Waleed Aly Live From Washington On The US Election 

Published Nov 6, 2024, 10:20 PM

The Project’s Waleed Aly is live from Washington covering the results of the US election. As Donald Trump celebrates his victory, Kamala Harris is conceding and Waleed has all the live updates.

This is the Fitty and Whipper with Kate Richie podcast.

Donald Trump has won the White House. What's an historic comeback? The first president to win a non consecutive race for the White House since Grover Cleveland did it more than one hundred and thirty years ago. This will forever be remembered as the day the American people regained control of their country.

Seventy one million votes went a Trump Kamala Harris's sixty six million votes. It wasn't a weed as well that he got up and spoke with his victory speech at two thirty in the morning over there, but it was prime time here in Australia and.

It was time he did it for us.

Yeah, everyone always got looking of others. One man who is over there. He's been to numerous US elections for the project. And you can catch the project six thirty week nights on Channel ten. Is the magnificent Wallaide Lai. Welcome, Wallaid, Hey hong on, huh.

Good mate, thanks for coming on.

Can I just say, Wallaid, how you are so diplomatic in this in this situation is unbelievable. And you know, I mean you've been to quite a few of these before. But what we saw yesterday, I mean, you've got to admit it will be known as one of the most historic US elections of all time, won't it.

It will, and it might become even more historic as the presidency unsold right, because who knows what the next four years old. It's really weird thing that happens with Donald Trump, which is there are kind of two views of him. One is that he says all this crazy stuff and he really means it, and the other is he says all this crazy stuff which you can mostly ignore, and then you focus on what he's really about, which is like strong economy or whatever. And we might be about to find out which version that is correct.

It's crazy, can I Riley? There's a abit going around saying that there was more people than ever that registered to vote in this US election, but there was twenty million fewer votes than twenty twenty Do you know anything about that?

I don't know any background as to like on specific numbers, but that would actually quite a bit because one of the things that I think we saw, which it didn't look like was actually happening in the lead up to the election, but it definitely seems that way now. Was that Trump was able to infuse people to come out and vote and Carmala Harris ultimately wasn't. Now that surprised me because I expected, particularly the abortion issue, would be such an energizer for the female vote. And it looks like Carmala did win the female vote pretty strongly. It's just that they weren't in enormous but it wasn't like overwhelming numbers. But you know who really did turn out was rural Americans and they have for the longest time and will continue to vote Republican. And that's true whether it's Old Trump or someone else. But Donald Trump clearly has managed to speak to them and then and pull them out for him. And then the other thing he did was he just peeled off really crucial little bit. So there's been a lot of talk about black men voting for Donald Trump. That don't get me wrong, they mostly vote Democrat. That's but just in smaller numbers than you expected, and that seemed to show up. We have to wait for final numbers, but that seemed to show up in places like Philadelphia and you know, those inner city areas where he just did slightly better than he did in twenty twenty and then the Latinovo it seems to have been really really decisive, and that that's suscinating. So the fact that Trump has won, what does it mean?

Americans are saying, what do they They've picked their guy, this is who we want and this is what we want to see unfold. What did they choose?

They're angry and they wanted life. They want life to get better, and they feel like it's getting worse. And in some ways, it's really as simple as that. When I landed in America, the first date we went to was Michigan and we drove we'll going to a college football game. Actually, as it happened to speak to some people, can highly recommend that. By the way, it's so one hundred thousand people. Yeah, I know for college anyway. And they were just we're driving them a highway out to the stadium, and there are these billboards and all sorts of billboards, but there was one that Trump had and it just said are you better off? Question mark vote Trump? Simple of that. And I remember looking at that and going that is devastating. And I thought at that moment he's going to win. And then I slowly changed my mind as we got close to the election, and I had just guessed probably Harris, but I ended up being wrong about that, But that initial hunt was right. When you're in America, Trump voting for Trump is a kind of a normal thing because he's the Republican nominee, and there are aho lot of people who are always going to vote Republican, and you can put a pop plan up, they will vote Republican. And then there are those who are attracted to Donald Trump. And the basic fundamental elements of the campaign remained pretty basic and fundamental, I think, like economy, things like migration, and and when you're living in Australia, you get distracted by a lot of sensational stuff and that's there, and even in America, particularly Democrats get distracted by that, but the fundamental stuff. So in some ways America is saying it's really annoyed, and in other ways it's not saying much different to what normally says, which the economy matters.

Well, that's what we were sort of saying earlier in the show too, Why ladies, as we sit back here, and it's very easy to judge because my values don't align with Donald Trump. But I'm not living in middle America either. So for me to cast my impression and tell you how shocked I am that the world or America considered this guy a leader is sort of a little bit ignorant because I don't know the detail and I'm not living the life.

Yeah, and it's also a matter of emphasis, right, so you know, it was really fascinating. We were in Detroit, that's where we first landed, and I don't know how well you know Detroit, but there's like there's a river and literally on the other side of the river is Canada, right, And so you can go to a shopping mall and run into Canadians because Canadians would come over and go shopping. This will happened, and actually they would do that a lot because it was always a lot cheaper to come to Detroit and buy stuff. And our Tamerman was out just chopping and talking to people, and you ran into the Canadians and they said, yeah, we come here all the time, but actually we've noticed it's much cheaper now, so I don't know if it's worth coming now. That is a really significant fact because that tells you about the pressure that people will feel, like we do you think we have a cost of living crisis. I can tell you as someone who's had to go out and buy breakfast every day because I don't have a kitchenette here. It will shock you to hear it is hugely expensive. It really is. And so it's bad news for Elbow. I'll tell you that because Trump won the White House, but because if you're in government right now, you've got to fight on your hands no matter where you are.

Yeah, and I think that will be the tachnic that Peter Darton and the Liberals will go into our election with.


We appreciate you time. Like I said, you've been to a numerous US elections made and you can catch Y Lead tonight on the Projects six point thirty on Channel ten. Thank you so much for coming on the show.

Brother, Thanks for having me.

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