Sen. Chuck Schumer & Charlie Sykes

Published Oct 19, 2024, 4:01 AM

MSNBC contributor Charlie Sykes joins us to discuss the state of the presidential race. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer examines the Democrats' 2024 Senate map.

Hi, I'm Molly John Fast and this is Fast Politics, where we discussed the top political headlines with some of today's best minds, and Brett Bair says I did make a mistake when he played a deceptively edited tape during his interview with Vice President Harris. We have the greatest show ever. Today, MSNBC contributor Charlie Sykes joins us to talk about.

The state of the race.

Then we'll talk to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer about the Democrats twenty twenty four Senate BAP and the possible pickup opportunities.

But first the news.

So Molly the Orange Man, mister Trump, he came in to Fox and Friends set on the curvy couch.

It feels like twenty sixteen with Donald Trump on the curvy couch with a plethora of SICCA fans.

Well, would I play you what he said here?

Event I have nowid we're gonna be back on the camp. Actually you got another event to go to, ste thank you for giving us some time.

You know what the event I have now no, a very big event.

I'm going to see Rupert Murdoch. Right, that's a big event. I don't know if you boiled that I see.

It, yes, and I'm going to tell him here, I'm going to tell him something very simple, because I can't talk to anybody else. Don't put on negative commercials for twenty one days. Don't put them and don't put on their They're horrible people that come and lie. I'm going to say, Rupert, please do it this way right, and then we're gonna have a victory.

Because I think everyone wants to. And you're going to out out Casey's talk. It's a great channel that we have with Tyres. Oh good, there you go. All right, mister president, thank you.

This is the guy who believes that cb I should lose its broadcasting license because it put the wrong answer for a different question in the Kamala Harris sixty Minutes interview. He believes that that should happen, but he also believes that Fox should not play any negative advertisements about him or have any pundons who are not thoroughly maga. What is totally fascinating to me about this is it's funny because it's like he is clearly has this sort of twenty sixteen view of the world.

So he really does believe that if he can just.

Get enough positive coverage on Fox, he can win this election. Meanwhile, it's a country of three hundred plus million people, and what five million watch Fox? And of those, it's probably less than five million. Of those four point nine nine to nine million of.

Them are maga to the extreme.

So playing a negative Trump ad does not do anything except make Trump crazy, which I guess is sort of Weirdly, the case for George Conway and Rick Wilson's audience of one ads is that really bothers him to see negative ads about himself, and perhaps that is the reason to do it.

Another crazy thing he said, well he was visiting the friends at Fox, is that he's going to close the education department. What's listen, Education close it.

I'm going to hold them anything to do with school cusses it but also suffer from school ures.

We're going to take the.

Department of Education. Close it. I'm going to close it. Well, one person could be you if you decide to retire.

Here's what Central guests who bothers me about that.

The pushback is stupid. They're like, well, what happens if their school is teaching woke? Because we need the Department of Education to stop the teaching woke, showing that none of these morons know what the Department of Education does at the federal level. So here's what it does do. It does pel grants. It does federal education grants. So if you are in a red state where you have very low state taxes, then you get less money for education and you rely more on federal money from the federal government for education. What this will do is red states will get less money for education. Congratulations, Red States, you have played yourself. But also moreant ending the Department of Education is something that comes directly from Project twenty twenty five. He'll remember Project twenty twenty five, the sort of book of legislation written by Trump's people that Trump said he knows nothing about.

So out in Pennsylvania, the crucial swing state, Elon Musk is holding a bunch of town halls. End up, Molly. It seems stupidity ensued, which I'm really shocked about.

Elon Musk has moved to the state of Pennsylvania because he believes it will help Donald Trump. Because he went to the University of Pennsylvania for three years and so he's practically a Pennsylvanian.

I'm sure he says John all the time.

So he did, in fact, like the one thing, and I wonder how much this is true. I feel like there's some a lawyer somewhere. One of his lawyers, because he is a billionaire, he's the richest person in the world, said to him something like, just you could talk about whatever you want, but don't talk about Dominion. So he got up there immediately and started talking about dominion. Dominion got a settlement, but smart Mattock is still suing Fox anyways, so dominion is very litigious, and Mosque immediately brought that up. And by the way, the great part of this story, like the great irony, is the Dominion doesn't serve Philadelphia. Dominion's voting systems are based on paper balance, and Dominion really doesn't like it when you malign them in public. So Elon, you're probably going to get a call from the lawyers.

That wasn't the only stupid thing he said.

Another fun one Elon called Biden and Harris puppets controlled not by one but by many puppeteers.

And then somehow again whatever, that's ridiculous. But my favorite part of this is that somehow he was able to work into this conversation Epstein, Epstein's client list, and he said he thinks there's going to be a number of names that are both Harris's puppeteers and Epstein's clients.

Okay, sure, considering the pictures of him with Jislad and Trump with both Epstein and Gieslab and there's none of KABLOA. Harris and Donald Trump. I think it's a little ridiculous.

Hard to fathom, Miley.

So there's this horrible analysis that suggests that twenty twenty one Texas abortion bin results in an increase in infant deaths in the state. What are you seeing here?

So? I really wanted to cover this because it just hasn't gotten a ton of coverage. It's an analysis that it's from pro publica. It's a pediatric study comes out of the Bloomberg School. It's published from the Bloomberg School of Public Health at Johns Hopkins, And basically what it says is that in the year of twenty twenty one, when SB eight, which was the ban on abortion, happened a year before Trump's Supreme Court over turned Roby Wade. In that year, there was a twelve point nine percent increase in infant death in Texas, and what that increase was was women who have to carry babies who were very likely to die, and so the numbers just jumped up, and it was in the first twenty An analysis of neonatal deaths in the first twenty eight days found this pattern of one hundred and forty five excess deaths on the period right after the post policy. So basically, these women are walking coffins. They are being forced to carry babies that have a very high likelihood of dying, and then they are delivering these babies only to have them die. I think that a lot of anti choicers will say that the quote unquote life of an egg plus the sperm of a five celled blasticist is the same as the life of a fully developed baby. But that's bullshit, and we know it, and I know what it's like to carry a child, and I think it's really just so fucked up that this new law is basically making so women have to carry babies they know are gonna die, birth that baby, take care of that baby until it dies. It just is completely insane and in any other country this would not be happening, and so I just it's just.

Appalling so I wanted to talk about it.

Charlie Sikes is the author of the newsletter to the Contrary and the book How the Right Lost Its Mind Welcome Back, Too Fast Politics. Charlie Sykes, how are you?

I'm okay. I feel like you're asking me.

This because my first cousin has been tweeting about me all day.

Is that why? Or is there another reason?

It was sad? Of course there's other things going on in the world, but you know, your family drama is always top of my mind.

It's all good. You know, we're complicated.

Is this your convoluted way of saying, fuck that guy?

I honestly kind of yeah, Okay, I like my family, but I don't have You know, if you're gonna go work for Jill Stein, we're probably not gonna be no.

Yeah, yeah, that is a tell. Once you've gone full Jill Stein, everything else is sort of just gloss.


It's not a nuanced you know, like I liked Nikki Haley, but I'm going to vote for Paris, but I'm not really on board with her.

That is a little more nuanced.

This is I can't Yeah, so early voting out of Pennsylvania.

Can we talk about it because it's really good.

Well, you tell me about it, because I have to say that I've kind of been tuning out the daily noise about all of this stuff, the poly market, the ups and downs, checking my pulse rate every minute. Tell me some good news. I could do some good news.

I was talking to a congressman from Pennsylvania who's very, very smart, and he was saying, I said, you know what's happening, and he said, we keep having to change our plans because Harris keeps coming down here so much.

Well, it's like that in Wisconsin. Was she did three cities yesterday here in Wisconsin. She's coming back next week. This is the new normal for Wisconsin, in Pennsylvania.

And in some ways it's absolutely the opposite of twenty sixteen.

Right, oh, yes, exactly. Somebody tweeted out, you know, Hillary Clinton was criticized for not campaigning in Wisconsin, and now Kamala is being criticized for coming in campaigning in Wisconsin as opposed to going to a white tied dinner in New York where the Catholic Church be clowned itself.

You know, as a Jew, I try to stay out of that kind of thing. But it did seem bad.

It was very bad. If I could rant about this for just a second before we get to the Pennsylvania numbers. I actually know Cardinal Dolan. He used to be the Archbishop of Milwaukee. There are a few people that I like and respect more than Cardinal Dolan. And so it was so humiliar and embarrassing to watch him sitting there as Donald Trump told one offensively, deeply unfunny joke after another. And I'm sorry to use the word normalization again, but pull back for a second. Here you have a man who is a convicted felon who tried to overturn a free and fair election, somebody who is convicted for paying hush money to a porn star, who has also been found legally liable for sexual abuse sexual assault, which a judge said was in fact rape, and there he is standing there like a normal candidate at this Catholic event to raise money for Catholic charities, as if he's just a guy. It's almost as if none of it happened, That none of the crimes, none of the misconduct, none of the pussy grabbing, none of the rapes ever happened, and everybody's yucking it up as he tells jokes about Barack Whussane Obama, and it was a cringe worthy moment, even in a deeply ringe worthy time.

Yes, true, And it just felt like we saw Barbara Comstock how to tweet about this, that he was like cursing, reading very quietly, looking very sweaty.

Oh it was flop sweaty bad. It was just bad. And watching you know the pictures, you know, watching all of these dignitaries treating him, you know, I mean laughing or pretending to laugh at these crude and vile insults. This was one of the better decisions that Kamala Harris has made not to go there, not to be part of this. Hey, you know, our differences really aren't all that great when you know what, they are fucking huge, and this is not the moment to pretend that they're not big.


I think that's really true. And that was what I heard from Barbara Comstock. And also I think everything you just said is so right and for religious people, but it also does feel like it's sort of it's got this kind of tittin pot dictator thing.

It was this bizarre kabuki theater. Jonathan Last has a piece in the bulwark, because you know, against kabuki normality, Trump weaponizes democracy's traditions against it. Absolutely right. And I'm looking at this picture. There's Cardinal Dolan, and again this is somebody that I know very well standing next to Donald Trump with his fist up in the air, and it's just it's a pathetic moment. It's a pathetic moment. It feels like a beat, just a betrayal of fundamental values. Cardinal Dolan is a serious person. Okay, he's first of all, he's an incredibly decent person. I'm sorry to go off on it, but I remember sitting with him doing an interview in the Before Times. This was during the Obama presidency, and he was about to go to New York and he said, one of the most important things is for the church to stay true to its principles and its beliefs, no matter what the cause. And so for example, he said, if in fact, the federal government ever required us to perform abortions, we would shut down all of the Catholics before.

We would do that.

And I said, you would shut down the hospitals. I said yes, because you know, our mission and our principles are so important and there he is, standing next to Donald fucking Trump.

Yeah, there he is.

It's funny because one of the people from Trump World, who's sort of fallen out of favor, was saying to me Trump would never be an abortion First of all, again he already has, but sure, he was like, it's too much something that they think of as something they can do.

You know, they need to be able to do.

Yeah, well, at least they need to say it. So you're going to give me some some good news out of Pennsylvania.

Yes, yes, yes, it's nine days of early voting in Pennsylvania, seven hundred and ninety one thousand, eight hundred and four votes Cats forty eight percent Democrat, forty percent GOP thirty four zero point one percent independent. The DEM edge is now almost three hundred thousand votes. That's a plus eight. So that's good. I mean, look, you know, who knows what will happen. We still have many days. But it's just a little bit of good news.

And there were very dramatic early numbers out of Georgia as.

Well in North Carolina too. Nuts.

Yeah, no, maybe this means a lot, maybe it doesn't. We just don't know. And by the way, this is why I'm leaving the country in a couple of weeks. Yes, I know, I'm actually going to be gone on election night because I don't want to do this. You know, what are the exit polls from you know, South Dakota saying it's like no, no, just god, wait until we actually know something. So I'm actually going to be in France because I can't take all of the disinformation and the spin. Speaking of disinformation, I bet this is your favorite story too, this story about the manipulation of polymarket. You know, these these predictive things where they have the betting and everything. They get all this attention and creates all this vibe that people, you know, smart people are putting money on Donald Trump winning. Polymarket of course is this thing created by Peter t and then they hire Nate Silver. Well, it turns out that you have some of these anonymous Trumpets who have been betting tens of millions of dollars on Trump winning, skewing the results. Now pretty good indication of somebody has you know, way too much money to be able to spend. For sure, I do not want to go down the rabbit hole of you know, unskewed poles and stuff. But there does seem to be this sort of psychological warfare trying to make everyone lose their minds by coming up with these completely bogus predictions and models that mean nothing, that tell you nothing, and just fuck with your head.

Oh yeah.

I also would add that, you know, all of the sort of evidence we have that supports Trump right now is a lot of poles.


We don't have any other sort of thing that shows a Trump advantage.

Right, No, there's nothing tangible in fact, the tangible stuff or of the numbers you just mentioned. And there have been a number of reports about the status of the ground games between the Democrats and Republicans, and I have to tell you that you know, what I'm hearing out of Pennsylvania and Michigan is exactly what's happening here in Wisconsin, where, for whatever reason, the Democrats have a tremendous edge when it comes to that get out the vote ground game. Now again, will it make a difference, we don't know, But in a toss up election, you know, in a jump ball election, that could make all the difference. And I will tell you that the difference in terms of just the granular campaign operations is really one of the stories of twenty twenty four.

I hope, yes, it's funny because I was getting booked for Election Day TV and I was thinking about you going to France. I was like, it's so smart to go to France. But yeah, I think that's totally right. And again, we don't know what's happening on the ground, but we're certainly seeing. And the thing I was struck by was Harris did, in fact go this week on Fox News with Brett Baher Walls has been on Fox Sunday.

Two weeks in a row, so it's not as if.

There isn't some president for this, but I was still pretty surprised.

It was a big surprise. It was a high risk, high reward move on her part. And so talk about how the way the narrative has changed, because remember when everybody was pounding on her, you know, why are they hiding her? Why isn't she doing these interviews? Well, she's doing a lot of interviews, and I don't know whether you've noticed, but she's getting better at it too.

Yes much.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump is really going back into the bunker. I mean it's really kind of amazing. I mean, you run through the list of all of the interviews that he's either bailed out of or refused sixty minutes, the CNN Debate, the CNBC News interview, an NBC News interview with Christine Romans, this NRA rally in Georgia for the Second Amendment, which he just bailed on, I mean, one after another, and apparently there are reports that he's bailing on some of these interviews because he's just exhausted.

He's worn out, Yeah, and low energy.

Well, and after his performance in that Bloomberg interview, which was absolutely just you know, a face plant incoherent ramble where and he was clearly very unhappy that he was there, It is interesting. So you kind of get a sense that she's getting a certain she's getting, you know, a certain momentum. She had some really good one liners yesterday in Lacrosse, Wisconsin for some hecklers. She said, I think you're at the wrong rally. I think you meant to go to the smaller.

One another road. Yeah, that was very good.

Whereas he's getting worse and worse and worse, and his aides are i think, trying to shove him back into the basement.

Yeah, Well, and with good reason. When we saw him on the Kurby couch today.

He was not covering himself with glory at the Bloomberg interview was really embarrassing and he kind of got over his skis and then he was like, I looked you up and you're a Trump hater. I could have not calm here today. I think it's tough. And again, this is the irony of this entire campaign, right, he ran for so long on Biden's age.

This guy is fucking old.

Yes he is. And I say that as somebody who's much older than you that to think about it, that this is the oldest man ever to run for president at this point, and his aide and we're getting reports that he's too exhausted to do interviews and he's wearing out. Now, what's interesting is that he's come up with a way to explain the fact that he can't put together a coherent thought. He calls it the weave. This is the weave, and everybody else is going, what are you talking about, man? What unripened bananas are firing off in your prefrontal cortex. I mean, it's just terrible. Yeah, and yet it's not getting nearly the kind of handwringing obsessiveness that was aimed at Joe Biden. Now I happen to think it was justifiable now in retrospect to aim it at Joe Biden. But if that is the big overriding issue of the twenty twenty four campaign about the fitness of Joe Biden, is cognitive decline, alleged cognitive decline. Why is there not the same Oh my god, what's happening to Donald Trump?

And why is that It's obviously part of some ship, right or is there some other thing I'm missing here?

I think that again, the media continues to not know how to cover Donald Trump. I think that there's a certain exhaustion, a certain Okay, it's no one cares, nothing makes any difference. The Republican Party is not going to replace Donald Trump. And with Donald Trump after nine years, no matter how outrageous he is, there's kind of that thing in the back of your mind where you go there he goes again, or right, this is who the same old, same old, when in fact it's getting worse and worse and more alarming and more alarming. So at the very moment when the alarm should be getting louder and the flairs should be getting brighter. There's still that sort of let's just go through the motions of pretending this is a normal election, as I'm sorry to say my good friend Cardinal Dolan and the Cat Church did in New York last night.


I think there's also just a fair amount of hedging from people like Cardinal Dolan, right, that maybe this guy will win and he's going to have to just suck up to him.


There's a fantastic piece that your listeners really ought to look up by Susan Glasser in The New Yorker where she talks about why are all the billionaires falling into line behind Donald Trump? And many of these billionaires had bailed on him after January sixth, regard him as a horrible, odious person. She quotes them my name, And yet they've kind of figured, well, you know he's going to be elected president. Why fall on our swords. Let's go along with it because he's transactional and how bad can it be? Right? And you want to talk about historical analogies where the industrialists thought that they could work and contain or moderate the extremist in power. Hasn't worked in the past, but you never know. Yeah, billionaires always have tremendous confidence in their own abilities, don't they.

So the state of Pennsylvania is getting two white men who are very fancy and ivy League educated for the next five days, jd Vance and Elon Musk. I mean, is this a good play for Pennsylvania voters? Like remember Jade Vance ran twenty points twenty points behind Dwine in his Senate candidacy and he got money poured into it.

By Peter Keel. No, it is interesting. So the Elon Musk thing is you know, I mean, this is you know, Trump really worships Elon Muska. He had an event in Pennsylvania where he was basically costplaying a presidential candidate himself, and it was really a disturbing glimpse into what's happened to the mind of Elon Musk, where he's actually pushing the conspiracy theories about dominion voting systems. By the way, a company that has kind of an interesting track record of being litigious when they're lying about Yes. So, I don't know, I mean, there's there's there's a certain class of people that will be attracted to the wealth and the celebrity of Elon Musk. But I'm guessing that they were already in Trump's camp. Meanwhile, you have Kamala Harris, who is rolling out Barack Obama. I'm Michelle Obama there campaigning. I see that Bill Clinton is campaigning in North Carolina. And one of the most remarkable stories of this campaign that you and I have talked about before, the Harris campaign is really quite serious in reaching out to disaffected Republicans. Haley voters, big big event in Pennsylvania. Yeah, she's coming back, or at least scheduled to come back to Wisconsin next week with Liz Cheney going for that sliver of votes. Those Republicans who look at Donald Trump and go, no, I just can't do that. It's just not worth it.

Yeah, and that's you too, right, that's me.

You know, this is very different than four years ago. I think four years ago there was a we don't need you former Republicans. Now it's like, no, those people who voted for Nicki Haley in the primary, who are looking at Mike Penn saying I'm not voting for this guy, or listening to somebody like General Millie who says this guy is a total fascist. I mean, there's some sort of moment here, you know, Molly, where you have the top general in the United States, former top general saying, this is the most dangerous man that we've ever had in this office. He's a total fascist. Attention ought to be paid, an attention ought to be paid by people who would normally always pull the lever next to the R guy. By I'm dating myself because we don't pull levers anymore, do we do we?

I think there's some lever pulling, but not in quite the same way.

But yeah, I'm in it to be paid. Yes, very true.

So the Harris campaign is quite serious about this reaching out to these voters. And I have to say that with every single Republican that comes out in favor of her, it becomes easier. So you have Charlie Dent from Pennsylvania form a Republican congressman. I mean, the list is getting longer and longer. And I have to say that if you would have asked me six months ago, would those disaffected Republicans feel comfortab with Kamala Harris, I would would have. I wouldn't know. I don't know. It's a remarkable turn of events and a remarkable accomplishment by this campaign, which is quite serious about creating this big ten coalition.

Yeah, I'll say thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, Charlie anytime. Are you concerned about Project twenty twenty five and how awful Trump's second term could be, Well, so are we, which is why we teamed up with iHeart to make a limited series with the experts on what a disaster Project twenty twenty five would be for America's future. Right now, we have just released the final episode of this five episode series. They're all available by looking up Molly John Fast Project twenty twenty five on YouTube, and if you are more of a podcast person and not say a YouTuber, you can hit play and put your phone in the lock screen and it will play back just like a podcast. All five episodes are online now. We need to educate Americans on what Trump said in term would or could due to this country, so please watch it and spread the word. Senator Chuck Schumer is the Majority Leader and senior Senator from the great state of New York. Welcome back to Fast Politics, Senator Chuck Schuber.

Molly, it's good to be back. Thanks for all the good work you've been doing and are continuing to do.

You're the best.

Oh, thank you.

So let's go and talk about the Senate races. The map, it's not a good map, but there's a lot of interesting stuff. So do you want to start by talking about Pennsylvania.

Sure, well, let me just before we start intoe each state how important it is for us to keep the Senate. If Trump is elected president, God forbid, but he will. Then if they have the Senate, my guess is that you'll see resignations of people like I've heard this in some right wing journals, right resignations of some of our Supreme Court justices for much older, and they'll fill them up with right wing the people who are in their thirties. And if Kanalla wins, and I hope and believe she will, but if they have the Senate, they'll block everything she does. So keeping the Democratic Senate is great. And the good news is, even though we have a very tough map, we are doing well in race after race after race because our candidates are really in touch with people. They know what people want. McConnell and the Republicans have run a lot of very you know, wealthy billionaires, but who really don't know the state and don't care about people. So we're in good shape to keep the Senate. We're feeling you know, it's it's tough, it's close. It's hand to hand combat, if you will. But we're doing well and I'm going to go over a few of the states.


We have a chance to win Texas and send Ted Cruz back home. When the people of Texas are asked, what is the word that they most associate that comes to mind when they hear the name Ted Cruz, you know what they say, can cool? Do you remember during the deep freeze in Texas when there is no electricity it was ten degrees he was on our way to Kancu and having a nice vacation. They remember it. More importantly, he is one of the most partisan, nasty, anti partisan people that they've ever had in the Senate. Here's what Lindsey Graham one said. You know, if Ted were found dead on the Senate floor, there'd be ninety nine suspects.

That was a joke, but.

It shows you how disliked he is, even by his Republican colleagues. And we have a great can today. His name is Colin Allread. He was elected president of the class of twenty eighteen won and beaten at the Republican sessions in a Republican district, and he's very popular. And one of the best things he has going for him is he's a football player. He played for the Houston Oilers and even more importantly paid for Baylor. That's the big evangelical university in Texas, and so the evangelicals a lot of them know him and like him, even though they usually.

Don't vote for us.

That and if we pick up that seat, it helps ensure we keep the Senate even if we were to lose a seat, which I don't think we will and I hope we won't.

The mansion set, I think is probably gone.

That seat is gone. So we can't afford to lose any other of our existing seats less we pick up a seat and beat a Republican and this is a prime area. Another place where we have to keep the seat is Bob Casey over in Pennsylvania. Casey tends to his state so carefully, but he also really cares about kids. He was one of the main leaders for the Child Tax Credit, which took half the kids in America out of poverty during COVID. He realizes the struggles of the middle class. And he's also talked about how so many of the companies that sell consumer goods take advantage of consumers by charging the same price and then shrinking what's in the package. You know, cookies instead of twelve but they charge you the same price. A loaf of bread there's twelve ounces instead of sixteen, they charge of the price. So he's great.

Shrink flation.

Shrink flation, you got it, That's what he called it. Tammy Baldwin over in Wisconisin has been a leader in getting manufacturing back to America. She was the lead in passing marriage equality. Personally matters to me. My daughter's married to a beautiful young lady, but she's a dynamic, hard working person and she needs help. Shareed Brown. I don't think there's anybody who helps working people more than share It. I'll win so many millions and millions of union members. We're going to lose their pensions because the bankers had invested them poorly and they lost money, and they said, you got tough luck. Shared worked with me and we got all these pensions restored. I remember being near Buffalo and the big guy with a very strong looking man with tattoos and everything else came over to me and start crying, and he said, I'm going to I just heard I'm going to lose ninety percent of my pension. He says, I don't care about me. I'll take care of myself, but that pension, my parents and my kids depend on it. Well, shared worked hard to get it back. And Alissa Slotkin is in Michigan. She's taking the seat of Debbie stabanaw trying to take the seat of Debbie Stabinau who not running again. And Slotkin is one of our experts on foreign policy. She actually worked in the CIA, she worked in other places. She's a good, strong progressive voice on foreign policy. So when your people need help, when your people ask, these are five races that are close where people sending in their contributions would make a huge difference and help us keep the Senate, which, as I mentioned earlier, is so important to America.

So let's talk about Tester the Montana Center race.

You know, no one's done more for Montana than Tester. The opponent to radagainst him, Well, he says he's a cattle rancher in Montana, but knows she he is. His name. The amazing thing about it and he has a bullet in his arm. He was a veteran, and people I respect that. I think we respect that he was a veteran. But he said he got the bullet in his arm fighting in Iraq, protecting his soldiers. It's not true, as the Army record show. He got the bullet in himself hiking get this molly hiking in the National Park and he accidentally shot himself, and he denied it when that first came out, but we got the park ranger records sure enough, that's what happened. So this guy's not a straight shooter. He's not really a Montana and tester knows and breathes Montana. He's been trying to prevent foreign companies from buying up land. He's gone after the monopoly, the oligopoly on cattle, you know, on meat packing, because that hurts the farmers of Montana. And he worked hard. And you know a lot of the kids graduate from college in Montana and they don't know what they're going to do. It's stuff to find a job. He helped make Missoula, Montana, one of the first tech hubs in America. We passed a law on the Chips and Science Bill that said, the tech business shouldn't just be in New York, in San Francisco and Boston, you know, to be in some of the smaller cities. And Missoula got the biggest tech in the country. So that's all helping us win because our candidates, including John Tester, have done so much for people. We have a very good ground game. It's a large Native American population. This guy sheehe against Tester, he said more or less, he said, two weeks ago, Oh, Indians, they wake up at LA eight am. Drug that infuriated the Native American community. So they're rallying for Tester as well.

Can you talk to me about someone like Dan Osborne, who he's a Democrat or he is an independent, but he's really a Democrat.

Well, he hasn't told us he's really a Democrat. He's running his own independent campaign, but he's neck and neck in the polls with deb Fisher, the incumbent. He's a little bit like John Fetterman. I remember him, he's now in the Senate. You know, he's an individualist. He's running as an independent, but I sure think that he's you know, he really getting lights by the people of Nebrasko he is not a Democrat, but.

He's sort of picked this way to run. That's a little bit unusual. But he is in a very red state.

Yeah, he's in a red state. But he's talking about his independence, and Nebraska has always shown an independent streak. They had a Republican named George Norris who is one of the leaders in the New Deal and broke with his party to help Rosto to the New Deal.

I mean, I also think Nebraska's second district where Republicans tried to take away their electoral college point. You have to assume they're mad about that.

They are, and there was a very courageous state senator who said, I'm not going to let that happen just for these partisan purposes. And yes, it's aroused people. We'll see what happens. Not involved in this that race. He wants to stay. It's an independent and God bless him.

Though not old, you are experienced and you have been through a number of election cycles. This in my mind, feels to be one of the most high stakes I've ever lived through.

Absolutely. You know, if people think they have nothing at stake, wait till Donald becomes president and helps his wealthy friends, does nothing to help working people. Sides with the powerful interests agains stablished working people. People will regret not voting if they stayed home or God forbid voting for Trump. So we're on Treymali and thank you for putting me on your nice podcast.

Do you think that Speaker Johnson should bring the house back for more FEMA money?

He said he's not. We Democrats pushed for more FEMA money in the September budget resolution that we had many of the Republicans blocked it. We're going to try as soon as we He has the ability not to have us come back, but as soon as we do come back to our top priority is going to be to get that relief money for the people, not only of Florida, but other states are waiting as well.

At this moment, what do you think Harris needs to do to seal the deal.

I think she's got to go after Trump very strongly and show it a bit President TB All.

Right, Thank you, Senator Schumer.

Thanks Molly, great to drop to you. Thanks their EMag.

No moment Jesse Cannon, Molly, you may remember mister Trump as the defender of women. He's the father of IVF On Fox and friends this morning, eg get some more ridiculousness with this ensued le'll be played for you. You look at your positives.

Obviously with men, it's through the roof you make and gains in Hispanics Blacks.

I understand that.

But when the doors close and the team sits around you, they say, mister President, you got to do better with women. That's where she's the Kamala Harris is excelling with women.

Is one move to get.

Women on your side is to get a bodka out, Malani out and especially Nicki Haley out in these final eighteen days. Is that something that's coming out of your strategy session.

I think I do very well with women, and I think it's all nonsense. I see the polls and we do well.

What about the do have one issue?

You have the issue of abortion without abortion. The women love me now, they like me anyway because what I've done is so good. I've taken this issue out of the federal government and put it back to the states where they're voting. And I believe in exceptions that most people do for rape and all, you know, rape, incest, life of the mother. But I've done so and I think I've taken an issue question. Let me just say that issue has torn our country apart for fifty two years. No legal scholar, no Democrat, Republican, no liberal Conservatives wanted it to be in Congress. They wanted it to be out of the federal government. I got it out through six very brave judges who were also brilliant. And now they're voting. Ohio voted, and it's actually a very liberal vote, Kansas, very liberal vote.

But people are voting.

They wanted it to be in the states and a vote.

Of the people.

But that issue maybe some women, but they're going to.

Find I'm going to do a subsistent question.

Well, the country's coming together.

Now over there, look at him Weave.

You know what's so interesting about this is that here we have from news hosts who are trying to basically work as campaign surrogates for him rights right, But I mean they're saying, well, you know, you really need to appeal to women. What about you know, here are some suggestions, by the way, not how any of this is supposed to work.

Instead of like being.

Like, oh, that's a good idea, he's like, no, you're wrong, He's like, actually, I do great with women.

Except when it comes to abortion.

So clearly someone has explained to him that he's not doing well with women, and the only way he could hear this is they're like, it's abortion. It's not you, it's abortion. And just to see him completely unable to take any kind of constructive criticism, even when it's from a real sycophant, is pretty amazing. And in the end, you know, he just couldn't hear it. And even when it was like couched in just so much much chickophan, see, he still was unable to hear the truth, which is amazing but also a pretty good sign of like, it's not anything that surprises any of us, right, sure, isn't That's it for this episode of Fast Politics. Tune in every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday to hear the best minds and politics make sense of all this chaos. If you enjoy this podcast, please send it to a friend and keep the conversation going.

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