Father shares something never before mentioned about this passage.
(19:56) Break 1
(20:50) Letters:
Father answers questions about what to wear when you are lecturing at Church, answers what heaven will be like, why God seems more peaceful in the New Testament than in the Old Testament and answers much more.
(35:09) Break 2
(35:53) Word of the Day:
(37:35) Phones:
Kathrine - what is the meaning of Hosanna in Hebrew?
Matthew - Are free masons still allowed according to the church and when were they outlawed? Can you practice it and still be Catholic?
Robert - Because I drew you from the water, I named you mosses. I have a question on the language used here
Claire - I am a Eucharistic minister and I do multiple masses a day. Am I allowed to receive communion twice then?
Matt - Can a priest trump God's words during mass?