Your Financial Forecast with Rob West

Published Jan 13, 2025, 7:59 PM

How is your financial forecast looking?  This is the perfect time to revise your goals and reset your budget to reach them! What should you consider as you plan for 2025? Rob West, host of Faith and Finance Live and CEO of Kingdom Advisors, will answer your questions and help you wisely navigate your financial future! 

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Well. Hey there friends, welcome to another exciting edition of equip with Chris Brooks! I am so thrilled that you're with us today. Why don't you do me a favor? Strap on your seatbelt. We're going to navigate through the contours of culture, as always, with the lens of the biblical worldview on. But before we do that, let me remind you, this is the day that the Lord has made. He has given it as a gift so that you and I can rejoice and be glad in it. So let's do just that. Let's follow the words of the Apostle Paul. Let's rejoice in the Lord always. And again I say rejoice as you step into a new year. If you like the typical person, American in particular, you have set some goals for this year and I think that's great. Setting goals and key areas of your life is one of the most important things we can do in order to see growth and progress the top areas for Americans at least to set goals. As you begin a new year. You probably guessed it is in the area of health and fitness and in the area of finances. Well, today we're going to tackle one of those big areas. It's your finances. As you think about how to navigate 2025, man, I hope that you're able to see God's financial blessings on your life. But if you're going to, it's going to require good stewardship, good wisdom, some good choices as well, and probably a whole lot of grace for the unknown, the unforeseeable that does lie ahead. But I think a lot of it comes back to making sure that we know what God's vision for our faith and finances looks like, and that we're properly aligned with the Kingdom teachings and principles on how to manage our money to the glory of God. So today we are wall to wall faith and finances, and I want to encourage you to give us a call. Maybe you have a have a question about how you can navigate. Maybe you can honestly say, Chris Brooks, I have made some decisions or some things happened in my life, and I find myself in a hole right now and I don't know quite how to get out of it. Well, don't you feel bad about that? This is what grace is all about. God's mercy is to help us to be able to get out of the holes and ditches that we often find ourselves in. That's why he has provided us with people and wisdom and His Word, most of all to help us to navigate. Or maybe you're launching into new endeavors or wanting to make wise choices at a crossroads in life. You give us a call 8775675. That's (877) 548-3675. I can't talk about faith and finances without thinking about Mr. Rob West. Many of you know and love Rob. He is the host of the nationally syndicated radio programs. Faith and finance. The Faith and Finance Live show, as well as the Faith and Finance Minute. He joins me today. Rob also serves as CEO and spokesperson for Kingdom Advisors. Rob, how are you, brother?

I'm doing great, Chris. Thanks for having me today.

Live from the frozen tundra of Atlanta.

Who would have thought? Snow on the ground here in Atlanta.

Oh, man, I love it, I love it. You know, I got so many people in my family and friendship group that say I'm out of Michigan, tired of winters. I'm going to Hotlanta and I'm going to enjoy myself. Well, this week we get a chance to kind of stick it to you guys just a little bit.

It only takes a 10th of an inch of ice and the whole city shut down.

Well, I'm glad you're. You're surviving the storm 2025. That's right. You're doing well. But, brother, we so appreciate you. For those who don't know the heart of the ministry and even the program, faith and finance. Can you just share a little bit about the mission, the vision?

Yeah, absolutely. You know, our vision is that all Christians would see God as their ultimate treasure. And we do that by helping God's people integrate faith and financial decisions for the glory of God. So we recognize, as the late Tim Keller said, money is the most common counterfeit God. Wow. If something's going to get in the way of the Lord being on the throne of my life, it's most often going to be money. I mean, we see that, Chris, as you know, in the parable of the sower, right? What was it that choked out the word from bearing 3600 full return? It was the deceitfulness of riches. Among other things, money is a good gift from God. But when we worship the creation over the creator, we've got problems. And so our idea at Faith fi and on the broadcast and through our studies and Studies and devotionals, and in the app is really to take people back into God's Word, to understand the heart of God as it relates to our money, because it is that most tangible evidence of where we've placed our trust and what we value on a daily basis. And so we want to help people see their role as stewards. That is, we have stewardship responsibilities. We don't have ownership rights. And it's a high calling to be able to manage God's money. We're money managers for the King of kings, and there are real implications to that. And so each day we gather on the program on Moody Radio at 4:00 eastern, just to be invited into people's stories and help them have a healthy relationship with money.

Well, in your introduction, you also mention Kingdom Advisors. Can you tell us a little bit about what that group is?

Yeah. So at Kingdom Advisors, we have the privilege of disciple discipling about 4000 financial professionals across the US and Canada. And that number is growing quickly. And, you know, the financial advisor sits at a really leveraged point in their clients lives because, as we said, money is such an important part of our lives. And it really is so much more than the money, because we know money issues are hard issues. And so we train and disciple financial advisors to bring their faith with them, to work and counsel their clients out of a biblical worldview. And what we're finding is that a growing number of Christians want an advisor who can bring the counsel of Scripture to bear alongside that professional financial advice. And so we issue a designation called Certified Kingdom Advisor. It's the only financial services industry accepted designation for biblically wise financial advice. And so about 75,000 believers will go to faithful. Com and search for a CA in their area this year.

Well I love it. And I think man, the financial advisor that we have in our life. And really when you think about insurance and other professionals. There are multiple advisors, to be honest with you. I certainly want them to have a biblical worldview. I want them to have the same value set that I have, and to encourage me towards that, and certainly not to advise me in any way to contradict that. So the thought of being able to find a Kingdom advisor, I can't tell you how many times I have personally directed someone who I love and care for deeply to Kingdom advisors so that they can find discipled professional in this area. So thank you for doing that. Friends. If you want to find out more about the radio programs, the ministry and Kingdom advisors, why don't you go to our website? We have links there at Equip that's equip Well, I mentioned in the introduction we're starting a new year. Rob. And so I want to talk to talk about some financial moves that are important for 2025. Now, you have been thinking about this every year gives an opportunity for a reset restart. Talk about what's the importance of a new year as it pertains to our faith and finance.

Yeah, well, you know, studies will say that right near the top of the list, perhaps right alongside. Excuse me, lose weight would be get my financial house in order. Yeah, yeah. And, you know, this is a time when we turn the page and we get to hit that reset button. And what a great opportunity for us. And that includes our financial life. And so I think as we take a step back and we just look at at what God is doing, perhaps this is the year for you to recommit to deepening your financial foundation and getting on a spending plan or a budget with, you know, things more expensive than ever right now. This is a great time to say, all right, I'm going to get that plan back out. I'm going to refresh it. But I'm not just going to stick it in the drawer. This year, I'm actually going to put a system in place to manage the flow of money. I mean, there's so many things we can do, and right here at the start of the year is a great time to do that.

Well, I think it is. And today we want to answer your questions again about navigating 2025, or if we could just be your prayer partner. We love to come alongside of you, to pray, to encourage and to give godly wisdom. The phone number 8775675. That's 877548 3675. There's a lot of folks who are listening to us today who have professed Jesus Christ as Lord of their life, but maybe they've never been challenged or even invited to grow in their understanding of biblical money management. What does it mean to apply the statement Jesus is Lord to my money?

Mm, yeah. You know, there are profound implications to that because when we understand our role as steward, it really does change everything. Chris, as you know about how we handle God's money. I mean, it requires that we understand that we're going to be accountable, that someday we will give an account to how we manage God's money. I think when we recognize our role as steward, we live with an eternal perspective. It's no longer focusing on the temporal. Stewards invest in things with eternal significance. Stewards have to be faithful in the small things. Remember, Jesus taught us, one who is faithful in a very little is also faithful in much. And so I think we need to be faithful even in those small things. And I would also say that stewards hold loosely and give generously. And so growing in our understanding of those implications of stewardship, that we're that household manager. That's how you translate the word oikonomos in the New Testament. You know, when when the household manager walks into the home to manage it. He or she knows they don't own anything in that house. It ultimately all belongs to the master. And so how can we reflect the master's heart in those daily financial decisions?

All right, Rob West, what books have impacted you the most if you were to talk to somebody who's just getting started on this journey? What is what would you say? Pick this up. You got to read it.

Yeah. I mean, I would say a few. The one that has impacted me the most, of course, next to the Bible would be money, possessions, and Eternity by Randy Alcorn. It's a little bit of a deeper read. He actually did a shorter, kind of quicker read version of it called Managing God's Money. But I would say each of those would be a great starting point. A newer book on this topic, Paul David Tripp, came out with the book Redeeming Money. We know him best for books on Christian living and parenting. And what do you know? He comes out with his first book on money, and it's it's incredible. And then if you want one to help you in your marriage, I would say a book by my friend Shaunti He Feldhahn Harvard researcher. Thriving in love and money would be a game changer for your marriage.

Well, there you go. I think that that was worth the price of admission. Just those three recommendations. Friends, I want to encourage you. Find out more at our website. Equip That's equip It's so important to have our hearts and minds and values shaped around the thought that Jesus is Lord. I will ask one more question before we run to a break. And that is, as pastors so often, this is a topic that we're nervous to talk about. Um, even though Jesus spent approximately, scholars will say about 25% of his ministry talking about possessions, money, and eternity and how all they all of them relate to one another. Why is one of Jesus's most popular topics one of our most, maybe feared topics as pastors?

Yeah, I think it's because stewardship has become so closely connected in the minds of those in the church to a giving campaign, you know? But it's so much bigger than that. I mean, once we give our lives to Jesus and surrender to him as Lord and Savior, it really is about stewardship. We're stewards of our time. We're stewards of our talents. We're stewards of relationships in God's Word, and yes, our money. And it's that daily, uh, thing that we do, spending money that I think gets so often overlooked. And so when we go back to God's Word and understand what you just said, Chris, that there's a reason Jesus spent so much of his time talking about it. It wasn't because he needed more of our money. It all belongs to him. We've established that it's because this is the thing that can so often get in the way of true lordship. And so the church should be and is the home for biblical truth and wisdom. And that includes money.

Well, it refreshes my heart every time I'm in a conversation with Rob West. And I mean that it's not just something I'm saying, because he's here with us, and I hope that this is a refreshing of your heart as well as we talk about faith and finances. I want to encourage pastors, don't shy away from the topic, but make sure as you do, you point to eternity and pick up those books that Rob recommended. All right. How should we align ourselves to God's commands and word? We're going to talk about that when we come back. Also, you guys are calling in. We're going to take your calls. 8775675. Much more to come. Next up on equip with Chris Brooks. Have you ever wished for a more meaningful way to connect with others and achieve your dreams? Mark Batterson's please. Sorry. Thanks is a refreshing look at how three simple words can transform everything. This book will help you harness the power of these words to create lasting change in your relationships. Request your copy today with the gift of any amount to equip. Simply call 888644 4144 or go to Equip Welcome back to equip with Chris Brooks. What does it mean to say that Jesus is Lord, even of my money? We're talking to Rob West about faith and finances. We're talking to Rob about these things because they matter to the heart of God and to eternity. We're also taking your calls at 8775675. That's eight seven, 7548, 3675. Rob, we'll get back to these five things you want, you recommend are on our radar for 2025. But before we do that let's go to the phone lines. April is listening in Indianapolis, Indiana. April, thank you so much for listening to equip. How can we pray for you today?

Yeah, absolutely. Thank you for taking my call. Um, essentially, I'm just struggling to be a good steward of God's money, and I've been following that debt snowball since 2019 and for the past two years. I'm just overspending with either food or wanting to spoil my family, knowing I have that extra money every month that should go to debt. So I just need encouragement or options to stop myself from overspending when I'm tempted. So I stopped feeling that overwhelming guilt and have to rework the budget.

Man. Rob. You know, as I listen to April and I want you to respond to her, one of the things that blesses me is that here you listen to a woman whose heart is driven by the right things. Man, I want to bless my family. I want to be able to, um, just enjoy God's blessings with the people that I love so much. But yet she's Recognizing that even though my heart is right, it's leading me to do things that are getting me deeper and deeper into that. She's not talking about spending it on sinful things. She's not saying, hey, I want to go out and live ungodly, ungodly life. She's she's wanting to honor the Lord. What do you say to April?

Yeah. Well, April, first of all, just know that what you're describing is what so many of our listening audience experiences all the time, including Chris and myself. And so, you know, I think the starting point is just what you did. And that was to acknowledge it, to verbalize it and say, you know what? This is a struggle and this is something I want to work through. I think making it a matter of prayer is huge, and inviting God into your financial life and asking him to give you his heart as it relates to those daily spending decisions. Because when we understand our role as stewards or managers of God's resources, we understand that's a high calling. And so we want to get that right. And so we say, God, give me your heart as it relates to managing your money. So I can do that in a way that gives you glory and honor. And then beyond the prayer, I think the plan is so key. And we understand that the longer term, the perspective, the better the decision we're going to make today. And so I think it requires you pulling back and saying, okay, if the way I handle God's money or we as a couple handle God's money is the most accurate reflection of what we value, then does the spending we're doing on a daily basis truly reflect that? And if the story it's telling doesn't line up with really what is most important to me and my values and priorities as a Christ follower, then maybe I need to make some changes. And so those short term sacrifices become something you're willing to do because you're in it for the bigger win down the road. Being debt free, having more resources available to give and enjoy your family and, you know, take a trip to deepen relationships. I mean, I think you need to understand what it is you're ultimately headed toward. Yeah. To be able to make those short term sacrifices right now.

So I want to say amen to what Rob just said. And I want to just affirm a bro. I love, love, love your heart. But it makes me think. Rob, I think it was the early 2000 when Jim Collins came out with that famous book. Good to great. You remember that, Rob? I do, absolutely. And the first line of that book, I'll never forget it. It says, good is the enemy of great. Yeah. Because when we're bad, we know we need to improve. But when we're good, we think, oh, I'm okay. When really we're not okay. I think what you want to do is, is is good. But what Rob is really encouraging you to do through good stewardship is to make some sacrifices now so you can do something great for your family that will bless them and the generations that will come both now and into eternity. So I know that it's tough. I say amen to Rob. Pray. Recognize that you need the help of the Holy Spirit as you navigate through life. Also, get accountability around you and make sure if if you're not listening to somebody like Rob on a regular basis, I would make that a part of my daily routine so that I can constantly keep this in front of me because it's so easy to have life just get in the way. April, we appreciate you so much. Let's pray for April. Father, we just thank you for our dear sister. We thank you for her heart, for you, for our family, for those that she loves. But yet, Lord, we pray that she would be able to exchange the temporary for the ultimate. We pray, Lord, that she would be able to make that trade off from good to great. Lord may April, through good stewardship, find that she's able to be more of a blessing than what she could have ever hoped, dreamed, or imagined. Lord, this isn't easy, so please place people in their life to keep her encouraged on the journey. And Lord, may she continue to not only be a blessing, but may she, Lord, teach these things to the next generation so that they could be a blessing as well. It's in Jesus name, Amen and amen. God bless you, April. Thank you for giving this call. Let's go to the phone lines just one more time. Ellen is listening in Ohio. Great state of Ohio. Ellen, thank you so much for listening. Uh, how can we help you today?

Thanks. Yeah, Ohio State football is going to Atlanta.

That's right.

Absolutely. There we go. I was going to say congratulations.

Yeah, yeah. But, um, my my question is, um, we've been fortunate to be able to donate and actually started an NCF fund and that we contribute to. So how much which should be our goal to contribute to that fund every year. And then when we give from there, You know, there's so many things we get in the mail and things. There's things locally, nationally and internationally. Do you have any ideas on how to prioritize or how much to give and where and who and what?

A great question, what a great question.

I love this question. Go ahead. So let me just give some context to our listeners. So when she talks about an NCF fund. NCF is a national Christian foundation founded by the late Larry Burkett and Ron Blue. And she's talking about a donor advised fund. What NCF calls a giving fund. Think of this like a charitable checking account. You've given the money away, you get the immediate tax deduction and then the money's there. And then you make the the grant recommendations to NCF, and then they'll forward it on to whatever ministry or your church you want. And so it's a great tool in terms of the amount per year. You know I love to kind of flip the question and, and say instead of how much should I give this year? How much should I keep? And you might want to think about setting kind of a spending finish line. I love this idea of of whether you look at maybe a, a maintenance spending line where you look at how do you maintain your current lifestyle, but cap it and then give everything else away? Or maybe you use a benchmark like some, you know, multiple of, you know, the median income in your area. However you approach it, I would just look at and make it a matter of prayer is where do we want to kind of cap our spending? And then what if we gave everything else away? And that that donor advised fund is a great place to do that in terms of the where of your giving. I like looking at this both in terms of geographically, you know, you might think about, you know, Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria, the ends of the earth. So maybe what do you do right there in your community? What do you do in your state or your region? And then what do you want to do globally? And then I would also look at just kind of those things that are that align with the heart of God. And so, you know, when we look at Scripture, we see six key groups of people that are repeatedly mentioned throughout Scripture as being worthy of financial support. The poor and oppressed Christian workers, those who are teaching, preaching, and spreading the gospel. And I think we should start with our local church family members. Kingdom work. I mean, you know, I think as you begin to search the scriptures and look at what are your passions that also align with what we see in God's Word, it'll become clear to you where we should be giving. And I think as you are more strategic about that in terms of the amount and the kind of geographical location, and then ultimately who is receiving those gifts, it will just create a virtuous cycle that causes you to give even more beyond that.

Rob, what good, solid advice to Elon and Elon? You know, I just will say this and Rob's heard me say this before as you put together your team of advisors, this is one of the areas where I think pastors can really help as a pastor myself. I have been called on many times by members of our church family to say, hey, I want to be generous, but how do I do that in a wise way? I think one of the most dangerous things we can do is to have a heart for generosity, without having a vision and plan that lays out good parameters for how we want to go about maximizing our generosity. You're not going to be able to make a dent in every area, but there are certain areas that God will place on your heart where you can really make a lasting impact. So pray that God will show you that. And yeah, I would even consider asking a pastor to pray with you as you consider God's heart and will for your generosity. Father, bless Ellen and her family. Lord, I pray that she would continue to have an impact for you that will last into eternity. Thank you, Lord, for the generous heart that you've given her. And Lord, may many come to faith in Jesus because of her good stewardship. We ask it in Jesus name, Amen and amen. Well, friends, I want to encourage you to find out more about our guest and about Kingdom Advisors Faith and finance by going to our website, equip How else can we get prepared for 2025? What what mistakes do we need to avoid? Rob is going to talk about that. Next up on equip.

With Chris Brooks.

It is always a great day whenever Rob West stops by the program. Such is the case today. Unequipped to talk about faith and finances. We want to help this year to be the best year you've ever had in your stewardship, so that you can be blessed and that many could be blessed through you. So this is why we're opening up the phone lines today at 75675. That's (877) 548-3675. I hope you also understand that when we are good stewards, it gives us the privilege, the opportunity to express our generosity in unparalleled ways to the advance of the gospel. To put our heart and our finances in alignment with God's Word. And so I want to encourage you to do so. Your local church is always your first place of giving. But beyond that, I pray that gospel centered ministries like equip would also be ones that you are partnering with so that many can come to faith in Jesus. We're seeing it all around us. Even last night, I had the privilege of talking to a room full of 150 college students about what matters most. You and I partnering together to reach a new generation with the gospel. That's why I love, love, love equip not just what we do on the radio, but even beyond. So I'm asking you to consider partnering with us, thanking those who are equipped partners prayerfully and financially, but encouraging you join God in this journey of generosity so that we together can bless lives both now and into eternity. If you want to be a partner with equip, dial this number now 888644 4144. That's 888644 4144 or go to equip All right. Rob, I want to talk about the most feared word in finances. And I think the most feared word in finances is budget. I want to talk about that word. A budget is a spending plan, right. With with monthly tracking. Why why is it so important? And who needs it?

Well, everybody needs it. But that's not an uncommon thought. In fact, I'm thinking about a CNBC article. Chris. It was titled People Hate Budgeting. That was literally the title, and it spotlighted a financial advisor who had observed that 60% of her clients felt as though they were literally going to suffer at the mere mention of this idea of budgeting. And so I think we need to change our perspective on it. In fact, when you go back to God's Word, I mean, you'll see several examples. I'm thinking about King David, and here's what he said in first Chronicles. All this David said I have in writing, and he enabled me to understand all the details of the plan. You see, as he was thinking about the building of the temple, actually, he says, in my devotion, I was thinking about the details of the plan. You see, I think budgeting can actually be an act of worship as we see it, as a reflection of God's provision in our life. And then we get to carefully work out how it how it gets used for God's glory. Now, it does require that we understand. I think that bigger why to our previous caller, in order to make those short term sacrifices. Because when we understand that it's God's, not ours, and we understand that, you know, God's plans and purposes for our lives in part are worked out through our finances, then it means we need to give every dollar a job, because if we don't, it's going to slip through our fingers. It's going to end up in places we didn't intend. And just like every business has a budget, you need a budget or a spending plan as well, because if you don't, you're going to arrive at a destination you didn't intend. And so I think once we understand that, why? And then we pull back and say, all right, I want to be a careful steward of God's money. That means I need to have a plan that balances. And I realize that's harder than ever, but then that's not enough. I need a system to to track the flow of money in and out so I can make those course corrections along the way because I guarantee you it's not always going to go your way. And often there will be more month than money left in the end. And so you've got to be able to trim along the way.

I want to go back to the phone lines, but before we do, I as I listen to you, I think about the Imago day. I think about Genesis 126 and 27 and some may say, well, what does that have to do with finances? Well, it's there, Rob, where we hear in the creation story that when God came to making man, he says, and let us make man in our image. Now in the Latin, that's imago day. And some have questioned or even debated or theorized. What does it mean for man to be in the image of God? Is it our intellectual capacity? Well, that can't be it, because even those who may, because of some other severe illness, not have the same level of intellectual Capacity that others do. We wouldn't say they're less in the image of God at all. Um, is it something else about us that, uh, really defines being made in the image of God? I think the Bible actually gives us the answer. I think the answer comes in the immediate statement following. And let him have dominion. I think that it's the exercise of God's dominion that reflects his image. And when you think about the call to exercise dominion in our lives, our finances has to be one of the first places we do that. What I don't want is my resources to have dominion over me. I need to make sure that I have dominion over my resources, and so a budget really allows me to do that. It really allows me to say to my finances, no, even you two have to come in line with the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Can't just be spent on anything, anywhere, at any time. You're not going to manage me. I'm going to manage you with the purpose and with a plan, so that we can give glory to God, to maximize glory to God. And then this is where it really gets powerful, is when you track it and you're able to see, man, how much dominion am I actually exercising over my finances versus how much dominion are my finances exercising over me? And where there is a lack of alignment, you're able to realign and celebrate the good Kingdom work the eternal work that you've been able to accomplish. Because you had a plan, you stuck to it and you tracked it. So I appreciate this this admonishment towards the most feared word in finances. Don't be afraid of a budget. Let's go to the phone lines. Jeff is listening in Cleveland. Hey, Jeff, thank you so much for listening. Love our friends in Ohio. How can we help you today?

Well, we love you both Chris and Rob, and we try to listen to you as often as I can. Thank you. Real quick though, we we have some rental houses and I have two mortgages left. I have one that I owe $200,000 and I'm only paying 6% interest. And then I have another one that I only owe 50,000 when I'm paying six and three quarters as I make my budget. Where should I go ahead and put any extra money on principal? The first house that I owe the $200,000 or the second one I only owe 50, but I'm paying a higher interest rate.

Yeah, I love this question. And you know, you pursuing ultimately having those paid off is phenomenal. And you know, when we look at borrowing I think there's some rules we talk about on faith and finance live all the time. One of them is we only want to borrow for appreciating assets. And that's clearly what you're doing here. But I think when we can get to the place where we pay those off, even better. You know, I would actually prioritize the smaller mortgage for two reasons. One is it's at a slightly higher interest rate, so every dollar is equal to a guaranteed return of 6.75% versus every dollar to the larger mortgage, a guaranteed return of only 6%. But secondly, you're going to pay it off quicker. And as soon as you pay it off, you're going to recapture the equivalent of that monthly payment that now we can flip over to that higher mortgage, and it's going to take a lot longer to pay that other one off. And so you won't get that back to redirect. And so I think for those reasons I'd go after that smaller one. And you know, just put every available extra dollar toward principal reduction there.

Man isn't Rob was a gift. Jeff, I'm so grateful that you gave me a call and good for you with the rental properties, I pray that it not only becomes a great source of income for you, that that it is that for you, but I also pray that those homes would be a place of respite and refreshing for those who live in them. May God bless you in 2025. Jeff. God bless you for listening. Rob, let's talk about date nights. I love taking my wife on a date night. Um, now that we have, uh, kids who are getting a little bit older, we can get some more of those in. Uh, but I love. I love a date night. Talk a little bit about a monthly, uh, money date night. What does that look like?

Yeah, well, my pastor was talking about this the other day. He and his wife have what they call a weekly coin and calendar meeting, where they just sync up over the coins and looking at the calendar, and they have a busy family of four. And so, like you and I, there's a lot of people and moving lots of different places. But you know, this is that time where you come together. I like to call it a money date where you're not finger pointing, but this is around course corrections because as I said, it's one thing to have that spending plan. It's another thing to actually work it out day in and day out, week in and week out, because it's never going to go exactly the way we intended. And so we have to make course corrections along the way. And I think when you pair a system of managing the flow of money, like, let's say the DeFi app, where we built it around Larry Burkett's envelope system, but in a smartphone, digital expression. So at any point in the month, when you come together for your money date, you can pull out the faith by app like Julie and I do, and we say, okay, what's left in the eating out category? What's left in each of the girls, you know, clothing envelopes and you work your way through them. You might say, okay, this month we're going to have to move from this envelope to this one, but that's that time for you to try to really make those course corrections. And then periodically just kind of updating your goals, aligned with your values and just getting on the same page. Because one of the big missteps in money and marriage is just a lack of lack of communication, and that gives you a time on the calendar each month to get that done.

All right. I'm going to make you a marriage counselor. I know that's not your profession, uh, by trade, but what do you say to those couples that already have pretty significant amount of tension? And they're listening to us right now? One or both are listening right now, and they're saying, Rob, I don't even want to talk about money with my spouse because it always leads to an argument, hurt feelings and woundedness.

Yeah, yeah. I mean, first of all, again, make this a matter of prayer and and just add ask the Lord to to give you a supernatural understanding into where your spouse is at and vice versa, so that you can come into this with fresh eyes because you're coming to it with different backgrounds. You're coming to it with different wirings God's handiwork on you. Your temperament has a lot to do with money, and so understanding where your spouse is coming from is key to being able to get on the same page. I think the other thing, and this is one of the key the key findings that Shanti and Jeff Felten found in the book that I mentioned at the top of the program, Thriving and Loving. Love and money. They did a study of 3000 couples in money. And how do they overcome conflict? And one of the keys was cushion. So what they found was that the couples who were able to overcome the conflict around money and marriage, it wasn't a matter of how much they made. It was a matter of whatever it was. They were living below it. And so if you can go to work on your spending plan and dial back your spending and get to a place where you have cushion, I think it's going to be a game changer in terms of how you then communicate about using that money.

I love it, and we want to see not only your finances flourish, but your family flourish as well. What a testimony that can be for a watching world. Well, we're going to take our final break, but these breaks are strategically planned to give you opportunity to learn more about our guests and resources for today. So why don't you go to go to our website to learn more about Rob, about Kingdom Advisors, and how you can align your faith and your finances? Go to equip So what's your finish line when it comes to spending? Talk about that. Next up on equip. This daily program is fully devoted to coming alongside listeners like you to give you the tools needed for a successful walk with God. As one of our loyal listeners, would you be willing to become an equipper? Your monthly contribution will be applied to equipping others all across the country. Plus, as an equipper, I'll send you regular emails that contain brief pastoral messages prepared just for you to become an equipper. Now call 888644 4144 or go online to equip Welcome back to equip with Chris Brooks. Hope you're learning a lot today. But if you want to learn more from Rob West. I would love for you to listen to faith and finance. I want you to find out more by going to our website. Equip that's equip Alright, Rob, before we let you off the hot seat. Talk about the importance of having a finish line. What is that and why is it so important?

Yeah. You know, Chris, I think this is a great opportunity for us because when it comes to our giving, so often we think about giving. Well, we might look at having a percentage giving plan or maybe we'll have a giving goal. Or maybe we do our giving in a spontaneous way, or even if we do percentage, maybe we're even thinking about incremental percentage giving where, you know what, we're trying to add a percent a year. And I think all of those are great. And I think that's a great place to start your journey. But a finish line actually changes the paradigm by completely, uh, you know, setting a defined maximum on personal spending. And so it's really the only allocation framework, if you will, that assumes that ultimately, this all belongs to God. And when we do that. Yeah. Go ahead.

I'm sorry. I just want to say that such a reverse way of the way we're often trained. I was in a conversation with somebody recently who wisely said, you know, the problem with getting an increase in income is so often within 30 to 60 days, we've increased our expenses to consume all of the extra increase in income that we just experienced. So we don't realize the long term benefits of blessing of that. What you're saying is reverse the paradigm. Don't increase your spending to match your income, but put a cap on your spending so that as your income increases, that extra becomes resources that you can use for eternal purposes.

That's exactly right. Because to your point, you know your level of spending will always increase to your level of income unless you protest to the contrary. It's not just going to happen by default. And so a finish line assumes that God is the default owner. And then we only take what we need of God's resources and use the rest for God's kingdom. And so, you know, I've walked alongside lots of families when I was a financial advisor before, uh, you know, I came to Kingdom Advisors. And you know what? Every time one of my clients would would take this on and put that financial finish line in place. It was an incredible journey. And they every time, after seeing the fruit in their life from setting a financial finish line, said, I don't ever want to go back. Now, there's not a number you're going to find in God's word. I mean, this is something you're going to have to work on and it's probably going to change over time. But I think as you begin to pray through this and say, God, how much is enough for me? Or how much is enough for us. And? And what if we were to cap it there and say everything we receive above that is, we're going to put into circulation in God's economy? It could be a game changer. And perhaps that's the road you need to start down this year.

What a new and refreshing way to think about faith and finance. All right, Rob, before I let you go, let's talk about the next generation. Tons of parents are listening to me and, like me, have children ranging from the age of teenagers to young adults. What do you say to us about how we can best instill good stewardship into the hearts of the next generation?

Oh, it's so huge. You know, as we think about preparing future adults, I mean, we want them to be financially literate. So they need to understand and begin managing money before they leave the house. And that includes understanding there's limited resources and we need to budget. And, you know, we turned our eating out budget over to the kids, you know, a few months ago and ago and just said, here you go, guys. It's up to you to figure it out. And it was so much fun, Chris, to watch them after church, sitting around the kitchen table, just kind of negotiating about the various places we were going to eat out. And one wanted to go there, but they didn't have enough money and so they were going to give up something else. But, you know, it's those practical exercises, I think, that begin to help them appreciate the the financial literacy side. But we've also got to teach them, you know, the biblical worldview and understand that God owns it all and that we're stewards and that, you know that when we give, giving breaks the grip of money over our lives. And it's a privilege to be able to give. And so I think the very best thing you could do for your kids would be to model generosity and gratitude and let them earn money, and then introduce them to your pastor and missionaries, the those that are going to help to multiply the Moneys Kingdom impact and then show them how to give it church. Maybe you don't just do the online giving, but actually model as young kids what it looks like to bring their gift to church and give it during a kids worship time, or if they're in the main service with you. And don't guilt them into giving, but help them to see what can be done and the impact that's had. And maybe that's through sponsoring a child or, you know, any number of things. But I would say get creative and really begin to understand that more is caught than taught. And so modeling this is always critical.

Yeah, I love this thought of bringing them into it. So often as parents we shield them from it and some with good motives, but yet there's nothing like bringing them into the sacrifice, as well as the opportunity of impact that comes along with being a good steward. Rob, you're a blessing, brother. We're so grateful for you. Again, for those who want to connect with you, just tell them the best way to do it.

Yeah. Just head to our website. Faith. Com. That's faith. Com. And then tune in to Faith and finance live 4:00 4:00 eastern, 3:00 central, right here on Moody Radio.

Well, you're blessing. So grateful to have you in our corner. God bless you. And Julie, and I hope you guys have a phenomenal 2025 brother.

Thanks, Chris. Grateful for you.

Friends, I want to encourage you find out more about faith and finances. Rob West. I want to encourage you as well as Kingdom Advisors by going to our website. Equip And while you're there, Equip has been a blessing to you. Maybe today you can help to advance the gospel in your community and around the world. Go to equip Until we're together again next time. As always, remember equip with Chris Brooks is a production of Moody Radio, a ministry of Moody Bible Institute.

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