In this bonus episode we hear from listeners in the Family Secrets community. To share your secret, call 1-888-SECRET-0.
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Family Secrets is a production of I Heart Radio. I'm Danny Shapiro, and this is family Secrets, the secrets that are kept from us, the secrets we keep from others, and the secrets we keep from ourselves. I've heard from so many about your own family secrets and realize that what we are creating for each other on this podcast is a community, a community for those who are looking for a safe and supportive space to unburden themselves. To that end, we've created a number for listeners to call in to record stories to share here in this space. This week, I'd like to share a few of those stories from our community. Thanks for listening. My secret is that I am withholding information from two of my grandchildren and about how their father died, and that from one of them, from the youngest one, that his father is even dead. Um. The youngest one is emotionally not stable, and according to their separate psychologists and psychiatrists, they say that they are not ready to hear the details of how their father died, and the youngest one is under the belief that his father just left him. I tried to reassure him, but the secret is my son was actually murdered by their mother. He was murdered by his wife, buried by their uncle, and it was all months before she was dug up and given back to us. They do not know that their uncle was convicted of this murder and that their mother still walks free and it's actually the murderer of their father. So that's my secret. I love the podcast, been listening since the beginning and never thought I would ever have anything that fell into this. But today I was informed by one of my siblings that they had been a d n A test and our father, his family does not show up as we thought it would. Her mother is there. We have separate mothers with mothers there um, but she isn't. So now I've chosen to take this bat as it's called, and to find out, if to confirm her what her speculations are. So that's my family secrets. Talked to my wife's and my kids to make sure that they understand it why I am doing this, and but we've always been open about board about it u from the beginning. So it was quite white a spectacular tale to find out from her um, to not find out that the name I carry does not actually maybe belong to me, but we were raised by them, so um, I guess it shouldn't change anything in the long run, but it just is an odd skeleton defined in the closet. Thank you for your time. When I'm was eighteen and I smoked pot for the first time, the smell was new to me, but then again, it wasn't. The smell was that of my father. I remember the smell very well, and it smelled like his house, his car, and his clothes. And I realized at that point that my father smoked pot. Not really a big deal. Um that Christmas when I was a p and I told him that I smoked pot, and I know that he did because of the smell. And at that moment, he had lifted up a paper plate from underneath of his coffee table. He had always told me, well, one time he had to All he had to do was tell me one time. I always listened to my father. He had always kept this paper plate underneath the coffee table. And when I asked him one time when I was a kid, what is this and I went to grab it, he's in his rat poison. Don't touch it. And never touched it or thought of it again. So that Christmas. When I told him that I knew he smoked pots. I could smell it. He reached down unto the coffee table, wrapped it, grabbed that plate, put it up on the coffee people and there were whirling papers. Pot grinder proceeded to roll up joints and we smoke together again. And UM, I wasn't totally shocked. I was a little bit of a rebel. But after we got stoned, my father took me outside when he wanted to show me something, and he took me into his workshop. He was very proud of the workshop he built. It was a tiny ship that he built on top of the septic tank. He went into the shed. It was nighttime and as I walked inside, the floorboards were glowing when I opened the floorboards. When I walked in, I could see their light coming from under the floorboards, and I said, I thought there was a septic tank. He lived up the floorboards and underneath it was a giant row house. I found out that night that my father was a drug dealer. Hi. I um halfway through Danny's book and find it very touchy. I knew that my moment had me and UH wasn't with my bio dat um classic one night stand, I suppose, and I had really built up a picture in my kid as a kid, but we never ever talked about it. Um. And in her last year of life, when she was signing of cancer, when I was going four, Uh, I just never was able to talk to her about it. So it took me a couple of years to um bring up the record, the adoption record. And when I reached out to my birth father, uh, he really wasn't interested in a relationship. So I found that really interesting and really poignant. UM when Danny said, you know, the secret was me So it's Facebook, Um, you know on LinkedIn with his person last name, it was really Uh it's a matter of googling. But it's just so strange that I have this entire biological out of my family out there and none of them know I except my bio dad and constantly his wife. So I've really struggled with kind of reconciling myself that we'll never have a relationship, and he's calling the shocks, and I'm just not sure whether to reach out to any of the other members of my biological family. I was raised by my mom, she was married, she had kissed with my adoptive father. I'm really close to the family that raised me. However, it feels like there's this missing hole because personality wise, even from one message, I could just tell I'm just so much more like my bio dad. I have nothing in common with my adoptive father. He's a great guy, but that connection of like how our brains work, is there for sure. Yeah, if you'd like to share your story, call one eight eight eight secret zero and record your story. We won't be able to run all the stories, but we do want to shine a light on as many as we can. The number again is one eight eight eight secret and then the numeral zero. For more podcasts for my heart Radio, visit the I Heart Radio app, Apple podcast, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.