This week in God’s Country, Dan and Reid are joined by Dylan Scott to talk about how incredible Dylan smells, and how stretching in your mid 30s is a requirement. Dylan admits that he recently got a perm and Dan references a Facebook meme you’ve probably seen a million times that he hopes gives listeners a little motivation. Dylan performs his rendition of “Miami, My Amy” to close out the episode.
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M hm.
Yo, what's up? You're off in God's Country with Reed and Dan, also known as The Brothers Hunt, where we take a weekly drive to the intersection of country music and the outdoors, two things that go together like sultry voices and expensive.
Clone or property lines and ground ones. Produced by Meat Eater in Our Heart Podcasts.
We're gonna sit down with Dylan Scott today.
Dylan Too Hot Scott, the real deal, Jerry Carol looking good.
His voice is crazy, strong, strong beard. The guy's just got it, gold chain.
He's doing He's doing it. Remember that video. Absolutely, he was really.
Passionate, hooked kissing. It's man, It's like a halftime verse with a It's sick. He's been around town for a while. I had a record deal when he moved here. Guy's been Guy's been doing it for a minute. Hardcore hunter, the hardcore hunter, landowner. Uh, he just he just knows the stuff.
Gonna get into some great stories with him.
So, uh, if you enjoy hunting country music, you're gonna love his podcast.
You're in the right spot, brother.
You're in God's Country.
Stick with us.
I will say this every art.
Like a million You know, my wife told me before I left the house. She goes, you got that love spell, that's what she calls it, loves or spell love spell or smell love spells. What that means? I'm getting lucky when I get back.
Congratulated a little midday.
Congratulations, Sorry, congratulations. I loved you, man. I love for people.
Yeah, what are you? Where are you wearing? What's the love spell?
That smells good? So this is uh, this is Versachi blue.
All I know about it. It smells good.
He Yeah, artists, artists coming here smelling good, and artists coming here with like looking good like artists mode, you know, with the boots. Marlow came into the day, except Dylan Marlow. I guess he came with sweatpants.
Always does sweatpants, Johnny, you know. Yeah, he's a lot of fun though.
He was fun, man, he was fun. You took him out on tour, right.
Took dealan out beginning of twenty twenty two.
That's the video of y'all wrestling or something on stage. Does that happen all the time? Okay all the time?
I thought I saw that.
Well, look, when you share the same name, you have to let the other person know who the better dealing.
Is my money's I got my money's on you, dude. Absolutely, he's just a thing. He's a little guy.
You know. Well he's just skinny.
You know if you shaved that mustache off, he would He looked like he's fourteen. The babyface Marlowe is what we're gonna call the baby Yeah, baby looks like.
I'll say this about that jogger though, that's a that's a turkey hustler. Man. I didn't I didn't know how hustlery he was. I mean, I knew he loved a turkey hunt, but like something gets after it.
Let me tell you something. We sat on a property line. We sat on our side of the property line, I guarantee you for three hours one day trying to get a turkey over you know. Yeah, but it was a deal where it wasn't somebody else is hunting land. It was their backyard. And we sat there for three hours. And this kid that he could do oh yeah, they.
Never could do They never do.
You know what it did. It went from that neighbor's backyard.
It was hitting them sunflower seeds, the bird feeders.
Yeah, they know how to do it. He said, we're gonna go off the suburbs. It's like, all right, suburbs, we hunt the suburburbs.
Suburbs. That's a good one. My dad's got it where. My dad's got like an acre and a half in the back of the subdivision that backs up to this guy that's got like fifty acres and a big ridge top. He sends us videos every morning about he's got I mean, he started with one bird feeder and then one turkey came. Now he's got fifteen bird feeders. My dad, he's got fifteen bird feeders now around that place, and there will be twenty hens and four strutters in his yard every morning after fly down. And he just sits there and he don't drink coffee, but he just sits there on his back porch and films them all. He said, yesterday he showed up and there was a bird. There's a single gobbler out there. He said, he watched the bird walk off. He went out there and was refilling the bird feeder. He could hear pecking on his truck like something like. He looked over like ten yards from his truck, and this bird was going up and down, strutting on his truck. Thinking that he was pecking at another gobbler in the in the view of his truck.
Does your dad know the neighbor.
Yeah, I was just wondering, like, is it illegal if your dad was feeding the turkeys but the neighbor was hunting on his property where there was no feed, but yet you know, the turkeys were kind of mingling in there.
I would think that would not be you know, I believe.
I mean, I mean, is dad feeding the turkeys or is he like feeding the bird Is he just bird bird seed?
A lot of lines, a lot of gread area, right.
They eat the same thing.
You know.
Subburds is not bad subburds they Dad said that. Uh, he was like, I've quit behind bird feed. He said sixteen dollars for thirty five pounds, he said crack corns, not eleven, you know or whatever, which is still really high. Yeah, it's still real high, super high. Yeah, but bird feed it's twenty bucks. I mean, like I thought that what happened did? Everything is literally everything in the world more expensive now.
I remember when I was a teenager. I'm from Louisiana, so we could buy corn year round for the deer, right, feeding whatever it's like three dollars for a fifty pounds back.
Really, yeah, I remember it three dollars.
I can remember being six dollars. I can't remember three dollars, but I might three fifty. My dad was buying it.
Yeah, what is it now, fifteen sixteen dollars?
Yeah, I don't know, I don't buy Yeah.
Louisiana, boy, huh? Where are you from?
Northeast Louisiana, This north of Monroe area where man?
Just yeah, piney woods?
Did you grow up doing it all? Because I feel like everybody from losing duck hunts, deer hunt, catch big fish.
So I never got into the fish program. Okay, My uncle.
Had a big five acre stock pond across the street from me, and so i'd go over there as a kid and catch catfish and bass and brim.
Yeah, kind of go in there. I mean, we had a good time.
But when I got old enough where we're going out on a boat and you spend all day on a river or a lake and not catching anything, I realized real quick that wouldn't.
Just go back to the uncles and catch it.
Man, you sound like you sing, and I'm proud of that.
Thank you. I appreciate it.
Yeah, there's a lot.
Of that.
Going on. You know, I'm glad. I'm glad you sound like you know what I'm talking about. You know that's artists have artists to have like this, like why are you profiling him?
Due I'm just like yeah, but I don't listen to you talk me like I would much rather listen to Utah and sing than me, Like I like me too. But Dustin Lynch came on here, which I might be possible if you would just shut up every now we're talking about me shutting up now?
Is that? Yeah, I gotta get shot.
We got a problem on this podcast. The only problem with this podcast is people say is that Dan talks too much.
So it just doesn't I don't ever hear.
But Dustin Lynch came in here, and I was like, dang, that's the most pro voice talking voice I've ever heard. And I thought the same thing about you, even like when we wrote the other day, when I walked down, I was like, dang, this guy. This guy's got a nice voice, man like, like just speaking voice. You know what I'm saying.
Thank you, I appreciate it. I work on it all right there.
Yeah, great curly the flip out curly hair back here, dude, Yeah, yeah, do you have to.
Try to do that or does it? Just do it? Honestly?
You want to get into it a little bit, all.
Right, because I mean my stuff does that too.
We're getting into it now.
We're real honest here at the God's Country Play.
So listen, I got the straightest hair you would ever see in your life, no way, listen to me.
Shocking and so my whole life, I've always kept my hair short or a tight fade or something, you know. And so I finally I've been telling my wife for years, like I want to grow my hair out. My little brother looks like Jesus, I mean just long, flowy, curly, and I'm just I'm so jealous of it.
Like, man, where'd you get this hair from?
When you say straight, you mean I mean straight.
You can't do nothing with it. I can't do nothing with.
That's what you're talking about, Like that short.
Oh I wish mine did that though, yeah, wish straight straight? Just anyway, So long story, I got a perm.
Mom used call me broer y'all for.
I did it looks good?
Just und I got you when when I don't know, like a month ago, so it's still rocking even a month then. Yeah, it's kind of getting They try to get me to do it on You.
Don't need it. You got curly hair, you got wavy like I didn't want curly hair. I just wanted some wavy hair. Man.
But I mean it looks good.
Thank you. I appreciate it.
Yeah, it looks good. But the ball cap on them, the stuff coming at the back. Yeah, do you cook? Like, do you do you do something like Louisiana recipes and stuff?
Not really No, So I'm from North Louisiana. We're not Caguns. I like some good Cajun food, but we're just man, we're just rednecks.
From up there.
I feel that we're real close to Arkansas, not in Arkansas. Would never say I'm from Arkansas, but we're not like, you know, you're Louisiana Cajuns.
Does that make you? Yeah, I'm an l s U fan. I'll tell you what I am.
I enjoy watching it, but I'm not you die hard gonna throw the guitar through the TV because they lost or whatever.
You know, I got to th same.
I think all that kind of back seats a little bit. I don't want to do it already, just do it. But when you have kids, do everything else takes a hit?
Yeah, everything takes a hit.
Yeah, everything you got three I got three kids, two boys and a girl.
We got a freshy too though, right, yeah.
Five months old. Five months he's the easiest baby of them all. Though easy.
He literally sleeps and eats and lays on the floor. That's awesome, Like we couldn't have got it.
Sounds like me on Sundays you used to be yet now it's the four kids on the watch clothes. My wife was sick, okay, yesterday, well she wasn't feel you wouldn't feel good, and uh I had them and it was six am to eight pm.
Man, and which y'all do you'll leave the house?
We uh I've learned this. You kind of have the quicker you can get outside the less like okay. Then the way I learned this, it's like Eliza spills her whatever food she's eating that morning and in the floor, like smoothie bowl or something. The little boy, my boy boon, he you know, he peas on the floor. So anyway, I learned in that process that if all that stuff had happened outside, no problem, no issues.
You're laughing at it. You're like, look at on the barn.
It seems like the quicker I can get them outside, the easier life is. And I mean the sense if they spill something. But also and I'm not one of these dudes, but it seems like if I can get them out, a little sunlight, little green grass, a little fresh air, they sleep better, they eat better. So I'm kind of buying into letter mood, you know, get them out absolutely, and so we try to do that as as quick as we can. And my and my dude is just a walking does that. I mean he he almost two. We had twins, wan we twin Yeah.
Oh, I got my little girl and his boy. My little girl was born thirty hours after his little boy. So like he was little.
They y'all just like leave a podcast together and be like, hey, we're about to do this.
My buddy cakes when we had our kids. My buddy, he's like, hey, man, I knew y'all did everything together, but I didn't know y'all did just get a little weird.
No, I mean that's I mean literally, they came met boone went home at Jordan's water broke straight back in and my parents were bouncing room from room.
They were room thirty four, we were two thirty six.
Man, it's pretty crazy.
So we call them the twins, like my little girl and his little boy. We called them the twins.
So that's there a year and a half. So he said, so he's he's awesome, tons of fun.
But dude, it's the same thing. She's almost two years old and on a rainy day, like on a cold, rainy day, man, it's tough. Especially like it's fine that first because you kind of split it up in two because she naps at one o'clock to like three, so you kind of have the first part of the day in the second part of the day. First part of the day is fine. If it's rain and dark, you play inside, you play with the blocks, the letters, she plays with tad, you do that. That whole thing goes to sleep. But do the afternoon part. If they don't get outside in the afternoon, it's it's hell from like the witching hours, that's what they call it, dude. If they don't get outside any at all that day, man, you can absolutely tell on the days she doesn't in the days that she does.
The troubles when it's like in the third in the low thirties, and you can't really get them out, you know.
Because they're in the mouth there.
I know, but they've already got a running No, wait.
There's six and four.
It's always wait till it's always wait till.
They're rollerblading in the house.
What do you do with the six year old? When they came?
My daughter walked in. I'm in the bed this morning, it's six thirty, like I'm about to get up. I'm laying there. I'm on my phone, and she walks in there.
She goes, hey, but how's your daughter? She's four?
Okay, and she's whispering.
She goes, hey, I said, can I roller blade in the house? And I sat there for a minute and I was thinking about it. She goes I said, I said, I heard you. I said, yeah, go ahead, roller blade in the house. Now, this is not wet wood floors. Yeah not a good deal.
Yeah yeah.
So about five minutes later I walked in there, my wife talking there, and she says, hey, I said, hey, she goes did you tell she could the house? I said, yeah, I just told you.
She was I told her no, I said, I didn't know that, Like you didn't come there and tell me.
Communication was not there.
Yeah, yeah, but just yeah, man, rollerblading in the house.
Nice, that's good stuff. Yeah, six thirty seems a little early, but I know, I know the feeling.
That I can hear the roller blade at Hardwood.
She's good to four years old? Hey, she's good.
She had like the like the straight line roller blades.
Or is it the four the just skates the four?
The four? Yeah, I could know.
I was terrible on those.
Well, you didn't backwards skating, only backwards.
Skating drink all the time.
Did you do the races? Yeah? Did you do what's the game called where you've been back under the bar?
Like skatimbo like skating rink or limbo dude, the skating rink in our town, like was kind of the place to have a birthday party. Yeah, and it was just like every like when you see a video of a skating rink on a movie or something that it's the same. I swear like everything.
A little more math and cigarettes at ours and they show in.
The movie, Well I can't show that of math.
Oh yeah, it was crazy.
There was one little place in ours where like whoever poured it, like they led a pipe or something underneath it, and there was like a little hump so you could go, you could start hump there was It wasn't the very back. There's a little thing that you could jump and you could just take off and make a circle and then hit the jump and like try to do spins and stuff.
It was sick.
I don't remember that.
Yeah, I never did any of that.
I mean I was never, but I did backward skate because what they would do is they'd say back backwards skaters on everybody, everybody that couldn't backward skate to get off.
Kids got it good these days, man, Like we literally had the bowling out in a skating rink.
Right right, That was in the movies, in the movies.
And now they got trampoline parks.
Oh yeah, those look fun. I'm a little jealous of those. I bet those are fun as a kid. That would be fun.
As a kid.
I got on it on my son's last birthday. Get on and I jumped and I jumped and I played dodgeball man And I have never been so sore in my life.
What was sore? Everything?
My fingertips sore sore from jumping.
I promise you, I believe you. Our bodies aren't meant for that. After the age of twenty five.
Remember when you'd spend all day on the trampoline behind all that.
Just my dad would let me.
Have a trampoline.
Really, he said, his buddy broke broke his neck on it, and it couldn't happen.
I could see it.
So I caught my kids a trampoline. First thing I.
Did my kids.
Last time I think we ever jumped on trampoline, had some friends over there, and we were all springing down as high as we possibly could, I mean.
Jump in mid twenties when this happened. He's acting like, you know, I'm.
Just saying, this is the last time I remember. This is my last trampoline memory. And we were springing down, that's I mean, do we There was like there's one branch up there that he was trying to run. My hairs flood and this trap we've had the same, This is the same trampoline is in the backyard of my parents' house in thirty something years and the last we went and got him one good time, he went straight up. It's like falling off you know, he's like doing the yeah, doing the flailing thing. And he came down and just like on his back and went in that trampoline went straight and straight through.
We were like.
And it really it didn't really hurt because I think what happened is like when it went down, it got close.
To the ground lake there, yeah, and then split.
Yeah, grown man on thirty year old trampolines. No go, You're right about our bodies just aren't. They just don't anymore. No, they just don't. That is. I was right with Rainy Montown one time and I said, what's up, dude, you because he was like sitting down like I was like, what's up? And he was like pulled it back myself. I was like, oh dude, what you do? Were you like swim? Sledge was like, man, I sneezed and I was like, yes, if you sneezed, and he was like yeah, and man, I said, I said, dude, like what when when do we start stretching? He was like now, I was like for what, Like, like du you stretched? Like He's like, no, do for life? We need to start stretching. Hate to be alive.
I got a buddy. I didn't realize it was a thing. Wakes up every morning and gets in the shower and stretches for the first ten minutes in the stretch like toes the whole I don't even know. I don't stretch. We have a creek on my neck right now. Up yesterday, I was turning like this all day.
I don't know what.
I said.
Well, you slept, you slept wrong, I slept.
You need to stretch sleep, that's what you just slept.
Here's another thing.
Back to the kids, once they start school, get your life back. Really, Oh, you get your life back at least between the times of eight and three.
Yeah, Like what percentage of life would you say comes back?
Oh, so it feels like so much. It feels like so much.
That's gonna be great.
Can you put a six month old in school?
Well, put them a daycare. But that's gonna cost you all right.
I'm sorry.
Hey, I want to know how we get on the list for Deal's Guide service.
Bro Deal's Guide Service.
How am I getting on that list?
I can put you on the list. I started last year and I had a pretty successful year.
Waiting is a waiting list that down the line.
How many hits do you have to have as a rider in order to kill on the list, God.
List, I don't know twenty at.
Least, damn you get there?
Oh hits. Yeah, And I can't take just anybody.
When I'm seventy.
Bro Jordan was showing me. I was like, I was like, let me see some pictures some turchy. She was showing me that they were.
Bro. We watched, and we watched. I say we. I took some buddies and myself.
You took yourself.
I took myself. Watched eight birds hit the dirt in two days.
Really damn where.
Tennessee and Kentucky.
Really just like I got these two days.
Had a buddy from Louisiana come in, another buddy here from Tennessee, and my buddy from Kentucky and myself. I think somebody maybe it was seven birds. Either way, it was a lot of birds hit the dirt in two days. And it was unbelievable.
See you got places you hunt, you just popping.
Yeah, that's that's how to do it. So I didn't Turkey season, Turkey season. I just start turkey hunt until probably six or seven years ago.
Your dad, your granddad, no.
Neither, because I didn't hunt turkeys in Louisiana. It's hot. My skeeters are awful.
Snakes and snakes, I'm not really that worried about that, but they're just hard. And then I went out to Missouri about seven years ago, so buddies place, and they got like forty thousand acres, right, So we're just popping forms, man, all throughout the day, and I'm like, this is the most fun I've ever had. And so I've accumulated from ground here in Tennessee. Not on it, but we got permission forms, and hey, we just go around hit them forms. If that don't work, we'll ride up to Kentucky. My buddy's got quite a few forms and it's awesome.
So y'all right there on the line, you're close right to hop over?
Is that over the counter? You gotta draw for that?
That's over the county? Yeah, I remember what's all right in the Out of those seven birds, what's the best? What's the best hunt you had?
The best hunt I had was probably on my farm. I love that, Yeah, which was I bought this farm last October, and uh, I mean I like a hard hunt.
I really do like that.
Was that would be my best hunt kind of did with this was this was an easy hunt.
It was on but it was on my farm, right. It was the first bird took.
On my spoil.
Yeah, a buddy, I let a buddy of mine shoot it. But it just worked out. It was just perfect. It was the perfect morning hunt. Everything worked out exactly how it was supposed to, and it was just it was awesome.
There's something about we don't know who we were talking about that, but like taking taking folks hunting and and and and watching them, especially people that don't hunt a lot, like duck hunts a good thing to do. It's you can take them to deer hunt, but it's hard because it's just it's low.
And deer hunting is my that's my pride and joy. I love. It's my favorite. It's my favorite.
And you know, you spend all that money and get everything together and you watch these bucks all year and it's tough to take somebody out there.
No doubt, we'll go shoot today.
Sure, man, you want you to do deer man, I'm glad I finally have somebody on my team. I get railed about not.
But turkey hunting.
Let's come on, yeah, come on, yeah, yeah, funny. I think it's a thing where like you take inventory of what you have if you've got ample amounts man, everybody, you know, come on, But like with bucks, man.
But you can only understand that. And this is what I was thinking about too, Like you can only understand that thought process if you think like that, you know what I'm saying. Like somebody that doesn't, they're like, why don't you let it? Like why don't you let people come hunt your play? Why would you let people come hunt your place for turkey's and not deer? You know, because they don't see they don't see a six year old right deer the same way we do. Yeah, they see a buck, they see a buck, they see a spike is the same thing as one hundred and fifty inch seven year old deer that you've been growing for five years and been finding the sheds. And But to you, dude, to me, that's that. I mean, I probably think about that way too much during the year, you know what I'm saying, Like that is what I and and and and I mean I love everybody. I'm you know, everybody's involved. Go go for it.
Come on, But like I'm hunting that deer dude. Absolutely, And I mean I probably got honestly another two or three years. I guess what it's gonna be. The my son for sure, you know. So it's like, all right, let's get it in.
But yeah, I get that we've been I've been one deer. I had been watching a deer grow for five or six years and shot it. I finally got it. You got got him this year.
Yeah, he was a big, heavy, old six point. But actually I used that deer to explain if I had just taken my nephew or taken somebody in there, and the nephew is different. He shot that, dear, I wouldn't care. But if i'd have took you or some of my buddies that I just kind of take hunt. Well, he's got a record deal, so different. If I took you and got cut record, that would be like, yeah, everybody's like, can you I'll take something.
I don't know their mind keep telling you.
I'm just saying it's it's it's a it's a different deal taking people deer hunting for sure. How long you had your place?
I bought that place a year and a half ago.
Be honest with me, did any like did you have any trail cams of the thing that did that have anything to do for I bought it, okay, I was wondering if that influenced your purchase.
But I hate the day I bought it, and.
There was a stud on it. Really there was a stud on it, but I couldn't tell exactly. I didn't know if he was four or five. I was like, man, he's a good deer. So I let him live. And he did live. He made through the season. And so this year, and let me tell you something, he was a tank. Really, I mean a tank I do, yeah, I mean for Tennessee, Tennessee, and uh, I mean consistent every single day, every single day he was coming through, coming by the camera.
I'm all right, he's just living here. You know what time of the year is this all year?
So during the season, during season, daylight and the whole nine, I couldn't hunt the velvet. I'd have killed him in the velvet, but I couldn't hunt the velvet. I was on the road. But and then you know how it is, soon as they go hard horn, they change his hard. So I was like, all right, I'll catch him. The rut hits a neighbor killed this deer. It was a mile and a half down the road from my farm. He got a picture of him that morning, like early that morning, got a picture of them straight in. So we went in at lunch that day and killed him an hour later. Never seen the deer in his life.
It was brutal.
That'll put you in deer pressure real fast.
Oh. I was in it.
I was in the stand when I got the text hunting that deer. I wasn't hunting that deer. I was hunting another deer. I was hunting another.
Deer on your place.
Nah, this is a place in Murphy's Borough.
My man got spots. My man got spots.
My drummer.
My drummer's parents they work horses, like walking horses, and so they lived in Kentucky and they moved to Murphy's Borough to work at this other place. And the man that owns these walking horses and a bunch of other stuff got twelve hundred acres right there. And so he's on the bus and I was, I was semi joking because I know how this works. Intend to say, nobody lets you hunt their property. But I said, hey, you should tell your tell your dad to talk to his boss and sit to let me hunt his property.
Hey, call me the next morning, said, come.
On, no, everybody, you don't have to swap no tickets or nothing.
No, ain't that crazy?
That's crazy.
Twelve thousand, you said, well no, no, no, I say twelve thousand. Yeah, in twelve hundred.
Okay, I think he said twelve hundred.
Twelve thousands, Like no. I thought that's why my mom was like, maybe that was manifesting. I was thinking one man could have a tough time twelve as it feels like maybe some buddies have a podcast help.
Yeah I did. She showed me a nice deal. You killed. You've killed a nice buck off your place?
Right? Uh? No, no on my place?
No, I killed one this year in Illinois. Okay, I had a bad season this year.
Did it doesn't sound like it you killed going to Illinois?
Yeah, well it was literally the last week of season. Like, didn't even think that trip was going to happen. Like I waited till a week after Christmas and everything to settle down to even work up the courage to walk in and say, ask your wife, Yeah, that whole deal you talk about it?
Thought about it for six days.
I told her buddy. I told her buddy right beginning of December. I said, oh, yeah, yeah, we'll go to Illinois. We'll go, let's go.
Boocket didn't send that to my wife nothing.
I waited until you got I waited till after Christmas and everything kind of settled down with this a little bit of and I walked there, I said, I said, just what do you think about one more quick, little little deer?
Hont three?
Yeah? Two yeah.
And she was super cool about it. But there's time she's not. There's times she's not.
And I get it. I get it.
That's why yes TikTok about asking permission to go hunting. And it wasn't like I asked permission to go hunting, because everybody was roasting me about it, like you got to ask permission, Oh you better absolutely permission to go hunting, this permission to to leave you, honey with the kids and everything going on.
You ask because you're a good dad. And I can tell like the don't are like, hey baby, I'm going hunting. You know, like if she came in said hey, I'm going to the mall for three days, you'd be like, wait, what, No, you're not, you know, like it's kind of the same thing.
Yeah, okay, man.
Wait what I'm just saying, I'm not looking at Jordan while you're talking about this. No, you're not, Like you would just tell her, no, you're not.
I mean, if she's hey, I'm going on a three day shopping spring in New York, I'd be like, let's we're gonna talk. We'll talk about that.
Well, I didn't talk about it with my wife. She went straight to New York shopping.
Well, that's because you went on a five day Kansas trip.
You do good.
I didn't have a tag. I went for moral support.
Yeah man, and uh man, I love it out there, dude. Yeah, I'll draw this year, though. Kansas is a different world.
Did you put in last year?
I did, got a point, So it's like a one hundred percent that I well, it should be one hundred percent that I draw this year. But we're gonna go kill some turkeys out there to spring. And uh I like Kansas a whole lot.
You've been out there, never been I mean, how ben to Kansas I've been hunting. Yeah.
Yeah, it's a different deal.
I feel like just wide open, right.
It's wide open. But but genetically I feel like like they're just massier.
Oh yeah, bucks, they're kind of like bulls.
Wow, that's to where iwa it's the same way. But I feel like I could be totally off basis here. But this is just from what I've seen. I always seems more of like clean heavy, you know what I mean, Like they're mass massive deer. But it seems that's to where Oklahoma, I mean Oklahoma, Kansas seem a little more like gnarly, does that make sense, Like as not as clean still the same body size, giant, just dwarf the kind of deer that we have here in Tennessee, no doubt. I mean a big one. Now there's three twenty you know three, I mean that's it.
Well, it's it's weird looking at looking at those deer on like like watching those deer trail camera pictures, because because we were watching trail camera pictures of these durer in Kansas all year next to like I would look at those though, right, look at Tennessee deer and it's like you're looking, bro. You can't tell how big a Kansas deer is rack wise, score wise, because their body is so so big. Man you can look at you're like, oh, that's a nice one hundred and forty inch eight point, you know, But get there and see him on the hoof, and he's one hundred and fifty five inch eight point. He just weighs three hundred and fifteen pounds, you know, And so it's it's tough that I shot a big one out there this year.
And unless you hunt out there, unless you're from there, if you hunt out there a bunch, just say you hunt Tennessee, sure, or you hunt Mississippi, or you hunt Louisiana. See these deer and then you go see a Kansas deer or a Missouri deer. It's hard to gauge. They are like.
Learn that it is.
Yeah, a two year old out there looks like a four year old.
Oh yeah, yeah.
I want to circle back to asking my permission. So what do you feel like is the best because we look, we're all of this together, right, we should talk about we should formulate the perfect way to ask for permission. Because I understand what you were saying in the sense of it's not that you're asking for permission to go honey, you're saying, hey, babe, is your mental physical all of it at a place where you feel like you could manage the madness for this three day trip, Right, That's what you're basically saying. Are you at a place where I could leave you for three days? So how when you walk in? I mean, do you are you like we should first? Because what I know what I do. I'm like, I'm gonna I'm first off, I'm gonna run the floor steamer because a couple against well here, now I get a roast. That way, I can put that on I in the morning, and that way when she gets home from work or whatever she's doing. There's already there's at least one. I've already pre made you a really great.
You know, I'm just saying you're not gonna You're not gonna ask her to go on a trip. A night before you go on the trip, I'm saying, like the night. That's what I want to know is when do you start solid this prep?
Well, luckily for me, I was later in life when I was married, I was around thirty years somewhere there, and I said to her, Hey, look like I'm years all you long. I'm here, I'm years every every day, but like it's getting earlier and early and early September fifteenthish, three.
Week, one weekend in August, the last week.
Last week in August, and Offspring like I'm out, dude.
And what she say to that?
She was like cool, She's cool, Yeah, because I said, I'm never gonna cheat on you. I'm never gonna mess around. I don't care about cocaine and hookers. I just need some time.
To kill some big, giant white Yeah.
I'm not gonna chase women. I'm not gonna get drunk.
You will chase some tail it's gonna be that white.
That white tailor pops up like this when it's yeah, when it's running away from you.
Yeah, after I missed. But I mean, so there's that prep's already kind of that prep work was already laid. But I and the trips now have gotten where she knows all right, from I would say once a month, like from September to February, taking a trip, there's gonna be a there's gonna bey're gonna slow down.
Yeah, they's what I'll see.
What's happening is they're getting shorter. Where they were like seven days now they're like three, yeah, and then maybe one five day are in there.
Yeah, but I say, I say it's gonna slow down.
It's for me.
They slowed down because here's the problem, Like, you're my kids.
It's say really about my wife a lover and sorry wife, but.
No, it's the kids.
You don't want to be gone for seven days. No, that's a long stint, that's right.
My problem is is I'm on the road. Yeah, you're you're you're.
Going Thursday, Friday, Saturday, three days out of a week, basically.
But I mean, here's what happens.
You're going those three days and when you get back, oh, your buddy wants to go on a deer hunts and then you're going for another four days.
Now you're goal what's four plus three seven seven?
And then you got to jump right back on the bus.
Yeah you know that's tough.
Yeah. I you don't know this, but I went out on the road with Luke last year and it everything went away basically because I was with him, and like when I got home, I wanted to be home. And I can't imagine. I say this all the time. I feel like you guys who were are road dogging it, y'all earn every penny you make for real. Because that is a way of life that I couldn't do it. I mean, I did it one year and he was like, come back that show. Hell no, I'm out, dude. I appreciate you. I had a good time to do. I guitar text for him. Basically we just wrote songs and hung out, went all over the world for a year, which was awesome. But I love my kids right like, I actually like being around them. So I mean, I'm over there eating the turkey sandwich at one o'clock in the morning in England and my kids are, you know, growing up over here in the States, and I was like, dude, how do y'all do it?
How do you do I can't do it, man, I can't do it. I tell myself all the time. I never want to just wake up one day and my kids be eighteen or twenty years old and.
Be like, man, I missed it. I missed it. I just don't want to do it.
I will straight to tell you on record right now, I would hang up everything I'm doing right now, everything I'm doing right now, I'd hang it all up today. If I was going to be that way at twenty when they're twenty years old.
Oh, yeah, we'll hang it up now. I feel that for sure. I mean I don't even see how y'all right like, because I don't. Yeah, I wouldn't. I'll be honest with you.
I did, yeah, but I don't. I probably wrote four times last year. Really now I've written three times already this year.
Yeah, which is come on, thanks for calling me.
But I just I just couldn't do it. I just couldn't do it. Man.
It ain't worth it, man, not on the road and then you.
Get home, they want you want to go right. And it's not that I love writing, but man, I mean, sons got baseball, my daughter's in gymnastics, got a baby.
You know.
It's like, man, I just you ain't missing that's up?
Yeah, send me a hits on you know what they've been sending them.
Yeah, so it's like Tuesday, I'm trying to.
Be ain't sending to me?
No, I get it, man. I say that all the time too. I'm like, dude, if I was a touring artist, there ain't no way I'd roll up in here Monday more than talking about well what y'all got to write it?
I wouldn't do it. Oh your animals, Yeah, animal and more power to them. I just I can't.
We talked about all the time energy, right, like, you only have so much energy bandwidth. So you give as much as you can to your wife, You give as much as you can to your career, you give as much as you can eat kids. And I mean, by the time you just get those three things out of the way, man, you ain't got much left, you know, and.
You even like I had a co writer the other day. He's a VET, and it was just me and him, and he was like, man, we hadn't written in a while, and he's like, what's going on? It is telling about kids.
He's like, dude.
He was like, whatever you do, man, He's like, be there, dude. He's like, be there. He's like even when like he's like, I missed a bunch of that, he said. And I think about it a lot now, he said. And I was in the room with him. He's like, but I still wasn't there.
You know.
He was like so focused on your kids, man, He's like, do that thing, and and you see it Like me and I take my little girl every like try to once a week down to the Huff's grocery store and they sell biscuits and coffee and on stuff. And I'll sit her down on the bench with a biscuit of bacon, egg and cheese, and I'll rip up the eggs and put them all legg and just sit there and hang out with her for a little bit every morning. And dude, everybody that talks to us that comes by, and these are people that you know, I don't know what they do for a living, but they're probably not gone three or four days of the week. Some of them might be, but everyone on them, they're like, hey, man, enjoy that right there, because that is gone in the blink of an eye. Oh And dude, it breaks my heart thinking about not getting to do that, you know. And you're right, man, I'm the same way, dude. Somebody said, hey man, it's this or that. Dude, I'm picking that all day long. Man, I'll hang them up, hang them.
So how do you balance it? How do you how do you what do you do? How do you make the most of your time?
Just between like music and kids and hunting put on that's my life. I try to involve my kids and what I do I mean, obviously I can't take them on the road with me.
Stealing one bus right now. You know they're a little bitty. I mean, yeah, that's my little boy, six years old.
He'll go out, he'll he'll go out with me this summer a little bit. I'm sure on the bus my little girl might. But I just I just try to make like all the social media stuff, you know, I involved my kids and that. I just try to involve them in things. Like I had a label meeting a few weeks ago. I took a little girl to the label really sit there and eat candy and we sat a big conference room table. It's like, I just I'll try.
To involve them in that one. That's cool.
As far as balancing my time, it's just it gets to a point where this industry will, man, they'll bring you in, they want you to do this, do that, do this, do that, do that, and you just sometimes you just have say I can't do it, I can't do it.
I'm doing it.
That's a tough lesson to learn how to say.
It to me.
A long time to get there too, And I think it's just getting older, you know. I used to just I was the yes man.
Yep, well you gotta I mean you kind of have to be yeah.
Here, Yeah, when did you get down?
I was nineteen years old?
Really, so I'm thirty three now, yeah, fourteen years that's all right?
Out of high school? Yeah yeah, I did it.
You're like you already knew comingut of high school, this is what you wanted to do. Yeah.
So my dad, my dad lived in Nashville in his twenties, want to be an artist.
And ended up playing guitar for you. I remember Freddy Fender.
Yeah when.
School, dude, I ended up playing guitar on the road for him for years, you know, traveling the country. Met my mom, hung it all up, moved back to Louisiana, started a family. So I grew up with my dad, you know, playing music.
That's cool.
Didn't really as you grow up, you want to be your dad, right, yeah, your dad won't be your mom first, that's right. And so I was like, oh, I'm gonna be I'll be a country music artists. And I just kind of never really grew out of that cool. I used to tell my buddies like, I'm gonna move to Nashville. Didn't know what Nashville was. My dad lived there, and then I don't know, dude, I just never never grew out of it. Started coming to town when I was sixteen, meeting people, and then graduated high school and got a record deal with Curve Records immediately, wow, you know, and moved here and it took some time. Yeah, I mean moved here at nineteen with a record deal, right, And I don't think we don't. I didn't have any success until I was almost twenty six.
Gotcha, So seven years two kind of breakthrough yet?
Where you were you singing and playing or learned the guitar when you were in high school? Like like prepping to come to Nashville? Were you doing the Oh yeah, your dad kind of put you through.
The first story we've heard of like this, Like I knew immediately out of high school.
I didn't know anything else, man, I really didn't, Like, I didn't want to do anything else. I mean I saw pictures, I mean saw videos.
Who's who's the artist Keith Whitley?
Oh yeah that was my guy. You know, my dad's old school country. So that's what he put me on. Oh yeah, no doubt, but yeah, I just didn't know anything else, made to have a backup play, just knew want to do music and just went for it.
So you get here when you're nineteen, do you start You just start the grind, like like going out meeting people. What you've got? I mean, did you move here with a record deal?
I literally moved here with a record deal.
Happened already playing just met the right people. Oh no, it wouldn't play. It never played show in my life really never played to show my life.
Just through my dad's contacts of meeting other people in different contacts.
We just yeah, don't know, man, it's all worked out. I don't know.
It's crazy when I think about it now, I ask myself the same thing, like, how did that happen?
You know you.
Probably hipped that deal plenty of times by now.
Oh, don't get me started.
That's another podcast for another time.
I got the same record deal at thirty three that I had at nineteen.
They just signed you for life.
Let me say this, Yes, could I have a better deal, yes, But there is no other record label in town i'd rather be at. I'm gonna tell you why, because I put out probably between twenty one and twenty six, I probably put out five singles to country radio that nobody even knows about.
Because they're absolute garbage.
Right, any other label in town, Dad here, be back in Louisiana working in the paper mill, right, Yeah, But they didn't do that. They stuck with me and let me figure out who I was. And hey, you go back and listen to some old music of mine or look at some old photos of whatever I had going on. I mean, that kid was, but it took a long time to figure out who I was. So I mean, I don't think any of the label in town would have stuck with me and got me to where I am today.
So yeah, the first I think the first like when I think of the first Dyn Scott song, I heard that the first time I heard that hooked. Yeah, yeah, dude, that is such a jam. Man, that's such a jam. What was your first What was your first hit?
My girl?
See, that's the one when I think Done Scott, I think my girl, my girl, because I was just like, man, who is this dude like with this great voice like singing and meaning it. I remember it feeling like, you know, because when something first comes out and you're not hit, like I wasn't hitting and I saw this song come up and I'm like, who's this guy? You know immediately like beef fu a little bit right, and you're like, man, there's something about that that's pretty good. Yeah, and you're like, ah, man, it's pretty good. And then as I saw you singing, and I was like, man, this guy means it. Like I could tell that you meant that song, and it came across. I mean, I guess music videos are kind of still a thing then, because I could see the video in my head.
Yeah, So we almost almost didn't even record that song, really yeah, because it's every line in that song is about my wife, except there's a line called talking about sipping crown in sprite and she don't drink crown and just rhyme. We had to put it in there, and everything else is like it's literally it's it's my life up to that point twenty I think already, like twenty four to twenty five, that was my life. And I wasn't gonna record because I don't think anybody wanted to hear my love story.
And so I'm just like, nobody wants to hear that, you know, they want to hear a drinking song. Bla blah blah blah.
And so finally enough peoples like you gotta record, you gotta record it, And I mean to this day, I mean, it's probably still my biggest single as far.
That's the one. I mean when I think about I can still see you sing?
Did you write that?
With right of Josh Kirk? Just to just yeah, that's awesome. They ain't making any money on it?
Thing? What? Yeah, back to the deal. Really, I didn't think that.
It's all.
We're good.
It probably helped you make some money down the road.
Oh, And that's the way I look at it.
That's what you got, you know.
Man, did I make any money on the writing part of it? No, but look what it's done.
And there's plenty of those things in the music industry that you can look at, you know, do them and maybe may not pay off right now.
But it's a bit and it's a business for everybody.
So it's just as part of it to me.
All the time. They're like, man, you could make so much more money if you did X, Y and Z.
I'm like, yeah, but look at the life I live now, and like I'd be literally I'd still being Louis In trying to figure it out probably, you know, so I'm not complaining.
Yeah, the other thing is you can't really once this is your calling, per se, you can't.
Really shake it like this is what we do, it's what.
We're going to do, and you just got to find a way to make it work. And I think that's part of like, as bad as I hate to say it because it sounds like I'm taking up for the business and I shouldn't do that, but you you almost have to get kicked in the teeth a little bit on those things to make it down the line, and it definitely makes that down the line a lot sweeter once you do. You know.
I just think if you work hard anything and stay consistent and work hard, then it'll pay off.
I agree, Man's I.
Think there's a problem, not with any specific artists in this town, but there is artists that make the comment they're just like, man, how does that person get it?
And then we got to freaking work, hard work.
You can't sit there and expect a record label or a management team or what or whatever else to make it for you.
You start to work.
You sound like God's been in town.
Yeah, I mean, if you if you are in this town waiting on somebody else to do, if you're waiting on a cut, if you're waiting on a single, if you're waiting on a post, and if you're waiting on a record deal, if you're waiting on a show, Dude, it ain't coming.
The one might slip through the cracks. But if you, I mean, you got to get your hands in the dirt, dog and and do it consistently at a pace that is probably not good for you to wake up one day and be like, oh man, I've got some stuff going on, you know I mean.
And that's how it happens. You literally wake up one day and go, oh, for sure, I'm look at this.
Yeah, look what it was six months compared to ago, compared to right now.
I always think about that, this image I have in my head, and it's like, it's gonna be hard to explain this for people listening. But it's like a long photo, right, and there's a guy with a pitch for it digging this is that a pitch? What is this called? What's this called a shovel?
A pit?
Yeah, he's got something you created in your head and.
He's going across like this, and then there's a guy under him and they're at the same spot, right, and it's this little sliver of dirt and there's this giant like diamond right and one guy is already walking back this way, and this guy is still swinging, And as ridiculous as that is, you never know how close you are to busting through. And the only way that you can't bust through is if you quit. And I know that's a Facebook me and I'm dading myself by saying that, but I'm saying it's the truth. Man.
I think you've shared that on the Brothers. Yeah, way worse.
I'm just saying I think it's a motivational moment here. Don't quit swinging the act.
You got to keep swinging, no doubt, you got to keep chopping. You never know when that diamonds will be right there.
Big one too, as big as you are, as big as I am, over even me, either one.
You got, we got a little stat sheet, you've got a new song out to radio. This town has been too good to us. Let's do it on the way and it's a jam.
I love when I love when Bucks get in there. Wildlife gets in there. The first verse, you know, you know we put it in know we did. And then Arsenal like you get them in there as fast as you possibly can. Absolutely, I love that song. You've got your deluxe album Living My Best Life Still a Little with the Things around It five unreleased tracks, one of us coming.
Out March twenty ninth. I've been teasing a couple of them people. They're getting pissed off.
Pissed off.
I just started teasing them too soon. So everybody's just ticked off and I'm still or what Yeah, I hate that?
But yeah, how did you tease them too soon?
Was that?
Is that your call or the latest?
That's my call? No, I do what I want?
Helly oh yeah, I like to hear it.
That's what I'm talking. Like to hear it.
Speaking of do you did you ever moves that blind off the fence?
So I did move that blind off the fence about two weeks later.
You have no idea we're talking about.
I ain't got to give it to all right.
So I've got several forms I did hunt on, but there's this really special form. I live in a subdivision right now. I'm building a house on my farm, but been in the subdivision for seven years. Next literally butted up to this subdivision. It's a forty acres strip okay, right, and on the other side of that's about five hundred acres that this other guy ons.
Do we want to be that Do we want to be that specific?
Absolutely? Yeah, it's a judge in town. But anyway, my guy does what he's wants.
We got to cut that out.
So the guy, it's my responsibility to protect the innocent.
Here, the guy that has the five hundred acres that judges about the judge eat on hunt.
I called him to see if I can keep permission the hunt. He said, well, my wife loves looking at the deer. I said, that's fine, that's actually that's perfect. Yeah, because they're gonna, you know, say so for seven years now, I've been hunting this little forty butts up next to it. Don't hunt his property line. I stay off the whole deal because I just feel like that's the way to do it right.
Absolutely similar situation that I'm in right now.
It's a honey hole. I mean big Bucks everywhere.
Last year is the deer with a drop time and it blows my mind the deer that's on this little anyway, So I'm driving down there's a there's a high line that goes on his property all the way on my property, so you can see through his property if you're driving by, there's a blind sitting up on the fence line, literally touching the bar.
I've seen it. It's literally like.
His side, but only but literally.
If he's sitting in my blind, he can touch the grass on my side of the property. He can see my tree stand, and we can wave at each other, have a lock on it.
That's different, And it's kind of.
Crazy too, because like I got a walk by his right by a stand kind of to get to mine, Like what if I got my little boy with me?
Well, I don't know us.
Yeah, it's not there.
It's not the guy that owns the property. I think it's some kid that just don't know. But anyway, I decided I was now not to know. I put a I went and got a ground blind and I put it up right next to him.
They're touching.
The first video was like, what should I do about this fence? He's like. The next video is like I figured out what to do without running between him.
I got a lot of hate by doing that, like, oh you're so petty?
Yeah, a lot of people I love. He's legal and he is legal, but I don't care.
It's part of It's part of the learning curve of Hey man, if you don't know what you're doing and etiquette is unethical right here in this, in this hunting thing, then I'm gonna show you why it is and booms that one right next to him.
I did, but I never I don't know. I never found out who it was.
He's still there.
I had to move my blind because I needed it, so I lived there for two weeks.
That's probably enough time, though. Yeah I got the point two weeks.
I mean, surely he came back and saw it two weeks.
But dude, I've been I've been petty about that stuff.
I have to.
It drives down crazy.
Because here's the thing, man, this is you got to pick your fights right like you live there. So that's a that's different. Where we run into it is Dad and Red called me all hot one day. Hey man, you know so and so neighbor. I was like, yeah, he's like, you put a note on one of our stands. It was like your trespass and this ridge is.
More no no, no, It started hang on. It started with a lock on first of all. It started with them cutting the fence down. They cut part of the section of the fence down. So we're like, all right, that's that's not cool. And then there's next time we go up there, there's a lock on right where that fence is cut, facing R, facing R and and it's like, dude, it's it's like it's a proven point stand. It's a great uh. It's like a big oak, you know ridge right there, big draw, it's a great big buck saddle. Where they crossed, it's in a jam up spot. And we hunted, so I was I was pissed.
I was like, dude, what are we gonna do with this? Is my dad he's getting you know, he's just walking around. He's like, they cut our fence. They cut the fence, and then they put a lot hot. I was like, yeah, Dad, you're right. I was like, they cut our fence. I was like, what are we gonna do about it? He's like, I think we need to send him a message, and I was like, I think we do too. So I went back to cameewall.
I don't think we need to send them. They live there. We get We go every every four weeks, you know, three or four weeks. We get it. A couple of days. This dude lives there. I'm like, he could just walk up there and shoot everything we have all week.
I get you or you Yeah.
I grabbed two old cuddy backs that ain't worked in about sixteen years and put one like one on one side of the tree and one on the other across that cut fence, and then I may have taken some some wipe I don't know what kind of wipes they were, tied him up on the We put the fence back up, like, tied the fence back up, put some wipes on the fence, so petty. Next time we go up there, the fence is cut again. Both cameras are gone. We go up to the stand, our stand on that saddle right there, and there's a handwritten note with all those cameras, all those wipes hanging on our stand.
And guess what this guy says, he's a judge too, just like you guys.
He sure did.
Boy, still hunt that saddle, and next that lock on is gone. So that's what I wanted to happen. So it's out here.
I'm like, hey, man, like, what do you think is gonna happen here? Like we don't live there, we go there every now and then. This dude lives there, and you're picking a fight with some eighty year old crazy bones crazy bones McGill up there, dude, he ain't gonna tell them what that guy could do. I mean, he could shoot every deer, mess up, he could mess he could run his dogs through that country if he wanted to, and we won't mean nothing we can do about it because he lives there.
Yeah, sometimes you gotta be petty. Sometimes sometimes you gotta put and sometimes you gotta put a blind right next to the kid.
You gotta show them a lesson. You gotta kids.
They ain't gonna learn it. They a't gonna learn it. It's up to you to learn.
We're the old timers, now, you know what I'm saying. We all got I'm hanging listen here.
Keep me right here. I should have just kept it. I just kept it going. Yeah.
I mean, if there's one thing I love, it's taking hunting rights away from the kids.
Yeah, that's that's the way.
That's the way you gotta do. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.
I'm sure that was important what Damn was trying to say. But it's that part of the show for the one that got it.
Oh, that was beautiful.
Thanks man put it in a different, little different light for that part of the show I did.
I'm No Stranger to the Rain. Yeah, they keep going under friend one me mm hmm, well I fall with the devil God Dawn on this level.
Sucks so bad.
Keith Wielie will not be proud right now. No, I'm no stranger to the Red Wain and get that farg fad and well I am a paising now. Anyway, that was great, cool, thanks, great, that's great. That sucks. Sorry, that was awesome.
Uh, this is part of the show we do the one that got away. You could be a.
You're supposed to go.
I already did that.
I thought were just every time you said we just stopped talking. We do we can be able to yet Oh well okay, well's gonna put Harry on that time again.
He's doing me dude, one guy. Wait, if we're gonna do harmon, you gotta do it. Put a low on it.
One god, So I was deer hunting this year.
See he already knows. I didn't even have to say why if you are a good girl.
So we were talking about that big buck on my pharm that I wanted to kill. The neighbor shot it. So I was hunting the day that I found out that deer got killed. I was in the.
Standfferent, but I was hunting on the twelve one hundred acres in Murphy's bro because there was a big, big, mature eight point out there, and there was this awesome twelve point. But the twelve point I had on camera had these two kickers coming out the side of me, just awesome looking at you.
But he looked he looked four and a half to me. The eight was I think he was five and a half.
Think he was you're saying the twelve was four and a half listen to me, Yeah, and you finna give him another.
One, OK.
So I'm going to go in there after that a point and so because the twelve point just he just didn't look real.
He didn't look that big on camera. And I'm sitting there respect in the middle of the rut.
And I hit my grunt about three forty five early, right, hey hey, coming through the woods at me.
So it was a twelve point. He was a giant.
Usually on trail camp pictures they look bigger, right than what they actually are. He looks smaller, and I'm telling you he was a giant and he's coming out. He's behind this hot dough and he's coming out.
He's all burrowed up. You know, he's looking around.
So are you immediately assessing this year's old enough?
Are you still like I know, immediately knew yeah, I immediately yeah, couldn't believe it.
The button went off. This is immediately clear shooter. Not even that, like, I don't I don't get buck fever, but I didn't get both fever then. But I was literally I was, I was beside myself, bow hunting, hunting.
Come on.
So he comes out and I got him. The setup wasn't perfect where I was at. It was a brand new stands, my first sit in the stand, so I knew I needed to fix some things. But anyway, I had him at what I thought was forty yards Okay, it was thirty yards, and I shot this there with my forty yard pen.
At thirty yards, can I tell you? Right over his back? And it made me sick.
And he went in the woods and I'm sitting there and I'm just like, that's it. I mean, I'm sick, sick, sick.
About thirty minutes later, this dough comes out and it's his hot dough, so you know he's with her.
He's right in.
He's twenty five yards below me, and I couldn't. It happened so quick, I couldn't draw back, and so I did draw back.
I had to. That was that was it. He was gonna walk on and I draw back.
Are you doing this or on the other Oh yeah, oh yeah. So the dove freaks out. She cuts out forty yards across the field stops.
He's right behind her.
So when he takes off, I draw back and he turns perfect broadside forty yards.
I knew he's forty yards this time, he's forty.
You done take the shot once?
Hey, I released this era, and I kid you not, it's going straight for the freaking heart. And this deer ducks and dodges.
Ducks and dodges, dips and dodges and deer in one evening dodges, evening dodges.
I'm super sick at this point, but it gets worse no way. The three days later.
I don't see this.
Deer for three days. Oh yeah, you know, I just shot at him twice. They took off, but I got cameras all over this property, and so this guy, this guy across the field.
I get him on my other camera with that dough and he had done and broke off this whole side fighting. So now I can't even shoot him. So I get to watch this deer the rest of the season.
Do you do you see him? Like, do you have shot opportunities?
I never had a shot opportunity at him again, but I had him on camera.
Just what I'm saying, you could have.
Yeah, I just didn't go for him, man, I was. I was going for that eight point, which I never saw again.
But that I'm a believer. I'm a believer that everything happens for a reason. And next year is going to be an absolute monster. I just and you're gonna miss him at seventeen yards.
I stopped seeing this deer into December, So I don't.
Makes you wonder.
It makes you wonder, man, I mean that. But there's there's still hope that I mean, because oh there's still hot, there's deer after the rut. Deer come in live on far for the rut, and they go they go winter and summer somewhere else. So they're still but that's the one that got away.
That's a good one.
That's that got away a couple of time, but still upen ended. Yeah, books still have to keep it at the end.
You'll have to keep us informed when you start getting pictures of him again. If you start getting you will. I choose to believe that you will.
Don't look at me when I do this, you will?
Sure, great?
All right, that was a good one.
So what do you when you think of like the greatest favorite gavorite song of your experience? What does it look like?
Let me see?
Yes, first time this is having excited about it. Yeah, it's great. I'm really pumped about it.
Ready for this one?
Yep, back looks awesome. Front looks good to you?
Like the bats apartment.
All right, let's see if we can do this. Here's my.
Favorite great favorite you gotta.
Here we go saw Mill Gravorite.
Well, everybody talks about the Califoroni you quakes, but the first time I ever felled the earth shade was in Miami.
Oho. It shouldn't mean I told her I loved her and I wanted to stay.
She said, be sure, I'll call you in La. We'll leave in in this taxi. I can hear my telephone calling me from miamm Miami.
What took you so long? I thought you ne call Miami.
Oh my mine loves me after.
Come on, man, man, Amy loves me after all.
That's my favorite.
That's one of my grav I got chill bumps on my chicken skin right well, I had.
To after I screwed up.
Flexed on that one though.
That was give me a guitar, dude, and just does what he does.
You sound good, man, he said, really good. We try not to pressure people into singing because we don't want them to feel like they have to come do that. But after you watch the other thing, it was probably a good move.
On your.
Recognized game.
You good.
But he completely redeemed something like that.
He completely.
That was.
Yeah, that was good chicken skin. Dylan, You're a great singer and a great dad and a great deer hunter. And I treated you like we were better friends than we are. And I apologize for that. But thanks for letting me do that, and thanks for coming and hanging out with us.
That was a lot of fun.
Dylan Scott everybody, he's a real deal. I hope you enjoyed this one the real deal. Oh, they're real. Thanks for hanging out guys, Gosha, we'll catch you all next time.
Dylan Scott, everybody,