From our earliest days as little human beings we love secrets. There’s something that makes kids a little giddy about knowing something special. In fact, psychology researcher and author of The Secret Life of Secrets: How Our Inner Worlds Shape Well-Being, Relationships and Who We Are Michael Slepian says kids know intuitively that sharing a secret is a way to create intimacy. He tells Ali that if you ask a child what a secret is, they might say it’s something you share with your best friend. Oh, but we do grow up. When do secrets become dangerous? Slepian uses his unique research to explain what our most common secrets tend to be, why we keep them, why we sometimes need to share them, and how that can be good for our mental health.
If you have questions or guest suggestions, Ali would love to hear from you. Call or text her at (323) 364-6356. Or email (No dashes)
**Go Ask Ali has been nominated for a Webby Award for Best Interview/Talk Show Episode! Please vote for her and the whole team at by April 20, 2023!
Links of Interest:
Book: The Secret Life of Secrets: How Our Inner Worlds Shape Well-Being, Relationships and Who We Are
Articles with Slepian’s Research:
“The Secrets You Keep Are Hurting You - Here’s How”, Psychology Today (01/22/19)
“Why We Keep So Many Secrets”, Psychology Today (07/05/22)
Listener Questions Notes:
(Peri)Menopause-Supporting Beauty Brands
Executive Producers: Sandie Bailey, Lauren Hohman, Tyler Klang & Gabrielle Collins
Producer & Editor: Brooke Peterson-Bell
Associate Producer: Akiya McKnight