莫斯科音乐厅恐袭事件谜团重重 Moscow concert hall terror attack

Published Mar 26, 2024, 9:17 AM

俄罗斯首都莫斯科近郊的 “番红花城市大厅” 音乐厅 (Crocus City Hall) 星期五发生恐怖袭击。这是俄罗斯20年来最严重的恐怖袭击,至今已造成137人死亡,100多人受伤。

事发后,乌克兰迅速否认与恐袭有任何牵连,极端组织伊斯兰国(ISIS)则宣布是自己发动了这次袭击。美国也声称这起恐袭是由极端组织伊斯兰国的阿富汗分支 (ISIS-K) 干案。而俄罗斯官员却是把矛头指向乌克兰,指恐怖分子和乌克兰有联系。中国网民则质疑,这起事件是美国在幕后指使。



The attack on a Moscow concert hall last Friday was the deadliest in Russia for two decades, resulting in 137 fatalities and over 100 injuries as of Sunday afternoon. 

In the aftermath of the tragedy, the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) group claimed responsibility for the attack while Ukraine promptly denied involvement. The United States confirmed ISIS’ claim, attributing the attack to the Afghan branch known as the ISIS-Khorasan (ISIS-K). However, Russia asserts a link between the terrorists and Ukraine. Meanwhile, Chinese netizens have questioned the United States’ involvement. 

In this episode of Global Heartbeat podcast, host Han Yong Hong and Lianhe Zaobao’s China News Copy Editor Yu Zeyuan analyse who was behind the attack and the motive behind it as well as the implications for the Russia-Ukraine war.  

Hosted by Lianhe Zaobao’s Associate Editor, Han Yong Hong, Global Heartbeat is a Mandarin weekly news and current affairs podcast that is updated every Tuesday, 7.00 PM SGT. It is available on zaobao.sg, Apple Podcast, Google Podcasts, Spotify and other podcast platforms.


纵观天下,监测中国心跳,由《联合早报》副总编辑韩咏红主持的国际时事播客《东谈西论》,每周探讨国际热点话题,分析国际政治动态。 每逢星期二新加坡时间晚上7时更新。
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