Environmental Echo with PWGC's Paul K.  BoyceEnvironmental Echo with PWGC's Paul K. Boyce

Low Pressure, High Potential: Solving Long Island’s Wastewater Issues w/Low-Pressure Sewer Systems

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Discover how low-pressure sewer systems are transforming Long Island’s wastewater treatment challenges into wins for the community and the environment. Paul Boyce and Brian Grogan of PW Grosser sit down with Chris Nedwick, National Sales Department Manager at Environment One Corp., to discuss the innovative technology behind E1’s low-pressure sewer systems. Explore the high efficiency and cost saving benefits of LPS in comparison to gravity systems, as well as the impact on our communities and infrastructure.

#EnvironmentalEcho #PWGrosser #PWGC #WastewaterTreatmentLI #EnvironmentOneCorp #LowPressureSewerSystems #LongIslandEnvironment

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  1. Environmental Echo with PWGC's Paul K. Boyce

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Environmental Echo with PWGC's Paul K. Boyce

Environmental Echo amplifies discussions on environmental work that’s changing the way we live, and  
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