Francine's Recap and Review of AEW All in 2024

Published Aug 27, 2024, 7:01 AM

Coming off the heels of the HUGE AEW All In 2024 at Wembley Stadium, "The Queen of Extreme" delivers a full in depth match recap and review of AEW's marquee pay per view and gives her opinion on what worked and didn't work on a very long night of wrestling. We also cover the breaking news of former WWE Superstar and Champion, Sid's death and discuss his brief stop in ECW.  

Hey everyone, it is between the extreme Prime scene and you are listening to Eyes of Your Good Princeine the iHeart Radio Network or wherever you get your podcasts. As always, I am joined by my co host Chad, who had a very shitty day. You could stay it in his face, in his eyes. Lots of stuff happening. It's not a good day and I'm sorry to hear it.

Ship sandwich thrown the Chadster's way.

Would you like to elaborate on that?

Or well, you turn left, you turn right straight ahead the shit sandwich.

I'm so sorry. I last of disappointment.

I'm a defeated man right now.

Oh man, I don't mean to laugh, I'm just uh okay, yeah, now you know me. I try to help what I can, but I feel bad. Well, I know one of the things that was bothering you is something that we're going to talk about today. But before we get into it, Psycho said passed away. As we are making this recording, I found out about an hour ago by you news, freaking news sixty three yeah.

Sixty three years old.

Side of cancer. I didn't even know he was sick.

I feel like I had heard it at some point.

Yeah, he was sick.

But I maybe I'm imagining that, maybe I heard it about somebody else, but I feel like that was out at some point.

Yeah, all all kinds of tweets and thoughts going out across social media. People are wondering what WWE is going to do. Because we're recording this on a Monday. You're going to hear it on a Tuesday, obviously, but for Monday night we're off. If they're gonna I'm sure they're going to do something for them. I would think they would, you know. Yep, sixty three years old. How sad, very very sad. I hate when we get this kind of news about people, especially when they're young. Yeah, sixty three is not an old age, you know what I mean, So sad news. Hopefully you know, he wasn't suffering too bad towards the end, but man, hate it. Hate hearing it.

A brief stop through ECW. We've talked about it a couple of times. But yeah, the impact that he had was pretty pretty quick. I mean it was that those the gene shorts felt round Philadelphia. Man, he wore those gene shorts in that vest, and he made an impact because a guy that you know look, those WWF guys usually got booed, but not Sid. Sid got vociferously cheered by the ECW faithful.

Yeah, he was in and out pretty quickly, but he did make an impact. We had so many big names come through our doors. You know. We've talked about this several times, and Sid was one of them, and never really had a discussion with him. I was one of the people who went out to dinner with him one night. I told you this story before, and he was sitting like a cross from me and I caught the stare. He was just staring deep into my soul and wouldn't break icon like. I looked at him. Then I turned my hand, I looked at him again, still staring, looked at him again, still staring, and I was like, he looked like he was in a trance or something. It was very bizarre. But I never really had a conversation with him, you know, just a hello and goodbye type of deal. So didn't really know the man. But lovely messages are being left all over socials. So alright, p s sad sad day.

Is uh? Do you like him as Vicious Justice or Psycho? Where's your Where's your CID?

You like Psycho said, yeah, how about you?

You know it's funny. I like Sid Justice, did you say you would be in the majority of that? I mean, you know, I'm a you know WWF nineties kid. Yeah, I love Sid Justice when he cram over from w CW and he was the Hulk Hogan buddy and then he turned on Hogan. Okay, guy, gotta love that.

My favorite Sid moment is when he was doing that promo live and he says, oh Ship, we did it wrong, Let's do it again. We're live pal. It's great.

He's got a couple of those. He's got the one with the Outsiders where he says, uh, you know I what I said, I I've got half your you. Oh man, I'm gonna watch it. But he's like, you know, I know what you know, I've got half the brain that you do, or something like that. Yeah, he buried himself. He buried himself, but I'm gonna watch the lines. I'm not gonna finish it. But yeah, he had a couple of those. But man, the guy was like amazing. I mean, look, this is the stare. I got it right here. They have it in the article on Fox. That's what was staring at That's.

What he looked like at dinner. But he had a shirt on.

Are you sure about that?

I'm positive positive he had a shirt on.

No shirts, no shoes, no service.

That's true, but sad news. So yeah, condolences to his family, changing gears. This show today is going to be all about aw All in London twenty twenty four. He's already shaking his head, ladies and going you can't see him if you're listening to this, but already shaking his head. I went into this with a open mind. Again, I haven't followed any of the stuff that they're doing except for clips here and there, so I didn't know half of the angles going on, who was working with who, what was happening. I knew half of the roster. There's a lot of people on there I didn't know. But overall, I enjoyed this. And in the beginning I was like, when we said we were going to do this show, I was like, oh my god, it's over four hours worth of wrestling. This is going to be brutal right. And I watched the first hour yesterday and then I watched the rest today and I was enjoying it so much. Today that it flew by.

For me.

And I was done before I knew it. So I know you have a different you have a different take on it because from minute one you're shaking your.

I mean, I don't know where to start. Why, Like, it's too long, it's long, and it's not just the show, it's the pre show. It's too much. It's too much.

You didn't have to watch the pre show.

But there's people I might want to see on a pre show, so I have to watch some of the pre shows.

So why don't you do this? You watch what you want to watch and that's that, and stop bitching and moaning like a little cry baby.

But then I gotta I gotta tap out because it's too much. It's too much.

Do you realize, Oh my god?

Continue now.

I want to say, you're a journalist, so you should watch the whole thing so we can have an adult discussion about it. Right. But if you're just a casual fan and you're saying, well, I like Darby Allen and I like Brian Danielson, so I'm just gonna watch these two matches and then later maybe i'll pick up a few. Right, That's what a person with a normal brain would do. Not sit there and cry about it. It's an offering. It's entertainment. You don't like it, you don't watch it. Period.

I suffered through four hours of action. Now, granted, when I say suffered, I mean I was entertained by stuff I saw. But I mean when you talk about throwing the kitchen sink and then some it was in every single match.

All right, Well, let's we're not going to go over the pre show.

Because I just want to throw one thing out about the pre show, Okay. I wanted to see the Dynamite Tommy Billington, Okay, okay, because I've heard a lot about Tommy Billington, and I've heard this little spotlight they've been giving him while they've been in England. So I wanted to see him in action because I missed him on TV this week with Jericho. I wanted to see him in this match. Oh but I'm sorry. There was sixteen people in this match, so it's kind of hard to focus on one guy. Sixteen man tag match. On the pre show, talk about getting everybody in sixteen.

If you were a worker, wouldn't you be grateful?

Oh that'd be awesome.

I love that shut up, shut up, You're ridiculous. All right. Look, if you want to know about the pre show, go listen somewhere else. We're not going to talk about that. We're going to get into all in from match number one. So this match was for the AEW World Trios Championship. It was a London ladder match, whatever that means. And I know I noticed the ladders were very short until the big one came out later. But it was the Bang Bang Gang versus the Patriarch versus the House of Black versus the Blackpool Combat Club. Now, half the people in this match, I had no clue who they were. I'm not gonna lie I knew about half the participants in this, but I will say I enjoyed it. I enjoyed it and I could follow the story with the individuals that were in the ring. Maybe because I'm smart to the business, I don't know, but not knowing any of these angles and stuff, I caught on really quickly. So I liked it. I do think they worked really really hard. I got nervous for the one. Did you see the one bump where Christian gets thrown off the ladder and he hit his head like in the corner. That made me very nervous because I was like, ooh, that looked like it just got him, you know what I mean. Now, if anybody should have gigged off that that was the spot to get the blood. A lot of unnecessary blood going down the line in this pay per view, people hitting the back of their head, gigging on the front. That I didn't really understand, but okay, not my business. But I enjoyed this. It was a frenzy of you know, different spots and different stuff that was happening. But I kind of like that craziness and I think for an opening match, it really got the crowd going. That was my opinion. I liked it.

I mean, you know, again, it was throwing a lot out there in one match. They love Christian in AW. I mean, that's no way to slice it. You know, we're saying ayed differently. He gets a lot in all these matches and and he has kept it going in AW. I didn't he was protected in this well. I think I saw that for later on in the in the he really didn't.

Do much in this match. Towards the end he was included a little more, but he he really didn't do that much compared to everybody else.

Yeah, and I guess they They also kind of tried to telegraph later on in the night as well with the former Lucisaurus.

We'll talk about that when we get there.

Yes, But so that's another thing too. I did not know, and again I'm not a weekly watcher. I didn't know they changed his name from Lucisaurus to kill Switch. So that was that was a nice little revelation to me. But yeah, I mean, you know, you summarized it very well. It was a lot of a lot of dangerous stuff, very awe inspiring. But do they all work very hard?

Do you think they got permission from Bubba and Devon Toe? You just get the tables?

Oh that's you know, I don't know. We have to listen to Busted Open for that and Bubba to read them the riot Act if they didn't.

No, he didn't tweet anything about it, so I'm sure it was an homage, if you will.

But let me just piggyback to what I said. So, you know, talking about everybody get on the show, sixteen man tag on the pre show, there was a ten man tag on the pre show, and then you have this trios match to kick off with four teams. Holy Jesus. I mean that is throwing so many people out of you in the first you know, hour and a half of action that you're watching.

Yeah, it is a lot of people. It's a lot of people. But I'm happy for them because they're all getting a nice chunk of that London pay Day money.

But how does it keep you creatively flowing the rest of the show. And like I said, throwing a kitchen sink out in every match, You've already seen all these different people doing so much. How does that, with all these multime in matches, keep that like interest from everybody. I just it's hard as a viewer. For me, it's hard. But I mean they people were into it, so maybe I'm wrong.

They Well, again, you wont a hot opener for especially it was a hot opener, and this this delivered. You know, I I enjoyed it. It was chaotic, it was fun, advanced storylines. Like I said, if it advances a storyline, I like it, and this one advanced Uh several I thought. And you know, uh again, when the problem I have with these ladder matches sometimes is when you see them go to climb the ladder, you know they're waiting for somebody to come and get them right, because it's like I go up one step, Oh my god, I look around. Okay, here's the second step. I just wish there was maybe put the belt's a little higher, so it's harder to get to them because a lot of it was in slow motion to me. And you know a spot's coming up where it's a false they're going to be saved. They're going to be thrown off the ladder, they're going to take a bump. They're not going to get the belt. It's not going to be the finish. That's the only problem I have with these. It's not fluent enough. You know, you know when they're slowing it down that somebody's going to come and break up them, taking that belt off of the wire or whatever it's hanging.

Yeah, one step, exaggerated breath.

I mean, that's my only problem, and I didn't. Maybe you can enlighten me. So the mother gets in the ring and she climbs the ladder. She's supposedly the third member of the trio Championship or is she the manager?

Because I thought she was the manager. I thought it was Nick. I thought Nick Wayne was the third member was a member but ye.

Right, And when she was in there saying well, she's part of the trios champion, and I'm thinking to myself, is she what like if I jump if it was like the Triple Threat back in the day, and I jumped in and grabbed it, but I wouldn't be declared part of that thing, you.

Know, if you did that, That's.

Not how it works. So I didn't understand that spot. But again, you know, I said, maybe I'm missing something. I don't know.

Nick Wayne's mom is all over those matches, so she is.

And good for her man, you know. But yeah, I I enjoyed it. So that one was a fun one to open the pay per view, and then the next match is something I was really looking forward to. It was for the a W Women's World Championship. It was Tony Storm with Luther versus Mariah May. And I've been not watching them per se on television, but I have been finding their feud on Twitter or x and this is something I was kind of invested in that I wanted to see more of. So I was really really excited to see what they were going to do after the bloody incident that was, you know, on their TV with the shoe and everything, and guess what this match delivered again, this was great. I enjoyed it. The spot where Mariah May slapped her mother. Reason is she learning on her mom? Like she's just that much of a bitch and she's you know, and then when Tony goes over and hugs the mother and it's just like, oh, you know. I thought it was very, very entertaining. I thought the girls worked very hard. And guess what, Tony Storm is still over when she was dancing up the aisle after she was done with that, you know, old timey face on her, the smile, and they're just like, man, I want to see this advance. I want to see what's going on, you know. And they kept showing Oh god, her name, I can't remember her name. The Asian, really pretty Asian girl that was in the stands watching. Is she going to be a part of something down the line with these two again?

And I'm guessing again, yeah, she was in the storyline.

Right, And I love you both and that's the same woman, right. I enjoyed it. I thought it was great.

Yeah, this was this was my favorite one of the night.

I would say Okay, yeah, I really really liked it.

I loved I liked the finish. I thought this was a great sequence at the end, you know, the teas of hitting her with the shoe and then you know, not doing it and that cost in the match. I thought that was great. Yeah, you know, and again and and them being very taboo with having you know, the female gig. I think that that's they've really so let me ask that taboo. I guess it's it's very frequent with them.

Let me ask you this. So the spot where she gets Mariah and she's pounding her head into the ring steps, right, that's the spot where apparently she gets busted open? Is it? Am? I correct on that she blocked it every single time with her hands. And you can see point blank her blocking the steps with her hands. So again it's like, if you're going to gig off of something, make sure the camera angle isn't.

To where I see this, right, you see hand.

That's what made me angry. And I was just like, oh my god, is that what she gigged over? Because I just it just bothers me that those little things bother me, you know. But again, I can't take anything away from both of them, because they're two solid workers who have incredible looks, charisma. I mean, both of them have everything you need to be a top star. And I enjoyed. I enjoyed everything. But if I'm correct and remembering, if that's what she got the blood off of.

I think that was it. Yeah, I'm almost positive that that's That's.

What I thought too. And then I was I got mad because I was just like, man, her head came nowhere near those steps and now she's covered in blood.

What what does Tony call to her finish? Do you remember? I can't remember what it was called, but I like, again, I just love that whole sequence. But I love the way Mariah may I just I love that whole like package, I just I don't know that was like that, It was timeless. That was a good finish.

Yeah, it was really really good. I enjoyed it. It was really really good. So happy with that one. And if you saw was it last week Tony was getting some slack for her and yah, yeah, Maya how do you say her name? Soriah? Yes, they did some kind of sequence in the ring and oh wow, were they getting socials? And I'm saying to myself I hope they don't try something like this on the pay per view because.

Did you see it?


Okay, because it's like it's all sorts of awkward. I mean I didn't understand what.

Yeah, it just it didn't It looked weird. It kind of looked like they were playing around, like something you would do when you're just like playing. I don't know, I didn't get it.

But hands like trying to grab each other's hands through.

Each other's legs. But it didn't make sense, like the sequence they were doing. They were like it was a slide through and then a slide through, but it was it was like she bends over and then the other one bends over and then to her ass is in her face, and then she's here and then it made no sense. It was just it was weird. I don't know, very weird. They were slide stepping and stumbling and I don't know, just was awkward. But this this was very good. So I I enjoyed this one. And I like that they switched the belt.

Yes, I do like that.

So that made me happy, so Max belt. Yeah. Oh, and they switched the bell in the first one too. We didn't say that Blackpool Combat Club was.

Your win, So that's you know again, And that's where it's confusing, because I'm forgetting who was Champ going in, and who's chimps, you know, and and man Tony he just he loves the belts. He has a belt for everything. Yeah, surprise, he doesn't wear a championship belt to keep his pants up.

Match number three was for the ft W Championship. I know this belt well. Chris Jericho with Brian Keith and Big Bill versus Hook. Big Bill went viral this week clip of him trying to get heat but everybody cheering him there and he's a heel and he couldn't get hated on if he tried. They just kept cheering him. He kept saying f you, f you, and they're just cheering him with crazy. In this match they cheered him as well, so he's very over in the UK area. They love Big Bill. But Hook came out with that eye patch or the one I kind of taped up. I didn't know the deal with that, so I was assuming Chris Jericho hooked him or hooked Hook an eye gauge. Maybe. I don't know what the deal was for that one. But in the middle of the match, he takes the tape off and he can see and he swerved everyone, so good on you, Hook. But the biggest pop of the night I think was when Taz got involved and uh a and he you know, it shocked me because I hadn't seen Taz do anything in a really long time, so that was pretty cool to see. And uh he puts the Taz mission on Brian Keith, So that was fun. But the new FTW CHANMT was hook. Not a bad match by any means. A lot of interference. Again, this is one of those matches where it's like it's kind of like Bloodline rules, but it was like Jericho learning Tree rules and all your friends get involved and it's like, if you know these are the rules, bring some friends. Yeah, this hooke dumb.

He knew it was going to bed had.

His dad had his dad right, but we didn't know and that only did one move at the end.

Well, did you think it was telegraphed at the beginning when he had the little uh Taz homage at the beginning of the theme music, No, because you didn't think it was telegraphed at the beginning of his theme music he had the little uh Taz.


You know it's his father. Yeah, but yeah, but it was an Oma. It was like a you know, I don't know, it doesn't have that at the beginning of his Uh.

I don't know because I don't watch it regularly.

Gritty music. Here, I was gonna bring it up. We got we gotta just give it a give it a quick glance. A couple of seconds, there's Taz there he is.

I thought this got a huge pop. This place went crazy.

Yeah, it was.

One of the biggest pops in the night. Maybe not the biggest, but one of the biggest.

No, it was cool when it was unexpected for sure. Yes, because he does not get physical.

No, he hasn't done anything in years. So it's good to see him out there and he's still over. I was waiting for an ECW champ to happen, but it didn't. It's kind of disappointed about that one. I started one in my house. It was just me.

But is that what you do when you knock over like the Vacuum, Yeah.

That's what I do. Okay. So match number four it was for the ae W World Tag Team Championship. It was the Young Bucks versus the Acclaim versus FTR this one. Shaking your head this one, listen to. These guys are super athletic, absolutely super duper athletics, but this one to me felt like a spot fest. Yes, but super athletic. I'm not taking anything away from them, No. I I chuckled when they stopped to pump up their sneakers. I thought that was funny. That made me chuckle. But it just I mean, Matt and Nick they're so good. Don't get me wrong, but it's like you can for me, like you can tell like they're they're thinking of the next spot that they're doing, you know what I mean, Because they're just so they look like they have trampolines in their shoes. They're so bouncy and all over the place room they're that good. Not trying to like shin on them in any way, but it just this one was a lot still entertaining, nonetheless, just spot after spot after spot.

I love seeing Billy Gun in there. Yeah, he's my favorite part of the match. Yeah, you know it's again. We watched this ladder match to start the show with what are the trios? What did we need a three way tag match for? For the tag belts? This was too many guys. It's just too much to follow, you know, And maybe take one of them out and have these same spots and maybe it hits a little bit better. But it was just too much to follow. It's like ping pong head, you going bing bing bing bing. Oh who am I following here? I gotta follow this guy. Ope, now that guy's down. He's waiting for his spot to come in because this guy's coming this way. Oh, now here's Billy Gunn. He's gonna drop somebody. Now, somebody's gonna come here knock him out. It's like, holy crap, your ad d goes nuts trying to follow. Where the hell the match is gonna go?

Yeah, I don't know. It entertaining nonetheless, but to me it was just like a spot fest. So Bucks retain the belt. It's no big surprise there. I wasn't thinking they were going to drop them.

Yeah, I didn't think so either. And then at the end they start an angle with a new team with another team, Like where there's all come from? Why what do they need to start an angle with FTR for at the end of a title match?

You know, I mean, everybody needs to get their stuff in.

Come on, dude, it's too much. It's taking you, it's taking everything and just going throwing it on that screen.

Let's go to something that I enjoyed immensely, and this might have been my favorite part of the whole pay per view, This Casino Gauntlet match, the fifth match coming out. This is kind of like a Royal Rumble, but instead of flipping over the top rope, you need to get pinned in the ring, so people come down. I don't know if it was thirty seconds or a minute or what the time was, because some some of them counted yester than others. They were letting them in early. I don't know, but this one was fun. This was entertaining. Cassidy and Ocada started it. Uh, you know, they they were doing some stuff Orange Cassidy. I never really watched a full Orange Cassidy match. Excuse me, but he was doing things with his hands in his pockets and kipping up and flipping and with his hands still in his pockets athletic. Uh. He impressed me, man, Like that's what I want to see. This kind of stuff like this is cool. You know. The stuff that they were doing was cool. I liked, uh, the inclusion of like uh, Nigel McGuinness comes out the place. It was crazy.

That was cool. I like that a lot.

Yeah, and you know, the crowd singing his name. He you know uh again it you never know who's coming out. So that's what I like about these type of matches. Like I always loved the Royal Roumbo because you never knew who had one number, and this was kind of the same thing. So we got Did we get Ricochet in this one?

Yep, yes we did.

And people knew he was coming but we didn't know when, so it was cool to see him. He got a great ovation. Jeff Jarrett was very over, super over, very over that dress Karen had on with the feathers. I had on the same thing but in black, but I had pants for the the show that we did at the Arena Wreussell Con weekend. Oh, you could have got that in a in a dress or a pants out that I chose the pants and chose the dress. Yeah, I saw that. I was like I saw that dress, Karen.

I got that could be a good square square off Shane and Jeff and you and Karen feathers feathers pants and dress versus the two blondies.

Oh, my god. Yeah, but super over, very very over. I liked it. It was fun. And they put Christian cage over in this one. So Lucastoris or whatever his name is now comes down and we think he's going to get the pin, but no, he gives it to Christian.


Yeah, advance is that storyline. So lots of booze from the crowd. I don't know if they liked it or not, uh, with Christian going over, but I thought it was very, very entertaining. I like the surprises that they gave a lot of the spots were fun to watch, and everybody worked really hard. You know, nobody's phoning anything in so far I think everybody.

No, no, not at all. No, that's that I will give him, absolutely no. No, everybody is one hundred fist and feet flying. I mean that is one hundred percent sure. And uh, you know again too much. But the Lucosaurus thing, again, I don't I didn't know the switch. I didn't know there was tension. I didn't know any of that. But they gave you the little teas earlier in the night and he switched back from kill switch to Lucosaurus. But I guess now he's still aligned with Christian, so he still kill switch. So they think he was turning and that was well done.

All I know is he was on Big Brother years ago and I hated his guts in that house and then, oh yeah, I hated him. I hated him. I was like, I don't know if this is shtick because you don't know if they're going in because then when he went in there, he said he was a wrestler, and I was like, I don't know who this guy is, you know, so it was very early. I don't even know if they I don't know. I don't think aw was even around. This was years ago, and I didn't like him. I didn't like him on the show, so could have been a gimmick. I don't know.

So do you realize that was Nigel's first match since twenty eleven? Yeah, they said that, so I could. I had to look it up. I couldn't remember why. So in TNA he had this he was he was having a great run in TNA. His uh his character's name was Desmond Wolfe. Okay, he was the name. So he tested positive for hepatitis B. Yeah, he was ripped off TV and that was basically the end, and he was back in I think r oh or something and then nope, he was out of the ring since twenty eleven. He looked in ridiculous shape, if I mean, he looked like he'd been getting ready.

Did that? Does that go away?

I have no clue. I have no idea.

Something, because why would you want to take a chance, especially in this business with like an open.

Wound hepatitis B? Let's see does it go away? Click clicking on it right now? Let me see appatitis B that spread by some body fluids, blood tests and that they're prevention vaccine. Maybe everybody's vaccinated, so you know, who knows. But again, you know, it's weird. It's like, aw, it's like all these guys that you think are never working ever again Edge Christian Danielson soriah. You know we're writing them off forever in McGinnis and it's like, come on, a you're you're in. Let's go.

I liked it. I liked that it was It was a really fun, really fun concept, and that might be my favorite match of the night, so enjoyed it immensely. Now we're getting into the nitty gritty match number six for the coffee break.

Do you need a coffee break.

Now, I don't.

Are you sure I'm going to roll? How about this? How about this?

How about what you want me to take one?

How about let's take a commercial break.

A commercial break, okay, and.

Then we will get into what you say is the meat and potatoes of the end of this show. So we will be right back after this commercial break.

All right, all right. So, as I was saying before I was really interrupted, Match number six was the AEW International Championship. It was MJS versus Will Offspring. Now when mj at first now it was known as the US or Americans Americans American Champion. And let me tell you, MJF came out looking like Uncle Sam what gear? I was so impressive with that ring here? It was great. I thought it was great. And in my mind, I'm telling everybody, don't use your ring here, don't throw it, don't get it to me on it to sell it for big bucks later, like hold on to that. I thought Will's entrance with the Brave Dancers was kind of cool, different, you know, And let me say something, the packages were exceptionally like really really good, you know, like I think their packages are up to part with with wwe they're doing some good stuff with their.

Yeah, they're getting there.

Yeah. I enjoyed them. You know. Now, were they a little long to have to sit through before entrances, you know when you already have a four hour show. Yeah, yeah, but again, they helped tell the story that needed to be told, and they helped, I thought, give insight to each character. So for me who's not familiar with a lot of the guys, I liked watching them right.

Yeah. It gives you a good little background on everything that you might have missed. And then some but now his will Osprey's entrance was Assassin's Creed the video game.

Is that what it was? Yeah, because it was a ninja's break dancing, and I was like, oh, this is kind of different. You know, it's pretty cool to watch. I thought these two tore the house down. I thought that they get They gave a great performance. I think they worked well together. I liked it a lot. You know, I honestly didn't see anything that I was just like, oh, that looked like crap. Because usually you can just like pick and you know, pick a couple of things here and there. I didn't see anything. I thought MJF had heat which I like him so much more as a heel rather than a baby face. And you know, not only for his American attire, but he was e fing the crowd and shooting the bird and you know, he he was giving them the business. And I think they tore the house down. I really enjoyed them. I thought it was great.

Yeah, I can't really add much more. It was, you know, gray match. They worked well together. They've had a couple I believe, and they just carried that forward in this one. I'm sure they're having a two or three or four series that comes out of this one, because why would you not right when you work so well together, why would you not.

Garcia coming out, Yeah, yeah, and then uh, you know, grabbing him when he's got the knock on his hand makes you think, like, how's this gonna play out later on? He just stood there and stared and watched, and you know, it's like it adds depth to the su Yeah.

I think that was like the original teas was that That's who MJF said he was going to face at this show, was Daniel Garcia, and I I lost how it didn't come to pass, So yeah, it could be.

Anyway they popped when he took his hoodie off to show his face and uh, Tiger Driver one, two three, your winner and your new ae W American well now International champion as well. And Will didn't want to touch that American championship. So Christopher Daniels came out and presented him with the new belt.

Yep, another belt.

Do you think Carluso is looking down saying what a swerve? Goes back to our YouTube video. If you didn't see it yet, it's going to.

Be up today today, yep, today, So go over.

And take a look at it. But yeah, he doesn't want the American belt. Why would he? He's a brit He wants the International championship. I get it.

Good touch, you know.

I like that.

I would say same thing. I'd want that American Championship. I wouldn't want to touch that international one. Did you like the scarf on the video screen for MJF, White and Blue. I thought that was pretty cool.

C Yeah, I was very impressed. I like it. Well, well, he Osprey is such a he's so talented. Like I'm watching him, I'm thinking to myself, is there anything that this kid can't do?

Yeah? He's pretty so good he's pretty.

So good, you know, and I mean MJF is just for what is he twenty seven, twenty eight years old? Like really really talented?

Now, did Will Osprey make the right choice by going to a W over WWE?

I think so? Yeah, I agree, I think so one hundred. Now. I don't know money wise, I don't know if he would have got paid more over there, But as talented as he is, would he have gotten lost in the shuffle? Would he be uh suppressed over there because he's not in with certain members of certain groups and there's a whole backstage politic thing going on, you know how it is? So I think he made the right decision. He's shining, he's thriving, and he's got a shiny new belt to put around his waist.

Yes he does, so congrats to him.

It's a really really good match. I enjoyed it. This next match, now.

This one, I'm dying to hear what you gotta say about this.

You know, I went into this thinking it was going to be terrible because what I've read everybody was criticized in Mercedes Monet horrible, she phoned it in and blah blah blah. I didn't think she was that bad. I didn't. I didn't see what everybody else saw. I don't know Mercedes Monet and Britt Baker okay to me, was it a five storm match? They could have did a little more, probably, But I don't think she phoned it in at all. People were saying she was sloppy, there were botches. Tell me, where am I missing something?

Just I think it was more just like we were talking about with the Sorayah Tony Storm, just like some careful maneuvering that you could tell they were trying too hard to make sure the moves look good. That's really it. Like if she's supposed to be this ring general that it shouldn't be as careful as they're making it look. I think that's it, and that there's such hype around it's the contract and it's the hype, and it's the interviews and the character she's playing that is, you know, making this this persona hater herble and that's why I think people are really picking on her. But it was an okay match. It wasn't anything to write home after you watch all this other crap. But compared to this other one we watched earlier in the night. Oh my god, doesn't hold the candlestick to the other two. But there were moments that it was just like that Tony Storm Saraya mattered just you know, wasn't as fluid as it could have been.

I liked when My favorite spot was when brid had the belt and she tossed it to a Camille and yeah and then she yeah, and then she gets thrown out of the arena. That was my favorite spot that got a good response. But I you know, I thought they worked hard. Not everything is one hundred percent the way you plan it to you work around it. But it wasn't to the point where I said, oh my god, that's a botch. Oh my god, they messed this up. Oh my god, you know what I mean. Like the reports that I were reading, they were just burying the girls, and I was just like I was expecting just a shit show, right, and that's not what I saw. I think that people were too hard on them. You know, I'll give them benefit of the doubt. Again, it wasn't the best match on the card, but they worked really hard. They kept me invested in it. You know, I didn't hate it. I honestly didn't hate it, and I I didn't know who was going over in this one because I read it up until the spoilers. So I thought Brett was gonna take the belt, but she didn't. Mercedes kept the title.

Yeah, So you know, I kind of had a feeling it was going to go that way. You know, I didn't think that in this big of an environment she was gonna take the loss. But you know, seems like she's kind of gonna be untouchable for a little while. But I think just the persona is what people are picking Apart with Monette.

They were saying her promos are bad, she can't talk, you know, and honestly, out of the four horse women, she was the worst one. And all this it's like, one, yeah, that's ridiculous.

I mean, people being awful Britt Baker two online from what I was reading, like people being harsh to her all of a.

Suden, it wasn't It wasn't as bad as everybody made it out to be. It entertained me. I didn't hate it. I didn't love it. I didn't hate it. I thought the girls worked hard. Again. I don't think anybody phoned anything in from top to bottom on this pay per view. I really don't. I think everybody worked hard, they gave it their best. Why wouldn't they? Why would somebody just go out there and phone it in? You want to make yourself look sloppy in front of forty fifty thousand people?

Yeah, exactly, this huge right?

Yeah, no one, No one would do that, do they too?

Two prong question placement on the card okay, really really high right right under the main event, and having that other women's match be I mean, like I said, it was my favorite match on the card and be so good. I would think exactly what I was gonna say. So that's where I'm saying. Should they have gotten this one first and let them have that shine? Okay?

I would have placed them second and placed Mariah and Tony later. And I think their storyline was bigger build up than this one.

Just yep, So I would have them.

But you know, I again, I think people were a little too harsh on these girls. And I don't know.

I think the finish, see I have it up on the screen here next to me. The finish is where people are really kind of picking apart. It's a week, It's just it. I could see it. But guess what then? You go do it people. Yeah, exactly, you don't like it. I'd like to see you do that move. I couldn't do that. I pull every muscle in my back if I did that move that they did.

She's tiny, Mercedes, my name is a tiny, tiny girl. She's tiny, She's thin, you know what I mean. Yeah, Like I remember watching her in WWE and saying to myself, they were she was bumping like a fiend and getting thrown around like a rag doll, and her body was bending in ways it shouldn't, you know what I mean, Like she was correct. It was just yeah, like her, she was bent over backwards and like she looked like she was like double joint in her She looked like her arm was out in the socket. Like I'm saying to myself, Man, she's so thin and so tiny that when she's forty, she's gonna feel every ache and pain because they were just brutal to her in this match. She was just being tossed around. And you know, everybody that she works with is gonna be probably be bigger than her. That's why I can't wait, because it's it's gonna happen. I can't wait until Camille turns on her and those two go at it. Yeah, because that's a David and Goliath.

You know, she's being grossly misused at the moment.

Yeah, I can't wait until that happens. And that's gonna be a money match that people are gonna want to see, because if you think about it, it'll be just like what they're doing in WWE with the Otis and the Gable, you know what I mean, like people with the Sea Otis like rip his head off, And that's what I want to see happen. Not now. Let this brew a little bit because it's still an early relationship. But when it just comes to a head, Oh, Camille is going to be so over and she better beat the shit out of Mercedes.

She she's got a great story too, So when they can start to talk about her background stuff, I'd like to see what they can do with it. And you know, I forgot there's still one more damn match before we get to the main event. I mean, this show, it's like this is so I'm like, well, I think you made I know it was quick, but you made the joke about this when we were talking. I don't know if it was on the show. What the hell does their travel budget look like to get all these people and especially in this match, to do you get surprised people to fly over to Oh my god, why not travel budgets?

I don't know what it is, but I was. I was thinking the main event was next, and then when they started talking about Jack Perry, I was like, oh, I forgot. So this was the This was the AWTNT Championship Coffin match match number eight and it was Jack Perry against Darby Allen. Darby Allen comes out with thumbtacks sticking out of his face, but reversed so the points so he must have taped or glued them to his face because at first when they said, oh, he's got thumbtacks in the stays, I thought he pushed them like the pins in his No, no, no, they were reversed. So he does a spot later with Jack where he puts Jack's face up against his and pushes into the thumb tis. I'm saying to myself, who does this? It was crazy looking like he looked like Pinhead from the isn't that a horror movie? Pinhead or hell Raiser? Yeah, that's the one. That's who he reminded me of. Jack Perry bringing out the real glass and people singing crime a River. Did you catch that one? See him? Punk chants? Did you hear them? They were there?

I heard it, I heard it. This looked like two middle school boys fighting in a fifty thousand seed arena. They these two guys. Oh my goodness, you don't like Darby Allen? Now, I never really like Darby Allen's. It's just not my style. I just don't like that. It just these guys are they're just so. They should be in cruiserweight matches, just fighting for the cruiserweight title, not these like insane hardcore YadA YadA, YadA, blah blah blah blah blah. Oh my god. Again the kitchen sink thrown again with thumbtacks.

This time some brutal bumps in this match, and the.

Glass brutal is yes, very the.

Bumps on the glass. I mean they went a little hardcore on this one. I didn't mind it. It was quick. This went by really quickly for me, and then we did get the comeback of sting. Yes, what did you think about that?

I mean, it's always good. It's saying you know, look good. I love this jacket it's good. He's wearing like a zip up jacket. I looked. It was cool to see Sting. I mean when when I can't say anything other than that it was nice to see him.

Yeah, I'm saying to myself, are they really going to light the coffin on fire? I knew they weren't when they poured the gasoline onto the body bag. Yeah, because I'm like, they're not going to light this kid on fire. There's no way, you know. And then they did it onto the coffin, which was a cool visual. But then Sting came down and saved him. And you know, is Sting a one and done here or is he going to be Darby's second?

No, I think it's one and done. Okay, be interesting again with the two. They're not done. These two are going to continue. But I think Sting is a one and done.

This wasn't bad again. This is up there with the girls match that we just talked about for me, entertaining not my favorite, but advances a story, you know. And they worked hard and Jack Perry's back was all scraped up and nasty and bloody and it's gonna burn.

What did you think of the Bucks when they made their.

When they came back down in those flashy outfits.

They're like English, you know, gentleman attire.

And they have to call them Nicholas and Matthew now or matt and Nick. Yeah, very distinguished. I like it. I like them. This next one, we were at our main event, match number nine title versus Career for the aw World Heavy eight Championship. Now, Swerve Strickland is a guy that I've heard about, never saw him work, and I never know, and I was so impressed with him, so impressed with him. Brian Danielson, I've seen him so many time and he's always been stellar, right, always just on point. But I've never seen Swerve, and my gosh, is he good? So good, so good. So we have Brie Bella and the two kids at ringside. Now I understand this is just me. Okay, some people will come at me for this. Don't come at me. This is just my opinion. Those kids are little, are little, okay. I know. If I was Brie, I get it. You know that was intertwined with the angle. Swerve kept going over and looking at the kids, and they based it off for Birdie and her dad, and they showed the video package. I understand all that, but when you have those kids at Ringside, right, and you know that you're gonna gig and gig hard to the point where you are a crimson mask and your kids have to see their father bleeding like that, Like is Bray telling them, Oh, no, it's all pretend they're all friends. I mean, that's what I would be saying, you know what I mean, Like, yeah, don't worry, Daddy's gonna be okay. But that's gotta be hard. Like how old is her son?


You know? And and Bernie's I don't know how old she looks, maybe six. They're young kid. I mean that's the only Again, I kind of get it because it fits in with the storyline, but like you know, it takes me back, Like I remember like when Mick Foley, I think it was one of the hell in the Cell matches, and like his wife and the kids were real small, and the kids were actually screaming, crying and she had to get.

Up Royal Rumble ninety nine. That's beyond the mat Yeah, when we had Barry Bloustein on, that's what we're talking about.

It reminded me of that scene where she just takes the kids and they have to get out because the kids don't understand, you know what I mean. Now, those kids seem to be okay, Like the little boy was like cheering, very endearing, but it's it's kind of hard to watch when your dad is covered in blood. That was brutal to me. But nevertheless, this match was the best way to end the show. Super enjoyable. And I'm a fan of Swerve now. Man, he's so freaking good. I'm telling you, I went in blind. Half these guys I didn't even know who they were, and now I'm just like, man, I want to see more of this guy. And it's not because his partner made me a killer rap song. That's not the I just never saw Swerve work, to be honest with you, and he's that good. I can understand why that was. And by the way, that Bell is huge. Bell is just the biggest heavyweight championship that I've ever seen in my life.

Yeah, if you work hard on your ebbs, they're gonna get covered until you take them all telling.

You you don't even have to train if you're gonna wear that belt. But he's really good and him, him and Briant, I thought they tore the house down, you know.

I it was good.

Everybody was giving them five stars. I have to agree if I'm going to give a rating. Man, this was a good match, really really entertaining, you know. And he talks about wanting to be with his kid, and on the the media coverage afterwards, he had Birdie on his lap. I saw a little bit of it and he was saying something like to the point of, uh, he wants to be, you know, with his family, so to speak. And he says to his daughter, do you understand I'm doing this? And she says, yeah, because you love me. And I was just like, you know what, you can't get that time back that you're away from your kids, especially when they're little. And he gets it, you know, and maybe he thinks that he's accomplished everything he needs to. Now does that mean he's out of the business completely. No, He's probably going to be an agent or something. There's no way a mind like that is going to leave the business. But that'll afford him a little more time at home hopefully, and it'll get his body back in shape, you know, and heal. But I believe he's still going to be on the road for a little bit before he's officially dropping the belt and retires. So I just found it really really entertaining, and I thought the two of them they were magic together, really really well done.

Yeah, you're right, and I just wish, you know, Swerve, have you him as a heel, you might like him even more. I mean, he was like a diabolical, just dastardly heeled that crowd. But when he was a full blown like he was turned baby face by the crowd, and when he was when he was a heel, you would have loved him even more. You saw him during that run, but he was kind of neutered as the world champ. So this kind of last gasp of energy was the entrance and then the match. The match was awesome. Yes, and you know, if Danielson's not going to be the champ before that long, I'd like to see it go back to Swerve because me too. Yeah, he definitely he earned it here working with Brian and keeping it here with Brian, So yeah, i'd like to see go back if that's if it's not going to be a long run, because we were talking about it at one point and then yeah, I saw some of the clips. It doesn't seem like he's going to keep it very long of all this.

Yeah, I just thought this was a great way for him to start his exit, you know what I mean, like at the ball, rolling with it. So I enjoyed it, man, and it was so entertaining. I liked the family coming in afterwards, the tease that he was going to kill his own son.

Everybody was making fun of that on socials as well.

It's like, come on, man, but super fun. Just overall. I know it was a long pay per view, but I can honestly say there wasn't one match that I did not enjoy watching. I didn't fast forward through anything. I watched everything. I watched the packages, I watched the matches, everything, and I liked it. So no hate from me on this one. I am a fan. Now, Will I start watching their TV? I don't know. Probably not, but I'll be more conscious of it. If I'm in front of the television and I know they're on, I might give it a go. You know. Yeah, because it was very, very good. It was well put together. It advanced storylines with title that's the most important thing. You have to advance your storylines, and everybody worked hard. They really did so I liked it. Two thumbs up from me?

Yep, yep, that's it. You know again, it wasn't my You know, I like the match a lot, but you know, i'd say two thumbs up as well. But I'm beat to pulp by this point.

It just what made you mad today? You started, and I said, tell me during the podcast, you.

Were mad too much. It's just too much, just too long, too much. It's too much.

Like WrestleMania and do it one night and like night one night two.

If they now that, just keep in mind they also had television leading up to this show. They need to take some of those matches off and put it on the TV. They cannot do this to people. It's too much. Now. I understand the diehards might be obsessive to the point where they will consume every minute of it. But if you want to bring in people like me who watch wrestling still to this day, but I gotta go back thirty five years to enjoy it still, I'm not gonna keep watching it if I have to watch four hours of multimn matches with every single trimming you could possibly imagine, over and over and over, and then you know, I will give them this. I didn't mind the commentary as much as people give them shit compared to how I ripped the w Yeah, but you know how I ripped the WWE commentary to shreds. This didn't. I didn't mind this. This was okay, but it's just too much, and it just it made me just annoyed as a fan to be like, how could you sit there every month for four freaking hours and watch all this crap? And I know it's a big show. I get maybe they don't beach over that that much with this on every show. This was too much.

Well, I think I think because it was London maybe and those fans don't get to see them that often. The crowd was I mean they were dead in spots for certain matches, I thought, but overall, like for the end, for it being four hours, they were up on their feet when Brian won the belt and everybody was singing, and I mean they were still into it four hours later, you know what I mean. So I don't know if, again, because it's London, would they be that way in the States. I feel like they would, you know, But I don't know. Possibly, Yeah, I just know I broke it up. I watched it. I watched a little yesterday and then the rest today just because I started late last night and didn't want to be up, you know, till midnight watching the show. So but again I enjoyed it. I thought it was a great, great pay per view, and I hope they continue this way now. I will say when we first sat down to watch it, really quickly, we put in twenty twenty three by accident, and they showed the overhead shot of the stadium. We were like, oh, that doesn't look that bad. But then we were like, oh, wait, this is twenty twenty three because so Joe and see him Punk was the opening match. It's wrong. So then we put on this one and you could see the difference in seats. Yeah, you can see now. Again, I am not knocking them. To have forty five fifty thousand people is super impressive. I am not taking anything away from them, but you could tell that there were a lot of seats that were empty, right, not a gigantuan amount, but there were the higher seats.

Right and behind the behind the screen you could see behind there. But you know, look, I'll give them this. When I saw Taylor Swift Uh performing there with the aristour the week before behind her screen at Wembley it was the same thing. It was tarped off. So when you're playing that massive of a place, it's hard to sell every ticket. So sure I get it.

Yeah, yeah, I mean, I know we've mentioned in the past like get smaller venues and blah blah blah. But for the most part, I mean that place was pretty solidly I wouldn't say packed, but there were definitely a lot of people there. So still a very very fine effort and highly enjoyable. If you haven't watched it, go back and watch it, but take the time and watch it in parts, because your ass of going from sitting in front of TV for four hours.

Yeah, start with the Tony storm Er I am a pick ah multi person match, and then cherry pick what you want after it was.

I enjoyed everything now, So that's our coverage. Yeah, I don't know if you like this kind of stuff, you know, leave us a comment, whether you're listening when iHeart Spotify, Apple, wherever you get your podcast, or if you're watching this on a clip YouTube. Let us know your favorite match. Do you want to see more reviews like this? You know we're here for you. Let us know what you want.

I need a drink?

Seems good? What are we having.

Having one of my shmirnoff What do you call screwdriver drinks?

Yeah, you had a shitty day. You need to go put your feet up cottail.

So I still gotta have I still gotta do phone calls. I still gotta do a bunch of stuff.

You got.

I got work to do.

You got work to do? All right? All right? Well? Anything to plug?

No follow us on socials you know, uh, subscribe if you haven't subscribed, follow And I hope you're saying safe.

I hope you're saying healthy. And most of all, I hope you're saying extreme. Yeah.

Oh, Francie franc Ce Queen Extreme Extreme, The Queen Extreme podcasts.

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Eyes Up Here with Francine

Eyes Up Here is a podcast hosted by ECW Original, former WWE Superstar and "The Queen of Extreme" Fr 
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