In this Fitness Disrupted short, Tom runs through an effective 6-minute workout to mix into your routine that incorporates both strength training and cardio elements.
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Welcome to Fitness Disrupted, a production of my Heart Radio. I am Tom Holland, and this is Fitness Disrupted. If you've listened to any of my episodes, you know by now that I am a big believer in shorter workouts. I am a big believer in doing a lot of your exercise at home. That's not to say we don't go to the gym. It's just change happens at home. And we can get a heck of a lot more exercise in when we do it in short chunks throughout the day, in the privacy of our own home, as as simple as that, okay. And I am a big believer, so much so that my new book, The micro Workout Plan, is coming out in April, and it has a bunch of five minute actually thirty different five minute workouts in it, and I talk about the value and the research behind shorter workouts. And when the number one reason people give for lack of exercise is time, Holy cow, isn't that great news? Isn't it great news that you can do it at home, You can do shorter workouts throughout the day, and that three five minute bouts of exercise has the same essential benefits as one continuous fifteen minute session. It does not have to be continuous, and I am living proof of that. I've been doing sets of push ups, as I've talked about in other episodes in the push up episode, for decades. I've done shorter core routines throughout the day for decades. Sure I still go to the gym, but that's a couple of times a week. I mean, it's my job, so I go more often than most people. But for most people, even if you go to the gym three times a week, doing those shorter workouts at home is going to get you in ridiculously healthy shape. It's micro workouts. It's building the end of your day. That's how we used to do it. And given our new sitting and and just crazy zy, hectic schedules that so many people have, technology has made it worse, I'd argue, not better. This is great news. So I'm gonna give you a bunch of workouts in different shows, and this is one of them. So this is the six minute total body body weight circuit. And what I love our workouts that involved no equipment. I love the shorter workouts and utilizing those exercises that as I say, are tried and true. They've been around forever for a reason. They work. You can do them anywhere at any time. You can modify them so that if you're just starting out, they work. If you're super advanced, you can modify it accordingly. And they work. And a lot of people say to me, oh my gosh, your book can't possibly be right shorter workouts. How can I possibly get in shape or see results from shorter workouts? Because it's about consistency, people, It's about excessive moderation. Okay, it's about doing a little bit of exercise frequently, doing a little bit a lot, not a lot, a little bit. So yes, you can still go to the gym, but do a lot of this stuff at home, the shorter workouts, and you will see incredible results. So what I have for you today, it's gonna sound so basic, so easy, try it and let me know what you think. Okay. And I love lifting weights, I love using different pieces of equipment, but I also love and know that the type of workout I'm gonna give you is what has really made all the difference in my life in my routine, because it's the base of strength, and it's something that again when it comes to consistency. I don't always have access to the gym, but I got body weight and I've got my body weight exercises. So six minute routine and it's gonna have cardio, it's gonna have upper body, it's gonna have lower body, and it's gonna have core. Those four things. Circuit training. I talked about it on so many different episodes because the research is so strong that mix your cardio and your strength together. If you're pressed for time, which most people are, so you're gonna get heart health, you're gonna get your cardio vascular benefit, you're gonna get strength benefit. And doing cardio interval and an upper body and a lower body and a core. Now you've hit your total body. So here we go. Thirty seconds you warm up jumping Jack's. Thirty seconds of jumping Jack's. That's gonna get the body going. It's the perfect way to start get that blood flowing. Then you're gonna go two squats body weight squats. And I want slow people. I'm not a big and I don't want as many reps as possible. I want you to go slower rather than faster. Thirty seconds body weight squats. Then you're gonna drop to the floor. You're gonna do push ups. If you're just starting out, you can do them on your knees, perfectly fine. If you want to make them more advanced, perfectly fine. Push ups thirty seconds, and then you're gonna flip over. You're gonna finish up with bicycle crunches. So thirty thirty, thirty thirty, let's go over one more time. Thirty seconds jumping. Jack's cardio burning some he's getting warmed up. Thirty seconds squats, slow it down, slow reps. Then I want push ups. Okay, upper body, you're getting chest, shoulders, triceps, and you finish up with bicycle crunches. That formula, by the way, you can use for so many different workouts. And I will and I will give you more. But trust me, those of you listening who are saying it's not enough, it's not hard enough, listen. It's about consistency. It's about doing these exercises with good form, all right. And I want three rounds, simple math, thirty seconds each. One round is two minutes. I want three rounds, three sets. If you want to do eight minutes, you want to do ten minutes. Be my guest, but this is a six minute routine for the vast majority of people. You can always make it longer. You could even make it shorter, but I want six minutes. I want three rounds. I like the three sets, right, And so when you're done, you will have done three cardio blasts with the jumping jacks. You will have done squats three times. You will have done push ups three times. And one of the most effective abdominal exercises that requires no equipment is that bicycle crunch. And take your time with that bicycle crunch as well. All right, six minute total body body weight circuit anywhere, any time, any level of fitness, and it works. There you go. Thank you so much for listening. I love these short episodes. I hope you do too. I also love the longer ones. We're gonna do both a little of everything. Variation key to success in exercise and everything in my experience. All Right, I am Tom Holland if you haven't rated the show, I so appreciate it. When you do, so, please take a second just rate the show. Comments are greatly appreciated as well. Questions leave them for me. I answer them on a future listener mail bag. Show. I love what I do, and my goal is to help you look better, feel better and live long. I have the greatest job in the world. I am Tom Holland. This is Fitness Disrupted. Believe in yourself. Fitness Disrupted is a production of I Heart Radio. For more podcasts from my heart Radio, visit the i heart Radio app, Apple Podcasts, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.