On today's episode of Get Up! Mornings with Erica Campbell, we celebrated GRIFF's Birthday. Listeners were treated to inspiring segments from Erica. Including Erica's "Faith Walk” titled Lean Not, "Ericaism" titled My Testimony and the "Love Talk" where she shared the uplifting message Show a Little Mercy. GRIFF's "Joys & Concerns" had us laughing about his Birthday Weekend and his teams winning all weekend. The show also featured various Birthday Shout Outs from some of GRIFF's closest friends and family. Dr. Willie Jolly, Wake Up and Win segment was titled "The Power of Faith, Focus and Follow Through." The show was interactive, with listeners encouraged to shower GRIFF with love. It was an amazing show! Join the entire Get Up Crew Mon. - Fri., we'll be Faith Walking, Love Talking and Joy Living on Get Up Mornings with Erica Campbell.
Website: https://www.urban1podcasts.com/get-up-mornings-erica-campbell