Comedian Joel Creasey opens up about his new national comedy tour and reveals which megastar he wants to hire to perform at his wedding.
From the newsroom that news to come to Gooday there, I'm Andrew Bucklow, and happy Monday to you. I always like to start the week off with a laugh, Hence why I looked at myself naked in the mirror this morning. No Ah, that's a joke, I promise do. Get ready to laugh though, because my guest today is the one and only Joel Creasy. I absolutely love him. He's got a brand new stand up show which contains a rather shocking story about a strip club. He's going to tell us all about that in just a moment. He'll also open up about the time he was heckled by a loved one on stage. And if you haven't heard, he's actually getting married. He's going to tell us which megastar he's hoping we'll sing at his ceremony. Joel Creesy is a comedian, an over radio host, a self proclaimed fame whore. He's got a brand new national stand up tour called Thanks for Being Here, which he's performing at the Adelaide Fringe, the Melbourne International Comedy Festival, Sydney Comedy Festival, Perth Comedy Festival, Brisbane Comedy Festival. Has gone bloody everywhere Joel, thanks.
For joining me. Thank you very much.
Someone's clearly got bills to pay and also loves attention.
There we go. What is this new stand up show all about?
Well, it's called thanks for being here. Well, it kind of sounds like I'm passing away. I'm not apologies to those people that you know suddenly got excited.
It's my fifteenth.
Stand up tour, which is wild given I'm twenty two. So it's kind of just a celebration, and you know, you know, you know me like, I'm not one of those comics that tries to you know, school an audience or or I'm not smart enough for that. There's other comics that am far more intelligent than me. So it's you know, as I always tell the crowd, like you're going to have a good time, but you probably leave dumber.
And so it's just it's just it's just me taking.
The audience on a bit of a ride and a bit of a journey and letting them escape their lives for an hour, because that's kind of the.
Type of stand up that I like to watch.
Well, one thing that I love that you doing says did you usually share salacious celebrity stories from your own life. Is there one in this tour that you think is going to get headlines?
Well, yes, definitely tell me more.
Well, I mean because because I knew I was talking to you, I thought about a couple.
I'll start with the live ones.
I've got to interview my You know, everyone's got a person, and I've been pretty lucky to do like I got to do Cynthia Evo and Ariana Grande because I love Wicked. I've gotten to do Melissa McCarthy. I did get to do my person, though, my actual person, Lady Gaga the other day, did you really yeah? With Kim and Ricky and and look, it certainly wasn't my best performance because I cried.
The entire interview.
So there's Lady Gaga. I was very lucky to get engaged last year. But how's this for a twist. We were visiting Daddy Minoue filming her reality show in Italy when I got engaged.
So that is so wanky and on brand for me. But what I will tease you with, and this is the one that.
I'm hoping, you know, people want to come along and hear and you might remember this.
It's a very.
Niche pop culture moment that took place in Melbourne maybe twelve years ago, but a bunch of celebrities and I certainly wasn't anybody at the time.
Ended a night at the Spearmint Rhino, which is a strip part right. Yes, I thought it was a dessert bar.
I was like, delicious, and then I got there and I was like, wow, the dress code is very lax.
Where's the HR Department?
And I ended up talking to some lovely lady named Trinity for an hour about her ten year plan. But it did make some headlines, and I don't think people realized that I was there that night and I saw everything that went down, and in my stand up show I am naming, shaming and telling people everything.
Oh John, I cannot wait to hear this story in full.
You're obviously go up your alley. You'll love it.
Not many things go up my alley these days, but I love that you share these stories on stage. Have any CELEBRITI has ever been a little bit mythed at you for some of the things you've said about them on stage?
Yes, I now.
Look, I have this sort of theory that if I've spoken about you on stage, no matter what you've done, like maybe I'm in the wrong.
So if I see them at a function, I'll just.
Avoid them and I'll be like, you know what, I'll leave. I'll just I'll actually just leave. No, it's really taking me to task on it. But I do remember beautiful Charlotte Dawson, who I ended up becoming very close friends with.
I did a few gags about her on stage one night.
This is like, gosh, fifteen years ago, I was a baby, and they weren't great gags.
And someone came up to me after and said, Charlotte Dawson's in the crowd. And I was like, Okay, that's ridiculous. Why would she be at this gig? And she was.
And the very next stage she took me out for lunch and she thought it was so funny and they couldn't leave us having lunch with Charlotte Dawson.
And she was just divine, completely got the joke.
Hence why you know the you know, all that awful stuff that went on with her. She had very thick skin and yeah, and it was just a it was a very cool moment.
That is lovely.
I mean, I've seen you perform on stage so many times. You're so bloody good, Joel. What I love is that you make it look effortless, almost like you're coming up with the jokes on the spot. How long does it take you to write a show like Thanks for Being Here, which you're about to do nationally.
Oh god, I don't want to sound like an asshole on other comedians, but it doesn't take me.
A lot of comedians spend a lot of time.
It doesn't take me that long because I build it all year right, basically, my show will be like six or seven dot points, because you know, one story might go for ten or fifteen minutes, and it's like a dinner the dinner parties, So I want the audience to feel like you're at my house and we're having a dinner party, and I've got some I've got some great stories to tell you. And that's why I also have this theory that every body on planet Earth can do stand up comedy, because we've all had those days where something ridiculous has happened to us that day, and then we're having dinner with our friends that night and you go, oh my god, you'll never believe.
What happened to me today. That is stand up comedy.
And I guess you also have to be able to handle hecklers. You have them every now and then. What's the most memorable comeback that you've ever used on a heckler?
Oh, my gosh, I don't.
I can't quite remember, but I do remember once when I was very young doing stand up in Perth, and I was I was like sixteen or seventeen, so my parents used to have to sign me into venues and I remember hearing like a bit of a commotion at the back of the room and someone being removed from the venue and me, because now I don't I don't really do any crowd interaction, and I let the crowd know that at the start of the show, so that that sort of relaxes them.
But I remember going like, bring the lines up, let's see what's going on.
And it was my dear mother, who'd had a few ratlines being gently removed from the venue, and I was like, light's back down, life.
Stick around.
In just a moment, Joel will tell us which music superstar he wants to hire to sing at his wedding. Joe. Earlier, you mentioned that you are engaged to your partner of seven years, Jack. Congratulations. First of all, tell me what are you thinking for the wedding.
Well, both my sisters are engaged as well, so it's also like a bit of like a like oh who goes first type scenario. But Jack would like to do Destination. Of course I would like to do Melbourne so I can have everyone. But I can see pros and cons with both as you can, can't. You know, you know, you know siphon off a few that you don't want there if you do Destination, But it also really.
Ups the ups the fee. Hence why I ate ourselves on tickets.
I mean, are you gonna be one of these celebrities who tries to do like a magazine photo deal to make some money off your wedding?
N nothing, we know those.
I posted some photos from the proposal like a week after it happened. No, I'm not some maths contestant who has a drone in the sky. I actually almost want to put on the invite, don't say, because like, I love a party, but I hate.
It when it's about me.
I know that sounds so ridiculous because every stand up comedy, but I also do get that validation from from my job every day, so I almost want to put on the invite. Don't say congratulations like you're not allowed to say congratulations all night, because there really are only so many different ways you can say thank you, thank you, thank you, like I want to party too. So yeah, it'll be a banger of event. But yeah, don't don't congratulate me.
You've really done nothing.
You've got some very famous friends. You mentioned Danny Minogue, you obviously on radio on over each day with Ricky Lee. Who would you like to perform at your wedding?
Oh my god, I don't know have a list. Cyndi uper something quaint. I think it's cute.
I had a little savings account that I've I've been putting money into for years purely to afford Cyndi lauper.
I mean, I'm not going to get there.
Let's be honest to sing me down the aisle to time after time. Strictly Ballroom is my favorite movie and that is one of my favorite scenes ever, and I just think I want to be unconventional and do the first dance first and then do the ceremony. I mean, Jack is not into any of.
These, by the way. It's not about him.
He's just going to look stunning like he's going to steal the show regardless.
So that's true.
For those who don't know, Jack is a model and a very attractive man.
He's gorgeous, he's talented. It's actually incredibly irritating when I think about it. What's scary is I think, because I broke five ribs last year, and that's in the show. I fell down ten meters, broke five ribs. You get no sympathy for broken ribs. And as I fell, I like, I mean the fall.
It was only a few seconds. I smashed through the glass front door of my house. Oh my god. Embarrassingly, I was.
Stone cold, sober. Its the middle of the day. Ubers have just arrived, and I was planning my funeral. As I fell, The first thing I thought was, as anyone else, anyone else famous died today, like what page and pay from my getting? But yet no at my funeral, Ricky Lee and Emaciano will be figuring me down the aisle once again.
I just assume there's aisles at funerals too.
For good from Wicked, Well, that sounds like a wonderful funeral. Hopefully it doesn't happen anytime soon. Just back on Jack for a sec you travel a lot for work, and you're about to travel all around the country with this national tour for thanks for being here. How do you keep the romance alive with Jack when you're into states so often?
I mean, he probably loves it.
I think that's how I do keep it alive by me not being around too much, because people will love to let me know that my voice is irritating or I'm irritating. I'm like, do you think I don't know that I this voice isn't put on.
I live with this voice. I lived with me every day. I'm well aware of all my floors. Don't you worry? So Jack gets to just, you know, hang at home with girlfriend. Doc. We're both weirdly in a relationship with girlfriend. Okay, so you're almost the third wheel? Almost have you there?
Santa revealing photo? Do you and Jack ever do that to each other?
No, We've been for too long.
Like if I send that to him, he think I'm losing my mind. And also like if you see him and see me we go running together and he runs with his shirt off, and I absolutely do not. And I always wonder what people in their cars like wonder like, like, what is this like? Crazy aunt running after this like a ripped night, or it's like I've won a prize star running this like this is absolute babe.
So no, no, absolutely not.
There's no way I would send that photo to Jack because I probably get dumped or blocked or a new number.
Who is a well Joel, thank you so much for taking the time to chat. I cannot wait to see you on stage. You I touring the country with Thanks for being here. If people want to get all the tour dates or ticket info, got to livenation dot com at dot Aujoel Crazy.
Thank you very much. You're a legend. Thank you.
He really is one of the nicest people in showb is. I hope you enjoyed listening to today's chat. I'll be back in your ears tomorrow. Catch you then
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