S2. Ep 10. Gap Hunting

Published May 29, 2023, 11:40 PM

Probably the best episode we have produced all season. This one is not to be
missed because we talk about a very powerful way to reduce stress, reduce
impulsive responses when we feel hurt and become mindful of our triggers in life.
This is a great discussion about gap-hunting. Recognising when we feel triggered,
taking a moment to tell ourselves why it is happening and then use our inner-wisdom
to choose the most appropriate response at the time. Gap-hunting is a process we
can all learn and it’s a self-loving tool that gets easier to do with practice.
John shares some wonderful tips on how you can become a gap-hunter, and the
importance of being kind to yourself through the process.
Leanne talked about the work of Viktor Frankl and his book – ‘Man’s Search for
Meaning’, you can order it from www.constantreader.com.au . She also talked about
the work of Dr Libby Weaver – www.drlibby.com

Remember, this podcast is not a medical or psychological service. If you need urgent
support please contact any of the services listed below:
Lifeline: 13 11 14
Beyond Blue: 1300 22 46 36
Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 65 94 67

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