Maisie and Bullet yipped in their special dog language. Running into my office Bullet
“nosed” me. “Let me out!” he pled! I kept working. Bullet nosed me again while
Maisie went under my desk putting her chin on my knee. PLEASE!
I relented. I opened the door thinking “Look out squirrels!”
As I watched the excited chase, two parables came to mind: the persistent widow who pled with the judge until he gave her what she desired and the generous father giving his son a fish instead of a snake. Maisie and Bullet persisted, confidently asking me to answer their request. Somehow, they know the joy it brings me seeing them fulfill their purpose.
I PAWNDER, How can we align with God’s purpose then confidently
persist in prayer until He answers?
Sigh up for a weekly Thought to PAWnder email Including dog story, questions to PAWNDER, scriptures, a song and space to write, draw, or doodle. Go to and click on the image to sign up. This is Meg Grier. Thanks for Listening, Join me again next Thursday for a Thought to PAWNDER
Host: Meg Grier -
God and Our Dogs airs every Saturday at 9am on Boerne Radio 103.9FM -