Grab your cowboy hat ‘cause we’re yeehaw-ing into Gina’s Country Corner for the hottest gossip straight out of the country music capital Tamworth.
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Well, I drive up to turn Worth yesterday with my gorgeous husband Rod. We arrived in town quickly, got the hair and makeup done, threw on some pink clothes which I shopped here at a fair for found them in my own wardrobe. Hot pink. Went and did a lovely charity event. I was the host and got to sing a few songs, saw some beautiful old friends, met some new friends and we had a really nice time. A bit late, but I've got all the goss while I was here, I thought you might like to we some goss veastes well last night. Felicity Kercher one Starmaker. She's a brand new country singer. You won't have heard off. We all had our money on local boy Bryce Sainty. I have to say we adore Bryce, who was also ready. He was up there and sadly didn't win.
Wasn't to be.
He's still going to be a big star, but congratulations Felicity Kircher. Now Starmaker was previously won by Lee Cernighan, Becky Cole, James Blundele, a bunch of big Aussie country music stars, Keith urban.
Oh Starmaker madam.
Now he presented me my award he won the year before. I won the very same Talent Quest back in nineteen ninety one. Back then I got a kiss on the cheek from Keith Urban and a certificate that said Gina Hillenburg, which was my mate Starmaker in nineteen ninety one.
These days last night.
Felicity one one hundred thousand dollars worth of prizes, a Toyota and free petrol.
For year, although some would say a kiss on the cheek from Keith Urban is also worth one hundred thousand dollars in cash and prizes.
Priceless, priceless. Casey Chambers, of course, is in town.
She'll be doing her an annual show at the Town Hall on the twenty third. In twenty eighteen, Casey was honored by being the youngest female ever to be inducted into the ARIA Hall of Fame and the youngest inductee to the Australasian Country Music Role of Renown. And you don't want to miss her show if you're in town. Gos this song we can hear right now. She has a brand new song out with her ex husband Shane Nicholson, called The Divorce Sparty.
Already, Glad.
It's clearly not that bitter. It's like when Pink did so what and she got her ex. Now she's back together with to do the film clip with her.
I love people who are good in divorce. Now, the Wiggles.
Are currently driving their big red ut up to Town Wolf. They'll be on the road right now, probably listening to you and I. Adam Colour Wiggles. They're going to be showcasing their brand new country album tomorrow. It's full of duets with some of the biggest country artists on the planet like Dolly Parton, Landy Wilson, Morgan Evans, Kaylee bell Our very own Toy Cassa Daily, the Wolf Brothers, Travis Collins and Slim Dusty and many others. What we're all wondering is at their two shows one show, two shows tomorrow right here in Tamworth, which big stars are going to jump up for the wiggles first ever country album. Now, I know you're wondering about this. Adam Yep mullet, goss mullet, and.
You know I love a mullet. I've had a mullet twice now, and the free flowing hair and the bag the wind blowing.
It was amazing, wind blowing it.
Countrytown Music magazine had a mullet competition of all the celebrities in country music now the Wolf Brothers. Tom Wolf lost in a big way to newcomer Lane Pittman.
You might have seen him on the Voice on Team Keith.
He's a hot new potentially a hot favorite for a Golden Guitar on Saturday Night, coming to be best new talent, But he got to open for Luke Combs, so we were just playing Luke Carter. He's on a highway to big things. Tom Wolf, who I'm great mates with, pretty upset about it because he thinks he had the original mullet in country music. But I want to call Tom, and I just might and say, hey, Tom, look back to the early nineties to my husband Rod playing guitar on stage at the Golden Guitars with Peth Obert.
Keith has a long blonde mullet.
Bleitch blonde, when Rod has a long, curly one clear winness. You can catch Tom and his mullet tomorrow night. This is the Wolf Brothers. We're listening to you right now at they can catch him tomorrow at West Legs. They are incredible. They are jumping up. You don't have Rob Mills was on the Central Coast last weekend. Well you might as well jump up with Millsy because it's a Pon Jovie tribute show the boys are doing tomorrow here. Millsy is in town for the Country Music Festival as well. They'll be jumping up with him. But keep on playing. More Wolf Brothers forming more wolf Brother's news. They have a highly anticipated sold out show at the long Yard. Tell me, let me tell you why it's so highly anticipated.
This year, Adam go for it. Last year the entire band took their shirts off. It gets hot here in the defense.
Probably the biggest crowd you've ever seen at the long Yard here in Tamworth.
The entire band took their shirts off.
Now, Adam, they don't really have an Adam body.
They probably don't have a body that should have shirts off. Well, let's say they didn't have that body last year.
This year, Nick Wolf who's the singer who we can hear singing right now.
He's the lead singer and the Wolf Brothers.
He celebrated his fortieth birthday this Saturday just gone. He decided to shred fifteen kilos. He has a six pack, and I think, ladies, we can guarantee that this Friday night at Tamworth at the Longyard at the Wolf brother Show, you're gonna have gonna be seeing some shirts off and some skin from the Wolf Brothers, and particularly throw your eyes towards Nikolf, who's looking hot. That is my country music goss live from Tamworth, Jefferyson.
I'll be back you next Saturday for the gold Gars. Tune in and if you with everything.
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