Today's top 5 stories are:
1. A new study that looks at whether generative AI tools are helpful for students in academia, and found that different types of students are more likely to use it than others.
2. A significant uptick in provocative content on social media, compared to last year, driven by 3R issues.
3. A rise in e-cigarette poisoning cases, with experts raising the alarm that children and teenagers are more heavily affected, partly due to accessibility and a lack of safety protocols.
4. A look once more on the advantages and possibilities (but also possible things to be wary of) with the Belt and Road Initiative, on the 50th anniversary of Malaysia-China bilateral ties.
5. The issues behind the Malaysian Medical Council not recognising the parallel pathway programme for cardiothoracic specialists, from the Fellow of Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh in Cardiothoracic Surgery
For these stories, we heard from Prema Ponnudurai, Head of School of Media and Communication at Taylor’s University, Mediha Mahmood, CEO of the Content Forum, Mohamad Haniki Nik Mohamed, Chief Coordinator of Certified Smoking Cessation Service Providers, Dr Farhan Rusli, Public Medicine Specialist, Angeline Tan, Researcher in the Foreign Policy and Security Studies Programme at ISIS Malaysia, and Dr Timothy Cheng, Vice Chairman, Malaysian Medical Association (SCHOMOS).
Image credit: Robert Kneschke, Shutterstock