Max Laughton, David Zita and Ben Waterworth are joined by Dermott Brereton for a special Fox Footy Podcast, breaking down the big three-team trades that dropped 24 hours before deadline day and previewing the moves left, plus intriguing draft whispers, Fair or Farce and much more.
The big Footy issues from every angle, dissected by a team that follows the game closer than anyone else wherever you are around the planet. This is your ultimate guide to the AFL. This is the Fox Footy Podcast.
Well, I as expected it's going to be a frantic finish to the twenty twenty four AFL trade period, and the Fox Footy Podcast crew set and prepared to break it all down for the loyal listeners at home. Ben Morteweth with you alongside David Schwieter, Zita, Maxie Lawton, and a man who was taken in both the nineteen ninety three and nineteen ninety four pre season draft, Dermit Brewton.
Are you're taking it?
Yes, I was quite to the drug in nineteen ninety three to the Swan pre season pre seasons.
Yeah, what's his name? Stuff that up?
I'm going he did name hi and what's his name? The legendary Ronnie Joseph. All right, if we got to lodge it so I couldn't play you hat.
Like a nice sash that says picked one or something nowhere out now you get.
Baggers a bit different days.
Thanks for spending some time with us on the podcast. But it's got a couple of key trade talking points to go through. So we'll get to the Dan Houston trade with which was the big one to go on the penultimate day of trade period. But the Eagles pick three slide, which was part of his three way trades ZA. They then did end up trading pick three and it's helped them land Liam Baker. But Eagles fans I think none two please. The majority of Eagles fans none to two pleased.
Now, Don Pike, the CEO, tried to defend it today and so that they're still hopeful of getting back in the top ten of the draft. They've got some other irons in the fire, but ultimately they get so Pick fourteen gets to Richmond for Liam Baker. The Blues get picked three from West Coast sixty three and sixty eight as well. We expect that to help them with the Cambriali and then picks twelve and fourteen that's what they give up in return, and matt Owi's goes to the Eagles, and the Eagles get Leam Baker. Matt Awi's picked twelve, but lose picked three to the Blues.
So it's a pretty it's.
A hard cell.
They've gone the more I guess, more established talent route in Oi's and Baker, but they've given up a pretty priced pick in doing so, which I.
Think is why the reaction has been so negative.
Everyone looks at pick three in the headline act, it seems quite a disaster, and I genuinely don't get why this has been.
Such a big fuss.
I think it's just people not understanding the equivalence between pick three and pick twelve, and it's not a huge slide. Pick twelve and fourteen. Certainly when you add up the points is more than pick three. The points have their own problems, But if you look at what they're actually doing the initial deal that Hawthorne was going to send them, including the Tom Brass situation, they are effectively just swapping Barras for Baker and maybe getting a future second.
That's not a huge addition.
Now by sliding back from three to keep three, keeping three, but now this time they're going but down from three to twelve, they're going to end up with the future first at least one, and the future second or whatever they end up getting for the Barrass deal. So I think you are splitting that pick over two drafts, which you can either take next year if the pick is tasty enough, or you can try it out. There's a certain Sydney midfielder who might want to come back to was and you need to build assets.
That's a risk though.
Because I think at a twelve month draft this year it is a good draft.
Twelve months ago we thought log A McDonald at this time might be want to come back to Freemantle. He eventually resigned the Sydney I asked four this manager, not this manager, But I asked four scouts today for their opinion on the Eagles call. Who are at rival clubs. One said, bit surprised, but it's all in the eye the beholder. Sounds like they got backed into a corner. Second one said, I don't think the Eagles would be happy, but they committed to Baker and had little choice after the Hawks deal fell through. Bold call, but they'll take the heat for now. Scout see lots of moving parts with Owi's and Baker, but pick three is a big pick to give up in any draft. If they load up with future picks, though, it could ease the rumblings, and scout D said wait until the end of the trade. Period to judges as well, but it is all in the eye of the beholder, ultimately doomed to go back nine picks and whether you think and that the chasm between those two picks in terms of the talent on off.
So let's just say this draft is the equivalent to the Dodge jud Yeah, that was that or one one one.
Let's say it's the equivalent of that draft.
If you're outside the first three, you've probably got a good player, but.
Not an all time great.
If you've got pick three, I take on board what you say, the picks equal out and commit. But if you're inside pick three, you're a chance to not only get a good player, you're a chance to get an all time great who you can build your club around.
That's what I reckon.
The Eagle supporters will be disappointed. I get all the equating it to pick twelve and fourteen and you want. But it sounds to me like they had been speaking to Liam Baker, and that's kind of great as well. And it sounds to me like they've emotionally committed to him and said, Lee, are we going to get you.
Here by hook or by crook? And then they will gee, we better fulfill this.
I tend to think the easy one would be, and I can understand also the clubs are reluctant, go all right, let's jump, let's call this one, because somewhere in the next seven days during the trading, somebody will come up with something going, oh, I wish we had a way.
They probably should have taken hawthorns Fort And in essence.
It turns into when that goes in and out, it turns into Barras For Baker. Barras is probably a better structural player. Baker's not a bad player.
Probably play longer too.
Baker, Yes, but yeah, keep pick three and a chance at one of the all time grades.
But is this a draft we picked three matters that much more than pick twelve, because it seems like it's very even at the top.
So I get your I get your point, max Because but if you disregard AFL history and judge this draft crop purely on what we've seen over recent years, I think there's a difference from mine. So I think there's as a top four or five this year, which is obviously picked three lands in, and then there's probably maybe eight or nine after that, which is where pick twelve ultimately lands in. So I redid my draft rankings today and pick three is Pino. Sorry. Number three on my rankings is Phino Sullivan, who Dourm has has looked at at VFL level and probably wasn't quite ready for the VFL step up. Good physically, but he has been compared to Marcus Bonderpelli in terms of his inside outside balance, his explosive, he kicks goals, and he was on All Australian as a seventeen year old. Number twelve my rankings was a boy from Benny Go Pioneers called Toby Trevallier, who is I think a bit like Will Davederm in terms that he's a terrific interceptor at underage level but can see himself becoming a midfielder down the track. But he doesn't have the points on the board like a Pino Sullivan. He doesn't have the superstardom factor like a Pino Sullivan has at the moment. But then you look at trade history and you mentioned Harry Sheezel who has taken a pick three a couple of years ago, and the lines got Jasper Fletcher and that bid there. Now Sheesel was already arguably close to a superstar of the competition, definitely a star.
So when you look at the history of pick three and pick twelve, and it won't be pick twelve on draft night, it'll drop to fifteen odd pick three and twelve, it's probably fifty to fifty leading Pick three's way over the last decade of who you get, which spot gives you the better player, it's not a big difference, just seems like in this draft it might be though, but maybe, But then it depends on if you've fallen in love with the prospect, and it seems like Carlton does this thing every now and then where they do fall in love with someone. And my bugbear when any team falls in love with the prospect is that that's risky. You're saying that everyone else's evaluations are wrong and we know better and we know that this is worth trading up for. It's a draft where no one else is really looking to trade up. That says to me that the top end isn't the superstar difference between three and twelve that West Coast would be fearing, or.
It's just hard to get up there because they so setting their selections. We could see a little bit of movement though, because we will talk about that in the second segment. Because Melbourne have double picks now since Kulda have double picks now, maybe Richmond will have it soons either.
Yeah, absolutely, there's plenty going on.
Do you think that West Coast potentially have tried to I saw it comment on social media, which is they're always true and they think that maybe they're trying to just to convince Harley Read to sign on, because we'll see the more the fruits of their labor quicker with the way they're building their list now with Liam Baker coming in as opposed to.
Going through the draft and waiting another.
Three or four years that have to developed, because he's got two years left in this current deal, So maybe are they trying to show him the light now to make sure Look, maybe you.
Will is supplanting some seniority around.
I'm getting some senior players in as opposed to getting another really high end draft pick, but then they're going to have to wait it out for them to develop another five years.
Yeah, so highly unlikely the high end draft pick comes on as quickly as Harley Reed does. The one thing my mentality if I was in his position I'd say, give me all these high end draft picks. Oh, captain them. I'll bring them through. That would be I'll lead this new brigade. These are my blokes. If you're good enough to hang on and you're twenty seven, twenty.
Eight, good luck to you.
Well, what's your expectation of what they've got Leam Bakery and mattow Is as well. Thirty three goals this year? What's your expectation of them next year? They're going to kick, They're not to be going to stay where they are.
Bottom two or three. Yeah, really, and I'm not been disparaging about that. You can improve, but everyone else is trying to climb the ladder too, so you can improve and stay exactly where you are.
They're serving two masters with this because they're trading in established talent and they're slitting pick three into two first rounders over two years. I think they could be doing both things, getting better now and getting better in the future as long as they nail the picks, and that's the most important.
That's the year of just on Tom barrass who set to join the Hawks as well, and the Eagles wanting future picks. Ideally, I think they want two future first round picks. I don't think that's going to come to fruition. I think that's a little cheeky from West Coast. But how do you see Tom Barrass fitting into Hawthorne structurally? But also the demographic of the Hawthorn list and the journey to the Hawks are on. At the moment, I.
Think Hawthorne now realize they're a little close to them. Perhaps they th they might have been in February this year more completely closer, and they realized they can strike or give themselves a chance to strike once the ball goes inside forward defensive twenty five meters.
They had an issue when Frost wasn't there against Port Adelaide. It sounds weird. I know Frost is there.
I think they'd be.
So Borass cures that whether that's Barrass or Battle, Barass is the better size and shape for it. Battle is an awesome competitor, and Barass can play further up the ground or Brass, sorry, Battle is an awesome competitor can play further up the ground. Battle can also play forward. And then people say, well do you get them both in? And that'll mean Cicily can play for it. You don't want to play Sicily forward.
You want Cicily to be.
To complete that he's going forward. Now you think it's not the case.
No, you wanted to be a swing man, so to play a bit up there when you need to. Absolutely, you want the opposition set. The opposition's back line is gone right, we'll take him him him, and then suddenly if James has gone a little flat down the back, you go and they go hell to Skelt, who picks up Sicily because you can kick two in three minutes and then he'll disipe back down the other end.
We thought that with Blake Hardwick a couple of times this year, kicking four goals in a quarter against Collingwood.
So they worked for him.
Yeah, so.
They can fit them all into the back six years, not all of.
Them, No, no, but you remember Frost. Frost's injury is a bit worse than people had a thought. I believe.
I think he won't be out there until about round six seven. I would say, so you're starting again without Frosty.
Yeah, isn't her depth? So the mega trading with Dan Houston is the centerpiece. Has not been officially confirmed by AFL House, but enough reporting out there to say that this is going to get done, and Dan Houston, we'll get to Collingwood as part of that Gold Coast heavily involved Gold Coast getting John Noble as well, and they probably get a little bit of salary off the books for Jack Lakosis and Rory Atkins as well. Who would have thought the rat would play a big part in this term. And then it leads into the Dan Rioli discussion where the Sons might have to part with at least pick six and twenty three for Dan Rioli. It looks like picks will come back though, to help the Sons match a bid on Leo Lombard, who's their top academy guy. They lost some picks in this year's draft as part of this Dan Houston deal as well. But on the six and twenty three for Dan Rioli, is this just another case of the Sons paying overs just simply because of location, lack of club history, and lack of club success.
So historically we've seen that the Sons just get it done. Send Bozy off and put in pick what was that.
Three or whatever?
Yeah, throw that in as well as we needed off the books, where this wage get it done really really should go for pick six yep, and Richmond know that well, if we hold out a real chance to pinch pick twenty three of them as well, the fair deal is pick six for Daniel.
Really, it's yes.
I mean, I love the kid.
He's a lovely young man. He's a tremendous player. He's a fantastic player. I don't think he's going to be in the Hall of Fame. I don't think he's going to be an all time great. He's going to be a done good player.
And he already is. But he's a back flanker and people will say, well, he want the best and faarise.
He wanted it in an eighteenth team who didn't look like beating too many and that's a back flanker.
It's starting down there. A fair bit. Pick six is more than adequate, but they'll probably throw it in in the end.
And teams kept doing this because the Sons live in a different market.
Which you wrote about extensively on the website on Friday afternoon, Maxique.
For the Son's the most important thing about Danioal is that he wants to play for the Gold Coast Suns.
That's why they have to pay opens for him.
Because they've done that historically, they found it tough to get players there. They have all these extra draft picks they're getting too, future first in the Dan Houston deal. So again we're gonna go into next year and again they'll be ouctioning off one of those.
Which will help because that next year they have got Zeke Ewan, who's body Ewan's brother could be the best player in it at the moment right. He's been drawing comparisons to Errol Gordon in terms of his winger ability left foot, not not tall, but just incredibly silky skilled and hits the scoreboard as well, so that hence the Golden comparison, So that will help them potentially trade down next year's skills. Yeah, body Fish second, the best, the fairest, the goal We had a good.
Year after a rocky start I think, and Wakeman carved him up in the first quarter at Ballarat.
That's right, that's right, yes, but she had.
A good year after that.
But he's a straight ahead player. Once again, he's not going to play all Australia or well, I hope he does. He probably got designs on it himself. But yeah, well, if his brother's got all those skills a lot better.
Apparently, just doesn't.
It doesn't.
It doesn't matter as much to the Suns giving up that extra pick because it gets swallowed up in a bit.
For Lea Lombard, Yeah, so they don't really I understand that.
It's you look at pick six and twenty round the seven and say that's over, and it probably is, and it would be on any fair and equal marketplace. But like you said, they're operating in a different market. It doesn't matter to them as much.
And durn in terms of the overpayment of the Sun's at the trade table. Does it only fix itself this issue once the Sun start to experience some on field success and by that we mean playing finals over a couple of years as well and hopefully winning violce.
I'd love to give you an elaborate smart answer, but yes, yeah, yeah, they just have to climb the ladder before we get an equality in this market, in this area of the market, in draft picks and draft positions picks.
Yeah, so we've got to.
Wait for them to actually climb somewhere substantial where they get into the eight and it starts to level out a bit and they have to fight and become incredibly At the moment, they're like the bloke who just wants to pay off his three bedroom brick veneer and he wins Tslota.
He got a whole lot left in his pocket after he's done that. This is what do I do with it?
Only problem is you look at the Giants. They've been pretty good for a while. They still have players leaving in this cycle every few.
Years, but they always always end up with a top line pick who they at least look at themselves. So they use their top end draft picks on players, put them in their system and look at them and say, that's a two hundred game player for us, or he's good, somebody will want him, not showing what we need, somebody will give us a second round and we can package that up with something else.
It works for them, but it's still a cycle, and the cycle is caused by the fact that they are.
Not in Victoria and so many of the players from there. Well, we'll keep an eye on real estate dot com, tode ufl three bedroom veneer and so what that goes at In the end, Hey, thanks for sticking around, and that's it. That's it for you.
Don't hang it on anywhere.
You can look down with this draft.
I've they got a lot of first round picks al of us, so maybe that'll health good start the five time.
We'll come back after this talk a little bit more draft and have play Fair or Fast.
And now on the Boxwoody Podcast. Another strong edition of Australia's favorite segment, Fair or Fast.
Another large edition of Australia's favorite segment coming your way. Maxie back in the chair as well for it. But we're going to start with skeetera the Western Bulldogs heading to deadline day as the club most under the pump. Fair or Fast.
Probably fair now that the Dan Houston deal is done.
Got of course, Bailey Smith the one that we're all waiting to see how that pans out, Whether the National Draft is actually used, the nuclear option as it is, as it is dubbed every year stupid option, yes, of course, because of the trade period, just like nuclear warfare. Obviously it's just equally is important more yep. Caleb Daniel of course, an interesting one. We have to watch to see whether he actually is going with the Dog's holding to his deal. Jack McCray another one of interest, and Mat Kennedy apparently some interesting him. I saw reported today that Mat Kennedy's going to be interest from him, So Sam Power will be quite busy.
It's the power will be.
Involved in the last day with not the power that we thought Ben you're some good say just thought of it.
Sam Power has developed a reputation, I suppose in recent years of being a you know, a tough negotiat or really fights for his club as well, and he's going to have to really he's going to be fighting for his club on Wednesday.
Well so is Andrew Mackie. I think Geelong Drew yes, driver of hard bargains in the trade periods. We wait to see how late these things will become official. A couple of well the things happened post deadline. Now we've got people saying official when trades aren't official.
That's what the word official means.
We just had this discussion off.
I had to saving it for the content because the word official is when it's official, not when a journalist says it's official or ticked off.
We need a regulator just for the word official.
Whatever journalist works at the organization at which said doesn't mean it's official.
Into the AFL house. Twitter accout tweets it.
That's just a bit slow to tweet it out.
Nothing against our peers and yes everything against. You mentioned Matt Kennedy just in a Blue that might be on the move, so MAXI another Blue that might be on the move. Brody Kemp would be a strong ideal replacement for Josh Battle at Sint Kilda fair or fast. I mean, he's pretty good.
I don't think Carlton's want to get going to one to get rid of him, though surely he's rather important to them. It's as good as a forward at the end of the year, I think against West Coast.
From memory, yes he did so he swung forward out of necessity due to their injuries. Yes, so he's quite versatile.
It's probably still ahead in the pecking order of like a Nick Haynes type. So they're going to need him given how many injuries they always get every year. So I can't see Carlton giving giving him unless they get a really good offer. And we know the Bolldogs have a lot to do with you know, the Saints have got a lot of picks, so all of these clubs have so many options. It feels like it's down the pecking order. A little bit, but always nice to have new players raised.
On a Tuesday before the deadline, speaking of defections to Sint Kilda, there David Brendan Bolton's defection to Sint Kilda was a domino effective Braham Right's Europeans so Jean, I.
See what you've done.
There isn't this journe so Jean.
But I wouldn't I think go to you very often. I think Bolton, look Bolton and Leppich.
Justin Leppitch.
There was a bit of I think it's a bit of unease there in terms of how the responsibilities were assigned once Graham Right left or resigned and then wasn't told though, and you're not quitting, just go and leave them, come back, we'll figure it out.
Then he left anyway, Yeah, it looked that great.
He said that our press at the press conference there announcing He actually said, well, I actually did resign from coming, but they wouldn't accept it, which is just a bizarre thing that you just you know, extraordinary.
Hopefully that happens to us one day bet at Max.
But it's clear though Brendan Brennan Bolton wants to be in the coaching yes, and he says that in any statement as he was on the way out, so obviously it's st kilto he'll get that opportunity.
He's been offered that there.
So I think the Graham right leaving all the way in which he left and then didn't leave, that certainly started the domino effect that has obviously reached its climax in the European decision.
So yes, that's right and maxially last one. Richmond's acquisition of pick twenty last week exposed the flaw in the draft value index fear or fast fair. I was going to say this.
I actually didn't say fair or fast for the Bradie.
Camp one, by the way, so let's what you say for Bradie Camp fast?
Right? Well?
Will fork now the utensil last night? Yes, if he fasked him twice.
Right, double fast, that's very offensive to do that to some double fast in public.
Maybe one more fast thing would have been like the actual fork.
I see, we're going to change how the draft system works next year, and the points system is being fixed a little bit. We'll see how teams will exploit it, because they always do. This might be the last time we get one of these stupid trades where teams dearly from two completely different positions. Richmond wants pick twenty, Brisbane wants four picks between thirty two and forty five. It's conflicting interest, so the trade makes no sense, but everyone's happy in the interim. It's a system being exploited in a way that was never designed to be.
Good job, AFL.
You probably should have fit said earlier, but you didn't, so we left with it for this year.
Well. From Brisbane's perspective, they're hopeful that it will help them match the bid on Levi Ashcroft. As it stands though, they have enough points to match a pick two bid on Levi Ashcroft, but not enough for Sam Marshall, who's probably around considering he's going to be a late first round, a lengthy first round, he's probably going to be right towards the back end of that first round at the moment.
And could there be a little factor of dealing with Richmond here Richmond has picked one Levi Ashcroft bid come at pick one under the table a little bit, I.
Think, well, that would be speculated certainly amongst rival clubs. Personally I wouldn't be surprised, but we wait and see how that all pans out now, just a couple of if I'll be self indulgent for a little bit, it's got a couple of little draft whispers.
Almost your time to shine, So I think so it's hard.
I think probably to look past pick five at the moment because pick six is likely to go to Richmond as part of the dan Rioli trades. I've sort of rung around a little bit and sort of got a bit of an eye idea of who is thinking what players at the first five picks to the moment. So for Richmond, I think it's down to three players this we're talking about the open pick one race. There's no Harley Reid this year. I think it's down to Sam Lawler from the GWV Rebels, Fino Sullivan who he mentioned with derms beforehand from Oakley, and Jagger Smith who really does have the moves like Jagger in terms of his ability in and out at a congestion. Three very different players. Lawla, the Dustin Martin kind of powerful forward mid where's the number four as well? Inspired by Dustin, he looks up to Dustin Martin and Jordan Degey as his players. I think it's down to three North Melbourne is really interesting. I was told that it was made very clear at the draft combined to clubs that they are infatuated with Alex Taru, who was a gippslam power centimeter swing man. He's I think according to a lot of clubs that I've spoken to, it would be a bold risk to take him at pick two. What's his actual value? Well, I probably have him in the teams rhymes of my rankings at the moment, so I would have him just into the top ten, not a lot, but having.
The really into him.
Is that a problem with North Melbourne being midfielder heavy and needing key position players, But this isn't the key position player draft.
And also the fact that they have had four top ten picks in the past two drafts as well, and they do probably need to go key position. I like the move of Alex Ru to North Melbourne not a pick two, so watch out for them as a slide down the draft ord. I think pick two could still be on the table. We mentioned Carlton. I think they're heavily linked to Fino's Sullivan and Jagger Smith. I think they're they're two players right in their mix. Recruiter said to me today, the Blues to trade up to pick three must have good intel on who will be available at that selection, so that certainly one to watch pick four Adelaide. I have three names, Sid Draper, Sid Draper and Sid Draper.
Okay, that's the same.
So he is, So he's the top South Australian prospect. West Coast of pick three were very very heavily linked to the top South Australian midfield prospect who likens himself to Zach Butters are really small, speedy midfielder. I really really like him start at SAMPFORL League level. Now West Coast is out of the picture. I can't see one of those three clubs ahead of Adelaide taking Sid Draper, and at the moment I think Sid Draper is likely Adelaide bound.
So Adelaide was actually the biggest winner of the Carlton West Coast three ten trade.
That's right, yes. And then Melbourne which now has picked five and nine as well. Melbourne always had pick five. They're the first club linked to the I think the top key Ford prospect in the draft, which is Harry Armstrong. At the moment from the sanding hand, Dragons is one ninety four and had a really good draft read the good National Championships rather for Vic Metro. I think if the rules are keen to slide though, Melbourne might be best place to do the deal. So that Melbourne have got five and nine and then North Melbourne now have picked two, they are best placed to do that. But now sin Kilda has seven and eight, Richmond's probably going to be getting six and ten if the Riolan Bolton deals go through. I think there's a watch on those three clubs, Melbourne, since kild and probably Richmond, who all have double picks now in the top ten, to try and make a play for that North Melbourne.
Does it depend on if clubs fall in love with someone over the next month and a half or so. How much work are they doing over that period where they could possibly change their opinion Trader.
Oh fair bit. There'll be some last minute club interviews as well, So it is a decisive period now and now that we the trade period has happened and they know the commodities that have come in and some list chasms that they need to fill that might come in the fruition. But I still think that North Melbourne's pick too is a watch in terms that they might be able to slide down and that won't happen on deadline day. That'll probably happen live on on Draft night.
Good right here on Fox Footy.
Happened here on foxhere.
We're not on precise deest. We're not on Fox footed It says it behind there, Max.
That's that's the logo fast That is right. That is the end of our Trading Day special vodcast as well. We've had some fun at the end of the whole thing. Well, we might try to do a couple of draft podcasts a little bit down the tracks. Well, you're welcome to join us, David, if you want to.
Speak to yourself, all the very best.
I'll be on holiday.
So that's all the very best to you and your families, and all the very best to you at home. Make sure you keep clicking back to Foxfooty dot com dot au.
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