We all know that person. They swear it’s “better for their skin” or “natural,” but let’s be real – they smell like they wrestled a bin. We dive into the dirty details of why some people avoid showers and share stories that’ll make you grateful for soap and water.
It fits in with Kate podcast.
Okay, so.
That doesn't impress me.
Are you are you a Brad Pitt fan? Do you think he's a bit of all right?
Have you met him?
No, if it's in I have hung out with Brad a couple of times, haven't we made.
We were not one on one.
We've got a red carpet with him, and that's hanging out.
That's not being his friend. He wouldn't remember you.
We did an interview and remember that he looked back back at our fits and sort of not as if to say, should we get a skilly after this?
He didn't, He didn't. Unfortunately he didn't. He is.
I watched again the other day Kate Once upon a Time in Hollywood with him and Leonardo, and the scene where he's on the roof, working on the roof with his top off and a pair of jeans.
Still got it.
There has to be a deficiency. Are you going to go into a deficiency of Brad Pitt here?
Because look I have found over the last few years, of course, and like everybody watched the divorce of Brad and and and then the subsequent court proceedings and the messy Yeah, and I think there's been a lot of mud slung at Brad. It's not for me to say whether it's true or not, but I mean some people can get away with certain well they shouldn't be able to.
Let's be very clear, world, it's not fair.
But you can't forget that he's a pretty hot stuff. And that's what I want to talk about, the swaning, because apparently he has a.
Filthy little habit.
And I don't know whether this would put you off Brad or not, but it didn't surprise me. His old mate, old cast mate, Jason Priestley. I'm not sure what they worked together on, but they did actually live together in a flat many years ago, before even Brad was famous. He turned up in you know, I guess Hollywood. They're all not doing very well at these this stage. So there's three people in an apartment sharing. Jason Priestley comes home one day and it happens to be Brad Pitt before his Brad Pit. They got on like a house on fire, the way Jason tells the stories that they you know, these were the days where they drank generic beer and smoked Marlborough lights and they were just hanging out that's yeah, the boys But apparently Brad doesn't shower very much, and.
That was the big reveal Jason was talking on this podcast, and I don't know.
I think that one thing about Brad that is kind of attractive is that he's a bit.
Rough around the edges.
I mean, you can see him in his tuxedo on the red carpet, and he does scrub.
Up very well, he still looks a bit unwashed.
Well, like you're saying in that movie fits that kind of slightly sweaty, unwashed, kind of almost greasy hair.
Well, I don't think it is hotter. I'm not a big fan of.
What are you talking about?
Fight club as well?
Remember he got into a fight.
Remember his face was.
Full of blood and he still looked hotter.
Okay, how long does he go without us?
Jason? Days and days?
And that's what Jason I mean to add to the Boys Club. It was a bit like who's not you know, who's not who's not showering? Which one can win the medal this week of Jason and Brad in the apartment, I'm not going.
To have It's okay to look a little unwashed and still be handsome. The way Brad pitt Is. You just don't want that Betty smell. You know when you see those people seat nobody who loves who loves.
That ky And that's what we were the cave. Mean, this is the thing.
It was the aroma that attracted the female to the male.
No, no, no, that in twenty four ten. Tell us what you think.
But I think there's a difference between looking a bit unwashed, maybe a bit body odery, but in a kind of I've been working really hard to like catch you dinner, then the lying in the bed like what a what a teenage boy or men in their their early twenties. You opened the door to their room and you're like this it stinks of light, Yeah, despiration and playing with their bodies.
Can I can I throw Priestly under the bus because the interviewed him before he came Yeah, he came in with pink eye. He had pinky It's not can you.
Back me up there?
Tom Do you remember.
That he did?
I got a photo next to Jason. He had pink eye at the time. He was a bit shy about it, wasn't he Tommy. He had sunglasses on them. We went take your glasses off. He refused to take the glasses.
You're an idiot when it comes to hygiene, Kate, I tell you what, I'd rather have a five day unwashed brad Pit than a pinky stinking that's some bloke who's who's obviously not washing himself.
Can we felt out then, how long you're going without a shower?
Yeah, that would be. And whether you think you're still attractive?
Are you're still picking up like if you had to be luck after not showering for a week.
And I've got a story to about somebody that I used to work with who was who was a bit up this brad pit.
Really well, I mean, I'll leave that up to you, Belinda.
Thanks fits Belinda in BONDI what do you think about this not showering business?
Good morning everybody. I think it's rather a turn on My husband's Greek and he's been doing a brad pickway before Brad Pitt invented it.
Belinda, is he is he more of a bo kind of a rhema? So does he go out to work all day and come home with that strong bo?
Is that fragrance?
It's under the arms and when he lists there's just this beastly manly smell that blind and he's in construction. So he comes sat and he can build. And the day the man can do more than build cake.
The day the outside of you are and hand home.
If he's a Greek man, Belinda, is he hairy shoulders, hairy back? Is he everywhere?
No, he's not one of those hairy apes.
Does he smell like garlic as well? Belinda?
I do use garlic.
A good cook, aren't you, Belinda? And you feed him up and you look after him at the end of the day.
Remember I come over from real cake.
You're just up the right.
Hey, Belinda, can I ask what is the longest he's been without a shower.
It's not really without a shower. He does shower. It's just that he doesn't use the odor into under the arm. So even though you shower, your stalk's got that smell where Yeah, look at it.
I do get it from you.
Yeah, you're lying on somebody's chest and you're like you can smell them.
But proud though as well, when they're having a couple of social drinks, it's she's proud to look around the room and go that I know, I know that you're actually you're getting quite disgusted by that spell. But that smells mine. He's mine.
Yeah, But she doesn't need to look around the room, for she always knows where he is.
Yes, she knows when he's gone up the hallway.
Two away, back left.
But the thing is, it's different when they are your partner and you are somewhat attracted to them. When you work with people, I think it's really different. I think that there is a level of showering that comes with being considerate to other.
People around around you. I had I.
Won't who they are, but probably fancied themselves as a bit of a brad pitch right.
You know.
I worked with them on a show I did for a few years television or radio, television.
This is awesome.
And he was one of these guys that just didn't shower and almost wore wore it as a badge of honor and happened. I mean, he might know, but Belinda and her stinky husband in Bondai has lived around the ocean and thought that if he had a shower, if he had a swim in Bonday, that was enough. And to the point where he had to be spoken to and said, you know, you've really got to you've got a shower and he said, well, I'm.
Having a swim in the ocean every day.
It was kind of like a bit natural to you know, might not wear shoes.
You did work with hands with for a while.
I wouldn't care if Chris ever showered. Really, I mean, let's put.
That one out to the ladies, and I think if anyone get away without showing, it's Chris. But yeah, this person just had to be advised that bathing in the ocean was not enough and a cake of soap had to be included.
Spoken to.
Did you hook up with them on the show?
Off the show? For sure?
No, I've just told a story about them being a bit, but that's not why I didn't look up with them. I think I was in a relationship and also I don't like to mix business with pleasure.
Still was a guy who worked in radio, Tommy and I worked with. Didn't they Tom about his breath?
He thought it was a prank. He went, where's the camera as he was in the boss's office, and they went, no.
This is a series.
Your breath smells like you've eaten a turd sandwich. Go and have a look at yourself.
It fits in with Regie podcast. Well do you know what?
We have a beautiful person in here, not just physically but also spiritually as well. And be Imperfect podcast sixth season. Wow, this is it's back again. You can get it wherever you get your good podcast from. We love this Man, new event.
It's so nice to see you.
Can I just clear up something quickly with you. I heard on one of the podcasts somebody calling you, Hugh Van silent bird.
Is that correct?
I have been called so many things. Cycling bird one day, that's not bad. Yeah, cycling bird. I like that as an indiview on the ABC. And then I a friend of mine sent you found a picture on Google imags of a bird riding a bike.
And anyway, mate, let's talk about Resilience project because one of the key topics which came up and we were discussing this off air, was addiction to mobile phones.
So in the hotel this morning where I was, I went down for breakfast and there was a family of four. Ye, so was it mum and dad? It was a boy would have been when thirteen girl looked about fifteen sixteen. And I was chatting to the dad at the buffet area and he was saying that had come down from cannsall that'd stayed for two nights, and he was sitting near me, and he went back to his table and he sat there and his two kids were slumped in their chairs on their phones. Mum was on the phone, and I was watching Gang. That's so sad, Like if that was us back in the day, you would be just so. You're so excited with your family trip to the city, chatting about and the guy, after about two minutes, he said, is there any dangerugging have some conversation with some of my own family, And he looked so upset about it, and no one answered, like no one looked up from their phone, like it was just met with complete silence. And he was sitting there eating his music, looking so shattered. And I was like, oh, that's really depressing. And then ten minutes later I realized all I've been doing myself for the last ten minutes of being on my phone as well. And so I've talked about this so much over the last five to ten years, addiction to devices, and I've realized that so in my book that I wrote, which is called The Far Too Personal Trainer. No, sorry, that's the book which I wrote.
That's sorry, that's still a couple of copies of olam dot com.
How do you know j Loo has heard about it? She yeah, she has.
Oh god, she hasn't read it yet, which she has heard about it.
So in my book, I did a whole section. I wrote it in twenty nineteen and it was all and I did this whole thing on addiction to devices, and I was all, I had four strategies in there, and I won't listen on now, but because I've realized that they worked back then but they don't now. I feel like big tech and the algorithms have got smarter and smarter and smarter, and they've got better at making is addicted and we just so that don't really and there's any one out of the like there was stuff like I was saying back in twenty nineteen, Oh, put your put all your social media apps in a folder and put it five screens across and label that like folder regret or some of that, because you know you're going to regret Aproarably, the most common my one experiences after ten minutes or more on social media is regret. So I was like, you could name that the Regret and you could put it five screens across. I've realized for the last three years, I just swiped five screens, click on Regret, don't even read it, and i just go straight into Instagram and then I'm stuck. And so I've sort of realized that it's the strategy I write about the book because of the way technology has It's just got smarter and smarter. The algorithms too good. It just keeps sending me videos of Brettley bowling Yorkers and Snake's being taken out of people's houses. I cannot I cannot get say no to that. I cannot not look at that. And so I've I've in the last literally in the last three weeks, I've taken a new step and it's the only thing that really works for me. And I'd love people to try this. It's a technique and it involves literally putting your phone in a really inconvenient place where you actually can't physically get to it. So when I get home from work at five o'clock five ish, I leave it in the car park about fifty meters down the road. Wow, And then I'm going but otherwise, do you really do this well, yeah, like in the last three weeks. And it's because I've noticed, I reckon. If you think about it, the reason we go to our phone so often, the reason we go to our phone is actually just to numb the negtive emotion. Well, convenience, and also we try to number negative emotion. So the second we feel sad, lonely, disconnected, you, whatever it is, we just grab our phone and we try to numb the negtive emotion. It works and numbs the negative emotion, but it doesn't it doesn't fix the problem, so we put the phone down. We're still where we were before. So the example I'll give is my daughter who's four has the last six months is having a lot of problems around bedtime. Her meltdowns honestly will last about an hour. I reckon, Yeah, and so, and it's my job to put her to bed Pennies with the with the boys, and I have had my phone on me whenever she's melting down, I just get my phone out and sort of look at snakes being taken out of people's houses or breadlaws in Swinging Yorkers And it's just like I just I've been doing that just because it's a negative emotion. I'm so upset with how she's going that I'm just grabbing my phone. And then I was like, no, what am I doing? Like she's just watching me be on my phone this whole hour when she's in distress, and so I put it downstairs. But then after ten minutes, I was like, I'll just go and get it, and i'd go. I would almost like I'd sleepwalking. I didn't even know I was going downstairs getting my phone. Now I've left it in the car as too far. I was like, I can't be bothered. And I've actually noticed that we get through the hour together, Like we both get upset together, then we both cheer up together, and we go through all the emotions together. We go through the stress cycle. This we sort of complete this stress cycle together. And it's been really beautiful to really totally be present with her as she struggles and then works her way through it.
Yeah, and I.
Think she's going to sleep. Is it has helped in that sense.
I know it still takes about an hour and a half way to fall asleep, but I'm lying there with her and I'm present for it. And when she's struggling the message she's getting is Hey, I'm here with you. You know, we're in this together, as opposed to oh look at that delivery from Brettley.
There's no way right delivery. My youngest son at the moment has a real passion for gaming. So he loves sitting there and talking to mates while playing a game and loves it. And I understand that, but we give him time limits, and this is the thing he has that the hardest thing is for him to say goodbye to his mates and stop it all together. But I think the most the most important question you out of all of this is how does Brettlee hold the ball to to.
I just knew, I just knew it, and you just knew the whole time.
I don't know how he does it. Here so beautiful.
If you want to have a good time on YouTube, just typing Brettley and swinging yourkat and yeah that's good. Actually know that's a device. Don't do that.
I was reading a story I don't know if you saw it in the news about Libby Trickett, of course, hero swimmer champion, and she had an awkward encounter I think with a family member who said to a child of hers who is nine something about the fact that she seems to have dropped some weight and she's looking fantastic, and that was to the child and the house. Now, Libby thought long and hard about whether she was going to deal with this privately or she was kind of going to open the discussion publicly because of how disgusted she was.
Let's have a little listen to Libby.
I had someone close to us say to my eight year old daughter today, Wow, you look like you've lost weight.
Have you lost weight? You look great?
My daughter's eight.
And she kind of continues on in her socials post. I guess what I want to ask is, yes, there's the whole discussion around how we talk about body image and how that's projected onto particularly little girls. But I'm guessing, and I don't know who the family family member was, but there's always a tricky family member. And sometimes the older generation thinks that the way they parent or the way that they spoke to their children is going to work for you and your children today, it doesn't always. How do you have those you know, how do you kind of say to people, Hey, guess what, these aren't your children to be looking after, These aren't your children to speak to that way, and we're not going to have that in our house and still be kind of okay with them. Am I making sense?
Do you know what I mean?
Because I mean I've even there's even books. I've seen books for grandparents or books for unties and uncles, because sometimes it's not great for everybody to get involved and put their parenting skills into a different household.
The most important conversation in that point is the conversation between Liby and her child. And so I don't think you are going to change a person who says that you can have a hard conversation with them if you want, but that relationship there, I think they'll probably double down and say that's true, that's how I feel. I'm just saying how I feel, or whatever it is. I don't think the're going to go, do you know what. I can't see a well in which that person goes. Do you know what, You've made some really good points. I think I'm wrong, and I'm going to go and have a chat to this child to explain.
That you're right. They do tend to say I was just saying that they.
Look like especially it's a family, remember.
Yeah, totally, And I think they'll just justify what they said, or they'll they'll try and downplay the significance of it and sort of almost sort of gaslight. I don't know this person maybe, but in general I would say that's what's going to happen.
Let's say.
I would say, all the emotional energy you have in that moment goes to the child just just to say to them, just to explain to them that what was just said was was utter nonsense in whichever language will work for you and your child. And what matters is how kind they are, how compassionate they are, how much they know all the stuff that we know that kids you need to hear, and basically, you are enough as you are right now. You are enough, and you don't need approval from outside people all that kind of stuff. And so when an adult said something that to a child, of course the child is going to trust the adult because they're the adult in that situation. The message there to Liby Trigger's daughter was you look better when you're thin. Such a dangerous, toxic message to receive. So I think I know Libby very well. We're lucky to have her on our podcast. She's a beautiful person, she's amazing, and I know that she would have put a lot of work into that conversation so met so I'm very long sorry. If I can give this in a real quick way, Yeah, all the emotional.
I like the long way, by the way, but I know we don't usually have time for it on the show.
All the emotional energy you have in that moment needs to go towards your child and to sort of almost rescue that situation. But I'm sure for a lot of parents that have done so much great work in that area that it won't be that much of a struggle to get them to understand.
And you can adapt to then that kind of that way of parenting, whether it's a chat, sorry, you can adapt that way of parenting, whether it's a discussion about kind of wait or about other things within the household. Always put your focus on the child, not the person who's saying the things you don't want them to say.
Yeah, totally, we love you.
To the sixth season of The Imperfect it starts when is it up?
When's your fairst episode?
Do you want to kick it off?
Monday? This coming Monday episode one with I don't think we'll have to say who, but it rhymes with hat rummins.
Wow, wow the tennis player. That is amazing.
Hey I could do a good in swinging around it out very nice.
Love you here, thanks for coming in.
By thank you you.
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