BONUS ❌ Wait... AI 🤖 Can Read Our Minds Now?! 🧠

Published Dec 13, 2023, 3:00 AM

This is the second and final instalment of our live podcast recording from Always Live!

Turns out AI can read our minds now? 

Forbes has reported that AI mind reading is coming sooner than we think, but Ms Flex & Ms Froomes are not sold this is a real thing... just yet. 

Plus, we play a very concerningly easy game of "Are You Smarter Than A 12th Grader?" 

Flex and Froomes is produced by Mikayla Floriano

And hosted by Flex Mami & Froomes 

Flex and Froomes Flex and Frooms. This is the Flex and Frooms catch up podcast.

Tech Time, Tech Time, tax Time.

It's tech time with Flex and Froomes on cater push it to the next level.

Oh there's what is going to be a whirl When are we across the chat GPT.

I don't want to call it drama.

Sounds like I've been fantalizing what could be the end of humanity as we know it. But it is drama. So sometime last week or the week before, Sam Oltman, the CEO of chat GPT, was dismissed randomly one day. He didn't even see it coming. He went in, he got dismissed. He went on Twitter or x and said it's been great, I love you all, but I've been fired. Then his co founder walked out with him. Mind you, they're about six co founders. Elon Musk is one of them. So Greg walks out with Sam. Everybody's confused why they being fired. The issue is Sam is all about AI acceleration. He wants AI to evolve and involve at such a rapid pace that we can almost have changes of a one hundred years happen in one year. That's what he's advocating for. He's like, this could be the greatest thing ever. Everybody else on the board is like, it's just too much. We Chat GPTs owned by not for profit which believes in like AI for the benefit of humanity, and accelerating at such rapid rate will not be for the benefit of humanity.

So they ousked him. What ensues is five days of just nonsense.

So basically there's gossip between the guys that left, and they're like, you know, we need to be at the helm of change. We can't fear the future. Elon Musk jumps in, He's like, I even think they've gone too far with this. They're accelerating too quickly. It's not good. Then Microsoft, who owns a forty nine percent stake in chat GPT, hires Sam and Greg for Microsoft and says if they won't keep you, will hire you. Then open AI, who owns chat GPT, says sorry, we made a mistake. We want to rehire the guys that we fired, and we fired half the board who fired you initially, so now you can come back. What does this mean. I'm not quite sure, because here's what the critics are saying. You have these people, and we're not making generalizations.

Of tech wizards, but people who.

Are fundamentally isolated from the rest of the world, with all the resources they need to make their dreams and their fantasies a possibility. Now, when someone who's quite isolated from the general human experience has all the power to change how humanity works, who's to say what they will do or not do with them. Also, considering that most of the people interacting with AI don't understand it therefore don't understand the pros or the cons with introducing it so rapidly into our lives.

We stort of understand what.

Bluetooth is, Mabe career, I don't even know what Wi fi is, And now'drop what is air drop?

And now we're messing with AI.

So the people who are a bit fearful of SAM and chat GPT are fearful of the fact that if we advocate so heavily for something that we don't stand and it doesn't work in our benefit, we're going to be unfairly compromised. And if we slow down AI evolution, we are slowing down the inevitable. I don't know what this means in the grand scheme, of things. But keep an eye out for Microsoft. Just keep an eye out, keep an eye out for chat tipt, keep an eye out, keep an eye out for open AI.

I will tell you one thing.

Once my house got broken into in Surrey Hills and the rubber stole all the Apple computers, all our jewelry. Yeah, what did they leave the Microsoft tablet?

So do about what you will. They've got a long way to go. They've got a long way to go.

I have one other story to share with the audience, and this is about AI.

Mind reading Huge.

A psychologist explains what mind reading AI can do for us. So researchers at the University of Texas in Austin successfully developed a non invasive language decoder that can read brain waves and interpret what people are thinking in real time. By the way, guys, I'm for the first time right now, making it one of the most important developments in the field of human AI interaction today. But it raises a crucial question, what are we planning to do with this superpower? Mickey, you found this story? Anything else to add? Now?

You can keep reading it. Okay, They're gonna help me out there.

So here's some possibilities of how the technology could work. It seems likely that the technology will enable speech impaired individuals to communicate.

With thoughts alone.

Secondly, this technology may aid criminal investigation.

So I'm guessing that's in.

Like a mind read one mind reading situation that seems unethical. This technology, once it matures and makes its way into the hands of social media companies or the government, may listen into our private thoughts, effectively rendering a privacy a thing of the part.

Okay, how do we jump there?

Hold on a second, a second, one more time. Researchers at the University of Texas at Austin successfully developed a non innovasive language decoder that can read brain waves and interpret what people are thinking in real time. I don't feel like that's possible. Number One, If I am thinking of an apple, how do you decode the story I'm thinking about the apple?

Yeah, I just went through a whole thing. Candy apple are snow white.

Now it's red, Now it's green, exactly, it's crispy, it's mushy, exactly.

And I was rewatching inception the other day and it was talking about how to success.

Don't do it, dang it, dang doo it.

Okay, it's a documentary, did you okay my brain? So to successfully plant a thought into someone's mind so deep into their subconscious you have to plant almost like proximal thoughts through it. So if I want you to believe that red apples are superior to green apples, if I tell that to you, you can trace that thought back to me so quickly. So Nanni, to find out the emotional response you have towards apples or don't have towards apples, or the color green or the color rent.

It's not that simple.

You can't tell me because I'm thinking about maple leaves that I want to go to Canada and to jump from This thing can read brain waves and interpret what people are thinking to social media companies will listen in on our private thoughts. Okay, So I have a thought on this surprisingly Unsurprisingly the way that it will be in the hands of the social media companies tell me why they already know what I'm thinking without me thinking it.

Maybe because you're not thinking.

Maybe you're just having thoughts planted into your brain and then you're just becoming aware of them.

The first two points seem like net positives. Here's the scary part. Did you write this, this came from for.

Stuff. What is the agenda of this writer?

How do you go from this technology may aid criminal investigation?

Now social media is listening.

In when it comes to the third point, the wheels already in motion. META is now capable of visualizing with precision what a person is looking at simply based on their brain activity.

How does META have my brain activity?

Forks predicts this type of AI has the power to increase our spending and make hypool.

Somebody find this force writer enough. I just feel like, here's the thing everyone. When we talk about media literacy, we talk about framing, right. I could imagine there's a lot we wouldn't understand about this original research paper about this new type of AI that may potentially read your brain activity. But we've simplified it so much so now we're saying we're inferring that META is one to watch out for because it is going to read our brain activity if we use the platform.

I will also say on that very quickly until we move into a game. Everybody, it's the same as epigenetics, right. So, I think on the podcast a couple of weeks where we were talking about the concept that you're in your grandma's hummy, when your mum was in your grandma's hummy. I've been doing more research about it, and there's a lot of feminist theory and writing about how it's like really dangerous to go down that route of thinking of it in simplistic terms, because if we're going to simmer it down that much, you can then think, oh, we're going to control women's bodies. In that case, there's stuff in the US where certain researchers were thinking that to fix the obesity crisis in quotation marks, the option is to give all women gastric band surgery if they're overweight before they have a kid. That was a genuine thing they were looking at. I'm like, this is giving hairmaid's tail.

It's lovely to see how people connect thoughts. But we also talked about when we spoke about epigenetics on the podcast, we said that the reason why people are mindful of it becoming a popular conversation is because it can reinforce stereotypes. So if we oversimplify the way that everything comes to be. My dad lived in a very dramatic environment, therefore he's dramatic, Therefore I dramatic, mic whatever then it's like, okay, I don't think we're smart enough to know how we're even consciously impacted, let alone subconsciously.

And then on like a biological molecular level.

Molecular we don't have the capacity.

It's time to play a game. Who here? Finished you twelve recently? Oh? Yeah, I saw you. You got pointed at. Sorry, it's great, hate, I can see everybody.

I don't know if you want to speak, but you can just like talk to me. Was this this year or last year?

This year? You just finished? Do you want to talk on the microphone or you're just happy?


Yeah, Hi, Hi, Hey, good Thanks? What's your name?


So when did you finish your exams?

About a month ago or like end of November?

Yeah? What subjects did you do?

I did literature media like visual communication, design and business and psychology.

Subject Ask me what I did in your twelve? It was like art, visual art, Are you serious? We didn't I didn't do anything in English Victoria.

Yeah, literature, the garden state, Psytology, you can do psychologist that was not offer.

I did psychology, sociology. What theater studies that's a random one. Drama and hospitality. When will you find out your.

Score eleventh of December.

I think, do you have like a I guess you don't know a ballpark figure till you get.

It, do you. Let's not put it into the abyss.

No, of course, of course, let's wish her the best man.

Yeah, yeah, over ninety. Well can I tell you so? I got mine in twenty twelve.

Sorry, I got twenty twelve December the twelfth, okay, so same date. And I got over text. I think I was like the first year to get it over text. And I'm writing about this.

At the moment.

Might not go in the book, but I was talking about how I was in bed with my boyfriend at the time and I got the text message and he was quite a bit older than me, and so I think he thought.

I was really dumb. And I don't know. I'm uncovering all of stuff in the book. It's okay.

And I got the text message and the score. I was really happy with the score, and I started laughing like, oh my god, like what the hell?

And I showed him.

The phone like I angled the phone towards him, and his face just drops like it was like he was devastated.

He looks me like I was an alien.

You know when someone's like, damn, like you were hiding something from me that you could get this score, And that's when I knew it had to end.

He still broke up with me, but you know, but you.

Knew first, and you first in that moment. Will you do us the favor of revealing the score? I think it goes without saying.

Okay, okay. I think if you've listened to the.

Podcast, this is not to brag everyone, This is not to brag. It's just we are we do have a genius in our miss It must.

Said, It must be said, any guesses out there for the score ninety eight, ninety five, an fortunate watunate, thank you, unfortunately point nine.

Because then people would say, oh, you got a ninety seven.

I said, I don't know if we must.

If we must, are we going to play the game. Yeah, we're going to play the game. Hey, what's this one wiki?

So we're doing this year's HC Hospitality Exam.

Oh god, I've got the answers with me so you can read them.

Mount Buzzy, I'll let you know.

Which type of milk is most suitable for a customer who is lactose intolerance.

There is no way, There is no way. Okay, guys, are you studying We're in a crisis. Anybody you know the answer to this? Which type of milk is most suitable for a customer who is lactose intolerant? Skim whole? It's soy.

I'm afraid you're not going to pass that one because the final two milk or almond?

What's your name? Iriri? Well, thank you? Irie?

Listen number two? Which of the following indicates a caution sign?

Wait? What was the answer? Almond was just in case? Which of the following indicates a caution sign?

A red circle black symbol, B blue circle white symbol, see yellow triangle black symbol, or D green triangle white symbol.

Are the other symbols even a real symbol?

Which of the following indicates a caution sign? Yellow triangle black symbol?

Are you correct?


We don't do that?

Okay, So then what are the psychology people studying? If this is what mosticality gets? What do you mean what type of milk is suitable for people who have laptose intolerance.

I'll try and give you a hard one.

Which of the following pairs of complimentary selections is industry standard for the serving with herbal tea, honey and milk, honey and lemon flavored syrup, and milk flavored syrup and lemon.

There's honey and lemon.

Right If anyone wants to buzz in the audience, Yeah, here we go.

I'm gonna go with honey and lemon, please.

Her You are correct, the audible cheer from the audience.

Okay, amazing. I would have said honey and milk. So six.

Food manufacture and production can be affected by natural disasters? Well, what aspects of a restaurant's menu would most likely be affected by this? A? Pricing, customer service, food quality, B presentation, customer service staffing, C pricing food availability and supply, food quality or depresentation food ability.

Ah, yeah, it's three. Wait hold on a second.

I'm food manufacture and production can be affected by natural disasters.


What aspects of a restaurant's menu would most likely be affected by this? And you're saying pricing, food availability, supply, food quality, Mickia, my correct, But hold on, it's a natural disaster. Are we gonna have staffing issues? If your house is flooded, you can't come to work.

What did you lock in? I locked in C.

You are correct for me?


I cannot believe how easy this is everybody else doing this?

How many years are we out of HC.

I think I got dumber as you went past. I'm gonna be serious.

The brain run, the brain run is so really onset. Brain run too, all right?

The term covers in a hospitality establishment refers to the number of what seats in the restaurant, drink serve in the restaurant, dishes served in the service period, guests served in a service period.

Does anybody does anybody who work in hospitality? No? Not of your Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, here we go. You're correct.

You get to keep your job. That's awesome. Hey, can you tell us for your work? Or is that classified information?

Alimentary? Are you serious? Well? Thank you so much, Alimentary. Can you tell them? I got a shout out? Oh of course, I love it, Alimentary. What a venue? What we're gonna do?

Is my favorite part of the podcast in the last few months is Mickey's music Quiz. Micky gives us like two seconds of a song and we have to guess what the song is. I am probably more confident However.

I don't win.

We're gonna get you guys involved. Micky, what is today's and I'll transcribe? What is today's theme?

Cliche celebration song.

Cliche celebration songs to celebrate our last ever show as flecks and frames. Here we go, guys, listen carefully.

Celebrate good times. No, it's celebration Madonna.

Oh We're so close. Sorry, it's celebration by Kylie Minogue. I think you can guess the next one. This is Let's give you a redemption chance.

Buzzers at the Ready song Number two, Cindy Lope Law for girls just want to have fun?

Is that right? Yay? Yeah? Boy? All right, Mickey, what's the next one? Number three?

All Night Long Lionel Richie, Yeah, yeah, go off, Queen?

Is it Let's get loud? Yeah?

Y yes, okay. This is the last song, everyone.

The last song ever of the Flex and Froom Show. Mickey's music Quiz song number five.

I got a feeling, black eyed peas.

That's it, speak on it? Can I sing for you guys? Just kidding?

I did this Beyond the Valley a couple last year, and no one knew I was joking, And it was one of the worst performances in my life. The story, Okay, I'll really quickly tell you the story before we go Beyond the Valley.

Twenty twenty three New Year's Eve.

I was hosting the podcast stage and I was getting a bit bored of the situation. So I thought, my last addressed everyone, I'm going to get up on stage and play the Crazy Frog.

So I went up on the stage.

And I said, hey guys, and like half people didn't know anything about me because they were all eighteen and most of the people that follow me at thirty five. Anyway, I got up on stage and I'm like, hey, guys, my name's Rooms.


I was actually invited here to be the podcast host, but I have a lifelong dream of being a singer, so I want to sing for you guys. The audience is gasping their like you know when someone's about to do something so embarrassing and you're watching and you're like.

Like they didn't get their phones down a reading because they were already that embarrassed already. And I sang with the Crazy Frog song and my friend.

Was Ky video and when I tell you, not a single person even laughed, Like everyone was like, I'll play it on my phone.

I better hear you guys singing. This is a redemption tour or uh crazy frog Bama man na ma mum ba bo. What's going on? Bam bam bam bana da Dun.

Dan Dan dan da da Dan Dun dun d d d dan da Come on, guys, a little bit ding ding dan dan dan da da Dan Dan dan dan d d d d.

Come on.

Bam bam bam banana dun Dun dun damn dun da da da Dun Dun Dun da da da da da da da.

Bing bing dan da da da da da da. Here we go mingman bing bing ding ding bing ming ming bing bing ming bing. Wow, that was healing.

That was.

Nature healing you, guys. Nature was healing.

I want to say thank you very much everyone who came out today during work hours, which is questionable, but I also like that via aspector thank you to our listeners, everyone who tuned in every day, and even people that tuned in once or twice.

It has been really fun and I've really enjoyed spending time with you. Lilian. Anything to say to me, I'm the person that says I love you, and you need to say I love you back. Is that how it works? I think so. Here's my ode to Frume.

It's been actually phenomenal getting to know Fu me as someone who was first a fan. Like many of you, I was across all of her little escapades, her eating poisonous berries, having diary and bunnings. I was a fan first, friend, second, and then colleague. Thirb been really phenomenal to get a peek behind the curtains. She is extraordinary, very intentional, a witch. Her family does practice seances everyone. I'm not joking like it's really hectic. Most of all, just a nice, good and kind person, which is hard to come across. Not because people aren't nice, good and kind, but they just don't practice it.

Like you practice it. Thanks Hounty, Wow and Mickey, we love you more than thank you. I must send it. Here is Flex and Froomes the song thank you Everyone, in the heart of the.

City, where the lights shine bright, Flex and Froons weaving dreams every night two years on the airwaves, A Journey's So Sweet, and the word redactive Toyota cars on repeat. Flex and Froons the Queens of the air, spreading joy love and read it to those everywhere Flex and Froons. What a time would to ride Big Boss Energy? You know it's no lie. Deep in the forest where dark shadows roam, two gremlins are dancing finding new homes. The price has gone up, the curtains come down. We sure will be sad that you're not around Flex and Froons, the queens of the air, spreading joy, love and read it to those everywhere, Flex and Froons. What a time would to ride Big Boss Energy? You know it's no line.

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Flex & Froomes

You ever just clean your room by getting all of your stuff and throwing it in a neat pile? Well Flex 
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