Naturally we had to check who on the Gina & Matty team had the worst rating.
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So Gina and Maddie podcast, What have you done in an uber?
Before? What have you seen in an uber? Before? It comes after?
On Reddit, where you can find everything good on the Internet, somebody has posted a list of rules that they saw when they got into this person's uber, and it's gone viral and lots of people underneath the shared their opinions and other stories of things they've seen in an uber.
One of the things that it's really getting people up in arms this story is look at this gena.
It's all in capitals. Oh it's angry. So it's like he's screaming the whole time rolls and.
He laminated it, so it means it's very important. In the back of his uber, on the back of it, on the shoe, on the back of his seat, so when a passenger slides in into the back, it's just right in front of them.
Oh my god.
And there's as you can see here, Gina, there are a lot of rules. Look at all these rules. I'm not going to go through all these rooks. I don't have time for that.
But I'm just the best.
I've highlighted a couple children to be seated at all times, will duh. But he's followed it up with no kicking or playing with the doors or windows. Oh geez, I mean, what kids is he driving around? That a kick in the back of seats ones? The ones that on the plane behind me. This one is like a whole paragraph. And don't worry, I'm not gonna yell it like he's written it in caps. But he's written I will not turn off my radio or down to inaudibly for your personal or business calls. I do not want to hear your corporate meetings or personal business dealings. Have them before entering all ones exiting my car? What full stop, no exceptions, period, Do not ask me to period.
That's the purpose of being having someone else drive you is that you can be on the phone and have a meeting on the way to where you're going.
Cover your mouth or nose when coughing or sneezing. If I notice and you don't, it will be reported you.
They'll get a one start.
Excuse me, police, he sneezed in my.
Uber wearing a seatbelders up to you. Now, I feel like that's not one.
That's one of them.
That has to be absolutely you have to feel like it would just say you must wear it not is up to you, like he's given you the option on that one.
This is this is how he sort of ended it.
If at any time you're not enjoying the rinde refused to expect, respect my rules or feel uncomfortable in any way, I will gladly pull over so that you may request another driver asked me to right away.
I think I'd do it before I even got in.
Since you really, well, is he on the coast one?
Is he.
Producer C Jane? You've had a little incident in an uber before.
I have, not just myself, but many of my friends have had incidents in the ubers that I call.
So it's under my name.
So I'll bit anxious about my uber eating. I don't know what it is, but I don't want to look. But I've had a few incidents where I've had, you know, big nights out on the town and I need to get home and then I couldn't hold my stomach, and then said my friends as well, and I'm like, guys, not under my name?
Can you please not?
And it's so embarrassing because obviously there's an extraordinary cleaning feed for that type of thing. Oh, you go to get new I know, almost two hundred dollars. So every time it happens, you know, I want to I just want to be happened more than once, get all myself and then my friends. Oh dear, yeah, you know, to get new friends. Good, I know, and I don't want to find so I'm like, can you please show evidence? And then surely enough they have to send me the photo. And I have all these pictures of vomit all over there.
That's just what you want the next morning.
So, I mean, you could call it a tactical spew, but not so tactical if you copping the cleaning. Fine. You said you don't know what your rating is.
No, I don't not yet. You said you're a little.
Bit worried about the writing because of these cheeky bombs.
Definitely someone stars I probably had to saved.
How do you find the writing? I've got my app open, but I nearly always use rods.
All right, Well, I can walk you through how you can see what you're You open up uber yep, and then you go to a count down the bottom so you can do this. Everyone can do this and figure it out. Then up the top next to your name, there's like your little icon profile. You click on that yep, and then up the top again on the right hand side, you'll see privacy and data yep. You click on that, and then you click on privacy. You're doing a lot of clicking things, so when you first open Uber, you can normally see what you're rating is up the top of this is actually going to break it down for you. So in the privacy center, it'll say see summary yep. You click on c summary and then you can come down and it will show you how many days you've been on there, how many ubers you've taken so far. But if you keep scrolling down, it'll say view my ratings, be.
My trips, bew my orders, view my rating, and that's which you click on it.
Now I am the proud owner of four point eighty nine stars on Uber.
I'm quite happy with that.
I can see I've taken seventy eight five star trips, three four stars, and three people gave me bloody threes. So I was a little chatty when I was drunk, you know, really, I can't imagine that.
In the words, they're not fully formed sentences and another morning.
Yeah, well, because I only have a rating. I think on uber eats because I always do rods.
But I've got a five. That's good. They're all fives.
So you've had over twenty people rate you and all given you five stars.
I'm nice. That's good. Yeah, I'm so nice. Producer CJ. The Uber Vomita.
I got brackets on the rating to one the others.
But ninety five five stars, that's all good.
I got three four stars and six one stars.
Oh dear.
Six is a lot of one stars, so watch it.
Overall rating four point two five. It's not terrible. That's fine. Okay, oh my god? One stars? Who did that? The person who?
What we can also gather from that is how many times either you or your friends have vomited in your car?
Six times? CJ. Get It Together, Get New Friends podcast.
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