On tonight’s edition of Man Torque, we delve into a topic that is close to home for many: Male Circumcision. From the moment a man is born, the clock starts ticking towards that inevitable appointment with the doctor and a discourse with your foreskin. But why? Is it a rite of passage into manhood, a pursuit of health benefits, or perhaps a religious obligation? While the conversation surrounding male circumcision is not new, tonight we thought we’d bring up another perspective—one that considers circumcision as a tool for regulating and controlling the male body. As we navigate discussions around consent, particularly for minors and infants, the idea of autonomy and self-identity, I would like to invite you to share with us your experiences of circumcision. How old were you? Were you presented with a choice? Perhaps you opted against circumcision—what motivated this decision? Joining me for this conversation is Nokwana Bokolo, Lecturer in the Department of Public Health at the University of Fort Hare.