The Bernie Fratto Show talks NBA Trade , College gameday ,and much more!

Published Sep 30, 2023, 9:21 AM

In a new episode of The Bernie Fratto Show, Bernie is back and talking the biggest headlines going into the weekend!  Bernie talks college gameday breaking down the biggest games. He discusses NBA with the giant 3-team trade this last week centered around Damian Lillard and Deandre Ayton Lastly, Bernie reacts to week 3 of the NFL and  Fox Sports Radio Host Jared Smith joins us! Tune in to hear all that and more! 

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Well that's right, you heard the man that time of week again. My name is Bernie Frattle. Or come to you live from the tyrack dot com studios here in Las Vegas. Fox Sports Radio. Tyraq dot com will help you get there and at a match selection, fast free shipping for your roadazard protection and over ten thousand recommended installers. Tyraq dot com the way tire buying should be. Oh my goodness, so much to get to tonight, so a little time. We've got college football up. That took us. We'll get into the NFL, a major NBA trade. Of course, my trivia game at midnight, got a great guess in about fifteen minutes, and I've got a subject matter I want to tackle to start the show. And by the way, before I get the ball rolling, I was in Anaheim Monday, attended the Angel game, grew up loving that team, managed to get a credential once a year for old time sake, And as I was coming off the field during batting practice, ran into a gentleman, retired policeman stadium security. His name is David Barons. Want to give him a shout out. He listens to our show. He likes the motown music and had a great conversation with him, so David appreciated. David Barons, thank you for your service and thanks for listening to the Bernie Frattle Show before I dived. Well, by the way, we'll get to this later. Lions have now won six divisional games in a row, eleven and three since starting one and six last year. Defense ranks eleventh, not thirtieth. Bottom of the hour. I'm going to get into that a little bit more. I've been telling you all year. There is a specific reason why the Lions are no longer the Lions, and I am qualified to say that. So hold, I thought I will get to it. But something that's been on my mind all week because there are a couple of names in the news. One is perpetually in the news. The second one I'll get I will share with you and I will tell you why. And they are both, as Jogi Barrett would say, they have different similarities. Now you've heard me mention on the show the phraseology. You know, we don't have royalty in this country. You see, our athletes and our entertainment are entertainers and such. They are in fact our royalty and there's an old saying, tell me a fact and I will learn it. Tell me the truth and I believe it. But give me a great story and it lives in my heart the rest of my life. I want to talk about Dion Sanders for a minute, because I'm a big Dion fan and I love what's happening in Colorado, every bit of it, and I'm not shocked that people are triggered. People are triggered by Dion, and I want to touch on a thing or two about Dean so we can maybe please stop the bull junk, which we won't because it slays me to observe that Deanna's so polarizing. People are rooting for him to fail or they resent his success. You all know, the opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. You have to have that same emotion. There has to be that same level of caring. So people hate Dion. I love Dion. And by the way, it's all about the story. This whole story is riveting, it's captivating, and for some I guess it's maddening. And yeah, that's a you problem. Maybe you're angry because Dion jumped the line, he didn't pay his dues, other coaches out there are are are railing on him. Okay, It's become a circus act. It'll be a circus act in about ten hours from now when they tee it up against USC and all the cool people will be there because they want to see and be seen. And if you think Dion is merely a loud mouth, shameless self promoter, what you're wrong, okay? And what creates I know it's against a lot of practice psychology without a license, but what creates this phenomenon? It's quite simple. Most people that grow up, they have dreams of wealth and fame and happiness and style and social influence and so on. They watch fairy tales as a kid. There's a deep seated attraction to heroism in this country. And for some if other people achieve what you do not, then you become very resentful. And that is I think the prevailing attitude towards Dion Sanders. And I'm going to defend Dion Sanders. He's not a perfect person, but I believe he's a good person. Travis Hunter really wanted to play last week. A lesser coach might have. Dion didn't. And again, I want to repeat this, if you think Diana is merely a loudmouth, shameless self promoter. You're completely disavowing the hard work and the tribulations he's been through in his life to get to whatever juncture he's made it to, whether it be the major leagues in the World Series or the NFL or what he did at Florida State. Did you know Dion attempted suicide in nineteen ninety seven. Perhaps I'll share that story in another day. He's led a full life and it hasn't always been perfect. But there's one backstory that stands out for me that speaks volumes about Dion and his character. The Buffaloes frankly stunned the recruiting world. Probably guys like Aaron Torres would know this, but most wouldn't. They landed were one of the best recruits in college football heading into this last season. Dion flipped a player by the name of Cormani McClain to come to Colorado. Everybody else wanted him, Alabama, Florida, you name it right. He's a defensive back put four games into McLean's freshman season, who is, by the way, the third best recruit in Colorado history. According to twenty four to seven sports. He hasn't even seen the field well kind of last week Dion put him in garbage time and you know their players heard and he allowed him to jump into the game. But this is a kid, six foot two corner from Lakland. He's got NFL written all over him, and seeing the field had to do with the player. And Dian was asked and he was quoted he said, I'll tell you why he doesn't study and prepare. He's not on time for meetings, show up to the Durham meetings and like I says Durn all the time, understand the scheme. Coach Prime spoke why mclan wasn't playing much, He would honestly say, understand what we're doing is this game. You want to play this game. You have desered to play this game. You have deserve to do the best of this game. Will show me at practice, show me in the film room and on your own time. You do know I checked film time from each player so I can see who's preparing. And it's not just about Cormani. So if I don't see that you put it in the work, I'm going to be I'd be a fool to put someone out there who's not prepared, can't do it, won't do it. I'm old school. Mclan did to get a couple snaps in the forty two six blowout against Oregon, and that's just without you know, to Travis Hunter playing and McLain could have been a natural fit to fill that void. He he's that athletic. Now Colorado might be down Shiloh Sanders Saturday. I'm not sure each member of the secondary has also suffered injuries. So these are guys that are sort of internal organs to that Colorado defense. And we'll see if McLean gets on the field Saturday. But credit Dion for honoring the process. You have to earn it. Behind all the historyonics which Dion has always seemed to back up as a player, I believe Dean's a very serious individual and Dion Sanders has earned everything he's accomplished. So if you're threatened by his success, that's a you problem. There's more character there than you want to give him credit for. And speaking of that, I'm going to take you back to Tuesday night, Major League Baseball. The rest of the world, we lost a very good man when Baltimore Orioles Hall of fame third basement Brooks Robinson passed away. Robinson won sixteen Golden Gloves with the Baltimore Orioles, and he led the America League and all third baseman in his career and awards won. And obviously, you know there's a reason why he was called the human vacuum cleaner. But the Washington Posts did a nice homage and said, quote, his moral compass was as splendid as his glove. And that's true. May Angelou always says, no one cares what you did, what you said, They'll always remember how you made them feel. Brooks Robinson was a walking masterclass at that. You know, he had a magnetic glove. This is a man known for his empathy, believe it or not. At the end of an illustrious twenty two year career, people learned that Brooks Robinson had gone broke. He hadn't been tough enough in running his sporty goods store in Baltimore. He kept a lot of nice folks around, kept people on the cuff, supplied youth teams that they couldn't afford it. And after the story broke that Brooks Robinson basically went broke. He was swamped with mail. People were sending ten dollars five dollars. One gentleman actually sent Brooks Robinson ten thousand dollars. You know what Brooks Robinson did. He sent every dollar back and paid for the postage. That tells you the kind of man Brooks Robinson was. Robinson could have gotten a loan, but he wouldn't take one from the Oriols. He didn't shift blame. Brooks Robinson in twenty two years, earned less than one million dollars cumulative and salary before taxes in his entire career twenty two years. He just missed free agency. He retired in seventy seven. Now, in his tenth season hews the American League gam VP, he earned a whopping thirty five thousand dollars. Now here's the deal. Brooks Robinson will forever be considered the greatest defensive third basement of all time, eighteen time All Star, sixteen Golden Gloves, two hundred and seventy homers. Look, but his Hall of Fame teammate Jim Palmer said, fighting back tears the other day, he also happens to be one of the greatest human beings you've ever met. As you've heard me say many times, and I'll say it again, we don't have royalty in this country. Our athletes and our entertainers, and many times they are one and the same, are in fact our royalty. And on this moment, Dion Sanders and Brookes Robinson are joined at the hip because in their own way they've had that kind of impact on fandom and on pop culture in American society that makes you care. Tonight show is brought to you by a Progressive insurance Progressor makes bundling geans un affordable. Get a multi policy discount by combining your motorcycle, RV, boat, ATV and more all your protection in one place bundling save at Progressive dot Com. Coming up, we talked some college football with our own Jared Lee Smith. You hear him every Saturday morning on Calmtown. To kick off with Brian no and Rich Ornberger. I'm Bernie Fradener Kemedy Lyve from the Las Vegas Fox Sports Radio Tirect dot Com studios. Keep it locked. You're listening to the Bernie Frattle Show on Fox Sports Radio.

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All right back on the Bernie Fratiles Show. Fox Sports Radio coming to you live the tire Act dot Com studios here in Las Vegas at this time. It's welcome and a gentlemen. You hear him every Saturday morning, getting you ready for the college football slate, alongside Brian Know and Rich Orenberger. It's are on, Jared Lee Smith, Jared, how are you, buddy.

I'm good, Bernie.

It's great to be only. Hey, I'm glad to have you. Jared a lot to talk about. Ever so quickly, Utah goes down hard tonight. Cameron Rising warmed up before the UCLA game but didn't play. How do you consider backing Utah from here on out with this kind of wildcard situation?

Yeah, I think it's tough. Kyle Whittingham is kind of like the Maverick of college football mayor with that old movie with Milk Gibson James Darner, one of my old favorites.

But actually done with Yeah.

Well, he kind of reminds me him because he's not afraid to bluff. And we've seen this a lot with Whittingham. In fact, last year it was a Friday night game I forget who it was again, and all of a sudden, Cam Risen just didn't play and nobody knew about it until literally the backup ran onto the field on the first snat. So it wasn't surprised me if we get this game with Whittingham all season, and you have to look at it from the players perspective. Now, it's not only Rising, but it's also the tight end Kiethy. I mean, these are both I think Keithy more so than Rising, but these are both NFL prospects. And we've now reached the point in Utah season where there's still you know, everything's in front of them because they've only lost one game. But I think at some point the PAC twelfth Championship probably you know, goes out the rearview mirror there and you know, maybe those guys really start to focus on the next level. So I wouldn't be surprised if we get this game with Cameron Rising every week from here on out, especially if Utah loses another game or two and all of a sudden they're playing for you know, one of the lesser Bowls and not you know, one of the college football championship games.

A good, good, good point. All right, let's look ahead in about nine and a half hours. We have to talk about this game. First, it's the law Trojan's up to minus twenty two at Colorado. The Buffs could only muster ninety nine yards in total offense last week. What's your quick take on this game?

Yeah, I think you know, the game is priced similarly to last week, you know, about a three touchdown spread and I think if you analyze those two teams individually, Oregon and USC Colorado's opponents, I think it's fair to say that they offer different challenges. Oregon is a much more physical team than USC is and I think right now, at their core, Colorado is talented at the top. I think Shudors Sanders could start for a lot of Power five teams, and I think they have a lot of skill position players that probably could start for a lot of Power five teams, but the depth isn't there. And I think just the overall physicality.

Teams big and top.

That play defense like Oregon, I think that's a bad matchup for Colorado. But this is a different game, a little bit more of a finesse game against USC. Caleb Williams is going to run around and they're going to try to make a lot of plays in the air, and I'm sure he will, but they're not going to try to pound it down Colorado's throws. And on the defensive side of the ball, I think Colorado is going to be able to, you know, protect a little bit longer to give Shad or Sanders that extra second to make that play. Because UFC's front. You go watch the airs on a state pape from Saturday. USC's front isn't exactly gamebusters up there. So I think this is a different game for Colorado, and I think they can keep it within the number, you know, getting three touchdowns. There will be a much different game than last week. Let's just leave it at that.

I'm an agreement. I think you're going to get a little different effort out of Colorado, and they aren home and it feels like that back door could stay open. I full this closer. I'm not involved in that game, one game that I would have very little interested weeks ago. But Florida is now looking better. They actually have a win over Tennessee. They travel to Kentucky lay three. This is a tough game.

Your thoughts, Yeah, Kentucky. I think I really like this Kentucky team. I think they're starting to play a lot better. And you know, they're four and over the third straight year, so they're in a familiar spots here. And anytime you get an unranked team that's favored against the ranked team. We see this more in college basketball, but as college football, as does happen, you know, and I always favor the unranked team that's laying points that's a very popular trend, and it might be.

The case here.

We've seen a little money come in on Florida and it's kind of moving back to a pick them. It's definitely going to close under a field goal if we do get some Kentucky take back Saturday morning. But I think when you look at this team, I expect Kentucky to own the trenches in this game. And I was a little bit surprised with how physical Florida has been through the first few weeks of their year. They had that tough game against Utah, and I know they didn't face Cameron Rising, but Utah's front can still get after you. And then they had that tough game against Tennessee where they really out physicaled the balls and that's why they won that game. But you look at their defense and I think their defense is playing well above the expectation so far. I didn't expect their defensive front to be able to up against the run. And that's important because Ray David, the transfer from Bandy, who's averaging six yards of kerry for Kentucky. That's a really tough matchup, I think. But on quarterback position, I don't know what we're getting from Devin Larry. He looks good point sub sixty completion percentage, so I think that's an AWS up game. Bernie. I think this is a good stay away spot for me. I'm not really touching this one.

Okay, nicely done. I would lean to Kentucky and for whatever reason, they've won uncovered their last two meetings. But you bring up an excellent point about Devon Larry, the transfer from North Carolina State. He looked terrible against Vanderbilt last week, so you don't know what you're gonna get. Think it's a very good analysis, Okay. Georgia lane fourteen at Auburn not a road favorites here. You got a situation where Hugh Freeze could not heap enough praise about Kirby Smart. Georgia has not looked like the great Georgia. But I think they're just playing with their food right now. It would not surprise me if they hung this number at Auburn, Texas A and M beat them twenty seven to ten. But again, I'm not willing to lay the wood here. What are your thoughts?

Yeah, I think eventually, and I feel the same way about Michigan too. I don't have a ton of analytical thoughts on this game. I haven't watched a ton of Auburn yet. I think with Georgia and with the other top ranked teams, we haven't seen the A plus stuff yet. In fact, Georgia and Michigan the two top ranked teams, they're eight no straight up, they're O and eight against the spread. And it's interesting to kind of see that discrepancy through the first month of the season that these great teams, Right, what is the good teams win, great teams cover? Well, if that's the case, and is Georgia any good? And is Michigan any good? You know, I think we're gonna find out a lot over the next few weeks as these teams go into conference play and kind of, you know, it tests the waters in a different way. Very few of these teams challenge themselves in non conference, so it's really hard to grade what they are in September. We've had a few good games so far, but we haven't had any good games. For Georgia, I haven't seen them really stretch their legs, and I hope it happens at some point. They certainly had the talent to do so. And that's really the only analysis that can provide. Georgia on their best day beat Auburn by forty. But I just we don't know if it's going to be their best day. It makes them a very tough bet to the first two league exactly right.

So I was gonna save Michigan for last. Obviously, I lived in that market, covered those teams for fourteen years. My opinion on Michigan this year is not popular. I will just tell you I think this is going to be like the sixteen team where there were all kinds of expectations and they choked it down against Iowa and then finished the season poorly. And I think this could is going to end up like the Chase. Oh goodness, he's playing playing for New England. Now did the Chase revenge year? Remember that year? And they did that did well. So anyway, here'shere I'm going with that. Michigan is very deliberate on offense, and there their offensive playbooks about a two page pamphlets, the same four plays over Nome. Nebraska's got a decent run defense. In Michigan, run the ball and they're gonna be twenty mile an hour wins in there and at Lincoln on Saturday. So here's my question to you, Jared. I cannot take the eighteam the way I've seen Nebraska play and fits and starts, but I sure can't lay it either. I like to get your thoughts on Michigan lane eighteen in Nebraska.

So I think this is a good spot for Michigan.

And I think, unlike Georgia, where you're right the weather is going to play a factor, it's not gonna affect Michigan's offense because they're right, they run the ball so much, and frankly, both teams have to play in the win. So I think Nebraska, if you were going to ask me, you take away the passing games for both teams and both teams are just running the ball, I would take Michigan's run game over over Nebraska's run game. And frankly, I think it's Michigan's defense that's really the key here. Now Nebraska quarterback situation is another disaster and that's where I think, really when I handicap this game, I see a real edge. It's just the not catch the snap against Colorado that he could not feel the snack, and I don't know if there was something going on there, but if it's not him, and he offers the best mobility of the quarterbacks for Nebraska. Then the backups are more thrower types, so then you bring in the thrower type who can't run in the mile an hour wins that you just mentioned. It's just this feels like a game where Michigan has been in their cozy little dan in Ann Arbor for a month. They haven't had their coach on the sidelines for three of those four games. Now they go to a hostile environment. If we haven't seen the Wolverines wake up, I think this is the game that we're going to see it because they've got a couple of interesting spots again they I think this Michigan team is kind of in cruise control for the next month. But this is the one game where you go to Lincoln and I think you show people that you're a good team.

Because you go to.

Minnesota, you play Indiana, you play Michigan State, you played Purdue. Over the next month, there's no prove it games here and I think this is this is a a spot for them on the road to kind of come together as a team. Eventually, Georgia Michigan, one of them is going to cover a number and I ope it this weekend because I did bet Michigan. I like seventeen.

You may well be right, Jared. They beat Nebraska thirty four to three last year. It is a mismatch of Michigan brings their best and you're not wrong there. Chase Winnovich was the guy couldn't get out of my mouth a minute ago. Oh yeah, A couple more quickies for you, because one game I'm mostly interested is Notre Dame Land six at Duke, another road favorite. Duke really impressed me that opening night against Clemson, and I want to see how the fighting Irish rebound against a pretty good team. Mike Elko has just done a phenomenal job. There your thoughts on that game.


So the first thing that stood out to me this week is when I was going through Marcus Freeman's press conference and it was a somber one. And I've got a buddy here in town, Tim Murray, worked for one of the local networks, and you know, he's a big Notre Dame fan, and he was the game and we were talking. We actually did a show together today and we were talking about just you know, it was a rough.

Week for Irish fans.

They they really had this game, they had the bowl by the horn, right, and they just let them off, let them off the hook. And I think the one thing I that, you know, you go to the next week and you focus on the next week. And the one thing that stood out to me when I was watching, you know, listening to Marcus Trumans fresh conference, is he actually mentioned the hon State game last year and then the week after he got asked the question. The week after that game, remember that game was tight, not it name really never challenged to win that game. But they battled in that game. Remember that was the opener and it was a big labor Yeah, yeah, that Sunday Night of Labor.


Notre Dame covered that game. But they didn't win out but they didn't win. But then the following week they lost outright as a three touchdown favorite to Marshall. So it was like the hangover lasted and it really started there. You know, they started owing too, and it really changed the course of their season. And I think it was noteworthy that he mentioned that, and it's obviously been mentioned a lot. I think that'll help. I think at their core under name is much better. They're much more physical than Duke. They should be able to run the ball in this game estimates than a beast. I really like this Duke squad. I think Mike Elkos done arguably the best job you could possibly ask for. He's thirteen and four in his first seventeen games a head coach at Duke football, not basketball. So I just think the defense and the way they're coached is it's solid. But you're playing a different level in this game, and I don't know if they'll be able to hang physically. And that's why I think Notre Dame has the edge, but you gotta put the ball on Sam Martin's hands. Only twenty five throws against Ohio State. Granted, I know they're a little depleted in the wide receiver group. They ran it thirty nine times in that game. I think if those numbers were flipped, I think Notre Dame might end up beating Ohio State, but they were a little conservative. We'll see what the game plan is this week, but they should be able to bully ball the Blue Devils.

Jared, great stuff. I really appreciate you coming on. I know you're a busy guy and you'll be back on these airways and about what six and a half hours.

Right, Yeah, I'm gonna I'm usually up around this time and then you know, I appreciate you asking me on, Bernie, because I do love the show. I'm a big fan, and I'll get a little nap in and then we'll do the show about five and a half hours.

I appreciate that because as we get into the real meat and potatoes, when the Michigan start to play the Penn States, et cetera, November, I'd like to get you back on again because YEH had part.

That's a very big game.

Oh fantastic, what a great school. All right, Jared, listen, Bud, get some rest, Appreciate all you do for the network, and enjoy your Saturday.

I appreciate it.

Bernie, have a good one. Thank you. As Jared Lee Smith, you hear him. Saturday Morning's Countown to kick off with Rich Orenberger and Brian Knowle. These guys do a great job. Coming up, I teased my beloved Detroit Lions. These are not your father's Detroit Lions, and I've got receipts and yeah, I covered that team for ten years, including the H and sixteen teams, so these are not empty words. All right. If you watch a little Thursday night football Thursday Night, it's the Department of Redundancy department. You notice that the Lions beat Green Bay this deively thirty four to twenty. The Lions have now won six divisional games in a row. There are eleven and three since starting one and six last year. And yes, that defense ranked thirtieth last year. Now they rank eleventh. If you don't think the Lions are for real, you've got a different agenda. They are for real. By the way, it's setting up ever so nicely. The Bears can't get out of their own way. They're zero and three. The Vikings are oh and three, and oh, by the way, green Bay, yes they're now what what's their record now? Two and two? I guess so the Lions. And they've already got one divisional road win under their belt against Green Bay. So we'll see. Let's not fast forward, let's talk. Let's stay with it here and now, and in a minute I will share with you what the Lions did to completely change the complexion of that defense. And it actually started Week seven last year with a command decision, an executive decision that Dan Campbell made. And again, if you don't think Dan Campbell's a good coach. You're just stubborn. You just you got a different agenda for a brief period last night. I'll give it up to just a second because of what Green Bay did against New Orleans the week before, where they look halpless earlier than they come back and win. By the way, I don't think New Orleans is that good. They haven't even scored more than twenty points in any other three games. And know Derek Carr is not the answer, but don't get me started. It looked like the Packers might come back twice in a row from big halftime deficits. Right, we don't know if those cens are that good, but the Lions are. You have the data, especially after last night's thirty four to twenty win. Okay, this is a very good football team. Number one. Detroit is a fluky overtime loss away from being four to zero. Now, if you look, if you watch the Lions objectively on offense, defense, special teams, if you watch the line of scrimmage, if you watch their skilled players, if you watch Jared Goff, they've been the most impressive team. Now I think the Niners are the best team. I'm not predicted the Lions are going to the super Bowl or anything like that. But they've been impressive. All right. The Chiefs, Bills forty nine ers, they have better data, but Detroit is just this combination of skill and grit and through four weeks. Now, listen, this is your headline the seat. We're not out of September yet, and the Lions already have road winds at Kansas City and Green Bay. You can spend that any way you want, or you can throw cold water on it any way you want. The Lions have road winds in Kansas City and Green Bay. The Lions win on both sides of the ball. Their offensive coordinator Ben Johnson and their defensive coordinator Aaron gleed they're gonna get head coaching interviews next year because they've done that. Well. Don't let the finals score full you. By the way, this was a beatdown from the jump twenty seven to three eight a half. Oh yeah, Jordan Love. Please stop trying to forest feet at Jordan Love. He's okay, he's a serviceable quarterback. He's okay. Maybe it was the constant pressure from Aaron Glenn and their defensive unit, but he was flat out stinky in the first half and only saved some face in the second half. He's only completing fifty six percent of his passes and that ranks him twenty ninth in the league. Too early to say, you know that he is.


He's not a bust and he's not a failure. But too early to say whether or not he is going to be a serviceable replacement for Aaron Rodgers and Brett Favre because Green Bay has been spoiled for thirty years. But it's not too early to say. The Lion's team is legit. And I said a minute ago their defense was thirtieth last year. Now they're eleventh. After the Lions started one and six, Dan Campbell called his friend and dB coach into the office, Aubrey Pleasant. He said, I gotta let you go. This is a results business and we're not getting results. Aubrey Pleasant, with his defensive backs, ran this pretty intricate risk rewards scheme. It was ineffective, caused all kinds of communications. Probably Elmes the Lions what they do. They installed the simpler system. It worked. Lions were eight and two down the stretcher three and one this year. Additionally, the Lions give it up to Brad Holmes. Their GM long gone from the Matt Millen days. They needed to get better in the secondary. They knew it. So they went out and got Cam Sutton from the Steelers. They got Chauncey Gardner Johnson from the Eagles. They got Emmanuel Moseley from the forty nine Ers, all big upgrades. They draft incredibly well Jack Campbell out of Iowa, great open field tackler. They draft Jamiir Gibbs, They draft the port of Matt Laporta out of As. They're tied end plus did I mentioned Oh, by the way, the Lions have the ninth easiest schedule. Brian Branch two from Alabama. They're all contributing right away. Lions also have the ninth easiest schedule in the National Football League this year. The teams they play have accumulative four ninety two winning percentage. Those are their opponents. So look, I have seen good Lions teams in the past. People think I got it in for Matt Stafford, although I did tell you he'd be picked off twice Monday Night against lou Anarumo's defense. Sure enough, he was, and that costs the Rams a game. Same with the week before. That's our guy. He'll get Hall of Fame votes. And he was the quarterback on the Rams Super Bowl team. But look, Stafford had plenty of help in Detroit in twenty fourteen. They had seven Pro bowlers that was a third ranked defense. They had a Dominicance Sue and Calvin Johnson. They got to the playoffs, went on the road against Dallas. Stafford turned it over twice in the fourth quarter and they lost. So I'm not gonna get my hope, Sep. I'm not gonna predict grandeur for the Lions. But they go to the playoffs and for now they're for real and they approved it last night. And if you refuse to accept that, they just get with a year and now again you've got a different agenda and you might be first lined for front of lobotomy. We'll see where you go from here. The end of your first year Discover credit card, it's automatically double all the cash back you've and that's right, everything you've earned doubled. Seriously see terms. Check it out for yourself at discover dot com, slash match, come it up, give it up to c J. Stroud. I know I've picked on Justin Fields. But I will always give credit where credits due. He's done some remarkable things for those Houston Texans. And by the way, give it up to Dimico Ryans. What a fabulous job. Let me share with you what CJ. Stroud has done. He's even made a little bit of history. And you got to give the dude his flowers. I'm Bernie Frattle. We're coming to you live from the Las Vegas Fox Sports Radio tyrock dot com studios. Keep it locked you listen to the Bernie Frattle Show on Fox Sports Radio.

Fox Sports Radio has the best sports talk lineup in the nation. Catch all of our shows at foxsports Radio dot com and within the iHeartRadio app. Search FSR to listen live. There.

We're back on the Bernie Fraddle Show, Fox Sports Radio. Come to your live the Tarret dot com studios here in Las Vegas. Eight seven, seven nine six six three six ' nine. The phone lines are open. Shay's ready to take your calls. We'll take the first six. Don't get shut out eight seven, seven, nine and nine on Fox Round nine, Bernie's trivia game Boy, we got a battle pop He's trying to repeat. We got day from Phoenix fighting his way back to the top. Kurt uh Shaye put out the standings earlier today. You can find him at on Twitter on the Fox Sports radio handle, and I retweeted so to Chay, so line them up folks eight, seven, seven, nine and nine on Fox eight seven, seven, nine, nine, six six three six nine and top of the hour we resume, don't get shut out. Shaye'll take the first six. Uh. CJ. Stroud has been remarkable now. I think earlier today mccollins said something about he's so in love with Kayleb Williams that he would give up TJ. Watt three picks, three number one picks and Jordanecks for Caleb Williams. Okay, alrighty, Then you got to remember this success rate for NFL first round quarterbacks is less than fifty percent. In fact, since nineteen sixty seven, only nine first round quarterbacks have actually led their original team to a Super Bowl. And out of the one hundred and forty eight first round quarterbacks drafted in that time period, that's not great. Odds. Do the math. Nine out of one hundred and forty eight, and you want to give up two Pro Bowl starters, three number one draft picks for a winking of promise. Well, I don't know the way CJ. Stroud's playing now? Did you know that? CJ. Stroud of Ohio State, the Ohio State University and now of the Houston Texas is the first quarterback in NFL history to throw for more than nine hundred yards, four passing touchdowns, and have zero interceptions in their first three starts. He also has CJ. Stroud also has the most attempts of any NFL quarterback without an interception this season. This is why never buy the argument and Justin Fields goes to Chicago, he doesn't have any help. It's all their fall play him everybody else. He's five and thirty as a starter for a reason.

C J.

Stroud is proving that if you can play the position at what the job description requires in the NFL level, you can have success. Through three games, c J. Stroud and again these are the Houston Texans, the drafted second overall last year. Through three games, Stroud has completed seventy three at one oh three. That's seventy one percent eight hundred and seventy seven years, all four of its touchdowns. This is the part I like all four of his touchdown passes while inside the pocket, Thank you very much. You have to operate from the pocket now, outside the pocket, where Stroud was often dangerous as a playmaker in college. Actually, Stroud's only completed five of eighteen throws twenty eight percent for twenty nine yards. Blah blah blah. I'm not picking on him. He was probably under duress. Okay, he didn't just drop back. I don't know what I'm looking at, so I just take off and run because that's what I've always done. Those darn coaches are trying to teach me how to play quarterback, but you know, I just need to go out my instincts. That's why we're five and thirty. No, Stroud was probably under duress, tried to keep plays the line. But watch him. He operates from the pocket amazingly. He's accomplished all of this. He's receiving snaps behind a very unsettled, a very injury riddle offensive line that is allowing the third highest pressure rate in the league. But this is what happens when you can make pred post matp reads and he can do it. I was moved, honestly, when the Knight CJ. Stroud was drafted. I was moved by his oratory and how he was interviewed off the cuff. I really liked him, and I like Bryce Shawn a lot too. But Stroud's your guy. So far. He leads the league with his seventy seven point eight completion percentage against man coverage. Again, that's recognition two hundred and twenty two yards, two touchdowns, and the average lead completion percentage against man coverage is fifty eight percent. Stroud's at seventy seven percent. I cannot say enough good things about c J. Stroud, And oh, by the way, I had Houston last week plus ten and a half and they won outright, give it up. So you know I love Dion Sanders and you know I love c J. Stroud. Oh by the way, Dion, this is the part for the haters. He has five new trademarks he filed this past month. Ain't nobody care f around and find out we keep receipts, pitpull and pumps working or to work. I love the young man. I say he's a good person, not a perfect person. Eight seven seven nine to nine six six three six ' nine eight seven seven nine to nine on Fox Dial him up. Bernie's trivia game. It resumes here in well about six or seven minutes. Shay will take your calls. You'll get a trivia question, He'll give you a bet to make. You can see all the stands and the percentages and all that right there. He puts it right on Twitter. We are now in week nine of Bernie's Trivia Game, and we've got a wide open contest. Can Poppy repeat? Can Dave overtake him? We shall see. I'm Bernie Frattle. Keep it locked. You're listening to the Bernie Frattle Show. I'm Fox Sports Radio. Well you heard demand. The Bernie Fraddle Show rolls right along. My name is Bernie Frattle or coming to you live from the tyrack dot com studios, Fox Sports Radio, Las Vegas, Nevada. Tyrack dot com. We'll help you get there an unmatched selection, fast free shipping for your road, azer protection and over ten thousand recommend and installers. Tyrack dot com the way tire buying should be. By the way, just a quickie. David Barons, hope you were listening. Top of the show is what I mentioned. Gave you your shout out. David does security for the Angels. David Barons, thanks so much for listening. Okay, we've got quite a contest going here. We are now in the week nine of Bernie's Trivia Backyard Bunk and Bets, and we've got callers lining up. So without further ado, let's go to our guy, Shay. Shaye take it away, Bud.

We got questions, we got crisis.

Who will come out on top calling on you?

Let's see what you got. It's game time, it's showtime.

It's Bernie's Backyard Bucks and Bets.

Hey, Bernie, looks like it's about that time.

All right, Shae, you got the standings out today and we got a little battle going. Looks like we've got maybe a couple of newcomers and the old standbys, So why don't you get the ball, Shay.

Let's get this going. All right. We got Nathan from Orlando with our first one. Nathan, how you doing? Man?

Hey, evening, I'm an old standby?

All right, Well, Nathan, we're glad to have you back. And uh, you know, Poppy won it last year and he called it every week, so consistency and persistency is often rewarded. All right, Shae, what do we got?

So with our first question, we're gonna go with this. Which country is the NFL matchup between the Jaguars and Falcons taking place this week?


England? There you go, baby, have a little beans on toast, bangers and mash, scotch, eggs, fish and chips. Right, sounds terrible? All right, let's go.

The game is set to take off Sunday at six thirty eight Pacific Standard time. The over under is set at forty three points. What are you guys taking.

I'm gonna go under, actually gonna go over here. I know that Jacksonville's offense has been terrible. Pardon me, I've said darn it? Well, no, hey, you might You might be right, Nathan, I'm not the burning bush here, Palell, you have an equal chance to win this darn thing. And I will tell you baas based on what you've observed the way Jacksonville's offense couldn't score. You know, Husseinville repute with a fist full of fifties and Atlanta runs the ball. This could be a low scoring game. What I have found though, you should get these two teams over there and they open things up. So all you need is twenty one twenty one tie and it's going over but hey, good luck and hold it down there in Orlando. And thanks for checking in, Nathan. Do you want to say something? Thank you, Bernie? Okay, thank you, Nathan, Thanks buddy, good luck Okay, Jay.

And with our next one, we got Poppy from SD Poppy.

Hey, Bernie, Party's are officially eliminated. Man oh no, oh, no, I know it's okay.

We're gonna go with the Baltimore Orioles Oriols. We're gonna go to the World Series.

Guys, wouldn't happen? Would not that not be a great story? Their win total this year over under it was seventy seven. And by the way, I'll make a prediction. I predicted doom and glue for the Potters. I bet you they're gonna be good next year. You know why, pythagoream theorem. They outscore their opponents by ninety eight runs this year. You have to run the outside looking in. They'll come back next year because there won't be any expectations. All right, what have we got for Poppy?

So Poppy who leads the league in passing tds so far this year in the NFL? Their guess, Poppy, Poppy, did we lose you?

What happened to Poppy.

Pobby you still there? We lost them. It looks like we lost all Rightoby.

Well, Poppy calls back, so we can get in.

We'll get you.

You know what. You might have me stumped on this one. I was gonna say Patrick Mahomes, but I wait a minute. It's gotta be tool right, Okay. I don't get credit for that. I didn't say that first, and I don't want to screw up my pristine ninety record. But Tua did not come out of my mouth first. So uh no, good is Poppy back?

And we got Poppy back?

Yeah, I'm back.

All right, Poppy, You're like the Potteris man when we're calming on here there man, all right, did you hear that trivia question?

I heard a little bit and I got disconnected.

I got all right, go ahead and give it to him. I trust him, Go ahead and give it.

So who leads the league in passing touchdowns so far this year in the NFL?

Oh that's a good one.

I'm going with the Chansas City Chief. Tat to Mahomes.

Oh, don't feel like the lone ranger, right, Mahomes came out of my mouth for I caught myself and realized that Miami scored ten touchdowns last week.

Oh it's too all right, what do we got for our bed?

Here for Poppy, So we're gonna go back to the Dolphins. The Dolphins are taking on the Bills at ten am Pacific Standard time on Sunday. The Bills are minus two and a half going into the matchup. Do you think they cover?

You know, that's gonna be a tough matchup. I know Josh Allon it's five and one again to us, So yeah, I think they're gonna cover. I'm gonna go with Josh Allen and the Buffalo Bill.

You know what, I have to agree. I played Buffalo half a unit this week as well. I think I think it's a different situation. Miami stepping up a little here and no one can keep that pace up, and Buffalo's defense will be probably the best defense they faced. Uh well, actually New England's defense was pretty good. New England hung with them, it hadn't been for the turnovers. So I like Buffalo to get it done.

All right, Good luck, Poppy, Thank you Ernie, Thank you guys much.

And our next caller we got day from Phoenix. Welcome back to.

Day from Phoenix, currently the leader, Currently the leader with four weeks to go? How you doing, Dave? Well that sound good, Bernie. There you go playing from the lead. All right, all right, Shay.

This player just tied the Brave single season franchise record for stolen bases with seventy two stolen bases. Who is this player?

Well, that would be the MVP to be Ronald Acuna.

Yeah, amazing. Acuna not only stole seventy three, he had forty home runs. Forty and seventy Can you imagine? Wow? Incredible. He's not bad. All right, what do we got, Jay?

The Raiders are taking on the Chargers this Sunday at one oh five pm Pacific Standard time. The Chargers are minus five going into the matchups. Do they cover?


Boy, so we got the Chargers.

Are they at home?

Yeah, they're in LA, but if you want to call it home, they've got the they've got the worst home.

Uh yeah, Chargers minus five?

You say, yeah, I think.

The Chargers are due to break out.

I'll reluctantly say the Chargers win and cover.

Well, you sures think so, but they got that goofy coach Brandon Staley first in line for a front of the botomy. But on the other side, on the other side, Jimmy g is still in concussion protocol. And it's a game I would not bet, but believe it or not believe it or not for whatever reason, the Raiders is a dog in this series. I'm gonna hold you said that. What number did you give?


Yeah, I'll be looking for hopefully Brandon Staley more coaching malpractice. But then Josh mcdanmie's on the other side. We've got like freaking frack here. I'm gonna hold my nose and take the Raiders just because, but I don't feel great about it. So good luck, Dave.

Yeah, thank you very much, Thank you, Dave.

Thanks all right, Dave's a leader. All right.

Next week, got Kurt from California.

A regular. Hey, good evening, Good evening, Kimo Sabi, All right, what do we got tonight for Kurt?


What team did former Sun center DeAndre Ayton get traded in the three team trade that went down this past week in the NBA.

That would be the Milwaukee Fuck. Oh wait a minute, now, I'm having a brain cramp.

He's it is a tricky it's a little bit of a trick question.

I think I may be whiffing on this one too. I can't Yeah, I can't give myself credit. I mean, the three teams involved were were the Blazers, Bucks and Suns, right, so I guess it would have to be Blazers, but I didn't get it in time.

And yeah it was the Blazers, Yes, those three teams.

All right, all right, gotta be fair about this, screwing up by pristine ninety trivia the percentage, but such a life? Okay, what we got for our bet?

For so Kurt.

The Dodgers are taking on the Giants at six oh five pm Pacific Standard time later today. The over under on runs is set at eight. What do you guys got.

I'll go with.

The over. Yeah, this is one where I gotta I gotta hold my nose and play the under. Kurt Clinton Gershaw, his numbers have actually been very good this year. He's been a I mean strikeout to walk ratio is outstanding, is the he's outstanding. The Dodgers mahammer Christian Beck. But it's gonna take five. Yeah, I'm gonna hold my nose and play the under. But good luck, Kurt hey Burn. Yeah, I don't think Fauburn is gonna need the points to swee You really think you Freeze as a fourteen point underdog is gonna beat Georgie out right?

Didn't they have a bye last week?

Who Georgia?


No, they played they well wait a minute, they might have, but they they struggled mightily against Cal a very lousy team. Couldn't move the ball at all. So if you look at transitive property, hey, look, stranger things have happened. Let's see you Freeze is uh, he has pulled some rabbits out of his hat in his past. If you're on the money line on that one, we'll have to give you your flowers next week if they do it. But boy, I'll tell you it's hard to be hard for me to believe Georgia would drop their guard. Dude, do better strap it on. You're right that that but that's those are just facts, Okay, onwarding up?

Well, thank you, Kurt. And then next and last we got Paul from Rhode Island. How you doing, Paul, Paul, Welcome.

In, Bernie Fineles, thank you for thinking my call. I'm honest to talk to you. It's spend a second time I talk to you. Thank you for making a lot of money for me.

Go ahead, shoot all right, well listen hold a diner in Rhode Island, one of the coolest states in the nation. I had a buddy Rob played for the Rhode Island Rams and football back back in the eighties. So thanks for calling in Bud. What we got for him tonight?

So which Willem was the first to be eliminated from the MLB playoffs this year?

Wow, this is brutal.

I want to say Oakland.

A's that was right.

Yeah, he's correct, He's correct.

He's correct. They were even though they finished.

They Yeah, I know I have au This is a cousin's own fifty thousand Barry Colson in California, ben Court Farms. But I never thought to him. But let me tell you, I love you.

I love your show.

But yeah, it is ocal age. And as much as I have like Ricky Henderson Henderson's listen, I'm an as it's up to you, surf.

You know what. I love Ricky Henderson. He was not only one of the greatest players of all time, he was very quotable. You guys. Hear the story about when he was traded to Toronto played with my buddy Sean Green. The bus pulls up to the hotel and the traveling secretary says, hey, Ricky, you can get on the bus first. You got tenure and Ricky says, what do you mean? I got fifteen year? All right? What have we got for the bet?

All right, Paul? The Buccaneers are taking on the Saints on Sunday at ten am on Fox. The over under is set at forty. Are you taking the over or the under?

Paul on the Yeah, that's a big play. This is going to be defensive battle, two pretty good defenses. And the Saints haven't even scored more than twenty points in any of the three games. And but Derek Carr did practice today.

But that, yeah, Camara's coming back.

I don't know, man, no, no.

I like the under. I like the under. I'm with you. I'm with you in now, this this field, this hit, it feels like a twenty to seventeen touch game. All right, great job by everybody, Shay, Hopefully you guys will get the standings out here as folks look forward to early in the week, But the contest continues to rage. Dave from Arizona leads everybody with eleven hundred points, Kurt nine hundred points, Poppy six, Nathan from Florida four hundred. They all checked in tonight and and then of course, uh we got the gentlemen from Rhode Island. You can come out of nowhere and win this thing, Okay, Dave made a hell of a run last year. At the end, the keys to calling every week all right, good job, Shay, good job, Mark, good job everybody, and onward and upward another another Bernie's backyard bunkin bets. He's in the books. We'll have the standings after nine weeks out early in the week was we had in a week ten? Next Friday Tonight show brought to you by Progressive Insurance. Progressive makes buddling easy and affordable. Get a multi policy discount by combining your motorcycle, RV, boat, ATV and more all your protection in one place. Buddle and save at Progressive dot com. Coming up, the college football season is really starting to take shape. You can draw a line down the middle of the page. On the left. There are some people that look like winners. On the right, well, they are the opposite of winners based on how they have performed or recent events, lack of results. I'll break it down for you. We'll start to get a little granular on college football as we have the final weekend in September upon us. I'm Bernie Fraddle Comedy Live from the Las Vegas Fox Sports Radio tirect dot com studios. Keep it locked right here and listening to the Bernie Frattle Show Fox Sports Radio. All right back on the Bernie Frattle Show, Fox Sports Radio Comedy Live. The Tirack dot Com studio is here, Las Vegas, Nevada. Will take you up to two am Pacific, five am Eastern and as we are nearing another action pack college football Saturday, and we're now to the point of the season. Most teams have played four games. You only played twelve. So you start to sort the minor from the you know what. You draw a line down the page on the left. You got people I put in the winners category, starting with Florida State. I said weeks ago, I thought of Florida State. Got pasted LSU. They've got to be on the short list now to get to the final four. They beat Clemson at Clemson, where Clemson had been sixty four and two thirty one to twenty four in overtime. You're now an official changing of the guard in the SEC. This ushers in the seminoles. Perhaps there is in fact a real return to prominence eight years after basically Clemson took ownership of the conference. Now we'll see where they go from here. But as long as Jordan Travis, their dynamic quarterback, continues to play at the level, he's gonna get Heisman Trophy votes. And you got to give fourth year coach Mike Norvel a lot of credit. But the big picture, Floria State, yes, they are now better than Clemson period. Ohio State, Okay, the end of the year. They don't ask Kyle just how many we know Notre Dame probably should have won that game, but that final drive will be in the highlight montage if the Ohio State Buckeyes go on this year to get to the playoffs. That you know, let's not forget before that faithful decision non decision by Notre Dame's coach. Well, Ohio State win sixty five yards and under ninety seconds. They scored on a short touchdown run one second on the clock. They trailed for fifty nine minutes and fifty nine seconds. They beat Number nine Notre Dame at Notre Dame seventeen to fourteen, and along the way, you saw their young quarterback Kyle McCord very much mature right in front of your eyes on National TV at Notre Dame, made several cluts through, finished with two hundred and forty yards, did not throw a pick. You also saw a great strong play from Trevion Henderson hopefully he stays healthy all this year, and even a standout game from Marvin Harrison Junior, who got injured in the second half. But moreover, the Ohio State defense stood up and ry Ryan Day could not contain himself at the end of the game. Ohio State they're on the winners ledger. So is Alabama. Believe it or not. Now this is gonna be a pulling teeth type of season for Obama. They're still ranked twelve given the state of their offense, which might have been a little better. They beat Mississippi twenty four to ten. You know, Tommy Reese has not been great as the OC but the defense stepped up, stepped up. Okay, they allowed Lane Kiffin's group just four yards of play. Jalen Milroe seventeen on a twenty one with a touchdown, but he did throw a bad interception. But we're gonna get him a Hall pass because at the end, they don't ask Kyle just how many BAMA survives in advances. Don't bet against Nick Sabate, not just yet Penn State. Now, Penn State's ranked number seven for a reason. They destroyed Iowa thirty one to nothing. That says all you need to know about the state of the Hawkeyes offense. Okay, because they did score forty one against Western Michigan the year before, but give it up to the Nindney Allons. They allowed just seventy six yards. Seventy six yards. This is a conference game. Sixteen what like fifty six through the year and twenty on the ground. It doesn't get any worse than that. By the way, Penn State also showed they can be very, very physical. All right, They're flexible, they're adaptable. Drew Aller had four touchdowns with an interception. Again, I'm already looking ahead. I can't help but I believe he's November eleventh, when Michigan goes to Penn State. That's going to be a great game. But Ohio State will host Penn State a couple weeks before that. For now Penn State, he's in the winners column. We'll see if they can hold it. Duke and Kansas a couple of teams known for their basketball exploits. Well, they're in the winters column, but they're you know, no rest for the weary. Kansas has Texas and Duke has Notre Dame. But I love Duke quarterback Riley Leonard. He continued his hot play last week. Yeah, I was Yukon. They blew him out. Utah would have been in the Winter Circle, but they did not do well tonight. They were four to zero heading into Friday night's game, and all of the wins that's come against Power five competition. Things don't look so good for Utah right now. They better get Cam Rising back fast right. Give it up to Northwestern. Come on, man, this was crazy. Northwestern trailed Minnesota thirty one to ten after three quarters, thirty one to twenty four with just over two minutes. They scored the game tying touchdown with five seconds remaining. Then they beat Minnesota thirty seven thirty four. I think that boat that Minnesota was rowing sunk. I don't know what happened to PJ. Fleck. I had bigger expectations for him in that program. They barely beat Nebraska, they lose to Northwestern Minnesota is not a good team, but this is a huge win for the interim coach though with Northwestern Wildcats, if you don't know his name, we'll say it on national radio, David Brown. Look, they're expected to finish dead last into Big Ten. Instead, Hey give it up. Northwestern is two and two. They're two losses to Rutgers and Duke. I also want to give a wink and a nod to the Wyoming Cowboys. Craig Boll always manages the field, a very physical team that blocks and tackles. Well, you remember he came from North Dakota State. You know the Carson Wentz is the Trey Lance all those teams. That bull was gone when Trey Lance got there. But those North Dakota State teams are tremendous. Cowboys making a case for being counted among a handful of teams in the group of five that are near the best. They were down twelve to that pesky app State team and they come back and win twenty two to nineteen. Wyoming now three to one. They had a very competitive lost in Texas but remember they also beat Texas Tech in the season opener. Well, for every winner, there's gotta be a loser, right, Maybe the Moniker is not fair, but you get the point these folks I'm about to share with you. You can't deny e. They're on the other side of the ledger. We'll get to that in just a second, but first let's go back to our guy, Kevin figures with the latest.

All right, Bernie, still much to be left decided. With the couple of days remaining in baseball's regular season, we'll start in the National League, the Marlins overcame a late three to nothing deficit to beat Pittsburgh four to three. They have a one and a half game lead over the Cubs and Reds for the final wildcard spot. Cincinnati blasted Saint Louis nineteen to two. They had six home runs in that game. Cubs lost to the Brewers four to three and ten innings, and the American League. Seattle hit three home runs, including a grand slam. They hammered the Rangers eight nothing. Houston got a qualities start from Jose Urkety. They defeated Arizona two to one. Texas a one game lead over Houston a top the AL West, while Seattle is two games back. Houston also a one game lead over Seattle for the final wildcard in the AL and golf. All of today's foursome matchups are underway at the Ryder Cup Europe six and a half points or as up six and a half points to one and a half points, I should say, over the United States so far for the tournament, and in college football nineteen rank Oregon State allowed just fifty seven yards rushing to the utes. They beat Utah twenty one to seven. BYU defeated Cincinnati thirty five to seventeen. You also had victories for Louisville and Louisiana Tech. Back to Bernie Fratto.

Okay, thanks so much, Kevin. All right, Clemson, it's been an incredible run. Seven ACC championships, two national championships, four trips to the National Championship Game, five trips to the playoff. All of this since twenty fifteen. Clemson is still regarded as a top end program. Their goals now now might just be relegated to win the ACC and hope for a playoff Perth, but a dynasty, at least for now, appears to be over when you get beaten Death Valley when you've only lost twice there, I think there's out of the last sixty six games. You've just handed the Seminoles the title of the new boss of the ACC and they are that league's strongest contender now to be ordered a spot in the top four, and they can be. They can be. You know, you beat Clemson in Death Valley, and you beat LSU early on, it's gonna get crowded near the top. One of the things in IL has done, one of the things that Transfer Portal has done, it's create more parody near the top. There are eight or nine teams that are going to make a case. I think Utah probably fell out of that list last night. Tonight Friday Night. Can't kind of out yet. They to have everything in front of them. But there's still a lot of undefeated teams out there. So Clemson is very much hurt by their two losses they've lost to Duke and Florida State. Their decline, well, frankly, you can't really say it's sudden. Okay, they've sort of regressed over the last several seasons, and so when you pass the torch back to Florida State, I was in frankly surprised that Clemson put up that big a fight and it was a big turnover that Florida State had to take advantage of it. Clemson gonna won the game, but it's not the same Clemson team, and I think dappleswinning knows it. Notre Dame they're on the right side of the list right now. I think they have a very long road to get to the playoffs. They cannot afford to lose another game. They cannot and they're gonna have Duke in USC and there's some gaunt, there's a gauntlet in there. They needed one stop six inches to get what I think would be Notre Dame's biggest win in what a decade or longer. They haven't beaten Ohio States in nineteen thirty six, where they still have it. And we'll see how Notre Dame reacts against Duke, but I think they'll react, they'll respond. Duke's a good team, Duke's stepping up in class. But if Notre Dame, but this is gonna be a season of ifs and wats. If they'd made that late stand and pulled out the win, the Irish would have had so much more breathing room the rest of the way. They have a manageable schedule, but they do have Again, Duke's not not a pushover, but you're gonna have USC. But that's doable, right because I don't like USC's defense. However, having said all that, you know you still got to play the game. You still got to play the game. Doable but not easy, all right. So you heard me singing the praises and the glowing praises of Dion Sanders at the top of the show, and I meant everything I said. But for this past week, both Dion and Schador they had a rough one. Okay, Chador Sanders, I think his heisman Campaig is over. He's not gonna win the Heisman. He's not even going to be in the short list. I still love the guy. I think he's the first round draft choice. There's only one way I think he could One way. I think he could rekindle that heisman talk if USC somehow manages to beat or check that, if Colorado manages to beat USC and they kick off about eight and a half hours from now. But come on, man, Sanders was under pressure constantly against Oregon and the Buffalo's you know. I mean he really missed his Travis Hunter. He had twenty three completions, thirty three attempts, only one hundred and fifty nine yards, got sacks seven times, and for the first time his dad, for the first time in his major college coaching career, Dion, He's going to have to respond to a negative result inside that locker room and try to keep the Buffs on an even keel. They're eight and a half hours away from kicking it off against USC. I do think you'll see a different effort. I don't think, yes, he's gonna I didn't look. I didn't bet the game. Es he's laying twenty two. This could be a fifty to twenty four. I don't know. They could hang that number. Both sides could, so why bother. I'm not a fan of USC's defense. I do expect them to pressure Shadoor, but I do expect Colorado to make some adjustments. Look, they still got athletes. They've done what they've done their three and one. I don't believe they're beating MESSI all right. I want to give a lot of credit to Oregon State because after losing the Pack two championship game last week, to Washington State thirty eight to thirty five. Because I'm a big fan of this Oregon State team and just the way they play, and I was talking about them having the best defense. I thought in the Pac two Pac twelve, what are you going to call it? And yet last week Washington State put up a thirty eight burder around them. That game showed a very high quality and high level of play for both teams and both programs, and it's unfortunate that they're both about to be left out of the Power five. It really genuinely is. And what Oregon State did Friday night against Utah was very impressive, with or without Cameron Rising. Okay, but what Oregon State also did last week. They're down thirty eighth, or check that, thirty five to fourteen entering the final quarter, they go on a twenty one to three run to get within a field goal, unable to recover an on sidekick with a minute left. Okay, it's hard to win them all, but man, this Oregon State program honestly is for real. And what they did Friday night against Utah, well major, major tip of the cap for you Oregon State Beaver fans. This team's gonna be heard from the remainder of the year. Tonight show brought to you by a Discover at the end of your first year, Discover credit cards automatically double all the cash back you've earned. That's right, everything you've earned doubled. Seriously see terms. Check it out for yourself. Discover dot com slash match coming up. We've got some Mitchin tidbits regarding the NFL and teams who start owing three, teams who start oh and two and uh, the reality of such issues. But fortunately the Bengals were able to stave off misery. They did not start owing three. I want to talk about them for just a second as well as we take a minute to look ahead to the NFL. I'm Bernie Fraddle. We're comedy live from the Las Vegas Fox Sports Radio tarrac dot Com studios. Keep it locked. You're listening to the Bernie Frattle Show on Fox Sports Radio. All right, back on the Bernie Fradtle Show, Fox Sports Radio Comedy Live from the tyrack dot Com studios here in Las Vegas. Top of the hour. There was a little trade in the NBA this week. We're gonna kind of break it down a little bit for you it. Uh, it's a little shocking to me, but regardless, it's a blockbuster and we're bringing the crew to get their thoughts as well. But we've also got NFL starting to take shape, and this is the juncture in the season where you just look at certain patterns that are undeniable. When you go back to two thousand and two, that's the year that the NFL expanded to thirty two clubs. If you were one of the ninety nine teams to start ozen three exactly one the twenty eighteen Houston Texans recovered to reach the playoffs. Yes, that means there's a one percent shot for the Carolina Panthers, the Chicago Bears, the Denver Broncos, and yes, the Minnesota Vikings. Minnesota is own three despite not losing any of its games by more than six points. Yes, they are the defending NFC North champions. Yes they were eleven to zero. They once scored games in twenty twenty two. Oh, by the way, the Vikings have lost seven fumbles this season. I told you the Pythagoream theorem doesn't lie. They gave up three more points than they scored last year and managed to go thirteen and four that should have been a nine and eight season. These things, this math typically will regress or progress back to the mean. By the way of the thirty two teams starting owen two since twenty nineteen, Cincinnati Bengals last year, well they're the only ones to salvage a postseason birth see in the NFL. If you want to be an eighty six percenter, twelve of the past fourteen teams to start three in all, well, they got into the playoffs. That's very encouraging news because the Miami Dolphins, the Philadelphia Eagles, and San fran San Francisco forty nine Ers would brought perty who continues to play mistake free football are in the cat bird seat. By the way, just for giggles, purely want to get deep into the weeds. The ninety two San Diego Chargers started own to four and they still made it to the playoffs. I don't recommend that you do that. Back to the Cincinnati Bengals, I sat here last weekend and said, I like the Bengals to win Monday night. The Rams got an excuse me, touchdown late right on schedule. My buddy Matt Stafford through two picks it's what he does. Man, You'll see, it's what he does. He's not the same without twenty eight Hall of Famers around him. And I'll give him his props. He's gonna get Hall of Fame votes. He's throwing for a gazillion yards and he's got a Super Bowl ring. But he'll drive you nuts. U. Can you imagine if the Bengals had started owing three. This team was built to contend. The front office just gave Joe Burrow two hundred and nineteen million guaranteed BUMPCAF or not. If you're winless at zero to three with a loaded roster and soaring expectations, depression can set in pretty quickly among NFL fan bases. But fortunately the Bengals fans don't have to live in that world. Despite Burrow looking less than one hundred percent Cincinnati, well, they gritted out a nineteen sixteen win last last Monday over the Rams. And if I were a Bengals fan, it was you didn't enjoy it. It's like going to the dentist. But you walk out of there probably better off than you were before. But it would have been very difficult to watch. But again, you know Nolan Ryan once said the mark of a great pitcher is when you win games even though you don't have your best stuff. Well, since he didn't have their best stuff, Burrow was faced. You know, he was sacked a couple of times. He faced pressure the entire game. And the Cincinnati on paper is a team that has weapons, their weapons all over the field, but they could manage just one touchdown. So this was like a sloppy, sloggy grind. Not pretty. They don't draw pictures in the scorebook. But on the other side of the ball is I've told you lou Anarumo, and that defense has been so underrated now for four years. They sacked Matt Stafford six times rams and but you know how I great quarterbacks, a third down, red zone, fourth quarter. Rams were just one of eleven on third downs. And yes, just like I said, Matt Stafford was picked off twice before the season. I think that Bengals fans may have been worried about some departures, including Jesse Bates, who I think is a was a terrific player. You had to hate to see him go. But Bengals have shown that don't do not write them off. They are on the short list to you know, be in Super Bowl conversation, very much so. And by the way, the Bengals defense Monday night. I don't know if you guys do you like these? Do you like these double headers on Monday Night? I haven't made up my mind if I like him or not. I mean, more football is always better than less football, but particularly the back East. I mean one of the games isn't even kicking off the left ten o'clock at night, for grant out loud. So anyway, the early game, if you want to call at that, you saw a couple of elite defensive units. Well, actually, since he was an elite defensive unit. Philly Wow, coming off the Super Bowl, losstery, defying the odds. They're three in all. They completely smothered the Bucks, the Buccaneers, who'd come into the game two another no two in one. They beat him twenty five to eleven. But that doesn't tell the story. Philly's defense held the Bucks to just one hundred and seventy four yards of offense. Meanwhile, DeAndre Swift, who comes over from Detroit back in his hometown of Philadelphia, he was tremendous. Never forgot he only got one carry week one. Why that happened. I don't know, And they were making Taylor Swift references. By the way, he does share a locker room with the other Kelsey. But Deandres Swift was outstanding. Philadelphia is very much for real. Boy. The NFC is loaded, and we always talk about the SEB loaded, and they are because you know, Kansas City and Buffalo and this year of course Miami and Cincinnati. But man, you know, between the Chargers and I mean check that, between the forty nine Ers and the Eagles, I don't know that I want to put the Cowboys in there. We'll see how they do against New England this week. Dak Prescott right on schedule. It matters most. He'll have a dumb pregame speech afterward, you know, by the way, what's he doing saying, Oh, the media, you all got what you wanted. You put us on this pedestal. I'll never put you on any pedestal. Pal. I don't hear anybody who did it either name names. Now Dallas has a lead defense. It's too bad they lost, you know, Trevon Diggs. That's a huge loss. But if you lose one player, then you're you know, that's that's on you. But Dak Prescott, I've never had expectations out of him, and people are warming up to that. But it matters most in a high leverage situation, when the situation demands you to be great. He's never great. But thanks for the dumb post game speeches. But Philly's defense for real, they're one of three remaining undefeated teams again along with Miami and San Francisco. And if you really watch Philadelphia a week to week, they haven't really had a genuine complete game yet on both sides of the ball. And uh, you know, we're gonna get heavily into the NFL on Saturday, like like we always do. And there's some very interesting matchups in the in the NFL this week, right, and you there is no rest. I always it always bugs me when someone says, well, they got a really easy schedule coming up. The NFL is a gauntlet, all right. Yes, the Eagles are laying a touchdown to the Washington Commanders, but that's a divisional game. And do not be surprised if Washington hangs around and turns it into a fistfight. In the phone booth. Philadelphia with a short week to prepare, I just talked about Cincinnati, they go down to Tennessee. Since he layd two on the road, Mike Vrabel as a home dog is nail. Do not be surprised if Tennessee gives Cincinnati everything they can handle it. And do not be surprised even if the Jets in Kansas City have a slugfest on Monday night. But do not be surprised if there's all kinds of pressure on the Milwaukee Bucks this year. Coming up, I will share what happened the other day. And you know Mark Medina and I talked about this last week, Dame Miami. Yes, no lots of phone calls. Well, now we got our answer. I'm Bernie Frattle. Keep it locked right here. You're listening to the Bernie Frattle Show on Fox Sports Radio. Well that's raight. You heard the man Bernie Fraddle Show keeps rolling right along. My name is Bernie Frattle. We are coming to you live from the tirack dot com studios Fox Sports Radio here in Las Vegas, Nevada. Tiraq dot com will help you get there at unmatched selection, fast free shipping for your road hazard protection. Get over ten thousand recommended installers. Ira dot Com The way tired buying should be well, it was in all the papers, a trade involving what eight nine players, draft picks, three teams. Damian Lillard, He's going to a team that's spelled MI, but it ends with Milwaukee instead of m I Miami. Wednesday night, it was announced a three team deal. The Bucks get Damian Lillard from the Blazers. The Blazers get DeAndre Ayton to Monti Kamara Drew Holliday, who they'll probably trade, but the trip Blazers also get a twenty twenty nine first round pick and two first round swaps twenty eight and thirty. Meanwhile, the Phoenix Suns receive Grayson Allen, Keon Johnson, the here Little and Usuf Nurkic. All right, so here we are. Damian Lillard is headed from the Portland Trail Blazers to the Milwaukee Bucks, is part of a big three team trade. It fairly well. It brought shock waves around the league. It brought shockwaves around the league. The Blazers got a haul back, gotta give it to him, Drew Holliday, who again they trade DeAndre Ayden on a first round draft pick. But everybody's saying, hey, wait, wait, wait, I thought Lillard wanted to go to Miami. Well he did. But here's what's interesting about this trade. In an era of player empowerment, it's fascinating to see a team take the better deal instead of acquiescing to a superstar. Plus, Lillard has at least three more years on his deal, So if you are the Milwaukee Bucks, you've got to be giddy. All right, So you know, Damian Lillard, Giannis, they're inextricably linked. Lillard's still in his prime. He's thirty three, but I think he's still in his prime. But it's not like he can wait out his contract and in three years, you know, be the same guy for some other team. Milwaukee is going to be where Damian Lillard either wins the title as a feature player or not. And let's forget, let's not forget. Giannis has been laying seeds all summer about a possible exit. This is an interesting move by Milwaukee. There have been multiple appearances, there have been multiple comments. He said he wanted to be able to make sure that the Bucks would ensure they'd be able to compete for titles long term. The Bucks said they would, and now they have all Right, this Bucks team instantly anyway is slice it becomes the title favorite if they're healthy. It's pretty hard to imagine that Giannis, Damian Lillard, and Chris Middleton are going to be stopped with an irregularity on offense. Now, they're gonna miss a little defensive help with Drew Holiday gone, but with that kind of scoring and they'll play enough defense. They're not like that goofy Brooklyn team they tried to put together. I don't know that it'll matter. All right, there is talk now that on paper, maybe this is another quote super team. Right, this is what happened to the NBA. This is just like the name dream team. If I never heard the term dream team again, it'll be too soon. But now super team is now becoming the new adjective. The Bucks have been a prominent franchise for a long time, and finally they won it all in twenty twenty one with their championship. You've got a two time league MVP in Giannis. But the beauty of this blockbuster deal is that it's good for NBA in general and their media partners. All Right, the Bucks are They were already set to be featured in nineteen nationally televised games this season, including opening night versus Philadelphia. That's October twenty sixth. Then that's you know, hey, that's three weeks's Thursday. Man, here we go, NBA. They'll play a Christmas Day game against the Knicks, and then you've got subsequent national TV matchups against the Lakers, Golden State, and Boston. That's just among the nineteen nationally televised games the Bucks will beyond this year. This makes it even better. You're looking at more buzz, more ratings. Remember the league, the NBA, they're in pursuit of their next circle of media rights. They're targeting fifty billion to seventy five billion in aggregate rights. This is a league that has just simply learned how to print money. So the buzz, the ratings, Every Big Bucks game now is an event. It's great for the city of Milwaukee. And I think this helps the NBA in their next media rights deal. And again, the Bucks are thrust and I believe is a consensus NBA title favorite. The sportsbooks have certainly responded that way. The odds have come down dramatically, all right, And I don't know that I can compare this to when Shaquille and Kobe got matched up or Magic and Kareem. But on paper and again, the Bucks already won a championship two years ago, and so what this does is it strengthens their pursuit of another one. You pair Lillard with a two time MVP and Giannis, Giannis wants that second title. Give it up to the Blazers two because they begin a new era with their number two overall pick Scoot Henderson, and they're people have forgotten DeAndre eight was a formal number one, former number one pick Phoenix. Eh, they kind of in their their kabuki dance with Aton, they move on the Nurkic in the middle. I don't know if Phoenix can make a title run. They've sure got plenty of talent on paper.


I think Allen is a good floor spacer. He's a good three point shooter. The Sons have depth. But look, when you put look, you really have to sort of wonder if there was another agenda here When Jannis told The New York Times over the summer that he really wanted to see how committed the Bucks were toward winning another championship before deciding to sign another long term deal with Stan Milwaukee now Giannis's contract runs through this year and next year, and then there's a player option for twenty five twenty six. Lillard is owned a ransom. He's owned a ton of money, or owned he's owed a ton of money. Excuse me. He makes almost forty six million in this coming season and could make as much as two hundred and sixty million over the next four years if he exercises his player option three years down the road. But if you keep those two together, you've got an elite player in Damian Lillard. And the Bucks general manager John Horst admitted that we've been a fan of Lillard for a long time. So when you come across opportunity like this, they're really hard to measure, They're really hard to take advantage of. They're even harder to execute. I know we talked to Mark Madina, will talk to more at length. We had talked about how the talks of Damian Lillard being treated to Miami had gone dormant, but not because there was an effort. Even I'd been told there's all kinds of phone calls being made behind the scenes, but we didn't know what they were. Well now now we do, and I'm a big I'm a Damian Lillard fan. He's a great player, but he's got character, he's got competitiveness, he's very talented, and he's very experienced. What a compliment to the Milwaukee Bucks. He's proven he's not untested, right by the way. On Twitter. Back in May of twenty twenty two, Damian Lillard was asked on Twitter pick one current player he would want to help him reach the playoffs. His one word answer, yahness. So when you know what the Bucks have, and you know they have a championship, but what does Damian Lillard bring When you get away from all the history onics and all the hype, and you know all the headlines. This is a guy who's averaged thirty two points a game for the Trio Blazers thirty two, seven times all NBA selection. Lillard was recently selected to the NBA's seventy fifth Anniversary team as well. He's averaged at least twenty four points a game in the last eight season, and that ranks fourth among all active players who played at least four hundred games. He's only behind Kevin Durant, Joel Embiid, and Lebron James. That's pretty good company. Last season, Damian Lillard became the all time leading scorer in Blazers history. He passed up a great all timer in Portland, a guy you've heard of, Clyde Drexler. Lillard had a seventy one point game last season against Houston. He became only the seventh player in the NBA to score more more than seventy points in the game. The others on the list, here we go, Will Chamberlain, I guess, believe it or not, Wilted in five times, Kobe Bryant, Elgin Baylor, David Thompson, David Robinson, and Donovan Mitchell. There have been fifteen times check that seventeen times where dam Lillard has has scored at least fifty points in a game, twice in the playoffs. But it's not just what he does on the floor. He's also a good guy. And I remember seeing him in the NBA Summer League a decade ago. You just see it in the guy. He carries it. He won the Jay Walter Kennedy Citizenship Award, he won the Stokes the Jack Twyman Stokes Teammate of the Year Award. He's even won a gold medal and represented his country the only glaring resume on Damian Lillard's resume department of redundancy department is a championship and now he's got a chance to check that box. And true to form, you got to give it up to Damian Lillard. Heading out of town, he had some very nice sentiments, and I'll quote him. He said, I want to express my gratitude for eleven storied years with the franchise and his loyalty that his bosses talked about Lillard being the all time leading points scorer, dedicated commitment to the youth across Oregon, the entire Pacific Northwest. He will remain a true trail vizard to the city. Look, Damian Lillard, in his own words, said, I want to be remember for who I was, not just a player, but for the principal I stood on regardless of how successful I was, how major of the failure was the criticism when people thought I should have done, when people think of me no matter what was happening, I want to be remember who I was. And look, I think I think this is a Grand Slam event, Uh, you know, for all the for the entire NBA, and I will tell you it's got it's got the attention, it's got the attention of teams, for instance, like the Golden State Warriors. All right, uh, why because I think people I think people notice obviously other teams or the franchises, other players notice when there's a shifting of the guard like this, when there's when there's a you know, a major event that is a seismic shift within with you know, within the framework of not just the NBA, because these things don't happen in the vacuum. Remember, the Lakers have designs in winning a championship next year. The gold State Warriors have designs sort of the Phoenix Sun, sort of the Clippers. Right, well, you don't have to worry about Damian Lillard and the Portland Trail Blazers anymore. But if you get to the finals, you're gonna have to worry about the Bucks. And it's a whole different ballgame now. And of course you've got the Celtics are gonna have to worry about the Bucks, and so the Philadelphia seventy six ers, and of course Miami and you know you didn't hear from Jimmy Butler, but not even gonna quote what he said. So there you have it. This is a type of blockbuster deal. Frankly, we didn't see coming. We didn't feel like there was a great chance that Damian Lillard would end up on the on the Miami Heat. Because the Miami Heat were on stall along they wanted to trade Tyler Hero and Portland says, we don't need Tyler Herrow. We don't like Tyler Herrow. We have other similar skills sets here, whether it's his contract whatever, you know. Now you've got contending teams that are rushing to the phones that are going to react to this blockbuster right there. Don't be surprised. I don't. I don't think Drew Holliday is gonna be in Portland very long. Okay, he may be gone before the season starts. We'll talk about this with Mark Rodina Saturday. But don't be surprised if the Philadelphia seventy six Ers, the Boston Celtics, the Minor Heat, they all make a run for Drew Holiday. Notice a trend there, Yeah, they're all part of the East, all right. They got a factor in holidays potential free agency next summer and the possibility of signing him to a long term extension which he becomes eligible for in February. But listen, he's the type of guy that can help put a team over the hump if you are close, like a Boston or a Miami. I don't know about Philadelphia, but be that as it may. He's a defensive presence. He's paid a lot of money. But the truth of the matters, you got to remember. By trading Marcus Smartaway this last summer, the Celtics lost their key cog to that juggernaut defense. All right. And I know that Drew Holiday has never won a Defensive Player of the Year award, but if you put him defensively in that Celtic lineup, you know, darn well they become better overnight. All right, Enough about that, Let's bring the crew and we'll bring Kevin and Shay to get their thought and see what they are, what their impressions are, what Milwaukee might do. Hard to believe, but believe it or not, some teams are in camp mild because there's some teams playing some games overseas. But three weeks from Thursday, October twenty sixth, This Thursday is October fifth. Three weeks from Thursday, the NBA teas it up for real, So really interesting look now for the Milwaukee Bucks. I'm Bernie Frattle. We are coming to you live from the Las Vegas Fox Sports Radio TIREC dot Com studios. Keep it locked right here, don't go away. You're listening to the Bernie Fraddle Show on Fox Sports Radio. Right back on the Bernie Fraddle Show, Fox Sports Radio. Come to you live from the Tirek dot Com studios here in Las Vegas. Will take you up to two am Pacific, five am Eastern. We are ruminating about the major blockbuster three team trade. Of course, the centerpiece it involved Portland, Milwaukee and Phoenix. But the centerpiece Damian Lillard going to the Milwaukee Bucks. They are now very much on the short list to win a championship. Kevin, let's start with you before we get into predictions or anything. What was your knee jerk reaction when you heard this Blockbuster deal come on in nowhere in the middle of the week.

My first thought was wow, and then my second thought is this is probably one of the best things that could have happened for Damian Lillard. As much as he wanted to go to Miami, I think that from a fifth standpoint, it makes a lot more sense for him to go to a place like Milwaukee, who he basically brings the asset that they were missing, which was a score. You know, someone from the backcourt who can create his own shot, who can create a dynamic one two punch from a pick and roll. And this is no slight to Drew Holliday, who is a very good player. But Damian Lillard, as you mentioned last segment, is a game changer in one of the more clutch players in the NBA over the last decade. So from that standpoint, it's an upgrade for Milwaukee. I guess my concern would be he's not getting any younger at thirty three years old, has a lot of years left on that contract that he just signed, and had some injury issues over these last couple of seasons. And you can say the same thing about Giannis who is not quite thirty yet but has had his share of injury issues as well. And Chris Middleton is coming off of back to back seasons with injuries. So to your point, if they're healthy, it's phenomenal. The question is how healthy will they be throughout the season.

Well, that's an excellent question. But the three of them on the floor form I think as prolific offense as there is in the league, and none of them have to carry the team, where I really believe Jannis felt he had to carry the team even though he had support. And you're right, when Middleton's healthy makes all the difference. But I gotta believe that Damian Lillard is slightly relieved because he had to really carry the freight in Portland. He's not going to have to do it as much in Milwaukee.

No doubt. Yeah.

See, now he's the Robin instead of the Batman, and that you know what I mean for a for lack of a better term, and look, maybe he's Batman in night wing or something however you wanted to describe it. But you know, on any given night, either of those guys can take over games, and neither of them have to show to the load as much as they have in the past. So I certainly understand why they will be considered the favorites, and if they're healthy, that certainly makes sense.

One issue for them would be they're not.

The youngest team in the league, and they don't necessarily have a whole lot of depth, so they run into the issue that many they're not quite a super team in the standard sense, like you know, say Phoenix or so well. I think Phoenix actually got better at least got deeper with this trade, So I like it for them too. They're not a super team in a traditional sense, but they just don't have a lot of margin for error if one of these guys were to go down for any considerable amount of time.

They do have three years to get this done. Now, what's interesting. One of the dynamics I find interesting about this trade is that I feel like Milwaukee really felt the heat and they took Yanna seriously. They don't want to see him leave town, right, So this is a type of move, almost a defensive move, and a sort of an indicator to Yannis, Hey, we hear you loud and clear. We're going to get you some support. To what degree do you think Milwaukee was motivated by the fear of Jannis leaving to make this do?

I think that was the biggest motivator as to why they made this trade, Because because Gianni's has been so public two times over the last month or so, has talked about, you know, his whether or not he feels the team is going to be committed to building long term, and the unfortunate thing is for a team in the market like Milwaukee, they're not a destination franchise. You can't just hit the reset button and clear up salary cap space and sign free agents. It doesn't work that way. So unfortunately, you're going to have to make a move like this for a guy like Damian Lillard who three years from now is going to be deteriorating and not playing, you know, giving you the return on investment for the amount of money he's going to be making. But for the right now, you make that sacrifice because you don't want to lose Giannis in a.

Couple of years.

So you end up making this move knowing it's going to hurt you in four years, but knowing that if for the next couple at least the next two and maybe even three, you know you're going to keep your superstar happy and have a chance to compete for championships.

So the last saying, I think the best fit is Boston for Drew Holiday because they traded away Marcus Smart last summer. But in order to get Holiday, they're going to have to let the Malcolm Brogden go or Al Horford. I'm not sure do you expect Drew Holiday to end up with Boston or where do you think he ends up.

Boston is a good destination.

And look that the Celtics already agreed to a trade from Malcolm Brogden to the Clippers in the offseason before they got mixed for some health issues and failed physical whatever the situation was. So it's not like they aren't willing to move off of Malcolm Brogden because they already tried to. There's multiple teams. I think the Clippers will be a great fit for Drew Holliday. They were in the James Harden sweep stakes and really they were the only team that he wanted to go to, and the Clippers weren't willing to give up the assets, similar to Miami when it comes to the Miami Portland situation with Damian Lillard. So there are a number of different places that Drew Holliday could go to make an impact. But I do agree that if you're Portland you want to get him to the Eastern Conference, if that makes any difference to you, I think really just getting young assets and more draft picks is all that matters to them, and more movable assets. Austin is a place that definitely would make sense.

I like your Clippers thought, but they're going to have to bring it. They're gonna have to be willing to let a bunch of high salary veterans Norman Paul, maybe Marcus Morris, Nicholas Patoomb, Robert Covington and draft picks and they're gonna have to give him a hall. But good stuff, all right, Shay. Your thoughts on this whole big blockbuster deal.

Well, when I first saw it, I said, finally, I mean, I just I've always wanted to see Lillard on a team where he we could see him honestly flourish. And yeah, like we have seen him flourish. But again, it's the Portland Trailblazers. You can do so much on that team, and you can show off so much of your skills with that team. But then I was like, okay, wait, three team trade, and then I see that DeAndre Ayton's involved, and I was like, Okay, what did the Suns get back? And I don't know if the depth that they received was worth losing the best defender on their team. Yes, they got a lot of depth, but I mean, how much is Grayson Allen actually going to play behind Devin Booker, Bradley Beal and even Eric Gordon. I don't even think he's going to see much more and it's at all. And then it's like it's like, was Ayton really that upset with the Sun's organization where we really had to let him go? And then even with Nurkic' it's a downgrade. It's yeah, I get it with Ayton's off court problems, there could be some things, but again it's a different organization, it's a new breath, and he's still fairly new to the league. So I don't know. I just I didn't really see the Sun's point of view at this. I mean, if he really was on that was that unhappy, I guess you have to do it, but I just didn't see it could have been a financial move too, but it just didn't make sense to me on the Sun side.

Fair enough, they got some interesting pieces. I think the bottom line is use of Nurkic should do at least a good job as DeAndre Ayton, only because I think Ayton had been in the doghouse for so long that this this just needed to happen, you know. But you bring up a lot of really good points here, A good job, guys. All right, coming up we have Chris Perfett's World of Soccer. But first let's go back to a guy Kevin Figures with the latest.

All right, and foursome's well underway at the Ryder Cup and cooling Roy McElroy and tell me Fleetwood taking on Justin Thomas and Jordan's speed. As a matter of fact, I believe that one just wrapped up. No, that's still a few holes left to go. But as of right now, Europe up seven and a half points to one and a half points for two team USA, So the United States has some ground, more ground to make up. There were down six and a half to one and a half coming into the day. Baseball Friday Night Dodgers defeated the Giants six to two. Earlier in the day, San Francisco fired their manager, Gabe Kapler. Seattle shutting out Texas eight to nothing, while Houston defeated Arizona two to one in the Aos. The Rangers have a one game lead over the Astros and a two game lead over Seattle. Houston currently leads to Mariners by a game for the final wildcard in the American League. Wins from Miami and the Reds, while the Cubs lost to Milwaukee, so the Marlins have a one and a half game lead over Cincinnati and Chicago for the final wildcard spot. In college football, Djua Younglolay through a touchdown pass to help lead nineteenth ranke Oregon State over number ten Utah twenty one to seven, a couple of touchdown passes for Keaton Slovas for BYU, they defeated Cincinnati thirty five to twenty seven. Also a thirteen to ten victory for Louisville over NC State. Cardinals are now five to oher on the season. Back to Bernie Frettle.

Kevin is it just mere? Does USC have an next quarterback on every other team in the country, So.

It seems like right and slovis my god?

J C. Daniels, Yeah, he's like, it's fifteen is. These guys are all over the place.

He came out of modern day a year early. Now that's a cautionary tale.

Yes, that's a cautionary to All right, let's we mentioned Jackson Darts.

I was gonna say, we'd be here all night if we start talking about these guys for crying out loud. Yeah, all right, good stuff as always, kevin Ie, great job, buddy. All right, we covered it all on the Bernie Friddle Show. We do the heavy living, so you don't have to. Yes, the messy playoff dream for twenty twenty three is dead. And I will tell you that there is never a shortage of news on and off the field in the world's most popular sport. I'm talking about football spilled futbol. Yeah, that's true soccer. That's why every time at this week check that again in English. Every week at this time we bring you Chris Purffetz World of soccer.

The greatest goals, the thrilling finishes, the international drum. I am, It's all here in this report from the world of soccer.

Leonel Messi will not be in the MLS Cup playoffs. I feel confident saying that today here at the end of September, looking at the remaining schedule, and it's not a reality that anyone wants to face that anyone in US soccer wants to face. Certainly not the league officials in MLS want to face, and certainly not what anyone in the press wants to face. Raptured as they are in Messymania. The sports Summer going into the sports fall has been dedicated to three celebrities, Dion Sanders, Taylor Swift, and Leonelle Messi. Of the three, Leonel Messi is the only one who is a current player, and between Dion Sanders and himself, he's probably the only one that can match Taylor Swift's social media footprint anywhere else and the celebrity worship that she Garners and MLS is acutely.

Aware of it.

It is why they brought them over, and believe me, inter Miami does not bring him over on their own. They need the help from the league office to do it. But it is why the league still continues to have Lionel Messi as its top selling jersey right now. They understand the power of messymania. But sometimes just because you want something doesn't mean that, on a fair field of competition, that you can have it. Sitting at fourteenth in the Eastern Conference, it would take a mathematical impossible amount of points with everyone else dropping points or simply just not able to keep up with their pace to catch up to Nashville SC and put inter Miami into the MLS Cup playoffs. Compounding this problem, we had on Thursday, the Lamar Hunt US Open Cup final between Inter Miami and Houston Dynamo. Leonel Messi had to watch from the sidelines as Houston Dynamo beat them two to one. The longe goal for Inter Miami came in stoppage time when it was very clear they weren't going to win this game at all. So they've been denied the US Open Cup, which is a prestigious award. They will not gain the Supporters Shield for most Points in the season that probably belongs in a runaway to FC Cincinnati, and they certainly will not make the MLS Cup playoffs, which is the most prestigious award. And it is a playoff system which, in the United States idea of sports, the highest place you want to be playing. And I wonder, Bernie, and I want to ask you this, how much is the MLS Cup playoffs worth to the rest of the country if, Leonel Messi, the one that you have sold your entire league upon, is not playing in it. We know for a fact that MLS can produce very fun playoff games, but the MLS's strategy has been messy, messy, messy, messy, messy Messi And believe me, it's a very good strategy. But if you don't have him playing on that, I do want to ask all these people that you sold messy Mania to, how do you swear that circle. How do you convince them to watch the other teams in there that that's just as good when Messi won't even see the field. I know the rational answer to this is just wait until next season. That's when enter Miami with a healthy Lionel Messi is what's going to shape the fate of MLS. But MLS was really riding high on Messymania for a while, and no amount of work, math or any kind of goals scored is going to continue.

That for this season.

We've got about four or five games left in the MLS regular season.

It's a rap.

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it needs to be reiterated. So do not let anyone talking about the math for a miracle season try to dissuade you from what I am saying. They are trying to sell you a load of hope that is empty and false. At this point, cold reality is coming with October that Lionel Messi will not be in the playoffs. The other story we have for you Bernie comes from us from Italy, and it is one that I think American fans can resonate with. After all, it is a story of social media disrespect and athletes. After all, we have an entire league dedicated to it. It's called the National Basketball Association. And we also have a yearly ritual where quarterbacks in the NFL looking for contracts decide to take the team off of their Instagram profile. But Napoli found itself in hot water on TikTok when a video came out mocking Victor Ociman, one of their fantastic strikers and one of the reasons they won the Italian title this past year after missing a penalty kick in a zero zero draw against Bologna, and it seems to have become a tipping point between Osaman and the club. Now we have to give a little bit of background on it. Number one is the status of Napoli itself. Napoli is not one of the Big three. For them to have won the title is remarkable. Since two thousand and one, only three clubs have won the Italian Scudado ac Milan, inter Milan and Juventus.

That's it. That's the list.

It has been dominated by those Big three, and financially Italy is dominated by those Big three. And even then Napoli is still an even smaller fish when you consider the global scale of clubs who try to buy up Italian players to put in their own leagues, especially in say the Premier League in England. So the last thing you'd want to do is create a rift. And I don't think Osiman is overreacting. I don't Black players, African players in Italy are subjected to oil horrific amount of abuse sometimes when it comes to when they fail in a certain play. It has been well documented for a very long time and for the club's own TikTok to mock Osaman put him over the edge. His agent was beyond in sense and has threatened to sue the club over the unacceptable video, even though it has been long since deleted. In addition, the country of Nigeria itself is getting involved and has weighed in on the slander, as Osiman is a native of that country. Nigeria's Sports minister issued a statement condemning the video itself. This is no simple affair of a player getting in his feelings about being heard about what someone says on social media. It's level of disrespect for the club itself and it is has far reaching implications for both Osaman and for Napoli. For Napoli to remain relevant, it cannot do this kind of thing to one of its star players. I mean, it might have just seemed like a harmless prank by someone using TikTok, but social media has a lot of power these days. If Napoli wants to stay among the elite of Italy, it better men fences and better men fence is quick because the pressure on Napoli is immense and the pressure on Osaman to go somewhere else in Europe to play for a bigger club. I mean, take your pick of any club in England love to have Osaman right now, be that one of the Manchesters or Arsenal whoever. Osaman's contract with Napoli expires in twenty twenty five, and I'm going to be beyond shocked if Osaman remains there for that long of a period of time. More to keep up on Burnie, we got a full slate once again here in the Premier League this weekend.

Enjoy This has been the world of soccer, all right.

That's a trip around the world in the world of soccer, which we bring you every week in because there is always news and we're here for it. Coming back, we revert back to the other football right the Bears are still a mess, and boy they are a bigger mess than you even realized. I'll break it down for you and I will juxtapose their quarterback versus another young Ohouse State quarterback who frankly has not only been remarkable, he's actually setting NFL records. I'm Bernie Fradle, re covered of your life from the Las Vegas Fox Sports Radio Tarrac dot Com studios. Keep it locked right here. You're listening to the Bernie Fraddle Show on Fox Sports Radio. By were wrapping it up on the Bernie Frattle Show, come to you live from the Tarrack dot Com studios the Fox Sports Radio here in Las Vegas. Before I go any further, I want to think my broadcast team. They've been with me since eleven pm Pacific Friday night back in Los Angeles. It would be Mark Ramsey, our technical producer. Outstanding job tonight shows, Titus a drum, Kevin Figure is always great with the updates, excellent input on the Bucks trade, and the same with Sean mogan Garde. Great job with the game tonight, moving right along, you get the standings out this week and some really interesting thoughts on the Suns and their participation in the trade or lack thereof, if you get my drift, all right, this just In the Chicago Bear is still a mess. Yeah, it's in all the papers. And you've heard me be critical about Justin Fields for three years now. I've never once believed he was a major league quarterback because of the way he approaches the position. Not a personal attack, not hardly. I think he's a guy of high caliber, a by character, and not everybody can make it in this league. I gave you my stats earlier. One hundred and forty five one hundred and forty eight players drafted in the first round since nineteen sixty seven, only nine took their original team to the Super Bowl. But last week Fields completed only nine passes for ninety nine yards or checked out eleven passes. I had a late touchdown that was complete for Gazy, so what an interception? There are no tangible improvements in his third season, and this is a pivotal season. Now, Remember you didn't want Mitch Trubisky. What if Justin Fields had these numbers? And don't lose your mind's people. I never once would reply that Mitch Trubisky was going to lead you to a super Bowl. But what if Justin Fields would have done this these three years twenty five and thirteen made the playoffs two or three years, sixty four touchdowns, thirty seven interceptions, completed sixty six percent of his passes. Well, that's exactly what Mitch Trubisky did. Oh no, but you didn't want him, and I understand he was not going to get you to the super Bowl. But it's still Justin Fields can understand it's his position. You play with your eyes. You got to get the damn ball out of your hands, make your prey and posts and that reeds. You observe what's taking place. You receive the ball, you make mental snapshots. You understand that if your defense is in his own, that may give you license to run. You run horizontally, let your receivers side adjust their routes if they're in man the corners back or to you. That's allowed you to take off and run. That's what Jared Golf did last night in the first quarter. But you've got to be able to recognize what you are seeing. He's had thirty starts. Maybe something miraculous will happen and maybe things can turn around. Bears are going to stick with him, and they should stick with him, and they have to stick with them. It would be interesting to see what happens next year, though I don't know what is exactly going to change. His default mechanism is to run. But I'll tell you this, Ohio State had another quarterback who's a rookie, the number two pick overall this year. And oh, by the way, he joined a team that had a shaky offensive line that's got an injury riddle offensive line. I don't want to hear any more about the Bears and this lack of support thereof everybody else's fault. Those darn coaches. GOLLI g. They're trying to get me involved in an NFL offense so we can actually operate like an NFL team. Let me tell you about c J. Stroud. What this young man has done his first three weeks in the NFL is nothing short remarkable. He's the first quarterback in NFL history to throw for more than nine hundred yards, four passing touchdowns and have zero interceptions in their first three starts.

C J.

Strout also has the most attempts of any NFL quarterback without an interception this season. We're talking about c J. Strout. He's had three starts, not thirty. Now, some people might have thought Houston would be the worst team in football this year. Chicago, some people actually were crazy enough to say they'd win the division. And Justin Field's got MVP votes. MVP bets that word. You know, people actually bet that Fields could win the MVP this year based on what Okay, Stroud has completed seventy three to one hundred and three passes and seventy seven yards. All four of us touchdowns have come from operat inside the pocket. Yeah, and actually can be done outside the pocket, where Stroud was often dangerous as a playmaker in college. Well, he's only five of eighteen eighteen. I don't blame him, though. I think he's under arrest and he's flushed out and he's trying to keep a play alive or throw it away to live another day. He has I'm throwing a pick all year, So it's not that he's got happy feet like Fields. Does that counter clockwise dipsy doodal. You know, Curl, I'm getting sick of watching that. Amazingly, by the way, c J. Stroud has accomplished all of this while playing again behind an offensive line that's injured and very unsettled, and they allow Houston. These are next gen stats. They allow the third highest pressure rate in the league, but that hasn't stopped CJ. Stroud by for leading the league with a seventy eight percent percentage completion against man coverage. Here's why that's important, because the rest of the league is only fifty eight percent. There's your tail of two quarterbacks, both from Ohio State, one place to position what the NFL requires, the other is still learning after thirty games, and it appears to be the coach's fault not letting you walk that back. I think he's a good guy, justin fields, just not a major league quarterback. That's gonna do for the Bernie Frales Show back on the airwaves eleven Saturday night. Keep it Locked up Next Anthony Gargano and Jason fitz