Bulldogs duo Reed Mahoney and Toby Sexton join Fox League reporter Tom Sargeant to look back on the Bulldogs rise in 2024 and what they hope to achieve in the season to come.
So, first of all, mate, how's pre season being gone.
That's been good.
I mean tough as usual, but it's been really good. Another year with a lot of new players and on a siera another year, so it's been really good so far.
How would you have summed up the twenty twenty four season for the Bulldogs? Returned to finals, broke that drought, went out in the first week.
How would you sum it up? In general?
It was exciting, It definitely was. I think I was probably two a halfway through the year. We kind of maybe surprised ourselves a little bit, and the belief got bigger and bigger each week, and I think that was a period through the year we I think we went, you know, six wins from eight games and like they just belief came. Was It's an exciting place, you know, I mean the bellmore. You know, we invited the bell more people back and yeah, it was really very exciting. But then to lose finals was obviously disappointing. But I think as a group we learned a lot, you know on that stage.
You touched on it.
Just then speak to me about the fans, the bellmore faithful. How much of a boost did they give you in the twenty twenty four season, Connor said before it was massive.
Yeah, they honestly, they're crazy.
Like you know, I've been part of some big games and stuff and like just some games we didn't even it was just a normal round game. They're blocking the streets of belmore so like it was. Yeah, they they got us, you know. I think was to inspire them and bring them back and awakening the Bulldogs fan base again. And obviously he's been a lot tough, you know, decade for them, and I thought we got everyone back again in some way and inspire them in that way, and you had to have them support us. And then you know, the back end of the year, we're getting thirty forty fifty zeros to a game, so it without them, we probably wouldn't have went that far and that good. So yeah, every day we we try and inspire our fans.
In the twenty twenty four pre season, you and I spoke about your time as captain in twenty twenty three, so that role got handed over.
To Steven last year.
Do you think giving that role to Stephen gave you a bit more freedom so that you can focus on your own game.
Yeah, I think you know, when I became captain, I was still pretty young in my career, and you know, first time at a new club, under a new coach, a new bunch of players, and yeah, it's tough.
You sort of forget about yourself.
A lot, and the coach sort of does as well in that way.
And it was a tough season. It really was that that year.
But I think, you know, when Steven did come, I spent a few weeks under him, and.
Just after Christmas, I I sort of already knew in myself and.
I actually wanted to tell Ziero that I think he should be captain. And I think it definitely did free me up as a person and a player, And yeah, it was bigger than me, you know, it wasn't just about me. It was about what was best for the club and the team. So and you know, I knew Stephen could do a better job to me, and but that didn't stop me from being a leader within the group. And yeah, I'm so happy to he planned out.
What were your thoughts on Christen's first season as skipper and were there any signs very early on? You said you knew it within yourself that he was the club's captain. What were the signs early on that showed that he was going.
To be a leader?
Oh, you can just you know just how it. You know, when he walks through the front door, he does all the little things right, and yeah, he's just he's just got this aura about him, you know what I mean. And when people when he talks, people listen. And he's got a lot of knowledge and a lot of experience, and you know, he's one came with three premierships under his belt and international, and yeah, he just had this ura about him, you know, and he's been with Syria for so long, and yeah, it was just the right thing to do.
He's been so great for us.
He's been you know, as I said, when people talk, when he talks to everyone listens. And yes, he's a great person to have at that club.
So you experienced the loads of twenty twenty three and the highs of twenty twenty four. What do you see as the major differences between those two seasons.
I think I think belief believing in zero, believing in our s his system, believing in our performance staff. Those things don't just happen overnight. Like you know, we didn't have a great we had a terrible season twenty three and it's one you want to sort of forget, but it's kind of throughout the whole year. It was just lessons about individual as people, as individuals as players, and we're going to be so much.
Better for that. But yeah, that's sort of what I can put it down to.
There was a lot of highs in twenty twenty four, Like we said, but what was your favorite moment if you can pinpoint one.
There was a couple of golden point games that you know, we got written off so many times throughout the year about versing top four teams, and I think that was golden point against Caranulla and I think that just and then I think the week after we went golden point again against the Warriors, and people just started to look each other going like, we can actually do this, you know what I mean, like versus Cronulla, who've been a top four team for the last four years. And yeah, it was just there was so much belief. But some of those times I reckon probably my favorites last.
Year speak to me about the club's culture at the moment. It seems like you guys are such a bonded group. There was so much noise in the preseason about all the utilities you've signed, you guys seem to shirk that off, and you are there's a great.
Club culture going on at the moment of the Bulldogs.
Yeah, it is.
I think you know, your culture is your defense, and I think they had the best defensives for the whole year, and that was just part of everyone was just so as I said, so committed to trusting in the process of what we're trying to do, trusting in the systems that we've built here, and I think that goes a long way. And when you get people that come in every day and they want to be better, they want to trust it all the time, and like, just work hard is you know what the Bulldogs are about. They're just about working harder. And you know we did that a lot and felt short obviously, and you know that's sort of just been our pre season all years. Just work even harder and be better every day.
You spoke about defense just then, do you think it probably took longer than the twelve months in twenty twenty three for that defensive system to embed in and then you saw the fruits of that in twenty twenty four.
Yeah, of course.
And I still don't think that we were that great, like we had so many things to improve on, but yeah, it was definitely a uh you know, we were heading in the right direction as things started to happen for us, and hopefully, you know, this year was something even better.
It seemed like you put a lot of emphasis on.
Your your effort areas as a player this year. Your pressure from market, your defense. Is that something that came and challenge you to do?
Yeah, well, you know, I think that's what I do really well, and that's why I got to where I am was, you know, doing those little things that you know, you don't get you don't get commented on by the commentators, you know what I mean. So and in the year before I probably went away from that little bit. And you know, when I'm challenging them things I take a head on. That's what I'm playing my best footing. When I'm doing all those little things that you know we talk about so much in our four walls, That's when I play my best footy.
I want to talk to you a little bit about a few instances of you niggling your opposition this year.
Do you think that gets in the game.
Ah, it does, but it doesn't as well. I said it so many times.
I'd actually, you know, I don't have on my notebook I go out and take someone's head off or say this is this person? You know, it just it's just my passion that comes out, and there's just passionate and I'm a winner. And you know, I get a big guy that's trying to run over me and he's trying to have a go with me. I'm not gonna let him stand over me. And you know that was the whole thing around you know, the Bulldogs this year and a couple couple of years years before that that we've just been a walkover club and people versus how much like how much are you going to beat us by? And things like that, and uh I took that personally and yeah, obviously took it sometimes too far in it. But it was me just protecting the boy's protecting the club and getting the getting some pride back in the jersey.
So you almost want to personify that old dogs of war mentality.
Yeah, it is within within boundaries. I think this year obviously UH cupped a few UH clips around the head from from coach of maybe I pushed a little too far, But I guess it's another lesson that I've learned and hopefully can be better for it.
Last question, just want to talk about Toby Sexton.
He didn't start the end of the number seven, Jersey, didn't kick stones, played well in reserve grade, locked himself in. How impressive was his season? He won ten of fifteen games and the number seventeen.
Yeah, he was really good. You know.
He came to the club in twenty three, halfway through the year, and yeah, he came had the worst possible time. I think the first time we rocked out the training were at the pub down the road and he's going, what's going on here? But he was just so committed on what we're doing, and he wanted us to be better, and he wanted to really take control and something that we didn't probably didn't have and you know, Bird is probably not like that. He's all just a bit of a bit free, just roaming around the mike and run when he wants and things like that. But we he just took full control of it and took it with both hands, and he works assuming harder at his trade and he got the benefit job which just playing really well, all.
Right, so twenty twenty four he started in New South Wales Cup and you ended up as the number seven of a premiership contender.
Fair to say that's a successful season for you?
Yeah, it was.
I think for myself personally, it was kind of a different start of the year playing reserve grade and not being the start and half. You kind of trained the whole preseason to be the start in seven and when that didn't happen, it was tough, but got to kind of go back and work on my game.
And the way the kind of year turned out, it.
Was a pretty successful year, even though it was a pretty tough finish in the end.
You joined the Dogs in some strange circumstances. Halfway through the twenty twenty three season. Reid told us just before you rolled in for your first training session and the boys are at the pub?
Is that correct?
I always tell Cameron about it, that coach. I'm like, honestly, I think I questioned a lot of things of that. Say, they just got pumped sixty six to six against Newcastle and I didn't really read too much in the result. And anyway, I drove from Gold Coaster Sydney with me old man and rocked up and they're having beers at the part and I'm looking, I'm like, is this the right what's going on? And they end up because they needed like the bonding and that needed to grow and that was their way of doing it. But yeah, it was just a weird situation walking into that. They just got Pump sixty sixty six and the boys are having a couple of years ago. I'm thinking what was going on here? But yeah, it's obviously what the meaning behind it was trying to grow that connection and even though the results weren't showing it, it was going.
To help out.
Did you doubt your decision to make that move at all? Obviously you were playing you in and out of the Titan side. Did you doubt the decision to move to the Bulldogs?
Honestly, I probably didn't have enough time to think about it like it just I remember when it first happened. I kind of spoke to the Titans and it was kind of a mutual agreement for me to look elsewhere. And this was on like a Monday Tuesday, and then I too of the Bulldogs facility on the Thursday, and by the Monday I had signed the contract. And I drove to Sydney and kind of packed up my whole life to be with the Bulldogs and.
Played I think it was seven or eight weeks.
And throughout that whole time, I felt like I didn't really stop and kind of sit back and think what I've actually done. And it's a it was a massive move, but something I'm very grateful for.
How proud are you of your performances?
I'll run off one start in particular in games that you were in number seven Jersey the Bulldogs one ten of fifteen.
That's very impressive. How proud are you of those performances? Yeah, I don't think it's me to be honest. I think at the start of twenty twenty four the team had a lot of new players and it took a lot of time for them to kind of gel and grow as a football team. And I was probably fortunate in the way where I come into the side midway through the year where a lot of them a combinations had kind of been built and I kind of just got to come in and just be a general and lead the footy team around, and we naturally found that results were taking care of themselves.
And Yeah, it was such an enjoyable year.
Though, when you started the year in reserve grade, you would have had some conversations with Cameron. Can you give us an insight into what he told you what he wanted you to work on in reserve grade to get your number seven Jersey?
Yeah, I think it was just pretty He was very honest with me the whole way, and that's something I'm very grateful for it. We've been able to build a pretty strong relationship and he gives me some honest feedback at times, but it's feedback that I won. And a lot of it was just based around just owning a team, kicking.
Well and defending well.
And he was adamant that whole way that if I did that well in reserve grade that I was going to get an opportunity somewhere.
Along the line.
And it took a little while, but yeah, I'm very grateful that I got to be able to go back and work on kind of all them things and come into first grade full of confidence.
And yeah, that's good.
How important has Sorado been in your development?
Yeah? Yeah, he's huge. I can't speak highly enough of him.
He's he's got that rare balance where he's off the field, he's got such a high care factor and on the field he'll he's so honest with you and he'll make you become the best footy player that you can possibly be and give you all the tools and knowledge and everything to be able to become a good footy player. And he's very honest at times too. But yeah, he's got a he's got a funny, funny side to him as well off the field where he's he loves a laugh and he's a bit of a pest too, so it's good.
So do you work close with Jason Taylor? Obviously he's such an experience high back in the NL.
You work closer with him? Yeah, Yeah, very close.
So we've been able to form kind of a close relationship. And I kind of worked over the preseason and then started twenty twenty four, I kind of sit down with him once a week and just kind of figure out what I was going to do and cut that week and what our game plan was and try it related similar to what NROL was doing. And as I got back in the NRL side, well, he's someone that I worked pretty closely with. Like I love everything about rugby league. I love the game and I'm a bit of a footy nerd, and I think he's pretty similar to that as well, where he's level of detail is just crazy and I love that. And we've been able to form pretty good relationship and constantly kind of bounce some nice dars off each other.
So it was pretty well publicized that the Bulldogs were interested in signing Ben Hunt. How did that make you feel as the club's number seven at the time.
Yeah, I don't know, it was It was a strange, kind of strange kind of period of time, to be honest, But Cameron and the whole club were were talking to me throughout it, and I had no worries. It's kind of a situation where it was out of my control and I wasn't going to put any attention towards it because they're obviously going to go nowhere. So that was a club's decision and whatever decisions they made, that's up to the club, and I couldn't really control it.
To be honest.
Then on the flip side of that, they decided to go against him and put their faith in you as the number seven. How did that feel, because that's the positive aspect to it.
Yeah, Well, again, I'm not really sure, to be honest, Like the whole time, I wasn't rattled about it, like it's it's I know, the games of business, and the club's going to make what the best decision they think that's going to win him a premiership.
And the whole time.
I was just I was talking pretty closely with Cameron and he was open and honest with where the club was at, and I trusted him a lot. And yeah, it ended up playing out the way it did, and yeah, it's kind of put to bed now, which is good.
Talk to me about Bulldogs fans. Have you seen anything like it in terms of their support.
At Belmore, No, I haven't. I come from kind of.
A team like the Gold Coast and there's fans there, but I think Bulldogs fans you can't. Honestly, there's no other team that relates to them. They're just the passion they show and they've been a part of the journey for a long time now and there's been a lot of dark years for the Bulldogs and they've been there every step of the way. And he kind of got to see, especially in the semi final last year we played against Mainly there were fifty thousand fans and majority were Bulldogs fans, and I honestly there's nothing to relate on to, but I'm so kind of proud to be able to play for them and play.
For our community. And yeah, it's pretty cool to run out each week.
The boys I've spoken to just before, they said it gives them a genuine boost in the game.
That is that the case for you as well?
Yeah, it is one hundred percent.
Yeah, we want to unite and inspire our community and.
The way they get in behind us.
Just every time you play at a Core or bellmore, you can notice the fans are in behind you. And I think a lot of real fortunate enough to win a lot of footy games last year and kind of that helped that cause and brought even more fans of the games. And yeah, they're a passionate bunch of fans, that's for sure.
So I've seen it heard that you spend a lot of time doing community work. Why is that important for you to do those things off the field.
Yeah, I don't know.
I feel like us as NRL players can have a real positive impact on the community. Like you hear so many negative stories about rugby league players, which are whatever, but I feel like us as players, we can have a big influence on the community, and I feel like it's part of giving back. Like we're in such an unfortunate stage where we get to play, or we get to live out our dreams of playing rugby league each day, and there's so many people out there doing it so tough, and I feel like we've got such great opportunity to be able to give back
To them and bring a smile to their faces.