened.
Jordan's uncle kept saying that that's that was Merle Haggard singing a Bocifa song, Like that's what Merle would have sounded like singing that song.
That was killer I'm telling you, man, that guy's got a great voice.
Okay, sometime I'll go yeah, he's nice, just so slit with it. But damn slick weedy.
All right, I'm glad we talked about that. We'll do a little music. It's almost been forty five minutes.
So no, it's definitely been forty five minutes.
I think no, it started we started like nine to ten.
Mm no, I don't think. I think he started that five. It's not fifty two.
Do you have any music stuff going on right now?
I do. I've got one. I've got some things going on. But uh, here's an interesting thing that happened with one of my songs that.
Dropped my let me get my own out of the way, go for it. Riley Green dropped what's that song? Rather be? A song called rather be y'all go get it. It's awesome, it's you talks about hunting and fishing. Riley sick. He's going on the podcast. It dropped last Friday. Spin it so I can get to sing a lot of it. Thanks LOVEO my what you got going on?
My song that is about to I think the record comes out on the Dylan Marlow's record coming out in September.
He was the guy we had on with the Ghost Story. That was a video of it running.
That's doing Yeah, a GCP artist to watch. I think the first one cool Cat I wrote. We wrote a song called stick to My Guns and and uh kind of wrote it as.
A chorus man preach over there and pick up for real.
Yeah, I'm trying to just Yeah, I'm sticking damn. Tired of the man on the TV he' telling me how oh yeah.
And it gets a little old when you're always being told that.
You gotta do that, and man, I don't remember, dude. Yeah, I'm sticking damn. Tired of the little over Tchevie telling me had a little I'm hoping to remember the kids. A little old when you're always being told that you gotta do that, and it turns out there's a lot of folks that don't like all the things out love good thing the same for them folks. Now, this song's a one.
Well, I stick to these roots sign, put these boots, stick to these boots I'm putting down, stick to this crossing around my neck, stick to these roots, stuck in the ground way I was raised in. Let me down head in a world that's changing our suorees hell ain't son. So I see right here with a rifle and a beer till the good Lord come stick to my gun.
So as you can tell, it's kind of like a it's a pro gun, pro faith, you know, proud of proud of who we are and where we come from song.
And we wrote it like that.
We wrote it because you know, Dylan came in with this, with this idea and and was kind of sick of people telling him what he could and couldn't do, and so that's how we wrote it. And uh, and so he posted it on TikTok because, you know, kind of drumming up hype for for his new record coming out, uh mid twenties Crisis that's the name of the record, and coming out in September. I think he's got a song dropping pretty soon. But uh, anyway, there is a feature. Now I can't there's a feature.
Yeah that's good.
Okay, Yeah, there's a feature and it's it's it's a real handsome feature.
So vany yeah, yeah, good jaw line.
You don't want no.
I think we're good. So anyway, he releases first verse chorus on TikTok and blows up. Everybody loves it, you know, uh, comment like and sharing the whole thing. Well, the next day, my I think it was I think Jordan sent me or showed me a video of Dylan on TikTok again and uh, and it was him saying, you know, he's like on the TikTok. It was like a like a like a selfie video of him saying, I don't usually get on TikTok and do this kind of stuff. He was like, but I posted this song on TikTok yesterday and on my phone it I had like five hundred something plus comments on it. And when I went to look at him, it's TikTok on tik talk. It showed over four hundred comments, got banned and got.
Like shadowed.
So they could they TikTok was not allowing anybody to comment on it or something like that. I don't know how TikTok works, but TikTok was was was pretty much like put throwing some shade on it because and and Dylan in the video set like he says, I'm not I'm not saying why they did it.
He was like, but watch this, watch this. Uh, yeah, yeah, play it.
If you want to. But but TikTok was TikTok put a little little, uh little stranglehold on on the tune for a minute. Yeah, it's Dylan's page on TikTok and so much that the Daily Wire. I don't know if any of y'all out there read or you get your news from the Daily Wire, but the Daily Wire posted a wrote a story about it. So Daily Wire released the thing that says the country singer says comments on his pro gun, pro god anthem are getting throttle on TikTok.
Throttle. That's the word.
That's a good word.
Deylan marlow is unsure why TikTok, twenty seven year old recording artists anticipated the song might be controversial when he posted it. He wrote in the social media caption, this might get censored, but whatever, this is one of my favorite songs off the record. Let's go. The video shows Marlowe strown his guitar while sitting on port singing stick to my Guns, and it goes through the lyrics and all that. The singer did not make any specific accusations, but wrote I have my guess as to why the comments weren't appearing. He went on to say that he contacted TikTok to find out why the comments were disabled and hadn't received it answer yet, So anything we don't know. One person wrote on the comments, the reason they aren't showing up is the exact reason we need more songs like this.
Love that dude. You have the voice in more than one way. So proud of you. Keep going. We'll keep supporting.
You know, they're agreed.
So it's kind of like, I mean, to me, the thing that annoys me about this is the double standards. Is that.
Unseid all artist a can get on and talk about, you know, the dark side and and and you know, we'll just say it, I mean, having sex and all this other stuff is like and committing. I'm not saying sex is a bad thing. I'm just saying, you know, we're not censoring. They're not censoring that at all, not censuring kids hearing and seeing kind of praising it a little bit, kind of kind of kind of trying to kind of trying to show down. Damn.
So what you gotta do?
You were that you were at that that's the Grammys, bro, I.
Said the Grammys when when Sam Smith Smith almost said that one for real. If it's a it's very it's it's it's the same thing as media, uh exploiting and showing you know, demons and worshiping devils and and and let me say this, I learned from being there that these dudes don't believe in this stuff. They're not actually doing it. It is just a ploy to get you to talk about it, which is exactly what we're doing.
It makes more money.
But my point is that if that kind of stuff is not getting throttled, how, yeah, it's not getting thro all. How is stick to my guns getting if we're gonna call it. And not to say that, I mean, they're both uh taboo things to talk about, correct like to some fot. I mean to us, talking about a gun is like talking about the guitar or talking like talking about a hammer. It is an inadamant object to me that I've grown up with and growing up around, and I'm educated on so I have no problems discussing or handling anything. But my point is that if we're gonna if we're gonna do that, we gotta play fair. We gotta play fair man, And that ain't fair. Dude.
Well, if you did it, there wouldn't be I mean, all you have was just the middle of the Roads songs.
Yeah, you know, like that comes say the same thing over and over and over.
Absolutely, and those are out there and they make you know, a lot of money. But like, yeah, I think you're right. And so that's that's my first go with any any type of song I've ever had, try to get canceled, and hey, try to cancel it. Please try to cancel it, because the only only things I've seen try to get canceled have turned into wildfires, you know what I'm saying. Yeah, but no, man, I'm I'm proud of that man. And and I text Dylan and that, you know, I didn't know if he had seen that story. I texting that story and he said, you know, he's like, dude, I love it, you know, I love the attention and and uh and what it you know, what that song stands for and what it means and let him come for ust, bro, let him come for us.
Yeah, good on you, and good on Dylan for not caving and uh so and so sticking to his gun.
So there's that that that record will be out in September. Sometimes I think we're good. Are we done?
I got one more story. I got one more great story that happened to me two days ago.
I wrap it up. My back's killing me from leaning into this thing. You see me trying to hold that phone up.
My shoulders on the fine and it was shaking.
My shoulders on fire. Oh, my shoulders on fire.
I think this girl is Yeah, yeah, I could not.
No, no, no, no, no no. Yeah. I played played in a golf turn a couple of days ago out at a beautiful club in uh South Nashville called the Grove, and played with some song arin buddies of mine.
It's a scramble for Hope Kids, a great charity organization.
And you know what, man, these medi eater cats like to hate on golf whole lot. I'm just here to really they hate golf. They think golf is like a waste of uh like land, you could be honey on, come on.
Like there's not you know, like they don't have millions of acres out out there. Yeah, golf's awesome, dude, take that. Golf is awesome. We love you me, heater, but I don't agree with him.
But it's actually just Steve me too, so he doesn't understand the way the World War.
Trial because his swings he's a hack.
No, I'll straight to his face. Yeah.
Actually, if you want to get better golf and like golf, Steve holler.
At you, I can teach you how to love it, you know, make some money on it. Yeah. And so we were playing in a scramble and there were some there was one country artist that is on my mount rushmore of country artists. Uh in the country artist slash singer guitar player Vince Gill was there and uh he was This is like ten thirty with t Off at eleven. My buddy comes up to me on the range. He's like, hey man, He's like he knows how much I love it. Skill. He's like, did you see Vince? And I was like, Vince who? And He's like Vince Gills on the end of the range hitting balls down there. So I was like, oh my gosh, dude. And I'm one that like.
At the grow.
Yeah, at the Grow he was playing the tournament. Yeah, he's playing the tournament. So u he ended up playing in the group in front of us, and so I was like, he's bigger, he's tall, he's tall. Yeah, he's tall, and he's in one. He is a freaking stick like he can play. I remember watching him when they opened up Ross Creek the Bear Trace, when Jack Nicholas opened that in Clift and the first time anybody ever played that course. The grand opening like rebid cutting ceremony of that was Jack brought Vince to come down and play just them too. Jack walked around with a little pale mic and told you as he was playing the course why he designed it the way he did it. And it was like an invite only and Dad got invited. He took me and I think Jack shot sixty two that day and set the course record the first time I was ever played six. Yeah, Vin shat like sixty nine like he Vince can play, but he's he's over sixty now so he can play from bro. He was driving greens left and right at this thing the other day. Anyway, What do you think he hits it off? Oh, he was hitting it. He won long drive and he did. I was behind it. I hit him from about fifteen yards further than he did, and I hit it to two yards short of his marker in the middle of a par five. So I mean and I hit it probably I probably hit it three hundred and people are gonna three hundred.
I hit the ball three hundred yards.
Just get you do.
There's not many things one hundred and twenty three mile an hour.
Expace way better than me. Golf is one of those things.
And big deer hunting. But I'm getting better, dude, absolutely getting a lot better.
That's what it takes. Time you just started playing. I'm playing my whole life.
But anyway, Vince, Vince won that long drive ahead of me, so he probably hit it two ninety, you know, like to eighty. Yeah. Yeah. So anyway, he's hitting balls on the end. I was like, and I'm one that's like, hey, man, go talk to him, like ghost, go tell him. Go shoot your shot, bro. And that's another thing in life. Shoots your shot. Say what you mean, go ask for something if you want it. And so I wanted to meet Vince Gill. So I was like, here's my opportunity. So I walk, I walk around, I get done hitt and I walk around. He's still swinging. He's on the very end, so I can like I don't have to like maneuver in between people. So I kind of I walk around and I'm like drumming up this conversation in my head, Like, you know, tell him that you've you've write some songs, and you've written you know, number one, and you've been Nashville and he's a big fan. You know. Oh my little pretty little we could do a medley of those things. I don't know other words to that, like I don't know the verse, do you know verse to that?
Sure has a pretty smile.
Sure has been.
Since I field chort mm hmmm about you every day? How many you so much get it?
Oh my pretty lily dream? Are you long so to know? Oh my pretty lively dream?
I'll fund really feels said? Oh man, give me just.
Keep going on?
Got messed over right? You got that frame?
It wasn't number.
Why do you come, little lies of Jane?
I ain't step there.
Got I got any bad for you? There ain't nothing I won't do. Just want kissing. I let be soon, little.
Lines Jeane, alright, I'm doing one more last chance study, Give me just one more last chance before the seen me two.
No drive crazy baby. It's the best that I couldn't do looking good old boys and making noise. I ain't running around on you. Give me just one more last chance before you sing it through.
Legend, dude, legend. So this guy's hitting balls. I'm walking don't put that on the TV. This guy's hitting balls. I'm walking up, you know, figuring out what I'm going to say to him. So I get he's right handed. So I get in front of him to where like he's swinging and he can see me.
Notice me.
He notices me standing there, and uh, I wait for him. He swings follow through. Was watching, you know, seven Iron go through there. So he put he drops his club and he kind of likes rest and turns and look at me, like, looks at me. We're standing for as far as me I am to you, and I was like, what's up man? He goes, what's up, dude?
And I was like cool. I was like, God was hoping he's gonna be cool.
So cool. Oh dude, he's so cool.
And uh, I don't know this story. By the way, listener, I'm gonna get first.
You be Vince, I'll be me.
So so like, notice me standing here, And this is exactly how it went down. I went, what's up, man, what's up?
I said?
Uh? I went, uh, I forgot a couple of balls to put with on the putt and greens. So I'm just gonna st a couple of rangeballs. He went, oh yeah, theude, go for it. So I bent down and out of his range ball stack, I grabbed three balls, turned around and walked that was it. Walked to the freaking putting green, dude, and it started putting.
That was it.
You didn't say nothing about nothing.
I didn't say nothing about nothing.
So did he laugh?
No, he thought it was.
It was kind of awkward because there were balls on the putt and green that you could put with, so he played in front of us. We get to a part three where it kind of bottle necks. He's on the tea box waiting to go.
And I was like, go dude.
I got out of the cart.
I walked up to him and I'm standing rout beside and he put his arm around me and he goes so buddy, and I went, hey man. I was like, I totally bitched out earlier when I was trying to meet you and tell you how big of a fan I am, and like how great I think you are as a country Munis singer. I was like, I totally bit out and asked for some range boss to go pup with, and dude, he lost it.
Really, he was like, that was so fun.
He was I knew you wanted to meet me.
He was like, he was like, that was you.
I was like, yeah, man, that was me. I'm sorry for making that weird and awkward. Due, I was like, I froze, dude, I frozen. He was dying out laughing, and he brought me in like this, and we sat there and talked for a minute, and I told him about you know, Luke and and washing him at their trace. No, I didn't, we didn't have that much time. They teed off, but dude, he's so he was just he had a shirt untucked. Some some old cats out there. But dude, he was so awesome.
He was so awesome. He's awesome.
Yeah, that's that was it was fun.
I'm glad.
I'm glad. I got to like that's a dream podcast.
That's what I told.
That's what somebody said. Someone was like, get him on the podcast. I was like, dude, if he would come on the podcast, I could end it. I could just stop. That would be incredible, dud. And he's like, I don't know, I think I mean, but that's what I said too. I was like, I don't think. Yeah, Cody asked me because like, dude, go asking to be on the podcast. I was like, dude, you don't ask that guy. Like You've got to grow it to a point to where it's beneficial for him to come on.
And want to be a part of it.
I mean, I think it is at this point.
I don't know. Maybe we should holler at him. I'm not hollering at I get Jordan on it.
We gotta go hang some stuff in our new studio. You'll see it coming up next episode. You too. We definitely went an hour. I'm proud of that.
It was a good conversation, I think. So it's way better this morning than there would have been yesterday.
Thanks for listening and hanging out with us in God's Country.
Better than Compound Burne. See y'all side pot too.