BONUS: Tash From Coasties Mag Makes A Huge Pledge To Star 104.5’s Movember Fundraising Efforts

Published Nov 11, 2024, 11:01 PM

Tash from Coasties Mag made a very special mid-week appearance with Gina & Matty to make a HUGE pledge to help Star 104.5’s massive Movember fundraiser. 

You can make a donation to Star 104.5’s Movember Team here, and you can get in touch with us on socials (just search @ginaandmatty) if you want a massive shoutout on Friday – for a donation of course!

Listen via the Star Player app.

Follow us @ginaandmatty on Instagram and Facebook. 

To Gina and Maddie podcast.

Now what just started as me doing November for the tenth year in a row has gained quite a bit of momentum here at Star one oh four point five. We've put together a team of everyone here in the office who has signed up. The gents at the beginning of the month, all shoved down, the moses starting to grow in. We're speaking to Adam, who you hear across the workday yesterday about his most Shifty Shane with Boss. His is coming in Maltz, the Big Boss. We're all getting on board trying to raise as much money as we can and awareness. Really, that's what the Mustache is about, is about just starting a conversation based around men's mental health, suicide prevention and of course physical health in that prostate and testicular cancer world. A little bit later on in the week, we're going to be chatting to Phil who is a Walk It Off co founder, which is a group of men who just get together, go for a walk and have a chat which I love me as well as local Matt Steinwit who has been affected quite personally by the causes that November look after And then I was like, oh you know what I might because I do love running, haven't been doing it for a while. Few injuries, few niggles, and I thought, you know what, I'll do the More than a Run November thirty k run, which is happening down on the Gospel Waterfront on Saturday, November thirtieth. There's a whole bunch of running groups getting around that I think running repairs clinic up at the entrance. They're putting a team together. It's going to be unreal. And then we've got a call from Elizabeth saying, oh, hey, radio guy, why don't you do the run on air? So that's what we're going to do on Friday, the twenty ninth of November. I'm going to try and run thirty kilometers live on air to raise as much as I can for November. And we've got some donations coming in which is really lovely.

And I thought what we could do as well.

If you've got a small business here on the coast, or maybe there's something going on for you this weekend, something that you'd like to get mentioned on the radio, we will do donation for comment on Friday. Right, So the smallest little donation, right, it doesn't have to do much, could be five bucks, ten bucks, whatever it is, going towards this fantastic cause. We will talk about your business on the radio. Like Fika, the sales team here probably hate it right because we're giving away programming airtime for almost free, almost free, but the money goes which is tax deductible, which goes to a fantastic charity.

You know what. I could get on here and go, oh my.

Gosh, how good is X Bakery? They have the best sausage rolls going around. Ah and the vanilla slice. Don't get me started on that.

So if you'd like to get involved, if you've got a.

Business or something, we'll do donation for comment Friday on the show. Get in touch with this, you can getting through the Facebook Gena Amadi start one O four to five or on our Instagram.

At Jena Amadi. We'll go through that way.

And I did see a little donation that came through from some friends of the show who.

Join us on the line at the moment. High Task from Coast's.

Mag Good morning, Maddie, Genie, how are you.

Guys really really love?

I just want to say a big thank you for getting on board with Team Star one oh four point five and our November month here at.

Star Oh, You're so so welcome every issue. So every quarter, Nicky and I choose a charity that we see throughout the central code, someone who's doing something cool, and we always donate an amount every quarter. So when we saw your post about your thirty forms of run, we thought what better than to support our friends at Star one oh four point five. I'm lucky for you though, because we did see that there was a team, so we split the donation among all eight of you. Yeah, we wanted to make sure that we didn't just give you all the love, so we shared it among everyone in the team, and we yeah, donated to each and every one of the year.

Anyone listening who wants to do that as well, can you just take us through how you actually did that?

Oh well, for someone who's tach like literate like myself, it's really easy. So I was lucky enough to find it on Instagram. Mattie did a host about his time that he's doing. There was a link in his bio, so I simply clicked on that and from there it was simple as you just put a few little bits and pieces in. You need your card information, which has always that annoying thing when stage, so make sure you have you all with you. And yeah, it was easy anything. Yeah, and I did eight times so it was very easy.

Really appreciate.

We'll put all the links up on our Gena and Matti Instagram as well as on our Facebook. We'll put a post up there on the Gena Amadi Facebook. You generally do come in on a Friday, Tash when you do Central Coast Weekend, letting us know all the great things that Coasties mag are covering for the weekend. I will be doing my run on a Friday. Do you want to bring your sneakers in? Do some cays with me?

I didn't make that joke online publicly, so I feel like I'm going to have to do that.

Yeah, locked and beautiful. Let's confirm now online and on air.

Tash air.

Well, I heard you saying Saturday and I was like, yeah, some of the hawk is great that it just turned around and I was like.

Damn it, where your sneakers?

But just maybe you can be my hydration assistant. You can just throw me some water?

How about that? Yeah?

I'll trot along for the little segment. How's that, bro? Deal? Love? It.

Thanks Tash on behalf of everyone who's been affected by the causes that November look after.

We thank you as well for your donation.

Anight and for Friday. What an amazing thing for small businesses. Please make sure you do a post and target so we can share that among our business community as well.

Absolutely, we'll let you know every small business that gets in touch with this for our donation for comment segment, which we'll do on Friday, Tasha, and we'll catch you soon, okay, and Maddy podcast well, my great comedy shows like this head to Novo Podcasts dot com dot au