Bonus: Listener Stories, Episode 14

Published Dec 26, 2019, 7:05 PM

In this bonus episode we hear from listeners in the Family Secrets community. To share your secret, call 1-888-SECRET-0. This January, Dani’s taking Family Secrets on the road. To get your tickets, visit

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Family Secrets is a production of I Heart Radio. This January, Danny's taking Family Secrets on the road. To get your tickets, visit Danny Shapiro dot com. I'm Danny Shapiro and this is Family Secrets, the secrets that are kept from us, the secrets we keep from others, and the secrets we keep from ourselves. I've heard from so many about your own family secrets and realize that what we are creating for each other on this podcast is a community, a community for those who are looking for a safe and supportive space to unburden themselves. To that end, we've created a number for listeners to call in to record stories to share here in this space. This week, I'd like to share a few of those stories from our community. Thanks for listening. Hi, Danny, I am so grateful or um you doing the Family's Secrets podcast. I had just stumbled upon it, and um, it's already been really healing in the work that I am doing within my own healing journey and the secrets within my own family. When I was about twenty three, UM, a big ball was dropped in the middle of my life. UM, my beloved grandmother had just passed away, and I was sitting with my aunt and we were talking about, um, kind of how awful my grandpa has had been his whole life, and we were just kind of sharing stories back and forth, like remember the time Grandpa did this? Oh, remember at the time Grandpa did this, you know, just like kind of um one upping each other of how awful he was, you know, not not the best stories. And then my aunt, UM, all of a sudden said, yeah, at the time Grandpa sent your mom away to have her baby. And I think she knew immediately that I had no clue what she was talking about. At first, I thought maybe she was talking about me, and I asked her. I was like, wait, me what and um, and then she just started. My aunt started crying and she was like, oh my gosh, you don't know. Oh my gosh, Oh my gosh, I thought you knew. And my aunt, UM totally there than me. She ran upstairs and my mom had been walking in the house at that time, and my aunt grabbed my mom and they both just took off and left me standing there. And UM. Then my mom came back and told me that she had gotten pregnant when she was young, and UM that my grandpa had forced her to go to a different state and give her baby up for adoption, and it came out later that she has even like kept the baby for several um weeks I think almost a month, and then um, she wanted to come back home with the baby, but my grandpa he just wouldn't have it. The secret in my family has to do with the death of my dad's mom when he was five years old back in the thirties. I was always told that his mom died of a kidney infection and that no antibiotics were developed by men and there was no way to favor. I was also told by my mom that as a child, my dad had overheard someone saying that his mom had never been the same after he was born, and so that he sort of felt responsible, even though he was only five years old and her obituary just says she died after two weeks of illness. But I always had a feeling that there was something fishy about the story, because if it ever came up in conversation with my dad or his sister, it just seemed awkward. And um, one time, my dad did say that he didn't think his mom was very happy and I asked him why, and he just looked away and said, oh, I don't know. So I just had a feeling something was they were not being on to percent truthful about it. But doing genealogy research, I got her death certificate and some states redacted the cause of death, but the state they lived in did not, so it said she actually died of mercury cyanide poisoning. And it must have been pretty horrible because the certificate says the poisoning took place on one day and then her death actually happened ten days later. And mercury cyanide was used in m in a photography back then, so I guess it would have been not that hard to obtain. But it's extremely toxic and it causes your kidneys to shut down eventually, and it causes severe gastrointestinal problems. So she was in the hospital for ten days and then died. So um, it was very shocking to see that, even though I kind of suspected it. I haven't discussed it with my dad or his sister. They are doing okay, but they're at advanced age now and I don't know if it would just be more upsetting to bring it up Um, then it would be worse. And UM, when I see my dad, I lived two thousand miles away, I just want to have fun with him, you know, I don't get to see in that offense. So I haven't really broke the subject, and I don't know if I should. So that's our secret. I my family's secret is my own secret. Um. Years ago. And then it coding on after I had left my husband with my first daughter, and I had sex with him one time and I got pregnant with my son, and after that we had kind of became a thing. And then I found out he was seeing drugs and I told him that he needed to leave my wife, and he's threatened to kill me. And one day in the back of my car, after he had made up threat, I had told security at my work and they came out with me every day and he stabbed the security guard him awake and ran off. And nobody's ever heard from your son. So then after that, I so that I had my first dayre with had come back into my life and said that he wanted to give us you know, if this live in a family, and and I took that off threat because what would I do? Uh, and and his name. He's not my same subisitiontive kids. And my son does not know that he has another father, a biological father, And I don't know if QUESTION ever tell him. Listening to your podcast, I know that that too much damage will be done. It's not something that I share with everybody. Um recently, I just told my wife end up four years and that was by a complete accident. Didn't mean to what it happened. And I was so ashamed because I thought that I had told him, but I didn't because it's something so shameful. So yeah, that's my secret. I don't know if it will ever come out. I don't know if I wanted to thank you so much for your podcast because it really brings a light to to my world. Thank you, Danny. If you'd like to share your story, call one eight eight eight Secret zero and record your story. We won't be able to run all the stories, but we do want to shine a light on as many as we can. The number again is one eight eight eight Secret and then the numeral zero. For more podcasts for my Heart Radio, visit the I Heart Radio app, Apple podcast, or wherever you listen to your favorite shows.

Family Secrets

Family Secrets. We all have them. And while the discovery of family secrets can initially be terrify 
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