Environmental Echo with PWGC's Paul K.  BoyceEnvironmental Echo with PWGC's Paul K. Boyce

The Hydrogen Promise: Breakthroughs in Alternative Energy Technology - Part 2

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Continue your exploration of technology that promises to revolutionize the use of hydrogen as a global energy resource in part 2 of our latest Environmental Echo podcast. Join Paul Boyce of PW Grosser and alternative energy pioneer Dr. Tony Pan, CEO and co-founder of Modern Hydrogen, to discuss the fascinating ways they use the byproducts of hydrogen decarbonization to create renewable materials that further reduce CO2 emissions. Then dive into the future possibilities for hydrogen as an alternative energy source, including insights from Dr. Pan on emerging technologies, surprising results of the invention process related to heat transfer, new applications for hydrogen, and more.


#EnvironmentalEcho #PWGrosser #PWGC #AlternativeEnergyFuture #CO2Technology #HydrogenDecarbonization

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Environmental Echo with PWGC's Paul K. Boyce

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