This is the Fear and Greed Afternoon Report - everything you need to know about what happened in the markets, economy and world of business today, in just a few minutes.
Trump nominee helps markets
Air NZ upgrade
SCA strike
NSW power threat
Israel cease-fire hopes
Welcome to the Fear and Greed Business News Afternoon Report for Monday, the twenty fifth of November twenty twenty four. I'm Sean Elmer. Every afternoon, We've got five stories that happened today that you need to know about. Storing one, there's some PASX two hundred hit a new all time high today of eight four hundred and fifty eight point nine points. That was late this morning. By the end of the day he had finished up zero point three percent to eighty four hundred and seventeen points, the best close ever. It came out to Donald Trump nominated Hedge Fund of founder Scott Bessont as Treasury Secretary in the US, thing that the market liked ze he actually understands the market. The sixty two year old has been publicly supportive of tariffs, but he's also suggested the threats by Donald Trump our negotiating strategy I aimed at extracting concessions. He told the ft that he thought Donald Trump was a free trader. That sort of took some pressure off market interest rates, also the US dollum. The local market responded well. Interest rates sensitive sectors did best. Real estate investment trust led the way healthcare, consumer discretionary companies. They all did well on all prices pushed up the big miners. Higher energy prices pushed up the earl and gas stocks, but the bank stocks were lower after the regulator, the Australian Financial Regulation Authority, said it would maintain its mortgage lending buffers, worried about high debt levels, cost of living pressures and a pickup in credit growth. Of course, before they fell, the Commonwealth Bank hit another all time record first thing this morning, storing them two. Air new Zealand is about to retro fit its wide body planes, adding more premium, economy and business class seats. It follows what Quantas has done and is a hedge against weak domestic and corporate travel markets. Today it said that it's going to decrease the capacity of its Dreamliner, but it expects to add thirty percent more non economy seats. It also helps to boost cargo exports to help the bottom line. Air New Zealand, which is listed in New Zealand And on the AX, looks like it will finally turn a profit. In the current six months, was up two percent today, It's down about fifteen percent for the year. Compare that to Quantus. It's up about sixty seven percent this year, trading near record levels. Storry number three Southern Cross Osterio held its annual general meeting today and investors delivered a first strike against its executive pay plans. It's a tough market. Southern Cross Osteria is down forty three percent this year. It's the group that owns a Triple M network as well as Hit Radio. It also owns Listener and a network of regional TV stations. It's big shareholders include one of its biggest competitors, ARN Media. That's the group that tried to buy SCA last year. Arn includes Kiss and Pure Gold. SCA at the annual general meeting today said it's in active negotiations to offload its TV stations. Chair John Kelly said going forward for SCA, it's all about audio. Story Number four. Thousands of New South Wales homes and businesses are facing the threat of rolling bickouts on Wednesday on the back of an unexpected hour stages at coal power units along with very hot weather. Initially, the regulator, the Australian Energy Market Operator, said that one point seven to three gigawatts could be lost by mid afternoon Wednesday, that's enough to power about one and a half million homes. They labor cut back to about twenty percent of that level. Still, that's three hundred thousand homes. It's the biggest test for the state since the closure of Agal Energy's Liddell coal power station in April last year. According to the finn Review, disruptions or outages at Agal Energy's Bayswater Generator in the Huna Valley, at Gladstone at Trong North and Queensland at Origin Energy Zarring plant, at Delta's of VAL's Point station in New South Wales and age Eel's Oi Yang power station in Victoria has really hit the power supply and story number five. The Times of Israel has reported that Israel has agreed in principle to a US backed ceasefire with Hesblah in what would be a major breakthrough in the region. The newspaper cited multiple reports of high level consoleations involving Prime Minister Benjamin net and Yahoo. It comes after Israel was hit by rocket fire from Lebanon and the Israeli Air Force carried out multiple strikes on HESBLA sites in Beirut. The proposed ceasefire aims to restore UN Security Council Resolution seventeen oh one, which ended the two thousand and six HESBLA Israel war. It would require HESBLA to pull its fighters back about thirty kilometers from the Israeli border and the Lebanese Army to deploy in the buffer zone. According to the finn Review, as if the Afternoon Report for Monday, the twenty fifth of November twenty twenty four, Michael Thompson and I will be back tomorrow morning with Tuesday edition off beer and green business news. I'm chanelma Enjoy your evening.