Freaky Accidents At Home That Will Make Your Skin Crawl 

Published Nov 19, 2024, 4:00 AM

Home is where the heart is…and apparently, all the mishaps too! From slippery shower mishaps and epic kitchen fails to battles with IKEA furniture (spoiler: the flatpack always wins), this one's for anyone who's ever tripped over a vacuum cord or been outsmarted by a rogue Lego piece. 

This is the Fitting in with Her with Kate Richie podcast.

Here are the dangers at home that you didn't even know were dangers.

This is a real concern.

The number of accidents from unknowingly doing things like drinking bleach are being crushed by a wardrobe.

They've sought to record highs.

Why people are at home more.

Everyone's trusting themselves around different things. Preventable deaths is what we're talking about, guys especially, They're especially high in people under forty.

I mean, what are you doing at home?

Fools remain the top killer that's always there. But accidental ingestion of medicines, cleaning products, cosmetics.

How do you accidentally do that?

I could understand medications, God I took I needed a couple of painkillers once and I took two tablets that Lisa had been given after childbirth. She had a sea section and they had thirty milligrams of codeine. I didn't know whether I needed to vomit or flight of the MOONJCOB.

I couldn't move my leg.

I asked for I had a little bit of a headache and asked for a couple of panadole off bej once and she didn't know she gave me fort fort. Yeah, which which is the heavy stuff? Tell you what I got rid of my head ache.

I'll tell you what.

And then last movie either gets you It constipated too many panadine fort does it? Yeah, that's one of the dangers written on the box makes me very hungry panadine fort.

How interesting if I'm a little.

Bit and a panadine fort.

You've been having quite a bit of panadine foot lately, by the looks of it.

What do you mean by that? It's one of the dangers around the house. You can put on weight by having the wrong medicine. I think because you get hungry hungry hippos.

Inadimate mechanical forces like bookshelves or other pieces of furniture crushing people.

Oh yeah, that happens regularly.

About the TV.

TV swat falling off a wall.

Oh yeah, just falling. I think there was the bookshelf.

I don't realize how heavy the bookshelf is.

No, we don't very funny to put up on Instagram afterwards, but at the time it can be quite dangerous.

This is extraordinary. Twenty two deaths from accidental electrical shocks, right, I understand that three hundred deaths from accidental drownings in bathtubs.

Yeah, I understand.

What is that? Do you fall a nose?

People can have a fit or something, right, you really need to That's why they say.

Like, don't leave people in the bath.

Oh. I thought it was like we're Houston.

She died in a bar well that as well, out of a broken heart, but also in the bar.

That as well. But I think they don't ever think that they're okay, especially if.

You've had medications and then you have.

A Bathroomerl's giving us a call from San Susie.

You've had a few freak accidents yourself, shares.

Yes, I have.

I was, you know, decided to make some soup and I was doing grading the vegetable and my hand slipped one of those flate grated and my hand slipped and I took all the skin off my fingers.

Oh you're talking about like the mandoline, aren't you.

Yeah, like like a bit snow, Yeah, like that, but like just a flake greater and yeah, yeah, and my hand slipped and and all be on the front of my fingers, blow and nails all my fingers like greater my fingers, Cheryl.

What does carrot and skin taste like?


Oh well, but this way, I was very lucky I hadn't put it in the seat, otherwise it would have been very tasty.

Beautiful, ruined pinky. This guy thanks for call Cheryl Blender.

That blender can be probable the iron.

I know this. This guy here says he stepped backwards in his foot. He was using his lawnmower.

He stepped backwards.

His foot caught the ledge of the stairs and also the grandson's trampoline. Next thing you know, I was falling backwards. Rather than letting go of the handle, which would have turned the engine off, I grabbed it tighter to try and steady myself.

Then I felt something warm or on my toes, and I knew I had loped them off.

Oh gosh, Pakita in Helensburg, freak accidents?

What happened to you, Nikota?

When I was.

Younger, my mum was opening up a tin of food like tin spaghetti, and she severed, almost severed, completely severed her finger. She'd done the tendons, the nerves, and a finger, and she ended up in day surgery to fix all of it.

How does that happen?

I don't know.

We don't know how she did it, but it was on a tin of stetty right, yeah, it's.

A freak accident.

Well, this is the thing. Do you still have a crack because of spaghetti? That's spaghetti?

The tin skins?

It is so good. What kind of can I open?

Or are you using like the old school ones that.

Leannette in French? As for us? This one happened in the kitchen, Linnette.

Yeah, my girlfriend's daughter was making a cake. Was one of those kitchen aids, you know, mixer let a daughter let down with long hair got caught into the glade. I'm laughing. Luckily they were close enough to pull it out at the power point before her face went into.

The gosh or else.

It's a patch of hair, doesn't it that rip off a few layers.

It will actually scalp you. It'll take you. I'll take the whole.

Top of your Yeah, scalp take the whole.

Top of.

That's why people wear hairneuts in craft shave my head. But maybe I shall not always cape. It can happen, you know. I let the kids use the blender.

I reckon. I'll put a stop to that. Now. Kids always make smoothies. Yeah, I don't think they.

Should do what kind of Well, it depends whether you've got the one that you can actually reach in and put your hand into, maybe like a new triblet where once it's clicked on, you can't you can't put your hand into that.

What we need to get you got to get the neu trible a mate, Oh god or from Lewisham, tell us what I having?

Your dad?


Yeah, So he was up in the attic and when he was exiting the attic, he just he completely missed the ladder and just stepped straight into at the air and just yeah, fell the whole way down, broken necks of pretty much caution. Yeah, but it was a very good recovery, I will say, like, you know, we were all fearing for the worst that he's backed up renovating the house.

Like very lucky. What an ordealia true?

Not fair?

That was what was the near death in incident lace.

Yeah, I was making a coffee in the kitchen with one of those Italian beer letty machines, the little screw ones that give you know, like a.

Percolated thing, and I had I recently said to my.

Ex happened the steal needs changing, so he's like, oh yeah, cool, no worries. So he changed the seal, but he didn't take the old one out. So the pressure built up and the coffee machine exploded and the serious business flew across the room, missing our toddler by about like two inches. Oh my god, I know, right, Coffee everywhere and a stream and a screaming toddler and cancer.

Yeah was it the coffee machine?


You guys are on fire.

I could go home.

I've got more I can't think of them now, but it's definitely actually Surprise two when it comes up.

I'm not going to get I can't even over. I've lost all the feeling in my arms. Are gonna give you.

A at the end of the year, Christmas around the when.

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