On Today's Lil Bitta Pod; Producer Carwen's friend shared a little too much with a stranger...
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Please Wood and Hayley's little bit of pod treat yourself to.
Mcafae coffee with my macer's rewards.
Welcome to a little bit of Potter and just a reminder that our Christmas Cocktail Special, the shout outs that we do during these the cutoff date is the fourth of December. So if you would like a Christmas shout out during the four weeks and we're off over December and jan you have until the fourth of December. You can text if you're in New Zealand as one word cocktail Special to nine six ninety six and we'll send you back a link. Otherwise, if you're anywhere else in the world, zitymonline dot com slash cocktail special.
That's cock tail special.
What a fucking child? Carry on? I have a developing situation.
OK, go ahead.
It's now on date of record, late November. Yes, the Smith's Sibling Chat has started up again last year's fourteenth of January.
Your tight ass brother is back out, it isn't he?
Mom and Dad would like a dash cam for Christmas? Fucking what? This is what he's message? Mother day would because we always going and we buy Mom and dad something for Christmas together. Mom and Dad would like a dash can for Christmas. I said, you give me why, ha ha ha. They live in Russia.
I don't know whether you know if everyone in Russia is a dash cam.
I've got a dash cam. It's not on I don't have it. I don't have a chip on it.
So it doesn't like decart in that. Yeah, because what's the deal? You're driving and it records in half an hour a lot, say, and then it'll be like back to start, yeah or di visit up into half an hour, and then it starts deleting the old ones when one never used.
It's just sat in my car the hold, oh my god, just rip mine out of my car, and they have that second hand's.
Never been used.
I feel like I wouldn't a little something. I feel like I wouldn't want one if I had a car, because it's just evidence.
Of wandering from lane to lane plus concentrating.
You know when you watch dash cam footage back and you can hear the conversation. I don't know anyone in hearing what I'm listening to my car.
I borrowed a friends van. You know who I'm talking about it and I don't know when a dash came in it and it was just me in the event, I was talking to myself, drove past someone hot. I was like, that's what I'm talking about. La la la la la la to myself. I said some other stuff, and then I got back and I was just like, hey, what's the deal with the dash? Caame because I don't want to be like I said some of this so he could go back and it'll be gone now is months ago, But I said I wasn't with the dash caam. He's like, oh, I don't know when the guy hit me. I just like plugged it into the computer and it or the phone. It connets to the phone, verver and app and it just can pull down like the last. However, I was like, oh, my cabage has always been quite interested in them. Imagine like finding and you said at home anxious for a week because waiting for it, because the dash gave you would have seen the person on the side of the right. Oh my god, that's funny. So I said, hahahaa, like what they've mentioned it before as we have one, and I've mentioned it again on this trip. My parents are in Australia. Shut up about it, and we saw one at Super Cheap Auto and they were looking at about two hundred and nine nine dollars.
It's not the kind of a gift that like, you're not gonna pull the footage own and be like, oh god, that was a great drive into Hamilton.
What are you gonna do? Doesn't track? And I said, why were they one that doesn't? They don't trust drivers in Auckland when they're coming to see you. This is my brother putting putting it on me. It's my foe, my father when they go they spend hundreds and hundreds of dollars to go to his house in Australia and they had to catch the trainer with people who probably stab them and then he picks them up. As opposed to the one hour drive take exactly, trying doesn't trives in Auckland. Someone they had them cut them off on the drive from on the motorway. But they've never had an accident. Have they now installing a dash so they could get the they could upload a picture. Mum's also not the sort of person that would upload a picture of the local Facebook page, being like it was cut off by this person. Let it out the window. Mom wouldn't know how to do that. And there's no insurance incentive to having a dash cameraright, I don't know there is.
It would clarify should there be in it, and again it would just put you in trouble if it was your fault.
Following very cautious drivers. Yeah right, But I just don't.
What a waste of like both something that they can even their house or use every day.
Yeah, there must be something else they need. A dash can must be so far down the list of Dad would just find it a fascinating technology. Now, Dad see things that you don't know anything out of that work. Yeah, Like when he came down my place and it was like, what's that. I was like, it's a starlink satellite. Oh yeah, he's like looking for them. You can't send them there, and he's just fascinated by it. He'd have no use for it. So anyway, but what else, there's nothing else for My sister had a nice.
Voucher for a lovely nearby restaurant, so you know, experience is not.
Crap my brother does. That's not on his radar. Your brother doesn't like vouchers either. He doesn't like eating somewhere expensive, and I'd been like, man, wasn't that an amazing experience? We could have mashed potatoes at home. We could have had mesh. The race to boomer. He always has been ever since there's a curd, he's always been a boomer. Anyway, You're in the hotel room and left that.
God we go to twenty twenty years six months later, and he hasn't apologized.
Wow, which never took to him again, or never took to him again. That's fair enough. I really talked to him, as you can see by the last time I tooked fourteenth of January