Scott Hall's surprise appearance in ECW (24 YEARS AGO THIS WEEK!)

Published Nov 14, 2024, 8:01 AM

This week's Eyes Up Here FLASHBACK is a look back at the often talked about Justin Credible vs. Scott Hall match from Hall's SHOCKING ECW debut in November 2000. Francine recalls the backstory as well as what went on behind the scenes during "The Bad Guy's" arrival. 

And I think everybody knows. You know, Scott came to our show a couple of times just to hang out and watch. And the one time he actually appeared during the match on like one of the balconies or something, but he he was inebriated and does everybody.

Like this was like the spot, like there's Scott Now. It wasn't a planned spot.

He just poked his head out where the door was and everybody saw Scott Hall was at this show, right. So he comes as a fan with his son to a different show and he's friends with PJ.

Just incredible and just incredible.

Comes to the back and goes up to Shame because he knows there's heat and he says, you know, Scott's here with his son.

He just wants to watch the show. Well, Shane's not having it.

So Shane Bam Bam, Candido and myself all go out, you know, where where the bleachers are, and Scott's standing there and here comes to the locker room.

So we're we're front and center.

Everybody's behind us on the bleachers and then Scott and Scott you know, ate a piece of humble pie and said, brother, I just want to watch the show with my son.

I'm just here as a fan. I just want to watch the show.

And me being an idiot, I say, after Shane curses him out, I say, you want to watch the show, then get in line with the other marks.

And you hear Taz.

Start hysterical laughing, and I'm like, and then I say, shit, I shouldn't have said that, but I'm I'm trying to help Shane because we're all right or die.

Together, you know.

So I opened my mouth and Scott kind of looks at me like, bitch, shut up, you know, and everybody's laughing because it was a good line.

You have to admit that is a good line.

That's a good line. No, that's very good. Spontaneous.

Yeah, just pawndered off the you know, me being a heel and all. But then you know, Chris and bam bam get out of here. You know, Shane's like, you're not welcome here, blah blah blah blah blah. So he puts his tail between his legs and he leaves. We don't see him again. He comes back a different time. Now Shane's not here anymore, right, So I go up to him and he says.

You're that franchise girl, aren't you. And I just went my god, and he's like, no, Francy, and I know, you know, I know who you are.

And then he goes, I used to have a crush on you, Brockram today that's typical.

Scott Hall trying to hit on the girl whatever.

And I'm just like, okay, And I said, I want to apologize, and I did.

I apologized.

I said, I you know, I stuck up for my friends when I in reality, I just should have kept my mouth shut because it wasn't my fight to fight, right, it was Shane's battle.

I should have never said a word. I should have just especially what am I gonna do? I'm a girl.

You know how many times I jumped in the middle of Shane's fights. He was fighting Tracy's mothers. I jumped in the middle, he fought to somebody else. I jumped in the middle trying.

To set up.

I mean, there's millions of guys there that are five times my weight that could have broken up. But here I am trying to, you know, get everybody apart. And that's the way I was. So anyway, I apologized to Scott, told him I was sorry. And I knew we were working together that night, because you know, he was working with PJ. And I told him give me the razor's edge. I'll take it.

I deserve it.

You know, I should have kept my mouth shut, and he goes, nah, I'm just going to make.

Out with you a little bit. It's like.

What, yeah, he said, I mean, point blank, I do not want to hurt you, which I thought was the nicest thing, because he could have just picked me up and threw me as a receipt.

You know some guys, some guys would do that one hundred percent. I deserved it. I should have kept my mouth shut, but he wouldn't do that.

And I found him to be so charming and so easy to work with. And as much as I love Shane, you know, I have to admit Scott Hall is a nice man.

And what you said is I think one of the most like tried and true things about wrestling of me learning it and being around it is the respect factor you had in going up to him and apologizing and feeling like you deserve the receipt. Like to me, there's nothing more like humble in the business than that that you deserve the receipt.

From that veteran.

Yeah, And I feel like even if we weren't working together, I still would have went up to him, and I still would have said I was sorry because it needed to be said. Whether he cared or not, it bothered me, you know what I mean. And if this man is going to walk in here and get and show me respect, I need to show him respect back.


And that's the way. That's the way I was raised, and that's the way I wanted it to be. So.

And I was a fan of his, you know what I mean, Like, I love his work, so I.

Really didn't want to be that girl. You know, I just wanted to get along with everyone. So I just wanted to make it known. But I yeah, I was totally willing for him to beat me up. And he said absolutely not, I'm not going to hurt you. And and to me, that meant the world. I respect the hell out of that.

And I said, to you, on a pass show, you're you're not destined to take that move because the razor's edge is the same Kevin Thorne crucifix bomb, So you're not destined to be up in the cradle over show us.

I tried to take it twice and both times I got rejected.

So here we go.

So we're gonna pick it up. It's Scott Hall versus PJ. You, of course, are with just incredible at this point. And I believe this is in Florida, and I don't know, it's a good you know for a house show.

It looks like a great house.

So you know, tell us what it was like those house shows back in that era, especially down to Florida, like the unofficial home of ECW.

Yeah, I loved working in Florida. That's where I got my tattoos.

But yeah, we always had good crowds there that building. It was set up a little funny because you know what the entrance it was a stage, and so the seating was limited in this place.

As you can tell, there's not really much rised seating here.

I am, but on the you know, opposite hard camera. It was just like a stage and then it was the ECW the bricks and then we came out. I had to go down steps, I believe, but it was a good help.

Here. He flicked me on the head. He literally flicked me on the.

Classic classic.

Yeah, that was great. So it was just it was fun.

Let's just say and at this point, you know, and he just threw the toothpick in his in his face, the classic movee Yes, could you be any more on top of the business in Scott Hall at this point? I mean exactly, boatloads of money reinvented what wrestling was looked at with the nWo, and here he is, He's in your ring, which two years prior, a year prior you brought you guys.

Probably never would have thought that in a billion years.

It's crazy how many people literally came in and out of her doors said it so many times, you know what I mean. And you know Scott said he liked d CW. You know, he he liked what we did, and since he was friends with PJ, he really wanted to work with them, the whole soul thing. I don't know what that combination was about, to be honest with.

You, yeah, because it's weird, the size difference. It doesn't seem like a match you'd see.

I don't remember how that came into play, but I know there were talks about I think PJ working Scott like on a pay per view or something, and then honestly, I don't remember what happened.

It was just like he left. It was like, see you later.

I remember I talked to him. Him and I were sitting there. We were talking and he was telling me, I have too much ring rust. I have to get the ring rusted off. But I want to I want to come back and I want to work here, you know, I want to. I want to do the pay per view And I was like, that's gonna be cool because the people are going to pop huge, and it never happened.

So yeah, it's crazy.

He was on a sabbatical at this point from WCW. Like still I believe under full contract, but you just you wouldn't have pictured him. It's like a baseball player going on his rehab assignment to the minor leagues. It's like he was going instead of doing the w CW House Show loop. He was like, well, I'll just go get the ring rust off and then another promotion, you know, for the time being. And I think that's I don't know if they essentially allowed this, but nonetheless I was telling him what to do.

At this point, he was gonna do whatever he wanted.

I wasn't sure if he was under contract or not. It was just like he just showed up and I was like, oh sweet. And then they were like, oh, you guys are working the other I was like, oh, yes, you know, I had an aunt who passed away a couple of years ago.

I'm not laughing at that, I was laughing at.

She loved Razor Ramoon, absolutely loved Razor Ramoon, like she would watch raw just to see him. So I told him, I was like, you know, my ninety year old aunt thinks you're very, very sexy. And he got a kick out of that. She always always asked about him, and when I told her I worked with him, she was thrilled.

So that's hilarious. Yeah, I was laughing.

And he did the choke slam and then he did what he would do for the big show. He would do the you know, the big giant. But here's another funny thing with PJ and Scott at this point. So PJ, if you don't know, is like the unofficial member of the.

Click member yea.

So he traveled with Scott, and he traveled with Sean Waltman when he was you know, Aldo Montoya and PJ Walker before he made it all the way into a CW.

And that's a whole nother story.

But Scott basically was his mentor. So this is a big deal for PJ being able to work with on a big level, a guy that taught him everything he knew from car rides throughout.

The country, right, and that that was one of the things, Like they know each other so well, this pairing was inevitable, you know what I mean, Like he they really wanted to work together. So that's why I say, like I get this, but I didn't get the whole Sale thing, Like I didn't know where that came from.

But that was that was a fun match.

Too, and it is.

Yeah, it's very fun and it has the classic you know, I have the right or not on the bottom because if you find the clip, it's on YouTube, you can you can check it out.

He comes out to uh ready or not buy the fujis and he milks it.

I mean they let that thing play and then Jess as the music hits, he opens up the curtain and the place goes ballistic.

Yes, because I think he worked with Sale before us.

Yes, I believe it was the day beforeial.

Yeah, it was night before.

So that was the initial reveal of Scott being with us, and.

I remember being you know, on the on the internet at that point and and saying, what is going on?

Why is Scott Hall in e c W. All right, here we go going to work.

I had to rake his eyes real quick.

Earlier I hit him with a cane or I did something to him because he was selling his head.

I think I hit him. I hit him with a cane earlier.

Of course, Scott, I know, like geez, I was like, I mean, I would have we saw you last week in action.

I wouldn't want to mess with you. No, Kouchie Claw this uh this week though.

Well no, but he gets close.

We'll see, yeah, we'll see, we'll see.

But like I was saying that, I remember being on the internet at this point and here in Scott Hall's uh you know, on ECW houses and you're like, what, Like he was he's a w CW guy.

This is the nWo.

He's not going to be on an ECW show. Is are they working together? Is ECW getting invaded?

You know? Yeah, now we're working with Ted Turner's group, right, not going to happen.

But it's it's also kind of funny.

You're telling the story about Shane bam Bama Candido, you know, only about a year or so prior to, you know, to this, and and them not letting him in the building as a as a fan with his son who would later go on to be a wrestler himself. This is a different ECW. So what was the locker room like welcoming him in this time?

It was it was very I would say it was very neutral. You know, everybody shook his hand. There was the respect there when you you know, Shane was kind of like rallying the troops so to speak, you know what I mean, in his favor. So it was a different atmosphere. You didn't have Shane, you didn't have Bam Bami, you didn't have Chris there. You know, you had PJ there, who was a good friend of his, and I don't think anybody else there had any beef with him, So it was fine.

It was me who was left from that debacle.

I was the lone man standing, so I had to go and fix things and I did, you know, I and I didn't do it just because I had to. I genuinely felt guilty about the situation, you know what I mean, Like I just felt like it wasn't my part to open my mouth. And I still feel that way. Oh, I hit him again.

Now I get in the ring. Shoes are off. We're in the ring now, now we're getting serious.

No, my spots are coming when I take those heels off.

It's November two thousand. So also so Taz is also gone. So a lot of those guys like you were saying that were there two years prior, completely different landscapes.

So boom, look at that. Take a seat. Now.

Pj's out of the ring, which leaves the open all. We went to a table too on the outside.

He's gonna sell. He's going to sell here. Did you see that random string hanging from the.

That was weird.

There's a big string hanging from the ropes there.

His ring crew. We gotta cut that off.

Yeah, I know. Look at that guy.

Look what a crowd.

Oh that was steh.

Those chairs have no give Those are big plastic thick chairs.

That was very stuff. Look at that guy took his glasses.

Off, put himself over. Okay, I love watching fans reactions.

Yeah, let's let's not just count Jim Malino. By the way there right in the action.

My man, that's right, best friend, sack of.

Ship right here there you go.

Boom, we're going to do the little woo do you do?

He calls it the ship? There you go? Is that enough?


Come on?

Did you really think you were going to get that pin? Scott? Come on now I'm there, there we go.

I know it's gonna happen.

That was all I'd lived too. I was trying to do the like the too sweet thing.

Yeah, now that's very very funny, very timely.

Oh he ripped those, by the way, He's like, do you think I could keep these?

I was like, good, oh, duck the cane shot. Yeah, boom and here you go, PJ going up for the ride.

It should have been me. It should have been me.

Did you take the did you take the full dive to the outside? A? Are you over there in the corner?

I don't remember where on two three the cover the count and the victory for something.

I'm probably on the outside selling my ripped underwear, buttole.

Smacking my ass and air Scott Hall too sweet. He's gonna give you a little cross shop right there.

So he gave you the crafts shop, that's what he gave.


Look he's he's he wants me right here. He's hounding me.

Oh, I'm out here, I'll pass.

I mean, is there anybody who was cooler than him? Though?

With the way he carried himself with that, I mean that is he just even walking away, He's like, yeah, I'm still the ship.

One of my favorite factions, if not my favorite, besides Triple Threat, because I'm biased, is the n W L Scott Kevin Nash. You don't get any better than that.

I'm sorry, now are you walking funny to the back? Afterwards?

But even without the selling part of it is, it's still kind of feeling a little awkward.

Why because I had my thongs through the way.

I was pulled.

That's not going to be comfortable selling or no selling exactly.


I was on a buzz though, because I was just like, that was awesome.

Eyes Up Here with Francine

Eyes Up Here is a podcast hosted by ECW Original, former WWE Superstar and "The Queen of Extreme" Fr 
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