On Today's Lil Bitta Pod; It's a sad day as Fletch has lost something he's had since puberty...
The z M Podcast Network's little bit of pod.
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Now I have lost something that I have mind for my entire adult life.
We've lost something my sense puberty. I would say, you're your pubes falling out.
I have lost my virgin healing.
Oh here, I have shaved a part of my looks good?
Do people shave the leaves because it pops the money?
The how like?
So I have because I'm getting phizio. I think that's saying saying I'm seeing the you. Sorry, well I don't. I don't know.
Does he not see the p is he literally ever seen the.
I'm seeing the pose and I need strapping on my knee and the physio is like, you're gonna have to shave it because the tape sticks.
But it's bitter if there's.
No here, And I'm like, I have never and I've always never in a radio promo do a wacky waxing.
I know Vorn Hans.
We did a wacky waxing Vorn who his whole body was waxy. Wow, he was like a slippery yell WINTU him down, and I just like, and I slept with one of the people that witnessed it.
They saw me in my absolute worse than still.
Oh my god, do you yeah, wow crazy?
I look like a fucking turky. No.
But so I just use my body shape because I had to do the knee cat. Oh wait, what body shape? I've got like a like a clipper.
I can't for his men. I've got a clipper.
Usually as much I think it looks fucking great.
I reckon, do the whole lot.
Do the Legsven, You've got him now, but I.
Don't have like, No, you've got good here, ratio good.
It's a good amount of here. It's not soft light as light, so it doesn't look too bad.
Do you know what, though, there's gonna be a weird period because Aaron recently got a big shin tattoo and had to shave off his whole bottom half of his leg. It's given me such an ec watching that creple come back. I'm like, And then when you go through a period of here where there's like eyelash lengthy, You're like, oh, that's so nasty. So the regrowth period, the smoothness looks good on you.
Yeah, I know, and with a bit of tan.
Don't want to become a body shaving boy.
I see guys at the gym that must shave the legs and arms, and I'm just like, how do you that's so much upkeep?
Do you guys shave your torsos?
Clipper? Do you you every month? Six weeks?
Yeah? Four weeks?
Do you why?
You don't want it to be you don't like the long?
No, I don't like the it gets a bit long. Yeah, because Aaron doesn't.
He just lets his errand's just got a hairy chest and a little bit of a hairy poker.
I'm sort of into it. Yeah, well, there's definitely here there.
It's just clipping short interesting. Yeah, but not your legs, not your arm pets.
If I'm doing the chest, they'll just run it over the arm pets. I had no idea that you shave your arm saved chest.
Yeah, Oh my god, I've got more hero on my umputs than flinch right now.
Yeah, No, I got my laser. That's quite hot. Actually, yeah, your sideburns are coming in.
I am getting these laser.
No, I am joking. I can't see anything. I just thought side burns slightly.
Yeah, Soul Patch.
That's intentional, that's okay, good, Yeah, that's a fashion state people.
You want people to think you're a jazz dramm. Yeah, that's right. Two thousand Rock Bends, Yeah yeah, I want them to think that.
I absolutely go downtown.
What the flavor saver? Ohly spread?
Yuck, yuck