Father explains the immaculate conception, is it okay to celebrate Jewish feast days, are Catholics obligated to go to Mass if they didn’t know it was a holy day of obligation. Father answers these and many other questions. Have a question, email Father at simon@relevantradio.com
(33:40) Break 2
(35:25) Word of the Day:
(39:02) Phones:
Clifton - priest never gives out Communion at my Church. is this ok? also lay person is giving out blessings? is this ok?
Joseph – how does the Church have grounds to say we are going to hell if we leave the Church?
Michael - The Temple Mount. where is it in modern day Israel in relation to the modern-day Mosques?
Jalen - I'm the only Catholic in my family. One of my daughters is a strong fundamentalist/evangelical. She keeps talking to me about anti-Catholic stereotypes (we are cannibals) and I need a good book to give her.