10 3 2 1 sleep formula
nobody showed up to a wedding
New Zealand ate a lot of potatos
Top 6 baby names for Machine Gun Kelly
Women are boycotting men
SLP - Do you still have CD's or DVD's?
What Fletch heard at the pharmacy
Does your partner have a time consuming hobby?
Friday pedicure for Fletch
Bet I can Guess Your Mum's Name
Hayley's Dad's date
Fact of the Day
Do you have a ritual?
The z M podcast Network, The flesh Worn and Haley Big Pod.
Great things are brewing at mcafe, the perfect start to every day.
MS flesh Porn and Hailey.
Hello, good morning, Welcome to the show, Fledged Fawn and Hailey.
Hi, guys, Happy Wednesday.
Happy Wednesday.
I feel about the fact that it's Wednesday, Wednesday, Tuesday today, So you have gained, You're quicker in your slower I feel Wednesday. You actually feel winds Wednesday. Okay, good, yeah, great start tomorrow morning. This morning, we won't go into it, but I had to text the boys money. You're a little bit running, a little bit like.
You're preparing for your colon.
Ask me colon, ask me tomorrow. No food today had a great bricky so far.
That's a horror. You didn't have breakfast jelly for breakfast.
It's some green jelly and a Bunderberg a bunder Gen ginger ginger ginger ginger beer.
That's what I mean to say, gin, Yeah, you just said the one of three syllables dramatically.
Yeah, yeah, top stuff.
Almost a trady breakfast that almost chuck a pie pie some jelly for dessert.
I feel like when after the colonoscuy tomorrow when I wake up, a pie would be nice? Yeah, nice, nice, nice nice.
Coming up on the.
Show The Top Sex Worn Yeah, the top sex names for machine Gun Kelly's baby using the equation well known whipping word plus popular female name from the eighties algorithm brilliant machine gun Kelly.
Yes, it's a simple formula.
We will give you the top six because he's having a baby with Meghan No Fox, Megan Fox.
Yeah, yeah, her name was Kelly Fox.
No, he's machine gun Kelly, she's Mega.
What's his real name? Honestly, don't answer. I don't care, just realized, just ask the question. It doesn't actually matter.
It doesn't matter. You can find out rappers real names, and oh yes, it's not as good. It's never as good when you find some Baker actually a good name.
Sulston, Coulson, Colson like Coleslaw, like close close to COLESLAWA son of a cool name.
Why did he Coulson Baker? It's a really cool name, cowboys name.
My name is Colson Baker. Yeah, I'm here to make some music for y'all.
Much better. Yeah, tool, I.
Don't know why threats crammed couple too he's what six foot four?
Yeah, right, string bean mate, you like a bit of meat coming up on the show next?
That's right next. A sleep formula that people are saying as a game chain Jack. Now, I don't know why I'm presenting this having four hours sleep hardly asleep?
Like me to present it having eight and a half hours sleep? You do?
It's gorgeous.
On you in your sleep.
Play z ins Fleashborne and Hailey.
Well, this is exactly what you need to hear if you're running on very little sleep. You're feeling a bit rough this morning, and some a hole on the radio is telling you how to get a bit of sleep.
And despite the fact that he got up at four thirty, he's had eight and a half because he went to sleep.
There sleeps.
Do you know what, Like, when did I start prioritizing sleep?
Oh, maybe over a year a year ago. It is.
It's life changing.
This this ten three two one zero trend that's going viral is kind of what I do. It's kind of along the same lines. Yeah, ten, So I'll explain how it works. Ten hours before beard no caffeine because.
What when would you have your last coffee in the afternoon?
Why that's too late. It's young.
I'ld have my I'd have mine eleven twelve at the latest. Really, Yeah, what do you drink in the afternoon? Maybe have a green tea caffeine free.
Or it.
Stopping a little bit.
I want to be on board because you're literally in the best shape ever. But green tea caffeine free.
Yeah, doesn't your mom still have a coffee?
That's why.
I Also, it's a South African thing as well.
I remember talking about my mum will do this, yeah, and then complain about not having a good sleep. And then it was when we were doing have you been paying paying attention? And Urgela Carlson was like, oh, this is a South African thing. Oh really, coffee right before bed, that's inside so wonder about so like read to God said, well, they do say that within forty five minutes of having a coffee, ninety nine percent of the caffeine is absorbed. But it's the other percent of caffeine that can take anywhere from one and a half to ten hours.
Yeah, and so that'll be in your system.
Okay, So if you're a normal person, maybe operating on normal hours, well, even if you're up this morning, then you're an early riser. What's that working backwards? If you want to have a good eight hours of sleep, then we're going to bed at.
Ten twelve, and if you're going to be at mid if you go to bed at ten o'clock at night from middaw and no coffee, see I'm having I might have a coffee at lunchtime at the latest.
You'll even ten.
Thirty might be my last one for the day to go to calf You've got to go to calve.
So that's the ten and the ten three to two to one there for a better sleep.
Hey, what's the three be more achievable? You're not going to like this either. You two are both not going to like this. Three hours before bed, no booze, no food, it's late dinners.
It's a couple of winters.
Nothing as lovely as sitting in bed and having a whiskey. I don't do it very often, but every now and then I'll be like generally more of a week in thing like shy watch a movie and they're like, I always going on, I'm lying down and I do that thing when you lay down you try to sit things in you and it just goes around the side of your.
Mouth, and that's not good.
Also, also it's a lot of the sugars as well, if you're snacking and having sugar desserts. Two two hours before bed, powered down from work activities. You that's all right, I power down from work activities. I'm actually doing that ten hours before I go to sleep.
I was on stage last night still at ten pm, so that's probably.
Not the one one hour before bed.
Powered down your devices, Yeah, the screens, not all your devices.
Some devices help for a good night's sleep, if you know what a name.
Well, devices with lights on them. Yeah, I might watch watch like Netflix or whatever. And then I guess just before bed, maybe forty five or an hour, half an hour before it's no lights, turn it off.
And then zero zero hits on the snooze button. Get up. I'd win, I know.
And this is the thing. I snooze from about quarter past four to half past so you could just sleep the first alarm at thirty and then get up.
I do, just get up, and you've slept that whole time. So that is the ten three to two one zero for better sleep.
So ten no caffeine, three, no food, no booze, two power down your device work no, work one your devices zero's hits on the snose yeah yeah.
And how much sleep did you have last night?
I think three three, three hours forty five? Okay, how are you feeling super duper?
Not great?
I will grab some more so plays ms Fledge Born and Hailey This breaketh my heart. There is a couple they've been together for nine years. They were engaged. They planned a wedding. It was masquerade themed mask no, yeah, look, it's not for everyone, but it was masquerade themed.
They had.
They called it a small ceremony. Seventy five guests, which I guess in these days you'd still call a small winner. How many at yours warning?
Oh like a hundred?
Medium? Still getting up there, yep.
Seventy five guests are all invited, The venue paid for, catering paid for, all the decorations were up. Guests were told to be there at one o'clock in the afternoon, early for a winner. You know what I mean.
I'm not making it through the night at that point. I'm tired.
That's what they want, that's what they want, and then like an early reception and then everyone go home. That sounds a gorgeous gunning and sho'd be there at eleven gorgeous. Yeah, let's get us out of the way, have a light lunch in the afternoon, yeah, and out the door by sex and home a sex.
Yeah yeah, yeah, perfect. Okay, Well, if we were planning our winning, that's how we'd do it. But one pm the guests were to be there at one point fifteen. The bride's mother had to text the bride and say but of an issue with the guests.
Forty five minutes later, the bride and groom come out into the reception space, into the you know, the ceremony space, to find that five of the seventy five guests had shown up.
Fine, I know now, and I.
They said an RSVP, she said, despite the RSVPs, people hadn't turned up. Okay, you don't RSVP too a wedding and not turn up without telling them.
Just to show you. Like, it's a big venue, like that's kind of maybe a converted barn type thing. There's fairy lights. This is the bride and groom arriving walking down an aisle to five people, one of whom was their son. So so we'll say it's four.
It's four.
Wait, and surely that's both their parents if they're alive, right.
Mum's there. Yeah, so apparently there was. They still can't get to the bottom of it. She was like, I don't know what happened. I had all these RSVPs from friends or has.
She asked them?
She's like, why should I have to? No, no one texted to say or.
We're start line instead.
Yeah, I know, Well this is what I thought.
I was like, maybe this is just you know, a bit of a tension seeking, but it's genuinely, like genuinely they were so disappointed. She said she still has friends that haven't even message to congratulate or say why they didn't calm makes you feelings sick. Can't wrap her head around it.
Did I even watch the videos? But she do you get the feeling she's a punish.
Ummm yeah, I mean the masquerade theme it south feels a little bit of a punish.
Is that her there?
Yeah? Now some kids have joined, so yeah, that's I mean a punish in terms of I don't know, I'm trying to be nice, I'm trying to be kind.
Yeah. So she shared this online saying like, well, here's my big day and it was a bit of a disappointment, and actually a lot of people have messaged being like, you're not alone. We had the same thing, maybe not to the same degree, but being like we had what we thought was an in ceremony, and I think that saying that it was intimate gay people license to be like, oh, it's not a big deal, I won't go.
And then they went alone.
You know, so they had lots of people not showing up to their weddings. But I mean its RSVP, that's it.
That's why you should only be inviting you closest near us and dearest.
That's what I wonder if she didn't really have a lot of close friends, maybe they were just mates and she'd invited them, I would have just done friends and family. I had the kind of friends that weren't going to show up to my wedding.
But also like, why looking forward to this expose of this story, Yeah we were actually and we know them quite well.
We weren't even actually invited.
Yeah she turned.
Out she just did it all.
Yeah maybe well yeah, that's the first thing I asked you is just I know, and.
I was trying to look at it being like, is that but it feels legit. And then she was like, well, well, this little group of people's all anyway?
Is it because people but they get scared of they're afraid to say no to an rs VP, like a month or two out, just say no if.
You can't make it. Yeah, yeah, maybe I don't know. I don't have all the information in terms of maybe it was like like out of town, you know a lot of Yeah. God, actually I didn't put flat accommodation.
Had to try.
I just googled no one turned up to wedding. Read it yep to see if anybody had talked about this on Reddit. Granted no, but there's so many posts on Reddit worried no one's coming to our wedding. No one showed up to my wedding, as anybody asked, paranoid that no one will come to your wedding. We're very worried as we get closer to the day that no one's going to come to our wedding.
I think you need to friends. I would never have this doubt in my mind.
Yes, someone on the subreddit Wedding Planning eight years ago said my number one fear came true.
Hardly anyone showed up to our wedding.
Oh and this was one of the comments she made was like, you know, it's one thing not to be there emotionally, but that paid for this big venue or the cheers and tables, all the catering and stuff and all just kind of goes to waste. If you're planning away, if you're listening, you're planning a winning I don't want to put the fear in you, but just make sure you've invited the right people.
Somebody messaged in and this is a good point. Did they goof up the date or something on the wedding of m doesn't there or did they peck a date that was like I don't know, a holiday weekend when everyone was going to be with their families, or.
This was literally a few days ago.
Okay, crazy yeah, play Splitchborn and Hailey.
Fresh Facts twenty four is an annual report from United Fresh with outlines growing produce in New Zealand, how much we spend on that, and and potatoes is the real headline? Graber good okay, right, chips, hot chips, potato chips, potato.
Hands, big potatoes.
I'm seeing you eat some fries. Oh yeah, I love you eat fries.
I love fries, I love a hash, but I don't. I wouldn't.
I'm not every night for dinner, heaven.
I don't like roast. If I do a roast with roast cheese, I don't really ever put potato in it. Does it crossmas?
What do you in?
Right, pumpker and tato?
You're doing yourself out of a delicious treat by not having got the spice.
You know, some them, some of them kidding grip. I've always been like this though. My brother was potatoes.
I was kumina, right, I love them both, but manned potatoes. Yeah, okay, I reckon the smith household to be a good chunk of this.
I've for the last few years been growing my own potatoes. Oh potatoes you literally, yeah, literally walk out to the garden, put the forcern turned to rummage up some potatoes, walking and wash them, boil them in not shoestring fries. Warm, yeah, sauce, Yeah that's right. Yeah. Oh the Smiths don't shy away from chips with dipping sauces. But the so the annual potato production decreased by seventy two thousand tons, which is a lot. So in twenty nineteen, it dropped the nineteen twenty season, Yeah, till the twenty three twenty four season, Yeah, dropped that seventy many chaps or were we getting chips from overseas well? I think we must be filling the gap post COVID. I haven't backed off the potato in that time, because you remember the COVID, there was an influx of foreign fries potato.
That's right.
There was a little bit of a big chip newses By local.
Yeah. Yeah, so that's a lot of potatoes were eating. Well, no, that's how much it went down.
Right, We ate a billion dollars of potatoes billion, one billion dollars of potatoes last year, mostly in the form of chips or friesen fries.
We as a people spent a billion dollars on potato based products.
Yeah, oh my god.
I would have it's madness.
I would have thought that chips would have been on par with potatoes and potato form what like potatoes.
Have chips.
Yeah, it's a side pup meal.
If we take away fish and chips, snack Chanese includes it includes that.
Yeah, well that's the best chips. Hot chips in the chip chips in the frozen fries. I wonder where the instant mash stuff falls into because.
That's I don't think I've ever had it.
I had it hiking a few weeks ago. It was pretty young. Itah with gravy. It was like, oh my god, this is heaven.
And of course you shared your hack worn of thickening a stew with potatoes.
I was talking to someone, one of the Hearts, and their hiking hack was to mix an onion soup with a mash and in the water and then the water flavor.
The mas and so you had. You could do that with just straight up mash tates, butter and garlic.
Care sometimes of cheese.
Yeah, yeah, we're not scared.
I'm not scared of cheese.
But put in the soup max. Put in any soup max, soup Max.
You wouldn't you wouldn't go a tomato.
That's the same with making the Kiwi onion dip for chips. You can actually put in any soup Max. Where we were living in a flat once where we tried to make our way through all of the soup sessions and there was like a shrimp or sea. Actually study days of Maggie soup session. Jesus Christ times were tough in that flat, wentn't they.
So there's I'm just looking at the Maggie soup packets. Yeah, so you've got your onion French young, You've got creamy, mushroom rich tomato crim of chicken.
That just sounds like chick song, which you guys slapping with tastes.
Hearty yox tail would be really good.
That would be like potato and gravy. Yeah.
Oh see, And it all comes back to potato, doesn't it.
It's all potato adjacent potato potato.
Plays Fleshborn and Haley play zims Fletchborn and Haley.
Blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. This is the top six.
Look well, fantastic news. You love to hear about a baby you love? You love here, a little baby.
A new celebrity baby on the way. Baby on the.
Way going to be called something weird, isn't it?
Machine Gun Kelly and Meghan Fox Colson Baker and Meghan.
Fox in my real name.
Yeah, I had no idea how old Meghan Fox was.
I was like, it feels like she's been around.
Forever, thirty something, thirty eight years old.
Yeah, that sounds about right. Yeah, she's been around for ages.
Face, isn't that all? She was in the first Transformers film, Blue People.
We've interviewed her and well I knit for what was that really? Turtles?
Ninja Turtles. She was in Ninja Turtles right April o'nealles. It was okay, challenging interview should say, oh really they didn't really jow ye're right and you were trying to jow I mean to see well on it, yes, obviously, and then he hand sanitized right in front of us, in front of him and mcguiver.
His voice as low as it really is.
It's amazing.
So Meghan Meghan Fox is thirty eight years old.
Machine Gun Kelly is thirty four years old.
She's got three kids with Brian Austin Green when they were together. They were together for quite a while, so she's got no abode and journey with him.
He also had a twenty two year old son called Cassius from an earlier marriage and he has since had a one year old since they separated. Now she's about to have another child with Machinegun Kelly. This is a big Christmas list. This is secret Santa. Yeah, gosh, okay, So fourth be bear Well I a bear bet. Top six names from machine gun Kelly's Baby, using the equation of well know and whappon would plus popular female name from the eighties album, which.
Is exactly how machine gun Kelly came out his name and Kelly Great.
Number five on the list, Number I might start there sex Number six on the list Grenade Rebecca, grenade Rebecca, Yeah, green bix, Grennie Bicks, Yeah, grenade becks, you could go.
Grenade pen Rebecca grenade, pin Bicks. She's going to need a middle name. Is a middle name for Penelope? Yes, Yeah, you're great. Number five on the list of the top sex names for machine gun Kellies Baby, using weapon word and popular female name from the eighties algorithm, Smith and Wesson Andrea.
What's a Smith and wistern?
It's a brand of gun, popular brand of gun, Cowboy guns.
Give me the name again, Smith and Wesson, Andrea.
It's too many n's in there?
You think so.
And yeah, okay? What about what about forty five?
Yeah, that's better? Okay on the flying changing Okay. Number four on the last of the top sex names some machine gun Kelly's Baby using the equation weapon word popular females name from the eighties rocket launcher Jennifer.
I like rocket launch gin. Yeah. That's yeah, yeah, I love it.
Yeah, that's good A or on her birth of course, rocket launcher Jennifer.
Yeah, but that's just what friends call it.
Gin Yeah, rocky launch gin j Number three on the list of the top sex names and machine gun Kelly's Baby, using the equation weapon word eighties girl's name yep M sixteen Jessica, Yeah, I like that, gess Yeah. The shorten Yeah, that's a little more casual.
I don't love the numbers and the name for me in general when I name things team to keep numbers outline.
It's a little bit dealing with, you know, the tear down of crazy and and Meghan Fox.
He's not wrong, yeah, okay in sixte.
Number two on the list of the top six names for machine gun Kelly's Baby using the equation whipping word baby's name from the eighties. Cannonball Melanie, Oh, I like that. Yeah, yeah, cannibal male for a little cannibal male.
And number one and the last of the top six it's a machine gun Kelly's baby using whipping word female name from the eighties Slingshot Courtney.
Oh that's the best one year. Yeah, love it. That could be there could be a musician too. I'm sling shot call.
I'm sling shot Courtney.
Yeah. I like that.
She country, She's country.
No. I sort of imagined like your rock and roll okay, yeah right, yeah what kind of rock.
And old rock and roll?
Yeah yeah, like with the with the twelve strings.
Yeah yeah, country influence country iluen.
Yeah yeah, yeah.
That is today subsex z MS, Fletch, Vaughn and Haley.
Okay, this is all over the internet at the moment. It's called the four B movement. It is a type of radical feminism out of South Korea that started back in the twenty tens. Now this is the it's called the four B movement because the B stands for by home or something, but it's it's is it a Korean it's a Korean word, but the fours stand for four no's no marriage, no relationship, no sex, and no babies with men. Okay, so it's basically a complete boycott on men. And this started in the twenty tens out of like many things, the me to movement a lot of very conservative opinions in Korea at the time, people went online and said, this is it's a movement radical feminism since Trump has been elected. Yes, there is an insane peak of Google searchers from the United States into this four Bee movement to be like, right, we're joining.
Because I just googled four Beer movement and it was all Trump recent stories.
Yeah, because it's basically it's a responsive movement towards but poor male behavior basically, and that's why people are going. With Trump and all of his terrible backwards abortion laws and everything that he's been kind of threatening to do in terms of women, people are like, right, let's get let's do a full boycott and then are like, well, we don't need to be boycotted. But they're like, no, the four Bees, it's a complete we don't need you, right, I want to see a real rise in lesbians here, which is great.
News for lesbians. It does lesbian the market lesbian marketing push.
Do you think this is a this is from the marketing sectors, right.
So there, so in boycotting me, it came for our.
We said nothing. Yeah, they came for our company, SLA acts. You said nothing, We said nothing.
Well, apparently this is still like ever since twenty ten when this launch not launch, but started in South Korea, it's actually been huge because South Korea is like quite.
Is it quite conservative?
I wouldn't say that it's conservative.
I'd say that they kind of revolt against conservative years. That's why they're.
Would you would you be able to do this?
I love men.
I don't love all men. Yea, I love men.
Cal's laughing at me. I do I love men? All right?
Do the gays? Can the gays? The gays wouldn't sign up? Would they? The gays what to know?
Relationships? Marriage or.
They encountered? I do think they're counted. They're not counted. Yeah. Have you used for lesbians and gays? Because straight last so long? Yeah?
Before they have to also, Yeah, they have to also jump ship and be like, well the women are all for being us the prison paradigm. Yeah, have you have you? Girl has heard of this movement before?
Yeah, it's all over tech talk and I really get it for the American girls, you know. Yeah, personally here, I'm lucky. I've got a man who respects me. But if I didn't, Yeah, no, he's not getting any you one percent?
Do you know? It's also like the South Korean version of this, it's a full like cut your hair off, dress androgynously like doing nothing to get the attention of men.
South Korea is also one of the country is worth a birth rate that's below sustainability. Oh yeah, okay, population and they've got an aging population like kind of the same sort of thing Japan's face.
I was trying to explain this, uh, the declining population issue to Aaron because he was like, I thought, we had too many humans on the earth and we are destroying we do. Yeah, but there are some cultures in which that's gonna be a problem because no one's gonna look after the old people, right, ther's running the rhyme or not, Because the whole idea, and especially in sort of Asia, was that the older people get looked after by the next generation.
But if there's not as many or not, they're not there. And then in countries like New Zealand, the tax pays the super the superannuation, which keeps the older people going. So if there's not enough people below working, we're going to feel that the working age until about eighty five.
Yeah, eighty five seems right.
That seems right because I think until well, we need to hit.
The time first.
I am surrounded by beneficiaries. Now my parents are both beneficiaries. Yeah, that's meant they're life bashing beneficiaries. They have become what they hated, and they like you when you were a beneficial the way it's like nagging.
You get how many times you have to play with yourself a day. That sort of stuff.
Plays its flesh one and Hailey, silly, It.
Is so silly, silly, silly that little shocking results in today's still a little pole. Do you still own CDs and DVDs?
I just opened it. The results I mind blowing.
I made Yeah, I made it.
And if it like years ago, to get rid of my seat because everything's streaming now totally.
I think I've kept a couple of CDs that, like I've had since the nineties, and I loved them, and I kept them just for nostalgia purposes.
I just remember that I do have a box set of the in Betweens that they signed when they came out Rememorabili.
Yeah, that's what that's in a box like in storage.
Kept a couple of like legendary video games which looked like they came in the same size as DVDs, like Wicked games that I was just spent so many hours playing.
I just love that gume. I'll put it in a bag and put it in a cupboard.
You gotta have a you have a couple full of bags and boxes.
They're all available for digital downloading like back Kettle, PlayStation and stuff. So there's no point am I just holding onto ship for the po You remember like Morving flats and you'd have to like take boxes of.
CDs and DVDs. It's like it's so.
You can display them on your bookshelf.
Yeah, a DVD or the.
DVD rack and you're flat. That you had in your room was a sort of a get to know me. You sit around to someone's house, you get a little roomman, maybe I like this person, and then you look at their music collection and you'd.
Be like it's interesting.
Maybe I don't. Maybe maybe I don't, Maybe it's not worth it.
It's so strange to give DVDs, like back before I met eron being like people come over and you pop on a DVD, or they bring a DVD to your house.
Or what about when you go to Thailand or Barley and you just a suitcase of like pirated Shark quality movies on DVDs.
Some poor guy just filming it.
In a yeah, yeah, coughing. Do you still own CDs and DVDs? Fifty three percent of people a majority said yes.
Really said narrow. I don't even have anything to play a CD or a.
D as a CD player. My old one did.
Yeah, the PlayStation codey station five.
I've got one with a disc you can put.
It, yeah, maybe otherwise I don't have anything to play it on.
No, no, literally useless.
Yeah, the computers don't have I was going to say, the last two computers I've had haven't had a CD slot. Yeah, CDs all right. Some feedback on a grumpy Lisa welcome back, welcome back. I don't have anywhere to play them, even if I did.
She's on the same.
She said if I did, so, she doesn't have the She also doesn't have any about it. When the robots destroy all the streaming surfaces, I will be safe with something to watch my box setslofty.
Fair cool?
I mean, I guess if the Internet goes down American, they'll kill the power grid too, though. Yeah, but she might have a portable DVD player. You can get those and solid in TV. Yeah, Nicole said, I don't have anything to play them on, but I do.
I am guilty of holding onto some.
CDs A couple is okay, get rid of them at least you said yes.
At the Batch Nuts sometimes we don't have Sky there. Yeah, because there's no streaming and no TV reception.
They said TV reception, so there's always something on a rainy day at the beach to watch.
I kind of like that. The airbnb that I stayed at over Labor weekend, Yeah, there has a little TV and a small selection of DVDs.
Yeah that's cool.
I can't Yeah, I do want them.
Passion of the Christ could always tell if your airbnb was owned by some religions, is that there was always passion for christis everything was. There were no R rated movies apart from Passion of the which.
Haunting, but lots of that. They should be any tts.
Yeah, no sacrifice.
Laurence said, I simply can't let them go. It's just my favors that I've kept. Now don't always see them on streaming platforms, so I can't get rid of them.
That's staying pot.
Get rid of them, yeah, Dan, Dan she said, I just donated the last of my.
CDs and DVDs.
John's they still do. They've got a massive rat st. John's doesn't have a massive rack. A couple of the medium rags, but they've all got them still. And every now and then you do see a CD, you're like, God, I feel like funny funny c d own them, don't use them.
Said well, so at that stage they gathering dust and their memorabilia, Nikki said, in case of internet, in case of Internet failure emergencies, I've got a couple of DVD's on hand, Okay.
But where's your player? Can you even go to you? Can you leaving or whatever and get a JB High fight.
You can get a dv but DVD players now are tiny.
And then you had the DVD player on top and the skybox on there.
Yeah, we had it all.
It was.
We had the TV.
You could always put it on top because the TV had such a big ass yep, no thick no, no plasma TV.
Yeah did you?
My parents had And it must have been the last because my parents were like, oh.
And we've still got stuff on VHS?
What? And there was a DVD player and a VHS.
As one year, remember those bulky Adam said, I love physical media. I have hundreds of DVDs, not on any streaming services. Oh look, I can find it in my collection. It as weird on streaming service as there sense to be this gray area of not the classics. Yeah it's called pirate Bay not Yeah, you can on that blank fill in that blank, Sweet Home, Alabama, says Charlotte. For some reason, I found it on DVD, and I remember what and I remember watching it all the time. It still got that DVD.
Someone said cash Converter still has heaps of DVDs, So people taking the DVD's to Cashi's.
I reckon Cashi should call it on that, because I reckon you should only be buying off people what you can sell on. There's a huge dv Either that or they're still trying to get rid of them for the last like fifteen years. Who've been buying them?
Sorry? Someone said no, cash conbuters has heaps of the players. I have a shelf of DVD's. How embarrassing. Oh my god, I can't believe it. We're just holding on.
My coworker owns over two thousand VHS tapes. He collects them.
What I know, two thousand vhss rewind.
But how much space do those take up? One dhs? Is this huge? You mentioned there's times too. No, people need to just a.
Step one weekend and chuck them out. Yeah, thanks, silly Ah how good was falling asleep during watching a movie on DVD and you'd wake up when the menu.
Music was playing?
All that?
All that DVD legos, Yes.
Plays it. MS Fletchborn and Haley plays it MS Fletchborne and Hailey.
Yesterday I got secondhand embarrassment. I was at the pharmacy and it's when you go up to the counter for your perscription. Therefore, I went to the travel doctor. I've got I'm a walking pharmacy. I've got all the pearls in case something happens on them in South America, you know.
And he ship yourself.
You've got these little ones that you take to start.
I need that, don't specifically for you're getting ready for a colonoscopy.
This is the last thing you need.
The guy doing that, the richdolologist, Yeah, don't snake it. He doesn't want to get to it. Just a roadblock. I literally just came to a roadblock.
Halfway up.
So anyway, I said, I look, my doctor sent the order through. I got the text. I said him, just here to pick it up. So she goes to grab it and then next to me, because it's signed by side counters where you go up to the pharmacist. I hear the words, oh no.
See there's a group of girls. So they've gone up in like solidarity, and one of them is as at the front kind of I'm guessing she's got the problem.
And that's when I hear dance.
When I hear the words, the words, and I will say quite loudly, not like they're not like softly spoken or whispering. This is quite loudly. Is there any discharge? Is it white or kind of yellow coming out?
And I'm like, I don't know where if she's talking about.
It, I don't know a pussy leg or toenail or is it a female thing. I'm like, I feel like a lot.
And don't go to the pharmacy together in solidarity for legal shoes right for an ingrown tone and ingrown here we're there because it's thrush seasoned baby, and and.
Have we started?
Well, it's getting warmer. It was warm yesterday. In a few warm days, the shorts are out, the shoes are coming.
My golden retrievers already had a heat rash, and that's sort of an occasion un dog rush.
That's how they say.
You know that can area and the coal mine, right, if they start getting heat rashes, yeah, you're you know, iron some thrush. Yeah, because I just kind of I kind of came straight in and they were already there, so they might have been like, this is great, we can go now no one else is around.
Yeah, But then I appear, yeah, my order.
And I'm just see you physically, like.
Closer than you I would say, I mean a foot, Oh my, no, like a couple of feet.
Pharmacists white, there's surely there's I mean one, maybe I'm being approved here.
We shouldn't be ashamed and we should be able to say.
It's more yellow than white.
But then that's on the that's the discretion of the individual receiving.
The amount of times that I have had loudly on pharmacies or all of vaginal or all of it, and you're like, oh god, yeah, I don't know, take a wild stab in the dark, read my phone in my face.
That's the kind of thing that would make me go to a pharmacy out of town no one knows me.
Or go to a mall where there are three pharmacies to choose from. You just sort of like hover around the mall looking for the right one that's the most empty, and then go.
On and then go right and then us and when no one else is around, but they might be empty because they are also wide into the mall PA system. Yeah, mister Carl Fitch, and we've got your thrush medication.
That's your vaginal thrush medication. Someone ticks and say, imagine getting thrush meds and looking up and seeing flitch from the radio and probably.
He's going to talk about it on the radio radio. Do you know I couldn't even look at them.
I couldn't even describe what they look like, because as soon as I hear those heard those words, I was just like I was looking at the wall. I was looking at the mouth washes on that side. I was like, I'm just not I'm not liking to be saying don't look, don't look, don't look, don't look, don't look, and my eyes would be like neck and next like nope, brains, like I'm kind of on his side. Let's see what we've got here.
Well, I just think we should take this opportunity to send out thoughts and prayers for the summer season ahead. Yeah, it's all warm, moisturious.
I'm just going to say, let it breathe. But it doesn't have to be bloody.
What are those shorts? L Ksd's right up there the whole time. Oh yeah, no, let the girl bree.
The girl pleazy ms fletchborn.
So there is a woman, her name is Katie. She's on TikTok and she has started a series called Well, it's basically watched my watch me play Bingo on my boyfriend and he plays co o D.
Call of Duty. Yeah I need that, not Circle of Death, a card game.
The famous party can't go Yeah, terrible because drinking moderation, any.
Drinking moderation, horn Cup, I would.
Donated to be honest, guys, I think we should all have a sip.
I think we should have a sip in moderation and moderation go home at seven yeah, after some food.
So it's basically he plays so much Call of Judy and sits there on his triple screen setup with the big ugly chair.
He's augly cheer, really surprised you don't have a gaming chairborn only really.
Can you imagine what would happen if I rocked him with a gaming chair?
It's not part of the scandy.
Athetic would candy do a gaming chair?
It'll be some awful, unorgonomic thing that probably waited time there.
I couldn't move, Yes, studied it.
It's perfect.
So she makes these sheets like a bingo card that you normally have numbers and as they call it, the number you cross it off. She makes his sheets, but the numbers are replaced with things that he does while he plays Call of Journey, like makes weird noise, says I'm gonna lose it, says out loud, says he's cheating size heavily.
He's cheating. How old is her boyfriend?
I don't know, twenty and the sweties they're in our spawn is one of them. I don't know what that is.
Maybe I haven't played a lot of Caller.
Judy brah is one. Yeah, okay, dude is another spider monkey? Are you joking? So she just puts up all the things that he usually says, and then she just sits there and as he says.
About load, she's like.
Making some entertainment for his south wall. She's lost your boyfriend for hours. She's making a hobby. She's making yep.
So she has this like whole less and now she's started as a series. It is really funny. Like it's really funny, and it's a great way, as you say, to pass the time. Because he spends hours and hours and hours ago.
It's almost like if she had a hobby, she could be doing it at the same time.
Her hobby is now playing bingo with her school of June.
She's made a hobby off his hobby. Yeah, I want to.
Know because I imagine this would be an annoying thing for lots of partners. Does your partner have an incredibly time consuming hobby?
Do you know what I reckon? And it blows my mind?
Golf? Are you my god?
Especially when a golf dad has a newborn or a young baby. And how long does golf take? Because I've never for five hours for eighteen holes? Yeah, yepon's the day.
It's a day thing. You get there. You might not get that.
There might be a bit of slow pokery, there might be a bit of an afterwards a bit of skullduggery, of course, his after afterwards.
I'm just gonna have one drink at the clubhouse.
Sure, where are your clubs?
I wouldn't.
I wouldn't. I don't know.
If the partner and they were away all day doing a hobby, I'll be like, fine, I'll do something else. You're a solo creature.
Yeah, me.
But but that's why I'm saying, particularly with like newborns and there's a baby on the scene that he has to be looked after, and someone's just that for six hours.
I don't think it was great. I used to march seven hours of Saturday, seven hours of Sunday and three hours on a Tuesday, and that was like my whole first half of my relationship with Aaron. And you just be like, what do you where are you going? I'll be like, oh, so you can't come. I'm not going to think of you.
I'm you're not.
Even part of this, And then you just what would he do?
His play with himself maybe twice on the sat.
D, maybe ten hours a week, But yeah, I don't know.
Okay, I didn't care.
I was doing my hobby.
But that's the thing I guess if you that's how your relationship confunction, that's fine. Yeah, if you if your partner went away fishing all day, I see a be stoked that that is. But if they come back with fresh yeah, well maybe if I just come back with not twelve twelve less spears, yeah twelve.
Yeah, thank you?
Yeah, where's our schnapper?
But it could be that the way. Maybe it's something that doesn't take them out of the house, but they're completely consumed by it. Like my best friend who just nets nets, nets, nets, nets, nets, nets, nets, but you.
Can net and it and you can't talk to it. But that would be annoying if your partner was doing the hobby just in the house on the couch.
Can you not hobby around me?
Hobby somewhere else?
Someone for example, message and my husband has a time consuming hobby. It's going to the toilet.
The amount of hours he spins there.
Can't rush, can't rush this, You're like, you're a long toilet. I can't rush and wash your hands.
To be used today.
I wash my hands.
He was like, God, she's a fast pier. Did you wash your hands?
And we like this and some water came off a lot.
Of We have high fire. But she are you you doing a week? Looker than men? And she can wear get out of there clacker than us.
It is, it's odd, but you've got one less kidney, got one less kidney? Oh, eight hundred dollars at him. We want to take your calls. Now take through nine six nine sex.
Does your partner have a time consuming hobby? There is a woman sharing the fact that she plays Call of Judy bingo with her boyfriend. He plays Call of Duty, and she has a bingo sheet for all the things that he usually sees and crosses it off.
I mean it's I guess it's better than her does sitting there plays for hours.
What are you doang, give mean some intention that'll be me. But I want to know if your partner has a really time consuming hobby and there are.
A lot of non Lisa, good morning, Good morning. What does your partner do?
So he's got an array of hobbies. He is a rugby player over winter, Yeah.
He's a golf player for the rest of the other seasons. He loves to fish and hes.
Okay, so you never see her, you never see you see remember do you remember his name?
Lisa? Or is that sort of a distant memory.
The sound of his voice find him in the dark, depending on what time of day it is.
Wow, that's a busy man, very busy man.
Do you have hobbies yourself? It doesn't bother you that he's doing all of this stuff? Or do you love it for him?
A bit of boat to be honest?
Some days currently, I mean yesterday was the day he was home all day and I was like, I'm not going to go out on the golf call.
For are you.
It's a bit it's kind of interrupting my like time.
Yeah, I.
Never get to see you. And then there all day and you're like, can you go leaf one of your hobbies please? I had plans with this house for the day.
Love that, Lisa. Thank you Shelley. What does your partner do? He rock climbs and boulders every second day until like ten pm after work.
Have a hell of a rag on on there.
I'd have a good good backuscles, the Shelley good back muscles.
Yeah, the wind went on the slope, but good.
Tight grip on the toes yeah yep yeah yeah.
Good veins, hot yeah, hot bodies. The bottom line, what's his bottom like t point the big like, wait, does he wear those young shoes that they were shoes the like revery they.
Get side was too small for them and just like stuff them in so they're like curved.
Absolutely lost my boner on this one. The back the bag time shoulders now lie to us? Does he wear the shoes with the toes?
Man, the ultimate many thank you. Some messages In your partner's time consuming hobbies. My partner plays snooker, snooker, not even snooker.
We take snooker balls, but I.
Don't know how to use them, so they just sit there at different points. Hey, yeah, and then you put them in the pocket and then you put them back on the table something.
Takes hours, and he can't take the kids along because you've got to be quiet or you get death stairs from the other sounds like professional snooker. Um, okay, someone's getting at I'm plaining about not getting enough sex.
But then they play video games. Get out of here, Get out of here, scream scream.
Darts three hours practice on Thursday night, darts all day Sat, the occasional Sunday darts tournament, and then he records darts competitions and watches other people play for hours and he gets home.
Oh that's cute.
I do have hobby, such a deep desire to go to the darts Champs though, the World Champs, do you. Yeah, it's like the Sevens. They get dressed up and he's crazy outfits.
Yeah, it's the sevens.
They get their edits, they're drinking beer and it's so.
Fun to this young guy still doing well and he looks like a thirty.
Year old lad, like a drinker. Yeah, that young fellow, he's amazing.
My partner's got his pilot license and his own plane, so he's here the flying the plane of working on the plane. But then when he comes home he plays flight simulator. So three years ago I bought a horse. Oh wow, Okay, hobby for hobby. Someone doesn't want to have any money ever, Yeah, someone, money is not for them. My husband plays polo. We're not rich wankers. He's part of the PAVO team in our region.
OK. Thank you for I love how you.
Really get in their quote. During summer and spring, I barely see him. He's at the stables two times a day, and winter he's always here and I'm like, oh my god, why are you always here. Yeah, and he needs a winter hobby. Yeah, get him a winter ska. What can you do with horses and.
Winter was drink?
I always thinking needs to transition into slid dogs.
Oh that'll be that's very That's another sort of animal heavy situation. My partner is a school principal, a rugby coach, a rugby coach, a rugby coach, and runs ultra marathons.
So yeah, I don't see a lot of them.
Someone see my husband's hobby is playing fortnight for hours.
Nothing more of a libido killer than.
Seeing your forty one year old husband on the couch and tessday playing players there like a fourteen year old boy.
But he was going to get the royal. He's number one dog. Give that man some good stuff. And then he does a little of mote, a little dance talking.
I've never been more too enough of my life, summer message and saying I run long distances and my partner was always a bit sad that I was out of the house for such a long time. But now he bikes alongside me, so we can spend time on a.
Bike going at the speed of a runner. Here were doing all the talking and.
Then you're trying to Yeah, yeah, yeah, Oh that's cute though. Cars. Someone say boys in the shed cars. Yeah, that gets them out of the house. Yeah yeah, I forget some out of the house.
Plays Flesh one and Haley plays Fly Hbourne.
And only a couple of weekends ago, right, you did the heavy track, Yeah, big hike eighty kilometers, eighty kilometers And as a result of that hard mahe, your feet have never looked worse.
I knew, I knew where this was going.
Now at is Birkenstop season. I've hard launched mine today and my feet don't look great. I'm gonna deal with it.
But you're, like everybody's feet at the moment are a bit white. Yeah, you pale.
We've got a month or so to just do a bit of work on the foot to make them more presentable. But I don't know how you're going to do yours because all of your well a lot of your toenails. Three of them have gone black because they're bleeding underneath. And if you had like what would even call them, like pussy.
Then there's a name.
It's like the cuticles got bruised by the toe so much, and my boots, Yes, the beginning beginning of an ingrownd Tonel, Right, no, no, it's at the other ends.
At the other end. Yeah, the cuticle cuticle cutie.
The cuticle end was the back end and the cuticle is the top. Wait, what happens with an inground Turnel said, it just just folds under and goes into that.
It folds under it the Oh my god.
I always thought it was where your to you wore something and it pushed it back.
No, no, no, no, it's when the end starts to curl around back into the far.
So how does that happen?
So basically, three of my toes got so bruised that there's blood under the toenail and they look bruised and black.
They look personal black. Now you've got your toes out every day?
Do you know?
I was reading just us if I can sidebar I told this worn.
I was like, how do you get rid of it? Because it's not like it's not the toenaw that's black, it's underneath the flesh.
Yeah, with this blood that's just sitting there. I googled how to get rid of that? Do you know what the top Internet articles were? Heat up a paper clip or a pen? Really hot and read hot, read hot and make a hole in el so that you.
Can drain it out through it. Do you know what I'm doing that.
I've got a tiny drill bit, A tiny drill bit you can reckon as it would be paper clip thin. I've got a tiny drill bit. I'll bring in the du want full charge back, Yeah, we'll do.
It absolutely.
We don't need to eat it up because it's it's a drill, but that's never been used anyway.
It small for my solution is because honestly it's an eye fell.
You know, is it's pretty gross.
If I bring in some of the opis right, and I've got I've got a range of colors at home, from black through to Barbie pink.
Do you have a toenail colored OPI like just a.
Normal flesh colored, Dude.
We can, but it would need to look like the nail itself, not flesh.
So I'm doing it just sort of a soft There was a.
Nail color and I remember it so distinctly. It's called San Antonio. It was a sand colored. It was like a brownie, very natural. I think that's would go well with her.
Okay, someone's message in saying earning the whole is so good and it doesn't really hurt at.
All because your nails don't The nail doesn't have any it's fine.
The nail doesn't have a feeling. Yeah, what if I go too far? And that's what.
But there should be a spot where all that that blood sitting underneath it, that's dead and it's just blood, right, so you stride and.
Oh my god, my grandfather used to do a lot of work in the ship and as a result used to smack his fingers and thumbs quite often with the hammer and to get rid of the blood underneath, he would use the smallest drill bit to drill it out himself.
Okay, I'd rather just pay my todails, to be honest.
A lot of suggestions coming in. I think I'm going to bring in a nice Barbie pink cut for summer.
I found the color Sanantonio, checked the ticks and see if check them chat and see what you think of that color.
I reckon it's you. Look.
I think maybe I'm trying the paper clip thing first and see how that goes.
Oh my god, we should totally do your eyes on this cont.
From this is you.
It's nice.
No one's going to notice, but when they do, they're gonna be like he's putting in the effort. It's been in that mankey situation of bloody give the bruised rainbow toes that you've got at the moment.
Plays Zidim spletchphone and Hayley, Hey.
You on the phone, Bet, I can guess your mom's name.
Meghan joins us for a bit, I can guess you mum's name. Good morning, Meghan, Good morning guys.
How are you doing?
Really good?
For those that are maybe new to the show and don't know how this game works, Vaughn will ask Meghan five questions about her mum and then have fifteen seconds to try and guess her name. If he can do that, one hundred dollars cash, and then it does fire off a bonus round. One guess at dad's name, which has been done before.
It's possible.
Let's see how we go.
Has there ever been a dad was an infector? Mumsbian Lisbion Peter never.
Had that right, but we would then fire off the bonus round. I guess other mum's name, mask mum's name, mums.
Bonus fronds mum's name.
Okay, I've never even thought.
About what would happen if somebody called It would be easier for me because there's two mums names to guess.
Initially I guess, I guess the other mum's name.
Yeah, what if I named both mum's names and the well, look, we'll get to that.
When we get that. When it comes to that, maybe.
Is our everest.
We'll tear it up the day we do that mum's name and it's two mums and I get both of them. That's it. Nobody love this game.
What about two gay Indian mums and then you've clocked her?
Yeah, then you've clocked out. Then you've clocked it. Come around here with your white mum's names.
Yeah, okay, Meghan first, Meghan down?
Can we hum please?
Just a quick to get our vibe braces and sink mega. This is how you get the psychic. Yeah, I'm going to start humming. You join me as best you can on k okay are you ready?
Really yeah? Okay, so now you're kind of in sync psychic. Can I get the Creic spelling of your name?
I'mg ha, We've got the American spelling.
You've got an ancient yours in the middle, willy nilly vorn hand.
Yeah, I do have wore hand, all right. How old is mum? What's mum's age?
Fifty three?
Or young mum?
Fifty three? So she was born in seventy one? Yes, she was nineteen seventy one.
Rebecca, Rebecca, it's very important.
I'm going to don't tell us, don't tell us in mind, don't say, don't say. I kind of vocalized as we go, and I write down a hold of marsin that. It's not until the fifteen seconds at the end that we actually okay, no, no audio, clothes, no nothing.
We're kindly saying, shut your mouth, Megan Poker.
Okay, but I am crossing off for a weecond.
Okay, that's a free That was a What about a Maria, Maria maa fifties Maria.
There's a there'll be a Nicola, Yeah.
Yeah, that's Nicolae.
Or about finance Minister Nicola Willis? Is she in her fifties?
Is great idea and assume her age, but surely early fifties. O.
Woman never tells.
Ah, Diane's forty three?
Oh, God, you've absolutely utterlyized to the right.
You younger than you and you as I just think all politicians are going to be old.
They've got to be older.
I'm telling us what to do.
They're telling us what are going to be told what to do by something.
The sex offenders younger than me? You're older than me, gross younger? Alright, Okay, how does that help with names? The Jay's and.
Big, big big around this time? Yeah, your jas and names.
Kelly, Kelly's, your Kim's, your James, your Jessica's, your Joe's, Yes, Joe, Yes, you feel it, bro, you feel it? You feel it?
What about a dude? But there's something there? Is it a Julie?
Yeah? Okay? Or next question? I don't know. I just want I just want a couple more.
I've got a Kim, I've got Kelly, Kylie, I've got a Ki.
That's the one.
Yeah, that's on the money. And there's a Okay, this is okay. My daughter's teacher. Her name starts with kay. But it's one of those ones I'm I always get up to it and I stop because I'm not sure if it's a Kristin or a Kursten.
Oh, yeah, we know them all.
There's going to start many fifty year olds though that are called Kerson or Kristin. Well, I my daughter's teaches them. Yeah, but you're not thinking twenty years old?
Is she?
Christin's fifty one? Kristen?
Yeah, Chris older than Nicola.
Willis finance stop and this is unbelievable.
Kirsten danced is only forty two years old?
Okay, next question, what's mum's Christmas tradition?
Does she have a tradition?
I would say, for example, I would say Kristine always busts out the scorch diarmonds at about ten thirty in the morning.
Good, it's a really good, good question. She is the kind of person that Christmas present has all of the Christmas Carol was playing, really.
Wow, wake up.
She loves she loves Christmas. Best of Mary, put Jolie on there.
She decorated in October.
Put Holly Holly.
Okay, let's go for some Christmas themed names. Here said Mary, but.
You're missus Claus's name Maria, Sandra Sandra Santra and Sandra Sandra's Chris Kringle yeah, and she's Sandra Clause.
Sandra Claus.
Okay, so true is missus Claus's first name?
I'm not putting it. That's ridiculous. Rachel, Rachel's of the of the era.
Hey, Christmas, more Christmas more Christmas Eve. Yeah, she loves Christmas, Mary.
Cracker Mary because of Mary and the aspect of Christmas. What about what was the name of that donkey she need? Okay, all right, next question, what are mom's siblings names?
This is a bit tricky because my mum was adopted, But now she's found all of her biology.
The whole name fascinating.
So you've got she was adopted, so she's got siblings and her adopted family. But also she's found all of her biological siblings names. Yeah.
So she was adopted by her grandmother on her mom's side, so she already always had all of those kind of siblings. I guess the family. Okay, siblings names, I can rattle them all off. Who's a lot? She's got Sina?
My Chinya is not on my list?
Carry on, she thought Rachel, Rebecca, Natalie, cheap, all these women Melissa?
Does he any mean? This is strong? I think they were I think they were keep keeping on for.
To be a great man. Peter, what a great name.
And Wendy Wendy Okay, so yeah, I didn't hear they were They all the adopted siblings.
That's all of them.
I think the ones that she grew up worth was Shirley, Wendy, Peter, and Melissa.
Great, so we we've got we've got some classic names here.
Was she already named when she was adopted?
Okay, yeah, because this is younger, okay, right, A fascinating story.
What a Christmas? What a Christmas? What are mom's hobbies?
Oh? Good question, Mum. I really like to drink gin.
Get a flag, chas her, get the tenant flag.
Shes going for walks with her donations dalmations.
She stole the donations?
What was them?
She likes to nap nap and that order Sharon.
Yeah, it's Sharon Man.
That's a big getting big sharing on.
The gins of the dogs.
What was the name of the Dalmatians owners in one hundred and one Dalmatians?
Because you said Crowell, but she stole stole.
I think and also Blitz and should still be both on the list.
Dody Dody mcdott was the name of Dorothy Dorothy nice.
Yeah, okay, fifteen hour. Next question, you were running out of time. We got all distracted with the.
Amazing mum's backstory about what's mum's favorite movie?
Probably either The Holiday or actually.
She loves Christmas, Christmas.
It's his mum, Caesar, right, I am gonna put blots.
In on the listener.
Yeah, it's female version of Rudolph Ruby. Ruby, Ruby, you could put ruby, that would be okay, just called Ruby.
Those all of your questions, Vaughn. Yeah, that's all okay. Well, I think you've got a good list there, Vaughan. Let's try that read Meghan. Vaughn now has fifteen seconds to try and read the first one. Maria vaud now has fifteen seconds to try and gets your mum's name. If you hear your mum's name, you'll out stop. That's my mum's name, Vaughan. Your time starts now. Maria, Nikola, Willis, Lisa, Kelly, Kim, Joe, Yes, Julie, Julia, Kylie, Kristen, Ker, Justin, Vanessa, Holly, Mary, Sandra, Eve, Jeannette, Elizabeth, Dorothy Blitzing, and Ruby.
Listen. No, no, he didn't read out your mum's name, Meghan.
And you were quite close with a few of them.
What is mum's name?
Name is Kirsty?
Oh my god, so close with kursed for christenal kursty name.
That's a setter Kirsty.
That's not that vince idiot vawn around it.
I've got people texting me saying, are you putting thirsty Kirsty on the radio?
Thirsty that?
Or she like she posts thirst traps and stuff.
Shut up?
I got so close. We've had a lot of.
Unfortunate Megie, Megan, you go home empty handed, but don't get your guest dad's name.
No, thank you so much for playing play.
Z m's Fleshborne and Hailey.
My dad came up a couple of nights ago to spend a night with me and hang out with us, and then he was catching up with a friend. Now do you know my dad has been best friends with his group of four guys since they were four years old. They're sixty three.
That is so cute.
They all want to KINDI together.
So next year is going to be their sixtieth anniversary. Isn't that amazing?
It's fantastic.
I know, imagine being able to stand people for that long, I know, and.
They've just been great mates for all these years. So one of his mates, who lives in Australia was home for a bit and was like, we should catch up, you know, spend a couple of nights together, hang out. And I was like, great, Dad, you come stay with me and then he can come pick you up the next day yep, and you can go just hang out. My idea of it was like that'd probably they're going to go play some golf, yea, have some beers, spin some yarns, listen to some music, go to bed.
My dad was sort of I imagine them doing.
Yeah, he comes to my house yesterday, my dad's friend to pick up my dad.
Up my time twelve noon, No no, so.
Noone pick up up and we're chatting away about I showed him through the house and whatnot. How's the family didn't because I've known in my whole life obviously, And they get my get in the car and I said, oh, what are you guys going to do now? And then my dad's friend Mark goes, oh, we're actually hitting into town and I was like, oh, god, town, you know, I love out West. I was like, wait a heating back into town and he's just around in the north Shore. I was like, oh, I thought you'd just be hitting back and he said, no, I'm I'm dou Craig my dad. He said, Craig, I'm taking you into the Cordice in town, which is a kind of fancy hotel in Auckland.
Is that.
We were all went to a buffet there once you tea there quite a lot. I believe there was a chocolate fountain. Yeah, there was. There was little pony, yeah there, take my kids. Yeah.
And I said, oh, what are you going to do at the cords He said, oh, We're going to have a nice spa day together. I was like, excuse me. Two men in their sixties, two old mates and they're sixty down getting a rub down and said, we're gonna have a We're gonna have a rub I don't know. They're gonna have a swim, a sauna and a spa. They're gonna have a little spa.
It's a perfect day, beautiful and I just thought it.
Was the most beautiful thing.
We went in our sixties.
Oh, I know these two heterosexual men that have been married both since they were in their twenties who have known each other since they were four years old, who are catching up for what I thought was a bros weekend and they're hitting off for a spa day to get honestly made me so happy, and my dad was all like, oh, like giddy, Oh yeah, it's sort of sweet. And then they jumped in the front seat together, and you know, they off, they off. They sort of pulled out of my driveway and I waved them off. The lovely little gay date. I just thought it was so nice to see two or middle yeah later, middle aged men hitting off for a little spa day together.
Heterosexual men.
Very yeah, both they have the same women, you know for years.
To the board.
After a little bit of strange. Did they end with a buffet or like a high?
I don't know. I did idea not interrupt their date with the prisons of women. I didn't want to text him and find asked mom, I see hell was his dad's date?
And she said, I don't even heard from.
Him, you know, other than like, oh I'm home, but not like didn't hear about the date?
What time did the date end? What time is I don't know, It's none.
Of my business. They had a lovely gay date.
But was he returned to your house?
No? No, no, he was staying. They had a sleepover.
That is so cute. That is so c so cute.
It was so sweet anden you think about these young boys and Cowdo and whatever year it was when they were four years old having the little sleepovers and hanging out running a mark on their bikes. And now there were the sixty three having a lovely gay date at the spa. I just thought it warmed my cold heart. That's nice, that is nice.
We should do it more often when there's staggers.
And you have to play paintball and get hurt and then go to the strippers, and then the women get to do the fun things like a spa day, and you're like, yeah, you might do that. The men should be doing that. We can a spa day next time, next time, my fourteenth, the next time.
I think more men should be going on these lovely one on one to connect to catch up.
I totally I bet they had a good talk.
How nice, I would haley, yeah you should yeah, oh yeah. I think women would be surprised at what men their partners men's chat looks like, because sometimes it gets pretty vulnerable in there. Oh yeah, the lads. Really, I think it's changed. They might, you know, there's probably still like the lads lads out there. Yeah, and there's always a bit of lads lads chat and the lads chat.
But I tell you what, sometimes gets pretty vulnerable. I think.
I think these people, because this group of four, I think they've always spoken quite deeply, and especially my day, as they get older, they get more emotional. Just my dad, he's got Alzheimer's and this has opened up this emotional part would be they had a bloody good talk in that spark wonder cry, I hope.
So yeah, best place to cry though, because it kind of hides the lot of steam.
A lot of.
Sweet plays its flesh.
To the day day day day, day do.
Do do.
It's a fizzy drink week here at Fact of the day, learn about fizzy drinks.
Soda. What do you call it? Poeh Pop?
Is this a fizzy drink?
Is a fizzy ginger beer?
Ginger beer this morning.
That's a fuzzy drink because you're doing your colonoscopy prep. Yeah, that's right, And that's on the allowed allowed I was on the list. I can tell you the because we're dealing with the We have touched lightly on this on the acidity of soda drinks, yes, because we talked about how the cans have to have a lining in them and the gas.
Can slowly escape out.
I think we should give codos to a tick that came in yesterday when we were talking about spitter out of glass or cans, and then you said it, the reason that the soda doesn't eat the cans is because there's a plastic DPA lining on the inside. And somebody messaged and saying, well, that's cheating, that's just a plastic bottle wearing a coat, which I'm really I really enjoyed that text.
This story today is from two thousand and nine. A man claimed that he opened his mountain dew, took a slurp and was like, that's weird, what's that? And something was hanging out that he pulled it out and it was a mouse's tail, and he pulled out a whole mouse, and he said that mouth, I got a mountain, the mountained you, and I'm sewing you pepsi.
In a can or bottle? Huh bottle? I can?
I can because you'd see it in a bottle. Yeah, the floating mouse. So it was and this didn't happen. So it went all to the court and everything. Yeah, it was an Illinois and they did investigations and Peepsie went and said, this is he kept the can. He's like, this is a can it came out of. And they said, well on the bottom there that number is a manufacturing date.
And if a mouse was in there from canning, yep, there would be no mouse left. Because that's how acidic Mountain jewers.
Oh, they got it with blimen breaking bead, just disintegrated the mouse.
And they said, well that's a production date, and if you'd like us to recreate this, we can.
Yeah, well we can get a mouse cadaver.
Yeah, thank you.
You know animal test already, they've already passed.
They donated their body.
This mouse died natural causes. Yeah, lived a lone and cheese filled life. I only tested my lipstick on dead, dead animals.
I actually them, I did humans. I won't say white funeral home, but I do have an.
Agreement with it going with your lipsticks in your eye shadows, and I do people always say that is a lovely shade on Nana yeah, I went from my makeup brand.
Yeah that I haven't launched it. You're still if you think it would look good on you. Yeah, I can't wait for your makeup line.
I'm excited the beauty. Yeah yeah, it sounds like cheap white plastic trays. Anyway, carry on.
So they did recreate it, and the mouse wouldn't There wouldn't have been a tail.
There wouldn't have been the soft tissue of a mouse.
It would have been boned and there would have been bones, and it would have created that it would have made the drink a jelly like substance.
Because so I looked up the.
pH of mount Sorry, what what are you going to tell us? What happened with the court case? It got thro got thrown out, thrown out, the settled. They settled, but it was like offered them something, but they were just like, this isn't.
He should he should pay them? He wasted everybody's time is here?
Extortion, extortion your honor.
So I looked up the pH of Mountain jew Now, keeping in mind, I think absolutely neutrals about seven seven. Yeah, that's on the And it always blew my mind that the lower the number, the more powerful the acid. Remember at school when you learn about acids and alkalines and alkalines a with the high number, and you know that should be acid because it burns, But then it turns out they both burned. Yeah, but alkalines are just getting away with whatever they want, and acid is the scary thing that you don't want to fall into.
A vat of.
The ideal pH for a vagina is three point eight to four point five. Yeah, yeah, that's why we bleed the disease A mountain women know what I'm talking of.
Mountain jews, phuntains.
The PhD mountain jew is three point two two, so it's slightly more acidic than a vagina.
That number again, wait for two point eight to four point five?
Wait could a mouse survive.
And a vagina?
They wouldn't stand a chance. The Okay, this is interesting. Okay, I've got a few things that are the same pH as a vagina.
A root bear who or creaming soda cre soda your nickname?
How dear sesame streets sesame, a soft drink called sesame streets almost punch, Okay, the same pH as.
Yeah, people need to know what other drinks are the same.
If you're enjoying a delicious bottle of Traumaicana one hundred percent orange juice today.
That's the same the same acidity. What it'll burn your undies. It'll here to the inspect of the day.
Someone vaginalling vagina is the same pH level as root beer.
Day Day day day.
MS fletched Vaughn and Haley.
Plays MS.
Fleshed one and Haley. People have noticed when Chris Martin touches down in a new city to perform with Cold Play, when he gets off the plane, I'd imagine it's a private jet. When he gets off the plane, he kisses the tarmac of the new place.
That's odd.
So it was spotted in Australia. He's done it kind of all around the world. Kisses the tarmac the plane like.
People spit and things spill, jet fuel might be on the ground, yeah, or like yuck y.
Yeah, But he sees it's like a ritual that he does. It's like a good luck thing.
Did he have a was he in a near mess or some kind of I don't know, emergency landing ones that put the year into him.
Yeah, I'm not sure. People are just saying it's a little bit Grossy kissed the tarmac tarmac at Sydney Airport before boarding the Privategy. It was to Auckland, right, and it's goodbye. Yeah, because when he lands. Do you think he got that from Gwyneth Paltrow. That's something she would do. It's very goopy, very goop.
It's very goop.
So I think this is just maybe a ritual, like a good good luck thing a little like it.
Is it superstition?
Yeah, superstition, I reckon? Yeah, yeah, Well this is one we'll talk about if you have these rituals before you do something, you know, because a lot of people do. We s it like. I'm not religious or very superstitious other than when I saw a ghost and now I believe here's my Gunny and Angela.
I can't wait a mint him again.
But I have little rituals like before I go on stage, like a little like script, I like run through before I go on. It's pretty cheesy. What's the worst that could happen? Every audience is a gift. They want you to achieve.
They like you.
That's why they're here. Isn't that you just All things shouldn't be in there be in the moment one step at a time, be present. And if I don't say it, and if I've walked out on stage and I haven't done my little mantras, I'm like.
Oh, oh you go back? Do you go back off stage and say them?
Well, no, that would be so. But I just think that's going to be a bad show. But I made a lot of sports people would have this.
Yes, I like to start the new year with a human sacrifice every year. Okay, how are you sacrificed human? Well, whoever I can find that's a bad person. Yeah, they're always bad people. Are you a serial killer if you only do it once a year, No, you're a ceremonial killer. Okay, And I've had to take off.
Yeah, I gotta be careful, you know, because sometimes our listeners don't realize when we speak in jest. When you do that Trump had done great things for women, and someone takes him saying, does she really think that Trump's done great? She really doesn't know. But I mean maybe it's a pre sports thing, Maybe it's a pre going to work thing, maybe it's a pre travel thing.
Everyone might have these little rituals.
Yeah, or a superstitious I eight hundred dollars at them. Give us a call now text through nine six nine Sex.
You have a ritual that you always have to do?
Running a little late. I'm loving hearing these.
Rituals, so many messages.
I my ritual is dipping my hands in water.
You may have seen that.
The listener wouldn't have heard it, but you two may have seen a puzzled look on my face.
Yeah, continue to read.
Or was it this tech?
I worked it out because I wasn't quite sure what one of the terms meant.
But my ritual is dipping my hands in water or under the tap before and after a one on one session and flicking it over my face. I work with those experience in grief and loss, so it feels important to clear that.
Oh I think maybe've got a counselor here.
It also refreshes me and sets a grand tension for the time we have together.
I thought they meant after passionate love making.
In their face, passionate love making and then flat and I was like, look, I mean have shower on.
The rest of you.
Yeah, they have their before some of the bushwalks and stuff. Have you seen those before? Like they got it in the White Tuckety Rangers and you go and wash your hands. You're supposed to flick it and sort of CLIs we go into the booch.
Yeah, someone said, even if we're talking to anyone else and a song comes on and we excuse ourselves and find each other.
On the dance floor. They're doing it.
Since we met, married nearly fifty years. It's cute as head, that's cute. My ritual is that I cannot drive one hundred and eleven kilometers.
We shouldn't be anyway.
I hear my late father, who was also a firefighter, saying, that will be the number on calling if I'm doing that speed.
And eleven right, So if you're on the.
White Cutors Expressway at one hundred and ten, that's either.
Nine. Look what I got the other day. Look what I got the other day? No photo of my speed. I was at forty four thousand, forty four thousand, four hundred and forty four point four. That's hot, man, that's hot stuff. So you are on your phone and driving, and I pulled over on the side of the road to take the photo I did was we got three, and I was like, I pulled over and then just crawled along the side of the road.
We took the photo. I was like, oh my god.
Someone text look shout out eye that holds your breath on a tunnel or.
Over a bridge, over a bridge.
Yeah, Or if you're going past the cemetery, some people do go past the old or you don't really go past the old Topra Hill Cemetery as much anymore.
Someone said, sidebar, sidebar.
If they may they actually work at Puddyho Farm and they are not staying there, you would stay that.
You would say it about Coldplay.
Were the land who landed yesterday, then fill the blanks yesterday.
Now can you end with that.
I've just had a watch tap from producer car One.
To watch it.
No hurry. If someone tells me to hurry up, specially a woman, I want to do it.
I rub my feet together like a cricket before I get into bed every night.
That's nice.
It's really cute.
That one's got nothing to do with what we're talking about. Okay, I'll finish with this one. Somebody, Now you've been listening to the show for the whole hour. The fact of the day was about the p h of Mountain Jew but quickly went sideways sideways. Someone messaged in I am pregnant and I'm in the very nauseous vomit stage. I'm very picky about what I can keep down. A lot of the times it's hash brown from Macas, and I also snacked on a bag of grain waves.
Not as good as they used to be, but.
There's still whenever I have them.
I'm like, that's young.
Then I listened to your factor the day about the mouse and the mountain jew and how the man tried to sue them but then it would have turned to jelly. And at the same time, there was a stinky bus with black snow coming out of its pipes in front of me, and then Hailey men and creaming soda with relation to the pH little of a vagina, and I had to pull over in front of Hagley College and spew into.
An empty bag of grain waves.
I'm so sorry you like only macas and a bag of grain waves.
I read that when you are older and or pregnant, pH is much more neutral, So yeah, right, giant.
Trap from both produce its dangerous A searing indictment of the show, isn't it really? I think it's a searing indictment of the vagina, don't you dear and it starts losing its its toxic.
That is a powerful machine.
Powerful machine. Don't get me wrong.
I'm not going to find a bigger fan of the fan than this guy right here. Well, congratulations to you podcast listen. You've reached the end. So I would assume if you've listened all this way through, you're either asleep in which case, or do you enjoyed it. So drop us a review and tell your friends that's how podcasts work.
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