Women are better at being single
SLP - What are your thoughts on guy fawkes
Gifts from Sam the motorcycle man
Top 6 other reasons to sue your gym
Hayley cooked on the floor
Do love languages matter?
Its Beginning To Look A Lot Like Christmas
Jack Tame IV
What movie can you always rewatch?
Should Hayley livestream this?
37 Days a year on socials
Fact of the Day
Petty sibling fights
The ZM podcast Network, The Fleshborne and Hailey Big Pod.
Great things are brewing at Macafe. The perfect start to every day Clay.
Play ms, Fletch, Vorn and Hailey. Thank you, briand good morning. Welcome to the show. Fletchvaorn and Hailey. Two minutes past six. Hello, the big day is here, the US election day.
I feel a bit sick thinking about it. The neck and neck thing.
It's too close. Hey, it shouldn't be this close.
It's crazy. About half their country just voted for that woman. I couldn't agree more. I know. And she's not white, and she's young. We're the old orange guy take control.
Oh my god, you're getting worse like the last few days.
Thinking was you just kept putting more on, just more orange.
When he had the when he was dressed up driving the rubbish truck and he had the orange high that's on, it just really popped the orange far apart.
He doesn't go right up to the here. I know, you've got to get it through the heirline and then wash the here. This morning we're going to cross to Jack tame around. I just saw sorry, I just saw the orange. And then his lips are so wide.
No, I know it's yeah, it's like a parody, but it's that's real life's happening across to Jack Tame, who's over covering for TV. We're going to Jack around seven thirty this morning for the latest.
Too early.
We're not going to know anything until late tonight slash maybe a week A.
Vibe chick, would you say you were a vibe check?
I also want to question Jack on whether or not he made a conscious choice to do a live news cross with sunglasses on, or if you just forgot to take them off. It was really great. He's got like a real sick pair of ray bands on. I was like, did I love this guy?
Like the horn room sort of red bands like the top with the sunglass of choice.
I loved it.
I was like, I love this. I saw on the story like twelve hours ago. He was at the Kamala Harris rally, the final rally.
He's Ricky Martin.
Yeah, so we'll get the latest from Ricky, the review of the Ricky Marten performance and the Vibe Chick on the ground in the United States today is a vote. The top six is coming up. An Australian woman has tried to sue her gym. Yeah, this has got a big American energy, but it's Australia. She turned up late to a pilates class and they were like, no, you can't come in. I have when people turn up late.
Same that you've missed the whole warm up.
She tried to sue them, right, and she's been laughed out of the Yeah, laughed out of the courtroom. But I've got the top sex. Other reasons you should sue your gym. Yeah, yeah, legal election, yeah it's why not? Yeah, or legue action shut up for Yeah.
It was wake. It was weak. It was really a weak week. Just let people who don't go to the gym.
Next on the show, Who is better at being single? Do we think men or women?
Z ms Fleshborne and Haley.
There was a study out of Toronto.
Now you know, I can't do a Canadian accent, so I won't even try. It always kind of warps and goes a bit Welsh or do yep, see there it goes.
Study out of Toronto.
A bunch of psychologists put this together analyzing single people and in their happiness, like their.
Contentment with being single? Right, men versus women? Men versus women?
Now, non binary listeners, I do apologize. Science has not kept up, you know, and that's on them.
Now. Fletch, you're a single gentleman.
I'd say, if you're non binary, you just in all of these results.
You just take whichever one you want.
Yeah, just do you what it aligns with you? Fletch, your single and loving it, thriving?
Well, yeah, I don't have a problem with you. Am I ready too? At all times? He's do you like a prngle? Not not particularly? Yeah, sorry, it's so aggressive.
About like mashed potatoes. They're just powder, powder that's been formed into a fake chip, fake that you.
Buy and then it goes it turns back to mash dust. Well, okay, he's single, he's sometimes ready to mingle. He doesn't like a pringle. But you would say you're happiness.
You know you're not. You're not missing much in life.
If you said to me, who's happy to be single?
Men and women? Men?
Traditionally, traditionally you would have thought men, right, But this study found that it's women. And the reasons why it's quite interesting. One of them is one of the main reasons why I was because when we're single, we have a really strong like social network. We often don't go into like isolation or anything. We've got great support.
Girlies, you'll come crawling back to your friends that you haven't seen for the last eight months. Girls, No, my god, we're seeing Haley so much more now. Although this is a bad example because you I always prioritize you always prioritize your friends.
Before had we get a new partner and they kind of don't have time for anybody apart from a main one or two.
Yeah, do you know some of the other reasons.
So we're happy at single because we have a strong social support system. We're also less likely to experience unequal division of household labor when we're single.
Because we're not picking up your crap. We're not we're not looking after our man babies all right. When we're single.
We just get to just do our own chores and everything, not have to look after someone else. Less like economic division. We're just more sort of satisfied being on our own and not looking after men. We enjoy freedom, and then when we're single, we happen to pursue more personal pursuits like hobbies and different interests, whereas men often just sit there and.
Be like, no, no, girlfriend, we do hobbies. We do hobbies when we've got a partner. I've said this, the shout like you don't have any hobbies and made of mine said was partner, what are your hobbies?
She didn't, shouldn't name any.
Yeah, whereas when we're singler, not looking after you and not trying to power.
Your crack, I need to be human.
We go out and we do something, you know what I'm saying, but also get a hobby.
Again. You don't have to tell me twice.
I don't feel like I'm really falling into this category. But there you guys who it was women in general that were more.
It was happier, yeah, and just loud, you know. So we're just sitting at home being like, oh, we we need a man going to screw screw the screw into the wall.
Play it ms Fledgeborn and Haley.
Haley, silly little pool.
It is so silly, silly, silly, that silly little pool, silly little silly little pole, silly.
Silly little pole.
What are your thoughts on? Guy? Fawk's not the man who tried to blow British Parliament. Okay, I got to change my answer then, love the guy.
Just a bit of a renegade, just a pyromaniac. Yeah, we're talking about the fireworks celebration, which was last night technically on the calendar, but I think we can expect to see it for.
Weeks to come. When did they they kind of trim back.
Sales a three days, Yeah, the second, third, fourth, fifth, And it used to be it they spound sale for like weeks.
Remember that, it's awful. There's so mandy stands around. I hate It's just horse floats.
Yeah, this horse floats and parking lots and you just walk up and pay a person selling explosives out of a horse float. Yeah.
Well, look, we all change our opinions, don't we.
I used to love it as a kid, for sure. My dad would bring home a big mega boom box. Ye, Sparkler's going and enlighten them. But now yeah, Rolly hates it.
Yeah, pets aren't huge fans.
No, used to like climb into the top of a hill and then you don't have to spend any money. Yeah, you can just watch everybody else. Firefighters hate it because they're always putting it.
Yeah, people always setting them off in phone boxes in the nineties.
Oh, Yeah, people were dickheads of them.
What are your thoughts on, Guy Fawkes. Nine percent of people who responded love it.
Yeah, it's time to go do one big public display of a big, multi million dollar thing.
Yeap, No more at home stuff, No one wants it.
Forty one percent don't mind watching others, So I guess that includes public displays.
Yeah, forty nine hate it. Wish it was banned. Goodness.
So do you remember a few years ago, Alfred More then it wasn't even guy for it was New Year. Someone had a Roman candle and one exploded in an edge. That's into her ear. That's so dangerous.
We need we need to illegalize vapes you like agree? And probably the big explosives that were shooting into each other's faces.
Dan said, home these days, give me a professional service, please, Yeah, Nakita said, miss it so much here in Australia.
Don't get why it's not a thing here. Here's why it's not a thing here, Nakita.
Bushfires, bushfires, huge, huge bushfires in Australia is starting to get dry this time of year, so devastating. And then I always scare the snakes, either Quale's and rouse and plata poohe pie, and they do sell them in a c T right Canberra, Australian capital territory. I think it's the only reason that the they do sell them there at some stage of the year, or I think you can go get them, but then you got to go there, and.
I don't think anyone of them else go to Canberra.
Politicians love the colors, the sounds, and love seeing.
The kids' faces, said Rhiannon.
I'm assuming she means the kids faces without any bird It is pretty cool, Like I always remember the parents getting fireworks and you.
Know that's great.
Yeah, yeah, Vicky. It's currently ten pm and I'm lying in bedless in the fireworks. They have to get up at three thirty am, so I'm hating them right now.
Grumpy Vicky.
Yeah, good morning, Tagan said, As long as it doesn't disturb my sleep, I don't care. But I wish they did stick to just one day. The poor animals having to suffer for several days, Yeah, slash weeks is just cruel.
Why do we let idiots handle explosives. It's very very dangerous. That's a big question, isn't it.
It's a few days. Let them have their fun. I love it as a kid.
Just because I'm a grumpy child or thirty year old doesn't give me the right to take away the wonders of fireworks and little children.
We'll take them to the big displaying. The big glove displays are way better.
It's so much cooler. What was the big one, the golden chandelier at the end. Yeah, the ones that shoot off and nothing happens. But then it's like jokes pa, Yeah, and then.
Disneyland fireworks, the oh my god, how much have they been on fireworks?
Looked up once? I think it's ten thousand dollars a day. Jeez.
You know, the cozy living cry is over when people are literally making their money go up and flames. Since James and Felicity, I like them on Guy Forks night, I hate them every other night.
That's fair.
Well. You know some bogans are stashing a big boom box in the garage for New Year's.
It's hope no one flicks a cigarette at that box's way though. Yeah, between now and New Year's, don't be flicking the dorries over towards the boom box.
Dories towards the boom box, because the box is a fireproof but not really cardboard.
That is still a little pump.
Clay Leech, Vawn and Hailey blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. This is the top six.
Hello, they're an Australian ladies tried to sue her gym late to a plartess class and then claimed that not being allowed into that plartess class, I've breached a contract.
And of course her financial loss. Oh sh.
Like just be early like everybody else.
Yeah, nothing was bloody stretches outside or something.
The case was rejected in June. She wasn't happy with that. She launched an appeal. How much money has the specion? Got to be taken the sil thing to the courts and also rejected in October. So it's so like there's probably like a gym down the road. Just go to that one.
Yeah, yeah, you're all right, Yeah, well I that the top six reasons. You probably could see your gym.
Okay, number six on the list that made you sweaty and that was gross.
It is gross as did.
They make you sweaty or did you make yourself?
I wouldn't have got sweet if I hadn't gone.
There and if I don't wash those sort of semi immediately, right, So what are you saying them for? Laundry powder for time washing? Yep, yeah, just the grosser, just the grossness of like sweat running down your bump crack.
Yeah yeah, but pimples. If you stay in your gym gear too long as you know, that's their faulty. Number five in the last of the top six. Other reasons you see your gym. You haven't hooked up with any hot babes yet, and it's been a week, a whole week without any hot babe, whole week no hot babs. Yeah, yeah, I reckon.
We see them for gross negligence, yeah, number four on the.
Last of the top six. Other reasons I see your gym.
The music sucks and it's loud.
Just take your.
Own when you get your headphones and you've got to listen to the floor music, You're like, I.
Was thinking this the other day because it was no music at all at the gym, like maybe it had just stop playing or something, And I was like, well, who cares, because yeah.
Everyone's got everyone has their own headphones. But then you just hear that's true.
It can be a grunty place. That's why you need your own headphones. Oh yeah, the grunts.
I don't want to hear anyone.
Number three on the list of the top secks. Other reasons to see your gym. They make you wear clothes, and that's not the way the ancient Romans did. They're wrestling and training, they were always nude.
Oh yeah, okay.
They definitely have to be some policing of the wipe down of the benches.
Oh my god, I know I've got to wipe down through the clothes. You know when I sit on the bench, are you wiping? Are you giving a problem?
The pandemic's over, so I'm not bothering wild Wild. So you're telling me if you weren't wearing clothes, you would wipe down.
Yeah, absolutely, he'd wipe down.
Oh yeah, unlike Hayley, who just sits on a bench and leaves an impression.
I have to sit on the bench and then as I leave, I've sort of to smear my own.
Butt on it to get to perfect crack line. And then you but then you wipe, right, Yeah, I wipe yeah. Yeah. Same.
Sometimes I'm worried they're going to tell me off on how many of the wet wipes I'm going through. Yeah. Sometimes I'm like I'm waiting for someone to finish on a machine and they're like giving it a like spring clean, full spring clean. No one cares machine on the steel machine, I clean every single step, profuse.
I'm a sweater.
Yeah, I'm then around sweaty bitty. Number two in the last of the top sex other reasons to see your gym. You're not ripped yet and it's been a week. Abdominant owls.
You work out like three times in a week. Left up your ship, any.
China, anything happening there?
You abdominals popping through there. It feels like I've been putting in a lot of work.
Yeah, and number one of the less of the top sex reasons to see your gym. You might be feeling this right now. If you win yesterday, you're sore and they did that.
Yeah, very that you wouldn't be sore if you didn't go sweet theory. Yeah exactly.
I saw the clothes that you didn't wash are still sitting in the corner room and you can smell them from here.
No bodies snart, They're gonna need to sell in some sad Yeah, right, So you'll wipe down the machines, but you won't. You'll just leave this. You just leave your clothes in the corner of your room. Okay, thank you. Yeah that's about mankey. Your mankey all thanks to the gym another reason. Yeah, that's today sub sex.
Plays Fletchborn and Haley play ZiT ms Fletchborn and Haley.
First, I want you to manage your expectation. It's Christmas.
There are prisons to open. I love manage your expectations. I'm so excited. We talked about this a few weeks ago. Jewelry, my dad and I inherited.
A couple of things from my grandfather.
Well, three things in a Cobra hat yep, a nineteen sixty seven Landrover series too, which is currently in a shop getting some repairs and that's going to be experienceive and a quote bike yeah, which end your life and my life.
Yeah. I want to hear without them.
Your stubbornness yeah yeah, yep. The ability to just the temper goes from sarah to one hundred.
Yeah beautiful. Yeah, he really had that. Yeah. So many things, so many great.
Things, and one of the quite like it wasn't wasn't running great, okay, And Dad said, well, he was coming up anyway, and he was bringing the trailer with some stuff and he's like, let me take it back to the original it always got service at the same place in Marns or let me take it, and they know the history of the bike.
Bloody, good guy, Sam, he'll sort it out. Love it.
So then Dad calls me one evening and he's like, Sam wants a shout out on the radio. I've told him you'll give him a shout out on the radio. And here's the time of what she's driving, which it's not even now. This is not how shout outs work. And my mom's in the background being like, your father shouldn't be doing this that sort of you know, that knows he's gotten me a deal.
Mom's like, he doesn't even know what the beer is.
So anyway, the quad bike came back and it is looking smick. Apparently that's a silicon spray, a wash and then a silicon spray will bring it right looking looking great.
Right, So it was worth specks down a local Sam' spex it all up.
It's looking a million bucks. It's running fantastically. Yeah, can't fault it at all. Great ring lucky, you've got a quad bike for that huge piece of land. My god, how around from one side of your property to the other.
Towing things?
Yeah, god, if you if you didn't have a tow.
Bar in two trucks, wheelbarrow, yeah, screen, fertilizers, farmer, Oh my god, your Dan promis him a shout return for fixing this bike. Yeah. Well, well I didn't know what the dealer food was just going to cut me a deal. But he's fixed it all up and it looks looking fantastic now, he said. Fletch and Haley sounded a little bit upset during the shoutout that they weren't getting anything. We were just a little bit upset that you. I mean, it's it's just not a thing you do.
You sort of hijacked the radio show for your own personal gain.
Let people pay for advertising.
Yeah yeah.
Did point out afterwards that Haley did nothing but promote a show, multiple shows that she made.
But you from that a lot of money off.
You benefited from that too, with laughter, laughter, A great night out.
So Sam given An, I would again manage your expectations.
Don't tend to have a gift.
Shop yeah, it'll be in a bolt or something. I don't know what are we gonna do with I don't know. I don't even know what's in there. I haven't opened them.
Oh, okay, it's a key. I knew it to be a key ring. That's nice. Yep, okay, wait what is It's a sticker? There is like a ve like a valve cap.
Oh, this is a cool thing. It's a multi tool card. You put it in your wallet and now I've got a y knife and it's got a can opener, a knife there just threw opener, a four position wrench, a butterflo wrench, a saw blade and orientation direction indicator, a two position wrench, and a ken got.
A sticker with his car. It's like a business card sticker. I don't think this was supposed to be in the bag. I think this is just left over the bag.
It was just this.
I got one to Oh what's I did? Tell you to manage your expectations? A bike shot at a gift shop. But that's available for retire You've got to buy. I still think Rain and your dad with promising free showers.
This Japanese flagsticker, I don't know what that company is well, thank you so much, said thank.
You, saying that's lovely. Thank you yesterday. Do you know what else he does? Avy and rescue? We could have given enough of those. Yeah, want you want to incubate a little mystery egg that someone's given him, You may be okay, well you just rain your dad and you know Mums told him.
And thank you, thank you so much, Sam for these amazing gifts.
I really appreciate it. Ms Fletched, Vaughn and Hale. Okay, Erin's wake awake.
So I've just put him outside to go and see the situation because yesterday I think it maybe did talk about this on the podcast that I was trying to get rid of some stuff. So I've made a free sign and I was going to put some like pots and planters and sort of odds and sods from the garage.
Out there, like big terra cutta pots.
He said, right, yeah, there were some, and then there were more late after pots. No no, no, not tiracotta pots, just indoor pots.
No all the tiracott of ones.
I'm keeping all right then for the experience, just some big pots.
There's a couple of big pots on the way home.
We have to go and check out because I've put up a photo on the local community out my front boom, just free. I made a sign, really nice pot, nice pots. We've got a new color theme for the pots inside the house.
What's all aesthetics?
And I can't be having pink blue gray? Were a gray friend house?
You know that's a wicker basket, a yellow point pot and basket. Yah, yeah, yeah, yeah yeah.
And so yesterday I put it out and I was all excited and put them out my little free sign, hoping like people would just be driving.
By and go and pick up some free pots.
But as I backed out of my driveway this morning at five am, no one had taken.
A single pot. The pots go out yesterday maybe like two pm.
Okay, yeah's good pots.
They're really good pots.
You know your street's not a big why don't you walk to the main road.
You're gonna put that outside somebody else's house then, And that's just dumping.
That's fly dumping with a sign.
Yeah, because on the corner like my I'm quite like, I'm quite immediately.
Dress just gives you the whole address, pins and papers.
What if you put a sign at the corner saying free pots, hundreds of pots.
No, there's like six pots. I'm gonna have to come up with more. But then I did say on the community page, I did say, you know, keep an eye out for more because we're I'll be putting some more bits out. So I'm sort of eaching myself towards a market day, right, like a garage sale.
Bit the community count Wait at the moment your free pots and other nick knacks, you're gonna put it there for a.
Bit of a burly of the garage.
Soeu, no, look, can I be like that this house has some style, maybe some good stuff.
She's what she's doing next, Stay tuned for my garage.
Nobody's picking up your free pots.
Music selling of a lemonade store, maybe a cocktail stand.
Right, little you know, bits and bobs up the driveway.
Because if you're selling pot, I think you just chucked some shoes over the power lines, don't you.
Doesn't that indicate people?
I think people think that I'm being cryptic and I'm like free pot pot dealers.
No, literally, I'm not a pot dealer. I just have some pots that you can have.
That's what your sign should say, free pot, Free pot.
But then imagine the people turning up to my house because and then you can just say it's a technicality. I want one. I don't have any pot. I've got pots.
You've got, but it's our pot. And then you've got them. They're there, they've stopped, and they might be like, well, I guess I'll just take the pot.
Yeah, so you're not selling marijuana. No, well I'll take this pink pot. Thanks very much.
Play fleshed one and Haley.
Now, we've spoken about love languages at length on this show, and I would like to think that at length length.
At length, she's saying length, length, length. I'm not heading the m G hard enough, No, you're heading length.
We have spoken about love languages at lingtter, happier.
What's your language picking me apart? Isn't that?
Catholics for forty Vaughn's love language is perfection and grammar.
Yeah it is, and boy oh boy, we don't share it.
No we do. Don I've done it, Beynic. I'm not from perfect I think I do say. I think I've heard you say length before.
How what what length is that?
I'm not heading the G at all. This has really reflected myself back to me. I'll think about this later.
Now we've talked about it before.
Five love languages physical touch, quality, time, acts of service, words of affirmation, and.
The worst one, yes, worst one gifts, the gifts one for me if someone's like, what is wrong with everyone? You can't say it's the best thing about being in a relationship with someone.
They buy me lots of.
Press Like you're a sugar baby, right, your love language being that you might like to give gifts that you're like, right, I love just buying things for you. But yeah, if you're if your love languages a receiver, I love receiving gifts. Yeah, okay, how embarrassing for you. You don't want to just spend time or talk? No, I want prezzies anyway. Those are the five love languages. And there's lots of articles that have been like and studies like, oh this is you know, you've got to have a ligning love languages because otherwise you're going to feel deprived, You're not going to satisfy each other. Well, according to this new study, b yes, doesn't matter.
At all love languages.
Yes, And I think I know I would like to think that flittwad and Haley were a show that you come to for accuracy and things that are correct and true.
And we've talked about the value of these love languages.
Well, I'm redacting that at lengths at length, lingeth I have talked about it and the value of them.
It is just it's not it's not important because Gary Chapman's fault is going to say who made the love lane?
Gary, mister Chapman, he was the one who decided that it was his model that said that there are five ways in which we give and receive love.
So he's holy shit, he's eighty six years old.
Oh wow, Okay, but I feel like it's just been around for a while. The love language, it's just kind of like, yeah, what we all think is a thing.
Yeah, totally.
So there was a new study done this year that tested one hundreds and hundred and seven hundred long term relationships, Yeah, measured how satisfied they were versus you know, their independent love languages. And I went to show that, yes, like people do feel satisfied when they give and receive their their love language and the way that they desire. But to me, the conclusion was that it's just you know a bit of everything. He's got to do a bit of everything.
And you can't just give quality time but don't do anything for them or give them a kiss. Yeah.
And the reason the book The Five Love Languages was good was it just made people talk about it, right, People talk about what they like and it makes them feel goodah, which is just communication. Right.
Yeah, So it's not really all it was cracked out to be. In the end, you've just got to do. You've just got to keep read because yeah, we all really brought into it.
We did.
Yeah, yeah, I know even in our friendships. You know me, I was like boys, boys boys, more physical touch, more physical touch.
No hugs for you.
Now, I know you guys keep just buying me rings and flowers and gifts and stuff because you love languages gifts and it's not gifts. Yeah, no you don't, you're not.
What what's yours? Quality time?
It's quality times. Yours is words, words of affirmation and then physical touch.
We'll give me some words of it. If we're all here giving, we're all going to do it. Like how you've learned how to say link thank you Van, because you were to die the second part because before you were die. Okay, So try again. Okay.
I like how you've learned to say length properly. Thank you Vaughan, because.
I know I can't help myself. I can't help myself.
Plays it.
Fletchborn and Haley plays it.
Fleschborn and Haley.
Ooh, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas. Forty eight days, sixteen hours, forty one minutes until Christmas, and well Halloween's out the way. Yeah, this is when it's it's over.
Any day. Christmas penetration at one hundred percent.
Oh, look, has their decorations up every thing. And then I went into Saint Luke's in Auckland, the westfield that's got his big.
Chrissy tree up. I went to the House of Wirz. Oh yeah, the big red House of Wirz. Yeah, which I actually proposed to them as a sort of a rebranding. Oh yeah, House of Weirs and lom De la Ware or something. Yeah, class of class. They were playing Christmas music, yeah, on the on the on the store speakers a lot too. It wasn't just like one. It was we've started on the Hindus line to Christmas. There's no going back because the water has taken us in the wor matt. The light went green and we're down. We went down and we're here. Someone coming behind us as a few years. It's New Years behind us and we're hoping to get into the pool at the bottom before New Year's just over us on the top.
For some reason, Amber was in the Glenfield Mall after dark, after dark, Glenfield Moore after dark because the big slidey. Maybe she was in the food court Oh yeah, okay, which stayed open back in the day, used to stay.
Up on a little bit longer than the mall. And they pulled across a sort of a how do I discribe it? Am I right to say? A sciss a fence, Yes, a scissor ring fence.
McDonald's will do that at like a cutoff time, so the drunks don't congregate.
Where do they? Says a fence?
They says offence. The seats off, so you can only come in and then leave an order. Okay, Well beyond there, she said, look at all these Christmas trees and it's not one big Christmas tree, the smattering of Christmas trees throughout.
The Yeah okay.
Also said Kmart's really juged up the reindeer game in the last few days. These looked to be a decent size, sort of like a lounge based reindeer decoration. I wouldn't put them outside because they're soft. Okay, it'll only last a couple of weeks if you do. Yeah, but they can stand on their own four feet. This has got this has got entrance way written all over it. Okay, no, rudolphs I find that rude, very confronted.
We'll just paint one of their noses read you have to create your own one.
Sally has been to the tai Haapper sushi shop now I'm imagining the only sushi shop in tai Happer.
They're just a place that screams Christmas to well, they don't want to go overboard.
They've just put up a singular, a singular Christmas wreath. Okay, just a singular. They know that it's Christmas, but you should still get the turner rolls. Okay, yeah, you know without going to asking for a Christmas sushi.
What would a Christmas sushi be?
Pomi granite, it's rice, but in the middle it's just the cake.
Christmas cake, Christmas mince sushi.
No that's not a good mets. What about turkey sushi? They should try that. A cranberry rice around there, you're good, and then around that would you go see where? Would you make it more of a California roll situation and make it see what you rice? Turkey cranberry blot in the middle. Oh my god, they should do that. Yeah, what a great idea.
Can I just know that in the last few times that we've done, it's beginning to look a lot like Christmas?
With been ignoring some texts on the machine coming in, Yes, just come in.
I'll just read one that sums up I'd say a lot of texts. What's happened to the Christmas Orphans? And when will we hear from them again?
No, we did last year.
I believe they died.
I think we killed them off, didn't we?
They they were presumed.
What I'm saying is, as we approached one hundred percent, keep your airs to the sky for the return.
Of the Christmas Orphans. Presumed presumed did, but we never got. Did you see a body? I didn't see a body, and there was no funeral. I didn't see your body. It was a funeral. If anyone was getting an invite to the funeral, it would be you. I don't know.
I think they did. You were there, presumed dead, and the last one testament. I believe you were in charge of their estate.
I looked on the deaths and marriages. Marriages, No John and Jane does okay? Right? The age grow? No sign of them? Okay? Well, how many days away we're from Christmas? Good sir? For eight days away. If we're forty eight days away from Christmas and all that, mind didn't warm, right, No, Christmas penetration is ac sev.
It is beginning to look a lot like Christmas plays z ms Fletchn and Haley.
I was going to say, happy election, a beautiful America music.
Oh god, isn't it great?
The election is election day in the States, and it's a scary time.
Apparently we hear it's Nick to Nick Nick, Nick, yeah's hot. Well, I don't know sixy stuff. I don't know much about American politics. Fletch probably knows the most out of us.
But thank god we have Jack Tame on the phone. Who is in America?
Jack mcah Where about America?
Are you?
I'm sitting in the middle of Washington, d C.
Outside Howard University, which is Karmala Harris's old university, is where she's going to be having her victory party tonight.
But as someone who has been fortunate enough.
To do a few of these over the years, one thing I've learned about victory parties is that they're not always victory parties.
Yeah, and that sometimes it's kind of less of a party than the people who turn up are hoping.
And it may not happen tonight. It might be a victory party in a week or two.
Honestly, it's such a punished So you know how America's got like fifty different states. Of course they all have to run their elections differently, and because they're running them differently, they all decide to do them differently. Instead of having like one set of rules for all the states, they basically have different rules about when you can found the boats, different rules about when the polls open and close. And it means that we could be waiting for days ago?
Is that the states Saturday morning New Zealand time?
Right, So you're saying the states aren't really that united after alls have all got these different Oh the.
Thing they could be a line in my six News story tonight, actually have it back for that.
That's actually pleasurism, isn't it. She gave she gave that mission.
So some states, because there's been a lot of early voting, some states can't count early votes before the election day, but some can.
Is that correct?
Yeah, that's one hundred percent right, So, like there have been eighty million early votes cast. So you think, well, you know, for the sake of efficiency, especially in those states, like the seven states, the swing states as they call them here, the battleground states that are the all important ones that are going to decide the election, you would think, for goodness, state guys, you have the whole world waiting. Surely you can get onto counting though she don't have to publish them before the polls post, but sure you can get onto counting them. But not so they have different roles, and it means that some of them they won't even open the ballots until after the polls is closed.
Tonight, what can we get it?
May I just ask you for a vibe check, Jack, because what's like, what's the energy like? Because it's a very polarizing election this year, I would say.
Vibes are bad. I'd say bad vibes. And one of the things that makes it most interesting on the on the bad vibes front is that did a huge gender split. So women are massively favoring Kamala Harris, men are massively favoring Donald Trump, and like like at historic levels, Like you've never seen a gender split like this in a US election. So I just think, like, how many incredibly awkward conversations are there around the dinner table time in America.
There must be.
Millions of houses around America where mum and dad have completely different views.
This is why when.
When I vote, I actually go into the booth with my wife to make sure she's voting.
How I see as a man should run.
Do you go see Kamala Harrison add out like nationwide saying, yeah, you don't have to tell your husband who you vote.
I of course, Jess, of course, yes, yeah, my wife's a huge right winger.
Yeah. So Trump's already been making noises about you know, regged elections, and you know, well, you know, if it doesn't go our way, it's obviously unfair. Have tv ins had issued you with a like a bullet proof vest or anything in case things turn a bit fair?
Of no, to be honest, it's pretty loose, like kind of worryingly. So I had to fill out like one of these like a form just saying like we take health and safety precautions, but I don't know that. Around DC at the moment, there are actually fewer security measures than there were four years ago. So four years ago they like put they boarded up the whole of the capital and then nothing happened, and they were like, oh that's all good. Nothing happened. And then on January sixth, so yeah, yeah, and it was funny that were not really funny. But this big police chief in Pennsylvania, which is a really important state, tonight he came out and said, if you are planning on doing any militia activity tomorrow, just if and try it. That's what he said. Oh wow, yeah, which is like I was like, man, it's definitely like you don't really get that when it's like, oh, is it going to be national or is it going to be neighbor Who's going to win this year?
You know, you don't kind to get that name America.
Ray. Now, you I saw on your Instagram storied what thirteen fourteen hours ago you were at a Kamala Harris rally and you saw Ricky Martin.
Oh you know, Ricky still got it. That's the thing about you, Ricky Martin, he is still be still moving, He's still bands.
So it was Ricky Martin, Lady Gaga and Oprah and her last rally, but as well as it usterday she had the roots, Christina Aguilera, John bon Jovi and Katie Peerry and Donald Trump had Don Junry different like you can you know what the celebrities are leaning in America.
So what does your day look like?
For the rest of today? What are you up to? What are you doing?
I want to hurry up and wait, so so I'm out for Howard. We just basically need to wait for the polls to close. They close it or they start closing at one o'clock New Zealand time. Of course you restate his different timings, which is real punished. But we wait for those poles to close, wait for the early numbers to start coming in. But like I said, I've done this a few times and I know that it's a super late night and that honestly, we could be waiting a couple of days until we have a final result.
You make sure that you keep your fluids up. Yeah, sometimes you forget to eat, don't you, Jack, You forget to eat?
My best.
Worry stay safe, Thank you very much.
You can follow our Jack and the one news team for all the US election developments across Q and A six pm and TVs in plus throughout the day.
Jeeves, it's nerve wreaking.
I feel like play ZiT ms Fletchfornan Hayley.
We were deciding as a family what movie we were going to watch at the weekend, going through and there's lots of choice, and you're like, oh, I don't want to watch that one too much, that one's an appropriate for children, and yeah, it was.
Great when you just had the DVDs that you had, Yeah, you know.
Or you go to the store, go to the store, absolutely get your eyes off those new releases because they're not coming back into town tomorrow to drop that off. Oh no, you've got to get into the arts festival section that's free. You're going into the week long highest. Yeah, some stage, mum's going to pop back in for grocery. She's gonna always remember to bring that back. Not coming back tomorrow, and we are not running we're not running something back and tomorrow, we're not doing it your release for seven dollars not don't be ridiculous, ridiculous. So we ended up sittling on Mowana, which is a family classic. We love this and I tell you what, still get tears, still get a little bit like it gets a bit much for me at times. Grandma dies and she's like, I'm out of spoilers. Oh, I'm sorry. If I spoiled a movie that came in in twenty.
Sixty eight years ago.
Such a good movie, and we watched it, I might have noted off.
You know, Dad's sold a little not off.
Dadds like no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, bloody, how she's gotta get that heart. There's a million new movies. Watch something with your time that you haven't seen.
No, I'll always always rewatch Tropic Thunder. That's my one of my favorite films always.
I haven't even seen it once. I've seen it like fifty times. Really, why do you like it?
It's so funny because of the problematic junior black face, problematic.
It's kind it's a point at the whole film industry. WILLI one Chris My Faite watched that a thousand times. Bridesmaids of the original, I watched that, not Charlie in the Chocolate Factory, WILLI.
Wanker and the chock Afection original. Yeah, I watched that a million times.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, but no watching anything with Hugh granted it.
I'll just watch that a thousand times.
I love you get into Christmas, so love actually is probably gonna Yeah yeah.
Man, how many time you seen that? Every year? I don't need to see it, just don't need to see it again. You know, Aaron's family watches The Sound of Music every Christmas.
That's okay, that's traditional, but that's long. It is like I still haven't seen the whole thing.
And so many more Nazis than you thought that because the Nazis Christmas.
That's not it Christmas Like the Nazis like.
Goodbye, You're like cute and then suddenly whoa run mister Trap and the entire family.
Well, that's why we want to know what movie. Maybe it's a comfort film because comfort TV. Everybody's familiar with TV. You sit down and you watched I don't do that as much. Produce producers, do you have movies that you rewatch over and over.
Yeah, I can watch Clueless a bunch of times.
Yeah, great, I've seen it once. Poor early Paul Ride that still looks the same as.
I Reckon, I do Legally Blonde and Forest Gump annually Carol enough now to appreciate for Stump.
I watch so much time when I was like tenish, so much happens that like every.
Time you watch it, something you you it's good. And Legally Blondes a classic.
Oh my god, could you see watched it for the first time after you played Tennish Tinnish.
When I was like ten ish, I watched it after I played tennis.
Okay, okay, well, this is what we want to ask this morning. Is here a movie that you always rewatch.
Just watch a thousand times? And what is that?
Maybe you're scared to admit it because it's not a great movie, but you love it.
We're going to create quite a good list here.
Okay, I've just sort of one. I could rewatch What Taken?
How many times?
Watch? But it's not like it's not every month, it's maybe an every year. Ten things I hate about you? Someone texted and.
Seemed to be reckon coms. Okay, the second the Batman with Heath Leedger in it when he's the joker Man.
I could watch that. I love that movie.
Okay, I wain't how to dance it in sound number give us all you can text through? Nine six nine six?
What? Oh my god, someone just takes them the worst film.
What movie can you watch over and over and over and over and over. Wow, it's the real palatable films that we're getting through here. We want to know the movie that you can watch one hundred times over time and time again.
The morn it was Mowana.
You say palatable, Talisha, good morning, good morning. What is the film that you watch over and over?
I love Once for Warriors and Michael bought shit a thousand times over. Good an amazing film, but oh it was very cheap.
It's a very cheap film as well, and I think a lot of people could learn from it.
Yeah, totally.
Oh, I mean yeah, I probably watched Once Warriors every five years and every time I'm like, wow, this is a masterpiece.
And also.
Yeah, yeah, Talisia, thank you, Emily. What is the movie that you can watch over and over and over?
Would be Independence Day?
Really you're doing nineteen ninety five, Will Smith Jeff Goldbloom movie.
That's the one, you know, log Will Smith and Jeff.
It's always definitely Prime TV.
That's the one with the cookie beer is flying the giant cookie nine. Yeah, and the crazy guy at the jet up into it and yells all the aliens correct.
Yeah, yep, yep.
The second one doesn't live up to the first one, but the first one is always the one that I.
Go back to.
It's wow, wow, not a film I would have expected, like a rewatch over and.
Over, because I would say, as you say, like the ones that are coming through on the text machine are like your rom coms.
You're sort of like kind of trash adjacent fighters.
See Emily's name. I assumed I saw Independence Day three times a year, and I assumed it was a dude. Yeah, very surprised, Bridget, What is the movie you rewatch over and over?
Good morning guys, pitch perfect times.
I hate it, So we don't say we don't I strongly, but yeah, it's a real love hate film, isn't it.
It's great for when you're running on the treadmill though, and you need a bit of a kick somewhere along the line.
And yes, so bit of sing song.
I love that, bridget thank you messages in forgetting Sarah Marshall. Yeah you're a great a great movie. A few for the Princess Diaries. That's the end half the yeah yeah yeah sound of music and Greece.
Greece actually really yeah, love it. It's a form of torture. A lot of brothers, brothers, a lot of yeah, do we just become best friends?
In fact, just lots of tall dagger Nights is another one that's like little fer movies, very palatable.
I don't have to think too much. It's just hangover like a movie, like the Hangover, like the Hangover. Watch it meaning Princess Bride. Oh yeah, that's a classic.
Keep your tickets coming in nine six nine six, Oh wait a hundred dance at m those movies you just rewatch over and over. I shout out never any story. Someone said, when our taxes in the swamp.
Fight against the Satins, slaps get to you have to.
Try to give sinks.
I literally cry, I never seen it? What sir, our what we're gonna do? We live streams sometimes you think you won't cry? Rock your a picture show twice a year they say yeah, that's a good Yeah, that's a good movie. Do you want someone message and shriek? And I think that's a great choice. I'll have to shriek one trick too. Okay, you don't go for a shrik three na stop of two one? Do you know what?
Speaking of movies, I saw an article yesterday from the guy that did Back to the Future one too, because oh my god, are like begging him to do a fourth yeah, and he's like, no, I'll do a musical. So funny, it was a musical. There's a good way show. But he says he'll do a musical movie what and they don't want?
Yeah, no one wants.
But that would be a good watch. Now back to the Future. Back to the Future, it stands up perfect trilogy. It's it's perfect and they're still funny out things and you're still finding out a little easter eggs, I know, hidden hidden in there.
Zoolander Sossage a great movie, great movie, great movie.
Fifty Shades of Gray.
That's probably the horniest movie we've heard that people will watch because it was it was also a terrible movie, so bad, Yeah, terrible movie.
The Greatest Showman that's a pretty good movie. That's musical.
I love Powers. Me and my dad will watch Austin Powers. Rules want the original Powers.
Is it problematic?
Yeah, I think it's so bad. There's a couple of.
Real bad.
That's pretty good, so funny, pretty good.
Yeah. Anything with Hugh Grant Ossandra Bullock. They are the rewatchable machine.
Two weeks.
Notice that's ginality. The Proposal, Yeah, die hard. Someone said, especially around Christmas.
Someone's such anything with Kevin Costner in it, and I agree. I went through he said a lot of f I like it.
When he was a sports film and he's always the coach of a beaseball team, and.
That will come heaps of sports films he did.
He did some crap films, and then you've got some light hearted stuff like American Sniper. Yeah, yeah, yeah, Jesus, just don't watch that too many times. Shortshank Redemption, you know that? Another really light watch? Yeah, The Green Mile, another light watch, very easy, very palatable.
Someone messaged in one and I'm trying to find the title of it again. They described it as an eighties lesbian horror film. Now where is the title.
We've had so many texs.
Anyway, I'll just be googling eighties lesbian based horror films and trying to find all the work Wi.
Fi Playm's Fleshborne and Hailey play ms Fletchborne and Hailey.
Okay, if you have been listening since around six point fifty this morning, we discussed the fact that I put out a sign on my front bom that said free and a bunch of pots. And I did it yesterday afternoon and as of this morning, no pots have been taken. I've just received a photo from erin.
All gone, All gone, Wow, all pot's gone.
And they left the free sign, which is nice because if they took there, we were a dignafu.
The sign was also free because it said free on.
Its literally the most free thing there. It was written on congratulation. Thank you.
Now, I'm just racking my brain of all the things I can't wait to get out of my garage today and put on my burve for free, for free. Anyway, today another thing that I have to do, and I've been putting this off, and I did talk about this maybe a year ago. Today, I am going to undergo a medical procedure, okay, and when I sounded go, I am going to do it.
Myself to myself all my home. This already sounds like a bad idea.
No, it's fine. I've bought a kit from the pharmacy and I'm bleaching.
No bleaching.
What go on?
Idea? Bleaching? What bleaching?
This guy doesn't deal with a woman enough. We're not moving forward until you say, are you going.
To be bleaching on them dark body hairs you've got on display?
This guy's a.
Lunch ones in particular, point them out to me touching, Point out and pull one, Go up and say, oh, you've got something in your face, Go and pull it and then find it's attached.
Go on, go on bleaching? What speaker it was? It was a joke because you don't need a bleach.
No, I'm not bleaching something. I'm going to today. I'm going to freeze my own wats off.
I don't know. I'm a trip.
That's a trip to somebody that's not doing it yourself. And I told you, because I didn't know what you were talking about freezing like doing at home. I told you at the time, you gotta get some some daisies and some dandelions and crack there.
I got back to witch school too, and my doctor, and they had the thing, the machine the dr freeze dry them and gund it. It was insane and it just drops off.
Well, I you can buy it at home kit, and I'm going to do it to that. I've got one on my wrist here that's been here for ages. I've never had I've never had warts, do you know? When I was growing up, I had them, And I've sort of always had like.
What or two on the car. But you are a witch, but I am a watch.
It's important, and you're just going to keep freezing them off till one comes on your nose, which of course is the best place for which.
Rubbing and rubbing and rubbing way wats on my So people know I'm a watch, but it doesn't work. I've got one on my rest here. That's a sort of small one. I've got quite like a beauty mark. I've got quite a big one here on my knees.
Is it officially a way that they stuck out more and they were like wrinkling?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, Mine as a kid were like that mine, and now we're just a little as an adult. There's another one just underneath, and I think maybe I've got another one of my ankles.
I think I got four, and then there's one of my rests here. Where'd you get through it? Where'd you get them from? Don't know, I've just had I've had this one. I mean the kit.
Get them at the chimis the chiss, I've seen them.
How do you do it?
It's larger, it's like a burning, like a chemical kind of situation, and you basically just like dup it and then and then dup it and then it like turns white and eventually we'll fall off, hopefully not in the studio.
Brush that off them off the beach.
But my question was right because you know, I'm a girl who likes to be real and I love to share it with all the people. Should I live stream the pros and then I could keep updating people with the process of the wars.
The one that you showed on the knee is a bit beggar, but they're all quite tiny.
But they are small, so I don't know if the payoff would be there. It was a sin to me. I want I like the content or not strange.
I do have a strange kind of big mold, but I don't think you should burn those off at home.
That's like they could need to cut that out. So you want to live stream the because how long does it take?
Well, I just a chance to jump on and talk to people and as I as I sort of do a process that people might relate to, because I think I think I've actually been really hashtag brave.
Here ensuring there as a beautiful woman in the media, a beautiful wman in the media. Yet I'm not.
You found one, well, a beautifuloman in the media you talk to about what it's like and how you hope to want For.
One, I'm a beautiful woman in the media who's been hashtag brave by sharing who told you that the mirror?
The mirror told me that. Okay, so this disillusionment perception itself, she's got a case of the warp warps.
I think it's a stunning, seemingly perfect woman in the media. I should got the old warps that I should share this process of me burning off my warts.
Okay, you haven't thought you haven't thought that's through because you're going to need your fiance Aaron to be the cameraman, because you're going.
To have to try pop Babs. You're gonna try, it's gonna ring light. Okay, oh yeah, I do need to get in there. Don't you need to get in there?
You with your war closer to the camera. Yeah, oh, move me to limbs. Yeah, okay, do we have feed.
I used the at home kit Hailey didn't work. Someone else said those at home kits can spread warts, not strong enough to kill them. They might have had some mega warts. But then somebody else said the wark kit works. Someone else said appleside vinegar is amazing for warts, amazing, good for digestion. The wark gets are easy as to use. It's like an intense brain freeze. You push it on the area.
Thought of this.
Same, I want to try something. Yeah, I've always seen them at the chemistry and like, wish I had a wart to burn. Push the canister. It's like five seconds. Not worth the live stream, they said.
Not worth her? Yeah, not great feedback so far from me filma in case it doesn't go right. Yes, that's what I was thinking.
Then if it's you know, you burn yourself, or you leave it on too long, you don't follow instructions, there's this live stream disaster.
Because you've got multiple warts. You have wart covered the stage.
We have established youd.
Have a few minor ward.
We should do different warts with different remedies. You can try my Dandy Lion on one wart. Ok, and then we can try an apple side of vinegar and another wart, and then you can freeze another wart.
How many have I gotten the go? That's males one through the plant. It took a few weeks, but no scars. Three four.
I think I've got five up for grabs. So we could do a wart kit. Yep, we could do an apple side of vinegar. We could Why is Aaron listening? Go to the doctor? No, shut up? We could go home kit Dandy Lion, apple side of vinegar, and I've probably got four goodies.
I'll find another straight from the plant, an Elvira plant.
You apply clean nail polish to the wart and suffocate it, then put a bit of insulation tape around it.
I'm sorry, No, that's not how you treat yourself. Go to why terraces and topor the sulfur and the pools got rid of all my warts? Yeah?
Going to go.
Around saying every time.
I need to take a plastuf, I just go for a swim in a public pool. You know what, though, at least if you did go for a swim, you'd get out with no disillusionment and disillusionments illusionment?
Why what? Why would I get out of the warts are causing you to be war? Yeah, you're I don't think so. I think you straight. I don't have you've got war war. I don't have what war warp. I just it's just beautiful female in the media that you know Hailey James sprangwalk. She's got walk on the branch only by Tony Street, just behind. She's got warp. No Number one. You asked anyone? You ask anyone?
Okay, do you know teatre oil and banana skin? You could use banana peel a small square bat and change it in the morning and night and no, I want more aggressive. Well, I drained pass out of my toe yesterday and I didn't even think about live streaming that because that was gross, but.
It was fun.
You've put a cuticle thing from your trek that you did over the weekend. I looked at it this morning.
It's no good thought it was an inground tone, but it wasn't. It was one of those things. Yeah, use a medical term for it that I can't pronounce, but yeah.
It's Aaron said, go to the doctor. The universe just told me, Aaron, you need to stop Hailey from doing something dumb. So I tuned in and thank God, go to the doctor and get them burnt off. You No, I'm doing a live stream test of water removal.
Plays it Fletchborn and Haley.
A study has been done by Canterbury University. This was before them to do this, before everybody got the sheets at the Uni Horse. Oh my god, did you see the story on the news last night about the univors with everybody doing the I love that.
You watch the news at night. I do know it's so traditional. I was annoying last night they put the stupid Melbourne cup on. No time for that.
They put the stupid Melbourne cup on, which meant they couldn't fit in a whole episode.
Of The Chase. Who wants to be a million? The Deal or No Deal Deal? I'm running a letter.
I love it you like you were like an eighty year old at ryman waiting for the news to come on every night, Chase, because that's my chance to prove to my children that I'm quite smart when it comes to without the yusaid, I felt there was a drop in respect.
Well Canterburing University.
A study has surveyed social media users in New Zealand aged between eighteen and forty four. And this when I give you the amount of days that we spend on social media take into account. This was just Facebook and Instagram, so not even TikTok. What they found that key, we spend on average thirty seven days a year.
We're losing a month, hold days, whole days.
So they worked out the average is it a twenty four hour So that's two and a half hours a day. That's the average on platform. So you could actually find your average if you've got an iPhone with screen time. Yeah, so two and a half hours a day on Facebook. And then that's just Facebook and Instagram. That's not even taking into account TikTok, which is for you know, eighteen to forty four year olds wasting a hell of a lot of time a day.
Yeah, how do we I want to see how we see how much time we spending on Instagram.
App and turn on Oh and I've just I don't have it tour.
So they found they found that participants showed signs of addiction and reported being subconsciously drawn using social media. Do you know what was amazing last week because I was doing the heavy track and for a lot of it, there's no cell phone reception like this cell phone reception on day one and the last day. But we still had our phones because we were obviously taking photos and they'd be on the table and the amount of and we actually commented on it because we would all pack up our phones and just check yeah yeah yah, check for notification to that point where were like, why are we checking no reception?
Sometimes I leave Instagram like board of Instagram, and so I'll leave it and I'll swipe a little bit and I'll be like.
Oh, we have a look at Instagram, like my brain is just forgotten. Then I've just been on it.
But if you're doing more than two and a half hours a day on social media, which is thirty seven days full days a year, you'd.
Be looking at months. Will I'd be saving holidays?
Yeah, yeah, I would be saving up my screen time to tune into my live stream of water removal this afternoon. You know, if you were going to be trying to live at your screen time that you're going to spend on Instagram, Yeah, save it up because I've got some good content coming this afternoon.
You're burning some warts off, burning some waters. I don't think it's sixty content.
It's going to be really really great piece of comment him plays in ms.
Fleishbourne and Hailey Fact of the day, Day Day.
Day, day.
Do do do.
I need a song in the background for today's Oh hold on? Well, no, thank you, no thank you. Don't need tickets to take mccray's concert.
I will play.
This is a one man show. He's just sort of having a conversation with himself. Everything the song A lot of people believe I promised you yesterday. Love a song a fact about the rainbow flag, well known to represent the l g B t Q Y plus community, and so this is about the original and people often thought it was about Julie Garlands over the Rainbow, you know, Julie Gallant, one of the original gay icons. But the guy that designed it said, it's more about the rolling Stone song She's a rainbow, Oh yeah, which is a very uncaraster, uncharacteristically rolling. So this is a song that influenced the rainbow flag, the original rainbow flag of the seventies. The original rainbow flag, however, was not the six colored rainbow flag that everybody got used to red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple. It was hot pink on the top stripe, and there was a turk woins hot pink eliminated because hot pink colored material was hard to come by in flag material.
It was hard to come by in the DA material back of the day.
It made it a very expensive flag then worth the seven colors when it was hung on lamp posts for a parade in San Francisco didn't then the guy was like, it wasn't right with seven. We needed to knock one of those colors off too.
Manys was the one.
That went, Okay, god, yeah, it's too much. I'm just looking at the original now do you know what I mean? It's too stripey, Oh too yeah, too stripe.
But each of the colors and the original or designed by Gilbert Baker, represented an aspect of the Well, that's why they've added the flag. They've so many things. And there's a trianglear hot pink at the top which was eliminated represented the sex represented one life unfortunately.
The Heart Radio where of your podcasts there have been in life without sex.
The orange represented healing, beautiful, yellow represented sunlight, green resented nature, Turquoise represented the magic. Yeah, Endigo represented serenity and violet represented spirit.
What's nature got to do it with queerness? Well, we learned last week it's everywhere. I thought the yellow was rush that I don't know. I don't get that reference. I don't worry neither neither.
I've just heard you say things. I just say things. I hear the just so I just repeat it. I don't know what these things. Okay, Rush, I can tell you. Rush is as a popper. This is okay. I don't know what I'm saying. I'm just reading the gays of Google like a party pop. It comes in a yellow bottle that says rush and it's got lightning on it.
Yeah, what is it? It's for cleaning leather upholstery. Gays love cleanly, they do, they do.
You've got to clean your livers. Yeah, that's actually what one of the colors stood for, yellow clean.
Have to clean your livers, clean after every weekend, clean them.
So Yeah, Once pink was gone, and then turbois followed soon after the popular sixth color version.
Yeah, and over the show. Yeah, Flag it's got.
Everyone wanted to be included in it. But now we've got it's now it's it's too busy.
It's a busy flag. Yeah yeah, so that what a bit of flag that just is like gay? Oh yeah, just yeah. Why just like white flag writing gay and it's just everyone white flag black writing gay. It's not nearly enough to present the community. I think it's but it's just everything. It's too much now, you've stripped it too far.
But if I say purple flag with pink writing, and they're like, what about this just gay?
And it covers everything everyone, it doesn't cover everybody because gays isn't just apologize to our lesbian listeners.
Ally on the team bisexual gay, right, you know it's a little bit gay. Okay, well that's just my suggestion. I'm just I'm not going to hold a.
River ten mills of leather clean. It doesn't seem like it does. I've got a huge couch.
Today's fact of the day is that the we're on to the next Rolling Stone song a with that syn indication we've talked for too long. Although I can't get no satisfaction, not a gay anthem, because you know those gays they get all the satisfaction.
Someone said that and the that and the couch cleaner. Uh so it's Tickson is such a weird example of what Russia is. I don't think it could be there. Why would live cleaner do that? It's crazy.
Someone zero relaxes the just well that's where I like to do my relaxing on the couch anyway. Today's fact that as the original rainbow flag was inspired by a rolling Stone song and it had two more colors that.
Were eliminated due to cost and am balance. Fact of the day day day day day Yeah.
It ms fletch Vorn and Haley plays ms fleshed one and Haley.
Olivia Rodrigo has said that she was being interviewed and asked about dating and what it's like. Da da da da, and she revealed the question that she always asks someone on a first date gets read.
Fig Okay, this is a very oddly specific question that I ask guys on first dates. I always ask them if they think that they would want to go to space, and if they say yes, I don't.
I just think if you want to go to space, you're a little too full of yourself. I think it's just where it. Yeah, So Olivia Rodrigue hates space as much as She's like.
You, I would never go to space, even if it was like free, like no On Mask or Jeff Bezars were like, we'll put you up in a rocket, you know, for free you get to look out space.
There's no way in hell you do it.
No way in hell. I don't need to see that. I didn't even even know about it. When the thought pops into my mind about space, I just try to block it out.
What is it though, that that question achieves? Well, she said it's a red.
Flag for her that someone wants to go to space because they really full of themselves.
I thought it was more just like you were with a renegade.
Yeah, someone who like a an Elon Musk. They're just douchebag.
It's like, just live your life on Earth and then we'll and then we'll leave this mortal coil.
And then that's different to me. That's do you want to invest insane amounts of money? Yeah, that could be used for benefiting people here on getting to spaces. Yeah, question because then obviously it's an odd one.
Well, I imagine if you received this question on a date, you'd be like, what a weird question? Like, it's not what are your dreams and aspirations, or what do you like to do you spare time?
Do you have any kids? Do you have a problem signing a prenup? Day first date? Find out about the prenup you want.
We're running out of time for the planet's going to explode. We need to find our mate for life, right, so we're asking all the questions.
This is what I want to know. Have you been on a date and been.
Asked something really like bizarre or off color or just out of the blue like this question, so it's not outside of your stock standard first date question.
Sometimes you hear people asking like if people are into certain things.
Yeah, you're like that, I haven't even had the bread yet.
Yeah, we haven't even got our main year yet a litt alone. But maybe you win and totally into stuff.
Yeah, Like they're asking now, like just activities because that's something I say, like that they just want to cut to the chase. Maybe the people like because if someone said to you, do you want to have kids on a first date?
Would you would do you think that was odd on a first date? Um, it's a little like but yeah, now twenties, maybe in your mid thirties. Last time I was dating. I was like pre twenty one, so that would be weird. I would have been late.
I probably would have left and been really upset and said curse words if I if I was single now I went on a date. I think that would be a normal question, a vallid question. Write your old hand, jeeps, that's what's that that you're ovaries coughing?
You want to have kids or not? Let's go.
I'll be like, okay, I'll wait one hundred dollars at them, and we want to ask you now you can text through nine six nine sex.
Have you been asked something strange on a date? We want to know the weirdest thing that you've been asked on a first date?
Death, good morning, good morning? What were you asked?
I like latex and balloon play straight.
Out of the gate on the on the first day you met this person, first date, first half an.
Hour, so because we're not here to youck, someone's young, you know they one's into their own thing. But when you were chatting before the date, was was there any incline?
You know, an.
Nothing, not a single thing.
It wasn't a photo of him and his tender profile hunting like a bunch of balloons.
No, he did tell me that he could send me some photos if i'd light But that was then when I said I needed to go to the bathroom and I left.
That was going to be my next question is whilst there was a second date? But no, there wasn't even a second No.
No, thank you?
Yeah, okay, amazing step, thank you.
I'm not a good fit Angela. What was the weirdest question you got on a date? Well?
I didn't even get the question.
He just straight out blurted while we were sort of looking at the menu that he had a zero spoom count?
What made him think of? What on the menu made him think of that? White bait friends or something money bags?
It was all I could think of the rest of the day, was just looking at him, thinking he's got a zero spoom count?
And was that of interest to you at that stage? Well, I don't.
I don't know that I was giving him any said he might be going to.
Use that later, but it was it was just sort of four.
I don't know whether he was planning a family or.
Yeah, maybe well maybe he just thought maybe if you were planning family or something longer term, he just let you know out of the gate on day one that that wasn't an option.
How did you respond?
I just said I wanted the super of the day is.
Hey, Hey, I got zarah sperm count. Interesting. I wonder what the tomato and Harry Pumpkin's going to be nice, Angela, thank you. Some messages in.
I got to ask if I was on the pill without within about twenty minutes of the first date. That was absolutely not the vibe of the date, file said. I got asked if I believed in space. It's not thing you believe.
I just believe it's there. It's not really like Okay, this is a good question. Okay. I got asked, what's your favorite times table? That's a great question. What nine?
They want a specific multiplication?
Mine's eleven or ten or one or five. I love the one all time, but one.
It's eight times seven. No, I hate eight times seven. I'll go nine times not.
Like one specific one specifically it's your favorite times table? And my answer, someone said, I answered seven times three twenty one.
It's nice, it's good, and it looks it looks right, it feels good, is good, and so I immediately answered a seven times three equals twenty one is mine and he said that's a good one.
Nine six is fifty. Great question.
PPT is coming in asking you the weirdest thing.
Do you know what I reckon? Tomorrow? We do the phone and what's your favorite times table? Singular?
So much feedback on it, so I was like, I can't believe nine times three has been overlooked. Oh my god, twenty seven, nine times three gorgeous. Three times seven is the best? Three times seven twenty one.
Yeah, it's five, two times seven fourteen, It's like, okay, seven is a good Okay.
Back on track tomorrow. The weirdest thing you've been asked on a date? The first date.
Some of these are making me like, oh my god, people are impossible.
I got asked by a guy on Tinder who I was going to go on a date with if you don't if you are going to go to the gym before our date, don't shower before the date.
And he had a bo fitter. She likes this woman smelly. Oh, I have to cancel the day. Yeah, it's good. Thing, got to be honest.
She just save you a bit of time though in the future.
Yeah, had a shower all the time.
Yet Yeah, the initial question wasn't so bad. He asked if anyone had ever said I look like a del obviously a huge compliment.
Del's a megababe.
But then he made a comment about how some people might might have found that offense of due tois size.
I was stopped talking.
But then stop it over, It's not over over. The best part was then he tried to start guessing my weight. He googled how much adl waide, Oh my goss s and then just keep guessing a number under that. Stop stop, stop stop, learn from this.
I had just sat down with my bourbon.
Okay, yep, yep, I just sat down in moderation only one, and he started asking me how far I'd go.
In bedroom activities. Yeah, sheers nice to me. How fih would you guys? I feel like she might have let him there with the bourbon lady. BDSM stands for bourbon, does it okay?
And a lot of people don't know bourbon right, dominant submissive? Yeah yeah, Mavericks the stands for Mavericks. What else have we got?
The weirdest question I ever got on the first date was from a guy that was Christian, obviously not Chustian, And he asked me if when?
Not when, but if I meet his parents?
No, But when I met his parents, if I could just pretend to be a Christian just in front of them, just when they're around. Wow, I've had I slept a sony woman. You don't have to worry about me. I've been tested for everything and as clean as a whistle.
Light straight out the gate. But you know, I just class.
My friend very recently went on a first date with a guy. Wouldn't getting to the end, and she thought, this is going well, I'm going to go back to his house. He asked her if he'd if she'd slap a nappy on him when she put him to bed.
Anyone's young. Absolutely not on a first date. I mean, I guess you.
Want to know if you're into that, right, Like why go on dates and then they say no?
I feel like the people message I think that people messaging in I think that they're there for a date, and I think maybe the other people think they're there for a hook up, which is different. Right on a hook up, you're saying what you want to do and how far. Yeah, on a hook up your rocking the will you slap a nappy on.
I don't know you are.
I don't know if on a hookup you're doing that? Are you unless you've sort of gone to a place where this.
Is a you've connected through a kink community.
Okay, from that to the other end of the spectrum, I'm Charlie. Was asked on a first date, what's New Zealand's only native mammal? What that's about? It's a bad Yeah, I knew that same Even seals and dolphins and stuff are aquatic mammals.
Yeah, okay, I got asked how soon first date question?
I actually did it assooming on that vote. See if that's a person I may have gone on a first date with stage. You know what?
New Zealand's nine times five is beautiful.
By the way, nine times five are very nice about six times six?
Done it? That does? It's unfair because it's a square. It's a square number.
It's not the others because it.
Ends up in a square.
You can't compare a squea ee things round the sixes.
Yeah, it's nice.
That's my favorite time thirty six.
We'll find out tomorrow.
It's day tuned tomorrow on the show, what's your favorite times your favorite questions fifty six.
There's another there's another team seven fifty six. That's rules. Sometimes that leaves my brain and they go seven eight. I know that's why it's jagged. Yeah, yeah, it's jagged. I cannot wait for tomorrow? Yeah, me too. What time we're going to do this? Last night? About nine times twelve? What is nine times twelve? No, don't be stupid, you don't even know nine times twelve. Yeah, that's it's nice, that's nice.
It's for us.
Twelves go twelve times. Tables are hard, really hard? Yeah, they are they hard?
What time we're doing it? Tomorrow? We're doing it? We don't want obviously primetime. Well we'll see the round about this time. Just tell me, like, this is the easiest one to remember. It's got to be there's got to be art to it. It's got to go to this in your guts.
Oh yeah, Sex time Sex thirty six.
That's the winner.
Hey, guys, Apparently being the company's most successful podcast isn't enough. They want asked to tell people to tell more of their friends.
So people are clearly liking it, but we have to tell them to tell others to like it.
I would concentrate more on the shitter podcast that the company make. Ye say the real losers say?
Yeah, like yeah, Maybe maybe we won't say that.
Maybe we should even encourage people to listen to other podcasts that the company makes, but only after ours.
Yeah that and not more than ours.
Give us a sixty little review, though, play z ms Fletchborn and Haley