James Maslow & Logan Henderson (Big Time Rush)

Published Feb 27, 2023, 5:00 AM

Can’t Get Enough… of Logan and James from BTR! 

They join Lance and Michael as they reveal the dramatic events that took place to make Big Time Rush…Big Time. Find out why they say Disney v. Nickelodeon is a bigger rivalry than BSB and NSYNC and some strange decisions that went on BTS of BTR! 

Plus, the secret to long distance relationships AND is there a Big Time Rush cruise in our future?!

This is Frosted Tips with Lance Bass and my Heart Radio podcast. Hello, my Little Peanuts, it's me your host, Lance Bass. This is Frosted Tips with Me Lance with my husband, Oh me, Michael. Yeah, I thought you're gonna introduce me, but we're sharing the mic right now because we have a full studio today. We got two guys with us, all right, So today's gonna be really fun because I purposely did not want to study for this interview because I want to see. I want to learn as we go with these guys. Bold moves. It is very bold. I know some you know, sometimes we like to challenge ourselves, all right, So please welcome to the show. James Maslow, Logan Henderson, Uh, Big Time Rush, which is killing it right now, decided to be here. It's great Now mentioned guys in one studio and hey, well three, I don't want to hear it, all right, but I've I've gotten to know you guys individually, of course, but I've never really been able to talk about the group and this this show is all about the boy band fandom out there and what kind of started it all for all of us. Yeah. Um, so let's start at the beginning. Big Time Rush Nickelodeon show. We all know I'm wearing I wrapped our shirt just for you guys. I appreciate that, huh. But I was telling right before we went live that the real rivalry is Disney versus Nickelodeon, not Backstreet didn't sync. We were Disney band. Y'are a Nickelodeon band? Was it actually Disney though, Yeah, that's where it started. Well, oh yeah, because Mickey Mouse Clubs, you were technically a Disney band. Well when they started, you know, Disney associate, we were Disney back. I'm just trying to him. I know, if it wasn't for the Disney special and we used to be Nickelodeon, Sony Columbia back. Yeah, now we're not exactly. So we all evolved. I will say though. One of my first shows I ever filmed was a Disney show. Yeah, and it was called Life Bites. Okay. I never got picked up, And in fact, the creator of the show had me audition for Big Time Rush and he came to me and he was like, I, why don't you know I saw your show? And I was like, oh great, he goes. I hated that show, but he goes, you were the only funny one and so I wanted you to come an audition for it. So it turned out that he actually saw me from a Disney show originally, and then I somehow went to the dark side and join Nickelodeon. That's it's kind of like a JC story. He was auditioning for Newsies the movie and then ended up doing Mickey Mouse Club because of the news He's audition. Wow. H So you never knowed kids, all stepping stones. Never give up out there. You never know where you're going to get discovered. The door leads to another. Yeah, we just also had Trevor Panic on the show from Otown and that happened the same way too. Yeah, the auditioned for making the band. Yeah, didn't get called to come actually, because he sent in a tape. His friend and him did a duo thing. His friend got called in, but him not. But he went to the audition anyway and stood in line and they picked him out of the line. I said, no, you're auditioning, and he made the band personally right there. Tenacity. Oh yeah, okay, So how did the group because some people don't know that the group was made for the TV show or were you a group and then got the TV show. It was both I'll let you. I'll let you kind of go through the whole process because you sure, yeah, it was there from the beginning. You were Logan and I are actually the first one in the first round of auditioning. It was a two year process, believe it or not, where Sony Columbia and Nickelodeon came together and said, hey, we want to create a band that's a real band, but they can also be a real scripted television show. Allah the Monkeys. I think it was a good example. Hey, hey, and so we were seventeen. I was seventeen we first started auditioning. It's two thousand and seven, and we went through this whole entire process. I mean they flew in, they saw thousands of kids and picked I think forty of us. Flew everybody to LA and we literally would have acting coaches, singing coaches, dance coaches. We learned choreography and songs. Well, speaking of making the band, it was very much like the film and filmed the entire thing. I mean people were getting cut, kids were crying. It was like at the beginning of it was pretty gnarly because they didn't know exactly what they were trying to create. They were just like, all right, let's see they were pretty much and they did a good job of that. But no, it was It was a lot of fun. The craziest part though, is that we actually ended up with a group before at the end of the first round, in the first screen test, and little did we know there was going to be three more screen tests over the next two years. So, I mean, obviously it worked out in the end, but we even ended up filming a pilot episode with another character that was in place of Kindle because we didn't have him at the time. So the guy's name was Kurt, really talented Broadway star, but it just didn't quite fit the group and kind of what we needed on the recording side of things, and we ended up having another screen test again, like multimillion Dollar pilot. Kindle jumped in and then everything just kind of solidified and felt right, wow, yeah, I mean everyone's kind of going through that too. I feel like with every group they had a member that jumped out or just didn't really fit. So how did y'all know that Kendall was like the right guy? It was, well, it was stuff, well I had I met him actually about a month prior, and we were at a house party and he was playing some music and I came in and started singing, and so we jam for a little bit. I got to kind of, you know, get to know him. But it was one of those parts. You know, we had been drinking, so it's more of just kind of a hangout, not a you know, a formal introduction. But whenever I saw him, I at the screen test, I came right up to him. I was like, what's up, man, Like, good to see you again, And you know, we just had such great chemistry. Everything just kind of we were already joking within the first screen test and messing around with each other like we had been old friends. And I think one of those things, it's just you know, when the stars all aligned, it just everything felt right. Yeah, you know how it goes. You know, when you got a group of group of guys, group of people, you really the most important thing is like, yeah, can you do the job, of course, but past that level of good enough to do the job, who do you want to spend the next many years of your life when which is really important, very important? So I mean we're all still friends today, Yeah, and people don't realize that. You know, it's like you have to have that chemistry as a band. You can be the best singer in the world, but if you're an asshole, the band's not gonna last that long. Totally. Yeah, absolutely, And and that's what we were so lucky too. When we got together. We we put ourselves together, so there was this kind of friendship already, and then we lived in a house together for a year before we even got a record deal, so you knew by the time experience it was. I loved it because look, I was sixteen years old. It is based like camp, that's the time to do it, because as you get old, you're like, okay, I need my space. Yeah, oh no, I was totally fine sleeping on a couch for months and yeah, and living off hash Browns. That's that's that was my harsh brands are still delicious. I mean, well, in between that time, we were all kind of amos couch surfing two and whenever I first moved out to la because I didn't have anything. Yeah, and so until we actually started picking up the show, that's whenever things just started to rock and roll. But then you know, you know, their chemistry is there and you're gonna be together for a long time. Yeah. Um all right, so uh big time Rushing premiere two thousand and nine. What do you what was that time like? Because two thousand and nine, I would say the whole boy band stuff started like falling off right and then having a TV show. It was a great angle, I think, to bring back a boy band. Absolutely, did y'all know that it was going to be a success at that time or did you have concerns that, like, wow, music is really changing right now? Well after two years, we sure hoped. Yeah. I had friends also in other boy bands trying to make it, and I kind of saw those dissolved, and so it was kind of nerve racking starting this project, especially I never really saw myself being a boy band in the first place. But I think I had a moment with kindall as we walked out after Paramount after shooting our first week episode and thinking, I think this could be something special, And it really was more of the camaraderie. So even if it didn't gain major success, I thought the relationship that we all had there was something, There was some magic there, and I think I felt it then. I don't know when you felt it well. I think part of the reason it was successful is we weren't trying to emulate anybody that had come before. We looked at all the previous boy bands and respected them, but we weren't you know, we weren't trying to be the best dancers. We're trying to We're trying to be our version of it. And in many ways in the TV show very much alluded toward towards this. In the episodes, it was like the anti boy band boy band, where it's like, we're not a boy band, We're just four best friends. And that's carried us through today. We're now we totally use the word boy band. We're proud of it, and that's rad. But it still stems from, you know, four dudes, you just want to make music together and entertained together. And everyone's very interested in what is a boy band because the term boy band has evolved. At what point doesn't be called a man band right exactly? Question. We were discussing this or a way here, and I think I've figured out how you can be considered a boy band. It's I think it's the fandom. I think if you're a group of male presenting you know, uh, singers, you don't have to dance, you don't have to play instruments. Whatever it is. If you are a band made of presenting men but had your fan base, you had tweens and teens like yelling at you and screaming for you right and throwing their brawls at you. I think that's what makes a boy band, is the fandom. Yeah. Absolutely, that's a huge part of it. I guess. Also something to say is that, I mean I feel like we haven't really grew up our age like we did. We know, we kind of have this like complex we are so we are mature and so I feel like it, you know, and the way we had that Boys charm Yeah yeah, so yeah, But I think the fans of what I don't know, because like Boys, the Man that Forever was probably like, we're not a boy band, But now they they embrace it, you know, because they started out and they had the teens that were just going crazy for them. Yeah. Even Beatles, you know, I mean absolutely, but Rolling Stone, I don't think they had the teens, or maybe they did. I wasn't alive. Then do you think they were teens throwing stuff? Yeah? Of course. Yeah, yeah, I feel like that was one of a rock band, So what's a differentiating factor, That's what I'm saying. But like I don't think Rolling Stone had like the majority of their audience wasn't tweens and teens. I think boy band are also more pop, like the music's pop or a boy Okay, I think that's kind of I think that's fair. Okay, yeah, popular music or popular music if it's wrong. And the Beatles was very poppy, but their fandom again screaming, but that was at the time. I don't know. But yeah, like five Sauce, you know, they wouldn't consider the sales a band boy band, I don't think, but like they have the same fans. It's interesting, yeah, uh huh, because you don't really have you don't, especially now you don't have You don't have many like bands of like young guys that look the part like they would be in a boy band. You know what I mean. You don't really have that many bands that are settings rock bands because they were a band, but they bomb music. I don't know. It pisses people off. Logan you are from Texas? Yes, Um, do you get back? Did your family still live back? There. Yeah, my immediate family, we've we've moved around, but I have lots of family in Texas, so I see them a couple of times a year and it's always pretty Did you always knew you wanted to be an entertainer growing up in Texas? I always did. Yeah. I had found some a good place to study film at a young age, and I always loved theater, and um, you know, I wasn't always first pick for sports. I always loved playing sports, but you know, I was just so much more captivated by music and entertainment, and so I always really loved it. And not until I got a little older was I like, I think I could do this for real? For real? Yeah, do you remember your first player musical you did as a kid? I think I think Annie was the first one. Yeah, did you play Annie? I did not, although honestly I could go back. I could probably play a killer anything pretty high. It's got a beautiful since. I probably could. I was always jealous of the high voices because I'm just I have this low voice. I couldn't get high. But I feel like it's every side feels the other way. It's like it's pretty dope. You have an awesome bass. It's like I could never carry a note from more than like four bars. Even for me, whenever I'm singing lower, I try to go in first thing in the studio without warming up because I'm like, there, that's good. And then once I started, if you're a little high. Yeah, that was the best thing about being the bass singer. I as everyone's recording, like I'd always go to last and put like three different bass parts on everything, which you could never hear after the production was done. No betterness at all. Right, it was great because I would just kind of lay on the couch in the studio and listen to all the guys seeing and I would just take naps, and then right as I would kind of wake up, my bass voice was perfect. Yeah. Well look it's such a nice radio voice too. Yes, yes, you really got it. It's such an important part of a song though, which is like a lot of people don't always get to hear that. I mean, it's really what balances the entire I mean, it was my life. I loved being a bass singer. Uh why did they change your last name on the show, because it's Logan Mitchell on the show, right, we it's actually all of our first names are the same and all of our last names are different. For years was Diamond. We wanted to have some degree of separation, but it did help. You know, you think about leaving the show and then going out on the street and somebody going like, hey, Cameron, and you're like name because there was so much of life reflecting art and vice versa. It was a weird decision. I've never been you know, having this conversation. It was like, should we not have her names at all? We have our real names? And we kind of found it that was a good middle ground. That it follows you because being you know, a young star and has this young fan base, they really they feel like they know you, right. I mean you're their friend, you're their family, especially when you're on TV. You're in their homes every day. And we just saw that. We went to a us UCLA basketball game last week and um, oh my god, Jilil White was there and you know, he will always be Erkele right right for our generation and now even this young generation. And this kid probably was eight years old. I went up to him and he was like, hey, wait, you are you erkle it is? He's like, yeah, man, So he goes, did I do that? Like starts repeating all his lives and I'm thinking that must get so old when it's not even your name. You're just like this other character. And same thing with Carlton. Yeah, yeah, you know, like can you do the Carlton dance? It's like it's not But you know what I appreciate, whether actor or singer, when they embrace it. Yeah, when they go yeah, but at some point you got a snap, you know, it's like right, it's like, yeah, we've had a moment. You can be the nicest person in the world and yes, give it to the but you might have a bad day and then the next time someone says, hey, Urkele, you just go off, shut up kid, exactly. Well. I think what we've done is we've we've stayed on tours, so the fans have gotten to really know us for who we are, and so something like the character I was playing it is very opposite of who I am in real life, and so they start to catch on, and I think with social media, they start going, oh, okay, this is this is the person. The only people that really love they call out the characters are newer fans like The show was picked up by Netflix a couple of years ago. So we do have this whole new generation of younger fans. And when they ask for you know, hey, James Diamond, can you do the face? You got to? He's only got to. You know, when an older fan does it, I'm kind of like, grow up, stop asking me stupid questions. But when a younger fan of my band bad Ass, you go totally just did it for all of you pay attention at home exactly, but you do. I mean having the younger generation love it, I mean that's kind of the key. That's what keeps you young, great and alive. Uh. And that's such That's why having these different platforms like YouTube, you know, this young generation really kind of latches on and they almost get to experience what their parents got to experience, but at different times. Yeah, and so wild. Also, it's a blessing, super humbling. James. You're from New York City, right, Originally I moved to San Diego I was pretty young, so much more to West Coast boy. I love San Diego. What a great town, thrilling up there. I grew up in Looya, and you know, I just I have vivid memories of like leaving school, going surfing, you know, as a kid, and it's been like men on board the Sooks And I only say that because they've traveled the world enough times now to know that it is one of the most beautiful cities in the freaking world. And I had no anyone else talking about because I had no perspective. And all I want now is a beach house back in Loya. Oh yeah, so who does you always You always want what you don't have, and then you realize, oh, well what I had is pretty good for sure. For sure. Um did Dance on the Stars eighteenth season. Uh, the few of us that have done this show, there is this kind of family. Yeah, because we're the only ones that know what we went through. And then I got a lot of work that I mean, it was after doing that show, I felt like I could do anything. It was the one of the best experiences ever. But man, it was hell brutal. Oh yeah, hell. I explained it as the most amount of fun and every want to have Again. Yeah, I'm glad I did it. I mean, learned so much in a short period of time, But holy shit, is it stressful when you're learning a dance at your body's never moved that way before, and you have like four days to perfect it, and each time the cameras rolling and it's like it's it's a very strange thing. And then you know, by week I don't know, eight or ten, you're learning two dances. You're like, it's it's I props to dancers and props all the dancers on that. That's show one of the most stressful parts, even whenever we're getting ready for tour. So I can't imagine the train movement that like suits our bodies, imagine doing ball room stuff you've never done totally. Oh, it's it's crazy. Yeah, But the same thing with me. I was never a dancer when I joined in Sync, but I learned how to dance, and getting ready for the tour was always I was the most anxious because yeah, I would eventually learn it, but it took me time, like I needed to really digest it, and everyone else is so quickly. I know, and you know, so yeah on tour great, but just leading up to him tearing up, like my hair out of my head. Well, even on tour, you know, it's like the first five to ten shows, I'm just like I wish I had a little more rehearsal, you know. And then it's like, and of course we filmed our MSG concert series on show six, and I'm like, if it was show ten would have been that. It was Weirdly, every single tour we did every run through never could There was never run through that went perfectly never, which is actually a good thing. Yeah. Well, but every first show of every tour was perfect. That's why. But if you get it right, if you get it too right in rehearsal, your first show is gonna suck. I don't I don't believe in many, um not conspiracy's what do you call this, superstitions? Sessions? I don't believe in tons of superstitions, but that's one that I'm pretty fervent on. It's like, if you're if you're run throughs go too well, something's gonna something happening show, So I kind of love knock you down. Yeah right. And then the other show you did, my other favorite show, Big Brother. Yeah, that's the most entertaining to watch. I mean, I could never do the show because I could never have a camera only twenty four seven because same I talked too much and I'm going to say something stupid and get canceled. So I but I'm surprised you did so well. Yeah, I held my tongue pretty well. Were you afraid of that going in? Being like, Okay, I could easily get canceled right now, you know, not so much going in because I've got a pretty good awareness of like, Okay, this is a job. There are cameras rolling, like. I don't tend to forget where I am, um, you know, especially if I'm not drinking, which I didn't really drink, but it can be quite inappropriate that I can. They don't provide you much alcohol in the house now, right because I used to back in the day. Yeah, I think, like you know, some of the European versions of it, it's like, yeah, it's gotten drunk. Can they watch that whole thing? It's a little bit more family friendly out here, I think. So. I mean, I feel like Brandy Glanville did find alcohol that wasn't even in the house, and she's just a talent of hers really good at being drunk all the time. Because you either hater, there's no middle ground. I certainly wouldn't say I love her. Yeah. Well, yeah, y'all, y'all had a little here's the thing. They made it seem like there's some big tiff there, but I just simply couldn't be bothered by her. She was never quick enough to make it fun and it was just she was there trying to get a ruse. I'm just oh, this is this is cute, but I'm not really going to do this because there's cameras rolling and this is it tumpster fire. Yeah, we did. We did a show together, um called My Kitchen Rules. It was a cooking thing for Fox and I did it with my mom and she did it with her oh widow, Leanne Rhymes's ex husband. Okay, trying to like I mean totally um, but we got along very well just because she loved my mom, Like they just had this bond and because of that, like she she was just really good to me. She never liked wanted to like get something out of me. She's always good with you. Yeah, because of my mom. Yeah, he props props to MoMA. I know, because it's like my mom just becomes the motherly you know, the effect on everyone Logan's mom. I will say though, the best part about doing Big Brother, and I mean this sincerely was not having my phone or computer. Oh yes, and it seems scary at first, and for a couple of days it was like, what's happening? And I was like, you know what, I can't. I have no control over what's going on, and I'm going to embrace the crap out of this right now. It was so nice, no emails, no texts for a whole dread. It just kind of goes away. We did that at our wedding and we were like, you know what, no cell phones. I want everyone present. Everyone still talks about how that was the best wedding because you didn't have to you didn't worry about it and taking a picture. Oh I gotta text this. Absolutely, it was just you were there, You're in the moment, get super drunk, and there's no proof of it exactly. We didn't even drink at our wedding. How sad is that? That's kind of impressive. Actually it is, because you know, you want to remember everything, and well I wanted to read that. You just didn't have too many We didn't have any of the food, and we didn't have one drink. We had one glass champagne for a picture, and we cut the cake but didn't even have the cake. No, the wedding wasn't really for you. Yeah, everyone remember and we're going on ten years and like, well should we just redo it and absolutely like a real part. Yeah, fun, we'll come. We're inviting ourselves and we'll be there. Total wedding crashers, got done. Wait already have you married? Not us? Long term relationships ye, Kendall just got engaged recently, okay, and Carlos has been married for they're coming up soon. Yeah those next episode. Yeah, well we're gonna we're gonna separate you guys because we want people to really wait in between. Yeah, I was like a two part was like a two parts. Yeah, the two parts is gonna come like two months later. Amazing. So you are going back on tour this summer, right, we are for they can't get enough tour. When does that start? We starts in June okay, yeah, so we actually go to South America in about a week. We finish finish up our Forever tour, which was just incredible. We had more fun, I can speak for all of us. We truly had more fun this last summer than any tour we'd ever done before. I honestly feel like this next tour is going to be even better. I think, well, we didn't know what to expect. You know, we took a huge hiatus. We came back independently as like, hey, let's just get back together with ourselves and see if people still care. And we were so blessed and so surprised. Some reason people up. But you know now that we have that, Okay, we beat our expectations last time. Now we're going into this summer's tour. They can't get up to going. How do we How do we do this tenfold? I mean really step it up from production to songs sadly with it too, So I think that helps. Yeah, yeah, how did it? Because you weren't hiatus for eight or ten years at a year between. Who was the first to say, you know what, let's do something again. There's little talks all around. It was just finding the right timing, I think, yeah, I mean who had said something Kendall wanted to. I wanted to get back together a handful of times. It was just different timing. And then I kept on saying no, yeah, I was the hold, but I was busy. I was busy doing my own project. So I wanted to make sure that I got rid it, I got done with that. None of us wanted to do it right at the top. I mean, I certainly wanted to go off and do my own thing. It really was a timing thing. Yeah, we needed a break. We did it for so many you know, we didn't have a day off for you know, practically and then probably literally for years at a time, right, And it was correct, but we certainly needed a break, and that's given us such an amazing perspective and appreciation this time around, having more fun. Now, we appreciate every moment. Now, we'll never better equipped to handle relationship and balance the work life as well. So it's sweet. It's true you have to have a break to realize one what you have and what's working and what's not working, uh, and really put everything into perspective. And same thing happened with us. You know, we went on our hiatus, which we're still on and you know, and looking back, I'm like, god, yeah, now I can see where we should have done this, and we should have fought back on the label to make us have a week break every once in a while. Yeah, because that just makes you a better artist in the end, because when you did have a day off. I wasn't thinking about writing or anything to do with the group. I was sleeping. Yea nothing, nothing, or I actually see my parents again, you know that I haven't seen in a couple of months. But yeah, I think we were were very worked hard. And I'm sure coming under a big umbrella of like a Nickelodeon, I'm sure they worked all because I know how Disney and Nickelodeon does with their actors. I think we know what's going on. Yeah, but it did. It also set us up, though, to be the hardest workers in the room. Yeah. You know, at the beginning, we didn't really know what we were getting into, and we said yes to absolutely everything. But we grew to have these incredible work ethics. Where you're filming a single camera show that starts at six am on Monday, goes twelve hours. Every subsequent day is longer and longer and longer. You shoot through your Faturday, which is a Friday going into Saturday, get a police escort to the airport to go and fly and play a show, do press, play another show, flight back. It sounds insane, but it prepped us for as we're doing it now. It's a no brainer. When you love what you do, it's it's not work. So that's how we see it. Yeah, so after you started the hiatus, what did you want? Did you want to stay in music and do solo stuff or did you want to just escape that and do more just television. For me, I feel more into it. I wanted to kind of explore even more so. Music was was, you know, such a big passion. But I had been learning up to that point, and now I was like, you know, I want to see what I can do on my own. So that was that was a really special time for me to kind of do that and get back into acting and and uh kind of just like learn again. What was that process like? So, you know, you leave a group a success was a big time rush to go, let's take a little I want to do something solo. Do you use the same crew that used a bit big time rush or did you build your own world of people to work with? I built my own. I thought it was really important to kind of get away from the entire project, especially because I wanted to do different kind of music, you know, I wanted to explore and so um, yeah, I sought out some different people, done tons of different sessions to kind of figure out, oh what do I like and what what do I groove with which Now we're actually using a lot of the people that I used for some of my solo work, so and they've been a huge help to the band, and we couldn't be happier to kind of all use what we've taken from these last few years on our own and bringing them to the bands. We have something to offer, and it's only they the band grow even more exponentially. What about you, James, I did do some of my own music and explore that, but I really went head first in acting, you know, and I've done a bunch of movies and some series. I just had a movie come out last week, Stars Fell Again, the rom com. There's a sequel, And I'm grateful because to me to this day, I love having my own personal outlet outside of the band, and I love making my own music, and I DJ and do some other more dance music and stuff on my own, but acting and continuing to build that vertical and have my own space outside of this as part of what gives me that full fulfillment. So I can come back to BTR and well, don't you think that's what makes the band better, that we all have our own things going on, and you'll come back and everybody's grown not only as like artists, but as vocalist confidence wise, as people. That's really yeah, And it's made this process just a lot smoother, right, Yeah, I agree. I mean with our group, we all had just individual things going on on the side, and I think that just made our brain turn off a little bit so that we just didn't burn out as much. You know, Chris was really heavy on starting like a clothing line, and you know, I was heavy on producing television and film, and it just made me really be able to escape, Yeah, just for like a little bit, you know. And and I think I would have burned out a lot quicker if I didn't have something like that to fall back on. Right. The other stuff kind of keeps you grounded as well. Yeah, which, speaking of keeping ground where's Dave Brown? Brown? How do you know Dave Brown? That's our old tour manager. He was back off. Well, well, we're still in our hiatus. You can have him until we're off of our hiatus and then get tickets to your show. Day was the best on the road. I mean, he was kind of just the I don't know, the calm one, the one that actually, you know, could talk everyone down off the ledge, which was one day. You know, I'm sure he has always like a frantic but like he was always the common sense, well in a in a weird way his like I guess it keeps us grounded. Like he is kind of so grumpy that nobody can be as grumpy as it is. And that's what he's a straight shooter, yes, and that's how it always brings us sandwiches. We're gonna leave now, thank you, And it's been fun. I love it. So this is why I like having like a couple of people, because you can just riff off each other and tell these stories that none of us know too long. Um do you did you all get along the whole entire time or did you rub each other the wrong way every once in a while, because I don't know, sir, ybody who says that it's a liar very true. Yeah, it's listen, it's tough. I mean it's still tough. There are we are four different personalities, and we all have different ideas about how certain things should go. But I think we try to keep respect and love at the forefront, at the heart of this band, and I think that always is what we fall back on and always kind of gives us through the tough times. How did can get enough come around? How Joe end up choosing that one song? And Dall Kendall wrote that song in the studio, you know it went through. That was a labor of love. It took a long time to get that song right. And I think we had shown you and Carlos versions of it and go oh, I like it, but I think this can be worked on, and I think we went back into the sooon and worked on until everybody goes, yeah, you know what this fits right? Messaging wise, the message of the song, that was a huge part from me about like, hey, we're going back out again. We just did this huge summer tour in the US and now we're about to do another one, which you know, normally to take a year off and give some space. We had so many fans it wanted to come that couldn't come. The tickets sold out too quickly, so we know we couldn't get enough of touring. The fans seem like they can't get enough of us come back out there. So just the conceptual idea of it seemed to make a lot of sense. So it's tied in really well, and it's a great first song, like as as an umbrella over the rest of the music that we have that kind of touches on stuff that we grew up listening to, some of our favorite genres and that kind of stuff. So, M yeah, I just seemed like the right choice. And there he is, Dave, get over here. I have to hear your voice on this show. I know he is quite the voice too. Uh, Dave, you know our tour manager for how many years? I don't even know. I was just saying that you were kind of the only voice of reason on the road. I think. Still, yeah, you are you? I told I told him to us out. You really do. So what's the biggest difference between in Sync and Big Time Rush on the road? Nothing? Nothing? Just wow, we're that cool? Yeah? Okay, wow? What about a big Time Rush in sync tour? Together? Absolutely? I'm with it. Did we get this on camera? Great audio? Everybody say, I I but which which band is your favorite? Though? All of them paying the salary right now? Okay? Three eleven? Wow, zero zero. I love it because you know, when we were on the road. Uh. I think it was a lot easier because there was no social media, and you know, we were it's having a good time and we could get away with murder, I think. But now on the road you can't really get away with a lot of things that we did back in the day. We still try. It doesn't mean we don't try. Yeah, yeah, I think social media is h it's too crazy now you can't do anything. Yeah. Well, Dave, it's so good to see you. Yeah, it's so good to see No, we need to have you on. Is just a guest to give us, like the real stories that we've heard. I mean the stories that I don't even know, like these guys on tour, you know that kept it from us, right, But now that we're mature enough to understand, I'd like to know, like the real shit that went down. Yeah, David, what was it like touring with Elvis exactly? I'd like to get some tips from you guys, because this is called frosted tips for the relationships everyone, especially on tour, you have to deal with long distance relationships. How do you make it happen? I feel like we can both answer that one pretty well. My girlfriend is English and Swedish, and so it makes it very very tough, you know. We I think it's important to build a good foundation in the very beginning of knowing somebody, and trust is really big for me, not even just with you know, that type of relationship with family, with friends, that's always something that's been really really big for me. So I think, you know, trust is one of those things and you do have to you have to work at it. You have to kind of go the extra mile to make sure the other one feels special. And it's hard whenever it's like, what have you been doing? The time zone has become crazy, it's like you really kind of have to fill them in on your life, and even if it's a small little text or a quick call, it makes all the difference. Well, and we all make an effort to fly them out to see us on the road. If we're gonna be gone for months at a time, you know, I Caitlin and I my girlfriend, I really try not to go more than two weeks. We're about to go to South America. I've been on the road already for a few weeks, so this is one of those few times it's actually going like three weeks and a day and then another three weeks. And that's a little a little long if we can help it. But she understands, and I understand. You know, she's building her business at home and I'm out here working doing our job. And when she's gone, I took you in. That's true. Make you have each other. It's very sweet. You read me bedtime story, some lullabies perhaps exactly. Oh, it's so nice. All right, Before I let you go, we have some fan questions for you guys. Would you guys ever do a big time rush cruise? It's like the big thing now we've actually talked about it. I think it'd be pretty fun. I think our fans don't know how cool cruising is. Like, it's so fun. So and we can get them involved. Absolutely. I've only been on a couple, but I've had a blasts. Well, you just don't have to do anything. It's so nice. Everything is there for you. There's always some type of entertainment going on. Yeah, I mean, give me a buffet all day long. I am good to get absolutely a buffet and a spot. It's all I need. It's all on a boat. I'm at that all right. So here we have some questions that you were asked in twenty ten, twenty twelve, and we have your actual audios at the time giving the answer. Oh, I'm going to ask you the question and then we're gonna play the audio. Okay, So see what you said. What is your biggest pet peeve? It's from twenty ten. I feel like I would have said something like socks and sandals and like birkenstocks, and yeah, I like that. I do it all the time, so you probably you know when I can hear people chew and I know it's it's a thing that is lances. It's called mesoponia. Okay, well I've got that. It's work sounds like sounds, I know, and it's just certain people like I feel like I can hear my mom choose so loud something I'm like, Mom. The worst is people eating soup. Yes, glares from lands just every day. I have to have noise around me at all times because little things like that just eat me up. Totally attention to a different person. Yeah, I like from they're texting at dinner texting at the time. That also is something I don't like it, right, all right, what did they say? Let's listeneve I think is waiting on people when people are late. You know, I'm always like on time a little bit early, so I mean I little to it in this town, so don't be late. Yeah, I also must a create that. Yeah, I appreciate that you've gotten better. I'm gonna way better. I mean, I'm there, I'm telling you you've gotten better. Thank you. Okay, logans is yours. The biggest peeve is when people say, when multiple people say the same thing to you over and over, just not do that on the market. Then somebody else comes up here, by the way, I need to stop doing that. Totally don't you agree? I agree, inturgree, I agree, I totally agree. I agree. Speaking of Dave, let's go boys, that's funny though. Yeah, when people repeat that's also all right. We got one more. What is your ideal summer date? A summer date you and me probably both have a similar Remember, I'm gonna go with picnic on the beach, you know, some food, maybe some surfing, some frolicking perhaps, you know, I love the beach. Um, what's that one place that's closer like Neptunes, like go and get some good food, like right by the beach and I like exploring, yeah, Malibu, like just exploring, Like I don't mind just driving with all the windows down and have the music going and airs in the car and you just kind of like don't have anywhere to be. That's nice. Okay, let's see see my days ago in the summer time. I would love to charter a private jet, all right, take my dating to somewhere across the world and go snowboarding where they have snow. Okay, yeah, yeah, thank you first first right there, there you go. I'm just so proud of myself right now, I love myself that much more like you were still nic snowboarding where they where they have snow. I hope there's no no, that's a summer. It's a summer. You thought that might be embarrassing. It turns out it wasn't at all. Very proud of you. That is embarrassed for you. That is a good summer date with Yeah, and then you have like an unlimited amount of money to spend. Yeah, that would be my date too. Private ship working out for you? Where's that? We've flown them a few times, when you know, Viacom paid for another part meet somewhere we love a free private jet that's kind of private jet exactly other people's not. We have to hear. Look what did I what do I say about? Malbo has some really cool spots that I know about that I'm kind of secretive, except we're not really Hey, look at that on point. Some thing's never change. Oh, some things do not change. And we're glad because we're so glad to see you guys. Back onto our the summer starting in June. How can everyone follow you guys and make sure they know where you're going to be well at Big Time Rush and then personally we got at James Maslow at Logan Anderson fantastic. Just want wanted you to say it. You know where to find us at big Official dot com if you want to get tickets and all the information, or Live nation dot com. There's still websites. There are websites. You can purchase everything a mobile too. Yes, when you get tickets, come see us. We can't wait to see you. And we've had such a great time as a pleasure. Thank you. It's a great si much travel. We're gonna have your other two members on here in the next few weeks. Is there anything you would like to say about them. Well, you know, look, the interview may not be as good, you know, or as fun yeah, or as good looking are handsome you know know, but you know, have fun, have a good time. They'll do their best. They're gonna they're gonna show up. Okay that much. You know. We love them and also we love a good two part, so go we have a two All right, guys, thank you so much for being here, and that is all the show we have for you today. Thank you so much for listening out there. You can follow us too at Frosted Tips or it's just at frost the Tip of Lands. I forget what our Frosted Tips with the lands. Yeah that's the Instagram account. Yeah, okay, yeah, see you just go. You know, I don't know, there's too many social media accounts now, but that's the one that we all check. You can d m us. You can's right also rate, review and subscribe. Oh I remember to say it this time. Nice. It seem a little uncomfortab when you said it, but it always he's training it on and we do read the reviews. I'm just saying because I see your one stars out there, it's bad. And he goes, oh, they put Away said Cacino got damn, it's gonna get five stars on this, then I give you two thumbs down. Okay, rate this, thank you. You make a podcast, and I'm gonna go on in there and I'm gonna give you one star exactly. Oh yeah, we we said a curse word and they gave us a one star like this is too you know our rated Pollyanna, why don't you chill out today? And the other one I loved was this show's about tips and I didn't hear any tips. Here's a tip, mind your own business day. Alright, spicy, all right, we'll see you next week with I have no idea who's going to be in the studio boo, it'll be a surprise for us all. See you next week. Hey, thanks for listening. Follow us on Instagram at Frosted Tips with Lance and Michael church in our and at Lance Bass for all your pop culture needs, and make sure to write us a review and leave us five stars six if you can see you next time.

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