Bonus: Listener Stories, Episode 17

Published Jan 23, 2020, 3:53 PM

In this bonus episode we hear from listeners in the Family Secrets community. To share your secret, call 1-888-SECRET-0. This January, Dani’s taking Family Secrets on the road. To get your tickets, visit

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Family Secrets is a production of I Heart Radio. This January, Danny's taking Family Secrets on the road. To get your tickets, visit Danny Shapiro dot com. I'm Danny Shapiro and this is Family Secrets, the secrets that are kept from us, the secrets we keep from others, and the secrets we keep from ourselves. I've heard from so many about your own family secrets and realize that what we are creating for each other on this podcast is a community, a community for those who are looking for a safe and supportive space to unburden themselves. To that end, we've created a number for listeners to call in to record stories to share here in this space. This week, I'd like to share a few of those stories from our community. Thanks for listening. Hi, Danny, Um. I related to your whole story of inheritance because we kind of went through a similar journey with our family in the last couple of years. My sister and I have always noticed that my dad is just beautifully dark compared to his siblings, and my sister sat down and did the Mass in high school and realized Dad was conceived when my grandpa was deployed away in the Navy. UM our aunts had kind of secretly mentioned to us that they overheard an argument between our grandparents when they were young about UM fighting about my dad and his teenage behavior problem, and grandma said, well, I still know where he lives, should he go live with him? And my aunt's just inferred that obviously my dad maybe has a different dad. Well, my grandma passed away in two thousand. She would be who we would ask questions you now as well if we were wondering, But she's not here to ask. My grandpa, who has raised my dad now has been mentioned, so it's not right to ask him or to try to involve him in something like this. The sisal private, and so for fun we got our parents ancestry DNA kits, and sure enough, nothing of who we know to be my dad's relatives came up, but a whole bunch of Spanish and Cuban relatives started popping up that UM confirmed that my dad has this beautiful, dark ethnicity to him that we kind of always joked about when we are this Midwestern, supposedly Irish family. UM. Well, we sat on our results for about a year and finally went down the research hole online you know, Google and Facebook, and we ended up finding out dad has two half brothers in Florida. UM. His biological dad passed away in the eighties, but we actually got to fly down to Florida and needed his family, the biological family of my dad, and obviously my dad came with and it was actually incredibly healing and we were shocked at how welcoming they were. And I think it's brought a lot of peace and closure for our whole family. But you know, it's something we just kind of knew in our gut this whole time. Even my dad said he always wondered and something that was real. Thank you, Hi. I just stumbled upon your podcast not long ago and I've been binging all the episodes, UM, and I have a family secret to share as all. So UM. When I was ten, I got sick. I was told that I had non cancerous tumor in my lungs and that they successfully removed it, and I moved on with my life. UM. I spent a lot of time at the local children's hospital, often in me I see you. During this time, UM. As I got older, family were referred to this time as a time when I was quote sick. But when I was fifteen, I developed a cough to turn out to be a mild case of pneumonia. But before being told this, my parents seemed extremely anxious, and I couldn't understand why. I was beginning to get very frustrated with what appeared to me to be them hovering and having this overconcerned. When it was confirmed that I had pneumonia, they sat me down and explained why they were acting the way they did. UM, And they told me I had actually had a rare form of cancer when I was ten, not some small, non cancerous tumor in my lung um, and they thought these symptoms of pneumonia meant a return of my dies. I of course, had no idea that I was a cancer survivor. Yet when I brought it up to people around me, including people outside of my family like old neighbors, they all knew this about me. UM. To this day, it's still something we don't really speak of. Uh. We refer to my juvenile cancer as again a time when I was sick. It's a part of my life that I lived, Yet I feel as though I didn't live. Hi. There, I'm calling about a family secret that was one that I am my ex husband held for twenty five years, UM, and that secret is that our son was conceived by our official infiminationnorum examination UM. Because of this show, not indirectly, but at the very least, I was encouraged by your podcast, Danny, to let my son know in fact, I just told him yesterday. It's very fresh, UM that that, in fact his dad is not his biological father, and UM told him the whole story of the journey that we took which got us to the point of of him ultimately, So UM, it's very fresh news for him, but he has been incredibly gracious and accepting of the news at this point. I'm sure there are layers, UM that are going to reveal themselves as the years go by. But I can't think you enough in the whole community that's come together around family secrets in this wonderful podcast, for encouraging me and knowing that my fears about his reaction were much less important ultimately than him knowing the truth of who he really is. And that's a conclusion I came to gradually and very much was encouraged to make because of this podcast. So thanks again, and I have a huge weight off my shoulders after finally sharing this one secret. Yeah, if you'd like to share your story, call one eight eight eight Secret zero and record your story. We won't be able to run all the stories, but we do want to shine a light on as many as we can. The number again is one eight eight secret and then the numeral zero. For more podcasts for my heart Radio, visit the i heart Radio app, Apple podcast, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.

Family Secrets

Family Secrets. We all have them. And while the discovery of family secrets can initially be terrify 
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