The conversation continues to explore the concept of petrodollar and its impact on the United States. It discusses the historical agreement between the US and Saudi Arabia, orchestrated by Henry Kissinger, which allowed oil trades to be settled in US dollars. The conversation also delves into the rise of the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) and their efforts to create their own currency to settle trade, potentially challenging the dominance of the US dollar. The discussion highlights the importance of being aware of these geopolitical events and their potential impact on the value of the US dollar. Wealth Health Radio with Joe Murphy is heard Sundays at noon on AM 560 The Answer, WIND in Chicago. Visit MWM Financial to connect with Joe.
Reports of the petrodollar system's demise are 'fake news' - here's why
What the end of petrodollars means Atlantic Council
U.S.-Saudi Petrodollar Pact Ends after 50 Years Reddit
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