
Palm Beach Gardens High valedictorian has special way of absorbing knowledge

Published May 26, 2020, 7:03 PM

Lauren Dee, valedictorian at Palm Beach Gardens High School, doesn’t take notes in class. QUOTE: While the student next to me is scribbling away like they are writing a novel, I’m just sitting there. I just listen. I can recall the visual presentation in my mind. During a test, I can physically almost hear what the professor said UNQUOTE said Dee, who has never received a grade less than an A in her 12 years in school. The 17-year-old Palm Beach Gardens resident is the second in her family to be the top student at the high school of 2,800 students. Her brother Jason was valedictorian in 2017. Dee, with a 4.0 GPA and 5.56 HPA, has been accepted to the University of Florida.