The goal of the Get on Purpose podcast is to provide you with actionable takeaways that will help you live a life on purpose and give you ways of measuring and maintaining personal accountability.
In Episode 1 and 2 we talked about the foundational values and guiding principles you need to create your own Blueprint.
Today we get under the hood of what the term ‘purpose’ actually means.
In this episode I talk about:
Today’s Get on Purpose Action (GOPA):
Did this week’s transactions have a clear purposes? Reflect on what was a waste of time and why that was. Was the purpose clear?
Is the purpose of the work you are responsible for clearly defined? If not define it and then communicate the vision with people around you.
Does the organisation you work for or lead have a clear purpose? Brainstorm some ideas of what it could look like it. If it is does, are you actually clear on what it is.
Links mentioned in the show: