Fletch, Vaughan & Hayley's Big Pod - 11th November 2024

Published Nov 10, 2024, 9:20 PM

Google search results

Top 6 Ways to Foil your Ankle Monitor

Hayley's Christchurch discovery

Goon Sacks are Back in Fashion

Couple Asks Guests to Vote on Their Last Name

Air Tag Sharing with Airlines

Silly Little Poll - Are You Shopping for Singles Day Today?

Grammy Nominations Have Been Announced!

Vaughan and August 'Lord of the Rings' Journey

What was your Typo?

New Competition Announcement

Check-In Chicken

Fact Of the Day

What was your Recent Impulse Decision?


The z M podcast Network, The Fleshpawn and Hailey Big Pod.

Great things are brewing at mcafe, the perfect start to every day.

Good morning, Welcome to the show.

Fletge, Fawn and Hailey Hailey joining us from our christ Church studio this morning.

Kura Kurana and Talorfa Lava and bonjour guys from christ Church. Wow.

A multicultural sitting in a multicultural welcome. Welcome, Thanks, thank you, thank you.

No. I I'm coming home today, but I've been doing the Seven Days life to have been this weekend since I last saw you have been in Wellington, Napier and christ Church.

She's getting around, getting around.

You know me, I always have. But you know I'm on my own here, but I am very soon. I want to tell you about a discovery I've made in the studio. Okay, yeah, I'm actually feeling pretty powerful. And did you see I'm at the big I'm at the big desk. I'm at your the equivalent of your desk flat.

You're sitting where I sit normally. Okay, Well, don't let the power go to your head.

Oh it already has.

I'm sorry. The Top six coming up as well. Yes, a gang member foiled his home detention bracelet foiled it. This is part of a larger story about a naughty criminal that apparently had been foiling his angle bracelet so he could go out, and it just made it.

Look like it was glitching.

This is called foiling because the old school of blocking a signal was to wrap things in tinfoil, like how you stop the aliens from readeating of thoughts. I did that actually during COVID. It's a five G because of the five G in the COVID. So that's why Mitchell and ness hat looks like it's Charlotte hornets underneath tinfoil.

Yeah, I know, beat tinfoil.

So I've got this top six other ways to foil your home detention bracelet.

I don't know. I've never had one.

Next on the show, though, the exciting discovery I have made in my christ.

Studio plays z Ends Fleshbourne and Hailey.

Okay, as you mentioned, I am in the Church of Christ Christ Church, Autotahi because I've been down here, I've been on tour with Seven Days Live, and so I'm in a little I'm a little I'm I'm in our studio in Christ Church and I'm never in charge, and I'm very seldom alone without you guys, because you know, I don't really know how to radio.

We just don't know. I mean, you don't know how to push the buttons, but I don't know.

How to push the buttons. But just before I slit the.

Thing, yeah, you changed the setting. I was very impressed, Thank you very much.

The bar Low. It's like it literally couldn't be easier. But okay, well I figured it out. And then do you know what's great about the studio. I'm all on my own one. I have temperature control. Oh yeah, yeah, And as you know, I am often hot. Yeah, you love a cooler studio.

Oh my god, I'm always hot.

So I've got it on seventeen currently and I put a hoodie on, like I like, I sort of feel good. And then I saw it in the studio. Guys, there's a little TV. Now, we don't have one.

Of those in our studio.

Our tv is all have light little backgrounds on them, like behind you right now, fletch. I see Sabrina Carpenter, yeah, and I see Benson Boone. Yeah. So I picked up this TV and I've signed into Netflix, so.

Oh my, this is why you signing with your Netflix or someone who's already just my Netflix.

I signed and it's got it's one of those TV's it's got a Netflix button.

I was like, I wonder if that works in it on air watching Netflix at the same time.

Because I'm just in the studio on my own i actually have autonomy over my own day, and I've just realized that there's a TV in the studio of Netflix.

So I'm going to watch a movie.

This is what producer Caitlin in form of producer Caitland does when she does a weekend show.

Yeah, yeah, she's just watching Netflix time. Yeah, I know. So we're on the every day, working so hard on the radio, fully concentrated. Where's the christ Church team just only watching Netflix? What shall I watch? I could watch sign Netflix's top ten at present. How I'll scroll down hang on top ten movies. Yea, Mari bros Is number one.

It was an enjoyable film, but watching that it was actually it was pretty enjoyable.

I don't want to watch that train. Second, there's a Christmas film. It's Bullet Trained the brad Pit. Yeah, they haven't seen that yet. It's good. I've heard that.

That's good.

I like that too. Okay, yeah, no, these don't all look like my cup of tea. I sort of want.

Oh my god, Today's top perks.

Friends. I'm just gonna watch Friends. I'm gonna watch.

Friends the whole time.

Okay, so we've lost you for the rest of the show. Then, No, physically I'm here. I just want to know. I'm in a studio on my own and I'm playing season one, episode one of Friends, What a Day to Be a Life? Is that where Rachel comes in in the wedding dress or is that established later? No, I'm pretty sure that's episode one. I'll tell you, mate, I'm gonna be able to put it on. Don't encourage this.

This is why we don't have a TV in the studio, because Varne gets easily distracted.

I've got a little TV.

Yeah literally, and my popular TV. I've got TV's around. If I wanted to be distracted, I will certainly find a way to be distracted. Nick's on the show.

Something's back in fash.

All I'm saying is grab the big rotating washing line. Following conversation, of course, will be in moderation one one conversation per hour. Yeah, and with a glass of water in between, a glass of water in between. But when I was growing up, I was of the understanding that wine always came in a box.

What happened because Christine had a box just tucked away in the pantry.

It was a box, right, No, it was the exact same stuff that's still around the people. Only you've used for cooking now the country house, white medium or the red. But we weren't a red family, right, And even then I think we got this.

They got the sweeter version right, No for drinking, for drinking, for drinking, and moderation and moderation.

And I can remember as a kid, it'll be like we're finished, and you'd be like, rather than thinking and blow up. And you had a pillow, yeah, or you kick it around the backyard until.

The knob until the nozzle hit, like you to that really hurt?

And in years years later you'd go to a flat when you're a teenager and they'd be all glued to the ceiling.

Did you have that?


What what kind of feral flat was that? The feralist?

When I was a teenager and I started being a goth, there was a really famous goth flat in Wellington and you'd go famous Goth flat. Yeah, it was on Eva Street and Wellington. All the Goths will know it. And the whole ceiling was covered in goon sacks.

Ittle. Yeah, gross.

Well, so then they put glue on the goon sack and they just go to the root and just tick it to the siding and give it foil ceiling.

Well apparently now in twenty twenty four the goon is back.

Return of the goonurn.

Now I would love to see some actual sales stats or figures in New Zealand. Wait tros Oh, yeah, in New Zealand. This is a UK story, right.

I've seen them in the in the supermarket near where you'd find your old school country medium white Dry. There are some brands including like Squealing Pig for example, who are doing like fancy goons really yeah, yeah, I've seen them.

Apparently they're back.


Well, eighteen percent increase in boxed wine sales last year and this is in the UK.

Yeah, and that's on.

The back of eleven percent rise last year and nine percent the year before, so it is an increasing trend. There's also a correlation there with the cost of living crisis totally, because is box wine cheaper or the bougie stuff isn't.

Yeah, I don't know if the bougie stuff that I've seen in New Zealand works out to actually be that much cheaper, but the box wine definitely is. So this is an example.

They say there's a box wine and on the front of it it says, this box contains three bottles.

Yeah, the equivalent of three bottles of wine in moderation. Shouldn't not be drinking that at once. It would last at least a month.

So each wine has let's say, four generous paws. Yeah, so one of those and then that yeah, four times, So that's twelve generous pause, twelve.

Very generous pause.


Actually, this got to be more. So they're saying that it is.

They are very much letting you know, yeah, that this is a budget conscious decision because you're one box has three bottles.

Well, because I because I definitely and I want to say, at some point in my life, when I was younger, sometimes I would drink not in moderation, and I just want to say, I want to admit that, you know, I'm humanity. Yeah, And that was kind of the whole point of Goons was bang for buck, how much can I get in this thing. Yeah, and now I wouldn't even dream of it.

Also one of those big rotating washing lines and then spinning and whoever it stopped pointing at all closest too, I had to take a big hon from the goon.

Yeah that's goon of fortune. Yeah that's good.

Yeah, but again certainly not encouraging playing that drink and moderation, oh.

God, no, grow up, for god.

You can spin, you can have your fun. You can spin the washing line, and then when it gets there, of course you pull yourself one glass and then you're out because of moderation. Yeah, you're only allowed to play one play one round. It's more like at this stage goon roulette. Yes, like Russian roulette except not. But anyway, apparently it's back and it must have eyed him to take twenty sire.

Really, and how good was the box?

You could punch the two holes in the top and pinch your fingers through it. Oh my, great way to carry it, one on each hand, because of course you're supplying the whole party, because everybody is of course going to have one to two drinks maximum.

It's a party of thirty people, and one gooon will suit the.

Moderation, certainly moderation.

The top six is next.

Play Spletchborne and Hailey blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. This is the top six.

Good morning.

I've just googled foiling your ankle monitor and I've found a few stories from New Zealand's past, including the thirty first of October twenty twenty. Corrections officials suspect dozens of prisons are wrapping their electronic monitoring bracelets and tinfoil to block tracking locuts. Seriously work Like would that work on your phone or watch? Would that stop the GPS? I don't know, a little bit tinfoil, we could try.

It after before confined some toil.

And then in twenty twenty three, criminals wrapping tinfoil around ankle bracelets to avoid alerts. Right, and this has just happened to a guy was sentenced just last week. Yes, and he wanted a little discount, a discount on time to serve due to home detention hider tension. But then the judge was like, wow, you've actually been foiling your monitor because there's been a whole because discount. Oh so they're like you're off to prison for this long buddy, and he's like, but I was doing home detention.

Can I have a discount?

It's not it's not a bloody Hong Kong marker, it's not a bartering system. No, I know.

But you don't ask, don't get.

Yeah, yeah, well that's the thing. If you don't ask, you don't know. Yeah.

Yeah, the squeaky wheel gets the less time in prison.

I don't know.

Well, I've got the top six ways to foil your ankle bracelet.

I was pointed at the stage, of course, just joking.

Satire, isn't it.

Yeah, it's satire, and that's actually going to be under protection of the greens, So watch it.

Number sex on.

The last of the top six ways to foil your ankle bracelet. Wrap it with old malleable roofing lead. Oh yeah, your dad was a builder. You must have had some lead scraps around, yep, Because you take it to the scrap, take it to the scrappy.


But it was so much fun to play with.

People would often get up on church roofs and old buildings and steal it. Coppers coppers that if you mean, if you're up on a roof of your risking your neck. You might as well grab the copper copper for the copper down spouts and such. But yeah, the roofing lead was like malleable. It's so much fun to play with and you could melt it. But looking back, I don't think it.

Was good for me. No, probably not.

Actually, no, it's good for you. But that would stomp this sort. Isn't that what they'd have like lead vest for X ray techs.

And stuff back in the day.

Yeah, no, they leave the room now.

They leave the room now when my kids have had X rays are like, Dad, you've been to chuck this on?

I'm like christ along. Then it's just standing in here with us thing, just blasting people with radiation.

Number five on the list of the top six ways to foil your rankle bracelet. Wrap it in a empty goon from the roof of a Wellington goth flat, very well known. Maybe just being in the room of the very well known. I think Wellington goth flat. I think tps can get through a goon. It's just plastic.

I don't think you've thought that one through or are you thinking it ten?

Like, is it tinfoil? Some of the goons, are they plastic?

It's foil lesque, isn't it Ajacent?


Well adjacent Yeah. Adjacent was also the name of my goth band.

Yeah yeah, a great name for it.

And your first your first single was tooths Stinger that's right, because of the foot when you chew on foil. Of course you have stingy teeth number four on the last of the top sex Ways to foil your ankle bracelet plato.

I don't get. But enough of it. You had enough of it.

You need a lot of plato. And then where are you going to go? You're gonna go out on the town.


Yeah it's plato.

Oh, I was just thinking I'm going to add an additional one in here, full leg cast. Oh yeah, break make it look like you've got a broken leave. Yeah, good stuff.

And then they come around, Well they happen if you had an ankle brake bracelet and you had to get a full cast.

They put it over. They put it over the cast, wouldn't they No, Because it's.

Going to monitor your heart to know that you're wearing it still.

Really, I'm sure when you know, but you can't it's got any monitor the heart on the ankle.

Yeah, you can anyway. Can you you what about what about on your.

On your p pee?

Oh yeah, but the problem is like when when you're putting it tight, flash it or erect and if you put.

It on around the member.

So much.

Moving on number three in the lesson the Telics, Ways and Foil your ankle bracelet full medal pants okay, and the pan goes the middle jacket. It's full metal pans, four middle pans. Yeah, make corrugated iron. It's the equivalent of cornroy pants. Forget if you make it the matter corrugated iron a chastity belt as well. Yeah, true, true, And the risk of what's that one with you?

You know you have to get injections for it? Titness titness, Yeah, but it's one the other day that arm.

Yeah, like three days later it's still tinder to get tess.

It's like maxiwellth other stuff. Rabies Updated, I've got read.

You don't need that updated. I've got all three.

You've got Rabies for good, You've got Rabies for Life, which was the second single off album Rabies for Life of This for Life. Number two on the least of the Toxix Ways to Foil your.

Ankle bracelet, fish bowl full of water, okay, and then just put your leg in it and put your leg in the water.

Are you're not that convenient if you want to be sort of leaving the house, which is the whole point there that.

You're foiling it. But you've got to deep down, you've got to remember you are a criminal.

Life's not supposed to be super easy for you because you made it. You made somebody else's life difficult by being a criminal. And number one on.

The less of the top six ways to foil your ankle bracelet. Okay, So you're gonna need a fear bit of lube for this one, okay. And you need to going to go foot to foot with Nana, okay. Okay, So you put your foot that your ankle monitors on like that and you get Nana's foot into a sort of a sixty nine position with your foot.

Yeah, it's okay to hear. We will go and then loue blue blue blue blobe and then slip it on then straight off your lips, straight onto NaN's and she's just gonna be chilling at home anyway.

She doesn't go out. She's not going she's not going out. She's not going out. The Chase is on and then it's bedtime.

Yeah, it's gonna be like we're was going on a good boy was going But you ever got lube with my nanner and her feet and you've got Yeah, and then you because the foot wall only work Department of Corrections are going to think you're the most ideal model home detention citizen. Yeah. You just staying at home watching Coro. Yeah.

Perfect, tap into your ankle monetary and use this the microphone function and here you're watching Cara.

Yeah, brilliant.

Perfect. That that's today's play.

Ms Fleschborn and Haley play z Ms fletch Voorn.

And there's an American couple. They are getting married in February next year. And their names are Danny l and Jacob Okay, and they're quite I'd say they're non traad. I'd say they're absolutely covered in tattoos.

You know.

They're a cool, funky looking couple. And the dilemma that they're having is that they don't want to who. Neither of them wants to change their name, their last name, their last name. Ok. They have kids and they want to have the same last name, which is the same reason my mum took Sprowl because she was like, it's weird if you guys are all sprows and I'm not.

That was the only reason she did it.

Yeah, so but what about a hyphen Okay, so people suggested you should hyphenate the name right so that you and then you both get that. Now, for me and Aaron, if we did that, it'd be like courtesy Sprowl kind of works or Sproul courtsy or whatever. You guys would be like Smith Fletcher. That's quite cool.

And in South America where most people have their first name of their dad and then their mum's last name, like you know, like they have a double barrel, everyone does it? Really, I don't know because when but then when does that stop? Because say in my situation, I'd be a Smith Holmes yep, and Chada would be a.

Hoe read what So are my kids going to be Enna.

Smith? I don't know, Like, I don't know when it changes.

Yeah, you just can't keep hyphenating. It's too much.

It gets too much. Yeah, oh god, imagine in a hundred years time. So the reason that hyphenating doesn't feel good for them is that she is Bonadonna and he is Buttlebaugh, So if they were to hyphenate, they would be the Bonadonna Bartlebough's okay, wait to say again, she's Bonadonna. So her name is Bonadonna, her name is Danielle Bonadonna, Yeah, yeah, and his name.

Is Jacob Buttlebaugh.

So if they were to hyphenate, it would hyphenate it would be Bonadonna Bartlebaugh.

And they were like, it's too love one of the best names I've ever.

Heard of in my life. I love it so much, Hailey Jane Bonadonna Battlebaugh, Like how fun is that? But they thought it was too silly. People wouldn't take them seriously. I just think it's genius Bonadonna Barttlebell. So what they're doing their wedding in February is they're getting their wedding guests to vote, like cast like a ballot, oh my god, and then to write in like they're writing suggestions like from us, not the members of the public, the members that are going to the people that are going to their wedding. Is there like a vote vote like is it this name? Is it that name? Or please write in a better suggestion. I thought it was just going to be option A or option B. But yeah, you could submit for consideration just a whole new name or maybe a mingling of the turn names.

They're just going to ask guests to pack either surname, not to whether hyphenating also would work.

That's my understanding of it is. It's just like, do we take hers or his? And then they won't know until obviously like the moment, and then they'll have to.

Commit to it.

But in one sign, wouldn't it just be evenly split because the you know, each of the families would want their name.

No, yeah, yeah, so it's not just family. So they're just kidding, I thought. I think they that's quite a cool way to do it, though someone might end up a little bit shirty about it.

So I know someone that change just got rid of both of them, got a new name, chose a fresh one.

Yeah that's weird.

Yeah fresh name. People that do the family what do they call? People that do the family treats? Are not going to like that? How did that come from?

The genealogist?

Just je just picked it out of thin air? So I get married? Can I can I choose bon battle Bell?


I love that last name. So I googled and I've got to answer to your question. So it's in Spain and Spanish American countries except Argentina. Each person has two surnames. Traditionally, the first surname is parental and comes from the father. Well, the second surname is maternal, comes from the mother. But then what are your kids?

Yeah, well your kids.

Would be born first name, surname, surname of the dad and mum.

But i've got your two surnames, yeah and mom? Which one taking?

But you had?

Because Smith? They've done this, Yeah, taking Smith. They keep taking Smith that they've got two. Okay, that's confusing, Yeah, it is confusing.

I'll forgive them.

Not because you have named some hot countries all.

Of South America apart from Argentina.

Sorry, sorry, Bolivia. That's ridiculous.

I will not sleep with any of you.

Fleshed one and Haley.

If you've got Apple ear tags and you use these for your luggage, which I do, They're in all my bags.

I've got a wallet one as well, like.

A key one.

You've got a key one on one.

Car one and I should definitely have one.

You keep saying I've got to get some and then you're gonna lose something one day and then you're gonna regret it.

I literally lose everything every time I exist and breathe.

Well, do you remember that time we went to the wedding at the start of the year and we landed and I was like, my bag was still in Auckland and I was like, oh, I guess I'm not getting that now, going to stay.

There for a while.

The ear tag was literally showing it in Auckland. So I just went to the desk and they were like, oh, it's on the next flight. I was like, perfecta, isn't it. You didn't scream at the person who had nothing to do with it, not to find someone to scream absolutely.

Nothing to do with it.

It's not their fault. I mean it sucked, but they they just dropped it off at the hotel.

It was they would have people like you being like, my Apple airtang has shown me where my bag goes, and.

Next thing, it's almost at that stage it's useless, like you know it's there somewhere at the airport. And this is what this new update is going to affect. And that's why people are quite excited because Apple are gonna let you with a new update, share your eye tag location with either the airline or other people. Excuse me, yes, So if you file like lost luggage, you can be like, here's the link. It'll be like live for like a week or something, and then they could, I'm guessing, go around and beep it or like find like the kind of location where it is, wherever they.

Store the bags.

Yeah, because up till then you'd be like, it's a black suitcase. There's an air tag in it, yeah, you know, in a cool story bro, Yeah, in a room of you know, like it's got a thousand lost bags spider Man baggage tag.

If that helps Spider Man make it stand out, yeah, because no one else, no one else, everybody else does a ribbon. No, this is the problem. I've put a ribbon on my handle to make it stand out, right, so I can spotted, do you know? I will say that my little mini fridge, as people call my suitcase, has been getting a lot of attention.

On tour, has it? You know, I've got the big trunk.


Anyone keeps saying, what's in that? A bloody fridge? And they love it? Well, it does.

It looks like a snake fridge with a.

Small snake fridge. But you don't need a ribbon on that.

No ear tag on it. So, and that's the thing. You've got a sexy suitcase, someone could steal that. That's why you need to put an ear That's why you need to put an ear tag in there.


Well, yeah, the updates coming with eighteen point two. If you're an ear tagger and your luggage, would one hundred percent recommend it.

Every time we talk about it, I always say I'm going to get some.

So it's a temporary share because you can do you can, yeah, because I was gonna say you can share an ear tag with someone already. Yeah, but this is like letting you share with like the airline. Yeah, and other people that aren't like your friends.

But then it's kind of weird.

What if you share it with someone at the find your baggage, they go it to but then for the next week they can see where you're at. No, because there's an option for you to say disabled, disabled and I've found it, I'm reunited with my luggage kind of thing. You no longer need to see exactly where I am with my luggage.

It's none of your business where I am with my luggage. I just have to worry about this things because I'm hot. Yeah me too.

Yeah, manga over here wouldn't understand. But when you're here, you know where you're at. Yeah, okay, get a little bit silly. I know I've never been stalked.

That's how that's do you know what? Hotty fail and I'm talking to.

You or not? You Fletch, I mean, obviously go on, obviously that's how cross the beer, isn't it? It is?

It really is it plays it ms fletchborn.


It is so silly, silly, silly, silly.

Do you plan on doing some shopping for Singles Day? Today's Singles Day? Yes, so it's a big thing in China. Didn't the guy who start Ari Express started and then he's single people because today's one one one one, it's all the singles. Yeah, you're by yourself, which is one person houses for a loose reason.

To have a sale. And then it kind of caught on.

Is he the guy that became like China's richest person and then disappeared?

They disappeared him? Did you disappear? A few were the richest person as well, like I mean, the government disappeared him, Oh, is it a bit, you're getting a bit? You're getting a bit? It was his name Jack someone Jack mar or Jack Mar Yeah Jack? Yeah.

Is the Ari Barber ceo still missing told CNBC twenty twenty twenty, was just lying, low, lying low.

Singles Day sales thing? Is that even a big thing? And because we've kind of hooked onto the Black Friday.

Well it's a huge thing in China, and yet it's just kind of becoming a thing now around the world, Like Black Friday wasn't really a thing here and now it is with online shopping.

Just buying stuff we don't really need.

But you know what Singles Day now and Black Friday.

I mean you do have to be careful because we've pointed out in previous years and consumer groups do this as well, that places will will pull out jack price, Yeah, Jack their prices before Black Friday and then say, hey we're having a but they put twenty percent on last week.

Yeah, you gotta be careful. Do you plan on doing some shopping for Singles Day? Our options will yes, no, and unsure what that is. Fifty percent of people still haven't heard of Singles Day. Yeah, it's great. Yeah, three percent of people said no, so the smallest amount was yes, love a sale at seventeen percent.

I do love a sale. I will very very rarely buy anything full price. You give me a sale, I'm frothing. Or you'll just hunt out a special.

What do you I'm excited to buy? Vaughn.

We know the boy loves to shop. You think my shopping's bead man. He loves to shop tractor parts. No, you can get a singles Day tractor forklift. I'll tell you what.

There's any little singles day forklift. Maybe I can't say no to a bad had.

Team must have a forklift? Surely team who's got a five? I don't know if I be lifting my stuff with a team of forklift. I'm going to go look on team to see if it's got a forklift.

Okay, yeah, I can guarantee they how much has posted? Like twenty five bucks? Yeah, hopefully three post a certain amount?

Fork left? Good thing that forklift here?

Team currently don't have a bed, says Dan, and I'm sleeping on a camping mattress.

Oh yeah, oh no, I always have bedsh you.

Do always always get a mattress on special?

Yeah yeah, yeah. Also, you don't need to buy a beard base.

Dam just get a mattress and some old palettes make a couple of pile high then yeah, and they also need little storage units. Yeah, anyone you.

Bring home is going to really find that class. Yeah.

Now I can't currently find a fork lift on TEAMU. I can find you know, some calling them of forks and palette jacks. You could get a palet jack for your garage, for your big ship the fact.

I love that, but no forkleft. I love a sale, but I'm too broke, said min. I do Singles Day sales and Black Friday sales, and I don't get paid until after Singles Day, but before Black Friday. So nope, just going to stick to the one. So that's financial responsibility. It is because most people don't have the money, so I won't spend it.

Most people just.

Tick it up, tick it up on layby Ah, Julian said, is this yet another day marketing people have come up with to make consumers spend money?


Yes, you're right, Jillian, and you're not cynical, she says, Does this make me cynical?

And you've just seen through the bullshit?


She is different, which is I think is also called being cynicism.

Yeah, though, if you're right, Hannah said, already done two pairs of shorts for the price of one on singles.

It wasn't even single day when she submitted this good shorts weather at the weekend.

Yeah, do you know what, I need to get some new shorts for summer, because you know I need to get It's all about the fit for me, because yeah, for my fourth summer.

No thrust, A loose, flowing short, A structure. Yeah, it's where the structure is, right. You don't want to you don't want to hear the gusset, is what you're telling me.

Thank you.

You don't want to thicks. You want to you want to breathe ability set of a microfiber gusset.

Nah, that'd be too thick with it was that wicking?

You want to? You want to.

Maybe some I don't know, some active wear shorts, something pockets.

I must got to he gotta have pock But I think if I could because I like a denim short in the summer. Actually I could go a denim short. But if just the gusset was sweet working, that'll be great. That'd be great.

Okay, great, you maybe maybe just take out the gusset, entirely cut it out. I can cut it out and get a pair of sports shorts and patch them.

Bingo, it's genius. I'll do.

I'll make my own.

Me said, I want you, but I'm saving for a trip over the ditch in two weeks, so that takes priority.

Gena said, Singles.

Days on my birthday, and I've been single for the past four years and I think like a bunch of Singles Day Primo emails to really remind.

Yourself that your single again. And they said, yeah, so we'll be treating myself get out there and mingle on single Day.


Cat said, I hadn't thought too until they saw this pole, so maybe I will.

I'm so sorry we necessary spending.


Okay, that's that's on us, and we apologize. That's still a little pile play. Ms Fletchforn and Brammy nominations are out for twenty twenty five. This is a ceremony that celebrates musical wonderment. Musical wonderment, wonderment, Fletcher Fletch. You will love the fact that Beyonce leads the Grammy nominations with eleven nods.

We look I'm not anti Beyonce. I'm just saying, apart from the early albums, a little overrated, you know, overrated. She the this means she's had ninety nine careermation Crazy is phenomenal and she totally deserves it.

I mean, she's amazing. Well, there are some hotly contested categories. You're playing my girl here. I thought I thought i'd play Chapel. She's got a few. She's got a few?

Was it seven?

She's got She's up for Album of the Year, The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess. Which will find this one?

It's not a good one.

It's yeah, she's desert, she's worn. Sorry, she's up for the grammynot yet.

I'm just saying, with back up, it could definitely win what.

She's up half Album of the Year against Billie Eilish, Charlie XX and Brna Carpenter.

Beyonce, Andre three thousand didn't even know he was back. What did he do this year? Album?

What a category? You?

Blue Sun and Taylor swiftson that as well, What like, who is going to win that category?

Charlie X, Yeah, yeah, Jacob. I don't know who he is either, but he's there. And I would say congratulations to him and shake his hand.

I love the album. Never heard it just Jacob, but a Jacob Collier. Okay, it's just going by Jacob.

Yeah. Record of the Year, which is Single of the Year. Yeah, I don't know why they haven't changed that to single years beatles are nominated?

What for that AI one where they filled in.

That's cheap, that's qualified, just qualified squalified like half of you it did or in a hum half? Yeah, oh my god. I did see a video this morning though, of Ringo Starr, who I believe is eighty four doing a concert and he was like, one, okay, I'll say two things. One he was like bouncing up and down like a young man, and I was like, look at him and his energy. And two I kind of would you would go to the concert? Is that a Thomas the Tank Engine thing? No?

No, I mean is that like a child and you were left it in front of the Thomas the Tank Engine.

He looked hot.

He had this like cool outfit and I was like, Ringo styles hot. And then I read that he was eighty four and I was like, yeah, what's happened? Okay, you need to sort yourself out. I don't know what's happening here. She spent her.

Hotels all week and sorting herself out's the problem. Can you put this on a talk point for your therapy this week? Yeah, I'll put it therapy talk points.

I found Star quite a track.

Quite sexy.

So the other songs in Single of the Year Beyonce, Texas, Hold Him, Sabrina Carpenter, Espresso, Charlie x X three sixty, Billie Eilish, Birds of a Feather, Kendrick Lamar, Not Like Us, Chapel Round, good Luck Babe, and Taylor Swift and post Belond Fortnite. What an insane category? Like how do you even peck? You just go for like watch of those songs? Is stream the most.

I think you do?

Lucky Dip, put it all in a hat?

Do you know what I mean?

That's all it's fair.

So what's the difference between Record of the Year and Song of the Year, Because two categories later, there's another one called Song of the Year.

One of them is it is about sales, isn't it? Like one of them has takes sales into consideration and now there's purely on an artistic Yeah, well tell me which one's about sales because the next song of the Year there's Shaboozy. It's about production. Oh really, that's.

Why when Lord One Joel Little got to go as well.

Yeah yeah, yeah, So it's about all the beding ding ding in the background, in the background.

Those things.

I don't notice them, but I do because I'm a music your bed.

Yeah, those kind of things. Song of the year's Shaboozy, Billy Alish's Birds of a Fair, Lady Gager and Bruno marsd with the Smile.

I know you guys love that song.

Taylor Swift and plast my own Fortnite, Chapel Run, Good Luck Babe, Kendrick Lamar not like us. Sabrina Carbon is in there again, but it's not a Spress Arts please Please please, and Beyonce Texas. Hold all, how do you choose these categories? That's insane. It's a lucky deep.

Yeah. It's been such a good year for pop music, honestly. Sabrina and Chapel Ryan, it's so good.

Best pop vocal album Sabrina Carbon is Short and Sweet, which I have never listened to start to end, and I'm halfway through, okay, because I was like, I'm all I'm just Chapel Chapel, chaps, so you're going to now? Yeah, albums start to round, I'll say so fun not as good as Chapel's album.

It's good. The singles are great.

Get me wrong, You're a pop a Fishinado this Yeah, I really am.

Billy eilishsp me hard and soft Ariana Grande's Eternal Sunshine. Chapel wrote, of course rise, I'm full of them into it some princess and Taylor swats the torchy po's department. Another insanely strong category, and.

You dud degrees anyone nominated for an the musical version of the musical Racis today.

Nah, they should though, bes pop solo performance Beyonce, Sabrina Carmina, Charlie Sex, Billy Eilish and Chapel run again.

Such strong music for ladies go the late days.

In the In the rock category, we've got Nicole Mack any feelings.

To today rocks did? I'm scrolling out. I haven't yet said the word right.

Yeah, I've literally got to comedy album before I've got to biss rock Best Africans Comedy, Best Comedy Apen, Rocky Gervais, Dave Chappelle, Jim Gaffigan, Nicki, Glazier and Trevenoa again hard category.

These are gonna be insane to judge. So and we know Februrary. Did you say Feburary Award Season right?


Bess Rock Album, Green Day, Pearl Jam, The Rolling Stones, Jack So the nineteen nineties are back, Everybody, Jack White, Idols, Fontane's.

And the Black Crows.

The Black Crows no new rock music.

Play Dead, MS Fletch, Vaughn and Haley play MS Flesh one and.

Hailey Symphony in the domain Auckland do Maain next year the twenty ninth of March.

It's a Saturday.

Example Cyril Derude, The Dudes Chorus, Synthhony Number six and New Settlers, Kings and more well be announced. You can get all the ticketing and event info at zidim online. Joining us to play this morning combing page.

Oh my god? Is that me? Yes?

I know?

Are you paid? I've never ever gotten through before? So I'm like, are you so? Technically? Paige? Would you say you're a longtime LIS's the first time caller? Yes? Absolutely, yeah, welcome, welcome, Paige.

Well, this is exciting.

Let's see if you can guess this now, Hailey is going to play a song from the Synthhony set list, and you've just got to well, we'll just take the name of the song or the artist or both, whatever works.

Are you ready?

Thank you allry? How long does this phone play for?

Well, Hole is just gonna just keep it playing now, Haley.

Just ridic here I go.

Proder No, oh, thank you.

She takes off her dress. Now if she gives her bring her right side right there.

That's right, okay, thing what.

Here, it comes, he comes, it comes, it comes to chorus. So well, Hailey, I thank you. I can keep playing forever. I love the song.

Cool open up my egg eyes which.

He gave you a big client there, white people everywhere a streaming at the radio.

Oh I can I can hear?

Hold on.


What are you trying in your head?


Hold on? Hold on page will give you five more seconds, otherwise we are going to have to go to the next calling.

Hold on, I'm just getting a call on my phone from mister bright Side.

I'll just answer it.

Okay, Hello, Yes, she's not picking up on.

I'm going to get back to you.

Yes, congratulations, we got the name of them.

Was right here and I was like, oh, my godge, I love that we got there. In the end, you have one a double past and Monica synphony and the domain. Well done.

Oh thank you.

Now I understand the people get put on.

Play z MS Flitchford.

Over the weekend August, my daughter and I engaged in the second Lord of the Rings film.

A few weeks ago we watched the first one, Fellowship of the Ring.

I'm such a bad New Zealander. I've seen the first one and then the Hobbit. No, the trilogy is so good.

Because that's what she said to me at the weekend. Which one is your favorite? Because I said last week I was, I love Fellowship of the Ring. When we were watching it, I said, but I don't think it's the best movie in the trilogy.

And then that's I think. I think the Two Towns might be my favorite of the trilogy.

The Two Towns great. But then Return of the King.

I can't wait. We watched Return of the King.

Okay, but we need a weekend right because you may or may not be a weird quite long long films like we were watching it and I said to her, I was like, man, I thought this happened towards the end of the movie, and I paused it and we were only halfway through.

So much happens in these movies.

This is why I can't get around to watching them or any movie that's there's so many great movies that's hours, six hours of swat or some police beside you.

It's forty minutes and then they get a break.

And you can pause it with Oppenheimer and then just choose your own ending. No, you've had enough. You just go and I'm out. Now, you've got to keep watching.

After the bomb, Haley, I keep telling you this, which is.

Four hours, isn't it three and a half? Three and a half, And you haven't watched all the Lord of the Ring even Oppenheimer was like big screen movie. It was incredible.

After the bomb went off, it was just a court drama.

And I just thought, because I still haven't watch, well, there's repercussions is fallout?

Want to so what? The bomb go off? As it suits? It's Robert Downey Junior in suit. It's at the end of Oppenheimer pretty much.

Who plays Mike Ross, who plays Harvey Spencer Specter what was his name anyway?


So we I tell you what the best part about watching these movies with someone who has is watching them with someone who has no idea what's happening. Like, no, she knows what's happening, but she's got no idea what happens next? Right spoiler alert At the end of Fellowship of the Ring, do because you've seen Fellowship of the Ring.

You've heard long enough.

I've seen the fee but I've forgotten it. I'm gonna have to start again. You're of the idea and the first time I read the book, I remember this. You're of the idea that Gandalf's did. Oh goodness, finally, the famous you Shall Not Pass did fall off the stage here the week?

Didn't he did?

Isrian McKellen. Yeah, that's our other favorite.

Game to play because of these movies, like Harry Potter heaps them the dead. That's why August, because August huge Harry Potter fan. That's why I thought she was ready for Lord of the Rings, sort of a grown up Harry Potter. If you will, and hear our favorite game is are they still Alive?

The minute someone looks old, She's like, dad, are they still alive?


And it blows her mind that Sara McCallan's alife because he looks so old in this. But Christopher Lee of course said him on he's dead and the leader of Rohan he died earlier in the year, so we play that game. But it's so much fun watching because when Ganno came back, she was just like, I've got pictures of her jumping up.

And down in the beanba who's bark.

He's And then when of course Aragorn gets in the second one, gets dragged off a cliff and she's.

Like, well, that's them out of it. We're losing humans left run and seen because Sean bean Dines dies borrowing here dies at the end of the first one. It's so good. I'd love to be excited about anything that excited, to get that excited, to be excited about this.

Why this is one of the good things about having kids.

You get to kind of leech their excitement.

Right, They leach yours.

That's what's happened as you're leaching these back, because they leached yours all this time.

You're under the exact wrong impression.

If you think I would have a more exciting life without children, me me, me think about it.


No, oh, now you've got me in the mood. I really want to.

Children or Lord of the Rings. Oh god, no, just to watch all.

These with NEGRONI and just no kids.

It's really like the special effect. There's a couple of Golemn scenes because that's right. He comes in this movie we just watched, which she doesn't trust him one iota. She's got Samwise game. She's not trusting him. She's like, no, I just would have straight up killed him. She doesn't trust Samwise. No, no, she trusts sam Wise. Samwise doesn't trust Gollum.

And she's like, sam Wise has got it right here.

But then I gotta tell her.

I can't tell her that he's kind of crucial to the third third movie, really looking forward to it, but absolutely on the weekend, because Flitch, you've only watched the first one.

Should we do a movie marathon? Flitch is my mic coming through from it is coming through? Should we do it?

I will say they are beautifully shy.

And when I was walking the Heape track last week, I was like, this is Harry Lord of the Rings, And then I googled and there's some parts that the seen in like the heafe near the heavy track or in car Hanger National Bake, Like, that's why I love doing the tongrareria crossing it so and that's why I think when you watch it now, it hasn't aged badly. There's some golumbits. The CGIs a bit like, but at the time it was groundbreaking.


But because most of it is natural landscapes that are the beautiful part. Yeah, it hasn't aged. Yeah, it's us Baby, that's us Baby, that's Zealand We're beautiful.

It all plays z MS, Fletch, Porn and Hayley.

This is very funny to me.

There is a woman who was needing some dental work done and so she thought, you know what, I'm going to book that in and she didn't. She hadn't didn't you know, hadn't been to the dentist for a while. So she's ringing around a few dental clinics and she hadn't been to the dental clinic because she was nervous about pain, yeah, which is very common. So she was emailing basically trying to make sure that the place that she was going to go had now I know it to be anesthesia. But what she typed to I think about eight different dentists. Was do you have euthanasia available?

I mean, and it's enough pain killer will surely do the trick?

Is it anesthesia? Is that where they put you under?

Or or anesthetic is what they put into you into your gums?



General or local or right?

Can you numb it? But she to so many people said, do you provide euthanasia? I'm not I cannot handle pain. Do you provide euthanasia? If I come like, kill me and then do my do my my felling, please murder me?

And then.

It's not moider, No, it's not.

You've given them.


That's that's bad.

Slip up as a slip up, yeah, was well, what are we going to talk about?

Like you people that use the wrong words, because that's so good when you know someone.

So my friend sent me a.

Real estate list thing and because he's just looking at real estate, Yeah, but just looking and listen it says, he's like, explain this to me. This home is for sale just outside of Hamilton. Enjoy the penultimate country lifestyle and the outskirts of Hamilton.

Penultimate, well second to last.

Yea, so how is it the second to last country lifestyle on the outskirts of having it.

There's no more, no more. You go that one, then you go to the rhyman and then you're dead. Oh right, I think that's what the real estate agent means.

Or is it literally the second to last house before it turns into farms?

And which is the only thing that you just meant ultimate?


They just enjoy the ultimate country lifestyle.

That makes perfect sense.

Yeah, ultimate sounds like it means ultra ultimate, right, Yeah, but it doesn't.

It means second to last.

That's a weird.

It's one of my favorite words. You you're right, they must mean like second to last house on the block. No, I don't think they do it and they mean ultimate.

They just put pen on the front because it makes it sound like they're trying to be flash.

Yeah yeah, yeah, well maybe we should, I think, because this would happen all the time. Sometimes it's autocorrect as well. Because my gynecologist, her name is churn Right C H E r N. And I emailed her once and it auto corrected to Chernobyl, so it just said Chernobyl, here are some you know about gynecological.

Summer and I've got a thrush again.

High Chernobyl just letting you know I've survived three summers. No, Thrush, I thought you'd be proud. Regards my love to your family, Chernobyl. He is hoping for a fourth summer if I can find shorts, if I can find shorts with a breath. But like your idea born, Oh, I think we should get some messages and calls of like weiz have made a wording boo boo. You've completely put in the wrong word and it's and it's just made no sense.

Well maybe you were using a word, you were using a word for so long, but you didn't know the meaning and you just had.

It completely wrong. Yeah.

I love this, Yeah, I love it.

I love when people do it, And so if it's funny enough, I don't bother correct because I'm like, I'll get another laugh out of that next time I'm here.

You're totally yeah. Yeah, And he're using it because I reckon that makes him feel smart. Yeah.

Yeah's always when you take a word.

Yeah, I think that's what it means. You know what his suit means?

What hary her suit? Yeah, hary doesn't sound like literally is heir suit? But you're saying a suit. To me, it sounds like you like quite prompt and like focused. Yeah, I used it once and my mother in law was just like, yes, like a stute, right, he like, what are you talking about?

Yeah, that's embarrassing. Yeah, he made a hairy observation. Yeah, okay, eight one hundred dollars at him. Would love to take your calls now. Ticks through nine six nine sex.

Shout out to the person who's kicked off the phone and topic by. They were asking for anal leave for years, both God and the spoken and written.

Word every time.

It is not your workplace's business what you do with your leave. That's right that you were true ainally. Of course, every time the calendar goes around.

Plays it ms Fletchborn and Haley plays z ms Fletchborn and Hailey.

There was a woman looking for some dental services. She was emailing around all these dentists asking if they provided for pain relief euthanasia. Now she has miss misused a word there. She obviously means anesthesia or you know.

Shout out to the person who did this though, because she obviously was spelling euthanasia right.

Yes, you would have had to google how to spell euthanata.

Yeah, yeah, that the.

EU really throws you off.

There's no y in there.

This is so many messages and calls. This is great, Sarah. This was mum.


Yeah. So it was a few years ago.

Mum was printing out some business cards online and it was very late at night, and she found out about a week ago when she got the cards and the mail that she's spout accounts without the.

O don't say.

It's like when the light goes off on the countdown sign.

Yes, we've all seen that. Oh my god. How many did she print?

About five hundred?

It was a lot.

To them all.

It always blows my mind.

The printing places don't have an eye over these things, right, Like do they not care?

They do? You know if you were working at the printing place, you'd be like, that is not my problem.

That is very funny. I'm going to print them. That's on you.

Yeah, and we'll get well.

Yeah, and then then they'll get to reprint them when she has to pay for the next round. Sarah, thank you, Chelsea. What was the type or the word that you were using?


So I had a parent religion, and I went along with her to her church and they asked me if they were reading from the Bible. I get out there, I'm real nervous because there's like a hundred people watching.

Wait, you're just going for the first time and they're dragging you on stage.

Well, like I went to let the youth group and like yeah, like not that I was religious, but I just yeah, it was fun, Okay.

So yeah.

Anyway, so I get that chip podium things and I'm saying with speech and I get that down. I'm real, real proud of myself, like it was scary, and my friend looks at me, like, dude, just what And I'm like, what I thought I did well because I had disciple, not disciple.

A Disciples Jesus on this twelve Disciples.

Did you notice a rappel in the room when you said disciple?

No, because I was so preoccupied with making sure I got to my speech.

Oh, Disciples, that's so good, Chelsea, thank you, Shelley.

What was the word that you used wrong or the typo?

So we were doing a brochure for quite a new fancy retirement village and we were talking about how amazing all the security was in the area, and there was a huge hitting talking about their amazing pubic lighting public lightning. I love how everybody got past clients, it got past printers, it got past I've already picked it up.

It's a bit like, do you know you see those things online and they're like, did you notice the word the letters missing in these words? And then you're like, you look back over it and you actually you notice them when they've been pointed out, because you're.

Right in your brain and everyone's so focused on the actual body tips and the hittings sometimes just get completely missed.

How is the pubic lighting though?

Is it good?

It was excellent?


From below Shadow clay z ms plea.

We're talking about when someone just basically used the word wrong, maybe a mispronunciation, maybe in order correct because somebody asked for euthanasia rather than anesthetic, completely.

The wrong word.

She emailed Blake she does like ten doctors some messages and somebody said, oh my god, that just your caller saying about Jesus disciples.


Reminds me when our here girl got up to read from the book of Piss.

Arms Arms, what's your favorite pisam as a as a man of the Lord.

Three four three three dot fo.

Yeah, some other people. There's some absolutely brilliant situations going on with public sign writing. Brilliant.

Somebody else said, my dad had the public slash pubic situation happened. He was a registered public valuer, but business cards it was a registered pubic value.

Priceless, to be honest, my time priceless. My auntie was telling us how great it was that a new house came with shackles. She just kept saying the shackles great, it's great, it's but she meant chatteles, yeah, the list of stuff that comes with the house.

But she thought the word was all shackles, quite saying.

I was in a CPR course and that other people said, I'm a nurse, and when we're trying to teach the students, we're like, what do you do next? And they said, well, our next thing would be to arouse the patient, not rouse the patient, rouse and rouse to very different things.

You don't want to be doing that.

CPR cours the instructor out of a.

Coma were really would, however, way to wake up to mouth to mouth too, as well as both ends. The instructor in a CBR course kept telling us to arouse the patient. We were all trying so hard not to laugh until someone cracked and then we're all just laughing taking the course.

Huh they were taking the course? Times have they said that? Rouse all the time? God?

I once emailed dispatch you with a list of time saying can I book the below jobs? But mister e so I said, can I book the blow jobs? I terrified pretty quickly with yep, literally any of those times of fine.

Little excited man.

Someone said, my mom works at a medical practice, and your doctor started and mom came home and she said he is just lovely. Used to be a pedo and said it.

To everybody, and we're like, mom, no.

No, no, no, no no no no no no no no, no, don't what do you mean?

She said, well, he worked in the pediatrics department. Yeah, you don't know, No, you'd say it was pediatrics. Lovely used to be a pedo. Even despite that, he's lovely.

Though he's lovely, there's so many went to a GP with hip pain. She said, sounds like a labal tear. Yeah, my father messaged me asking me what it was. And I text my dad back, seventy five year old man, and.

I said, I believe she believed. She believes it's a labial tear. Oh man, he said, I thought it was your Dan, you the laby dan you m.

Yeah, there's so many summer like are you I've read some of that. You might think some of those inappropriate. There's some of are worse. There's some that are so much worse. Oh my god, he's thinking of it.

Say it or not?

Popcorn? Yes, that changed the pe with the c oh Someone's grandmother went up to the movies. They took it to They took their grandmother movies and she walked up, so she wanted just like.

A light bit of dyslexia or something, Why don't she just got confused?

And then the person behind the things eyes lit up and then they were like bigger part of and she said the same word multiple times, So I think she was just confused.

Did she end up finding it? And can she send me a link though?

A big bucket of nice hot yell.

Fletched vaorn and forty three days away from Chris and we're giving you the chance to win.

Who are you Christmassing?


M's pleas and Haley have there? Take it home?

Yes, Christmassing? See what we did there? Who are You Missing? It was really cheap but pretty stoked with ourselves when we came up with her. We're pretty stoked about Yeah, we were. We kind of high fives and a bit of a chuckle after that. So we're giving you the chance to bring someone who is going to miss Christmas home.

For Christmas is all about family, isn't it?

Friends, family, spending time with loved ones, and of course Jesus, but predominantly friends and family. Or if you fitch South America, probably well I'll do it early Christmas all about Look I have falling South America.

Okay, sure, But if you are missing someone and maybe they have moved to London or Australia or the US wherever, you can register then and yourself and then we could bring them home back to New Zealand with premium economy return flights.

Shout out, shout out here to United.

Airlines for helping make these Christmas dreams come true. To get that United Airlines in New Zealand can show you more of the USA.

Yeah, so, do you know what, I still think we're even on the back of the pandemic, we still haven't seen our loved ones as much as you know, we would like to. My brothers, I'm not going to see my brother this Christmas, and he's only in Australia. But it's hard, you know, it's hard to get it all planned an organize.

Yeah, this I think would be a great thing for siblings to team up on. One in the country. Obviously that enters the one that's overseas.

Surprise, I hadn't even thought. Yes, Dad cries, oh yeah, and the dog. The dog freaks out.

They're like, yeah, well yeah, whether it's like a sister or brother, if it's your friend that you miss, whoever it is, go to zenemonline and register. Tell us who you're christmassing and we could get them back to New Zealand for Christmas, all thanks to United Airlines. So register online. Yeah anyway, Yeah.

Lenny Key's over overseas in London in the last.

How long How long are we going to give you to register?

A couple of weeks? Yeah, so you've got lots of time. But get on to it now.

And I'd love to talk to people like we should talk to people like over the next couple of weeks, get people on there, ask them who they're missing.

Yeah, how long it's been since I've seen them?

Yeah, So if you want to get in the drawer and you want to bring a family member a friend home for Christmas?

Zenim online, aren't we nice?

Play ms fletchforhn and Hale.

Chicken Chicken has gone viral on TikTok and online, and it's all because of a British cheap travel expert. Her name's Chelsea Dickinson, and she is talking about the fact that if you leave your check in to the very last minute or till you know, just before departure, hours before, maybe you are more likely to get a better seat than if you check in early, say when Chicken opens for your flight.

No, I always reserve my seat and I always should pick a good one.

Yeah, but a lot of airlines don't let you even pick a seat for free, whereas yeah, like you will get a seat for free and you'll be able to lock it in no problem.

But a lot of airlines look at the ticket you can lock it in and you always try to get one towards the front.

Yeah, and so she said, and you know, like the home of cheap airlines like Ryan are an easy Jet in the UK and stuff.


So they she's saying that this has worked nine out of ten times really for the past year ten flights, she's got a good seat.

I think that is that they reserve the good seats until the last people.

Because they they're trying to sell these seats and people don't want to pay, so that they're just rolling the dice on a good seat at Chicken. My friend who came over recently, he was he was like, I can't select a seat without paying, and he's like, there are no good seats that I can select. So he just went to the airport and ended up getting exit rows because no one had paid on these long haul flights ninety dollars to sit there because they were like ridiculously priced. And he ended up getting good seats because he literally just rolled the dice and got them at the airport.

I'm here for this.

I'm here for it. What if you get a middle seat because you roll the dice and you get a medal seat?

I know because I you guys are like, have you checked in? And we're going somewhere with work, and oh I didn't even think about it. And so on the way to the airport.

I always as soon as it opens, my checken to so get a good seat, right, I want to I want a window or an aisle.

I don't.

You just don't want a middle seats seat as hell on Earth.

That is, you know someone, it's on the aisle and you go window. Unless there's a solo traveler, which they're often are, they won't. They won't want to set metal if.

I selected No, no one wants to set metal. I'm chicken in for my flight right now, babes. So this chicken chicken.

The idea is if you're not like a premium because if you're premium.

You get access to a bit of seat. So if you're like a lounge member or.

A you've got some kind of status, they might let you select a seat for free. Yeah, then that's not a problem. But yeah, if you don't have that, and then some airlines that make you pay for your seats when you're booking your flight, they might open them up in the twenty four hours before so you can select it then. But also, like chicken chicken, that's quiet. I wouldn't play this overseas well. I've been in American airports where flights are so over sold. Like the last flight I was on, they were offering people like a thousand dollars. You mean when I talk about this to get off the flight. I was like, you don't want to be leaving chicken so late that you don't make your fly. Now you need to be going on these This sounds like it would work in Europe. Yeah, switch airlines in so many destinies. Yeah, from the UK, but that's an idea. Or if you want to play Chicken Chicken.

I don't know it's it doesn't sure. I like to be like chicken.

I thought when this chicken chicken got mentioned, okay, and you said it was something I would like. I was imagining when you're in the line to check in, you've got chicken wings like wings, and now I'm disappoints.

You've got to eat the wings before that you get to the counter.

Yeah, or if you don't, you have to put them through the X ray machine and explain to security why you are taking delicious swings on board.

I don't think wings is a good in line option, but that's why I thought.

I thought it was a game, because you've got the sloppy fingers and you have to like get stuff out of your thing, and they want to see your passport. You can take your shoes off all the while eating as many wings as you can terrible.

You've gotta have to go to Nuggies something more.

Yeah, I gotta have mine appropriate nuggies. Yeah, I gotta have that bone.

Effect of the day. It's next, what's the top of fizzy drinks? Fizz fizzy drinks, fizzy drinks?

Play Zim's fletchborn.

And time for.

Fact of the day, Day day day, day do.

Do do do do do do do.

It's some fizzy fizzy drink, fizzy fizzy pop soda pop soft drinks. Okay at fact of the day, quick, I thought of about doing this as the first fact, okay, but then I was like, it's not enough of a fact, okay. Is that they're called soft drinks because they're not hard alcohol. They were the soft alternative to hard beverages, hard beverages being spirits. That's why they in America they call like hard lemonade like we would call just a lemonade rt D or whatever. They call it hard and hard seltzer alcohol in it, yeah, whereas seltzer cannot have alcohol in.

It, so soft the soft equivalent.

But also.

Not all this is not how do you say that's not all soft drinks are fizzy but all fizzy drinks are soft drinks.

Yeah, yeah, I understood that immediately.

You know what I mean?

Yeah, you know what I mean. So and but in New Zealand, we wouldn't called juice soft drinks, would we know? But they do in America. They call the choose from our soft drinks menu. And it's where like you're seeing your fizzy is there? I mean very little fruit and fruits, very little, very little.

It may as.

Well just be called sugar drinks.

But that's not today's in fact of the day about fizzy drinks. I'd like to touch on seven Up if I.

When the last.

Ages ten years ago at least, right, I couldn't tell you do they still.

Have it here? I didn't even really know what it tastes like, isn't it just that's Pepsy's sprite a No, Sprite is the Coca Cola company, Yeah, seven Sprite, Yes, Pepsi is Sprite Gypsy, Yeah, I do completely.

Manager is very different Yeah to seven up. Manager reminds you you're alive. Yeah, for all the wrong reasons.

But seven Up.

The original name of seven Up before it was changed was um hold on.

It's disappeared, it's gone to a different page BIB.

It was originally called I've got too many facts on the go here, it's all happening. Seven Up lithiated lemon soda was what it was called after it changed because in nineteen forty eight, when the FDA was like, we can no longer just be popping medicines and soft drinks. It sounds like a great rule, they had to take out lithium sitrate. Lithium sitrate was in seven up, and lithium sitrate is also used as a mood stabilizer and psychiatric psychiatric treatment of manni states and bipolar disorder.

And that was a fizzy drink.

It was in fizzy drink, and that was one of the reasons when they changed the name and changed the ingredients.

They called it seven up because for a lot of people it was a mood boost. It was an upper.

It was a bit of an upper that is wild. They used to give lithium to you know, your hysterical housewives and whatnot, Yeah, to sedate them because they're like, oh God, she's gone mad.

Give us some lithium.

You'll be like, God, she's asking for a job, she's asking to go and work.

Oh my god, damn mine, give us some.

Of that lithium.

The lithium lithium good stuff, So BIB label lithium, BIB labeled lithiated Lemon lime soda was its original name, Helen's Mouth, not nearly as catchy had around a bottle.

Marketing is going to be hard.

And it was also like they weren't making a secret of the fact that they had a mood stabilizing drug in it.

Really it makes feel good insane.

So yeah, then and the whole thing changed in the FAA said we can't just be popping medicines and soft drinks.

Did you say that nineteen forty eight?

All right, Okay, they came in and said you can't be doing that anymore. So they needed a new name. Now the seven up. Everybody assumes it's because it would burst your mood, the upper but where does the seven come from? The days a week baby atomic mass lithium is seven. It had seven main ingredients, and when it was first packaged it was in seven ounce bottles versus Coca Cola six to make it look like a bit of deal when purchasing. Okay, so it's never been set around exactly why they think it might be a lost secret of the soda Empire. It is seven up, but today's fact the day is seven up. Originally under a different name, BIB label lithiated lemon lime soda UH once contained a mood stabilizing drug.

Fact of the day, Day Day Day Day.

Do do Do Do Do Do Do do?

Fletchborn and Haley Haley.

We're having real fun up here in the studio.

Yeah, I know, I'm but jealous. I'm not having fun through the line. Yeah, I'm just sort of here with my bottle of antipity still water, and I'm just by myself paying her a fortune at still bottle. I actually felt sorry to just cop straight to the muky. I found this in the hotel room and it was so like it was kind of horn. That's that's mini bar water. That's not free.

Not my credit card on the room.

So God, when you get away with seven days, is someone else's credit card because our work we have to pay, I know how the other how the TV half live, Eh, I know, I don't think that's an I don't think saying man, those TV guys have flushed cashes a definitely not about four of them to think.

Yeah, anyway, I have.

So I'm on tour at the moment, and I definitely have been having more of an impulsive year than ever before. I'm known for my whimsical behavior, but I have been making sort of lifelong commitments to being whimsical. I would you know, I got I got two tattoos earlier this year, and then on Friday, I just had it. It just came to me in a sort of a thought, an idea for a tattoo, and so I just booked it and I got it. I got it yesterday and like that, you know, just like you see, I don't know, I've just never I don't have a single tanu, and I just don't feel the urge. I think because I used it because I had a few and I hadn't gotten any for years. I was always like, oh my, they have to really be well thought out and what really think about them? Now I'm like, I'll just you know, postmon.

Just get it on.

And then I was like, I was looking at my legs because I've been rocking around in some short shorts, in my short gym shorts, and I was like, would be fun if I had a little tatoo. So I just went and got one.

I just did it. Now, these are on the back of your legs, yeah, backs of my thighs.

It just says Galileo Figuredo, which is is a lyric too from Bohemian Raps.

It's the part in Wayne's World Fletch when they're.

I just thought why not. I actually already have a Bohemian Rhapsody, Tato. It was my first one I ever got, and it's looking a bit rough, so I was like, I'll just get another one, and it was fun. I just booked it. There was a place that had a booking. I went and got it down. Shout out to Tato.

Is this a Wayne's World tattoo?

Then no, it's a queen tattoo.

People like Haley show these people your Wayne's World tattoo.

Well then I looked up because obviously figured of in some.

Was the gold fish from the Pinocchio story, wasn't it?

Yeah? Or it can be another name for Jesus in some stories.

Oh wow, okay, a little bit of tattoo.

Yeah, in Galileo Strake, Galileo Galilei, galile Galileo, Galileo Galilei.

Every time you wear shorts, it's going to be visible. I know this is my first because I've got eight tattoos now, but this is my first one that you'll see all the time. Basically, it's a big commitment because I'm just being impulsively.

A Trump twenty twenty four tattoo on her lower.

Calf, which is amazing because you've got that before the election.

She knew, she knew my fan.

I knew.

I supported him from the get go. You haters, you doubted him. Trump is our president, make America great again. You say, I think he's gat He's doing great things for women.

I feel the tattoo was out there to be honest.

Yeah, but you wouldn't You would like to take some calls along this line.

Because I am feeling so impulsive at the moment, and I know a lot of my friends are also doing the same thing. It doesn't have to be a tattoo, but I want to know people, what was your impulsive move in the recent weeks or in the recent last while. Let's not yet, mate, Yeah, oh okay, we want Haley. We want but I don't know if you've been here a while behind the curtain there.

What Hailey's done is made She's come a lot of the audience out from participating because she said recently fletch. Fletch in turn has opened it back up by saying, if everybody's welcome to just call us with getting some purchases.

Is a month of November twenty twenty four, what was your eleven days so far? But maybe it was you know, like he saw another woman I follow on Instagram at the moment she was just like, you know what, you one's going to shave the head once and she had like hear down like below her waist and she had to cut it off. That's a call.

I want to know your most impulsive move.

Maybe it was just booking a holiday, because you know, you hover over that book button, you do it, and then you've spent all that money and you're going, and then you find out that it wasn't even including flights. It was just an accommodation.

Package, a huge way more money.

You've got to apply for a credit card than it did.

Seem too good to be true. I didn't read enough. Okay, Well, it could totally be a purchase, or a move or a change of look, or just something.

That as somebody messaged and will you also be accepting stories on crisis, piercings, woes. I mean, I mean it could technically be a lot of these stories could be midlife crisis.

Yes, couldn't they?

Well, you midlife, the quarter life crisis is a big crisis. Now it is.

Yeah, it's the thing. I wait, hundred dollars at M call us. Now you can take through nine six nine six.

What was your impulsive mo move that you made?

Play dead ms fletched Vaughn and Haley play dead MS fletched.

One and Haley.

I'd like to know your impulsive move that you've made, because Friday, it just popped into my head an idea for a tattoo, and yesterday I got it. And that was Sunday, and I'm just feeling very impulsive at the moment, and a lot.

Of people are something in the air, something in the air, quarter life, midlife crisis, maybe whatever it is quarter for me obvious Leah, good morning, good morning. What was your impulsive decision?

I bought a ticket to have a photo with Jason Mamma armageddon.

Ah, right, that's how impulsive. That just makes sense in the universe, you know, like, of course, well it does.

But we were on the Sunday and he wasn't meant to be there because he was on the Saturday, and over the loud speaker when we.

Were there that he was going to pop in.

For a bit, right, if you don't mind me asking, what does one of those photos cost? Hundred and thirty dollars?

One hundred and thirty dollars?

Oh my god, we've got a photo for freedomn't we?

That was nice about.

Going through my mind?

But did you give him a little squeeze?

I did a little bit, nice to squeeze.

Solid be.

He does solid happy as well.

So did you pay for each of you to get a photo?


No, no, no, it's one photo.

Just one photo.

Oh yeah, right, okay, oh yeah, nice? Nice?

Why they go to these?

I'm a bit they're charging a leiah, Thank you jin? What was your impulsive decision?


Hey, guys, a long time listener, first time caller?

Okay, yes, welcome gin, welcome and welcome.


So I followed someone on Instagram and saw that they got a tattoo. You might know her. Her name's Hailey Sprowl.

My god, she's not.

What did what did you do?


I then started following semi tattoo shout out and I had been planning on getting my three kids names tattooed, but instead I got a badger.

That's a great choice. Hearts badgers will not budges your tradition.

Badge, I think.

Okay, I love this tattoo.

Oh absolutely, he's called Benson husfle Puff to serve.

Pet your perfect picture, perfect man.

Benson after Benson bone from my elder daughter, huffle puss because that's the you know, the.

Harry Potter represented by that.

And then another friend said, bents and huffle puss sounds really posh. So yeah, now you're going.

To okay, very much like you because you got your cat done.

Didn't you hate that Sammy hitted my cat so you would have said, thought she could do a badger. I love it great, Thanks jin Terry, Terry, what was your impulsive move?

Well, swearing that I'd never get a tattoo after forty seven? Well was fifty four? Made the promise at seven to my dad that i'd never get one after you get your hiding What was.

The hiding for?

What was the hiding for at seven? Do you say you were getting in? You give yourself a pin tattoo.

Because I started scratching your girl's initials in my forearm. I hadn't seven.

Was giving yourself an.



At fifty four, I got my entirely picked tattooed with my girlfriend's name.

Oh wow, okay, is she still your girlfriend?


Oh? May this is similar, Terry.

Is your father still with us? Was your father still with you at the time that you did this?

Was so alive?




Did he give you another hide because he has an eye? Bloody will? That's stupid boy?

Are you going to be able to cover that up? Terry? Likely?

It's in kangie so and it's her name means love.

And that's all right, fantastic. Well that's what you can tell this.

Yeah, that's so you can tell the next girlfriend just means love. Definitely not my name.

I just looked out NI police for love. I didn't auto translate. Sharon Sharon, Sharon, Yeah.

Cherry, it ms Fletchborne and Hailey.

And Pulse purchases somewhat say mid life chrisis, but not everybody.

Haley's got new Do you count this as a single tattoo or two new tattoos?

Because I've got two words, one on each Lee Again, I'd say it's one. Yeah, but you got them at the same time like it was one. It's a team, it's a two parter. Yeah, but I am I'm feeling impulsive. I've already thinking about the next ones. Somebody said, Nick, it's a big spider web on the neck, and does it come around onto the throat? Okay, I'm the right person a necktatto.

At one, I was mocking, I want it not on me.

You you're not. You want a person, person who's on the.

Case, and on the person who's on me.

Yes, okay.


Bought a spar pool yesterday. Woke up, thought, man, I want a sparpool. Is it eleven am?

I'm holding off because I'm trying not to be impulsive, but I would love a spar pool.


Somebody else said I was getting into the habit of gettingquite a few impulsive tattoos. So I just brought a tattoo gun and cut out the middleman. I also brought an Mix five.

Okay, that's a screaming midlife crisis.

That was a five.

One of those little he dress of cars.

Little red convertible mass to flock up headlights. Oh yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, funny homosexual men drawn to them endlessly as well as boy races because they're rear wall driving a very quick sixteen hundred side.

But then mums also love them.

It's a actually a big demo, actually a huge.

Ven diagram of people that are interested in mass.

If someone said to me here's an ex five, I'd take it because I've drewn one before. Brother in law used to have one, and what he had Yep, that was the five that he got.

Off his father.

Yeah right, see again, mums love them.

Yeah, and then that six work a cut open the roof with a knife to get into steel stuff. That's why you don't park on the k road side roads. Yeah, that's right, booked prompt you holiday the cook Islands on very short.

Not it's nice.

That's my sort of impromptuness.

I don't even know you, and you deserve it. Flew to Mexico to have a surgery. Half of my family don't know, so don't call me what kind of surgery. They doesn't like cosmeticides? Yeah, do you reckon then the family?

Not right?


Or you just what come back from holiday and maybe you've lost a little bit.

Of gastric band or something. Yeah, oh yeah, so that would kick in later, so they might not know, and then you'll be like, oh mean you're getting treated later.

Yeah, Jim, Jim.

Just Jim bro ProTem gym.

I have two quite recent impulsive moves. I booked a trip to Japan for my family of sex, none of them know about it yet, And we bought a house on deadline sale and the last day we offered it before I'd even seen it in person.

Oh, you've got to know, how are you going to Japan and buying a new house.

Maybe they're maybe they're one lotto, maybe maybe that's a ten millionaire. Yeah.

Yeah, I bought it because my wife said we need a bigger house to fit the table she wanted because I got a charcoal barbecue. And then she was like, well if you get that, I get a table, but we need a bigger house because the table I wants too big for our area.

So then we bought a new house.

I don't know how people are doing that get a smaller table mate just even just like the paperwork that you have to be like high bank, more money, please, yeah, like you sure this is a good idea?

No, please more?

And then you just pad off forever and yeah, you try.

Had bought sixy lingerie an impulse pine and invited Hubby to remove lingerie after kids have left the house.

Great time. Oh my god, good for you. That makes me so happy.

Yeah, that's nice saying I impulsively purchased an ol packer. Now that's at the other end of the stale are they? Are they spitty ones or spitty screamy screamy?

Does it looks so cute? Dumb? I want one?

They scream at the monkeys being murdered, and that not meant for this environment.

And I would warn you shut you're such a buzz kill man. Be more impulsive.

No, no, no, waent for breakfast mcdee's. Yeah, show sponsor, yees show sponsor, and brought in your car on the way home.

I just saw it.


I love that.

Yeah that's good.

I'm done with the show.

Are you finished?

Finished? You're done? Are you feeling impulsive enough to finish? Maybe a minute earlier than we probably should have done. I love the impulse. Hey, remember how you just gave that uber driver five stars because you wanted five stars back? Yes, let's do that with this podcast. Review it five stars. Tell your friends and We'll do the same for you if you ever need a review for anything. But where are you giving me my five stars? Well, I don't know. Do you have a restaurant or something? Yes, if you give us five stars on this podcast, tell us where you would will review, even where we won't even go, We'll just view your fact.

I don't want people to know where my restaurant is. I'm doing one of those secret restaurants.

That's exactly the opposite of how restaurants work.

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