Broncos countries, carl Benda does a mana noumero Kings the line Crealo or Nomo las mana nomero Kings ramos para car pero croatiendo como pero es dad aske felices por keven and mascoarnadas in mass peranzas as dubde celebra Aqui and tre amigos in parzo pareso Yeah, miss amigos stern masquellistos para commentaro alredor. This then went through a los debre Broncos and it's the Manaumero Kings receive allos Indianapolis called andrival ke Principio or the cotejo a Parisia comundrival director and possibly da para post and pada paraostros Broncos, the weather, La Benida and miss Keridos Amigo mio rmanos again support and qui mino n s the podcast Lenida Primero my brother, my brother met you know the statistic as mister statistical Victor Reyala com.
Brother Carlitos Manuel, we want talas broncos and lok intracarta Victor it was and Carlos and says in analysis.
Ya, Tamilmo Benida, Stro Carrido Manuel Paria King, Simpre and support Lado Constructibo the this the podcast simps Clara cont respect to stay looks if we will intern fo Manuel Benilo mean yeah yeah yeah yeah extra.
There supposed to ever see a key one in the RECIPI.
The dot d.
C ament cm.
Those que for a part and hip hop.
Call and too Dizzymo you know you need the man Yes, Tamus and Novent was into the BAA playoff normal careeristamos.
Three three even tamil ms Benida that's the podcast entry Amigos to tell the complete mates panel and pats and a board like Lostree forous having major comboard.
Likely really that day dially really.
Can board like press compos Commentsnamos and the princip po Man okay, theos in the LANs Felices Contentos Trio for us he can kens Away and Chios and Yasu for the Croqua Pao around compromises of the talk and cass t the Losncos, the s around compromise of practical in the Pava Los Broncos and Comprido Conejo the Premier Mania cons the compos come off with pl mine Creo Kellne you know, because as uh mo positivs promut positivism and the royal del partido yeas were and premier instance, I see that comb Manuel M, Piso, Contino.
Seemelo Canal actors, the cartel broncos Cotillo, b marclori.
A leven.
Banners, let's atlante half time Bors hosted the coach c l and c A man the keep specialist you or not see, demanded the bardo complete calo as padra a traverse and PRIs and not.
You know camos. He said, okay, and pass.
Down sea la and here even the charges this whost in the sideline a comparison, understand, you know. Est political coaches triquillol, triquilo as to trava at trava here Aristo Salis and Bronco Milby, the quatro yees female question coach tournamental. Yeah yeah, see parti cost a pacible, the speralo les to potent another more important part the partido one cook a wondo.
Brother to come on to come on los ange the party okay, crook almost peranza Perrooke princip You know.
The press commentary is a key bon Nick started Charlie Bonito from clark Uh since so as one Ni started. Dao is the.
Collamulla now record local loc records. I can not come in you n O l is the juego and in Pero posts calls crucial practica mine amos prepara camino as as playoffs, the Los calls cants.
Tiebreaker, the path ocase if Broncos and mass.
Los schools.
Let's Broncos is a dras. There's demosnt know mass but path just amost see the pa. The locals is the keypo you know Billoyo Champago, Carlitos and Manuel Man says the the tep.
Croke and.
Is the metal colo and m B. Carlitos is the premier fun and and sans uh most different custom and prinsa and the the professional provisional and the person in respiracy orgitation and says fer Met the caendo high grande met Also the primier Carlos is the the nervous looking the part pla, yes, percient. This is the port uh lad.
Uh lads, the cads, the persons, Yeah, Pana segana fort final.
The caste le verando.
Is them content Carlitos is Special, Premier and extra moment Special.
Hotel sees the crooque partido Covincara from part de period the Vital Cord period of Domino hotels like Yeah, the the cammebo Wellia, Macia Siva, adaptarl Partido Adapta hu and the Qipo Indianapolis, crake.
Web recur like.
The Questabian stab okay k k and support the the ulado, the auto or the Lotro Lado vimous grand acts on the part of the keepers specialist pero okay, this meante is the keep on lying FJ Los.
Medio tempo il.
Y im this cour so, the the the Champagne and is Kelosa and Regresso kelosas ma kelosas career and mimus lo the Grandest Segundata los maamos and the Premier Cortos in Puntos and Segundo pero brother cap tres punto los amos Yeah and n Paradosa Complicado pero final, the quentas crooques and Cuentra Squanto Camino in quetra at tempo com the command well a Finale, the quentas can categorias to keep on in the Dinnapolis, no cele termina connel Rosario Namano Perieno tempo categoria levence w u in Giannapolis, Termina benef and Momento Cruzi and partido the people who am and.
Your last de test pero Pinson ok Kevin.
Becallsta pero who was a pasara analysis the nuestra of Siva ke tarda in and in contrast and Partido pero finale, the quintas termina about Nicks brother can being completos the tents intentus nor partio para.
Nicks perooke is the uego.
Presented analysis and being your contraspective as sventis is the targets.
Okay collectiva. The love is like a mass.
Last last the las fan and it's the mister juego cannot do be most solos traja de la perobo various contributions ontis on moo effectives that other momental partios is.
The you mentioned as.
Especial and on sera puntos and the premier quartos and quarto tres and you know, and quarto quarto front their life and see what uh on the paramou bonnique conferta visto broken toilet and puts on the celeus and even the competence vistos y s Manas commits you know on the core vallon As jo Manas, Valoni Peters convenas just the bo a Premier Premier except for whom my la bunda para the courland Purgue, Momento, valon Selevantallo coland colan A co Froustra, reg A.
H Peyton, the the pump they and show gar litle I see m Peyton And.
It was up circus communication, the corners and the not we went off on pres Corolla and special terminal yah ter receptions on touchdown is the targets targets solo terrorists carlitos and is a Troy Franklin a year to Croca and and pen Sawak and defense Franklin your no call it the p tech communication later se interception Wi Buscana co and sot the corner Swellow reception, defensive back lorinca Una is the Lantanta forsa corner Tira and the tempo the the defensive strands interceptionist is the the you know what record the most community and equalte communication call the passes the tri tres into drinking trest down stressed interceptionst uh while the prim town and yes it's pass. We went to a Pustom and Grande Adkins and the spin cycle is a Lenzon Yes corner on the down starter step and corner of wax in sto videos corner the s and the lens on. We went past the pustoms water pass is on the sell Pusa Troy Franklin and as Manos in the pos reception. And then we went to cord Para don called pass direct on the on the re star Paramo mass frustranty Looms Recarlitos, the looms us trante para the restaurant on l s locandomas says Roccarlitos, set in Taos jardas totalest is the.
The year as the one xcfl No mean me, he says J. Mclough.
And you know pleas Carlitos quando Pando west Ken the campus Givante Williams pass blocker is a la the show ye st Marcandlos s replay action core pas instance also ya Yamason Mills pat Candle as well Correna Yes the locally paris this is part and little running backs necessariossta instead and then the rest brother crooked.
And service from Nestosnandolas who askestis could Manuel stars a trend Emanuel and that's Savi is perfect mental corina nostrameo Manuel past respect to tost Manuel stam croquet pudo brother in in attacking terrestory in north fact on the year Now I see the fictivo km major part tempora, the seados targets para solo and the cortland stan meant its significant leader and a carreos bonis.
Kre o.
Pre know.
Vas and those numerous seria the case the case, the partisan pos numerous for on los sentiments almos paranoipo cre okay much loose controspectors over the all tambien all mixed ala the corre pork crake tambien im hua refrofiro is the al full back ye im pas para includes anamassimus and algum tip ms a mental screen pass absolute mento gnancia.
P see total mecu some most loca conster or rendo those know the Indianapolis and the rest broncos it can.
What makes in the.
Corso scrambled, not wholas Mandal who is a pass is who is Manda correndaquback the Baltimore different you know, and b the V for Talento you know Moviesando, tam Store, Tomask but you cokut them in a coach evolution and is the former Corrella a lot of books hereto totament Okay, Victory you know you know Victor buns const Off he was is his hereto orvester who is an NFL the inco k the simplest innna manna your demandment here is Victor b and the Boquito is a qual different and team because it was local Carlos See and scim pass and pass pantas a product. And you know, of course you know bad in Zando and international in the bomb makes cla brime totamentous Ulpa pass travels tra Laye backers from pass L, s Unda See B and r Cates and scup centers a full contrarium.
Yeah, because taking them in there Serra and the c pick.
Mist the area from Passes, Ramentolan sars b l a Egosia and Primerica in the full back and the first contram and tyranny over Mayestrada, I lay something in your courtmendous.
Your crooku, the m the s wanted the.
Precipiles, the keepers from co n C and the was the keep us caring and benest and real mant came Groncos seeing an a floating in playoff uh for mana podcast city and mana it can a suck. You go get called differendo ramne and friend and for your demanment and not for Yeah, it's all.
That's complicate, okay, see see definite meter when coming to garden and dec and momentous and soon revalt is a complicando mostrando uni well CBS called another pant okay i defense what was kind of friend? Groncos can see the mass efficients you know, broncos and immensamente mas garandi loc for the yere massine embargo avia auto punto and lustias emphasis poor ke sup amosvilli piaoo el de partamento the partidos alermanteemos k sinco interceptions and Tom says kraoke nel finalde yes theo cast lokens she knows that's hu d C doesn't trigandle blonal creo I kep muco toda villa and suspect to know the na classes rod b n M prices am mariscal, the campos or the ton Supremerano, pero, creke la bas moucho tambi, the hustar con champeto por repente b another who the bonis tartandos caruadas the maid rapido sust This is the Parisino mis p c repentejor man, the relo so verodo and momentos caprimi. You know practicamente medio partido and aajo and the marcado. It creates crooques a price like estavo and lamente, thee nicks Manuel is ustava jevando a comment much.
Is the total man for.
Sermoso persis you're doing comment you partios.
Plot is as it was a horse.
You curk the.
Rest say no the recipe loc local zo knows called no crooqut.
Pms and Reno and the staff and and the rest. My consistency in Kemba and Gennes and namas lost and Losaka in r and.
My clo Korea ran out. You know consistency and.
Start seven human the hotel restory whore protect the can play action talvest uh.
C stepends okay, ps PSA is the es. The Hooter Restores Style is a very pro hot restaurant okay.
See see us and and Catos and the Rest and the New Premier Down and in one Fencila talent and running back.
Solution is the pro.
Sitar Karak is the one Valley part Encia un Solo targets several receptionist and yea Yeah, Kimbo Lomas, bon Niques, Busco and Troy Franklin Sinco targets those receptions and Yad Croke, Loos Tree Franklin Celex Plosi is the.
Rev targets the po in not rel target we manos and loipol Uh, theres Intercepto, Trina Yaga, Tales no Noises, the n f l Uh, Thefense, the You, the the State a movie and the ys La House.
You Know.
And Collective and too Nicks called and sot On Franklin.
Croco and.
Para memes who.
Show is the.
Pre Parado par localles.
Pero amime be oil PARTI ye in prem Ronda and.
Jose incompentso the like Rana Rada significant Muco and in Love in Siva Para param stara riando in la cencia, the un la serrada con con con con prestancia confico con con mandon and juego cro staiando includo asta para lata, terrestri porque, pesto andrada y alista una rada and a formacion qival pienza unatta cal perimeter col la serrada per termna b loo cando los caminos paraunaventulve escursion pedestri I meant to look stando la fla, the personal departmental alas radas tambi and the in attacking terrestriant plus compans contest, the.
Curly to scholars and a racket and scholars and.
Numbers practical men. The traumans adkings on full back us with parallel. The con.
Crocu contest is mytalento.
He crocuses is resposes to protos alas he has to do. The horizon n f shomeroo in is not that maney the sad look you crow what I can see and.
Can grow the trout man o pro and mo show uh crooke plestoria los broncos and the greg dokis not a not alo no lad gregkis from who are the Rona pars No fans, who are the premier Ronda se so Camerio, the Fanes, the Cambio Russell Wilson oppositions and as the Ostralia And there.
Is a lot Roman cro Atkins post in Bartido Mushow mus show is the draft capital in show is the rans To respos A Carlita's Carlitos and param roster construction Croke Samos Stems Canada recorded Las Vegas and Arco Merio loverander Estava Cincomerio.
Vega and.
A mass.
Recording Pro Football focus can n f L and Mundo the Caramo and keep the cam and keeping papell the Losamos cross the the the the champet lok cost.
The George Peyton says the staff coach to coaching stuff and cas is the roster is somebody is there?
That's the two responts a Carlos mas he comes to Riendo I position in portantri k car are you.
The man.
Lose Miko brother mister statistica conto poster to punto the vista Cambian I I course Getambians point implementar.
See totalment ukka par la falta talento co movism for fatal non capitals of the patios katallamas were out or bull back, the mint, the resula, the local nor farta, Talento, tanto sea champan of traun man arting and to locate the name was Savins almost.
To keep getting the Tians a full basket.
Ceo saven in at Lsa was like, look contradiodamn is in badas getamay co opposite and play action cinema sale of.
And on terring pull back you come on line.
Backers if those daughters of tourist corridor not the way you tryn play action is impossibling what I said, I can't you. It isn't pull back, this isn't terring and and went into passic. It is a personal colda took to cover the persona corina, yes, pass famous and trust and hooks and of course and and the flats and the linaky pose and a depoint cou This is here to carlos, He's here to.
Coat them the arms war meaning lego salma, can.
We there romantic personas a basso I can I can tell a bear tyn Yes, call the different momentcipios at mo ma and the remotest CAUs different con personal jan time is. Of course they're called John family Ali and the number they're called nemos was called different.
See me okay crook falto i the ctivi and the question the when is to look at things, to look at caro you know b predeceibly ok superia presi parctica mental as cover to us the li kipo the indianapolis coms to bend the end the script the lo gronos yes last in my last my mo mental ment based cast strat thando the produced the career pedro not star. This is when our case look at conta Fria, something came rue lado I to lotro e i k produce tama crok muses the comment Saramas effect was in in the no not the miner suo tantore o ca you know complete analysis the states companus and missed up and siva our almost a passa ladota not win most those and tamina sercoustos pasa look.
Infact they repeat can.
Yea the rank com in sara and the quarto quarto lovea proce pero los los ballona suelt tamils are on in class interceptions not let's let's go on and contram and will I used to keep on Indianapolis Parisia then through then the couego stabilia, commo commundary wel deficial levens p final, the quintas us p.
See totalment did you could okay be in the persona, the the Indianapolis personal totament, most the corla plotment nor.
Rapid where in sact no there the baranda whoever.
The people come over and pero ma k you know, and does the most tress for whoever is not Americans insca and it prevents right cannot stamian the t trace basis, and yes there is a plus tress the passways. Those these two not a freendiendotra the comune and lasna lasna sona.
So it is.
Mocho mal par tero squeeze you know.
What I mean?
The nor lose workers with the broncos in them.
And the red option a red option or a coria, the corrido called para, and the yet the main quanta basis the quarabag a red option and mental for the kings together the mentors down the Richardson Is, the sportsmen Warriors and tournament Broncos costam pass, the infanti you know, the Evan Deils and to use the PM quarto Jean Lelando Boffettus. Yes, Indiana they say porto Java no Nick jell Nil and the quarto quarto ju Mari in the case like who Calmo and cammos la camera la parte costablooloo, the vincomentele common quarterback regal Sevalo part metel as manos. That's a Bunata recording, you know, huell T, the Johnson nic Tamil pat mas Tomos a restaurant pat point, yes, yes, you know s a half a tem point, jose Coeto Corba and Joseph Sarandolo Alo se Levant and even the dessert quarto a movie arentes you move in commun parla Krela and the portuar.
It a mean I want to keep grand.
Mentor in the Fortuna Pines Suar because you know met is a touch down.
The Correlati Jan.
Said, one can sa compleater per program for Carlos as soon as.
Jornthan Telo general see that you liga com.
Gonna about the benef you move to Filao sacks a Seno roach in the quarterback.
Sacks peris rush.
For and this for andando don't You can see ament Se Compete Solomonito, ranch I.
Co Cano RESV and Cooper really Mass, really.
Mass, Tambi alta realm spiral and hug the Cortland see skin and suel this Oh yeah a h brother crooked. Trina you know the turner yell y.
Ron cours on on the Mpno you you, Trina, you know do ye?
Just In Simmons, just In Simmons p remane partido pai komne lava reaction anti sl partidolia, The initials.
Set, Chris Abrams, drain, Turner Yoga, par kip opro one misi milar uh mere respectos but christ is stick a key Uhmente solo solo, the Who Reception, the ondas and set targets, tales in te quatro cotas j and Ato is the com plus O, Levi Wallace browns en uh Croc Lomas Lomas is the Lomas impression and Defensa is.
Host parallel metal and seventy uh listen to your own listens to in Touchdown Anthony Richards and convenments. You know Manuel and mass so well at com down for and medio is that cala sona no croquet crookeder mismo country cannot print it on looks jus man pass the mismo the.
Riches and.
To comment, tala press Emperor then.
Brother and your lookk lobby. When we fell to the rid, no mantain in high quando quando is and the buenas andava com rod is then through the momentum and.
You know it's the glory the bra Yeah, the comp connel bro loos, the.
Premier coloss necessarios, the balon women and is the lembi partio means Jonathan Taylor plo plocas is a car partio complete and the celever uh famble on touch back and no broncos minus calls the caron And here he said, your complete a mean partillo, may your recordedble premier your control raiders on the complet a mean one. This this you don't know that this is the sound, ye pat Dane Pixi.
The can.
Is the Jonathan Taylor and luisas proper pepo crooked and put Cambia is the lament and the hotel and produces being thendo mouse and stay with ye almost being lego basing and is I vida ida and respond the vis puntos I mean for.
Mota los cotes to your on.
Uh the.
Negative is the yardas for for U the promerio and metal yes a wound and and an f l the mill costa see part and Anthony richardson party who's the stuffe and uh Jonathan Taylor d the rests like the rest by your locals are your uh.
Jomelo and fernito and you now no regardless you mal and no so lorea at the cars.
The procupation, se Levanto, terminola, the toviola to como is the the other yea. Even the game time decision requires lo ma stif and nickola form jan nick punto sinco. Sacks is the numerals in the n f L con those touchdowns, so those interceptions.
Those pick six us stick a king who is the media Sacks is the multiplace touch on defense was uh the marques were and those mills says slone la Fama Jason Taylor just Jason Taylor and then those men the case sand la Fama j J Watt and those milk.
Lamo and then those mill in tequatron and put sacks those touchdowns uh a perfect perfect.
Uh and sila.
Contrast turnovers to tales, tress interceptionists you Perdido and all those interceptions and from Perido is the p J log perfect them into receptor Perdido or the coper f ju.
And camp vivos.
And man and.
Up the entrances Uh manually the whole la prima press tam and the quarts and the quatron ms is the Iran Iran the res noya stands la man dan quatro in pression, the regions need the mowers. That's not to it's not anywhere.
The who stam and scot and the stands and the well applicandola pression a local sations from most.
And President Negro life and cart is you know who owns beuse is pran cot noum is cal.
Casino atoms, casinos, compression inf look personal press.
If resent is compete and whild not in the numbers stales is cre.
Okay no the punto.
And when you not in rhia and like a participant nos lamente or for bununa min area, the the the lava, the lost calls pertain election important los roncos puntos called no not solo punto ma partio total Ma went on puntos the lot broncos in contestation and says I on the mental quipo. The lost calls la mee pire del parto the year you know pre the grampas lead that the went post temporal and said, oh pos calls I am fiermado and smo kings so I went twelve marcha ala poste being okos a locate ul ultra port important partido because almost as specialist.
No yellow mention.
Now mister stastica lo ma names and year calso bastante st c the lo bast las manas canso is so communisogrissando ballon is capturando hugas important is okay clant diction come when this come on large, when this Marvin means the part Australia.
The loss keeps specialism. There will.
See man youkky called.
Keep on.
And usard real okay you know where marman e co.
You know movie you know does all cermented lot the stan year.
A year nomenal.
For re.
Yes, a part is a krem respected bump me receive you Boardyes, because cases and by your correnor look give usciro cant and lone Positivasander Bard, who but youc Casino al Montal keepop see the movie and call it the Campo pressandoo you posis the y I came learn you look amos and the demos and in order that one forcus.
Coach movie talk grande problem in mah.
Kippo you cook for h you could get part the k as well as a sports on constructional star.
It's just sporty. It's saying yellow is a specialists ram and.
Yeah yeah.
Manuel, no record hug the Travis brother keep us a specialist, does man.
Kings Carlos.
Par you.
Carlitos Pars Marvis j to turn on the rope? Yeah, yell nor Yellow Lu Yeah Ontos Broe esperandos locals quantos para the Marian Uh yes, yes, ye Pars water Yes to to we went Partido Uh.
Show uh.
Yellow sto yellowstis Perando Yes, uh Manuel, Mitchell Fabroni, Mitchell Fraboni, frau yo sho long snapper line back long snapper a long snapper.
Points no in yeah, exacts and to sell quantum the road on the and the pero were lot sindo.
We went on Riley Dixon responds and lakes we.
Exist quarto the to and consider touch back in to Coola lineas and almost the.
Line consider as perform the Croques dominant clist uhlist is the defensa man defencia is the Viva la majuego and.
Movie and respect.
Being croqu lemos. Then on recorda in los coo and analysis you other moment to the compan permitting it's the stadia very cita coach la veraile b ya and were on the complains the Semana members these thing gidos the wrong called country Tirida vanilla technic color and Charlie and me like sim patentos the podcast I mean stan cominando even compreso micro mana los ALUs in part.
Man Carritos.
Compa Lord David is the stack in denver mon the familia you know call on Victoria and to esperando y and as female pat called andros familia.
Looks esperano and the western.
Mane mega money money is a ludus. Yes, the the thea. The Carlos is the one coach the flies coos coach jo and chaoscuro uh alsos peramo and jo is the barto Romo Sloss.
You know the.
Viendo and the like commentarios SLOs and Alexandro yellows, yeah Themoss who knows.
Is the pros and cant and toes Yeah Loto Alejandro Alejandro Francobo know the.
Las Manuel amos.
Michael Cali me in a group of fat because the member bron.
Remus inter Pertuan and aelists call the cmos a yellow christ saber in.
Then potos.
Partio complete cow you broncos charges who wanders wound you know?
And yeah the compromit you mean out the indow is the analysis.
That's the okay cadua come no practical mentors ca thet tradivision by starting cuego and it's a partido I knows ancheles for men start a consecud kip ken come on, come on loos the partido kisos puntos duros pawna the fencia kell the okay nester semana cota punto no noise noise called carcosa into machino cal blue print sold I defense what groncs.
See totalmented for a domingo pasa we must come and Lisa totalmental charges guess you look loz a mano spo corenta punto tamena pardus combustion and dress, the quarter quarter charges for.
Fortun and and the all those costs.
Undo the revisions Undo como undo Turkey, and you vis for fundam Ariana bils the buffalo hure a buffalo and there from as you are rememberance is complete. No go put quim banner, lpo canosa, l stablesca juego rest moving called the restaurant sa marioso several and post menos CoA Lombardo Mamo.
Brother come overys to a star Los Broncos alas Los Angeles.
Carlos mina.
We portant, keep on post and the show massa tickets pa contralos keep divisionnand loos chargers to Calo the resident and the les fantavin no.
Money with.
Danto on the lave my counties and the defenders a man prosco just In Herbert of press Lina Defencia.
Like Claki is.
The area is the practical comp full participant and practica pron Brook like Claki is really most, but who are really most?
Jaco Macmillians lot is Porto rilly most and that was myfen.
I like live portant Le, practical and entirely. Staio Hu is like.
A reporter.
Mircoles reported in I I guess the rest uh.
Basile roncos fan but that's okay. It's the comment connecting or cab not you know, And that's the key book moral Jim carbon Uh is the no see numbers.
No no no. The notice I ask is the quest uh yes number inc. We went on in Parasica complete. The partido is the.
The the amos tiebreaker controls chargers on them com sexta position and post.
You know. Manuel is a control bills Silos chiefs kind of nomeals the control chiefs Sex Juan controls steelers and Casa and toss thembasa copa uh is the is the like control r record.
The the you and Casa reslutioner in the momentary control chargers you know and the show us. The loganas Pesto and ye.
Yellows control Bengos uh and Cincinnario and Hero the hips and yea loo can come up with and important in recording is te Juego o Domingo, Paral Domingo, los los Broncos and the Los Broncos a provo provoke n FL al Juez crook forest, the us Broncos no no pork n FLS for song okay, okay, So I mean the total portant analys positionallys.
See okay, and it's the momento simelan confront Buffalo Kansas City, Kansas City, and it's the moment and the momento and par Buffalo is huando super latomented amendment factor is Temanuel Clo clema Okeke Kansas City, you know, Pantoka, Kansas City, and partido for the masses the important the party canos content does man premier mente confessist primerra not tempora perdor and espero jos for yeah not perora. The name was no trim for nabola, yes mess in mensa mene felice YadA parlante parai is the servedor loke venga is christ meant present stand So the question experience mariscal the Campo Mariscali is the Campo tin and n part of the post bonis d M like the yarn institution, Camlos Broncos in supremeern a post and be weird be were locates post case an email complete and me into distinct loc regular companeros, Sola Nosta became brothers. It is the common school, chart is the It's the podcast come Up in the Blo, the Boys Coming, Commentar, Activist, Vivas por part and the by.
Broncos Okay to create us Harvard.
And uh.
A can and Instagram Broncos is Paniol and twitteris Broncos Paniol, YouTube Broncases Panoli and It's the Facebook Broncostatic show and in Apple podcasts part of the podcasts the number of broncos com, Slash audio podcast and Audio Pointed broadcast a smok and quest and the remos is the analysis, the j quees awareness and the broadcast and uh is the loss peramos alwerness, but Analysao is the wild and BiVO uh easy, the C and dan like compartiendolos the estamin and live in parm and b o yamigos is the locating peramos. A key is the meno analysis and demos dispose controls Bengals.
And a Prieto Paramandar Navaraso fraterno stamos contigo mad Hero Navaraso brother stamos Contigo I see coming up compos d Yah finn Ice. The podcast known as mamosos stanch as I went up with Compania mutagaias Protomos Deso